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Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2008, 07:59:12 AM »
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  •   Kashiram Shimpi
    Since the time Sai Baba came to stay in the Masjid, Kashiram Shimpi supplied Him provisions, tobacco and chillum. He also provided fire-wood for the Dhuni (Holy Fire).

          When Baba first came to Shirdi, He used to wear kafani, cap and dhoti - all of saffron colour.  On some occasions, Baba wore white kafani and tied dhoti around His head. Kashiram stitched a green kafani and green cap for Baba and He started using them. After some days, Baba started wearing white kafani and tying white dhoti around His head. He maintained this attire till the end.

          It was Kashiram’s practice to give money to Baba whenever it was needed. At a later stage, he started placing his entire income before Baba. He used to affectionately insist that Baba should give back whatever money He wished. However, Baba used to keep only a paisa or two and return the rest. Kashiram was very much hurt, when Baba either did not take any money or took very less.

         A person may feel proud that he has the ability to give. Such a feeling is harmful for the spiritual advancement. Hence, Baba either refused to keep any money or took very meagre amount. Later on, Kashiram was in financial difficulties. At that time, Baba started continuously demanding money from him. Due to this insistence, Kashiram lost his feeling of false pride and his monetary situation started improving. In this manner, his false pride disappeared.

         Kashiram placed his body, soul and money in devotion of Baba.

         Kashiram’s business was trading in cloth. He used to go to different villages and set up his shop. While returning from the bazaar of village Naur, some looters from Bhill community stopped him on the way. Kashiram was riding a horse. The dacoits took away all his belongings. Kashiram did not oppose them in any manner. However, he was not parting with a small packet, that he was carrying. The dacoits felt that it must be containing some valuables ! In reality, the small packet contained powdered sugar. (Shri Janakidas - a devout person, residing at Shirdi, in those days - had said that “One must feed sugar to the ants”. Since that time, Kashiram always carried sugar powder in a packet.) The packet was more dear to his life for Kashiram; as it was carried on advice of a pious person. He decided, “Come what may, I will not allow this packet to fall in the hands of the dacoits.”

         Suddenly, Kashiram noticed a sword, which had fallen out of the hands of one of the dacoits and  was lying nearby. In a fraction of a second, he picked it up and killed two of the dacoits. Seeing this, the third dacoit came from behind and gave a blow of his axe on Kashiram’s head. Kashiram lost his consciousness and fell down. The dacoits took him to be a dead person and escaped from the scene.

         While Kashiram was fighting the dacoits, at the same time in Shirdi Baba was creating a havoc. He was expressing His anger through abuses and shouting. The disciples, who were nearby at that time, immediately realized that Baba is acting in this manner in an effort to save some dear devotee of His. And, in fact, the dacoits were many in number and were also loaded with lots of weapons. However, Baba saved Kashiram from the clutches of death.

         After some time, Kashiram regained his senses. He refused to go to a hospital. Instead, he insisted that he should be taken to Shirdi.

         As directed by Baba, Madhavrao Deshpande gave him medicines and Kashiram one again regained his health.

          The Government honored Kashiram’s bravery  by giving him a sword.

        After a few years, on Chaitra Shuddha Ekadashi in Shake 1830 (English year 1908), Kashiram passed away.

        Thus along with Mhalsapati and Appa Jagale, Kashiram also expired on the day of Ekadashi.

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #16 on: June 20, 2008, 07:52:24 AM »
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  • Radhabai Gondkar Patil

    Baba sometimes acted in a child-like manner. At such times, He specially called Appaji or Radhabai and said in a complaining tone, “Appa, see that Telin (wife of Teli – oil manufacturer) abuses me a lot. That Wanin (wife of a Wani – grocer) harasses me a lot. That Narayan Teli also gives me a lot of trouble.” Suddenly, He used to point a finger at a by-stander and said, “I am very much fed up now. I will come with you.” In reply, Appaji used to say in a cajoling tone, ‘‘Baba, you don’t worry. I will take proper care of all of them.” Radhabai also said, “Baba, you have patience. I will drive away these whores. They trouble you a lot. Isn’t it ?” Then, Baba used to smile and ask them to depart by saying, “Go, take the Udi and go to your homes.” It was Baba’s practice to refer to evils as ‘Telya’, ‘Kotya’, ‘Wanin

    Narayan Teli

    As you enter the Masjid, on left hand side adjacent to the Masjid but a little towards the back, was the residence of Narayan Teli and his family. Baba came to Shirdi for the second time along with the marriage party of Amin Bhai and started residing in the Masjid. From that time, Narayan Teli’s wife started a practice of giving Baba half of a Bhakri (bread) and something to accompany it. Sometimes, Baba also went to her to ask for Bhiksha.

    Appaji Kote Patil

    Several times every day, for some reason or the other, Baba used to utter the names of Narayan Teli or Appaji Kote. It was obvious that his these utterances were not meant for that specific person.

    Appaji Kote Patil of Shirdi was a rich and elderly person. His words were treated with respect in the village. By nature, he was strict and very demanding. His thoughts were ancient and he observed old traditions such as untouchability etc. Baba loved him very much and therefore, Baba gave Appaji the benefit of pilgrimage of Mathura, Kashi, Prayag, Gaya and other holy places along with Madhavrao Deshpande.

    When Baba was Dehadhari (in mortal form), Appaji used to sleep in Chavadi along with other elders like Mhalsapati, Vithoba Gondkar and Appaji Bhilla.

    After the Mahanirvan of Baba, majority of the devotees wanted to abide by Baba’s wishes and decided to place Baba’s mortal body inside Butti Wada. However, Appaji adopted a stance different from others. He and some Muslims wanted the body to be placed in an open ground.

    It happened thus,

    While on His way to Lendi, Baba used to stop near Wada and staring at a particular place, He used to say, “This Hagdodichi Jaga (place which was garbage dump) is my place.’’

    After Bapusaheb Butti started construction of Wada at that place, Baba suddenly used to arrive on the site and gave different instructions. Baba also appeared in dreams of Bapusaheb Butti and Madhavrao Deshpande and instructed them to build a temple in the Wada and install a statue of Muralidhar in it.

    While an order was being placed for the purchase of Sinhasan (throne) for Lord Muralidhar, Baba repeatedly started saying, “Let us come and stay in this Wada. We will have a nice time playing and conversing with Bal-Gopal.” Looking at Bala Chopdar, He used to say, “This Bala will roar and announce arrivals and departures.”

    In this manner, Baba had given indications in advance about His wishes to permanently settle down in the Wada. However, no one realized the importance of His words at that time. Without anyone realizing it, Baba had stopped the work of the statue.

    The last words uttered by Baba were -“Take me to Butti’s Wada.” Taking into consideration all these facts, majority of the devotees decided to place the mortal body of Baba in the Wada and build a tomb. Accordingly, the construction workers started preparations for the foundation of the tomb at the place originally demarcated for throne of Lord Muralidhar.

    However, some Muslims held a different view. According to them “A tomb is to be constructed in an open space. Therefore, putting it in a closed place like Wada would be improper. Further, Butti is a Brahmin. He is likely to forbid entry of Muslims into the Wada and they will be deprived of taking Darshan of Baba.” Ameer Shakkar - a Muslim from village Korhala - assumed leadership of the group. In the dead of night, he met Appaji Kote Patil. After talking to him for a considerable time, he managed to convince Appaji of his view. Appaji gathered villagers from all age groups and conveyed and convinced them of his view. They also agreed with him. Next day morning, Appaji and his group called all the villagers and placed before them their view of supporting construction of the tomb outside the village.

     Ramchandra Dada Patil

    In the above mention dispute regard the place of tomb, Ramchandradada Patil took a firm stand to bring Baba’s wishes into reality !

    Tatyaba Patil was the village head in reality. However, he was very much sick at that time and was unable to move from a place. He called Ramchandra Patil and told him, “Do whatever is possible, but see that Baba is  kept in Butti’s Wada !” Ramchandra Patil accepted the responsibility. Everyone’s wish was also like-wise. In firm and clear words he announced, “As per the consensus of everyone, it has been decided to build the memorial of Baba in the Butti Wada only. There is not going to be any change in this.” Hearing this, Appa Kote became furious. In reality, he was the grandfather of Ramchandra Patil. Listening to the utterances of his grandson his anger knew no bounds. In a fit of anger he told Ramchandradada that he will not allow him to step into his house. The grandson was equally headstrong. His faith in Baba was steadfast. On its strength, he replied to his grandfather, “As long as you are alive, I will also not step into your house. But, Baba’s memorial will take shape in Butti Wada only.”

    Ramchandra remained true to his words. He stepped into Appaji’s house only after his death.

    Ramchandra Patil was born in the year 1879-80 in the village Shirdi. His full name was Ramchandra Dadaji Kote Patil. At the young age of 16, due to a startling experience about Baba, he came into close contact with Babasaheb Dengale. Till that time, he had not realized that Baba is an incarnation of the Almighty. However, from the age of 18, he started regularly visiting Baba.

    In the year 1915, Raobahadur Sathe established an organization by the name ‘Dakshina Bhiksha Sanstha’. Ramchandra Patil was its secretary.

    Once Ramchandradada was seriously ill. Baba appeared in his dream and warned, ‘‘Your death has been averted. However, after two years - on the day of Dassera - Tatyaba will be no more.” He also told him, “Do not disclose this to anyone.” However, Bala Shimpi was a close friend of Ramchandradada and he confided this secret in him.  Thereafter, exactly two years later, on 15th October 1918 Baba laid down His life and saved the life of Tatyaba. 
    « Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 08:38:43 AM by fatima »
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #17 on: June 20, 2008, 07:53:15 AM »
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  • Gauli-buva
    There was a time when Baba was known only within the precinct of Shirdi. There was a pious and respected person called ‘Gauli-buva’ who took annual pilgrimage trip to Pandhari and on his way, he passed through Shirdi. He had crossed 95 years of his age and still he had never missed this annual ritual. Along with him, there used to be his disciple and a donkey. On his lips, there used to be a perpetual chanting of “Shri Ram Krishna Hari”. During the four months of Chaturmas, he used to camp on the banks of Ganga and during the remaining eight months he used to stay in Pandharpur itself.

    He used to look at Baba with loving eyes and say, “He is Pandharinath personified ! Can one become a Saint by wearing a silk dhoti ? For that, you must spend your blood like water and turn your bones into beads. Can any one become God without deserving ? He is the Pandharinath in reality ! You fools, keep this feeling in your heart and it will be beneficial to you.”

    Gauli-buva, who did pilgrimage trips to Pandharpur and Shirdi every year, was blessed with a unique experience.

    The God is everywhere. No Deity is different than the other. But, some devotees, in their lack of wisdom, think that, each Deity is different than the other. However, Saint Dnyaneshwar has clarified that, saying -

    Many devotees do not realize the real Swaroop of the God. Due to this, they do not achieve anything. The Gauli-buva’s saying, referred to above, is important in this context.

    Das Ganu

    Das Ganu was also a Varkari of Pandhari. He regularly kept the vow.

    Once, on the day of Ekadashi, Baba asked him to observe Naam Saptah in the Masjid. Das Ganu was very resolute about keeping his vows. He said, “All right. But, assure me that I will be able to avail Darshan of Vitthal.”  Baba banged His hand on His own chest and said, “Are ! Definitely. Vitthal will appear here also. Have no doubt about it. But, you must be true in your devotion. Did you think that Lord Vitthal is going to get up and come here ? He is residing here also because of His love for His devotees. Don’t you know that, due to His affection for His devotee Pundalik, Lord Vitthal has been standing on the brick for centuries? Let your dedication be at the Feet of Allah and all will be well.”

    And really, Baba made Das Ganu pass through this ordeal. Baba appeared in the Form of Vitthal for His Das Ganu, who was forever engaged in Sai Chintan.

    Once, there was a day with good omen. Das Ganu felt that he should go to Prayag Teertha and have a holy bath. As his desire was intense, he immediately rushed to the Masjid to seek Baba’s permission to go. Baba said, “Are Ganu, our Prayag Teertha is here itself. You need not go anywhere else. Have faith in Me.” Das Ganu placed his head on Baba’s Feet, and surprise of surprises, Ganga - Yamuna Udak (water of the holy rivers Ganga and Yamuna) started flowing from Baba’s Toes ! Seeing the miracle, Das Ganu’s joy had no bounds. He started reciting that famous sweet song composition.....

    O Sadgururaya, boundless is Your power and marvellous Your deeds. You are the kind One Who is the ship which takes the animate and inanimate beings across the worldly ocean. (Refrain)

    You transformed Yourself into Veni-Madhav (Vishnu) and made Your Feet into Prayag here. You showed the currents of Ganga and Yamuna flowing from Your Toes. (1)

    You are Brahma (born of the lotus), Vishnu (Lord of Kamala) and Shiva, the embodiment of the Trinity. And, on this earth, You manifest as Sai, the Samartha. (2)

    In the early morning, like Brahma You utter words of wisdom; And, sometimes, You exhibit Your violent nature and frightening appearance of Rudra, resorting to the quality of tamo guna. (3)

    Sometimes like Shri Krishna, You indulge in child-like pranks; And become the swan in the lake of the devotee’s heart. (4)

    If we call You a Muslim, then You have love for ‘Gandha’ (sandalwood paste); If we call You a Hindu You always happily reside in the Masjid. (5)

    If we call You rich, You are seen going about begging alms; If we call You a fakir, then with Your favours (Your generosity) You have put Kuber to shame. (6)

    If we call Your house a Masjid then fire is seen burning there; The Dhuni (pit kindled with woodfire) always burns to distribute ‘Udi’ to the people. (7)

    From morning the devotees in their simplicity come and worship You; And when the sun is at its zenith at noon, Your ‘Aarati’ is performed. (8)

    Devotees stand all around You like attendants of Gods and holding whisks and swishes in their hand fan You. (9)

    Horns, Clocks, Shenai, Gongs, Bells resound; And attendants in uniforms (mace bearers) wearing belts proclaim Your glory at the gates. (10)

    At the time of the Aarati You look like Vishnu; And at dusk, as You sit before the Dhuni, You appear as Shiva (the Destroyer of cupid). (11)

    Such Leelas of the Trinity, manifested in You, are experienced by us daily, O Baba Sai ! (12)

    Even when such is the case, my mind wanders idly. Now this is my request to You, Baba, make it steady. (13)

    The vilest of the viles, and a great sinner, I take refuge at Your Feet. Please ward off the three-fold afflictions of Das Ganu. (14)
    « Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 07:57:30 AM by fatima »
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #18 on: June 20, 2008, 08:49:03 AM »
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  • Bhagchand Marwadi

    Bhagchand Marwadi was the owner of a grocery shop from Shirdi. There were occasions when Baba asked for Dakshina from a devotee whose pockets were empty. In such an event, Baba asked the devotee to bring the Dakshina from Bhagchand Marwadi,

    Once, a person approached Baba and asked him, “What is the nature of Brahma ?” Without replying his question, Baba told, “Bring Rs. 100 as Dakshina from Bhagchand Marwadi !” The Marwadi, instead of giving money, said, “Convey my Namaskar to Baba.” On his return, Baba sent that person to another place for bringning Dakshina. He returned empty handed from even there.

    Ultimately, Baba asked Nanasaheb Chandorkar to bring Rs. 100 from Bhagchand Marwadi. Without going himself, Nanasaheb sent a note to Bhagchand and immediately he sent Rs. 100. Seeing this, Baba observed, “In this world, things happen like this.”

    The gentleman was unable to understand the meaning hidden in this chain of events and sought clarification from Dasganu. Dasganu said, ‘‘See, when others asked for money, they did not get it; but Nanasaheb got it immediately. The person who asks for anything must first deserve it. How can a person who wants to know, what is Brahma - just out of curiosity - can see it ?”

    The five elements of the world are in the control of saintly persons. Baba had given proved this from time to time. Once, Baba told Bhagchand, “Go... Run ! Your bale of hay has caught fire.” Bhagchand rushed and saw that some bales had really caught fire. Baba Himself also reached the place, made some gestures with His hands and the fire immediately got extinguished.

    In the evening, Nanasaheb Chandorkar and some other devotees came for Baba’s Darshan. Nana bowed down before Baba. Baba said, “Nana, see how selfish some people are. I alerted him and even extinguished the fire that his bale had caught. But, he still says - ‘I incurred loss. My one bale was ruined.’ And he is harassing me. Profit - loss, birth - death are all in the hands of the Almighty. How do the people forget this ? What is the point in saying - this is mine and that is mine? How can one say that the bale was of this Marwadi ? In reality, it belongs to the dried grass. It got created from seeds. The seeds took roots in the earth. Got water from clouds. And grew because of sunshine. Now, these three are the real owners of the dried grass. And this man is claiming its ownership. Nana, at least you try to put some sense in him. Unnecessarily he is lamenting on the loss of a thing which was never his in the first place. The God gives with one hand takes away with the other. And hence, we experience joys and sorrows. But, he does not realize this. Is it not his ignorance ?”

    Then, turning to the Marwadi, Baba said, “Go Shethji ! Go, take Udi and go home and sit with peace. In some other commercial transaction you will make money and your losses will be recouped. Don’t worry.”


    A follower of Vaishnav sect. believes that the entire world is Vishnumay (Vishnu is omni present). The Almighty does not like to differentiate between different beings. When the same God appears in the form of a saintly person, He takes it upon Himself to experience the sufferings and joys felt by the other beings. Therefore, Sai Baba always said - “If you say ill things to some one, then it is I who fall sick.”

    This is because in the eyes of the saints all are equal. They look upon all the beings – whether good or evil - as if Bhagwant lives in them. ‘Forgiveness’ is their inherent nature. It is the rule of this Universe that everything – whether living or non-living – God emerges from Parmatma and it is also going to end in the Parmatma. Therefore, a kind soul as well as a hardened criminal is going to culminate – whether knowingly or unknowingly – in Parmatma. The saints know this and hence, continuously work for the Atmaunnati (upliftment) of every one. They cannot do any deed which may not be beneficial to someone. They always wish the betterment of all. Further, as they are omni knowledge, no error is possible at their hands.

    Baba has given the experience of this to His devotees in the story of Raghuji Shinde.

    Raghugi Shinde (a reference to whom is made in the 35th Chapter of Shri Sai Satcharita) was the elder brother of Bhagoji  Shinde. Raghuji was a Sevekari of Baba. Once, he found himself in a very difficult situation.

    Like any other village, the residents of Shirdi of that time were also divided in two major factions opposed to each other. 

    The opposite faction falsely alleged that Raghuji Shinde and his people had misbehaved with the wife of Birdichand Marwadi and filed a criminal case against him.

    The case began in the Kopargaon Court before Magistrate Appasaheb. The false case was filed on the compliant of a so called ‘witness’ to the alleged incident. Unfortunately, giving credence to the false deposition of this ‘witness’, all the accused - barring one – were declared guilty and were sentenced to 4 months’ imprisonment. Raghuji was one of them.

    In this entire unfortunate incident, the sympathies of Tatyasaheb (Kote Patil) were with the accused. Therefore, with an intention to save the accused, he met the prominent lawyers present at that time in Shirdi – namely, famous lawyer Dadasaheb Khaparde, Kakasaheb Dixit and retired Magistrate Shri R. B. Sathe. But, all of them firmly stated that as the judgment was iron-clad, any efforts to save the accused would be futile. Not only this, after seeing the judgment, Kakasaheb pointedly told Baba, “Baba, the judgment is backed by solid evidence. Don’t try to save Raghuji in this matter.” In reply, Baba gave a faint smile and said, ‘‘No... No. How can I do anything ? And, who am I to do something ?”

    Tatyaba grew restless with these developments. He once again made enquiries with Baba. Baba told him to take the papers to Shri R. B. Dhumal. He went through the papers and said that there doesn’t seem to be any hope. However, as Baba had sent Tatyaba, Dhumal studied the judgment once again more closely, prepared a draft of appeal and with it went to the District Magistrate’s residence. Surprisingly, the Magistrate – without perusing the papers – simply relied on, what was narrated to him by Dhumal and issued oral instructions for the release of the accused. Very eagerly he asked Dhumal, “How is your Sai Baba ? Is He a Hindu or a Muslim ?”

    Here, in the Ahmednagar Jail, every minute Raghuji was praying Baba for his release. On the third night, Baba appeared in his dream and said, ‘‘Do not be afraid. I will release all of you.”

    Hearing clearly the words of Baba, Raghuji started crying in his sleep. In the very morning, the warder woke up Raghuji from his sleep and announced, “Go ! You have been released.”

    Narrating this experience, Shri Raosaheb Dhumal writes -

    “The release was made without referring to the papers of the Lower Court or without consulting the Public Prosecutor. This and the curiosity questions asked by the Magistrate about Baba clearly indicate the power that had worked the miracle.”

    Because this was immediately proved.  In Shirdi, people were making preparations for the cremation of 7 year-old daughter of Kakasaheb Dixit. Baba said to them, “Wait for some time. Don’t go immediately. I am going to show you a miracle.”

    People expected the dead girl to rise once again. Even after waiting for some time, they did not see miracle taking place and so went for the cremation. Just then Shri Dhumal arrived from Nagpur and informed everyone that all the innocent people - who were made falsely involved in the case – were released. The people realized as to what miracle Baba was talking about.

    “I look after everyone equally !” Baba said from time to time. The above incident is an excellent example of how true His saying was.

    An experience narrated by Raghuji to Narsinhaswami –

    “This is a story of the times when Baba used to distribute medicines amongst the villagers of Shirdi. When Baba arrived in Shirdi, Amin Bhai used to serve Him meals. This Amin Bhai sometimes came to the house of my maternal aunt. Her son – Ganpat Hari Kanade – was 35 years old. He used frequently get fever. He was suffering from leprosy.

    Once Amin Bhai said to my Aunt, ‘There is a saintly person in our village. He will give medicines to your son.’

    Thereafter once, Baba came to my aunt’s place. He told Ganpat to catch a cobra. Baba prepared a medicine from the cobra’s venom and gave it to Ganpat. His health started improving. Baba had asked him to abstain from sexual relations. However, Ganpat did not adhere to Baba’s advice. Therefore, Baba stopped giving him medicines. His illness began worsening and ultimately he died.’’

    Did Baba stop distribution of medicines after this event ? Baba had Himself told Kakasaheb Dixit that He had stopped His practice of dispensing medicines; because a patient had not adhered to the restrictions.


    Bhagoji Shinde – a leper – was staying with Baba. From the beginning he was a resident of Shirdi. He was suffering from leprosy. He was losing the fingers of his hands and legs. But, this same Bhagoji served Baba through out his life and made his life worthy.

    After Baba arrived in Shirdi, in the initial period, He distributed medicines to the poor and needy. When Bhagoji’s illness reached serious stage, his all relatives gave up all hopes about his survival. Near about the same time, Baba went to Bhagoji’s house. He gave him some medicines. Further, he branded Bhagoji with hot iron rod on his back and both ears. Bhagoji’s fever disappeared. However, the leprosy continued. But, Baba did not allow the illness to become worse.

    After completing His morning chores, Baba used sit near Dhuni (holy fire) and Bhagoji used to press His body.

    On the day of Dhana Trayodashi in the year 1910, while chitchatting Baba suddenly put His hand in the fire raging in front of Him. Madhavrao Deshpande was nearby. He immediately pulled Baba back. At some other place at the same time, the daughter of an iron smith was accidentally falling in the furnace. By putting His hand in the holy flames, Baba had saved the lucky girl.

    After hearing that, Baba has burnt his hand, Nanasaheb Chandorkar brought a famous doctor by the name Paramanand from Mumbai to Shirdi. But, Baba did not allow the doctor to examine His hand. Instead, He used to ask Bhagoji to apply ghee to the burnt portion of His hand, place the leaf of a tree on it and then bandaged it very tightly. With the passage of time, the hand got cured of the burns. Even then, thereafter every day in the early morning, the ceremony continued - Bhagoji releasing the earlier bandage, massaging the portion of hand, then once again applying ghee and tying fresh bandage. Once, this was accomplished, Bagoji used fill the Chillum and light it. Then Baba would smoke and pass it on to Bhagoji. He used to smoke and return it to Baba. After 5-6 such exchanges, Bhagoji would go back to his home. Baba used to smoke the Chillum given by Bhagoji with great love and affection. This explains His Avatar Karya.

    Every day Baba would go to Lendi Baug and Bhagoji used to hold the holy umbrella above His head. Bhagoji’s body was full of leprosy wounds which emanated foul smell. In spite of this, Baba distributed Udi at Bhagoji’s hands. The devotees - who accepted Udi at his hands - always benefited immensely.

    Bhagoji continued this Seva till Baba’s Maha Nirvan. Really, Bhagoji was very fortunate to have the honor be in the company of Baba. He was one of the few devotees who were present in the Masjid at the time of Baba’s Maha Nirvan.


    Laxmibai Tukaram Shinde – a resident of Shirdi – was a keen devotee of Baba. Bhagoji Shinde was her husband’s uncle.

    Baba’s Darbar was open to all. No one was barred from entering the Masjid. However, after Baba’s evening stroll every one went back to their homes and returned only after the next day-break. No one entered Masjid at the time of night. Only three persons were exception – Mhalsapati, Dada Kelkar and Laxmibai. They were not barred from entering the Masjid even at night.

    Once, in the evening, as usual Baba was reclining against the wall and chatting with Tatya Patil. Laxmibai came there and bowed down before him. Baba said, “Laxmibai ! I am very hungry.”  Laxmibai rushed to her home and gladly prepared Bhakaris etc. immediately and brought that hot food to Baba.

    Baba picked up the plate and placed it before a dog. Laxmibai was surprised to see this. She could not stop herself from saying, “Baba, I hurriedly cooked the food for you; but you gave it to that cussed dog. You did not even taste a morsel.” Baba replied, “Laxmibai, there is God in every being. If your food enters any mouth that is hungry, be assured that it has fallen into my own mouth.” Thus, Baba gave a lesson in Paramartha to Laxmibai.

    From that day onwards, Laxmibai started bringing Bhakaris for Baba. She mixed it with milk and with great love brought it to Baba. Baba on His part also waited for her Bhakaris and did not touch any food till these arrived. On some occasions, it was long past the lunch time and everyone would be feeling pangs of hunger. But, still Baba would not start His meals till Laxmibai’s Bhakaris arrived.

    After some period, Baba started demanding Kheer made from Shevaya. After Laxmibai brought the Kheer, Baba would ask her to sit besides Him. He used to taste a little and sent the rest of the Kheer to Radhakrishna Aai.

    And, it was to she to whom Baba took out from the pocket of His Kafni and gave – first five and then four - a total nine coins to Laxmibai. It was a symbol of Navavidha Bhakti.

    Laxmibai breathed her last and laid down her life at the feet of Shri Sai in 1963
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #19 on: June 29, 2008, 05:03:48 PM »
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  • What a beautiful first post. I too believe that a true guru can transcend religions, race and social background. I am happy to have found this forum to share my beliefs and experience and to partake in the opinions and stories of the others.

    This thread is a prime example. Thank you!

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #20 on: August 21, 2008, 04:06:12 AM »
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    He was the son of Narayan Motiram Jani (Ranade). As a young boy, he accompanied his mother to the Pravachans delivered by greats like Dasganu Maharaj, Sonopant Dandekar, Dhunda Maharaj, Ranganath Swami Parabhanikar.

    While listening to them, several profound thoughts started going through his mind - Will I ever be able to meet Parmatma ? How did he meet Bhakta Pralhad ? If not the God, I must at least be able to meet a Sadguru. To achieve that, I am even prepared to live in solitude like Bhakta Pralhad.

    He developed an inclination to be alone. As soon as his school was over, his feet turned to the solace of Parvati (a hill temple in Pune).

    In Pune’s Kasba Peth, there is a Devali (small temple) of Shri Bhiravnath. A Vibhuti by the name Harinath Baba was residing there from a period prior to 1938 till 1947. Harinath Baba granted a Darshan to Dnyannath, when one day he was alone on top of Parvati and also assured him to solve his questions about Paramarth. The Vibhuti became his Sadguru and also gave him Diksha of Nath Sampraday.

    Smt. Sumati Mahadevkar writes about this incident :-

    “Several Satvik and Antarmukh disciples like Dnyannath were attracted towards Harinath Baba and so was Dnyannath. He carefully scrutinized Harinath Baba and then only accepted as his Sadguru. He took lessons in Yog – Bhakti – Dnyan – Vairagya at the feet of his Sadguru. A staunch bond developed between the Guru - Shishya. Later on, Dnyannath gave the benefit of Harinath Baba’s guidance to the various followers of Nath Panth and Datta Upasak residing in Pune. Amongst the people who benefited prominent were Abasaheb Mujumdar, Jagannath Maharaj Pandit. Hanmantraoji Umarji and others.”

    The description narrated by Dnyannath is also amazing. About his Sadguru, he writes :-

    “My Sadguru made me sit for Dhyan-Dharana for hours together in front of the statue of Shri Gorakshanath in a dark cave.  Because of the blessings of my Sadguru, I gained Adhyatma Dnyan, Dnyaneshwari, Antarang Sadhana in that dark cave. From time to time we two met in solitude. During such times, my Sadguru imparted in-depth knowledge about the five important facets of Nath Sampraday namely Dhuni, Pani, Roath, Jyot and Patra Devada.”

    Harinath Baba laid down his mortal life on the auspicious day of Ram Navami on Tuesday the 28th April 1950. Exactly 22 days earlier, Harinath Baba had given an inkling about the future course of events to Dnyannath.

    On a foot road leading to Palasdari, near Karjat in Raigad district, there is a Math called as Chochi Math. Dnyannath performed the last rites of Harinath Baba at this place in the presence of disciples of Harinath Baba.

    For about 18 years thereafter, Harinath Baba’s death anniversary was observed at this place. Later on, with prior permission of Harinath Baba, it is being performed at Harinath Kuti (Plot No 45, Tulshi Baug Colony, Near Dasha Bhuja Ganpati, Pune – 9).

    Thus, the good deeds and good fortune of Narayanrao bore fruits in the life of Dnyan-nath. Such are the blessings of Shri Sai Baba.

    Note :-

    In Adhyay 33 of Shri Sai Satcharita, a reference has been made to Narayan Motiram Jani. However, his correct surname was ‘Ranade’.

    As is well-known, Shri Sai Satcharita is based on experiences of various devotees mainly as narrated first hand to Shri Hemadpant.  However, the book also draws on experiences of devotees as narrated by others – such as seniors like Mhalsapati.

    This may be the reason for the minor inaccuracy having crept in the Pothi.


    – Translated from original Marathi into

    English by Sudhir

    I see myself everywhere. There is no place without me. I fill all space in all the directions. There is nothing else but me. Hold fast to this conviction - and push away the misguidance of Maya. Veil your sight and realise that there is nothing save myself. I am omnipresent. There is nothing else besides me in this world. I exist not only in this world but in all the three (the earth, the sky and the nether world). Wherever there is such unparalleled belief, there is no scope for fear. When the being realises that the Pure Consciousness fills all, that person is devoid of ego and pride. Sit wherever you are and ask me. Why do you wander from place to place ? I will satisfy your curiosity. Have this much faith. I fill the space. There is not a place where I am not. I appear anywhere where there is devotees’ deep devotion. I am just a witness to the deeds that happen on account of fate. The Eternal Lord is the doer and the mover. He alone is the Compassionate One.’’

    Sai Samartha had the knowledge of everything - the future, the past and the present... Do not have doubts about this. Sainath is really so. I am telling you the essence of my experience for the sake of the good of the devotees. Whoever puts his head truly at His feet with single minded devotion, He is the only saviour, the protector for him, the only one Who gives assurance, the doer, the warder of all difficulties. Whatever good or bad takes place, it is only due to God, Who holds the reins. He is the protector. He is the destroyer. He is the only active force - the doer. Sai Samartha was the store of knowledge. He imparts the wealth of knowledge according to the intelligence of the devotee and first decides about his capability and purity. He was intuitive and at the outset itself He knew everybody in their entirety. He decided on the right means of teaching and the right kind of discipline in accordance with the capability. Whatever a person deserves He decides before hand and works according to their capacities. Baba carries their responsibilities on Himself. Similarly, though we look old and respectable, before that Siddha Sai we are like children behaving childishly, always keen on enjoying humour. Once there is singular faith, then all the calamities of that devotee are warded off and he is granted all that is desired deeply. All the difficulties are resolved. In short, when we plan we do not know the totality of the situation. The saints know where lies our welfare and where not. There is nothing that they do not know. The past, present and future is all clearly perceived by them, just as one can read the palm of one’s own hand. Devotees are benefited if they behave according to their guidance.                                                                                                                       

     - Shri Sai Satcharita

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #21 on: December 14, 2011, 04:34:45 AM »
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         WAMAN TATYA   
    On some days, Baba used to stay at Village Rahata. This is at a distance of 3 kilometers from Shirdi. While returning from the place, Baba brought plants of different flowers such as Jaai, Jui and Zendu. Baba had nurtured a beautiful garden on the barren plot of land behind the wall of the Masjid. In those days, Vaman Tatya (a potter) used to supply two pots everyday. Baba used to tell him to give the pots without baking them. In these pots, everyday Baba carried water from a nearby well. He watered the plants with His own hands.

    In the evening, Baba placed the pots at the roots of Nimb tree. As soon as the pots were rested, they immediately broke into pieces. For three years, this routine continued. Waman Tatya supplied the pots during those three years.

    Sathe wada has been built at the same place.


    A devout person by the name Devidas came to Shirdi when he was 10-11 years old. His eyes were very sharp, bright and appealing. His built was proportionate. This loin cloth wearing boy, put his camp in the Maruti temple.

    Appa Bhilla, Mhalsapati and other believers frequently went to Devidas. Kashiram and others supplied him household provisions.  As is well-known, Baba came to Shirdi along with a marriage procession. Twelve years prior to that, Devidas came and stayed at Shirdi. (Baba first came to Shirdi, stayed for three years and then disappeared. After about three years, He again came to Shirdi along with Chandbhai’s marriage party. It may be assumed that during His first stay, He must have met Devidas.)

    Devidas was Mahagnyani (very knowledgeable). Tatya Patil, Kashiram and others had accepted him as their Guru.

    After Baba started staying in the dilapidated Masjid, He started spending time in the company of Devidas. Sometimes He started having meetings with Devidas in Chavadi and sometimes in the Maruti temple, where Devidas stayed.


    After the arrival of Devidas in Shirdi, another pious person by the name Janakidas came and stayed in Shirdi for sometime.

    Baba had regular sittings with Janakidas. Sometimes Baba chitchatted with Janakidas and sometimes Janakidas went wherever Baba was sitting.

    Shri Dattatreya Rasane - a son of Damuanna Rasane - has narrated to Shri Narsinha Swami the experience that he had about Janakidas. He says.….

    In 1920, my health had very much deteriorated because of adverse planetary positions. Every Sunday, I used to go to a Uttareshwar temple, about two miles from town Junnar, and performed Shiv-pujan. A Saint named Janakidas was staying there. As per my practice, I used to bow down before him. Once he said to me,
    “You are under the blessings of a Satpurush. Why do you come to an ordinary person like me ? People like me embrace the Feet of Sai Baba.”

    After that, I went home and slept. Baba offered me Darshan in  the attire of a Fakir and said, “Give Me bhiksha. Give me the bhiksha of your body along with soul.”


    Gangageer Maharaj was a very famous Vaishnav-veer (a person belonging to the sampradaya of devotees of Shri Vishnu). He used to frequently visit Shirdi.

    Gangageer Maharaj saw Baba carrying water from the well in the earthen pots. Spontaneously he said,  “The residents of this village Shirdi are indeed very fortunate. Because of their good fortune, they have this Jewel in the form of Sai Baba. Eventhough today He is carrying water on His own shoulders, this young lad is not an ordinary human being. This land has great fortune and hence, this great person has appeared here.

    Gangageer Maharaj belonged to village Puntambe (on the railway track between Daund and Manmad). He was a family man. He was very fond of exercising in a gymnasium. While playing wrestling, he heard the voice of a Siddha Purush..... “You must exercise your body by playing with the God.”

    The opportune moment had come. Gangageer Maharaj suddenly got the feeling of vairagya. While playing wrestling, the words fell on his ears and he left his family and embarked on the path of Paramarth.

    Gangageer Maharaj established his math on an island in the midst of river Godavari near village Puntambe.

    Shrimati Bhikubai Kote used to stay at Sangamner. From the year 1908, she shifted to Shirdi and spent the rest of her life at the Feet of Shri Sai Baba. While narrating her experience to Shri Narsinha Swami, she says ….

    ‘‘Gangageer Maharaj of village Vanjargaon had conducted a big Naam Saptah at Shirdi. Thousands of devotees were coming to Shirdi to participate. One of the groups was from Sangamner. When they returned to Sangamner, they gave me a photograph of Baba and also gave me a lot of prasad of barfi. They told me that ‘Radhakrishna Aai has called you to Shirdi.’

    In this manner, I came to Shirdi.....’’

    Bhikubai’s parents were from Ahmednagar. After marriage, she went to her husband’s home at Sangamner. However, soon she was widowed. Radhakrishna Aai had also become a widow at an early age. She also came to stay at Ahmednagar with her Grandfather - Babasaheb Ganesh - who was a famous lawyer. While there, Radhakrishna Aai and Bhikubai became friends.


    « Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 04:39:54 AM by piyagolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #22 on: December 21, 2011, 11:26:31 PM »
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    This great saint was a disciple from the Shishya-parampara of Shri Akkalkot Swami.

    This famous Anandnath Maharaj has his math at village Savargaon, 6 kilometers from the town of Yevala (on the Kopargaon - Manmad rail track). He used to reside at the math. Like other saints, he used to come to Shirdi frequently to meet Baba. He had foretold about Baba that, “He will do great work.”

    Once Madhavrao Deshpande, Nandram Marvadi, Bhagchand Marvadi and Dagdubhau Gayke - all villagers from Shirdi - had gone to take darshan of Anandnath Maharaj. All of them sat in the bullock-cart and began their return journey. Suddenly, Anandnath Maharaj came running, sat down in the cart saying, “I want to come to Shirdi” and accompanied them.

    In this context, while narrating his experience, Madhavrao Deshpande says,

    “When we went to him at Yevala, he was 95 years old. He used to wear only a loincloth. He was a man with a great divine vision. When we returned from him, he accompanied us to Shirdi to meet Sai Baba. His and Baba’s eyes met. However, both of them did not utter a single word. Thereafter, Anandnath Maharaj said to us, ‘He is a real diamond ! Even though He is now lying in a dump yard, He is not a flint-stone. Keep my these words in your mind. You will definitely remember them later on.’ Saying this, he returned to Yevala.’’

    The life of Anandnath Maharaj is very strange. Akkalkot Swami’s devotee late Ganesh Ballal Mulekar had stayed in the company of Shri Swami. He wrote a book, entitled ‘Shri Akkalkot-nivasi Shri Swami Maharaj yanche Charitra’. In his book, there is more information about Shri Anandnath Maharaj. It is as follows :-

    Shri Anandnath Maharaj was originally a resident of Walawal in Konkan and was a Kudal-Deshkar Brahmin. His surname was Walawalkar. He used to trade in a root, named ‘Harda’, having medicinal properties. Once, while visiting Mumbai, he came to the firm of Shri Bhende. There, he came to know that, at village Akkalkot, there is a person Who is an Incarnation of Guru Dev Dattatreya. He immediately started for Akkalkot. After reaching there, he stepped into a pond, under a tree of Vad (a sacred tree), to wash his feet. Suddenly, a twig of Vad fell on his head. When he looked up, he saw a divine vision of Maharaj and was thus blessed.

    There and then, Anandnath became a Bairagi (renounced the worldly things of life). After that, he stayed at Akkalkot for six years. He got an inspiration and composed a bhajan, full of bhakti-ras. He always used to sing it before Maharaj. He always used to move in Digambar dasha (sans clothes). Thereafter, Maharaj directed him to move out of Akkalkot. Anandnath Maharaj asked for prasad from Maharaj. Poorna-brahma sakshat Paramatma Shri Akkalkot Maharaj was very much pleased and Atma Padukas emerged from His mouth and gave them to Anandnath Maharaj. These Padukas are miniature - about half inch in size. In it, there is a darshan of Shri. Even though they are small in size, each and every line of Shri’s Padukas is visible. Till now, no one is able to identify the material, from which the Padukas are made. For taking the darshan of these Padukas, people from different villages arrive.

    Anandnath Maharaj established three maths. First one is at Yevale. Second one is in Sawantwadi state at Hodawade. Third one is in Vengurle camp at a place, known as Dhawade. This place is near town Vengurle itself, but is secluded and scenic. Many of the devotees of Shri Akkalkot Swami Maharaj come there for the darshan. The Atma Padukas, referred above, are also in this math. All the three maths are in good condition.

    Shri Anandnath Maharaj has created substantial literature on Shri. It includes bhupalis, bhajans, shlokas, aaratis etc. A major portion of his writings are yet to be published. At the Vengurle math, every morning bhupali, bhajan, shloka, aarati etc., composed by Anandnath Maharaj, are sung. Similarly, at night, Pooja, bhajan, Shejarati etc., composed by him, are rendered. Every year, Datta-jayanti, Birth and Death Anniversaries of Swami, Guru-pratipada, Guru-dwadashi etc. are observed in the math. Earlier, on the Swami-jayanti, there was an ‘open door’ policy. On that day, the villagers were made to sit on the roads of the town and gave invitations in advance to the Bhandara. The very large crowd gathering there, was provided with food (Anna-shanti). Now also, the programme is conducted on more or less same scale.

    The manner of living of Shri Anandnath Maharaj was not like that of a common man. He used to live in a grand style. He had a retinue of several servants, cooks, cows, buffalos, bullocks, vehicles etc. He had also kept a very costly mare for his math. On the whole, during his lifetime, the math was maintained with great fanfare.

    With the blessings of Shri, Anandnath Maharaj had possessed certain siddhis (miraculous powers). With their help, he had cured countless patients of their diseases. He was also blessed with wak-siddhi (miraculous power of speaking). With it, he looked after the welfare of many.

    This Anandnath Maharaj took a live Samadhi (live burial) at Vengurle in the year 1904 (Jeshtha Shuddha 6, Shake 1825). He was cremated near the math. His Padukas have been also installed there.

    He was popularly known as ‘Anandbuva’ in the village Akkalkot.


    Chandbhai was a Village Officer of Dhup-khed village. This village is in Paithan taluka in Aurangabad district at a distance of about 15 kilometers from Aurangabad on the road going to Ajantha.

    Baba came to reside  permanently at Shirdi – making this fortunate Muslim as the reason. This well-to-do Muslim, Patil of his village, was once travelling to Aurangabad and lost his mare. Two months passed away and still there was no trace of the mare. Ultimately, with great disappointment, he started on his return journey. After he covered a distance of around four and half kms. (approximately 9 miles) from Aurangabad, he spotted a young boy, sitting under a mango tree. The boy – dressed as a fakir – called out to him and asked him to smoke chillum and proceed further. The fakir - clad in a kafni and holding a satka (staff) under his shoulder – was making preparations for smoking a chillum. Seeing that Chandbhai was carrying a horse saddle on his shoulder, he enquired, “What is this saddle for ?” Then, Chandbhai narrated a story of loss of his mare. The fakir pointed out in the direction of a nearby nullah (stream) and said, “Go ! You will find your mare there.” And really, Chandbhai found his mare at that place. He was amazed. He immediately realised that, this boy is not an ordinary person and he must be an auliya (an unique person). He brought his mare to the fakir. The fakir asked him to sit near him. Then, the fakir picked-up pliers, with his own hands he embedded it in the ground, took out a burning ember and placed it in his chillum. When he found that water was needed to make the chhapi (a piece of cloth required to cover the chillum), he banged his satka on the ground and brought out water. He wetted the chhapi in the water, squeezed out extra water from it and wrapped it around the chillum. He smoked the lighted chillum and offered it to Chandbhai.

    Seeing all this, Chandbhai flabbergasted. The Patil naturally felt that, he should take this fakir to bless his home. On the insistence of Chandbhai, the fakir went to his house either that day or the next day. He stayed there for some time and went once again to Shirdi along with the wedding procession of Chandbhai’s relative.

    Chandbhai did not have issue of his own. His wife’s nephew’s marriage was arranged with a girl, named ‘Wajirbi’ from Shirdi. For this marriage, Chandbhai’s family and friends were going on horsebacks and carts. With this entourage, Baba was also travelling in a bullock-cart.

    After reaching Shirdi, the procession put a camp in the ground, in front of the Khandoba temple. This temple was owned by a sonar (goldsmith) Bhagat Mhalsapati. Seeing the cute looking child fakir, getting down from the bullock-cart, Mhalsapati spontaneously uttered, “Aao Sai (Welcome Sai) !” . And the fakir came to be known by that name thereafter.

    The story of Chandbhai’s mare was told by Chandbhai himself to Ramgeerbuva of Shirdi (‘Bapugeer’ as called by Sai Baba). Later on, in the year 1936, Ramgeerbuva narrated it to Narsinha Swami, in an interview taken by the latter. At that time, Ramgeerbuva’s age was 76.

    It is said that Baba appeared in the dreams of Chandbhai and found out his thoughts.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #23 on: December 28, 2011, 11:58:00 PM »
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    Damodar alias Damuanna Savlaram Rasane was one of the devotees of Shri Sai Baba from the very beginning.

    His family was very pious. Mahipatibuva Tahrabadkar – a writer of biographies of saints – was the Guru of his grandfather while Bhanudas Maharaj was Guru of his father.

    By nature, he was extremely polite. He began his business of selling bangles at Ahmednagar, when he was financially very poor and soon prospered with the business. He was broken hearted because - though he was blessed with various contentments of life – he did not have a son. As his first wife did not bear him a son, he married a second time. However, it was of no avail.

    He started feeling, that to beget a son, he must serve saintly persons and get their blessings. To secure favour from various astral planets, he even turned to astrologers.  He was advised that, in your Putra-sthan the evil planet Ketu has entered and therefore, the planet Guru is helpless. The result is, it is not in his fate to have a son. In the course of consulting a countless astrologers, Rasane himself earned excellent knowledge of astrology.

    During this period, an acquaintance of Rasane Family Shri Govindrao Sapkar (father-in-law of Madhavrao Deshpande of Shirdi – an ardent devotee of Baba) suggested Rasane that he should seek advice and blessings of Shri Sai Baba.

    Sometime soon, in 1892, Damuanna went to Nimgaon in connection with some work. There he heard more information about Sai Baba. As Nimgaon is only one-and-half miles from Shirdi, Rasane went to avail Baba’s Darshan.

    Damuanna was a devotee of Shri Guru Dattatray and Shankar. He had made religious trips to various places of pilgrimage. Therefore, on having Darshan of Baba, Rasane became an ardent devotee of Him. He had gone with only one desire – that of having a son. And in the first meeting, Baba said to him, “Your desire shall be fulfilled.”

    As Ahmednagar is near to Shirdi, Damusheth started frequently going there. Initially, Baba did not allow him to stay at Shirdi. However, Damuanna was incessantly thinking of Baba and seeing Him before his eyes. He was sad that Baba is not permitting him to stay longer at Shirdi.

    In these circumstances, he lost his sister. He became more depressed. During the mourning period itself, Baba called him to the upper portion of the Masjid and lent him advice and condoled him. He instructed Rasane to go to Appa Kulkarni, apply Tilak of sandal and have Puran Poli. Though this is forbidden during the mourning period, Rasane – because of his steadfast devotion to Baba – followed Baba’s words.

    As many as 6-7 years passed, but there were no signs that Rasane’s desire for a son will be fulfilled. It was year 1898-99. Rasane’s relatives began cajoling him to either marry a third time or adopt his brother’s son. He decided to place the dilemma directly before Baba and began his journey towards Shirdi.

    At that time, a Mamledar, named Rale had sent a parcel of excellent mangoes from Goa. The parcel was sent in the name of Madhavrao Deshpande with a request to place the fruits as a gift to Baba. On opening the parcel, it revealed beautiful, sweet and fragrant mangoes. They were about 300 in numbers. Baba inspected all of them and selected eight. Placing them in Madhavrao’s hands and instructing him to keep them in Kolamba, He said, “Let these be for Damya”.

    Baba was very much fond of children. Collecting them around Him, He distributed sweets and Prasad amongst them. Taking advantage of the playful relations between Baba and the kids, they used to sometimes steal articles of food. Baba also ignored such pranks.

    When the parcel of mangoes arrived, as usual, several children were playing in the Masjid. The mangoes were distributed amongst them. However, seeing the mangoes kept in the Kolamba, the kids began asking for the fruits. Baba said, “Now there are no more mangoes left.” The kids pointed out the mangoes kept in the Kolamba. Baba said, “These are for my Damya.” Kids replied, “But, where is Damusheth ? He is not here.” Baba said, ‘‘Yes. That is true. But, he is on his way to Shirdi. He is coming here.”

    In spite of this, seeing that Baba had gone to Lendi Baug, some of the kids stole four mangoes from the Kolamba.
    Baba returned from Lendi Baug and Damuanna had arrived in Masjid to perform his Pooja !

    On seeing that only four mangoes out of eight are left in the Kolamba, Baba remarked, “People have their eyes on these mangoes. But, these are not theirs. They belong to Damuanna. One should eat these mangoes and die.”
    Damuanna heard these words and was amazed to hear “die”. Though he was familiar with Baba’s way of speaking, he felt hurt and his eyes welled with tears at the inauspicious word.

    Mhalsapati consoled him and said, ‘‘Look at these words as a blessing. He is not talking of death of mortal body, but of evils such as Avidya, Maya, Ahankar. Damusheth, your wellbeing is in following His instructions.’’

    As per Baba’s directions, Damuanna ate one mango. In a clam tone, Baba told him, ‘‘Take rest of the mangoes for your wife. With Allah’s blessings, you will bear eight children.”

    After performing Pooja, Damusheth started on his return journey, but turned back and enquired, “To whom shall I give these – to the elder wife or younger wife ?” Baba replied “Younger one.”

    Damusheth was totally devastated thinking that his fate has no children for him. However, a new hope rekindled in his heart hearing Baba’s words.

    After Damuanna’s wife partook the Prasad, she gave birth to eight children – for sons and four daughters. However, during the course of time, four kids soon passed away. Baba had foretold the order in which the kids will be born and in reality, it turned out to be true. Not only this, Baba had also said that, “You will have two sons first.’’

    Accordingly, the first son was born in year 1900 – on 6th December, on the auspicious day of Datta Jayanti. Due to Baba’s blessings all the four sons were able bodied, intelligent, good businessmen, as well as good family men. The sons were born in a rich family and their wealth increased many-folds in later years. Baba’s words thus came out to be true.

    Damuanna believed that the flag of his family fluttered (through the births of his sons) due to Baba’s blessings. Therefore, on the suggestion of Gopalrao Gund, Damuanna began the practice of hoisting a flag on the top of the Masjid. He also contributed sizable finance for the tiling of the Masjid flooring.

    After hoisting of the flag, Damuanna donated food amongst the poor and needy. This event took place in the second year of the Urus.

    Damuanna had prepared Naivedya and invited Baba for the meal. He knew that it was Baba’s practice not to go for meals outside the Masjid. Therefore, Damuanna requested, “Baba, please send Balaji Patil Nevaskar to have meal at my place.” As Balaji belonged to lower caste, Baba said, “You will make him sit at a far off place and shoo him away.” But, ultimately, after lot of persuasion, Baba gave his permission.

    Damusheth served various preparations in a Thali and first offered it before Baba’s picture. Then, he placed a Thali for Balaji next to his own Thali and greeted Baba saying loudly “Baba, Yaa (come).” Suddenly, a huge black colored dog – covered with mud and filth – arrived there. Damusheth was going to drive him away, but he remembered Baba’s words about “shooing away”. He was now certain that Baba was trying to take his test by sending the dog. Damuanna first served food to the dog and only thereafter, others had their meals.

    ‘‘I will carry your burden for ever !’’

    Baba had told Damuanna the names that were to be given to the first two sons and Damuanna had noted them down in his diary. One year passed thereafter and Damuanna’s first son was born. When the boy was an infant, Damuanna took him to Shirdi and placed him at Baba’s feet. He enquired, “Baba, what name shall I give him ?” Baba retorted, “Damya, did you forget,  what I had told you in such a short time ? You have noted down the name on the third page of your diary. Have I not told you to name him ‘Daulatsha’ ? As instructed by Baba, Damuanna named him as ‘Daulatsha’ (Dattatray Damodar alias Nanasaheb Rasane).

    After a few years thereafter, the second son ‘Tanashah’ was born.

    When Daulatshah became five year old, Damusheth took him to Shirdi for Chaul Karma. Baba held the boy’s hand in His own hand and taught him to write the word ‘Hari’.

    Baba also gave guidance at the time of marriage of Daulatshah alias Nanasaheb Rasane. For this boy from a rich family, several proposals were coming from well-off families. One of the proposal was from his own maternal uncle who was offering a dowry of Rs. 2-3,000. There was also a proposal from a poor family from Pandharpur. Due to financial condition, the family could offer no dowry.

    Damusheth took a bunch of horoscopes to Shirdi and along with Madhavrao went to see Baba. Madhavrao showed the horoscopes to Baba and enquired, “Which proposal should they accept ?” Baba held the papers in his hands and selected the one belonging to the girl from poor family. Accordingly, Damusheth went with the alliance of his son with that girl.

    The marriage was held in Pandharpur. Damusheth also invited Baba for the marriage. Baba assured him - “I am always near you. Don’t be afraid. Whenever you think of me, that every time I will be with you. Don’t forget this.” As Damushet repeatedly invited Him, Baba said, “Without Allah’s permission, I cannot do anything. I will send Shamya on my behalf.”
    Madhavrao alias Shama attended the marriage at Pandharpur.

    The people criticized Damusheth for foregoing such large sum of dowry and having alliance with a poor family. However, without getting attracted towards any monetary matters, Damuanna followed Baba’s instructions to the last word. Daulatshah’s family life with his wife began on the path of happiness.

    Inner Kowledgeable Baba

    A Mumbai Broker and a friend of Damusheth once recommended a deal to him. He said, “If you purchase cotton now for Rs. 50-60,000, after some time it will fetch you at least Rs. 1 Lakh. However, you must not delay the matter.”
    Damusheth did not do anything without taking Baba’s advice. On this occasion also he wrote a letter requesting Madhavrao to seek Baba’s permission for the deal. But, Baba said, ‘‘Has he gone mad ? He thinks that with such a purchase he will reach the sky. But, tell him, not to run after Lakhs. And, what is he lacking at home that he is getting involved in such unnecessary matters ?”

    Damusheth was little dejected on receiving such an answer from Baba. He decided to go to Shirdi and himself put the question to Baba. It was his practice to press Baba’s legs after going to Shirdi. While pressing Baba’s legs, an idea entered his mind – why not offer part of the profit to Baba. But, before he could utter a word, Baba retorted, “Damya, I do not want to get involved in any transactions.” Then Damusheth gave up the idea altogether.

    On another occasion, he asked Baba’s permission about trading in food provisions. Baba said, “The market rates will collapse and purchase prices will be higher than the selling prices.” Damuanna told this to his business friends. They said, “Actually, the present situation is exactly opposite.”

    However, during that season the rains were very good and the crop was abundant. The result was – the prices came crashing down and the hoarders lost a lot of money.

    Damusheth himself narrated these stories about his business to Narsinha Swamy.

    Once, Damusheth’s appeal was being heard in Mumbai High Court. The lawyer wanted him to come to Mumbai. Damusheth went to Shirdi to seek permission from Baba. However, Baba did not allow him to go to Mumbai. Not only that, He made him stay with Him. Here in Mumbai, Damusheth won the case.

    When Damusheth first went to Shirdi, it was Balaji Patil of village Nevasa who used to sweep the Masjid, lit the lamps and do other such work. Damusheth obtained permission of Baba and started participating the chores.

    While Baba was Dehdhari, Damuanna took his advice in person and after His Samadhi Damuanna put chits of paper with “yes” - “no” options before Baba’s photo and picked one of them treating it as Baba’s advice.

    Supreme Guru - Shri Sai Baba

    In the year 1926, Damusheth’s senior son – Dattatray alias Nanasaheb went to Kedgaon to avail the Darshan of Shri Narayan Maharaj. The moment Maharaj spotted him, he said, “Your Guru is Param Guru. He is several levels above me. Why did you come here ? Your fate is safe in the hands of Baba. You have chosen rightly. You go to Him and yours shall be accomplished.”

    ‘‘I will only fulfil wishes of my devotees !’’

    Nanasaheb was childless for a long time. Earlier he lost three children due to epilepsy. His wife, therefore, tried to persuade him to get married for a second time. He was depressed and sad. He lost interest in family matters.

    In such a frame of mind, once sat in front of Baba’s Samadhi in Shirdi and began pleading - “Baba, bless me either with a child or show me the path to Atma Kalyan.” While appealing thus, his eyes welled with tears. Just then he heard a faint voice from the Samadhi – “Santati Ho Jayegi (You shall be blessed with a child) !” Nanasaheb’s joy did not know any bounds. He prostrated before the Samadhi. He was amazed and ecstatic – not because he was going to be blessed with a child but with realization that his Sadguru responded to his prayers. In 1928, he bore a son.

    As Nanasaheb had only one son, his father Damusheth prayed in front of the Samadhi and Nanasaheb was blessed with a second son in 1931.

    Damuanna said, “I incessantly think of Baba. He sometimes gives me Darshan, sometimes even abuses me and on occasions even thrashes me. It is said that devotees of Akkalkot Swami benefited from abuses and beatings sometimes showered upon them. So is the case of Baba. Therefore, I was never hurt with his bad words or thrashings. Nor did my devotion and affection get any less.”

    A theft was committed at the Ahmednagar house of Damuanna. The startling fact was it was committed by a person who served in the home for as many as 33 years. With the help of keys, he opened the cupboard and took away the box containing family ornaments. It included a very old nose-ring which is priceless for a married lady. The loss of the nose-ring hurt everyone more than anything else.

    After the name of the thief was revealed, Damuanna was very much disheartened. He was unable to understand the reasons which tempted the servant to commit such a deed. In turn, the man was threatened with dire consequences and offered various enticements, but to no avail. He did not disclose anything. A police enquiry commenced. But, in his heart Damuanna repeatedly felt that the matter should not be dragged to court.

    Ultimately, he sat in front of Baba’s photo and began praying. He placed the matter before Baba. Baba was his ultimate court. The very next day, the servant produced the stolen box of ornaments – intact with all its contents – before Damusheth and sought forgiveness.

    Clearance of doubts

    This is an event which took place sometime in 1910-11. Once, as usual, Damusheth was sitting at the feet of Baba. There, two questions going around in his mind. One was – “So many devotees come every day to Baba. Do they all benefit from coming here ?” The moment the question was formed, Baba replied, “See ! You must have observed the Mohor that a mango tree gets ? But, some of it gets drained before conversion into fruit. Even all fruits do not reach the stage of ripening. Ultimately, only mangoes become ripe.”

    The second question was, “What will happen to me, when Baba is no more ?” Baba immediately replied, ‘‘Damya, whenever and wherever you think of me, I will be always there with you.”

     Before his demise, Damusheth called his sons near him and earnestly told them, “From time to time my Baba has given me money – totaling now to Rs 31. Take care of them even more than your life. These are not simple Rupee coins – they are Saakshaat  Kamdhenu. Make sure that nothing is left wanting in your service to Shri Sai Baba.”

    Damusheth breathed his last at the ripe old age of 89 on 20th January 1941. His successive generations hold only Baba in esteem as their Param Aaradhya Daivat. The young and old from their household, even today follow Sai Baba’s teachings. As directed by Damuanna, the senior son – Nanasaheb – gave more importance to serving Sai Baba than looking after his own family. Baba also helped him in his Parmarthik progress. He spent major portion of his life in propagating the teachings of Shri Sai Baba. He was a trustee of Shirdi Sai Sansthan.

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #24 on: January 04, 2012, 11:19:45 PM »
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    Some of the Sai devotees have stayed loyal to their devotion for the span of their entire life. Prominent amongst them is Muktaram.

    He originally belonged to Khandesh. His house was about one and a half mile from Raver. He first came to Shirdi around 1910-11. After passage of some time, he gave up the land he owned, his house, mother, wife and children (Sarva-Sang-Parityag) and moved permanently to Shirdi to be near Baba. Baba gave him the name ‘Muktaram’.

    At that time, there was another Sai devotee in Shirdi who was walking on the path to Virakti. His name was Balaram alias Balakram Mankar. Muktaram started spending his time in the company of Balaram. Baba was guiding these two on their Adhyatmik (spiritual) progress and was not willing to make these two sit in Shirdi only. He made them undertake travel to various areas. But, Shirdi was the central point for all their journeys and from time to time they returned to Shirdi.

    In planning their return to Shirdi, Baba had the intention of giving them Adhyatmik guidance as well as achieving their Aatmavikas (self-development).

    From 1914-15, Muktaram moved his residence permanently to Shirdi. He spent his maximum time around Baba. He sat near the Dhooni in the Masjid. His practice was to arrive in Dwarkamai in the early morning and continue there upto the Aarati at the noon. He took his breakfast and lunch along with Baba. He managed with whatever food that Baba gave him.

    After lunch, as directed by Baba, he used to move to a small tin-shed adjacent to Dixit Wada. He had kept a Dhooni incessantly burning there. As per instructions of Baba, he stayed near this Dhooni till Baba asked him to come out. Even in scorching heat of summer, he continued to sit for hours together near the burning Dhooni in the small tin-shed. people around him wondered, how he is able to bear the heat. The reason was the power (Shakti) he had gained from his staunch devotion (Bhakti). Muktaram was thus incessantly trying to turn his Antarang and Bahya-rang towards the path of Almighty. His only aim in life was to live in the way shown by Sadguru.

    Baba had given him a Kafni and a cloth to tie around his head and that was his daily attire. There was a resemblance in his way of living, style of speech and gestures and those of Baba. However, some people thought that he was imitating Baba and therefore, the respect that they felt for Muktaram gradually gave place to misunderstanding and hatred. This got expression in some of the articles published as well as stories circulated about Muktaram.

    There are two distinct versions of the event immediately before Muktaram’s death. One version shows his in a rather bad light while other one clears the air.

    A few examples of former type appear in Shri Sai Satcharit as well as in a magazine called ‘Shri Sainath Prabha’. This magazine began publication in 1916 from Pune and Shri Sunderrao Narayan was its editor. The magazine was managed by Daxina Bhiksha Sanstha of Raobahadur Hari Vinayak Sathe.

    Some of the stories which show Shri Muktaram in a bad light are :-

    (1)  Muktaram felt that he is able to copy the ways of behaviour of Baba. Therefore, after Baba took Samadhi, he started feeling that he could take the place of Baba.  Slowly, there came a change in him. One day, he sat on the mattress (near the railing), on which Baba used to sit. Many senior devotees protested against this; but he replied, “It is Baba Himself Who has asked me to sit on this mattress. I am His heir.” However, in a short while, he felt as if pins were pricking him from below and blood started oozing out. He vacated the seat and moved to another place. But, the pricking and blood continued. In about 7-8 days, he laid down his life in great pain, but after seeking forgiveness of Shri.

    (2)  A similar story appears in the Don Shabda (two words - or foreword) to Shri Sai Satcharit. It says that two days after Baba took Samadhi, Muktaram went and sat on Baba’s seat in Dwarkamai. Thereafter, he died a painful death as narrated above.

    (3)  The moment Muktaram’s feet touched the seat of Samartha (Sai Baba), he had an unbearable pain in his stomach. Later on no medicine or remedy was unable to help him. He prayed before the seat of Samartha for forgiveness; but to no avail. After two days, he died a painful death.

    It was but natural that anyone who heard or read stories of these versions would see Shri Muktaram in a bad light. To dispel the misunderstandings and bad publicity, one of the Sai devotees wrote a detailed letter to the editors of ‘Shri Sainath Prabha’ under the pen-name of Mitra (friend) which was published in the April, 1919 issue of the magazine. It is reproduced below :-

    ‘‘After reading an article titled ‘Shri Sainath Maharajanchya Akhyayika’ (legends of Shri Sainath Maharaj), I had certain thoughts which I feel it necessary to communicate to you and hence, this letter.

    The story published therein relating to the death of a devotee named Muktaram is not factual. ...About three months prior to Shri Samartha took Samadhi, Muktaram was not keeping well. He was suffering from fever and cough. Since he took ill, he laid down in his room. About 8-9 days after Shri Samartha took Samadhi, he went to the Masjid; but returned to his room in less than 24 hours. He did not sit on the mattress near the railing and also did not place his hand on the railing like Baba used to do. He sat still on a gunny sack near a pillar somewhere near the middle.

    Several people thought that it was Muktaram’s plan to sit in the Masjid like Baba used to do and this writer is one of such people. However, as Muktaram soon returned to his room, all doubts were cleared.

    After he returned to his room, this author posed him a direct question, ‘Why did you go to the Masjid and then, why did you return ?’ He replied, ‘As I am not feeling well, I am very much harassed person. I thought that if I sit in the Masjid and pray to Shri Samartha, I may get some relief. However, it was not possible for me to sit there for long. Further, there was the problem of spitting out cough from time to time. Therefore, I returned back to this room to lay down.’ Later on, from the month of October, his health started deteriorating rapidly and after about two to two and half months he died of TB in January, 1919.

    Secondly, the article published in your magazine is likely to create an impression that Shri Samartha was very cold hearted. However, this writer and many other devotees have experienced that to the contrary that Shri Samartha was personification of Daya (kindness) and Kshama (forgiveness). He looked after His devotees like His own children. Punishment meted out to a wrongdoer was mild in nature.”

    The above letter was published by Shri Sainath Prabha and its editor even added that :-

    “We had published in our previous issue an account of Shri Muktaram’s death. It was penned by a senior devotee of Samartha Sai Baba from Shirdi itself. We were only a medium for publishing it. We were not aware of Muktaram’s earlier details. Our friend has furnished the missing information. We are grateful to this friend for the same.”

    The letter was also published by Shri Sai Leela and its editor stated that :-

    “The new devotees visiting Shirdi after Baba took Samadhi hear stories about earlier days and about earlier persons – which have traveled by word of mouth. It is necessary for the devotees in using their own judgement regarding credibility and reliability of such stories. Hence, we have published the above letter.”

    If a person gives some more thought to the three stories appearing above, he is likely to come across some absurdities. There is some confusion about exact day on which Shri Muktaram is said to have visited the Masjid. The first story mentions it as ‘one day’ while the second and third stories mention ‘two days’ after Baba took Samadhi. Thus, the exact day on which Muktaram went there is not clear.

    In the first and second stories, the cause of Muktaram’s death is given as “because he sat on the seat of Shri Samarth, he felt as if pins were pricking him from below, blood started oozing out and he died a painful death.” However, in the third story, it is mentioned that “his stomach started having unbearable pains and he died of a swelling in his stomach.” Thus the stories give conflicting reasons for his death.

    The most important anomaly is about the time of his death. First two stories state that “he dies after two days”. Third story says that “he died after two days”. Thus the month of his death would be October 1918.

    In reality he had gone to the Masjid 8-9 days after Baba took Samadhi, he died in January 1919 and the cause of was TB.

    The letter writer was a witness to these events and had written the account in his own handwriting. This is sufficient to set at rest all guess-work about Muktaram’s behaviour and death.

    There are some incidents concerning Shri Muktaram which are worth mentioning here.

    Whenever Annasaheb Dabholkar (author of Shri Sai Satcharit) visited Shirdi, he stayed on the upper floor of Dixit Wada. His bedding would be kept below a window. Once, a snake came in from a whole in the window and entered Dabholkar’s bedding. Everyone gathered sticks etc. to kill the snake. A person succeeded in hitting him; but he managed to escape by the same rout by which he had come. Muktaram, who was present there, said, ”The poor animal would have lost its life. Good that he could escape from the hole.”

    Hearing this Dabholkar was furious. There was a verbal duel which lasted for a long time. Ultimately it was time to go to bed and the debate was given a rest for the time being. Next day Baba deliberately raised the topic – “What happened yesterday ?” Dabholkar narrated the entire story and posed a question, “Should a person slay a snake at such times ?” Baba replied, “There is a part of God in every human-being as well as animal – may he be a snake or a scorpion. Every one behaves as the Almighty asks him to behave.”

    Thus, Muktaram had propagated what Baba had taught and Baba fully supported his stand. This incident narrates how Muktaram’s nature was different from others.

    Another incident concerning Muktaram is how Baba made him a medium for constructing a temple at a town called Harda.

    Shri Sadashiv Dhundiraj alias Sadu-bhaiyya Naik of Harda once received a letter from Shri Kakasaheb Dixit. It was stated that “Shri Balaramji and Muktaramji will leave from here on Monday the 8th February 1915 and will reach Harda by same day evening by about 5 p.m. Muktaram’s home is about one-and-half mile from Raver. There is a large photo of Shri Samarth there. He has an urge to give this photo to you. Please send a person to meet these two on Harda station.”

    Muktaram as a medium

    Around the same time Honorary Magistrate Chhotubhaiya Parulkar (also a resident of Harda) had a dream and in it Baba said, “I have come to Sadubhaiya’s place. Come for a Darshan !”

    After receiving Kakasaheb’s letter, Sadu-bhaiya did not send any one to the station, but went himself.  He saw Balaram and Muktaram sitting in a compartment with the photo placed in between the two. He prostrated before Baba’s photo, greeted Balaram and Muktaram and took them to his home.

    It was the day of Dasnavami. A lot of people had gathered to welcome them. With great fanfare, evening Arati was performed.

    Next day was Thursday. As guided by Balaram and Muktaram, a Pooja of the photo was performed with Rudrabhishek. Thereafter the photo was placed on a throne and Arati and Mantrapushpanjali were performed.

    While the Abhishek was being performed, Muktaram climbed first on the balcony and from there on the roof of the house and hoisted a flag. Actually, the place - from where the flag post was tied – was very precarious and if his foot had slipped, it was a sure call for death. Everyone was watching with bated breathes. However, within a batting of an eyelid, Muktaram accomplished the task and safely came down.

    While Muktaram was hoisting the flag, here in Shirdi Baba’s hands started severely aching. While Fakir Baba was pressing His hands, He uttered, “Garibonka Allah Malik Wali HAI. Allahase Bada Koi Nahi’’. (Allah is everything of the poor people. No one is bigger than Allah.)

    Here Baba’s photo was installed at Sadu-bhaiya’s place and same night in Jalgaon, Sadubhaiya’s wife as well as cousin brother had following dreams.

    His wife saw that Madhavrao Deshpande had come with a coconut, Khan (blouse piece) and packets of Haldi-Kumkum and said to her, “Baba has sent this Oti for you.”

    Sadubhaiya’s cousin brother Shri Narayan Dadaji dreamt that he is standing in front of Baba and Baba is saying to him, “We are going to Harda. You also come with us !” Next he saw that both of them were standing on the banks of river Godavari. It appeared that the river had swelled with more water than was usual and where they were standing, nearby there were two gunny bags of wheat.

    Baba asked Narayanrao, “How are we going to cross the river now ?” But, suddenly, there appeared 10 Nandi Bail (holy bullocks) carrying loads on their backs and a well-constructed road also appeared. Baba and the Nandi Bail accompanied Narayanrao from his house in Harda till the house of Sadubhaiya (where the flag had been hoisted) and suddenly disappeared.

    Thus Baba had established His Sansthan at Harda and for the purpose, He had used Muktaram as a medium.

    In short, Muktaram was a man who had embraced Vairagya. He had given up family life and bowed at the feet of Baba. He laid down his life in Shirdi and his Samadhi was built in Lendi-baug in Shirdi. The people - who initially had criticized Muktaram – later on started paying respects to his Samadhi. It was Baba’s desire to be so. Without it, nothing would have been possible.


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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #25 on: January 06, 2012, 12:35:19 PM »
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  • Bade baba

    Shri Sai Baba gave refuge to many devotees in Dwarkamai. Bade Baba was one very important personality amongst such devotees in Shri Sai Baba’s Darbar.

    Baba has said, ‘‘If you give me one I will give you in hundreds !’’ However, the gifts of God are unique. To consume the blessings, the devotee must be equally deserving and virtuous. It would be seen from the life sketch of Bade Baba that Baba showered a lot on him; but Bade Baba did not have the spiritual strength to deserve them.

    Bade Baba was ‘Fakir Peer Mohammed’ from Malegaon. By profession he was a Fakir. Therefore, he was also known by the name Fakir Baba.

    Bade Baba first arrived in Shirdi around 1909 and thereafter, took permanent residence there. In the beginning, he used to reside in the new Chavdi. Sai Baba had not granted him permission tp come to Dwarkamai. Devotees like Mhalsapati, who were close to Baba, requested Him to permit Bade Baba to enter Dwarkamai. However, Baba continued to deny the permission saying ‘‘Let him sit in the Chavdi and read the Book (Quran)’’. Baba adopted such queer-looking ways for the spiritual progress of some of His devotees.

    After some months passed, Baba gave the permission to Bade Baba became a prominent personality in Shirdi. The reason for this was also unique.

    ‘‘Atithi Devo Bhava’’

    Sai Baba pampered Bade Baba a lot. He affectionately called him‘Bademiyan’ and honoured him as a guest. In the Masjid, he sat on the right hand side of Baba. In Baba’s Darbar, a guest was given a lot of prestige. Bade Baba was in the Masjid from morning breakfast to afternoon dinner. Sai Baba made him sit near Himself and served food with His own hands. He cajoled Bade Baba to eat more.

    Devotees placed offerings of eatables before Baba. He first took some part from the offerings, gave to Bade Baba and then distributed the rest to other devotees.

    At the time of meals also, unless Bade Baba partook some of the food first, Baba would not commence His own lunch. However, unfortunately, Bade Baba’s ego got bloated because of the importance accorded to him by Baba. Therefore, the other devotees disliked Bade Baba’s behaviour.

    It was the daily routine that, before the meals were served, Bade Baba would come and sit in the Sabha Mandap down below. Baba would call out his name - ‘Bade Miyan’ and only then he would climb the steps of the Masjid and sit at the dish placed on Baba’s right-hand side.

    Howeveronce, on the festive day of Diwali, Bade Baba’s mood was upset due to some reason and he did not follow his usual practice. He did not arrive at the Sabha Mandap. On that day, several devotees had brought an assortment of sweetmeats. After the food was served, Baba called out Bade Baba’s name. But, he was nowhere to be seen. In Bade Baba’s absence, Baba refused to start His meal. Everyone kept waiting.

    Ultimately, someone located Baba Baba and managed to bring him to his place on the right side of Baba. Finally, the meals commenced. It may appear odd that too much importance was being given to a person who insulted food. But, Baba had unique ways of gathering His devotees and He followed such ways Himself.

    In the later years, everyday, as many as 100-125 dishes filled with Naivedya were brought by devotees from Shirdi and other places. Some days, Baba instructed Bade Baba to make pieces of Chapattis and Bhakaris and mix them. Accepting these as Baba’s Prasad, the devotees ate it with relish. On some occasions, Baba chided them by asking, ‘‘How do you eat this food which has been touched and viled by Bade Baba - a Muslim ?’’ Devotees replied, ‘‘Baba, this place and this food belongs to the Almighty God.’’ To this, Baba said, ‘‘Yes. Not only this place, but the entire world belongs to HIm. Therefore, you should never differentiate between various religions and castes.’’

    God is everywhere

    In the eyes of the saints, there is no differentiation between various elements which make up this world. They see this earth as one. Their every action imparts some message. Only, we must be able to read, understand and follow it.

    Once, Baba was having His meal. An earthen pot contained some buttermilk. Suddenly a dog entered the Masjid and tasted it. Bade Baba - who was sitting nearby - asked a boy to throw away the buttermilk. Baba enquired what was wrong. After Bade Baba explained, Baba said, ‘‘That buttermilk is good. Take it home and make Kadhi. We both will have it.’’ Bade Baba prepared the Kadhi, brought it; but did not touch it. Baba drank it whole-heartedly.

    Sant - Sadguru try to eradicate the thoughts of Sankalp - Vikalp from the minds of their devotees. The above incident was Baba’s attempt to stamp out such thoughts from Bade Baba’s mind. The man had spent countless days with and around Baba. In spite of this, did he fail to get the message ?

    Baba always took with love and affection at least some portion from the Prasad brought by His devotees. He even tasted the non-vegetarian dishes. He did not differentiate between variousreligions and castes. He also did not believe Sovale - Ovale (achieving purity by not touching others). At the same time, He believed that His devotees must adhere to their respective religions and its dictates. Once, Bade Baba brought a Hindu who had converted himself into a Muslim. Baba slapped that person and asked, ‘‘Were you not ashamed to change your father ?’’

    Baba could not agree with certain extreme customs of Islam and refused to follow them. Once, He told His staunch and hard-liner Muslim devotees to go outside the border of Shirdi town and then do their Khutba prayer. He Himself did not participate in the prayer. On the second occasion. He allowed them to do Namaz in the Masjid; but did not participate Himself.

    The honour of highest Daxina

    Everyday, devotees offered Daxina totaling Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 to Baba. By evening, Baba distributed the amount and HIs pockets became once again empty. Baba gave a certain sum of money everyday to Dada Kelkar, Bade Baba, Sunderabai, Laxmibai, Tatya Patil etc. But, the honour of getting maximum amount - varying between Rs. 30 to Rs. 55 - went  to Bade Baba. During the last 9 years (prior to Baba’s leaving His mortal body), Bade Baba and Tatya Patil got more than Rs. 100 everyday.

    ‘‘What use a Fakir like Bade Baba can make of receiving such large sum of money everybody’’ was the question which cropped in the minds of the residents of Shirdi. They, therefore, requested Bade Baba to finance the construction of the main entrance to the village. However, Bade Baba did not agree to the request. Hence, the villagers forbid him from stepping into the village. He, therefore, went and stayed at Nimgaon. To circumvent the problem, Baba used to meet Bade Baba everyday on the banks of the Nullah and handed over the amount to Bade Baba there. The villagers realized that they had put Baba to a lot of inconvenience and hence, called back Bade Baba to Shirdi.

    Bade Baba’s behaviour

    After the above event, the villagers bowing down went to Bade Baba’s head. He realized that the folks were now coming to him with folded hands and this made Bade Baba more arrogant. Baba always treated Bade Baba with respect. But, Bade Baba started behaving with a sense of superiority and as per his whims and fancies. He even started acting against the wishes of Baba. The devotees felt that Bade Baba must use his language carefully and politely while at least speaking to or about Baba. But, his choice of words bordered on sheer arrogance.

    Once, Baba’s devotee Shri Raghuvir Bhaskar Purandare was suffering from sever headache. Whole night, he was restless. In the same condition, he went to Baba. Bade Baba, who was sitting nearby, told harshly to Baba, ‘‘Purandare has suffered during the entire night. He has got a sever headache. Look after him. Don’t make him so much ill.’’                

    Courtesy: Mrs. Mugdha Divadkar
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: In Sai's Proximity!!!
    « Reply #26 on: September 21, 2012, 01:55:17 AM »
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    Dear Baban

    Thus, Dasganu and Madhavrao met in the true sense of the word and became Gurubandhu.
    Shri Dasganu had begun composing lavanees (erotic songs mainly sung in the Maharashtrian folk theatre called ‘tamasha’) and powadas (songs describing heroic deeds of courageous persons from history) from a very young age, while Madhavrao was an expert singer, as well as an accomplished actor. Madhavrao was blessed with a sweet voice and good looks. Therefore, he became an excellent medium for popularizing the poetic contributions of Dasganu amongst common folk.
    Besides complementing the talent of each other, they had certain other common interests.  Both of them were religious minded and were equally immersed in the thoughts and worship of the Almighty. They were also not interested in worldly desires.
    Dasganu had gauged the true liking of Madhavrao’s mind. He, therefore, in 1897 (or there about) took him to Sai Baba. There, Madhavrao got what he was searching for all along and succeeded in getting peace of mind.
    Madhavrao considered and honoured Dasganu as his elder brother. He showered love and affection on him. Dasganu reciprocated these feelings. He used to go to the extent of making Madhavrao sit for pooja and then garland him, wash his feet and drink the water considering it to be ‘holy water’, even touched his feet. Madhavrao used to get very much embarrassed by such gestures, but could not express his these feelings to Dasganu who used to affectionately call him ‘Baban’.

    Aarati Sai Baba

    Whenever Madhavrao visited Shirdi, he stayed there for long periods of time. He sustained his living by taking private tuitions. He set his foot on the path towards Shirdi as soon as the thought struck him.
    In 1903-04, he was in Shirdi, totally immersed in Baba’s thought and suddenly a poem got composed in his mind. It was a poem devoted to Shri Sai Baba in the form of an Aarati. Dasganu was amazed and very happy with the song. But, Madhavrao thought nothing much of his creation and put the piece of paper in his pocket.
    When both of them went to Baba, Baba realized that Madhavrao was trying to hide it and said, ‘‘Are, Madhava, why are you trying to hide the paper. Read it aloud !’’ On hearing it, Baba said, ‘‘Your this Aarati will look after welfare of the devotees.’’
    Even today, we experience, how true are Baba’s words...
    Hemadpant has liberally showered praises on this Aarati in his ‘Shri Sai Sat Charit’.


    Madhavrao’s basic nature tended towards Vairagya. Therefore, he was very happy to spend his time in Shirdi and be near his Sadguru and was never keen on returning back to his wife and other family members.
    His relatives searched for him everywhere, but to no avail. Ultimately, the search ended, when one Raghopant, who had spotted Madhavrao in Shirdi, conveyed the information to them. Madhavrao’s father went to Shirdi and brought him back.
    Baba had guessed this in advanced and told Madhavrao in Hindi that ‘‘Two persons riding horses are coming to take you back. You will have to go with them. Go ! I will be always with you in the form of the Aarati.’’ When the riders arrived, Baba said, ‘‘Go with them immediately ! You will give birth to a son. Name him as ‘Ram’ ! Don’t stay here anymore. Go with them !’’
    Against his own wishes, Madhavrao obeyed Baba’s diktat and returned to his home and family life. In due course, a son was born and named as ‘Ramchandra’.
    Madhavrao also had a daughter. She was married to Shri Ropalekar of Pandharpur. But, like her mother, she also did not live long.
    When Ramchandra’s thread ceremony was performed, his father was the only close member of his immediate family who was present.

    Intense desire

    Whenever Madhavrao was not in Shirdi, he would be restless. His heart yearned to be there. On one such occasion, as the holy festival of Ram Navami was fast approaching, Madhavrao wanted to be in Shirdi as soon as possible. In reality, his health was not good. He was worried as to how he will manage the trip. Just then, two of his friends arrived and they took him with great care to Shirdi. This is how Baba used to know the utmost desires of His devotees and fulfil the same.
    While Madhavrao was in Shirdi, he would experience that every moment Baba is looking after his welfare and wellbeing. Once, as per his routine, he wanted to go inside the Masjid. But, there was a huge crowd of devotees already waiting to enter and therefore, the guards were not allowing Madhavrao to enter first. Just then, Baba sent a message ‘‘Let Madhavrao come in !’’
      Try to imagine the feelings and joy of Madhavrao on hearing Baba’s message !

    Madhavrao’s in-depth study

    Because of the good deeds that he must have done in his earlier births, Madhavrao was fortunate to have a Sadguru like Shri Sai Baba. But, besides Shirdi, he used to repeatedly visit various places of pilgrimage such as Kashi, Rameshwar, Balaji, Gangapur, Narasobachi Wadi, Mahur, Tuljapur, Pandharpur and a host of others. Therefore, during these visits, he could be near great men like Gajanan Maharaj, Akkalkot Swami, Balbheem Maharaj, Sakhaya Swami Dehukar, Vasakar, Vyankat Swami, Vinayakbua, Dada Maharaj and other saints and holy men. He received their blessings.
    Madhavrao had a sweet voice and due to his in-depth study of various religious, historical and mythological topics, people loved his singing and rendering of kirtans, bhajans and pravachans.
    Madhavrao could compose poems very quickly. However, he always bowed his head before the mastery of a great poet like Dasganu. He would make it a point to attend and listen to Dasganu’s kirtans. He knew many of Dasganu’s kirtans and poems by heart. We find a reference that while he was in Shirdi, Madhavrao once rendered Dasganu’s kirtan on Shri Eknath Maharaj.
    It was Dasganu’s practice to recite ‘Vishnu-sahasra-naam’ 12 times every day. Seeing this, Madhavrao also began to follow the practice. He continued this till his demise. And even now, the practice is being followed by some members of his family.
    Madhavrao made it a point to accompany Dasganu and attend the festival of Ram Navami every year till 1952.
    Madhavrao was also adept in astrology. In his spare time, he used to draw horoscopes for various people who approached him.

    Abundant letter writing

    He loved to write letters. They had very little to say about family matters, but were filled mostly with spiritual advice and treatise. Very often, he reverentially referred to Dasganu in them. At the top of his letter, he wrote ‘Shri Shankar’ – as was the practice followed by Dasganu. It was also his practice to send a copy of his letters to his son – Shri Ramchandrapant, who would preserve them with great love and care.
    A sizable amount of correspondence had been exchanged between him and particularly Dasganu. He also corresponded with other Sai devotees, such as Shri Saisharananand, Nanasaheb Chandorkar, G. T. Karnik, Raobahadur Sathe, Tripathi and others. Most of these letters were initially in Marathi or Sanskrit, but later on in English and Urdu also.

    Beautiful handwriting and
    Mastery over various languages

    Madhavrao was well versed in several languages, such as Sanskrit, Modi, English, Urdu, Parasi, Marathi, Telugu, Kannad, Gujarati and Hindi. The letters written by him in these languages are available with his progenies. His mastery on some of these languages could be gauged by the fact that there are glimpses of his poems in his writings.

    In 1948, Madhavrao wrote a pothi in Sanskrit on the contemporary saint of Gujarat Shri Rangacharya Swami Maharaj. It is also a piece of art because of its design and arrangement and Madhavrao’s beautiful handwriting. It gives an impression that it is printed and not handwritten.

    Similarly, he wrote in his own handwriting the entire ‘Vishnu-sahasra-naam’. Dasganu was so happy with it that he sent Rs. 3 by money order to village Loni (where Madhavrao was located). When the two met, tears overflowed from eyes of both.

    Once, Madhavrao was posted in a small village and a British officer came there to inspect the school. While talking to Madhavrao, he was impressed by his mastery over the English language. He immediately wrote a stern letter for ‘posting such a learned man at such an obscure village’. The department replied that ‘What you say is true, but our difficulty is that the gentleman does not stay at any one place for long !’


    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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