Jai Sai Ram!
Baba is everywhere, in everyone and everything. If divinity is so pervasive, any thinking person may ask, why do we have killers, rapists or dacoits in this world. In other words, if God is present in everyone, there should be no blood-shed, torture and other sorts of inhumanity around us. We may find some solace in explaining such evil things by karmic theory. That is, one gets what one sows. But by accepting this theory, we still do not deny the existence of an imperfect world.
Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, one perfect Master of our age, once told his disciples that they should respect everyone, every living and non-living thing, because God exists in all. After getting this lesson from the Master, the disciples started respecting everybody they came across. One fine day, a disciple was on his way to the market. He was happily walking on the road, right in the middle. A man riding an elephant was coming on the opposite side. People dispersed to make the way for the elephant. But, this disciple folded his hands and continued walking in the middle. The man riding the animal shouted at him repeatedly, asking him to get out of the way of the elephant. The disciple did not pay any heed. He continued marching with full confidence towrds the animal. Now, it is not hard to guess what must have happened!!
The injured disciple was carried back to the Ashram. The Master asked him gently as to how the accident took place. The disciple cried out loud, and started blaming the Guru, "You told us that God is in everyone and everything. I thought God was in that elaphant also, so kept walking towards it. You were wrong Gurudev? Look at my condition now". The Guru smiled, held his hand and said, "Why did you ignore the warnings of the man who was riding the animal? God was in him too".
This story came to my mind this morning when one of my posts annoyed some devotees on this forum. One of them cited in bold letters from Sai Satcharita about 'divinity' being in all. Yes, I agree with her. Divinity is everywhere. But, that includes me too!!
Baba, kindly make your devotees more tolerant to counter-views!! May they learn that faith need not be blind to other perspectives!!
Om Sai Ram!!