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Author Topic: SHRI SAI LEELA  (Read 11912 times)

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« on: February 15, 2007, 08:33:59 AM »
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  • Published on  1st of every month.

    Authors are themselves responsible for the opinions expressed by them in their articles.

    Literature sent for publication should be neatly written or typed on one side of the paper. Those who desire to have a reply about acceptability or otherwise of their articles etc. may please enclose 20P. stamps with their articles. Issue in which an article or poem is published is sent by bookpost to the author.

    Clear mention should be made while sending the annual sub­scription of Rs. 6/- whether you want the English or Marathi cpoy, otherwise, English copy will be sent if your letter is in English.

    Generally all copies are posted by 1st, after being checked as per list. It is expected that by 5th, all shall get their copies. Some complaints about non-receipt of copies through post are received but we are unable to help it. To ensure receipt of copies, if you so desire, they will be sent by registered Post if annual charges for 12 registrations are sent in advance to us. It is not possible to send a sample issue free of charge. Please send 0.85 stamps along with your request.

    Generally old issues are not in stock. Please do not request for back numbers.

    In addition to the forwarding letters, the articles and poems sent by authors should also bear their full names and addresses on the first page, at the right hand top corner. It is advisable to always keep duplicate copies of their articles or poems.

    Authors may Kindly note that the editor or his assistants will have final authority to edit, to censor, to summarize or reject the material sent for publication.

    No correspondence should be made about the magazine or subscription at SHIRDI office. All letters may please be addressed to Bombay office only.

    ( Official Organ of Shirdi Sansfhan)



    Dashhara stands not merely for going beyond the limits of terri­tory and a commemoration of victory of Ramachandra over Ravana. It stands much more for transcending barriers of our petty self, our ignorance, our divisions and conflicts,  our untouchability, crime, class struggles, religious prejudices — one and all!!    One and all we have to transcend — the fetters which we have to cross, to dissolve in our efforts to be Free Men ! The symbolic meaning of this victory over our shallowness, our narrowness is to be realized today, more than at any other time! Victory over evil which is within us primarily and as a reflection in the outward relationship is to be attained. Let us bind our self to a pledge as Sai-devotees that we will ever go beyond our barriers; that we will enter the realm of light — we will be light to ourselves and also to those around us.

    Editor :

    Shri K. S. Pathak

    Receiver,   Shirdi   Sansthan   of Shri" Sai   Baba Annual Subscription: Rs. 6.00 This special issue         Rs. 1 .00 Usual Single copy:      Rs. 0V60


    Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Bombay. PIN 400014 Tel.; 443361.



    1.   Editorial—Shield of the Almighty

    2.   Valmiki's Ramayana

    3.   The Real Possessions of Man

    4.   The Greatness of Saints

    5.   OM

    6.   Prophets alike

    7.   Science of Religion  I

    8.   How I became a Sai Devotee ( Shri. B. R. Kakade )

    9.   Stories from Mahabharata I ( Astavakra )

    10.   Guru and His Grace

    11.   Sai Baba The God-man

    12.   Conformity and Creativity

    13.   Yogiraj Vasudevananda Saraswati

    14.   The Saint of Shirdi Peeth

    15.   Sorrow of Satan

    16.   River of Wisdom in Indian Literature

    17.   Science of Religion—2

    18.   How I became a Sai Devotee (Shri. A. J. Mehta)

    19.    Hints for meditation
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