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Author Topic: TRUE MEANING OF SAMAADHI  (Read 1370 times)

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Offline antonyanil

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« on: June 20, 2014, 10:16:28 PM »
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  •  Differentiate True & False Knowledge

    O Learned and Devoted Servants of God,

    A devotee asked “Please tell me about the significance of the word Samaadhi”.

    Swami replied: Every word has its true meaning and that alone should be taken for practice. When the true meaning becomes inconvenient, people try to link a false meaning with the word, which is very much convenient to them in practice. Such false meanings form the false knowledge, which is propagated by false preachers. The preacher, who propagates the true knowledge alone, neglecting the reactions from the disciples, only is called as Satguru. The prefix word ‘Sat’ means the truth. It means that only the Satguru propagates the true knowledge. Satguru happens to be the human incarnation of God like Krishna, Shankara etc. God does not change the true knowledge since He does not aspire for any benefit from the disciples. The other Guru, a scholarly human being, propagates false knowledge to please the disciples to get some benefits from them in the form of money etc. (Guru Dakshina).

    In view of the above background, let us examine the true and false meanings of the word Samaadhi. The true meaning of this word ‘Samaadhi’ is effective and complete decision done by the faculty of intelligence. This word is divided into three parts. The first part is ‘Sam’, which means effective. The second part ‘aa’, which means complete. The third part is ‘dhi’, which means the intelligence. Mind debates the information received through physical senses. Intelligence concludes giving the final decision. Chittam, the faculty of memory, stores all the final concluded decisions. Ego is the feeling of basic individuality that forms the basis of all the knowledge. These four faculties are called as internal instruments (Antahkarnams). Therefore, the word ‘Samaadhi’ means the final decision, which is invariable under any circumstances. This refers to the unbreakable and invariable faith or confidence of a devotee in God as we see in the case of Prahalada, Gopikas etc.

     This true meaning is very much inconvenient to normal devotees, whose devotion changes very easily due to circumstances. Therefore, a false meaning is forced on this word, which is sitting in a place without any vibration and closing the eyes. Such a situation resembles the death and hence, this word is also used in the sense of final death. The false meaning is quite diagonally opposite to the true meaning. The true meaning is based on the quality of sattvam in which lot of the activity of analysis to conclude the right knowledge exists. The false meaning is based on the quality of tamas in which the climax of inactivity through deep sleep or death exists. The false meaning is selected by the people since it is very difficult to take determination to serve God and it is very easy to sit in a place without any vibration closing the eyes.


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