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Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2012, 02:19:29 PM »
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    9 January, 1912, Tuesday-


    I got up early in the morning, attended the Kakad Arti and after finishing the prayer had my bath. Then with Bapusaheb Jog, Upasani & Rama Maruti, read Yogavashishta. We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & then again after he returned to Masjid. There was a gentleman named Pimple from Amalved with a companion.

     After the midday arti, we had our meals & I sat reading the letters received by today ’s mail. There are also three newspapers. So there was a good deal to read. Dixit read the Ramayana about 5 P.M. & later on we went to the Masjid and saluted him when he came out for his stroll. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Dixits Ramayan.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #46 on: June 11, 2012, 02:22:59 PM »
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    10 January, 1912, Wednesday-


    I got up very early in the morning and finished my prayer &all before day break. Then I Upasani, Bhishma & Bapusaheb Jog read Ranganathi Yogavashistha and later on I went to see Sayin Maharaj both when he went out &after he returned to the Masjid. A Marwadi came there & told his dream. He said he received a lot of silver & finally got bars of gold & woke up while he was in the act of counting them. Sayin Saheb that the dream indicated the death of some great man.

    I felt very sleepy while I was at the Masjid. I tried my utmost to keep awake but not withstanding all my efforts, my eyes kept closing every few minutes. I returned to my lodging after the mid-day arti & after food lay down for some time. Then Mr Dixit read Ramayana & we sat listening. In the evening we went to the Masjid to see Sayin Saheb stroll out as usual & later on we attended the Sheja-Arti. Bhaté, & Balakram were both absent. So the duty of holding the pea-cock fan (morchal) fell to me & I enjoyed holding it very much. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Ramayana of Dixit.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #47 on: June 12, 2012, 03:18:43 PM »
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    11 January, 1912, Thursday-



    I got up very early, prayed & attended the Kakad Arti. At the usual time I Upasani & BapuSaheb Jog read Yogavashishtha of Ranganath  We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again after he returned.  He was in very good mood & every thing passed off in good style.   

    After the midday meal I lay down for a while & then Dixit read Ramayan. He also read a guor strotra guor strotra by Eknath. Towards evening we went as usual to see Sayin Maharaj come out for his stroll. He did so. Radha Krishna Bai had set up the phonograph. On hearing its noise Sayin Magaraj got very angry & used hard words & we returned thinking. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Dixits Puran. There was Rahata Bazar today & Bandu went to it but could purchase nothing beyond vegetables.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #48 on: June 12, 2012, 03:22:12 PM »
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    12 January, 1912,  Friday-



    I got up early in the morning, said my prayers ,and began the usual routine of the day when Narayan Rao ’s son Gondya & brother Bhausaheb came. They arrived at Amravati from Hoshangabad sometime ago & not finding me & my wife there, came here to see us. We were naturally very glad to see each other & sat talking. We began our Yogavashistha somewhat late as Bapusaheb Jog was away.

    We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again after he returned to Masjid. He was very gracious & repeatedly gave me smoke out of his pipe. It solved many of my doubts, and I felt delighted. After the midday arti we had our meals & I had a few minutes rest. Dixit was delayed longer than usual at the Masjid. So we began Ramayan later than usual & we could not finish a chapter as it was both long & difficult. Then we saw Sayin Maharaj at the Masjid. He had music.

    There were two dancing girls we sang & danced. Later on there were the Sheja-Arti. Sayin Maharaj was very kind to Balvant, sent for him & let him spend the whole of the afternoon with him.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #49 on: June 13, 2012, 07:24:39 PM »
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    13 January, 1912, Saturday-



    I got up early in the morning &attended the Kakad. Sayin Maharaj did not say a word today & did not even throw the glances which he usually does. The Tahasildar of Khandwa has come here. We saw him when we were reading Ranganathi Yogavashistha. The book does not appear to sustain the impression it makes at first.

    We saw Sayin Maharaj go out and again he returned. Yesterdays singing women were there. They sang a bit got sweets-meats for their reward and then went away. The midday arti passed very pleasantly. Megha is not yet quite well. Bapaji brother of Madhavarao Deshpande was invited to breakfast with his wife. The Tahasildar of Khandwa appears to be a cultured man, has read Yogavashishta. He says he has been brought to grief by designing persons for his devotional tendencies. After a little afternoon rest, Dixit read Bhavarth Ramayan. The chapter is a summary of Yogavashistha and is very interesting.

    We saw Sayin Maharaj again as he strolled out. His mood was changed and one would think that he was angry which he really was not. At night there was Bhajan & Ramayan as usual.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #50 on: June 13, 2012, 07:29:35 PM »
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    14 January, 1912, Sunday-


    I got up early in the morning finished my prayer & sat to read Ranganathi Yogavashistha with Bapusaheb Jog, Upasani & Ram Maruti. We continued it after seeing Sayin Baba go out. I went to the Masjid after he returned & found that he was arranging for a bath. So I returned and wrote two letters & went again. He was very kind to me & gave Til gul brought for him by Bapusaheb Jog. He gave it to Balvant also.

    The midday arti was a little late as Megha is not well and it being Til Sankranti the Parosas were late. By the time & we returned and had our midday meal it was 4 P.M. Then Dixit read Ramayan, but we did not make much progress. In the afternoon when I went Sayin Baba did not admit any body so I took a turn by Bapusaheb Jog ’s quarters and went in time for evening namaskar.

    The Tahasildar of Khandwa is still here & gradually falling into the routine of the place. One Mr Gupte has come with his brother & family. He says he is distantly related to my friend Baba Gupte of Thana. I sat talking with him. In the evening there was Sheja Arti, Bhishma ’s Bhajan and Dixits Ramayana. We all celebrated the Sankranti on a small scale.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #51 on: June 14, 2012, 04:13:56 PM »
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    15 January, 1912, Monday-



    I got up early in the morning prayed and attended the Kakad arti which was a little later than usual as Megha having been unwell could not get up in time to blow the conch-shell. Sayin Maharaj did not say a word as he got up & left the Chavadhi. The Tilgul of which I ate a little yesterday appears to have affected me injuriously.

    Upasani Shastri & Bapusaheb Jog did not come soon. So I sat writing letters. When Sayin Maharaj went out he asked me how I spent the morning, which was a mild rebuke for not having read & contemplated. I went to see him again when he returned & he was very kind. He commenced a long story and kept on as if speaking to me, but I felt sleepy all the time & did not understand any thing of the story. I was told afterwards that the story was a very thinly veiled recital of the events that actually happened in the life of Gupte. So he said.

    The mid-day arti was late and it was 3 P.M. by the time we returned and had our meals. I lay down a bit & then attended Dixits Puran. Later on we went to the Masjid but were told to salute from a distance, which we accordingly did. Sayin Baba came for his stroll & we saluted as usual. Dixit had an illumination of Masjid yesterday & repeated it today also. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Purana of Dixit.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #52 on: June 14, 2012, 04:20:19 PM »
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    16 January, 1912, Tuesday-


    In the morning I got up as usual, prayed and commenced the daily routine with Puranamrit. It is a very celebrated Marathi work on Vedanta. Upasani reads I, Bapusaheb Jog, Bhishma & Rama Maruti listen. It is exceedingly nice and I give explanations whenever necessary. I was able to see Sayin Maharaj go out but was late in going to see him after he returned to Masjid. He not only showed no displeasure but treated me with positive kindness & I sat serving.

    The Midday Arti was late as Megha is ill & was not ordered to come soon. He did so at last, and by the time we returned and had our meals, it was nearly 4 P.M. Dixit read a little of Ramayana, & then we went to see Sayin Saheb at the Masjid. He did not permit us to sit long & came out himself, and finished his usual stroll in a hurry and ordered us to return to the Wada. We could not understand it but on returning to the Wada learnt that Hari, a servant of Dixit, who felt indisposed the other day, died.

    We sent for Upasani who understands medicine but he could not be found. That the man was dead,  there could be no doubt about. We did the usual arti in the Wada, & attended the Sheja-Arti. Sayin Maharaj was particularly gracious at the latter and sent out wonderful currents of joy & instruction.

    He favoured Rama Maruti similarly. We returned very much pleased and then a little before mid-night, could perform the obsequies of the servant Hari. It was difficult to procure fuel. Bapaji managed it some how & then the body was cremated. The thing would not have been so difficult had Madhavarao Deshpande been here, but he went to Nagar in the afternoon to fetch his wife & children. The funeral took a long time. We could neither have the usual Bhajan of Bhishma ,not the Puran of Dixit.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #53 on: June 15, 2012, 06:18:15 PM »
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    17 January, 1912, Wednesday-


    I got up very early saw Bapusaheb Jog go out to bathe. I finished my prayers in the meantime. Then we went to the Chavadhi for Kakad Arti. Megha was too ill to attend. So Bapusaheb Jog did the arti. Sayin Baba showed his face & smiled most benignly. It is worth while spending years here to see it even once. I was overjoyed & stood gazing like mad.

    After we returned Narayan Rao’s son Govinda & brother Bhau went by a cart to Kopargaon en route to Hoshanjabad, and I commenced my daily routine. I wrote a few lines & then read Paramamrit with Upasani & Bapusaheb Jog. We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again after he returned to Masjid. He gave me silent instructions but like a fool I did not understand them. On returning to the Wada, I felt disconsolate &  melancholy without cause. Balvant also felt sad & said that he wished to leave Shirdi. I asked him to ask Sayin Baba & then decide. I lay down for a while after meals & then wished to listen to Dixit ’s Ramayan but Sayin Baba sent for him &he had to go. Somehow then we made no progress.
    Tahasildarsaheb Prlhad Ambadas of Khandwa today asked for & obtained permission to return. There is Mr Paté of Jalgaon & LIngayat with him. They may go away tomorrow. We saw Sayin Baba during his evening stroll. He was in very good mood. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Dixit ’s Ramayana. During the arti in the wada, I understood the instructions given in the morning & then felt happy.


    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #54 on: June 15, 2012, 06:23:23 PM »
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    18 January,1912, Thursday-


    There is much to record today. I got up very early, prayed & finding it yet wanting about an hour to the dawn, I lay down and got up in time to see the sunrise. I, Upasani, Bapusaheb Jog & Bhishma read Paramamrita. Tahasildarsaheb Pralhad Ambadas, Mr Paté & his companion (Lingayat) returned to their places. The latter two got permission just in time to start. We saw Sayin Baba go out & again after he returned to Masjid. He treated me very kindly & while I was serving, he told me two or three tales. He said many people came to take his money. He never resisted but let them take it way. He only noted their names & followed them. When they, got down for their meals, he killed them & brought his money back. The other story was that there was a blind man. He used to live near the Takia here. A man enticed away his wife, & eventually murded the blind man. Four hundred men assembled at the Chavadhi & condemned him. They ordered him to be decapitated. This order was carried out, by the village hangman who did the work out of some motive & not merely as a piece of duty. So the murder in the reincarnation was born as the son of the hangman.

    He then commenced another tale. In the meantime a stranger Fakir came & touched Sayin Baba ’s feet. Sayin Baba felt very angry or rather showed that he was so and shook off the Fakir who showed great tenacity & persistence without losing his own equanimity. At last he went out & stood near the compound wall on the outside. Sayin Baba was angry & threw away the arti utensils and the dishes full of food brought by his worshippers. He lifted up Ram Maruti Bwa who declared afterwards that he felt very happy & as if sent off to higher regions. One Bhagya & a villager were also roughly handled by Sain Maharaj. Sitaram brought the arti and we finished the arti in the usual though a somewhat hurried way. Martand son of Mahalapat showed great presence of mind & prevented confusion by directing that the arti should be finished where it was begun. He did so when Sayin Baba moved out of his usual place. Before finishing Sayin Baba resumed his seat & all went much as usual, except that “Udi ” was distributed wholesale & not individually. He was not really angry of course and did the whole thing as a “Lila ”. The whole affair made us late & there was the feast given by Tatya Patil for the death of his father as a part of the obsequies  So we did not finish our meals till about 6.30 P.M. It must have been a bit later for after it there was no time to do anything and we went to see the Sayin Maharaj come out for his stroll. He did so as usual & we saluted him as usual. There was the usual Arti in the wada. Megha was too ill to stand up & Sayin Baba foretold his end during the night. We then attended the Chavadhi procession it being the evening for it. I held the morchal as usual, and everything went on smooth. Sitaram did the arti. At night there was the Bhajan of Bhishma & Ramayan of Dixit.




    P.S.. I forgot to mention above that during the torrent of hard words that Sayin Maharaj poured out today he repeatedly said that he had saved my son Balvant, and then often repeated the phrase “Fakir wished to kill Dadasaheb (meaning me)but I would not permit it.” He mentioned one more name but I can not recall it now.

    Offline saisewika

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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #55 on: June 16, 2012, 05:28:33 PM »
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    19 January, 1912, Friday-


    This was a very sad day. I got up very early &after finishing my prayers discovered that it yet wanted an hour or so to day break. So I lay down and was aroused for Kakad Arti by Bapusaheb Jog. Dixit Kaka told me that Megha died about 4 a.m. The Kakad Arti was done but Sayin Maharaj did not show his face clear & did not appear to open his eyes. He never threw any glances spreading grace.

    After we returned arrangements were made for the cremation of Megha ’s body. Sayin Baba came just as the body was being brought out and loudly lamented his death. His voice was so touching that brought tears to every eye. He followed the body up to the bend in the made road near the village & then went his usual way. Megha ’s body was taken under the Bada tree & consigned to flames  there. Sayin Baba could be distinctly heard lamenting his death even at that distance & he was seen waving his hands & swaying as if in arti to say goodbye. There was a good supply of dry fuel & flames soon rose very high. Dixit Kaka, myself Bapusaheb Jog, Upasani, Dada Kelkar & all else here were there & praised the lot of Megha that his body was seen & touched by Sayin Baba on the head heart & shoulders & feet by him.

    After finishing the ceremonies we ought to have sat praying but Bapusaheb Jog came & I sat talking with him. When later I went to see Sayin Baba, he asked me how I spent the afternoon I was very sorry to confess that I had wasted it in talking. This was a lesson to me. I remembered how Sayin Baba foretold his death three days ago “This is the last arti of Megha,” how Megha felt that he had completed his service and was passing away, how he shed tears to think that he could not see Sathé whom he regarded as his Guru, and how he directed that the cows of Sayin Baba should be let loose. He never expressed any other wish. We all admired his life of extreme devotion & I was sorry that I did not rest in prayer but listened to meaningless talk.

    Bhishma & my son Balvant are not well. So there was no Bhajan. Dixit Kaka read Ramayan at night. Gupte his brother &their families left this morning for Bombay.


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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #56 on: June 16, 2012, 05:33:59 PM »
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    1912 20 January Saturday


    In the morning I got up in time to say my prayers before day break and commence the routine of life here to suit every body else. The day promised to be pleasant & so it turned out. I read Paramamrit with Bapusaheb Jog Upasani & Ram Maruti. Bhishma & my son Balvant are unwell. We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again after he returned. He sat chatting pleasantly.

     Presently a Jahagirdar of a village somewhere here about, came & Sayin Baba would not let him approach much less worship. Many people interceded for him in vain. Appa Kotya came & did his utmost to secure at least the usual kind of Puja for the Jahagirdar & Sayin Baba relented so far as to let him enter the Masjid and worship the pillar near the fire-place, but he would not give Udi. I thought Sayin Baba would get angry but he did not and our mid-day Arti passed off in the usual way. Bapusaheb Jog has been ordered by Sayin Baba to do all the artis at all times. I predicted this result two days before Megha passed off. After the midday meal I sat reading the newspapers.
    Dixit ’s younger brother who practices at Khandwa came this morning & his Bombay agent came in the afternoon. Dixit ’s brother tried to induce Dixit to return to work in vain. He applied to Sayin Baba, but Sayin Baba left the whole matter to Dixit himself. Bapusaheb Jog has also got four guests. The husband of his wife ’s sister who is the chief Treasury officer at Sangli has come here with his whole family on his way back from the Delhi Darbar  His wife wished to take Mrs Bapusaheb Jog with her but Sayin Maharaj would not permit it.

    We saw Sayin Saheb as he came out for his evening stroll. Then there was the Wada Arti & later on the Shej Arti. Dixit read Ramayan as usual. There was no Bhajan as Bhishma is indisposed & my son Balvant is slightly worse. There is here Mr Moreshwar Janardas Patharé with his wife. He is the victim of paralysis & have suffered much. Joshi of Wasai has come & brought some printed copies of the prayers sung here.


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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #57 on: June 17, 2012, 08:20:12 PM »
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    21 January, 1912, Sunday-


    I got up & attended the Kakad Arti. There were all the usual people except Bala Simpi. After the arti Sayin Baba followed the usual custom of using hard words against the internal enemies, by naming them as Appa Kotya, Telis, Waman Tatya etc. I read Parmamrit with Bapusaheb Jog Upasani, & Rama Maruti. The guest of Bapusaheb Jog from Sangali attended our class. His name is Limayé.

    We saw Sayin Baba go out & again after he returned to the Masjid. While we were at the Masjid Madhavarao Deshpande returned from Nagar. There was Dadasaheb Karandikar with him, & a gentleman of Baroda. I was very much surprised to see Karandikar. It appears he came to Nagar on a case & meeting Madhavarao Deshpande there decided to see Sayin Baba. We sat talking. Since getting into the council, he is convinced of the insincerity of Gokhale & western professions. He returned to Nagar about 4.30 P.M. The Limayes also went. Permission was refused to them at first but subsequently granted by Sayin Baba. Sadashivarao Dixit wished to go only but was told to depart tomorrow morning with his family, children & Rama Maruti. We saw Sayin Baba at the evening stroll and had Dixits Ramayan after the evening arti at the Wada.


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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #58 on: June 17, 2012, 08:26:11 PM »
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    22 January, 1912, Monday


    In the morning I got up early & prayed, & saw Sadashiva Rao Dixit, Haralal & Ram Maruti & the ladies of the first and the children Babu & Subhadra whom we call Subhi off. They got permission to return last night. Then I began the routine of the day & read Paramrita with Bapusaheb Jog, Upasani, & Bhishma who is slightly better day. My son Balvant had two motions this morning. They will do him immense good.

    We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again after he returned  During the course of the worship he put two flowers in his two nostrils & put two others between his ears & the head. My attention was drawn to this by Madhavarao Deshpande. I thought this was an instruction. Sayin Baba repeated the same thing a second time & when I interpreted it a second time in my own mind, he offered the chilam to me & this confirmed me. He said something which I noted instantly & particularly wished to remember but it went clean out of my mind & no efforts made all through the day could bring it back. I am most surprized as this is the first experience of the kind. Sayin Baba also said that his order was supreme (Bala)which I understood to mean that  I need not be anxious about the health of my son.

    By the time the mid-day arti was finished & we returned, I found Mrs Laxmi Bai Kaulgi standing in front of my lodging. I was very glad to see her. She arrived at the Masjid just as I left & saluted Sayin Maharaj. The latter showed special favour by letting her worship then. After meals I lay down for a few minutes and Dixit read Ramayan & some gatha of Nath Maharaj. Upasani was present & Mrs Laxmi Bai Kaulgi attended the class. She joined in the conversation & appeared to be well informed in Vedanta. We saw Sayin Baba at the evening stroll & again at Sheja Arti. Laxmibai sang a few songs. She is an aunt (mavasi) of RadhaKrishna Bai. At night at my request she did a little Bhajan & Dixit read Ramayan.


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    Re: Shri G. S. Khaparde Diary
    « Reply #59 on: June 18, 2012, 06:04:08 PM »
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    23 January, Tuesday, 1912


    I got up in time for the Kakad Arti and finished my prayers a little after day break. Sayin Baba today in leaving his bed did not say even a single word, but when we saw him go out as usual, he showed a very jocose mood, noticing the absence of Kaka Dixit, said he was busy clearing his bowels. When he appeared Sayin Saheb said “you did not clear yourself but thought you would bow to me first.” We laughed all returned I read Parmamrit with Upasani & Bapusaheb Jog & Bhishma & then went to see Sayin Baba at the Masjid. He was in a reticent mood & never said a word and the midday arti passed off quietly. After it we returned & had our meals. 

    Madhavarao has obtained permission to send Sayin Baba ’s photo & Udi to Hon. Mrs Russell. I wished to write to her but did not feel myself in the mood and sat talking with a school master who has come here recently with his family to see Sayin Baba. Dixit read Ramayana & then we went to see Sayin Baba at his evening stroll. He did not say much even then. At night Bhishma for the first time in this week, had his Bhajan. Some young men of the village also came to sing Bhajan & then Dixit read Ramayan.

    Mrs Laxmi Bai Kaulgi thinks of staying here always & Sayin Baba said she might do so for good. My son Balvant perspired this morning a little.



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