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Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
« Reply #60 on: December 31, 2006, 09:05:33 AM »
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    SaiRam Sunita ji

    Thanks for your lovely message and wishes.

    Happy new Year to you too.

    Baba’s personality which made all those who met him feel the urge to

    surrender to him.

    Sai Baba was in the deepest sense of the phrase a Guru incarnate.

    He naturally attracted people, and they were willing and anxious to

    surrender to him.

    “Why should anyone fear, when I am near”, he said,

     “Cast all your burdens on me and I will bear them”.

    Who can resist such a compassionate invitation to be protected!

     The master’s ways are natural, homely and human.

    He never advised anyone to leave the world and retire to the forest.

    He called this a shirking of one’s duties and responsibilities.

    According to him, not by running away from life and its problems but

     by facing them with courage and fortitude does man reach the true

    understanding of his Creator.

    But Sai Baba did often stress the importance of retiring into the

    sanctuary, the secret place of one’s own being within, where in

    solitude dwells the Self.

    “Religion is what the individual does with his solitariness”,

     said the philosopher Whitehead.

    It is indeed a passage from the alone to the alone.

    jai sai ram!

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #61 on: January 01, 2007, 12:14:45 PM »
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  • Sai Ram Subhasrini ji,

    Thanks much for your wishes and this nice message!! I begin the new year  by reading this. The clock struck 12:00 (midnight) a few minutes back!!

    Happy New Year once again!!

    Om Sai Ram!!
    Om Sai Ram!!


    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:37:50 AM by SaiServant »

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #62 on: January 04, 2007, 09:02:26 AM »
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  • Devotion for the most, begins with the gratitude.

    Human mind normally fills itself with joy when the going gets good.

    When a calamity befalls, lo, the confidence in the self crumbles,

    and the mind goes in pursuit of the power that would deal with the


    Then follows the gratitude towards the helmsman only to be

    overshadowed by the power of the mythical world, the whirlpool.

    This is the game of high and low and the life is one of unresolved


     Is devotion just an emotional gratitude to one's savior, a feeling

    of thankfulness for a temporary material benefit?

    Perhaps not! It is just a beginning of a blissful process, a sign of

    more magnificient things to come.

    Let us dwell on these thoughts.

    Let us resolve to seek the coffers He has open for us.

    Let the New Year bring the awakening, the beginning of our spiritual

    journey with our beloved guide, the Saint God of Shirdi.  


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #63 on: January 06, 2007, 10:40:33 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    People say how to find a Buddha? Two things : sincerity and mercy. His compassion will give you the idea -- his love, his overflowing love, for no reason at all.

    If you can find a man of love... remember those words: "One glimpse of the real man, and you are in love." Then you are love. If you can find a man of love then don't miss the opportunity. He is the door: enter into him. And you will find sincerity.

    Remember, sincerity does not mean seriousness. It means truthfulness, it means authenticity. And how will you judge whether the man is authentic, truthful, or not? There is only one thing to remember: truth is paradoxical. Only untruth is consistent. If you find a man very consistent, avoid him, because that means he is simply philosophizing. He has not yet experienced anything, he is not a sincere man.

    A sincere man is one who simply says whatsoever is the case -- whether it contradicts him, whether it is consistent or inconsistent, makes no difference to him.

    Remember the definition of truth: A truth is that whose contradictory is also true. So a man of sincerity is bound to be paradoxical. And that is where we miss. If you come across paradoxes you think, "This is an inconsistent man; how can he be true?" You have an idea that truth has to be consistent -- and that prevents you from finding Buddhas. And you fall in the trap of logicians, philosophers, thinkers.

    A Buddha is basically, fundamentally, tacitly, paradox -- because he sees the truth in its totality. And the totality is paradoxical. The totality is both: night and day, love and meditation. The totality is both: this and that, visible, invisible. The totality is both birth and death, AND neither. The totality means the whole thing is so complex, you cannot make any consistent statement about it. You have to go on contradicting yourself.

    If you can find a man of contradictions, you may be close to somebody who knows. Truth is that whose contradictory is also true.

    Look for the sincerity through the paradox. He is so sincere that he is ready to become inconsistent. His sincerity is such that he is ready to be called mad. His sincerity is such that he does not try to convince you through logic. He is not a salesman. He is not worried about convincing you. He simply states whatsoever is the case -- whether you are convinced or not convinced, that is up to you.

    He is not in any way interested in forcing something upon you. He is ready to help, but not to coerce you.

    And what is mercy? It does not mean pity. Buddhas don't pity you, because pity arises out of ego. They are merciful, they are compassionate -- and the difference is great.

    A compassionate man looks at the result. What devices he uses are not important. He is ready to use ANY device -- just look at the objective result. A compassionate man is not sentimental, emotional.

    So whenever you can find a man of sincerity, a man of paradox, truth, whose whole concern is truth... Even if it makes him seem contradictory he is ready; he does not change the truth just to become consistent. And his whole concern is to help people become alert and aware -- even if sometimes cruel methods are needed he is ready to use them. That is the man of compassion and sincerity.
    And only a man of compassion and sincerity can be a master. Avoid those who console you. Follow those who are ready to destroy you -- because only when you are destroyed, BABA SAI is born.

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline bohemianbab

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #64 on: January 07, 2007, 12:07:02 AM »
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  • Thank u Rameshji..the passage was profound..

    and very meaningful.


    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #65 on: January 07, 2007, 03:44:39 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram!!

    From Sai Satchritra--Chapter 2:

    "On the first day of my arrival in Shirdi, there was a discussion between me and Balasaheb Bhate regarding the necessity of a Guru. I contended, "Why should we lose our freedom and submit to others? When we have to do our duty, why a Guru is necessary? One must try his best and save himself. What can the Guru do to a man who does nothing but sleeps indolently?" Thus I pleaded freewill, while Mr. Bhate took up the other side, viz., Destiny, and said, "Whatever is bound to happen must happen; even great men have failed, man proposes one way, but God disposes the other (contrary) way. Brush aside your cleverness; pride or egoism won't help you." This discussion, with all its pros and cons went on for an hour or so, and as usual no decision was arrived at. We had to stop the discussion ultimately as we were exhausted.

    The net result of this was that I lost my peace of mind and found that unless there is strong body-consciousness and egoism, there would be no discussion; in other words, it is egoism which breeds discussion.

    Then when we went to the Masjid with others, Baba asked Kakasaheb Dixit the following:- "What was going on in the (Sathe’s) Wada? What was the discussion about?" and staring at me, Baba further added, "What did this Hemadpant say?"

    Hearing these words, I was much surprised. The Masjid was at a considerable distance from Sathe's Wada where I was staying and where the discussion was going on. How could Baba know our discussion unless He be omniscient and Inner Ruler of us all?

    I began to think why Sai Baba should call me by the name Hemadpant. This word is a corrupt form of Hemadripant. This Hemadripant was a wellknown Minister of the kings Mahadev and Ramadev of Devgiri of the Yadav dynasty. He was very learned, good-natured and the author of good works, such as Chaturvarga Chintamani (dealing with spiritual subjects) and Rajprashasti. He invented and started new methods of accounts and was the originator of the Modi (Marathi Shorthand) script. But I was quite the opposite, an ignoramus, and of dull, mediocre intellect.

    So I could not understand why the name or title was conferred upon me. But thinking seriously upon it, I thought that the title was a dart to destroy my ego, so that, I should always remain meek and humble."

    Om Sai Ram!
    Om Sai Ram!

    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:38:41 AM by SaiServant »

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #66 on: January 07, 2007, 04:13:20 AM »
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  • Sai Ram.

    The Spiritual Gems from Chapter 3 of Sai Satcharita are now placed at the Lotus Feet of Sri Sai Maharaj

    "Sai Baba gave His complete assent to the writing of the Sat Charita and said, "I fully agree with you regarding the writing of Sat Charita. and if one dives deep into My Leelas, he would get precious gems of knowledge." "Turning to Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) Sai Baba said, "If a man utters my name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, I shall draw out my devotees from the jaws of death." May I add, from the jaws of desire too, since desire is death? How? It is the desires, which bind us to the vicious circle of birth and death. (Page 11 of Sai Satcharita)."

    Dear Sai Bandhus, this one paragraph is worth its weight in pure gold and precious gemstones! This Para or this assurance of Sai Baba is the basis for this series of articles. The author with utmost gratitude says that the Lord has entrusted different jobs to different people. The author feels that he being the jack-of-all-trades and master of none is being entitled to write Sai's story. So he feels that his job is only to continue writing with humility, as he is an instrument in Sai's hand. Sai only knows the purpose of making him write His divine story. "Neither the flute, nor the harmonium knows, how the sounds are produced. This is the concern of the player." So lets read on with the firm conviction that we are the instruments in Sai's hands.

    "Blessed are the stories of the saints. When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body-consciousness or egoism and the sense of duality vanish;" Page 12 of Sat Charita. We have already learnt the nine methods of devotion. Hearing is the first. Reading skills were less in the earlier days and so good souls were used by God and saints to spread the bhakti cult through Hari Kathas etc Now, when reading skills are wide spread, eyes too help us in cultivating devotion. "The other Sadhanas, viz., Yog, Tyag (sacrifice), Dhyan (meditation) and Dhyan-Dharana (concentration) are very difficult to practice; but singing and hearing the stories and the glory of the Lord (Sai Baba) is very easy. With a very restless mind the author finds it impossible to concentrate or meditate even for a few seconds. But Sai, very kindly showed the way through the reading of Sat Charita. "The devotees may now easily read and hear these stories... get detachment and self-realization." Page 13. Slowly but steadily Mother Sai has been pulling me to Her, and thus away from materialistic desires including subtle desires for name, fame etc. So, dear Sai Bandhus please follow this easy path and realize the aim of taking the human birth in this life itself! Sai Ram.

    Baba replied, "He will get some other job; but now, he should serve Me and be happy!" Page 13. Sai Baba was asking for the first and probably last Guru Dakshina from Shri Hemadpant, viz., surrender of ego! This is confirmed by His next few sentences: "His dishes will be ever full and never empty. He should turn all his attention to Me and avoid.... If he does this, he will get eternal happiness." Page 13 and 14. The question, Who is this He, Whose worship is advocated, is already answered in a note on 'Who is Sai Baba' in the prologue, at the beginning of this work. Page 14 of Sai Sat Charitra. Unfortunately in the later editions, this prologue is not to be found. But it is clear from the reading of Sat Charita, that Sai is Paramatma, Para Brahma, the in-dweller in our heart. Like Sri Krishna gave Gita to Sri Arjuna, Baba has, through Shri Hemadpant, given out this wonderful Upadesa.

    Rohila's story is an excellent example of keeping bad thoughts at bay through Nama-Smaran, singing of Lord's name. That was the reason for Baba to take up the cause of Rohila. Baba chided the villagers who were unable to see through Rohila's harsh voice, his devotion. One day at noon, after the Arati, devotees were returning to their lodgings, when Baba gave the following beautiful advice: "Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that, all what you do is known to Me. ... but Maya will lash or whip him, who forgets Me." Page 14 and 15. Not only what we do, what we think is also known to Sai. Nothing is secret to Him. If Maya lashes us when we forget Him, can Yama be far behind? Actually Maya also is helping us to remember Sai by whipping or lashing us. So we should thank Maya and return to Sai's fold.

    "All the insects, ants, is My body or form." Page 15. Sai is Viswatma, Viswaroopa. Viswam, Vishnur, Vashatkaro as how it begins in Sri Vishnu Sahsra Nama Stotram. He is all- pervasive. The same truth is expounded beautifully in Chapter 18.

    "Before concluding this Chapter, I request the readers to leave out the various hindrances viz. indolence, sleep, wandering of mind, attachments to senses, etc. and turn their whole and undivided attention to these stories of Sai Baba. Let their love be natural, let them know the secret of devotion; let them not exhaust themselves by other Sadhanas, let them stick to this one simple remedy, i.e. listening to Sai Baba's stories. This will destroy their ignorance and will gain them salvation. A miser may stay at various places, but he always thinks of his buried treasure. So let Sai Baba be enthroned in the hearts of all."

    Sai Ram. "Let their love be natural...," says Hematpand, the author. Forced love is also useful at times. As we eat, even neem becomes sweet, goes a proverb in Telugu A person asked Swami Shivananda Maharaj of Divine life society about the usefulness of Meditation in the absence of purity of mind. The kind Swami told him to go on repeating the Lord's name even mechanically so that the mind becomes pure. So reading Sai's wonderful stories will lead to mental purification and that in turn will lead to better success in meditation and other advanced methods. Even now, I find it difficult to concentrate or meditate, but I have found that remembering Him has become easier because of the sadhana of the last few years. After all, the Vasanas and distractions have developed over nearly 50 years and though it may not take 50 years to get rid of them, a few years of sadhana are certainly needed.

    Shraddha and Saburi are the two paise that Sai is asking from us and let us offer these two at His Lotus feet.

    Sai Ram.

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #67 on: January 07, 2007, 11:20:23 PM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram!!

    'Ego' must go !! Hemadpant was not able to write a word till his sense of doership was intact. It was only after he surrendered his ego at Baba's lotus feet that he was he able to write the Book.

    It is in the best interest of every devotee to kill the ego, which asserts itself in so many ways. You may feel that you have risen above others spiritually, but the real test is how much have you risen above your own ego. In fact, the more you advance spiritually, the more risk you have to fall into its trap.

    Pride, the blatant expression of one's ego, is the worst enemy. Feel proud about your spiritual status or knowledge, and fall from the divine grace. The more your ego asserts itself as pride, the worse off you are spiritually.

    Mita de apni hasti ko gar kuchh martaba chaahay
    Ki daana khaak main mil kar gulo-gulzaar hota hai.

    Just as a seed loses itself to soil in order to blossom into flowers, lose your ego if you want continuity of God's grace. Give up the pride in your self-identity to merge into the elevation of Baba Sai.  

    Om Sai Ram!
    Om Sai Ram!


    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:39:23 AM by SaiServant »

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #68 on: January 08, 2007, 01:26:59 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram!!

    EGOISM is the most dangerous illusion that needs to be exploded and destroyed. Baba teaches that to us, both directly and indirectly. We simply need to be receptive to His instructions.

    The Bhagvadgita emphasizes that you give up all Dharma and take refuge in Him. Then, He will save you from sin and suffering. Giving up Dharma does not mean that we bid farewell to virtue and action. It means, we have to give up our egoism that we are the doer.

    Be confirmed in the faith that He is the "doer" of every deed. That is the genuine surrender, the real "giving up".

    Om Sai Ram!!
    Om Sai Ram!!


    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:40:15 AM by SaiServant »

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #69 on: January 09, 2007, 08:01:59 AM »
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  • Om Sri Sainathaya Namah!!

    My dearest Baba,

    Your ways are mysterious, and beyond my humble comprehension. You do everything as per your wish, but make a servant like me get involved in your affairs. Every time I decide that I won't visit this online temple again, you inspire me in strange ways and make me write. Master, I submit to your Will. But, you must take everything that comes back from your blessed devotees. Because, truly, that belongs to you. An instrument is merely an instrument, nothing more than that.

    Your tolerance for proud, insane or deluded people who came in your contact is examplary. But Master, likes of Jowhar Ali, Nanavali,and Rohila are still around. I read their posts and sense the gap between Your word and theirs, and feel sympathetic towards them. Perhaps, nothing could be more painful but to see Your disciples gone astray. They ambitions have takes them far from You. Kindly, take care of such proud and vain devotees. Humble them Master.

    Let such deluded disciples of yours remember that for spiritual aspirants like me, only You know the 'Truth'. Only you have the power to make us realize our higher Self, only You are our guide, our Master. Let them know that those who have sincerely chosen "Sai Path" have no other Buddha, but You Baba Sai. That only You are our path and destination. Only You are to be hailed and trusted dear Master.

    In Sai Satchritra, You clearly said that Bhakti Marg is the most difficult path, as it is full of pits, wolves and other dangers. But, you also assured us that there is no danger if You are with the aspirant. So, be with me and other sincere devotees Baba! Save us from lurking dangers and obstacles.

    Glory be to you Master, and to blessed Shirdi!!

    Om Sai Ram!!
    Om Sai Ram!!



    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:41:08 AM by SaiServant »

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #70 on: January 10, 2007, 08:24:44 PM »
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    By getting away from samsara, one can not attain happiness.

    One's closeness to Baba was the result of good deeds over many

     births, and such a person was Nana Chandorkar.

    He learnt many things from Baba.

    He found this samsara (worldly life) to be like a fearful ocean.

    The samsara appeared to him like an obstacle to his spiritual


    He learnt this truth by practical experience.

    In the year 1918, one day when Baba was alone, Nana said to

    Him, "Baba, I am finding the samsara very fearful.

    My mind is not interested in worldly affairs.

    Somehow, give me salvation from this worldly affairs".

    On hearing this Baba smiled and said,

    "There is some truth in what you said.

     But the remaining is untruth and meaningless.

    You are under the impression that by taking to forests,

    one can escape from trials and tribulations of the samsara.

    But this is not correct.

    It is only an illusion, because wherever you go, your body and mind

    are with you only.

    They will never leave you but will be giving you some kind of


    Our past actions are the basis for our present troubles and


    They should be faced courageously and with tact, and you should lead

    a family life in the proper way.

    By getting away from samsara, one can not attain happiness.

    Everyone who proceeds in the spiritual way will have to face all

    these problems and to think of renunciation (escape) as a solution

    is not correct."


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #71 on: January 15, 2007, 06:47:04 AM »
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  • Sai Ram Subhasrini ji!

    A lovely and timely message indeed! Thank you!

    Om Sai Ram!
    Om Sai Ram!

    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:41:45 AM by SaiServant »

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #72 on: January 15, 2007, 07:23:19 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram!

    'Love'. This word fascinates me as nothing else. Can we unanimously define love? Is there one way of describing or understanding it? To simplify that, what is love?

    For some, love is God. For others, only God is love. For yet others, love adopts different meanings that may have nothing to do with God.

    Love is God for those who find it in His creation, in the fellow beings. They love because it connects them to that 'whole' which constitutes their world. Such lovers are mostly outward looking.

    For others, only God is love. Because only He is worth loving and getting love from. He is true, permanent, unchanging, and everlasting. He is within them, as much as outside them. But, such lovers mostly look inwards in order to love the beloved who resides in their hearts.

    For me, only Baba Sai is love. He accepts His devotees just as they are. One can stand with all imperfections in His presence, knowing well that He will not condemn or reject you. Because, He accepts unconditionally someone who takes refuge under His loving wings.

    Once Baba gives you His love, you really don't need others. You become whole and complete in His love. It satisfies you as nothing else. He fills your heart with His glowing warmth, that unmistaken bliss that only Satchitananda Sai is capable of bestowing on you.

    Glory be to the Beloved who resides in our hearts!

    Om Sai Ram!
    Om Sai Ram!


    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:42:31 AM by SaiServant »

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #73 on: January 17, 2007, 04:36:04 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram.

    "What good is a man's knowledge unless it prompts him to prevent the pain of others as if it were his own pain?"

    Aum Sai Ram !

    Om Sai Ram !


    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: Some Random Thoughts--- At Baba's Lotus Feet!
    « Reply #74 on: January 17, 2007, 05:56:33 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram!!

    "Before one points at the speck in other's eye, it may be better to look at the log in one's own eye".

    --Holy Bible

    Om Sai Ram!
    Om Sai Ram!

    « Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:43:21 AM by SaiServant »


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