Om Sri Sadguru Devaya Namah!!
My dearest Baba,
Yesterday, I followed your instruction strictly. You have said, “If you cannot endure abuse from another, just say a simple word or two, or else leave". I did precisely that in order to maintain peace on this blessed forum.
Baba you know all, and nothing is hidden from you. This is all your leela. I have been a mere instrument in your hands. You led me to this forum, and used me for some of your work. I am happy for that. As I hear from you now, I understand that the time has come for me to move on. But, before I take a temporary leave from this forum, I would like to submit some of my humble thoughts at your lotus feet. With all my respects for my dear Sai Bandhus who have listened to me kindly and patiently for around six months now:
We often project on others what lies in our own minds. In other words, we construct a reality that is the reflection of our own thoughts. So sometimes we tend to project on others what we think and feel ourselves. In other words, we look at others using our own perceptual lens, which may or may not be the accurate depiction of them. The mind may distort the real, or may deceive one in believing in things that may not really exist. This idea may be accepted by some, and rejected by others. Yet some others may uphold it, but only for others and not for themselves. This last category is my concern.
Any spiritual aspirant who has a gap between what he preaches and does himself commits, what Bible calls, a ‘sin of hypocrisy’. The difference between one’s words and conduct shows that the aspirant has two standards. One for himself, and another for others. This duplicity has been regarded a sin because it involves a judgment of others, depending on one’s own mental projection and belief. Glorifying oneself and condemning others based on one’s own judgment, scriptures say, is the worst kind of sin unacceptable to the ‘Judge’ of all.
So, when we judge others, using our own mental projections and draw conclusions about them, we stand the risk of being judged harshly by God Himself. He is watching us all the time. Any verdict that we pass on others may be wrong, and annoys Him the most. So, what should one do to avoid this sin ?
We need to be humble, and stay humble all the time. Humility is the best anti-dote to such mental delusions that construct a larger image of self and belittle others. When we brag and boast about ourselves and our spiritual blessings, we actually demean others who choose humility and don’t talk about their own. And worse, we may draw unfair and wrong conclusions about them. In short, we may mistake their silence as our rightness. Nothing could be more hurtful to Baba than this.
With these humble thoughts, I take leave of this forum. It has been a wonderful experience to be on this blessed temple. Baba, kindly bless all my dear brothers and sisters whom I have come to love now. Hope I can make it back to this forum someday, if You so wish. Till then, take care of all my Bandhus. Please bless them with happiness, health and peace !!
I submit this topic at your lotus feet. Forgive me for any mistakes that I may have made unknowingly. Forgive me if I hurt someone unintentionally. Kindly overlook my imperfections dear Master..
Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram!