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Author Topic: Sister Shivani’s 5-second rule before drinking water  (Read 2169 times)

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Offline Ajay0

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Sister Shivani’s 5-second rule before drinking water
« on: November 14, 2024, 04:37:00 AM »
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  • Sister Shivani, a Brahmakumari spiritual teacher, advises taking a 5-second pause before drinking water or eating food to say positive affirmations. She believes this simple practice can lead to inner peace and prosperity by allowing the water to absorb and reflect positive intentions, fostering a healthier mindset and overall well-being.

    She explains how she has grown up hearing that water has a certain power and so before she drinks water she waits for 5 seconds. She goes on to explain that she fills water in a glass, waits for 5 seconds, and then drinks that water.
    What does she do in those 5 seconds? She says some affirmatiions.

    Sister Shivani explained that first she thanks ‘Parmatma’ for the water she is about to drink and then says a few affirmations like - I am always calm, I am happy, I am powerful, I am free from disease, and the likes.And at the end of these affirmations, she drinks the water.

    These affirmations are simple, help in everyday life, and can have a positive, calming effect on the person. When these affirmations are chanted 7-8 times everyday, overtime, in about a month (more or less) your body is used to the positivity that they bring, is happy with how well you are thinking, and your mindset in general starts to change.
    « Last Edit: November 14, 2024, 04:38:32 AM by Ajay0 »
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi


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