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A Glimpse in.......................
« on: January 29, 2007, 03:30:31 AM »
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  • A Glimpse in.......              

     Sai Katha Sagar, a compilation of Shirdi Sai Baba’s Leelas by Shamshaad Ali Baig, offers one more fresh ground to savour the Grace of the venerable saint of Shirdi.

    For the rapidly growing number of Sai devotees worldwide, every whiff of Sai Grace is rejuvenating with Divine indulgence.

    Sai Katha Sagar, undoubtedly showers this Grace, and Shamshad’s inimitable reader- friendly writing skill provokes repeated reading, though the compilation is from episodes, written and read several times before, particularly by Sai devotees.

    The book deserves to be strongly recommended for everyone reeling under stress, striving for success or craving for higher pursuits in this world and beyond.

    The subject-wise compilation of Shirdi Sai Baba’s Leelas provides a fresh dose of inspirational potency for right thinking, leading to the path of spiritual fulfillment.

     For example the chapter - ‘Health well being and Udi miracles’, recounts how Baba kept a Dhuni (fire) burning in the mosque and its ashes were distributed as Udi, which had miraculous curative powers.

    The second chapter ‘Baba’s advent in Shirdi, His stay there and related stories’, details His arrival in Shirdi. Baba was of medium built and His height was about five feet six inches. His complexion was golden yellow. Baba never brushed His teeth, only rinsed His mouth, He never drank tea or coffee; but did not dissuade others from drinking tea or coffee.

     The third chapter – ‘Hemadpant’s meeting with Baba and inspiration for writing Shri Sai Satcharita’ describes Govind Dabholkar’s (Hemadpant’s) views on Guru and how these views were transformed after he met Baba, leading to his desire to write the Satcharita. Hemadpant doubted his writing abilities; but with Baba’s Grace was able to write 9,308 verses (ovis) describing Baba’s life, Leelas and teachings.

    ‘Travel tales’ highlights, how Baba guided devotees during their travel. Those who followed Baba’s advice sometimes even caught a train, which was unscheduled ! Those who didn’t underwent sufferings, right from missing a meal (Dasganu) to meeting with an accident.

    There were some who thought, they would never get leave to visit Shirdi as the schedule at their office was very hectic, but miraculously leaves got sanctioned. And after coming to Shirdi, those who overstayed, never ran into any trouble with their employers.

    ‘Food tales’ describes some more of Baba’s Leelas like Baba’s preparations in the Handi and turning the food with His hand.

    Baba also taught important lessons through His Leelas.  Once, Baba asked Kushabhau to eat onions on Ekadashi. Not wishing to displease Baba, he said, he would eat it, if Baba ate it first. Baba and Kushabhau ate some onions. Baba then jestingly told others that Kushabhau had eaten onions on Ekadashi day.

    Kushabhau in self-defense said that even Baba has eaten them. Baba refuted this and said that He had eaten sweet potatoes and to prove His words, He vomited pieces of sweet potatoes !

     Baba also taught that feeding living being is like feeding Him; even when you make offering to idols it reaches Him.

     ‘Dakshina and related stories’ highlights, how Dakshina encourages non- attachment, which is essential in spiritual upliftment. The Dakshina, that Baba demanded from certain devotees, was the debt, they were clearing of the Mashidmayi (mosque). There are some Leelas, where Baba gave important lessons through Dakshina.

    Baba always asked for Rs. 2 from R. B. Purandare of Mumbai. Once, he enquired from Baba, why He asked only Rs. 2 from him. Baba said, “It is not money I want. It is Shraddha (faith) and Saburi (patience).”

    Baba - one with divinity, through His Leelas brings in sharp focus the Real knowledge - God is the same in all.

    Keshav Naik, a devotee of Akkalkot Maharaj (after Akkalkot Maharaj’s Mahasamadhi) went to meet Sai Baba along with his son and two Brahmins. The Brahmins had negative thoughts about Baba. Baba gave them all margosa leaves. The Brahmins discovered that the leaves were bitter; but the Naiks found them sweet.

    In ‘Guru - Baba’s view’ Baba’s narration on Guru is highlighted – ‘My Guru became my mother, father, everything. All my senses were focused on my eyes and my sight only on Him. Thus he became my single focus of meditation. Then the knowledge dawned on me without any effort’; this is what Guru’s Grace is !

    ‘Reptilian tales’ highlights, how Baba saved His devotees from reptiles. He also taught, “God lives in all. He controls everything, and until He wills, no one can come to any harm. Hence, love all creatures. Have patience and give up killing. God is Protector of all.”

    ‘Dreams and visions’ is again very interesting; because here are Kathas of how Baba, through dreams, guided and helped devotees. Like His appearing in Uddhavesh’s son’s vision and asking him to send money to his father (who had lost his money); Baba was able to help Uddhavesh in completing his pilgrimage of Dwarka.

    ‘Things consecrated by Baba and related stories’ is like nectar, sweetening the readers’ mouth. Mrs. Krishna Prabhakar, once by mistake, gave away a four - anna coin, consecrated by Baba to a vegetable vendor. The latter returned the coin in the evening, putting Mrs. Prabhakar’s mind at ease.

    ‘Laugh and learn’ highlights that Baba did indulge in playing pranks on devotees. But, it was always to teach them some important lesson in life.

    ‘Teachings’ the next chapter clearly enumerates, how Baba’s life was itself a teaching to His devotees. He sometimes narrated a story, whose significance would be caught by the devotee for whom it was meant.

    Through His Leelas He made an avaricious seeker understand that Brahma Gyan was not meant for those still desiring material riches.

    Baba had told Kakasaheb Dixit that a serpent would not bite till ordained by God, and he never killed snakes, scorpions, ants or even bugs. Once, He explained, “The bugs drank only an ounce of blood, and the loss is easily made up by the body. Is not God also in the bugs ?”

    The rest of the book has Leelas in categories like – ‘Baba blessed them with children’, ‘Extraordinary stories’, ‘Leelas about Baba’s photo’, ‘Past life tales’, ‘Ramnavami and Urus celebrated together’ and ‘Devotees experiences’.

    - Vishwarath Nayar

    sai katha sagar

    Written by Shamshad Ali Baig

    Published by Prasaar Communication

    Suyash CHS., 1-B-5, Sector 10, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai - 400 709, Maharashtra.

    No. of pages - 224  Price Rs. 151/-

    Available at ‘Sai Prem’, Plot 13 A, Sector 10 A, Balaji Rd., Next to Balaji temple, Navi Mumbai - 400 703, Maharashtra.

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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