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Offline PiyaSoni

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Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2013, 10:56:01 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Remember, if you are criticizing, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling tension, you are not being grateful. If you are rushing, you are not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not being grateful.

    Gratitude can transform your life. Are you allowing minor things to get in the way of your transformation and the life you deserve?
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth..........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #76 on: March 15, 2013, 11:03:28 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good. Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad, and then, of course, that becomes their reality. But there is no bad in the Universe; it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective.

    Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #77 on: March 19, 2013, 12:27:16 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    When things change in our life, often we have resistance to the change. But if you understand the structure of the Universe, life, and creation, then you will understand that life is change, and nothing ever stands still. Everything is energy, and energy is in continual motion and change. If energy stood still you would be gone, and there would be no life.

    Change is always happening for the good of you and for everyone. It is the evolution of life.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #78 on: March 22, 2013, 10:53:00 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth..........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #79 on: March 25, 2013, 11:18:45 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    If you are complaining about things in your life, you are on the complaining frequency, and you are not in a position to attract what you want.
    Get on to the frequency of good with your thoughts and words. Firstly you will feel good, and secondly you will be on the frequency of receiving more good.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth......Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #80 on: April 02, 2013, 11:43:25 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    If there was a particular house you wanted, or a particular relationship or job you wanted, and you didn't get it, the Universe is telling you that it was not good enough and did not match your dream. It is also telling you that it has something BETTER and more worthy of you.

    Something better is coming ... you're allowed to be excited!
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #81 on: April 10, 2013, 06:46:38 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    The things that come most quickly into your life are the things that you BELIEVE in the most. You can only bring to you what you BELIEVE, so you must BELIEVE to receive what you want.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.......Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #82 on: April 16, 2013, 11:47:27 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Most people can manifest the small things quickly. This is because they do not have any resistance around the small things, and because they don't think thoughts that contradict them. When it comes to the bigger things, however, people often emit thoughts of doubt or worry that contradict those bigger things. This is the only difference in terms of the time it takes for something to manifest.

    Nothing is big or small for the Universe.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth..........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #83 on: April 23, 2013, 11:30:10 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    There are two kinds of people:
    Those who say, "I will believe it when I see it."
    And those who say, "To see it, I know I must believe it."

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #84 on: May 02, 2013, 04:23:11 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    When you exist in the great state of gratitude, you become a person who only wants to give. You become so grateful that it takes over your life, and you can't find enough opportunities in a day to give. You give joy, you give love, you give money, you give appreciation, you give compliments, and you give kindness. You give the best of yourself in your job, in your relationships, and to strangers.
    You will know when you have really found true gratitude, because you will become a giver. One who is truly grateful cannot be anything else.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.......Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #85 on: May 06, 2013, 11:39:42 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Stress, worry, and anxiety simply come from projecting your thoughts into the future and imagining something bad. This is focusing on what you don't want! If you find that your mind is projecting into the future in a negative way, focus intensely on NOW. Keep bringing yourself back to the present.

    Use all of your will, and focus your mind in this very moment, because in this moment of now there is utter peace.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth............Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #86 on: May 14, 2013, 12:52:44 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Here are four fundamental things to do to manifest money using the law of attraction.

    1. Think more thoughts in a day of abundance than of lack of money.
    2. Be happy now, without the money.
    3. Be truly grateful for everything you have now.
    4. Give the best of yourself to others.

    Four easy steps. You can do them if you want it enough.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #87 on: May 21, 2013, 01:09:00 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    Whatever you want to bring into your life, you must GIVE it. Do you want love? Then give it. Do you want appreciation? Then give it. Do you want understanding? Then give it. Do you want joy and happiness? Then give it to others.

    You have the ability to give so much love, appreciation, understanding, and happiness to so many people every single day!
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #88 on: June 01, 2013, 12:29:25 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    You are receiving thousands of messages from the Universe every single day. Learn to become aware of this communication from the Universe, who is speaking to you and guiding you in every moment. There are no accidents and no coincidences. Every sign you notice, every word you hear spoken, every color, every scent, every sound, every event and situation is the Universe speaking to you, and you are the only one who knows their relevance to you, and what the communication is saying.

    Use your eyes to see! Use your ears to listen! Use all of your senses, because you are receiving communication through them all!

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #89 on: June 04, 2013, 01:32:24 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam

    You can limit yourself by the story you have created about you. Here are some simple examples of how the story we have created about ourselves can limit us:
    I am not good in math. I have never been able to dance. I am not a very good writer. I am very stubborn. I don't sleep well. I am very moody. I struggle with my weight. My English is not good. I am always late. I am not a very good driver. I can't see without my glasses. It is hard for me to make friends. Money seems to slip through my fingers.

    The moment you become aware of what you are saying, you can delete these things and rewrite your story!
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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