« on: December 31, 2020, 03:53:27 AM »
Insightful article by the Prajapita Brahmakumaris on the neuroscience behind Sanskar formation....
https://www.brahmakumaris.com/articles/neuro-science-sanskar-formation/What is a Sanskar?
There are various ways to define it. Deep-rooted habits, old habits, attitude, nature etc. In short, it is a learned behavior repeated over a long period of time. Example getting angry, jealous, upset or sulking. You would like to change these sanskars. There are good sanskars too. Remaining calm in chaos, contentment singing, driving etc. You would not like to change.
What is learning?
Suppose today you learn how to bake a cake. What happens tomorrow? You forget it. Only when you bake a cake repeatedly you learn it. So, the first step is to acquire the information and the second step is to store that information.
Learning is, how you acquire new information and store that information in your memory. Both acquiring and storing it over a period of time are important. Even if one of them is not there you can’t call it learning.
Neuro-Biology of Learning & Memory
Inside the brain, there are about a hundred billion neurons. These are the workhorses that help in remembering something.
Brain comprises of 100 billion neurons. Each neuron can get connected to about 10 thousand other neurons. There is a small gap called synapse between any two neurons. When information starts getting exchanged that is when chemicals start flowing between two neurons and we say that there is a connection established. And only when a connection is established it means you have learned something. That is, a bit of information is stored in the memory. So, you have learned something only when the corresponding neural networks are formed inside the brain. Whenever you learn something new, a new set of connections are formed inside the brain.
Have interest in the subject
To form a new set of connections it is very important to have interest in the subject. If a student reads a book for two hours without any interest will anything get registered? You can fake everybody but not your brain. If there is no interest nothing gets registered. It is only when you have interest that the signal actually crosses that synapse and establishes a connection.
When students ask me how to improve concentration I tell them that they are asking the wrong question. When you watch your favorite movie there is absolute focus. Even in the intermission that same focus continues. Also, how does the assignment become interesting when you prepare it while watching your favorite TV show? Where did that concentration and immersion come from? from the interest. Interest is the result of the love you have. If you have love for something you will have the concentration. So if you are not able to focus on an activity you should check yourself. Do you actually love this? Interest and love will help the brain absorb and retain information easily.
When you learn something new, you create new neural networks/circuits inside the brain. The information that you easily recall are the circuits you use continuously. These are strong and are strengthened due to constant usage. The ones that are difficult to recall are the ones that are weak because of lack of usage.
The three insights for sanskar transformation
- New information leads to new neural circuits.
- The more you use a neural circuit, the stronger it becomes and easier it becomes to recall the same information later.
- Having interest is needed to form the connection.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 03:56:04 AM by Ajay0 »

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami
Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi