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Death Anniversary of Sai Mahabhakta Kushal Chand of Rahata
« on: November 05, 2016, 12:40:16 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    5th November happens to be the day when Sai Mahabhakta Kushal Chand
    of Rahata passed away in the year 1918.

    Let us remember this great and most intimate Sai Mahabhakta and
    pay our homage to him on his death day.

    Places that Baba Visited - Rahata

    VES (ARCH)

    At this Arch, the villagers came with band and music to receive Baba
    whenever He went to Rahata. With a great elate ceremony they
    accompanied Him in procession when He returned to Shirdi.


    Baba loved Chandrabhan Saand of Rahata. After Chandrabhan,
    Baba loved his nephew Kushalchand equally or even more and watched
    his welfare. Baba rarely left Shirdi but He visited this house off and on.
    The people of Rahata welcomed Baba at the Ves (arched gate) with great
    pomp and ceremony with band and music. Kushalchand took Baba home
    and seated Him comfortably, and offered a good lunch, then they talked
    freely and merrily for sometime and Baba would return (Ref. ESS, Ch. VIII)

    An incident is mentioned where Baba sent Dixit to go to Rahata and fetch
    Kushachand. Simultaneously He gave a dream Darshan and asked Kushalchand
    to come to Shirdi. At that time Kushalchand did not have a "tanga" and at that
    very moment Dixit reached with his 'tanga' and told him that Baba had sent
    him to fetch him. Such was the love that Baba had for Kushalchand (Ref. ESS, Ch. XXX).


    A short distance from Kushalchand's house is this Idgah. One Fakir from
    Ahmadnagar named Jawahar Ali came to Rahata with his disciples, and stayed
    near the Veerbhadra temple. This Fakir was very learned and had a sweet tongue,
    and hence many devout villagers came to him and respected him. With the help
    of these villagers he started to build an Idgah. (a wall before which Muslims pray
    on Idgah day) near the Veerbhadra temple.

    There was some quarrel on account of this and Jawahar Ali had to leave Rahata.
    So he came to Shirdi and started acting as Baba's Guru. He took Him away to
    Rahata. But the devotees of Baba could not bear to part with their Sadguru,
    so they went in a deputation to bring Baba back. Baba was standing near this
    Idgah and they told Him of their wish and finally succeeded in bringing Baba
    back to Shirdi (Ref. ESS, Ch.V).


    Laxman Govind Munge states that he first visited Baba in 1890. Baba then
    stayed at this Maruti Mandir in Rahata. He had gone to Rahata for help, to get
    funds for his marriage and Baba provided the money through His Leela.


    This famous Veerabhadra Mandir is situated in Rahata Village at a distance
    of just 5 Kilometers from Shirdi.

    A special mention has been made about this Mandir in Chapter 5 of Shri Sai Satcharitra
    which is as follows:Once a Fakir from Ahmednager by name Javahar Ali, came to Rahata
    with his disciples and stayed in Bakhal (spacious room) near Veerabhadra temple.
    The Fakir was learned, could repeat the whole Koran and had a sweet tongue. Many
    religious and devout people of the village came to him and began to respect him.
    With the help of the people, he started to build an Idgah ( a wall before which Mahomedans
    pray on Idgah day), near the Veerabhadra temple. There was some quarrel about this affair,
    on account of which, Javahar Ali had to leave Rahata. Then he came to Shirdi and lived
    in the Masjid with Baba. People were captured by his sweet talk, and he began to call Baba
    his disciple. Baba did not object and consented to be his Chela. Then both Guru and Chela
    decided to return to Rahata and live there. The Guru (Teacher) never knew his disciple’s
    worth, but the disciple knew the defects of the Guru, still he never disrespected him,
    observing carefully his duties. He even served the Master in various ways. They used to
    come to Shirdi off and on, but their main stay was in Rahata. The loving devotees of Baba
    in Shirdi did not like, that Baba should stay away from them in Rahata. So they went in a
    deputation to bring Baba back to Shirdi. When they met Baba near the Idgah and told the
    purpose for which they came, Baba said to them that the Fakir was an ill-tempered fellow,
    he would not leave him and that they should better return to Shirdi without him, before the
    Fakir returned. While they were thus talking, the Fakir turned up and was very angry with
    them for trying to take away his disciple. There was some discussion and altercation and
    it was finally decided that both the Guru and Chela should return to Shirdi. And so they
    returned and lived in shirdi. But after a few days the Guru was tested by Devidas and
    he was found wanting. Twelve years before Baba arrived in Shirdi with the marriage-party,
    this Devidas aged about 10 or 11 came to Shirdi and lived in the Maruti temple. Devidas
    had fine features and brilliant eyes, and he was dispassion incarnate and a Jnani. Many persons,
    namely Tatya Kote, Kashinath and others regarded, him as their Guru. They brought Javhar Ali
    in his presence, and in the discussion that followed, Javahar was worsted and fled from Shirdi.
    He went and stayed in Bijapur and returned after many years to Shirdi, and prostrated himself
    before Sai Baba. The delusion that he was Guru and Sai Baba his Chela, was cleared away,
    and as he repented, Sai Baba treated him with respect. In this case Sai Baba showed by
    actual conduct how one should get rid of egoism and do the duties of a disciple to attain
    the highest end, viz., self-realization. This story is told here according to the version given
    by Mahalsapati ( a great devotee of Baba).

    Source: Holy Shri Sai Satcharitra & Ambrosia in Shirdi, by Vinny Chitluri


    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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