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Offline PiyaSoni

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The Secret Daily Teachings
« on: January 17, 2012, 03:19:16 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    Giving opens up the door to receiving. You have so many opportunities to give every day.

    Give kind words. Give a smile. Give appreciation and love. Give compliments. You can give courtesy to other motorists while you are driving. You can give a smile to the car parking attendant. You can give a warm greeting to the newspaper stand person or the person who makes your coffee. You can give by allowing a stranger to go ahead of you into an elevator, and you can give by asking which floor they are going to and pressing the button for them. If someone drops something you can give a helping hand and pick it up for them. You can give warm embraces to those you love. And you can give appreciation and encouragement to everyone.

    There are so many opportunities for you to give and thereby open the door to receiving.
    May the joy be with you,

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth...........Shraddha Saburi

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #1 on: January 17, 2012, 09:25:19 AM »
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  • Remove the Attachment (The Secret Daily Teachings)

    There is a difference between feeling gratitude and appreciation for something, and feeling attachment to something.
    Appreciation and gratitude are states of pure love, while attachment contains fear - fear of losing or not having what you are attached to.
    When it comes to something you want in your life, appreciation and gratitude attracts, and attachment pushes away.
    If you are feeling afraid that you will not get what you want, or losing what you have, then you have attachment.
    To remove the attachment, keep shifting yourself into a state of appreciation and gratitude, until you can feel that the fear has gone.
    May the joy be with you!


    « Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 09:30:02 AM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #2 on: January 17, 2012, 11:33:14 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM!Thanku Subha and Piyagolu for this wonderful post.

    Subha i am always grateful to you and your brother for sending me to Veena Maa's Mandir.

    So many devotees have benefitted and have become hale and hearty.

    Thanks to both of u and God bless u

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #3 on: January 17, 2012, 03:27:20 PM »
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  • Subha i am always grateful to you and your brother for sending me to Veena Maa's Mandir.

    dipika... it is all Sai's blessings that you happen to meet Veena Maa. Baba blessings  :D !

    So many devotees have benefitted and have become hale and hearty.

    Thanks to both of u and God bless u

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 12:10:08 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    Your life is a learning process - you can only become wiser from learning. Sometimes you might have to attract making a painful mistake to learn something important, but after the mistake you have far greater wisdom. Wisdom cannot be bought with money - it can only be acquired through living life. With wisdom comes strength, courage, knowing, and an ever-increasing peace.

    May the joy be with you,

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.......Shraddha Saburi

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 12:14:46 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    Ask, Believe, Receive - just three simple steps to create what you want.

    However, very often the second step, believe, can be the most difficult one. And yet it is the greatest step you will ever take.

    Believing contains no doubt. Believing does not waiver. Believing is absolute faith. Believing remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world.

    When you master believing, you have mastered your life.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #6 on: January 24, 2012, 02:06:29 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    If you have a problem with a member of your family who is negative, begin by writing a list of all the things you appreciate about that person. Remember to include gratitude to them for giving you a great desire for positivity in your life; because that is a gift they are giving you. As you focus with all of your strength on appreciation, you will not only reduce your exposure to the negativity, but at the same time you will be attracting positive people into your life.

    Get yourself on to the appreciation frequency, and the law of attraction can only surround you with people who are in a positive state.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #7 on: January 31, 2012, 04:41:20 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your intentions now.

    Intend every day and create your future life.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    « Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 04:47:37 AM by piyagolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #8 on: February 07, 2012, 12:41:50 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    You are receiving thousands of messages from the Universe every single day.

    Learn to become aware of this communication from the Universe, who is speaking to you and guiding you in every moment.

    There are no accidents and no coincidences. Every sign you notice, every word you hear spoken, every color, every scent, every sound, every event and situation is the Universe speaking to you, and you are the only one who knows their relevance to you, and what the communication is saying.

    Use your eyes to see! Use your ears to listen! Use all of your senses, because you are receiving communication through them all!

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.......Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #9 on: February 07, 2012, 11:38:27 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    Today, be grateful. Be grateful for your favorite music, for movies that make you feel good, for your phone that connects you with people, for your computer, and for the electricity that lights up your life. Be grateful for air travel that flies you everywhere. Be grateful for the roads and traffic lights that keep the traffic in order. Be grateful to those who built our bridges. Be grateful for your pet, for your child, for your loved ones, for your eyes that enable you to read this. Be grateful for your imagination. Be grateful that you can think. Be grateful that you can speak. Be grateful that you can laugh and smile. Be grateful that you can breathe. Be grateful that you are alive! Be grateful that you are You!

    Be grateful that there are two words that can change your life.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #10 on: February 11, 2012, 02:01:15 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    The Secret contains clear principles on how to live your life in accordance with the natural laws of the Universe, and the most important thing for any person to do is to LIVE IT. You can only become the Master of your life by LIVING IT!

    As we travel through a year of teachings, the clarity, understanding, and wisdom you will receive every day will help you live the laws that govern human beings, so you may truly become the Master of your life.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth..........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 02:21:29 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    There is no excuse not to give two minutes today to intend your tomorrow.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth......Shraddha Saburi

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #12 on: February 16, 2012, 02:39:30 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    It is possible to be happy and joyful most of the time. You just have to look at little children and see their natural joy. You may say that little children are free and don't have anything to worry about, but you are free too! You are free to choose worry or to choose joy, and whatever you choose will attract exactly that.

    Worry attracts more worry. Joy attracts more joy.

    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth.........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #13 on: February 18, 2012, 01:46:16 AM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    Happiness is a state of being, and comes from the inside of you. By the law of attraction you must become on the inside what you want on the outside.

    You are either choosing to be happy now, or you are making up excuses for not choosing to be happy. But there are no excuses for the law!
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: The Secret Daily Teachings
    « Reply #14 on: February 19, 2012, 11:54:57 PM »
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  • OmSaiRam!!

    Your job is you and only you. When you are working in harmony with the law, no-one can come between you and the Universe. However if you think another person can get in the way of what you want, then you have done a flip to the negative. Focus on creating what you want.

    You are the center of divine operation in your life, and your partner is the Universe. No one can get in the way of your creation.
    May the joy be with you.

    Baba Bless!!
    Sai Samarth...........Shraddha Saburi
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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