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Sanskar Stories !!!
« on: January 24, 2013, 11:21:50 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM !!!

    Surdas and the sweeper

    There once lived a seeker of God called Surdas. He was eager to study and
    understand Spirituality (knowledge about God). He approached a Guru and
    requested that the Guru teach him spiritual practice, so that he could get
    close to God.

    The Guru was well aware of Surdas' defect of anger. He knew
    that this would prevent Surdas from feeling closeness with God. So
    the Guru decided to first prepare Surdas before teaching him serious
    spiritual practice. So the Guru replied, "Dear Surdas, chant the Lord's Name
    during all your activities, for a month. Then take a bath and come back to me."

    Starting the very next day, Surdas chanted the Lord's Name during all
    his activities. After a month, he went to a river, took a bath and put on
    fresh clothes to visit the Guru. On the way to the Guru's ashram (hermitage),
    his clothes got dirty as a sweeper was sweeping the street carelessly. Surdas
    was furious and shouted at the sweeper, "What you are doing, you fool? Now
    I have to go back, wash and dry these clothes and bathe again! Such waste
    of time!"

    The Guru had observed the scene. When Surdas reached the ashram,
    He said, "Dear Surdas, you are not yet ready for further spiritual practice.
    Chant the Lord's name during all your activities for another month, take a
    bath at the end of it and come to see me."

    Surdas accepted the Guru's wish and went back to chanting along with
    his daily activities. When that month was over and Surdas was returning to
    the hermitage eagerly, a similar incident happened. This time, the sweeper
    accidentally brushed his dirty broom against Surdas. Again, Surdas became
    furious at the sweeper and again, the Guru sent him back and asked him to
    chant the Lord's Name for another month.

    At the end of the third month, when Surdas was on his way to visit the Guru,
    something unusual happened. The sweeper saw Surdas approaching and
    remembered the way Surdas had berated him even though what had happened
    had been an accident. He noticed that Surdas was once again wearing new,
    clean clothes. This time, before Surdas could do or say anything, the sweeper,
    who was furious at Surdas, intentionally poured the dirt from his garbage can
    onto Surdas' head.

    But this time, Surdas joined his hands in Namaskar and said, "I thank you.
    You are my master. You taught me how to overcome anger." The sweeper was
    surprised and hung his head in shame.

    This time, when Surdas reached the Guru's ashram, the Guru was waiting for him.
    The Guru was pleased and patted Surdas on the head, just as a mother pats
    a child on his achievement.

    Moral: We can only imagine how irritated Surdas must
    have been with the sweeper, who would accidentally come in the way, when
    Surdas was eagerly returning to his Guru, after a whole month's effort. In our
    lives, we come across many such situations that anger us. As the story above
    shows, Surdas completely overcame his anger after three months of chanting the
    Lord's Name and by obeying the Guru. He viewed the sweeper as the master who
    helped him overcome his anger. We too can look at every situation as an opportunity
    to realise and overcome our defects. This is possible only due to the strength
    of chanting the Lord's Name.

    « Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 12:49:31 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 04:24:11 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM !!!

    Teachings of Swami Vivekananda

    Friends, you must have heard about Swami Vivekananda. He was
    the supreme disciple of Ramkrushna Paramhansa. He spread
    Spirituality all over the world, throughout his life.  People abroad used
    rush to hear his speech in large numbers. American people were mad
    about his speeches.

    Once a gentleman came to visit Swami Vivekananda and said, “Maharaj,
    please save me; my life has become a hell due to my vices. How much ever
    I try, I cannot get rid of my bad habits. Please tell me some remedy for that.”
    The man started crying after telling all this. Swami Vivekananda did not speak
    anything to that gentleman; he called one of his disciples and told something
    in his ear. After sometime, Swamiji took the gentleman along with him for
    a stroll in the garden. There they saw a disciple embracing a tree very firmly
    and kicking it continuously, saying, ‘Leave me, leave me’ Seeing this, the
    gentleman started laughing and said, “Maharaj, what a fool he is. He himse
    lf has caught the tree and on top of it saying, “Leave me, leave me.”
    Swami Vivekananda  laughed  and said, “Yours  is also the same case ,
    don't you think so ? You yourself have caught hold of the vices and then
    you only cry that they do not leave you.” Hearing this, the gentleman was
    ashamed a bit.

    When they went ahead, they saw a gardener putting manure for the plants. It
    smelt awful. The gentleman could not bear the smell and held a handkerchief
    on his nose. Swami Vivekananda laughed and went a little ahead. There
    they saw various flowers bloomed on many trees. The environment there was
    full of  fragrance. The gentleman started enjoying the fragrance. He was very
    happy. Vivekanand was still smiling. The gentleman was surprised a little. He
    thought, ‘Is this man a lunatic ? I have placed such a serious matter before him
    and he is just laughing. Is he fooling me ?’ Finally he asked Swami Vivekananda,
    “Maharaj, why are you laughing ? Have I done anything wrong ?” Vivekanand said,
    “The herbs, flowering plants are so less evolved compared to human beings, yet
    they transform the foul smelling manure into fragrance and distribute it among all,
    without holding back any of it. But a matured and fully grown-up human being
    cannot transform his vices into virtues. These flowers spread their fragrance in
    any situation, while shaking, while smiling, even when they are plucked. They do
    not leave their characteristics; but a man gets unsteady even with a mild wind.”
    Hearing this, the gentleman got embarrassed. He realised his mistake. He left the
    place fully satisfied.

    Moral: Children, if you also want to eradicate your vices, then as the
    gentleman had to leave the tree, only you will have to leave the vices.
    Chanting God's Name brings about internal as well as external changes
    in our attitude. As shown by Vivekanand, we can transform our vices into virtues.
    Swami Vivekananda had practised Spirituality himself; hence he could relieve
    the man from his grief. He could direct the dispirited society because of his strong 
    spiritual practice. Even today, Swami Vivekananda’s memorial at Kanykumari
    gives an evidence of his radiant personality


    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 06:22:13 AM »
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  • ॐ साईं राम !!!

    शिष्यकी परीक्षा

    रामानुजाचार्य शठकोपस्वामीजीके शिष्य थे । स्वामीजीने रामानुजजीको ईश्वरप्राप्तिका रहस्य बताया था ।
    परंतु उसे किसीको न बतानेका निर्देश दिया था; किंतु रामानुजजीने अपने गुरुकी इस आज्ञाको नहीं माना,
    उन्होंने ईश्वरप्राप्तिका जो मार्ग बताया था, उस पूर्ण ज्ञानको उन्होंने लोगोंको देना प्रारंभ किया । यह ज्ञात
    होनेपर शठकोपस्वामीजी     बहुत  क्रोधित हुए । रामानुजजीको बुलाकर वे कहने लगे, ‘‘ मेरी आज्ञाका
    उल्लंघन कर तू साधनाका रहस्य प्रकट कर रहा है । यह अधर्म है,  पाप है । इसका परिणाम क्या होगा
    तुझे ज्ञात है ?’’

    रामानुजजीने विनम्रतासे कहा, ‘‘ हे गुरुदेव, गुरुकी आज्ञाका उल्लंघन करनेसे शिष्यको नरकमें जाना
    पडता है ।’’ शठकोपस्वामीजीने पूछा, ‘‘ यह  ज्ञात होते हुए भी तुमने जानबूझकर ऐसा क्यों किया ?’’

    इसपर रामानुजजी कहने लगे, ‘‘ वृक्ष अपना सब कुछ लोगोंको देता है । क्या उसे कभी  इसका पश्चात्ताप
    प्रतीत होता है ? मैंने जो कुछ किया, उसके पीछे लोगोंका कल्याण हो, लोगोंको भी ईश्वरप्राप्तिका आनंद
    प्राप्त हो, यही हेतु है । इसके लिए  यदि मुझे नरकमें भी जाना पडे, तो मुझे उसका तनिक भी दुख नहीं होगा ।’’

    रामानुजजीकी, समाजको ईश्वरप्राप्तिकी साधना बतानेकी, लालसाको देखकर स्वामीजी प्रसन्न हुए । उन्होंने
    रामानुजजीको अपने निकट लिया,  उनको उत्तमोत्तम आशीर्वाद दिए तथा उनको समाजमें सत्यके ज्ञानका
    प्रचार करने हेतु बडे प्रेमसे भेजा ।

    बच्चो, रामानुजजीने समाजको ईश्वरप्राप्तिकी साधना बताई । उनकी इस लालसासे
    स्वामीजी उनपर प्रसन्न हुए, इसी प्रकार हमें भी ज्ञान बांटना चाहिए ।

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #3 on: January 27, 2013, 10:50:32 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Obedient disciple of Guru (spiritual teacher)- Aruni

    Once upon a time, there was a Aashram ( residential school) of
    Dhaumya Rushi (Sage). Many disciples were taking education there.
    Aruni was one of them. Once it started raining very heavily. There was
    a stream adjacent to the farm owned by Aashram. In order to prevent
    water from stream entering in to farm, an earthen barrier was built on
    the stream. But due to force of water, the soil on the barrier started to
    slide, and cracks appeared in the barrier. Hence Gurudev told few disciples,
    “Block the water and prevent it from entering in the farm.”

    Aruni and few disciples came near the barrier. They tried their best to repair
    the cracks in the barrier; but due to force of water their efforts proved
    unsuccessful. The small part in the middle of the barrier started to breach,
    and water started seeping in the farm. It was late in night. Since all their
    efforts proved unsuccessful, all disciples returned to Aashram. As all were
    very tired due to above efforts, they went to sound sleep.

    The rain stopped in the morning. Then the disciples found that Aruni was
    missing. They searched for him all over the Aashram; then went to Gurudev
    and said “Aruni is no where to be found.” Gurudev said “Let us search him
    in the farm.” Dhaumya Rushi and all the disciples went to the farm. To their
    surprise, they found Aruni himself lying flat on the breach in the barrier to
    prevent water from coming in. Everybody was very much surprised at this
    sight. Everyone felt sense of love for Aruni, who was lying on breach whole
    night without taking his food. Water had receded some time ago; but Aruni
    was still sleeping there. They awoke him. Gurudev took Aruni near him and
    patted his head lovingly. All disciples were tearful at this sight.

    Friends, what you will learn from Aruni? It is earnest desire to
    obey Guru. Aruni did not even care about himself to obey Guru's wishes;
    hence he became favourite disciple of Guru. So let us also pray at Guru's
    feet “O' Gurudev, bless us with a disciple's quality of 'obedience' to Guru.”

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 10:57:57 PM »
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  • ॐ साईं राम !!!

    श्रीगुरुकी आज्ञापालनहेतु स्वयंको झोंक देनेवाला शिष्य आरुणी !

    प्राचीन समयमें धौम्य नामक मुनिका एक आश्रम था । उस आश्रममें उनके अनेक शिष्य
    विद्याभ्यासके लिए रहते थे । उनमें आरुणी नामक एक शिष्य था । एक समय धुंआधार
    वर्षा होने लगी । समीपके नालेका पानी खेतमें न जाए, इसहेतु प्रतिबंध लगानेके लिए वहां
    एक बांध बनाया गया । उस बांधमें  दरारें पडने लगी तब गुरुदेवने कुछ शिष्योंसे कहा,
    ‘पानीको खेतमें आनेसे रोको !'

    आरुणी एवं कुछ शिष्य बांधके समीप आए । बांधमेंआई दरारोंको भरनेके लिए सबने
    प्रयास किए ; परंतु पानीका वेग अत्यधिक होनेके कारण संपूर्ण प्रयास निष्फल हो गए ।
    बांधके  बीचका भाग टूटने लगा एवं पानी धीरे-धीरे खेतमें आने लगा । अब कोई लाभ नहीं,
    ऐसा सोचकर सभी शिष्य लौट आए । दिनभर परिश्रम करनेसे थके सभी शिष्य गाढी
    नींदसे सो गए । सवेरेतक वर्षा थम गई । तब सबके ध्यानमें आया कि आरुणीका कोई
    पता नहीं है । संपूर्ण आश्रममें ढूंढनेपर भी जब वह नहीं मिला, तब वे सभी गुरुदेवजीके
    समीप जाकर बोले, ‘‘ हे गुरुदेव, आरुणी खो गया है ।'' श्रीगुरु बोले, ‘हम खेतमें जाकर
    देखेंगे' सब शिष्य एवं ऋषि धौम्य खेतमें गए और उन्होंने देखा कि, टूटे हुए बांधके बीचमें
    पानीको रोकने हेतु स्वयं आरुणी ही वहां आडा होकर सोया हुआ है  । यह देखकर सबको
    आश्चर्य हुआ । रातभर पानीमें भोजन-नींदके बिना  ऐसा करते देख आरुणीके प्रति सभीके
    मनमें प्रेमभाव निर्माण हुआ । वर्षा रूक जानेके कारण पानीका बहाव तो पूर्वकी अपेक्षा
    घट गया था परंतु आरुणीको वहां नींद लग गई थी । सभी वहां गए और  उसे जगाया ।
    श्रीगुरुने उसे समीप लेकर प्रेमसे उसके सिरपर हाथ फेरा । यह देखकर सब शिष्योंके
    आंखोंमें पानी आया ।

    बच्चो, आरुणीसे हमें क्या सिखना है ? तो श्रीगुरुकी आज्ञापालन करनेकी तीव्र उत्कंठा ।
    आज्ञापालन करनेके लिए आरुणीने स्वयंका विचार नहीं किया; इसलिए वह गुरुका एक
    सच्चा शिष्य बना । अतः हम भी हमारे गुरुके चरणोंमें प्रार्थना करेंगे कि, ‘हे गुरुदेव,

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 05:11:54 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Brahmin's Poverty eradicated by Sadguru's Grace

    Friends, this is a story of Sri Dattaguru's third incarnation Akkalkot's
    Swami Samarth. He has blessed many of his devotees. This is a story of
    a poor Brahmin, one of the devotees.

    This story began when Sree Guru arrived from Bhiwadi to Kuravpur where
    there is a confluence of rivers Panchganga and Krishna. This area is also
    known as Kashi of the south. Every afternoon Sri Guru would go to Amarpur
    to collect alms and would bless his genuine devotees.

    A poor Brahmin lived in this village of Amarpur. Everyday he would ask for
    hand-outs in the village and would manage his livelihood with whatever
    he received. He would worship every guest who visited him, and serve
    the guest the food he received in hand-out. His wife would never let any
    guest leave the house empty handed. They were happy living in theis
    fashion and singing hymns of God.

    One day Sri Guru went to the house of Brahmins asking for alms. But the
    Brahmin had gone to collect hand-outs himself. The Brahmin's wife offered
    a seat to Sri Guru and performed his worship. But she was wondering as to
    what gift she would offer to Sri Guru. There was nothing left in the house.
    After thinking for a long time she had an idea. In the courtyard of the house
    there was a big Ghevda Plant (Lima beans) which had lot of pods . The
    Brahmin's wife plucked few pods and cooked a dish and served it to Sri Guru.
    Sri guru was very pleased. He said, “Your poverty has now come to an end”.
    As he was departing, he blessed them and removed by chopping the Ghevada
    plant from bottom.

    The Brahmin's wife became sad and started crying on witnessing the above
    act od Sri Guru . After a while the Brahmin returned home. The wife told him
    about the whole incident. Brahmin responded by saying, “Sri Guru has blessed
    you, keep faith in him”.

    The Ghevda plant (lima beans) was cut by Sri Guru. Now to remove it completely
    from the ground the Brahmin took the pick-axe and began removing the roots
    of the plant. And lo! What a surprise! While digging he found a pot full of jewels.
    The couple became very happy. They went to seek blessing of Sri Guru. They
    performed his worship and told him the whole story.

    Friends, from above story, you will agree that extending hospitality
    to the guest and offering even a small gift to God with pleases God.

    « Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 05:37:04 AM by PiyaGolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 05:17:09 AM »
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  • ॐ साईं राम !!!

    ब्राह्मणकी दरिद्रता गुरुकृपासे गई !

    बालमित्रो, अक्कलकोटके स्वामी समर्थजी भगवान दत्तात्रेयके तीसरे अवतार हैं ।
    उन्होंने अनेक भक्तोंपर कृपा की है । उनमेंसे एक हैं, आजकी कथाके गरीब ब्राह्मण -
    श्रीगुरुजी भिलवडीसे कुरवपूर क्षेत्रमें आए ।  कुरवपूरको पंचगंगा एवं कृष्णाका संगम है ।
    इस क्षेत्रको दक्षिण काशी कहते हैं । श्रीगुरुजी नित्य दोपहरमें अमरपुरमें भिक्षाटनके लिए
    जाते थे एवं सच्चे भक्तोंपर कृपा करते थे ।

    अमरपुरमें एक गरीब ब्राह्मण रहता था । वह प्रतिदिन गांवमें भिक्षा मांगता था । जो मिलता
    उसमें आनंदसे रहता । घरपर आए अतिथियोंकी वह पूजा कर उन्हें घरमें जो है, उसकी
    भिक्षा देता था । उसकी पत्नी भी घर आए अतिथिको बिना कुछ दिए नहीं लौटाती थी ।
    भिक्षान्न, अतिथिसेवा एवं ईश्वरके भजनमें वे अत्यधिक सुखी थे ।

    एक समय श्रीगुरु उस ब्राह्मणके घर भिक्षाके लिए गए । ब्राह्मण भिक्षाके लिए बाहर गया था ।
    भिक्षा देनेके लिए घरमें कुछ भी नहीं था । उस ब्राह्मणकी पत्नीने श्रीगुरुको आसन दिया,
    उनकी पूजा कीr; परंतु अब उन्हें भिक्षामें क्या देना है, यह विचार करने लगी । घरमें तो
    कुछ भी नहीं था । अत्यधिक विचार करनेपर उसे एक युक्ति सूझी । उसके दरवाजेपर सेमकी
    एक बडी बेल थी ।  उसमें अत्यधिक फल्लियां लगी थीं । उस ब्राह्मणकी पत्नीने वह फल्लियां
    तोडीं, उसकीr भाजी बनाई एवं वह श्रीगुरुको परोसा । श्रीगुरु प्रसन्न हो गए ।' तेरे दारिद्र्यका
    निर्मूलन हो गया', ऐसा आशीर्वाद दिया एवं लौटते समय उन्होंने सेमका जड छांट डाला ।

    श्रीगुरुद्वारा सेमकी जड कटा देखकर वह स्त्री दुखी होकर रोने लगी । कुछ समय पश्चात् ब्राह्मणके
    घर लौटनेपर उसने ब्राह्मणको सब घटना सुनाई । वह ज्ञानी ब्राह्मण बोला, ''श्रीगुरुने तुम्हें
    आशीर्वाद दिया है, उसपर विश्वास रखो!''

    सेमका बेल तो श्री गुरुने छांटा था, अब वह पूर्ण उखाडने हेतु उस ब्राह्मणने कुदाली लेकर
    सेमका जड उखाडनेका आरंभ किया और उसे अत्यंत आश्चर्य हुआ ! उस बेलकी जड उखाडते
    समय उस ब्राह्मणको धनका एक घडा मिला ! यह देखकर उन्हें अत्यधिक आनंद हुआ । वे दोनों
    श्रीगुरुके पास गए, उनकी पूजा की एवं सारी घटना सुनाई ।

    बालमित्रो, अतिथिसेवा करनेसे एवं भक्तिभावसे दी हुई किसी भी वस्तुसे परमेश्वर
    प्रसन्न होता है, यह इस कहानीसे आपके ध्यान में आया ही होगा ।

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!
    « Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 05:33:29 AM by PiyaGolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #7 on: February 09, 2013, 01:55:49 AM »
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    Ramdas Swami used to live in Sajjangad (a fort in Maharashtra, India), along with his disciples. The fort did not have a supply of water, so one of the disciples, Kalyan, would do the satsevaa (service unto God) of bringing up pots of water from the village at the foot of the fort. This activity would occupy most of his day, leaving him little time for spiritual studies. The other disciples used to study throughout the day, learning the holy books from Ramdas Swami through question-answer sessions and discussions. Yet, Kalyan was their Guru's favourite. The disciples could not understand why this was so and were a little envious of Kalyan. Ramdas Swami was quite aware of their feelings.

    One day, while teaching the disciples, Ramdas Swami asked them a difficult question. No one could answer it. Just then, Kalyan was passing by so the Guru called him and asked him the same question. To everybody's surprise, Kalyan knew the correct answer !

    The other disciples asked Ramdas Swami, "How is this possible? Kalyan has hardly ever studied with us. How could he answer such a difficult question?" Ramdas Swami replied, "He is the only one who actually practices what the holy books teach. Daily he does satseva in the true sense, with the attitude (bhaav) that he is doing it for God Himself. Only intellectual knowledge about the Holy texts is not enough." The disciples quickly understood their mistake. All of them were proud of their intellect (knowledge), but Kalyan had intense love for God and hence God Himself gave the answers through him.

    Moral:We too, can become good disciples, if we serve God with intense love and develop qualities like Kalyan. This can be done through studying and practicing what the Holy scriptures teach us, like chanting, serving others and so on.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #8 on: February 09, 2013, 03:40:53 AM »
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    एक बार एक भला आदमी नदी किनारे बैठा था। तभी उसने देखा
    एक बिच्छू पानी में गिर गया है। भले आदमी ने जल्दी से बिच्छू को
    हाथ में उठा लिया। बिच्छू ने उस भले आदमी को डंक मार दिया।
    बेचारे भले आदमी का हाथ काँपा और बिच्छू पानी में गिर गया।
    भले आदमी ने बिच्छू को डूबने से बचाने के लिए दुबारा उठा लिया।
    बिच्छू ने दुबारा उस भले आदमी को डंक मार दिया। भले आदमी का हाथ
    दुबारा काँपा और बिच्छू पानी में गिर गया।
    भले आदमी ने बिच्छू को डूबने से बचाने के लिए एक बार फिर उठा लिया।
    वहाँ एक लड़का उस आदमी का बार-बार बिच्छू को पानी से निकालना और
    बार-बार बिच्छू का डंक मारना देख रहा था। उसने आदमी से कहा,
    "आपको यह बिच्छू बार-बार डंक मार रहा है फिर भी आप उसे डूबने से
    क्यों बचाना चाहते हैं?"

    भले आदमी ने कहा, "बात यह है बेटा कि बिच्छू का स्वभाव है डंक मारना
    और मेरा स्वभाव है बचाना। जब बिच्छू एक कीड़ा होते हुए भी अपना स्वभाव
    नहीं छोड़ता तो मैं मनुष्य होकर अपना स्वभाव क्यों छोड़ूँ?"

    मनुष्य को कभी भी अपना अच्छा स्वभाव नहीं भूलना चाहिए।

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #9 on: February 09, 2013, 09:43:55 AM »
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    एक बालक ने अपने माँ बाप की खूब सेवा की.
    दोस्त उससे कहते कि अगर इतनी सेवा तुमने
    भगवान की की होती, तो तुम्हे भगवान मिल जाते.

    लेकिन उन सब चीजो से अनजान वो अपने माता पिता की सेवा करता रहा.

    एक दिन उसकी माँ बाप की सेवा भक्ति से खुश होकर भगवान धरती पे आ गए.

    उस वक्त वो बालक अपनी माँ के पाँव दबा रहा था, भगवान दरवाजे के बाहर से बोले,
    दरवाजा खोलो बेटा,मैं तुम्हारी माता पिता की सेवा से प्रसन्न होकर
    वरदान देने आया हूँ.

    लड़के ने कहा-इंतजार करो प्रभु, मैं माँ की सेवा मे लगा हूँ.

    भगवान बोले-देखो मैं वापस चला जाऊँगा,

    बालक- आप जा सकते है भगवान, मैं सेवा बीच मे नही छोड़ सकता.

    कुछ देर बाद उसने दरवाजा खोला, भगवान बाहर खड़े थे.
    बोले- लोग मुझे पाने के लिए कठोर तपस्या करते है, मैं तुम्हे सहज मे मिल गया और
    तुमने मुझसे प्रतीक्षा करवाई

    लड़के का जवाब था- 'हे ईश्वर, जिस माँ बाप की सेवा ने आपको मेरे पास आने को मजबूर कर
    दिया, उन माँ बाप की सेवा बीच मे छोड़कर मैं, दरवाजा खोलने कैसे आता."

    और यही इस जिंदगी का सार है, जिंदगी मे हमारे माँ बाप से बढ़कर
    कुछ नही है. हमारे माँ बाप ही हमे ये जिंदगी देते है. यही माँ बाप अपना
    पेट काटकर बच्चो के लिए अपना भविष्य खराब कर देते है. इसके बदले
    हमारा भी ये फर्ज बनता है कि हम कभी उन्हे दुःख ना दे. उनकी आँखो मे
    आँसू कभी ना आए, चाहे परिस्थिति जो भी हो...।

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #10 on: February 12, 2013, 04:27:06 AM »
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    वाल्या ऋषि वाल्मिकी बने

    प्राचीनकालमें एक वनमें वाल्या नामका एक मछुआरा रहता था । आने-जानेवाले लोगोंको डरा-धमकाकर वह लूट लेता था । उनसे पैसे और गहने छीन लेता । उस पैसेसे वह अपनी गृहस्थी चलाता था । नारदमुनि देवताओंके ऋषि थे । वे ‘नारायण नारायण ।’का नामजप करते थे । एक दिन नारदमुनि उसे देखकर दुखित हुए । वाल्या मछुआरा ऐसे ही पाप करता रहा, तो उसे नरकमे दंड भोगना पडेगा । वे तुरंत वाल्या मछुआरेके पास गए एवं कहा,‘‘यह पाप तू क्यों कर रहा हैं ? लोगोंको कष्ट देकर पैसा लूट लेना पाप हैं ।’’ वाल्याने कहा, ‘‘यह पाप मैं, पत्नी एवं बच्चोंका पेट भरनेके लिए करता हूं ।’’ तब नारदमुनिजीने कहा, ‘‘तुम जिनके लिए यह पाप करते हो, उनसे जाकर पूछो, कि मैं जो पाप करके तुम्हारे लिए लाता हूं, तो मेरे पापोंका आधा भाग तुम लोगे क्या ?’’ वाल्या मछुआरेने घर जाकर पत्नी और बच्चोंसे पूछा । तब उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘आपके पापोंका फल हम नहीं भोगेंगे । आप लोगोंको कष्ट देकर पैसा कमाते हो, तो उसका पाप आप ही भोगना ।’’ यह सुन कर वाल्याको दु:ख हुआ । मैंने इतने वर्ष निरपराध लोगोंको कष्ट दिया । उसे अपने कर्मोंका पश्चाताप हुआ । वह तुरंत नारदमुनिजीrकी शरणमें आया एवं उसने कहा, ‘‘आप मुझे क्षमा करें । इस घोर पापसे मुझे मुक्त करें ।’’ नारदमुनिजीने उसे प्रेमसे कहा,‘‘ वाल्या तुम्हें  पश्चताप हो रहा है ना ? अब तुम पापोंसे मुक्त होनेके लिए ‘राम राम’ नामजप करो । जब तक मैं वापस नहीं आता, तब तक यहीं बैठकर नामजप करना । मैं शीघ्र वापस आता हूं ।’’ ऐसा कहकर नारदमुनि चले गए ।

    अब वाल्या मछुआरा एक ही स्थानपर बैठकर नामजप करने लगा । उसे ‘राम राम’ कहना नहीं आता था । तो वह ‘मरा-मरा’ कहने लगा; वह नामजप बडे मनसे करता था । ऐसे करते-करते एक दिन बीता, चार दिन बीते, एक सप्ताह बीता तो भी वाल्या मछुआरा नामजप करता ही रहा । एक मास, दो मास, ऐसे करते-करते कई वर्ष बीत गए; परंतु नारदमुनिजी नहीं आए; तो भी वाल्याका नामजप अखंड चलता रहा । वह जिस वनमें बैठा था, उस वनकी लाल दीमकोंने वाल्याके आसपास बामी बना ली । तो भी वाल्या नहीं उठा । धीरे-धीरे वाल्याका पूरा शरीर दीमकोंसे ढक गया । उसने मनमें निश्चय किया कि नारदमुनिजीने बताया है तो उनके आने तक मैं यहीं बैठकर नामजप करता रहूंगा । ऐसे बिना कुछ खाए-पिए सैकडों वर्षोंतक नामजप करनेवाले वाल्यासे ईश्वर प्रसन्न हो गए, एवं ईश्वरने उससे कहा, ‘‘मैं तुम्हारे नामजपसे प्रसन्न हूं । अब तुम वाल्या मछुआरा नहीं रहे । आजसे तुम वाल्मिकि ऋषि हो । यह कहकर ईश्वरने उसे आर्शीवाद दिया । उसी वाल्मिकि ऋषिजीने रामायण लिखी । वाल्मिकि ऋषि अत्यधिक प्रेम करनेवाले थे । उनके आश्रममें शेर एवं हिरन भी एक साथ रहते थे । यह सब नामजपके कारण ही हुआ । यदि हम भी प्रतिदिन बहीमें लिखकर नामजप लिखेंगे । वाल्या मछुआरेसे वाल्मिकि बननेमें नारदमुनिजीने उनकी सहायता की ।

    बच्चो, नारदमुनिजीके सत्संगके कारण वाल्याको अपने पापोंका पश्चाताप हुआ । अर्थात सत्संगसे ही हम अच्छे बन सकते हैं । हमारी संगत बुरी हो तो हमें अच्छा बनना चाहिए ऐसा लगेगा क्या ? अच्छा बननेके लिए हमें निरंतर अच्छे बच्चोंके साथ रहना चाहिए ।।

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!
    « Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 04:29:39 AM by PiyaGolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #11 on: February 12, 2013, 04:36:16 AM »
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    Valya became Valmiki

    Dear friends, this is a story of a robber named Valya koli and a sage Naradmuni. Long time ago Valya koli lived in forest. He used to scare travelers and rob them off their money and jewelry. He made his family's livelyhood with this money. Naradmuni was a sage of Gods and a devotee of Srivishnu. He used to continuously chant 'Narayan Narayan!'

    Once Nardadmuni passed by the road on which Vallya Koli used to rob travelers. He felt very bad on witnessing all this. He felt If Valya koli continued to sin like this, then he would have to suffer hell. He accosted Valya koli and said, “Why are you committing such crimes? It is a really sinful to torture people by taking away their money.” Valya koli replied, “I have to commit these acts to feed my wife and children.” Nardmuni asked, “If you are doing this for their sake, then go and ask them, whether they are ready to share half part of your sins, you are committing their sake?” When Valya koli went home and asked his wife and children this question question, they said, “We will not share your sins. If you earn money by torturing people then only you will have to suffer these sins.” On hearing this, Valya koli felt bad. For last so many years, he had tortured innocent people. He felt repentant for his actions. He immediately surrendered unto Naradmuni and said, “Please forgive me and free me from this sin.” Naradmuni said, “Valya, are you feeling repentant now? If yes, then start chanting 'Ram Ram' to become free from all your sins. Continue doing so till I return”. thenNaradmuni left for some other mission. Valya koli started chanting by sitting in one posture. Initially, he could not say 'Ram Ram'; hence he used to chant like 'Mara Mara'. But he used to chant very sincerely. Naradmuni did not return for a long time. But Valya koli never stopped chanting. Red ants started forming an ant-hill around him where he was sitting in the forest. But it did not disturb him. Soon, his entire body was covered by an ant hill. But he firmly decided to continue chanting till Naradmuni returns. When he continued chanting for hundreds of years without eating food, God blessed him and said, “I am pleased because of your chanting and I free you of all your sins”. From now on you will be recognized as sage Valmiki and not as Valya Koli. This sage Valmiki wrote great epic Ramayana. Valmiki was so loving by nature that, tigers and deers used to stay together in his Ashram. All this was possible because of the chanting. Hence we will also write the name of God in our notebook every day and also chant this name. Naradmuni helped in transforming Valya koli into Valmiki Rishi.

    Moral:Valya felt repentant for his sins because of holy company of Naradmuni. That means we become good citizen because of the holy company. But if our company is bad, then will we will not have desire to improve our character. Hence, we should always remain in a company of good children.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #12 on: February 15, 2013, 11:35:27 PM »
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    शिवाजी महाराजकी गुरुभेंट

    समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजीकी ख्याति सुननेपर छ.शिवाजी महाराजको उनके दर्शनकी लालसा निर्माण हुई । उनसे मिलनेके लिए वे कोंढवळको गए । वहां भेट होगी इस आशासे सायंकालतक रुके, तब भी महाराजकी स्वामीजीसे भेंट नहीं हुई । तत्पश्चात प्रतापगढ आनेपर रातमें नींदमें भी महाराजके मनमें वही विचार था । समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजी जानबूझकर महाराजसे मिलना टाल रहे थे । ऐसे ही कुछ दिन निकल जानेपर एक दिन समर्थजीके दर्शनकी लालसा अत्यधिक बढनेसे वे भवानीमाताके मंदिरमें गए । उस रात शिवाजी महाराज वहांपर ही देवीके सामने निद्राधीन हो गए ।  रातमें स्वप्नमें उन्हें पैरमें  खडांऊ, देहपर भगवा वस्त्र, हाथमें माला, बगलमें कुबडी ऐसे तेजस्वी रूपमें समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजीके दर्शन हुए । छ. शिवाजी महाराजने उन्हें साष्टांग नमस्कार किया । समर्थजीने उनके सिरपर हाथ रखकर उन्हें आशिर्वाद दिया । नींदमेंसे जागनेपर महाराजने देखा तो उनके हाथमें प्रसादके रूपमें नारियल था ।  उस समयसे वे समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजीको अपने गुरु मानने लगे ।

    आगे छ. शिवाजी महाराजने अत्यधिक पराक्रम करनेपर समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजीने स्वयं शिंगणवाडी प्रत्यक्ष आकर महाराजको दर्शन दिए । शिवाजी महाराजने उनकी पाद्यपूजा की । समर्थजीने उन्हें प्रसाद के रूपमें एक नारियल, मुठ्ठीभर माटीr, लीद एवं पत्थर दिए । उस समय महाराजके मनमें आया कि़, ‘हमें राज्यकारभारका त्याग कर समर्थजीकी सेवा करनेमें शेष आयु लगानी  चाहिए । समर्थजी महाराजके मनका यह विचार समझ गए और उन्होंने कहा ‘राजा, क्षत्रिय धर्मका पालन कीजिए । प्राण जानेपर भी धर्मका त्याग न करें । प्रजाके रक्षणके लिए तुम्हारा जन्म हुआ है, वह छोडकर यहां सेवा करनेके लिए न रहें । मेरा केवल स्मरण करनेपर भी मैं आपसे मिलने आऊंगा । सुखसे, आनंदसे राज्य कीजिए' । तत्पश्चात् समर्थजीने उन्हें राज्य करनेकी आदर्श पद्धति समझाई । समर्थजीने शिवाजी महाराजको उनके कल्याणके लिए नारियल दिया था । सर्वथा संतुष्ट एवं तृप्त मनसे छ. शिवाजी महाराज राज्य करने लगे । महाराजने माटी अर्थात पृथ्वी, पत्थर अर्थात गढ जीता एवं लीद अर्थात अश्वदलसे भी समृद्ध हो गए । गुरुके कृपाप्रसादसे शिवाजी महाराजको किसी वस्तुका अभाव नहीं रहा ।

    छ. शिवाजी महाराजने विदेशी शत्रुओंका नाश करके स्वराज्यकी स्थापना करनेका जो कार्य आरंभ किया था उसपर समर्थजीको अत्यधिक अभिमान था ।  वे लोगोंको छत्रपतीजीके कार्यमें सहायता करने तथा शक्ति संपादन करके स्वराज्य एवं धर्मरक्षणके लिए लडनेका उपदेश करते थे ।  छ. शिवाजी महाराजकी समर्थजीके प्रति अत्यधिक श्रद्धा थी । अनेक प्रसंगोंमें महाराज समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजीका विचार एवं आशिर्वाद लेते थे । आपत्कालमें हमें सतर्कता कैसे बरतना चाहिए, इस संदर्भमें समर्थजाद्वारा छ. शिवाजी महाराजको दिया गया उपदेश ‘दासबोध' नामक ग्रंथमें  है । उसमें समर्थजी कहते हैं, ‘सदैव सतर्कतासे रहकर आचरण करें, शत्रु-मित्रको ठीकसे परखें, एकांतमें अत्यधिक विचार कर योजना बनाएं, निरंतर प्रयास करते रहें । इसके पूर्व अनेक महान लोग हो गए, उन्होंने अत्यधिक बुरी स्थिति तथा कष्ट सहन किए हैं । आलसका त्याग कर, बिना कष्टके अनेक लोगोंसे मित्रता करके कार्य करते रहें’।

    बालमित्रो, छ. शिवाजी महाराजको समर्थ रामदासस्वामीजीसे मिलनेकी लालसा थी । उनकी तीव्र उत्कंठासे उन्हें स्वप्नमें एवं तदुपरांत प्रत्यक्ष समर्थ रामदास स्वामीजीके दर्शन हुए । उत्कंठासे हम किसी भी लक्ष्यको साध्य कर सकते हैं ।

    ॐ साईं राम, श्री साईं राम, जय जय साईं राम !!!
    « Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 11:38:16 PM by PiyaGolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #13 on: February 15, 2013, 11:41:35 PM »
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    Shivaji Maharaj’s meeting with his Guru

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was very eager to visit Samarth Ramdas Swami after hearing about His fame.  So, he decided to go to Kondhaval chasm to meet  Him. Shivaji Maharaj went there and waited till evening, but could not meet Swamiji. Later Maharaj returned to Pratapgad and even in  sleep the same thought about meeting Samarth Ramdas Swami was revolving in his mind.  Actually, Samarth Ramdas Swami was purposely avoiding Shivaji Maharaj. A few days passed by in a similar way. One day the longing to meet Samarth augmented so much that Shivaji Maharaj went to the temple of Bhavani Devi and at night, he fell asleep in front of the Devi. That night he had a vision of the radiant form of Samarth Ramdas Swami wearing paduka (wooden slippers), a saffron robe, a rosary in His hand and a crutch under His armpit. Shivaji Maharaj bowed down to Samarth Ramdas Swami and paid obeisance to Him. Ramdas Swami placed His hand on Maharaj’s head and blessed him. When Maharaj woke up in the morning, he saw that he had a coconut in his hand as a sacrament. From that day, Shivaji Maharaj  started regarding Samarth Ramdas Swami as his Guru.

    Later, Shivaji Maharaj did many acts of valour and Samarth Ramdas Swami himself came to Shinganwadi and visited Maharaj. Maharaj performed ritualistic worship of the Guru’s feet; Samarth gave a coconut, a fistful of mud, horse dung and pebbles to him as a sacrament. At that time, Shivaji Maharaj had a thought of leaving his kingdom and serving Samarth for the rest of his life. On realising this thought Samarth said to Maharaj, “O King, follow the path of Kshatriya (Warrior) Dharma.  Do not abandon your Dharma even at the cost of your life. You are born to protect your subjects.  Do not leave this for my service. I will come to meet you even if you just remember me. Reign  your kingdom with pleasure  and  bliss.” Later, Samarth taught Shivaji Maharaj an ideal way of ruling a kingdom. Samarth gave Shivaji Maharaj a coconut for welfare. Shivaji Maharaj started ruling happily and with contentment.  As mentioned earlier, Samarth had given a fistful of mud, horse dung  and pebbles to Shivaji Maharaj as a sacrament.  For Maharaj, mud meant earth, pebbles meant winning hill-forts and horse-dung meant an army of horses which was also  rich. By the Guru’s grace, Shivaji Maharaj never faced shortage of anything.

    The task undertaken by Shivaji Maharaj of destroying the foreign enemy and reinstating self-rule made Samarth very proud. He used to preach the people to help Shivaji Maharaj in this noble task and to acquire strength to fight for self-rule and protection of Dharma. Shivaji Maharaj had complete faith in Samarth. On many occasions, Maharaj used to consult Samarth Ramdas Swami and take his advice and blessings. The preaching given by Samarth to Maharaj regarding how to behave with caution at the time of calamity is present in the Holy text named ‘Dasbodh’. In that, Samarth says, 'Always be cautious. Have a proper judgement to distinguish between a friend and an enemy.  Only after deep thinking in solitude plans must be formulated. Always make  continuous efforts. Earlier heroes had many  adversities. Always be on the move without  getting bored, without losing hope and by making a lot of friendly contacts.’

    My little friends, Shivaji Maharaj had intense yearning to meet Samarth Ramdas Swami. Because of this yearning, Samarth gave a Divine vision to Shivaji Maharaj first in a dream and later, by actually visiting him. Thus, from this article we learn that we can achieve anything in life with such intense yearning.   

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sanskar Stories !!!
    « Reply #14 on: February 20, 2013, 01:28:48 AM »
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    The Story of Dhruva

    Dhruva was the son of king Uttanapada and Suniti. King Uttanapada was very fond of his second wife, Suruchi, and used to be mean to Suniti, Dhruva's mother. One day, when Dhruva was five years old, his step-brother was sitting on his father's lap. Dhruva also wanted to sit there. But his step-mother stopped him and dragged him aside. She spoke rudely to Dhruva, saying: "If you want to sit on your father's lap, you should have been born to me instead of to your mother. At least now, pray to Lord Vishnu, so that He will make this happen." Dhruva was deeply hurt by his step-mother’s insulting words. He went to his mother, weeping. His mother consoled him and told him to take his stepmother's words seriously and pray to Lord Vishnu, who is the helper of all beings. Dhruva left the kingdom for the forest with a determined mind to see Lord Vishnu and reach a higher place. On the way, he was met by the celestial sage Narada  ,who gave him the 12 syllable mantra: "Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya" for worshiping the Vishnu form of Lord Krishna. Dhruva worshipped Vishnu for six months, and Lord Vishnu appeared before him. Vishnu promised that Dhruva's wishes would be fulfilled and he would reach the highest heavenly seat of the Polestar, which is not destroyed even when all the worlds are destroyed. Dhruva returned to the kingdom.
    When the King grew old, he decided to crown Dhruva as the King. Dhruva ruled for many years and in the end reached the Polestar granted by Lord Vishnu. It is said that the entire Zodiac is made up of planets, stars, etc. All rotates around the Polestar. To this day, when Indians see the Polestar, they remember Dhruva, the devotee of perfect purity of mind and firm determination.’

    No spiritual practice performed by a yogi ever goes to waste. The unsuccessful yogi is reborn into a rich or spiritually advanced family. The unsuccessful yogi regains the knowledge he
    had in the previous life and tries again to become perfect from where he or she left off. No spiritual effort is wasted.

    To be the best yogi, see all beings as yourself and feel their pain and pleasure as your own. Lovingly think of God with supreme faith, and always keep your mind on Him. (Gita 6.47)

    The third path to God is yoga of meditation. To be the best yogi, see every being as yourself, and feel the pain and pleasure of others as your own. A very simple method of meditation uses the sound vibration of OM. No spiritual practice is ever wasted.

    « Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 01:45:12 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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