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Offline Ajay0

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Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
« on: August 27, 2022, 05:44:11 AM »
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  •     Birth is not the cause, my friend; it is virtues which are the cause of welfare. Even a Chandala observing the vow is considered a Brahmana by the gods. ~ Krishna (Uttara-gita)

     Virtue is preferable to the winning of kingdoms; it is, in fact, practice of austerities. ~ Krishna (Mahabharatha)

    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #1 on: October 10, 2022, 05:58:56 AM »
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  • Ethical discipline is a necessary pre-requisite for philosophical enquiry and Self-realisation. Ethics is an enquiry into the nature of good and is concerned with an analysis of the concepts of good and bad, virtue and vice, right and wrong. ~ Swami Sivananda

    Ethics lead to restraint of the lower self and thereby the mind is calmed. Through calmness of mind, discrimination dawns and one knows the Self. Without ethical perfection there is no spiritual progress. ~ Swami Sivananda
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #2 on: October 25, 2022, 11:29:10 PM »
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  • An ethical life purifies the mind. By living an ethical life, one progresses towards the realization of the Divine. ~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

    Behavior influences consciousness. Right behavior means right consciousness. ~ Taisen Deshimaru ( Zen Buddhist master and founder of Association Zen Internationale. )

    Behavior influences consciousness. Right behavior means right consciousness. Our attitude here and now influences the entire environment: our words, actions, ways of holding and moving ourselves, they all influence what happens around us and inside us. The actions of every instant, every day, must be right...Every gesture is important. How we eat, how we put on our clothes, how we wash ourselves, how we go to the toilet, how we put our things away, how we act with other people, family, wife, work - how we are: totally, in every single gesture. ~ Taisen Deshimaru
    « Last Edit: October 25, 2022, 11:31:29 PM by Ajay0 »
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #3 on: November 18, 2022, 04:21:28 AM »
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  • Sin repeatedly perpetrated, destroys intelligence; and the man who has lost intelligence, repeatedly commits sin.

    Virtue repeatedly practised, enhances intelligence; and the man whose intelligence has increased, enhances intelligence; and the man whose intelligence has increased repeatedly practises virtue. ~ Vidura Neeti (Mahabharatha)

    Saintliness is not dumbness! Divine perceptions are not incapacitating! The active expression of virtue gives rise to the keenest intelligence. ~ Sri Yukteshwar ( Autobiography of a Yogi)
    « Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 04:23:03 AM by Ajay0 »
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #4 on: December 31, 2022, 05:16:51 AM »
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  • The root of virtue is a mind free from the three poisons of aversion, attachment, and ignorance. ~ Phakchok Rinpoche

    All vices are connected to the feeling of wanting or desiring. All desires keep us in the illusion of fulfillment that is gained only for a fleeting moment. ~ Dadi Janki ( Prajapita Brahmakumaris )

    To think and act under the influence of vices is to commit violence because the soul is violating its true nature of peace, joy, love and power. The five forms of violence committed by human beings are to indulge in five vices—lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. All vices are connected to the feeling of wanting or desiring. All desires keep us in the illusion of fulfillment that is gained only for a fleeting moment. ~ Dadi Janki ( Prajapita Brahmakumaris )
    « Last Edit: December 31, 2022, 05:18:45 AM by Ajay0 »
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #5 on: February 24, 2023, 11:26:12 PM »
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  • Easy to do are things that are bad and harmful to oneself. But exceedingly difficult to do are things that are good and beneficial. ~ Buddha ( Dhammapada 163)

    Sin is easy to commit. ~ Ashoka

    If there is a right thing and a wrong thing, it takes longer for the right thing to be implemented, while the wrong thing will be implemented immediately. ~ Dada Bhagavan

    The nature of the mind is such it ignores all the good and holds on to the negative. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    The mind naturally tends towards evil deeds. It is lethargic in doing good work. That is why I say that perseverance and tenacity are necessary for success in all works.~ Sri Sharada Devi

    The nature of the mind is to be easy-going and indolent. It loves to shirk responsibility and to get attached to the senses and their objects. A careless man gets attached to sense-pleasures and becomes weak and stupid. The mind of such a man gets impure and weak. ~ Swami Narayanananda
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #6 on: March 21, 2023, 10:33:37 PM »
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  • We have a saying in Tibet that engaging in the practice of virtue is as hard as driving a donkey uphill, whereas engaging in destructive activities is as easy as rolling boulders downhill. ~ Dalai Lama (Ethics for the New Millennium)

    We have a saying in Tibet that engaging in the practice of virtue is as hard as driving a donkey uphill, whereas engaging in destructive activities is as easy as rolling boulders downhill. It is also said that negative impulses arise as spontaneously as rain and gather momentum just like water following the course of gravity. What makes matters worse is our tendency to indulge negative thoughts and emotions even while agreeing that we should not. It is essential, therefore, to address directly our tendency to put things off and while away our time in meaningless activities and shrink from the challenge of transforming our habits on the grounds that it is too great a task. ~ Dalai Lama (Ethics for the New Millennium)

    In particular, it is important not to allow ourselves to be put off by the magnitude of others' suffering. The misery of millions is not a cause for pity. Rather it is a cause for developing compassion.

    We must also recognize that the failure to act when it is clear that action is required may itself be a negative action....inaction is attributable less to negative thoughts and emotions as to a lack of compassion. It is thus important that we are no less determined to overcome our habitual tendency to laziness than we are to exercise restraint in response to afflictive emotion. ~ Dalai Lama (Ethics for the New Millennium)
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #7 on: May 13, 2023, 02:41:23 AM »
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  • Do you know the ego feels its existence in negativity and in positivity the ego doesn't feel so strongly? The ego pulls the mind back to negativity to feel its existence. Go back to your past: how many bad events of life do you remember and how many good events? You will find 90% are bad and more clear. 10% are good but like in a fog. This is the great power of our ego. ~ Baba Hari Dass

    In good things, the ego doesn't feel its strength of individuality as strongly as in doing bad things. If you do bad things, the ego is right there in the present. Then its memory which repeats in the past. Then its imagination of doing bad things in the future appears. If we look back in our own life, what do we remember the most? All bad things we did or people did to us. Memories of good things appear as if veiled by fog. ~ Baba Hari Dass

    The tendency of the mind is to hold on to something negative. If ten compliments and one insult are given, the mind holds on to the negative - that one insult. So when we know this, we are already one step out of it.

    Time and again, we must realize: 'I am going on a negative trip' and immediately come back to the here and now. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    If we reflect on your past, you will notice that all bad things that happened to you appear as if they happened yesterday and the memory of good things appear as if in a fog.

    Our ego feels its presence more deeply in pain or in pain causing events, thoughts, emotions. So we always think about such things which bring unhappiness. In that unhappiness, we feel 'its happening to me' even though it happened 10-20 years ago. So pain and suffering are the expressions of the ego caused by desires and attachments. ~ Baba Hari Dass

    Desire to be happy is a natural thing in all human beings. But the mind likes to be in pain by bringing the past memories and not seeing any progress in the future.

    If we dwell on the negative side of the mind, then we can't be happy in any situation. ~ Baba Hari Dass

    Human ego is very attracted to negative qualities, so it needs much austerity to develop positive qualities. ~ Baba Hari Dass
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #8 on: July 03, 2023, 03:23:36 AM »
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  • It is the nature of the human mind that negative thoughts cause overthinking. When we dwell on someone’s good qualities, the mind remains calm and there are few thoughts. But think about something you do not like in someone and there will be a long train of thoughts. That changes our perception and attitude towards them. - Sister Shivani ( Prajapita Brahmakumaris )

    Understand that you are ready for moksha (enlightenment), when you can see your own mistakes. Without awareness, no one can see his own faults. But if he needed to, he can easily see two to five hundred or so faults in others. ~ Ambalal Muljibhai Patel ( Dada Bhagwan )
    « Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 01:39:05 AM by Ajay0 »
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #9 on: September 23, 2023, 01:40:15 AM »
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  • You must abstain from thinking about some one when you cannot think well of him. ~ Mira alfassa

    Never grumble. All sorts of forces enter you when you grumble and they pull you down. ~ Mira alfassa

    I tell you one thing. If you want peace of mind, do not find fault with others. Rather learn to see your own faults. Learn to make the whole world your own. No one is a stranger, my child; this whole world is your own. ~ Sarada Devi

    Best way to practice witness state is not to criticize anyone, not to criticize. I've seen people who are all the time criticizing others. They cannot criticize themselves, so they start criticizing other. So much so that they don't even see what's wrong with them. ~ Nirmala Devi
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #10 on: November 09, 2023, 04:47:42 AM »
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  • Where vice is, vengeance follows. ~ Scottish proverb

    The person caught in a violence of reaction and revenge on others can never be at peace and remains uneasy and restless all the time. ~ Dadi Janki

    Violence can be eliminated when we follow spiritual principles to become vice-less. ~ Brahma Kumaris

    Virtue is the health of the soul. ~ Joseph Joubert

    If we hurt someone even in our thoughts, we first hurt ourselves, because by nature we all are peaceful, loving, compassionate and non-violent. ~ Brahma Kumaris

    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #11 on: December 16, 2023, 02:36:42 AM »
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  • “Whatever is done lovingly, with righteous purity and with peace of mind, is a good action. Everything which is done with the stain of desire and with agitation filling the mind is classified as a bad action.” ~ Ramana Maharshi

    The result of spiritual practice should be our inner transformation into better human beings. After practicing for months or years, we should be less prone to anger, pride, and jealousy. Our practice should lead us to a vaster, calmer mind. ~ Shechem Rabjam Rinpoche
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #12 on: February 02, 2024, 05:23:58 AM »
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  • Do virtuous deeds, as this will make your intellect pure, and the supremely blissful Satchidananda (Self) will be reflected in this refined intellect. You will overflow with such joyous contentment that you will spontaneously share it with one and all.~ Anandmurti Gurumaa

    Unless you have a morality, ethical principles that you are following with your bodily action, vocal action, mental action or in a certain non-violent, disciplined way, you are not able to meditate. If you do not meditate you cannot train the mind to concentrate. And without training the mind, you cannot awake the wisdom. ~ Samdong Rinpoche
    « Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 05:25:31 AM by Ajay0 »
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #13 on: March 07, 2024, 05:09:49 AM »
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  • When the mind is strong, external difficulties stay external – they do not shake me inside and rob me of my stability. The mind stays peaceful, free from sorrow and worry. ~ Dadi Janki (Administrative head of Prajapita Brahmakumaris)

    No matter what is happening around you, pay attention to making and keeping your inner stability strong. ~ Dadi Janki

    What gives this kind of stability? You must have seen a tower – to reach so high, it has a deep foundation. You need to become introverted, to go deep inside, and make yourself so strong that even if the whole world fluctuates, you remain stable.~ Dadi Janki

    Make yourself so strong that even if the whole world fluctuates, you remain stable. ~ Sister Jayanti Kripalani, Prajapita Brahmakumaris

    The problem is as big as the amount of pain we create. If we are stable, the problem appears to be very small and easy to face. ~ Sister Shivani Verma ( Prajapita Brahmakumaris)

    When we face problems with a cool mind, problems become opportunities. ~ Sister Shivani Verma
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi

    Offline Ajay0

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    Re: Quotes on Virtue and Virtuous conduct
    « Reply #14 on: June 01, 2024, 03:48:49 AM »
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  • Iron nerves and an intelligent brain, and the whole world is at your feet. ~ Swami Vivekanana

    It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Wealth does not lie in gold and silver, it lies in intelligence and good work ethics. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

    Bad execution of your designs does less harm than irresolution in forming them. Streams do less harm flowing than when dammed up. There are some men so infirm of purpose that they always require direction from others, and this not on account of any perplexity, for they judge clearly, but from sheer incapacity for action. It needs some skill to find out difficulties, but more to find a way out of them.

    There are others who are never in straits. Their clear judgment and determined character are them for the highest callings: their intelligence tells them where to insert the thin end of the wedge, their resolution how to drive it home. They soon get through anything: as soon as they have done with one sphere of action, they are ready for another. Affianced to Fortune, they make themselves sure of success.~ Baltacar Gracian
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi


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