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Offline saisewika

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Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
« Reply #150 on: October 11, 2012, 12:09:23 PM »
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    Once a pupil called Nilkari who got a boil on his thigh and developed high fever was hospitalized.  Laxmibai would carry his food for him to the hospital and would herself feed him.  His sickness extended over a period of two months. He was grateful to Laxmibai all his life and would say, “Laxmibai did all for me what my own mother would not have done and but for her kindness I would have died.” There are a number of such examples. Similarly she personally arranged for the wife of one Balakrishna Nene to whom Khapardes had given shelter “Dohale jevan” – a meal consisting of the dishes for which a pregnat woman has longing, dressed her up in a sari and have her a present. There was nothing unusual in this. It was in keeping with Laxmibai’s character.

    There is a noting dated 8th August in G.S.Khaparde’s diary that because of this ‘dohale jevan’ the luncheon was delayed. While exercising her authority over the household she would seldom get angry, yet she was feared and if ever she was provoked no body in the family had the courage to oppose her.

    (to be continued)........


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #151 on: October 13, 2012, 01:15:04 PM »
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    Laxmibai had also knowledge of country medicines.  Particularly for jaundice she had a sure remedy which had been passed on to her by her mother-in-law as per family tradition.  One dose of the medicine could cure jaundice.  This fact was know in the surrounding countryside and three to four persons per day would come to her for that medicine and it would be given gratis.  The remedy has been handed down in the family by Laxmibai to her daughter-in-law.

    Laxmibai obviously must have married Dadasaheb at a very young age according to the custom of her times when her father-in-law who was a mamledar in the British regime enjoyed both position and prosperity.  Later when Dadasaheb became a lawyer and started practising, he soon made his mark and had a large practice.  So it may be safely stated that she grew up in an atmosphere of plenty and prosperity in her husband’s house.  Moreover she was generous by nature and as such she spent money with a free hand.  Let us now see how this worked.  The cooking in the household was done on a lareg scale to suffice for the establishment of fifty persons and food for four to five persons was always left over.  Her children were turned out smartly according to the fashon of the times.  She did not allow her children to wear cottons or torn garments.  They always dressed in dhotis with 9-10″ silk border and upper garments made of silk. If a new garment was torn even a little it was immediately discarded.

    …(to be continued).....


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #152 on: October 13, 2012, 01:17:58 PM »
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    Milk was measured by pots and its supply was plentiful. Ghee was never served separately with any item of food for members of the family down to the lowest servant but three vatis (saucer-form vessel of metal) were served for each as a part of every meal.  The food for the whole household even ordinarily was of the same high quality including savouries and sweet dishes.

    Having enjoyed such prosperity,  when the fortunes of Dadasaheb declined temporarily for a few years after Lokamanya Tillak’s arrest she could not adjust to the changed conditions.  As we have seen in the article entitled “More About Shirdi Diary” published earlier in Shri Sai Leela, Lokamanya was convicted and sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for sedition on 22-7-1908 and Dadasaheb suddenly decided on 13th August, 1908 to leave for England to secure the release of Lokamanya, and sailed on 15th August.

    (to be continued)......


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #153 on: October 16, 2012, 07:43:34 PM »
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    Thereafter Dadasaheb’s eldest son who was studying law in Government Law College in Bombay could not inform his mother in time about Dadasaheb’s sudden departure, and his mother blamed him for this.  She did not realize that the times had changed. Dadasaheb was in England for over two years and even after his return home was under the surveillance of the Government.  Hence Sai Baba had detained him in Shirdi for a period of about three and half months in 1911-12.  Laxmibai was also at Shirdi with Dadasaheb and we learn from Shri Sai Sat-Charita that though Khaparde stayed at that time for four months in Shirdi, his spouse stayed back in Shirdi after Dadasaheb was given permission by Baba to leave and in all spent seven months in Shirdi.  So it took a long time for her to understand and appreciate the new situation and she was naturally unhappy at that time.  The hindsight of Dadasaheb in relation to Baba’s order on 1-2-1912 to Dikshit to give two hundred rupees to Mrs. Khaparde which Khaparde interpreted in 1923-24 to mean a life of poverty and patience can be understood and appreaciated only in this context.

    (to be continued)........


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #154 on: October 16, 2012, 07:47:01 PM »
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    Laxmibai was robust and healthy but her health began declining from the begining of the year 1928. Periodic attacks of fever and asthama harassed her and she was affected by inflammation of the knees with the result that she could not walk.  There is an entry in Dadasaheb’s diary of 30-4-1928 that she had headache and high fever.  The deterioration in her health thereafter was fast and medicines ceased to act.  She must have had a premonition of events to come.  She suggested that a group photograph of the family should be taken.  This was done on 11th July, 1928.  Thereafter a touching scene took place which is best described in Dadasaheb’s words.  The following is a translation of the extract from Dadasaheb’s biography in Marathi.

    “While I was doing my Sandhaya just before lunchon, my wife came and worshipped me in the same way in which an idol is worshipped. I was puzzled and asked her why she was doing this today when she had not done anything of the kind all these years. She said, ‘I wish to depart from the world with a peaceful mind.’ I think she has been unwell for the last few days and has given up all hope of survival. I asked her to trust in God and to submit to His will.”

    (to be continued).....


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #155 on: October 18, 2012, 02:11:08 PM »
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    The above incident did not become known to the sons and their wives until they had read the description in the diary. After the above incident Laxmibai was confirmed to bed and within eight days thereof i.e. on 20th July 1928 she passed away quietly and happily after having the darshan of her Sadguru Sai Baba.  The description of her end is best given in the words of Dadasaheb recorded in the diary for that day.

    “Went downstairs to see my wife.  She apparently had a bad night, but appeared calm and collected.  At the suggestion of my eldest son all the family bathed early and had something to eat which they could and we all watched by her bedside.  I spent the whole time practically near her bed. We removed her from the room in which she was to the chowk and lay her in front of the room alloted to our family deities. Her breathing became harder and harder but she was cool and calm and passed on at about 3-15 p.m.

    ( to be continued).......


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #156 on: October 18, 2012, 02:14:06 PM »
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    I felt overcome and could not control myself for some time. At last I got over it…… Everybody said she was very fortunate in passing away during my life time…… After we returned from the funeral I heard from my sons that my wife distributed her ornaments, clothes among her daughters-in-law and their children a few weeks ago and told that she had discharged all her assets and blessed them to be happy…. She had the darshan of her Guru…. So I think she had a fairly correct idea of passing on. She never asked for medicine and showed no anxiety to be cured. She passed away very happily and I have no doubt she is very very happy now.”



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