जय सांई राम।।।
There is a very famous story about Confucius. A disciple asked him, 'Master, what about peace?' Confucius became very angry, and he said 'Peace? Are you going to die? Peace is for people who are dead, in the grave. When you die you will be at peace, so why be in a hurry? (laughter) Right now, live! Never ask me again about peace, 'he said, 'because that, everybody attains when he is dead. A few days are given to you -- why waste them on peace? Live life! Live courageously!'
And I know what he means. If you live courageously, peace follows like a shadow; there is no problem about So be courageous... don't be a coward. Cowards are always looking for peace; they are pacifists -- and they never attain to peace.
..Rather be a warrior.
ॐ सांई राम।।।