No details about about the early life of Laxmibai Khaparde are given in the biography of Dadasaheb. We only get to know something about her only as a wife, mother and mistress of the household of Khapardes. There is no doubt that Laxmibai was semi-literate in the sense that she knew how to read but not how to write. This however does not mean she was uneducated. In fact she was highly cultured. She had read and also heard from Keertankars the stories from Ramayana, Mahabharat, Pandav-Pratap, Shiva Lilamrit etc.
The household of Dadasaheb Khaparde was a large one and at one time it consisted of fifty persons excluding children and comprised Dadasaheb and his wife, three sons and their wives, three families who were given shelter, about 12-15 students pursuing their studies, two cooks and their wives, two clerks, a watchman, eight grooms or syces (servants in charge of horses), two bullock cart drivers, one cowherd, two maids and three guests on an average. Now while presiding over such a household Laxmibai’s roving eye gave equal attention to all. She made no distiction between the big and the small. She cooked for all the children of the household including her own and fed them. If any child fell ill she nursed him herself.
(to be continued).........