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Offline Shammi

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Sai Geethayan for All
« on: June 23, 2005, 09:44:30 AM »
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  • Shri SaiGeetayan

    ( A garland of lyrics at the feet of Lord Sainath )

    Shri Saigeetayan  is a musical  series on Saibabas life , miracles and mission  is a rare example of  musical poetry  potent with yogic vibrations  of grace and shakti  element

    This english adaptation  is authored  by  Shri Chakor Ajgaonkar ( Ex Deputy Secy to Govt . /Ex Editor " Sai leela ")

    I am reproducing this from the book that i have for all  sai devotees to  taste the nectar of this adaptation online.

    "Saigeetayan" begins with praise of Sai  as " Ganesha : and the invocation of Bhakta Chakoras to the Sai Moon

    23 - JUNE - 2005


    Victory to Sai Ganesh ! Baba in the form of Lord Ganesh , the Omkar Rupa! Protect me from all evils.!

    * You inhabit dormantly in the mooladhar , the basic centre in the  human body.

    * Baba  you are the  Brahma couched in words and rhythmic music

    * I prostrate before you , O Sai Ganesh . The tunes vibrating from the Veena  of Goddess Sarawathi are the expression of yor musical genius.
    The divine  experience is unfolded by you for us  through this constant pulsating artistry

    * O Sai Ganesh you are the speech , the energy, the bliss and the supreme principle

    You are God incarnate. You are beyond the trinity of Gunas , powers and the times
    You are the  immeasurable  root cause beyond this universe.

    * You are the origin of auspicious things. You are the eliminator of all evils. You are  the source of  all Siddhis  in the form of
    Omkar Pranav !

    I AM YOUR CHAKOR---------------------------------------

    * O baba  you are the  moon of love and I am your Chakor.

    * Bathe me in the moon beams of your compassion

    * You are the cloud of Bliss. I am your Chatak thirsty  for showers of your grace
    Will you not pour , O baba the stream of  your ambrosial grace  in my devotion  ?

    * You are the   ocean  of energy.I am the garland of your waves
    The Ocean  recognises its drop, but drop is oblivious of the vast expanse  of the unfathomable  waters

    *Baba you are the  purport of life , the essence of Knowledge and devotion , you are the liberation , the indulgence, the peace
    You are the entity and the lone support.

    *You are my vital breath , the energy, the vast  universe. You are capable of submersing the darkness  of ignorance in blazing light of knowledge .

    *The world is but a  stage . We are playing  our roles whether  small or big
    I know  for certain that in this drama you are the unseen stage  director.

    * Baba you have sojourned  on the bank of  Godavari to carry the burdens of  your followers. The mundane earthly life  is bereft  of sum and substance. However, Baba you have attributed meaning  and purpose to this Sansar

    * O Lord there is no  begininig  nor end  to your immeasurable grace. There could  be no greater benefit in life that to have a  companion
    of your order in every birth. I dedicate my flowering  sentiments  together with this worldly  being at your sacresd  feet . It is for you to uplift  , to rescue  or to vanquish this  poor soul of mine

    * Let the flame meet the flame. Let the love merge in love. Let this vital sheath be offered at your feet . You are Rudra  Vishnu and Brahma . You are the untarnished Brahma. You are the guru  and teh Guide at the helm  of my life boat . Wil you not lead this boat beyon the ravages of Samsar

    To be continued................

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 07:27:51 AM »
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  • 24-June-2005

    The Formless assumes a Form

    The Sai Geethayan  has begun with an eulogy of Ganesh and the  invocation to Sai baba as the Master.

    The following song depicts  hoe the unconditioned has taken form of Sai baba , as the world war  yearning for  his Advent . God has incarnated on earth for the protection of good and  for the destruction of the  evil forces

    The Primeval word Pranava has surged up from the limitless expanse of  the cosmos. The formless has also assumed the shape of a human body.

    The bodiless Brahma manifests in human form and fills this meaningless  existence with sum and substance  , whenever  the mundane  earthly life pines for immortality

    The unquenced  thrist of  hmanity to meet the divinity slides on from birth to birth unfolding the walls of haven  on the banks of the river of time . The God has then to incarnate on earth

    When the clouds of destruction  loom low on the battlefield, when Parth becomes apprehensive  and diffident , the clarion call of hope for new life  beckons  the lost purpose  to steer the helm of  duty.

    The God incarnated in new forms  in every age for the establishment of  Dharma, for  destruction of the wicked and for the  protection of  righteous men.

    Sai baba's form of fakir is nothing else but the personified  grace and compassion of universal Guru Lord Dattatreya. The form assumed by the God is capabale of eliminating the distress off the devotees . Baba  is the  humanised  love of God flowing  from century  to century to seeking the welfare of his devotees

    The feet  of Baba are the same  feet which have made their imprints on the banks of Sharayu and in the  sands  of Kalindi. These are  the feet of Ram and Krishna ; these have touched  both the forest  land in exile  as well as the marble floor of palaces. The same footsteps are now treading the dust of Shirdi

    The  Yearning and the carvings of sadhus, saints , sages and suffering  humanity make the  divine to manifest  on the  earth ..  His mission is to uplift righteousness and establish true tenets  of dharma and virtue

    To be continued................

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #2 on: June 25, 2005, 02:15:17 AM »
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  • 25-June-2005


    Lord Hari has incarnated in the Sai form  on the banks of Godavari. On this very  bank Shri Ram who fulfills the desires of his devotees , had stayed with Sita  and passed his holy days and nights in her company. The sportive Divine actor has enacted the drama of Ramayan on the banks  Gautami.

    The Godavari is the Southern Ganges having two banks named  after sages Vasista and Gautam. The river relishes the sacred  company of Bhagawat bhaktas.  She pours the  pitchers of devotion at the  doors of the  philosophy of unity of GOd  and his loving bhaktas.

    Godavari embraces  Kushwarta at one side ,while using the feet of Nathas as her pillow. She covers  her body with blanket of Yoga and Bhakti. Goda is the stream of  bliss. Nay , she is the lustrous line of  light  piercing through the darkness of  Tamas.

    On this bank of Gomati, Lord Dattatreya ( poised  on the enriched lap of Krishna River ) has assumed the fakir form of Malanga Sadhu. The Narasimha  Saraswati Dattatreya with three heads has incarnated in human body here.

    The fakir of Shirdi is unique in as much as he has no trace of his name, nativity , relations , caste or creed.  He is astoundingly startling in his internal  as well as external nature . He is virtually the Ashwaatha with the roots sprouting upwards and the branches spreading  below.

    He has no locks of hari. He binds a torn cloth round his head . He has no Kamandalu but holds a  tinpot in his hands. A piece of bread is sufficient  to quench his hunger . He is  the endless immortal  GURU thirsting for the devotion of his bhaktas.

    His Devotion  has protective effect. His Love is sweeter than mother's affection . His grace is  just a divine love showering on the bhaktas . He stands detached  from world  but is still  attached to his devotees.

    Let us  sing the glory  of Baba for ages together without a pause . Let  us praise  his virtues incessantly . Let  us offer our birth and rebirth at his feet . Let us become a flute on his sweet lips.

    Baba is the compassionate Guru treading the  entire  universe under his  feet . Baba is Dattatreya, assuming  a human form for  performing  his divine  leelas through the village of Shirdi . My tongue may sing his glory in sweet songs for the sake of ecstacy .


    To be continued...........

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #3 on: June 26, 2005, 07:59:32 AM »
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  • 26-June-2005


    Sai baba manifested in Pathari in 1835. His guru Vyankusha a chieftain and saint of  shahs in Nizam state looked after him from 1839 to 1851 . He first appeared  in Shirdi  beneath the Neem tree in 1854 as a boy of sixteen . He reappeared in Shirdi in 1859 and lived there  till his samadhi. He called Shirdi mosque , Dwaravati -  Dwarka because  its doors were open to all castes , creeds and  religions ,he was Lord Shri Hari  himself.

    Shirdi  was the place where gods and demons  churned  the ocean of milk to secure Amrita, the rear  fluid  of immortality.

    Behold!  This Divine abode of Baba. Here in Shirdi , where my lord Sai sat on a stone in his SahajaSamadhi. This is not  Shirdi , but this is Dwarka of Shyamasunder Krishna , Dwaravati, The  Golden Capital of Shri Hari . In fact this is spiritual  Pandhari  situated on the  bank of Godavari . In this Pandhari , Bhagwan  was waiting for his devotess for ages together. This Dwarka was submerged in the milky oceans and totally lost in oblivion. GOds and demon s churned the waters in order  to find out the  nine  Precious Ratnas lying in its unfathomable  depths.

    Shirdi  can be called the sister of Sindhu and the mother of Goddess Shri Kamala . It has showered the nectar of grace in the  sands of the humdrum of life.  Th footprints  os Sadguru Sai has been imprinted in the sacred dust of shirdi . The Guru is none  else but Sai who has  lighted the path leading to the hoouse of enlightenment  and  liberation . This Shirdi is the farmyard in the  border of mortal  world and the  divine Kashi or Rameshwar. It is "Vaikunta"  on the earth.

    The sky of shirdi  is blue with  compassion. The Wind has the fragrance of love . The waters of  Shirdi  have the  longing  thirst of  merging in the ocean of Muklti . Shirdi is  resplendent with the  glory of  my lord Shri Sai and his leelas and his  mahima pervade the  entire universe. Shirdi  is the final  destination of the  journey  towards peace .

    When  you approach the Khandoba temple you still feel the  form of a young  fakir sitting at the doorsteps,  for the lord  had first  manifested himself on  this village  border to meet his bhaktas and fulfill  their longings.

    The nimba tree has still the sweetness absorbed  by it ,  while my lord practised his penance underneath. The name of GURU  burns  here with celestial  fragrance . Here you notice the  golden crest of the  Samadhi Mandir with flags fluttering  majestically  atop. The Shrine of  my  Lord which still resound breaking off the bonds of life and death.  The Dwarkamai Masjid has showered  joy and bliss  on devotees  which  emanted from the loving touch   of my lord. The divine  love of  Sai  flowed as Godavari from this auspicious  seat of  GOD . This  divine  and lustrous pilgrimage leads from the  border of Samsar to the horizon  where  known meets unknown . This is the  last resort for lying down in eternal peace and tranquility .


    TO be continued..

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 08:23:34 AM »
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  • June -27-2005

    Baba has come  to Shirdi

    Sai Baba  appeared on the  bank of Godavari and with his magic touch obliterated  the barriers of cast , creed and religion . He touched  the life of devotees  in a direct way through the portals of Faith and  Patience. Nobody fully knows whence from he came . It is said that he was born in Pathari to a brahmin parents and was nutured  by fakir couple . He developed  in himself the refinements of Natha and Kabir cult blended with secularism . Vyankusha his guru  enkindled the  light of realisation . One day he appeared  on the vilage border of Shirdi  with a marriage  party. He was  greeted by Mahalsapati on steps  of Khandoba temple as " Ao sai " . This occured in 1858.

    The fortune  accumulated  by us in hundreds of  birth has borne  auspicious  fruit. Baba has come to Shirdi. The golden  treasure  has come to our  door !. Baba has planted  his divine  feet in Shirdi.

    The God has  assumed  form of a young lad by using  his Yoga maya.
    All the  eight siddhis have been accompanying him from the  very  birth. The  divine feet of God  have manifested  in the earthly soil of Pathari  village .

    The  land is blessed a thousand fold, where in the  GOd has incarnated at his free will . The soil of Maharashtra is really  blessed  because  Baba  has assumed  human form  in this land .

    The parents denounced  the life and became mendicants  in search  of truth . But the divine  truth that was born  was unknown to them. A fakir couple  reared  up Baba with the love  and affection of real parents.

    The lustrous  young Master  aslso searched  for the  formless in the world of name and form  He met  Vyankusha's feet  which fulfilled  the thirst of  he young disciple who met the reality  just as the
    river merges in the sea

    All castes and creeds  in India came to a level of  equality. The   faith  merged with patience to shower the eternal peace . All discriminations and division melted  in the fire of knowledge before Baba's  presence.

    The new breeze of secularism  came from the bank of Yamnuna , Ram and Rahim  were  eager  to have a perfect  union . Kabir  began weaving  his shelas of truth , love and  equality.

    The young siddha was sitting at the base of a tree sighting the visions of  future events, when he chanced to see a lost mare. Chand Patil from Dhoop  village was searching  for his mare., when the compassionate  young master  blessed him instantly

    The young master hit the ground with the forceps.  And lo there  appeared  fire to enkindle the chillum. Chand Patil  was amazed  at the miraculous  event.

    There was  a marriage  in the  Patil fmaily at shirdi and the divine  lad accompanied  the wedding party. The divine  light appeared in front of  the footsteps of khandoba temple at shirdi

    Mhalsapati  the priest of Khandoba  welcomed Baba in front of the temple  with the words  filled with
    ardour  and respect
    "AAO SAI "

    Thus the God without name and form was couched  in a name and a form . The divine  feet  appeared  on the horizon  of the universe.The fortune  took a human form . The age of Spiritual  awakening  came to the portals  of earth's kingdom


    To be continued.........

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 07:40:21 AM »
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  • Jul-1- 2005


    ( Mhalsapati greeted  Baba in front of Khandoba  Mandir but he did nt allow Baba to enter the temple
    asuming that he was a  Muslim fakir. Baba, Broadcast his inspiring message  of unity of soul and religion on the threshold of Khandoba's  Temple)

    O Priest of Khandoba  you  have invited me  as 'Come sai' but  you are  resisting my entry  into the shrine supposing  that i am  a Muslim ! ..

    O ignorant  pujari , DO you think  that these  touch of a Muslim Fakir would  tarnish the /god who purifies  the entire  universe  with this very touch ? The master  of the  universe  is neither a hindu nor muslim  he is not fetted  by the chains of religion . He is above  all religions creeds or sects !

    One can call  him as Ram or Rahim , He still  manifests as a  different entity He does not dwell  in a temple or a mosque. His proper seat is the heart of a true devotee

    He permeates all universe and still  remains  above it . He can never relish   the confinement  in four walls of a house. He has no religion ,caste  or creed , O Priest  do you  think that the Chaitanya bears a  stamp of a caste ? Sheer ignorance  ! The Chaithanya  is made  up of no other case  than that of Chaitanya alone !

    The God is formless .. he has no singular shape .  He manifests  himself in all forms  right , from the blade of grass  to the substance  of Brahma  itself. He has no begining , no middle no end. He has no name or form ; yet he is seen  adorning  all forms  and names within himself

    The ecstacy that overflows  through intense devotion the beating of anahata in the hearts of  yogis , the blissful feeling which the  hearts of  wisemen  relish , are the  forms of God.  God is without any conditioning and beyond  all gunas, time and space

    The God  does not expect any oblations of water , leaves flowers and other  upacharas. What we can  offer  him best  is the pure  and untinted  heart. You have to associate with a mind steeped in deep and intense love. You have to  immense  him in the fathomless waters  of devotion

    There is no spot which can contaminate the principle which is internal  and auspicious . O Priest  be wise  shed all ignorance and break away from this network  of Adnyana. I have come here in  Shirdi  with this very  purpose  that we  should bring light to new dawn of divine  light  from this place  and awaken  the world  to a new era  of understanding  of the ultimate truth

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #6 on: January 03, 2006, 09:29:03 PM »
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  • When do we get it?

    Geetha pado..Ya... Quraan pado
    Gur baani pado....Ya...puraan pado
    Mera Sai sabhee mein samaaya
    Sabh par us ki chhaaya

    Whatever scripture you choose to read, Geetha, Quran or Gur Bani, you will find Sai. But, how honestly one thinks and remembers on this fact?

    Good thoughts lead to good intentions; good intentions lead to good actions. Recent events and the religious riots in India must be considered as a blot to the system that has strong foundations in peace, tolerance and religious harmony.

    Loving our Sadguru is not complete until loving the next person regardless of his religion on orientation does not happen. Our devotion to our beloved Sadguru is not accepted until we learn to love the next Parsee or Hindu, the Muslim after and the Christian after. Let all the Sai devotees spend a moment this peaceful Thursday remembering the descriptions of Saidarbar of the old Shirdi days, where children of every religion flocked around their only father.

     Let our thoughts be filled with those intentions, the intentions to serve and love. It is the simplest way to seek Sadguru's attention!  


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #7 on: June 03, 2006, 05:31:59 AM »
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  • I am thirsting for your Darshan, O young sai

    After his  historic sumon to Mahalsapati , the priest of Khandoba Temple  baba settled in the Masjob in Shirdi , which was in

    a  dilapidated state. However  , during the  initial days in Shirdi, he used to tread the thorny  shrubs in the nearby

    jungles , lseep in pits filled with dust , move barefooted on the  rough stony paths to enjoy the  silence , isolation  and

    tranquility  of the soul..  Bayja , wife of  Ganapatrao kote  Patil  loved the young lad as her own child.  She searched him  

    through the barren  stony walks  dusty  pits , thorny  shrubs  an fed him with pieces of  vread with her motherly affection ,

    She expresses her sentiments here ..........

    O Young Divine las, my heart is pining for your sight . My motherly love overflows through my eyes and bosom my dear Son !!

    I have been ransacking  the entire forest  land to find your meditating  figure.. It would be my immense fortune , if you

    would accept a single morsel of  bread from your ignorant mother..

    Blessed is your mother  , who has borne  you in her womb. FOr a moment only bestow upon me , that fortune of being your  

    mother. Allow me to feed you , with this loaf of bread together with mytears of affection and  springs of sentiments.

    My mind is choked with feelings , when i see your hard penance ast such a  tender age. My Motherly  heart melts , my eyes

    overflow and my bosom aches with the pangs of compassion.
    Even though  you are still very  young  I see the divine halo of lustre  around your dazzling face .. I feel that an orb of

    lght  has arised up from the base of this margosa tree.

    You are an image of firm  determination  and resolution .. You are  renunication incarnate . still i find  that your mind is

    dampenend with delicate  mellifluous sentiments  for the mankind.

    Even when you close  the lids of  your eyes , the entire universe stands unfolded before your screen of sighht  you posssess

    in your frame the power of creation , sustenance and destruction ..

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #8 on: June 03, 2006, 05:33:00 AM »
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    The intrinsic values  of the young saint was known  by Bajyabai, a  village lady . Saint Gangagir  was an evolved soul who

    spotted  this gem among  pious men  and his astounding  halo of lustre. He declared to the  village folk that the shirdi  

    village  was a blessed  place where the great  master had come to stay . The glory of the young master would soon  surmount

    the  barriers and spread all over the world.

    Blessed is this Shirdi ; blessed are its inhabitants  and blessed are their families  who are privileged to stay  in this

    sacred village of  Babas abode.

    The trees and creepers, the paths and the lanes the fieldsand forest land  around is fortunate , becuase they are rendered

    auspicious by Baba's touch . The  sacredness fills the  houses , the temples and the landscape of  Shirdi .

    The lustrous Sun of grace has risen on the horizon of Shirdi . The saint  is fountain of Amrita, he is majestic  ruler of

    this village of liberation , he is the Fakir King  governing our hearts

    He is the flood of  light, illumining every hut  or house.  flowing with unimpeded gust . He is the humanised Chiatanya

    giving the boon  of purity to every living being in the village  boundaries.

    The brightness of penance shines om his Divine Face.  He is an unfathomable ocean of  merits. He is  spiritualism  incarnate.

    He is the   flame of Atman  dispelling  the darkness of ages.

    The sacred  soul of Shirdi  will emablazen the Facades of eight quarters. The entire  universe will bow down  at his feet .

    The  whole life will be bathed in waters of Ganga with touch of this young Saint.


    To be continued...........
    « Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 05:34:03 AM by Shammi »
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #9 on: June 03, 2006, 05:57:17 AM »
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    Gangagir maharaj knew the  spiritual glory of the  young  Saint of Shirdi. But common mans till was unaware  of the lads divinity. Baba was fond of illuminating the Masjid with oil lamps. Once the  grocers in Shirdi  denied giving him  oil for lamps" . Baba lit the earthen lamps with water  and the lamps shed light throughout the  night. This miracle spread out Baba's Mahima beyond the borders of Shirdi  and established  him as a man of  amazing power  and divine lustre.

    The wicks burn without oil , whenever the lustre of  Atman is ablaze! The flames are lit with water. This is the  miraculous  way of the Lord .

    Sai loved to light earthen lamps  in the Masjid and enjoy the festival  of lights  every night. The Dwarkamai was flooded with  light emanating from the wicks made of  oiled rags.

    For this luxury Baba used to beg for oil from  the grocers and merchants. Then he lit  his oil lamps throughout the night. This  young saint of shirdi  was mad after light.  The ignorant  people  called this craze. But this crazy lad could  light ever the  entire darkness of actions  of past births
    The  unwise merchants  in Shirdi thought that this was luxury of  a beggar  and they could no longer  tolerate this .  They cannot afford to support the madness . The  perverted minds of the grocers denied giving  oil to Baba.

    Baba was an  unattached master of the  universe .  Would he be short of oil when the Goddess Lakshmi was his maid servant . His face  was unperturbed . His peace of mind remained  unruffled.

    The  young Saint drank a few  doses of water from his  tinpot and poured the balance liquid in the lamps. The wicks were wet
    with water . They were  lighted  and the flames passed on from lamp to lamp

    The lustre was passed on from the divine Atman of Baba in the form of a flame. The  water  principle was transformed to Tejas principle and teh wicks burns without oil. when the lustre  of soul is illuminated the lampsburn  without oil .
    This is the miraculous way of the Lord .


    To be continued.............
    « Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 05:58:04 AM by Shammi »
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #10 on: June 05, 2006, 01:00:20 AM »
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  • Thanks Shammi

    Enjoyed reading Sai Geethayan .


    Sai  bless you and  guie you in everyway Shammi.

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #11 on: June 10, 2006, 06:18:23 AM »
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    ( The touch of spiritual  efflugence of Baba turned the  water   principle into a flame. The  splendour  of Baba's Spirituality crossed the geographical  borders of  Shirdi and radiated into the entire  Maharashtra . It dazzled  the Indian horizon , illuminated the skyline of the earthen  globe. This coincides with Swami  Akkalot incarnation  winding its lustre and the Guru- shakti streaking its light through Baba. Madhavarao Deshpande  popularly known as Shyama was cordial associate of Baba's Daily  routine. He was a teacher in Shirdi School and a  great friend -devotee of Baba. Once  Baba  explained the essence of Bhakti to shyama)

    Shyama ' I carry the  burden of my devotees . I have repeated this  truth a million time to  you . DOnt  you recollect ..?

    The heavenly fire is incessantly burning in this Dhuni, flaming before me. The fire itself  will witness this truth . Dwarkamai is  resounding my  eternal  promise to carry the  burden of my devotees anxieties.

    I shall remove all tortures and distress of My devotees singing my life story . I shall shower  peace and  tranquility  on such devout  Bhakthas.

    Those who have   merged themselves in Me and united in my identity  to forget their  physical    awareness . i carry their Prapanch on my shoulders . although they are bereft of their body consciouness.

    I manifest  myself in their dreams, their musings They  may be awake or asleep , my presence  in their minds  floods their life with love and  devotion

    Those  devotess are dearer to me than my own soul , because they forget  themselves in recitation oh My name and remembrance of My form  and Mahima

    I am the  Kalpataru fulfilling My devotees  yearnings .I am the  ambrosial  compassion. I am the  Mantra, which leads  beyond death. I am the bank of the river of liberation

    The  devotess who climb the steps  of this mosque will cross the ocean of Samsar, I shall take them to the  yonder shore of peace.

    THe delicate  blossom  of this Nimba tree wipes off the most  torturous distress. If you light a lamp beneath the margosa tree , all your  sins will be forgiven and all your sufferings will come to an end


    To be continued .............

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    « Last Edit: June 10, 2006, 06:20:01 AM by Shammi »
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #12 on: June 11, 2006, 11:50:12 AM »
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  • Behold  God in Every Being

    (Baba explained to Shama HIs divine  protection to one who sings his glory . Shama was a Satyabhaktha , an example of dedication . Another Dhyani Bhakta was Nanasaheb Dengle.
    Baba admonished the philosophy  of knowledge and duty. Dhyanayoga and Karmayoga  to Nana. Baba dwells upon the eternity of soul, transience of life.

    The life is fleeting  and mortal by its  very nature ! Yet the soul is  immortal without  begining or end.
    Whence have these  kiths and kins  appeared ..? Where from  have the  family and fortune come ..? It is the desire  that creates  this momentary phenomenon.  The  fantasy whirls rounds the body till it exists. The life thed death and the ignorance  have their source within the  thirst, the  lust and  the desire.

    The attachment and lust  assume  multiple  forms. The ignorance  itself  takes  changing shapes . The man  in his lack of understanding  believes that he is the doer  of  Karma.  The ego  of the 'doer' creates new karma and blinds the human  being to new fate.

    Remain in  close liason  with the divine feet of the Lord. Surrender all desires,lust and  pride  at the Lord's feet, Do  your duty  without expectation  of  friut  or honour . Let the ego  of the doer  be burnt  in the fire of knowledge.

    Behold the form of God in everything .  Treat  Gold and dust  alike. Do not desire for fruit of actions, Cast off attachment. Be conscious  of the Lord  in every  being .


    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #13 on: June 11, 2006, 12:10:23 PM »
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  • Besmear the  holy Ashes on your Forehead
    (Baba unravelled to Nanasaheb the  pith and core of Dhyanahakthi in which  he embracedd transience of  life , the lure of Maya and the futility of ego sense . The Ravages of samsara  are unveiled by decay and death. The incessantly burning Dhuni ( fire) in the masjid made the  Udi to the  vistors as prasad. This was  a symbolic  offering  to awaken the ignorant  men and women steeped  in desire  to the final remains of  physical life. It simulatneoulsy  rejuvenated the  dedicated devotees  cured them and enjoined  them to the divine  life, the immortality  of soul and the  magic touch  of grace.

    " The Human existence is  finally reduced to a  handful of ashed, the wealth  the kith and kin are momentary  asociations.  This is what the  Dhuni  fire tells us day and night. Awake  , arise besmear  the udhi on your forhead . Though  this is a product of the same  fire of Dhuni , it would  unfold to you the dazzling  light of immortality beyond death  . Besmear the  holy ashes.

    These are no ashes , this is life that survives demise . This is the  bond of Lord Krishna's  everlasting love. This is the holy  thread  of proctection  vouched by the Master of Dwarka. This is a living potrait of the divine principle in the wolrd of  mortal beings .
    The life is a  perpetual  and unending  warfare against lust and  desire .  This collection  of five senses will vanish into five elements.These ashes are throbbing with the music of the Lord, only have ears  to listen to it.

    This is the love  and affection  of Mother  Masjid ( Dwarkamai )  this is the  Alchemy of  allah malik . This is the divine grace  of the Majestic Fakir . These ashes are the
    bond of love woven by the Lord of  Vaikuntha with his devotees

    The auspicious  smearing of the ashes dispels ,the fever of the  world( bhava) . The ashes  shower Atmic bliss , eliminate the  veil  Maya and floos life with the nectar of grace.

    This is an  unlocked door to heaven , an open   gate  of liberation  and a free and bountiful harvest of deliverance. These  ashes are  potent with the strenghth of love and solidity of  soul , which are invaluable treasures  of the immortal  life beyond the human existence

    To be continued ..........

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: Sai Geethayan for All
    « Reply #14 on: June 11, 2006, 12:26:06 PM »
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  • Eight Siddhis Sing a Lullaby as the Master Sleeps in the Mosque

    ( The Master  was weaving a  bond of love for his devotees  in order  to link them  with god . Who was  but a manifestation  of Love  light , knowledge and bliss.  However people  recognise siddhis and miracles  better than any upadesha. Baba was  united with the cosmic God  and this manifested itself  from his every word , deed or even look !
    Eight siddhis and the Navanidhis  escorted him at every step. His manner  of  sleeping in Dwarkamai was astounding. There was a  wooden plank fixed to the  roof of the mosque with strings  made of rags on which baba slept . NObody knew how he climbes to such a height  and how the  rags  bore the burden  of his sleeping  body. Nobody saw him descening from the plank . It was  as if the siddhis , Anima Laghima were singing a cradle song for this King of Yogis, The lullaby is resounding  within the four walls of Dwarkamai)

    O Siddhis  sing your lullaby in a low tune  for the Master is resting in his yogic trance on a  narrow plank with the lamps  burning on the four sides .. The Master  is asleep  on the swings of rags. Sing your lullaby !!.

    Nobody  knows when Shri Hari  Sai has reposed  on such a height. He was on the ground a little while ago. How can the  material world know the mystery of the divine world..? Sing your lullaby !!

    The dark night  is full of dead silence , yet it is  illumined by the four lamps in four corners , The name of Rama  resounds in  Sai's heart . The entire  universe lies open  before the omniscient  eyes of  the Master , which outwardly  seem closed. Sing your lullaby !!

    All Sidhhis  , this is your master. You mingle your consciousness in the name and form of the  Lord. Spread out the miraculous greatness of the Lord in the four quarters of the globe. Sing the  songs of  light and  blaze up the  dense darkness with splendour .. Sing  your lullaby


    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!


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