God is an ocean of compassion.
He is well aware of our physical and mental capacities.
So, He will never cast on us burdens which we cannot bear.
When a particular work is meant to be done by us, it would mean that Baba has complete faith in our capability to accomplish the task.
On the other hand, if we fail to complete a project, it does mean that we have little faith in Baba.
Fickle-minded as we are, we leave our own work and get involved in other's work and incur loss.
Then we start blaming God for the resultant outcome.
Ego-bloated, we think we can accomplish any task and thus we get unnecessarily involved in others work, fail miserably and get humiliated.
Why do we behave like that? We have to introspect and make a self-audit of our shortcomings and wrong-doings.
We should never fall victims to internal enemies like envy, pride and hate in our greed to look great in the public eye.
In a state of humility of heart, we can prostrate before Baba and apologize for our wrong doings.
By realizing our mistakes, we can accomplish either simpler or complex tasks with discipline and responsibility.
Every work done in constant remembrance of Sai's Name may grant us peace and relaxation, but will never seem burdensome.
Baba entrusts us with such tasks which we can accomplish with our abilities and with ease.