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Author Topic: GURU AND HIS GRACE  (Read 3218 times)

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« on: February 15, 2007, 08:26:21 AM »
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  • It is company which makes a man good or bad. It is not th| company of persons alone that counts; all sense objects with which we come in contact exercise a wholesome or adverse effect on the  mind. Have recourse to good company and avoid bad company Never listen to evil talks with your ears, never see bad sights with your eyes, never utter bad words with your tongue, never perform evil deeds with your hands, never allow your feet to resort to bad places, never harbour bad thoughts in your mind, and never allow your intellect to give you a wrong lead. In this way, you will be rid of all vices.

    Playing (musing) on the objects of senses is the root of all evil and ultimately leads to complete ruin, whereas remembrance God is the surest road to freedom from misery. Apply yourself with great diligence to the task of driving out all thoughts of enjoyment from your mind and keep it constantly fixed on God. I proportion as your musing on sense objects is lessened or minimized, and remembrance of God becomes more frequent, peace an happiness will draw nearer to you in divine sphere. Whereas musings on sense objects drags even a virtuous man into the mire of sin remembrance of god turns even the vilest man into a saint and devotee. Everything depends upon the earnest and diligent practice of the sadhaka on the path of spirituality and that ultimately bless him with sakshatkara.

    Trust your master (Guru) fully. Follow up his teachings per­fectly in your life as a true wife follows up the footsteps of her husband. Complete dedication and earnest sadhana only will benefit the follower to realise Truth in full (in toto).

    Constant remembrance of God with the Japa of His Name on his lips will surely favour one with the vision of God by Guru's Grace in a very short time.

    So long as you are in the region of pain, you can never be happy however glibly you may talk of happiness; and once you step into the region of bliss, you can never experience pain. Dependence on the world is the nucleus of pain, whereas dependence on God is the nucleus of happiness. This truth is highly spoken of by saints and seers alike. Hence one on the path of spirituality should give up dependence on the world and seek dependence on God. Once the mind thus established firmly, sure it is for them to reach the goal by the blessings of their Guru.

    That sadhaka is wise who keeps all his senses as well as his mind and intellect engaged in occupations consecrated to God. Keep your ears in listening to the praises of God, and your eyes in seeing saints and holy men; sing praises of the Lord with your tongue, serve the Lord with your hands, frequent places of worship with your feet, think of God with your mind and reflect on the nature of God with your intellect. In this way, we will be able to make our life sacred and divine. And that will be the true offering of ourselves to God.

    Offer thy all to Me—says Lord Krishna in Bhagawad Gita, IX—27 and 28.

    "Whatsoever thou doest, whatsoever thou eatest, whatsoever thou offerest, whatsoever thou doest of austerity, O, Arjuna, do thou that as an offering to Me."

    "Thus shall thou be liberated from the bonds of action, yield­ing good and evil fruit; thyself harmonised by the yoga of renun­ciation, thou shalt come unto Me when set free".

    So long as the desire for worldly enjoyments persists, so long as the transitory things of the world appeal to us as attractive, delightful and gratifying to the senses, and so long as we relish them, it should be understood that we have not vacated the heart fully for the occupation of the Lord.

    "Had I got the least attraction for the Lord, all other attractions would have disappeared", says a great Saint.

    The response that we get from God is commensurate with the road we allot to Him in our heart. So long as we do not keep our whole heart open for His occupation, so long as the love of our heart does not flow in a ceaseless stream towards Him, we can­not experience a pang of separation from Him; so long as we do not pine for the Lord, He too would not pine for us. The Lord says:

    "Howsoever men approach Me, even so do I receive them". Everything needs Guru's Grace. When Guru's Grace des­cends, the heart blossoms forth like a lotus when the sun shines upon him. When thus opened, he feels that his heart encom­passes the whole world of his relationships and shapes his conduct and destiny, through the promptings of his heart. A kind heart is a spring of joy to all within its reach. So let every one allow his or her heart to speak and treat in the patlis of Spiritual life refreshing in the shades of Truth and Love.

    Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishna swamiji

    (from Sai Sudha June 1972)
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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