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Naan Yaar... Who am I ?
« on: August 01, 2016, 07:05:20 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Naan Yaar... Who am I ?

    On another occasion, an Andhra youth came and said,
    “Swami, having a great desire for moksha (deliverance) and anxious
    to know the way thereto, I have read all sorts of books on Vedanta.
    They all describe it, each in a different way. I have also visited a number
    of learned people and when I asked them, each recommended a different
    path. I got puzzled and have come to you; please tell me which path to take.”

    With a smile on his face, Bhagavan said, “All right, then, go the way you came.”
    We all felt amused at this. The poor young man did not know what to say.
    He waited until Bhagavan left the hall and then with a depressed look turned
    to the others there appealingly, and said, “Gentlemen, I have come a long
    way with great hope and with no regard for the expenses or discomfort,
    out of my ardent desire to know the way to moksha; is it fair to tell me
    to go the way I came. Is this such a huge joke?”

    Thereupon one of them said, “No, sir, it is no joke. It is the most appropriate
    reply to your question.

    Bhagavan’s teaching is that the enquiry, ‘Who am I?’ is the easiest path to
    moksha. You asked him which way ‘I’ should go, and his saying,
    ‘Go the way you came,’ meant that if you investigate and pursue the path
    from which that ‘I’ came, you will attain moksha.”

    The voice of a Mahatma indicates the truth even when speaking in a light vein.

    Thereupon the book, “Who am I?” was placed in the hands of the young man
    who felt astonished at the interpretation, and taking Bhagavan’s words as upadesa,
    prostrated himself to Bhagavan and went away.

    Bhagavan usually gives us his teachings either in a humorous or a casual way
    or by way of consolation.

    During my early days at the Ashram, whenever I felt like going home,
    I would approach Bhagavan at some time when there were hardly any
    people present and say, “I want to go home, Bhagavan, but
    I am afraid of falling back into family muddles.” He would reply,
    “Where is the question of our falling into anything when all comes
    and falls into us?”

    On another occasion, I said, “Swami, I am not yet freed from these bonds.”
    Bhagavan replied, “Let what comes come, let what goes go. Why do you worry?”
    Yes, if only we could realise what that ‘I’ is, we should not have all these worries.

    Have a blessed DAY

    « Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 01:13:08 PM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline v2birit

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    Re: Naan Yaar... Who am I ?
    « Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 10:50:09 AM »
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  • Yes very nice post.

    That is the final Goal for everyone, i.e. recognizing your own divinity. You recognize that the I is none other than God.

    But to the common man, it is not straight forward. There are steps in it.

    If you have a Golden ring that falls in a water tank. You want to recover it. then 3 things are required.
    1. The water must be clear i.e. not muddy.
    2. the water must be still i.e. not flowing.
    3. The Sun must shine from the top, so that the Golden ring reflects light & can be traced.

    Same way,
    1. The person's inner self must be highly purified, before he can start seeing that 'I'. Purification is possible only by most excellent, devotion to God.
    2. The person must become desireless, so that his mind is at rest & breathing is also relaxed. Again this is possible only for a first class devotee of God.
    3. God's and Guru's grace must shine on him.

    Then the person with some practice starts seeing that 'I' & observing that 'I' becomes automatic. Then the person becomes self-realized. i.e. he unifies with that 'I' & sees himself in the whole universe. So the feeling of otherness or separateness is lost.


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