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Lord Datta's Wrath for Sacred Bath
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:18:45 AM »
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  • Swami Maharaj passed his Diwali here. On the previous night of Narak Chaturdashi, Lord Datta asked him to give him annointed bath (Abhyanga-snan) next morning. Swamiji said that being a Sanyasi he cannot touch fire. So it was a problem to get hot water and scented oils, etc. He would give cold water bath as usual.

    Next day Swami Maharaj returned, from the river after bath, gave bath to Datta image and applied Bhasma as usual. As auspi­cious (Mangal) snan was not given, Lord Datta was angry and the image disappeared and entered into the waters of Narmada. In the afternoon, after bringing alms, he looked about for the image for offering Naivadya.   There was roaring sound like that of a canon and Lord Datta said loudly, "Are you offering food without Mangal snan? I am sitting in the water of Narmada. I don't want Naivadya".

    Hearing this,  Swami  Maharaj  was frightened and he ran to the river. He heard the cry of a child from the waters. Swamiji leapt into the river and took out the image of Datta with great affection, Nanasaheb and others gathered there, seeing Swamiji going there at odd time. Swamiji came out of water with the image and told the people the desire of Lord Datta, Hot water, scented oil, Pancbamrut and other things were arranged and Mahapooja (ceremonious worship)  was  offered. After Aarati  and  Mantra-pushpa,   Swami   Maharaj composed an "Abhanga"    describing God's miraculous deeds—

    Friends struggle but soon are united; Husband and wife have a strife, but love is not lessened; God and Devotee quarrel, but it is Para-Bhakti; Vasudeo makes a joke and Lord Datta is delighted.

    This divine sight of Bhakti after Dnyan was very astonishing to the people.

    Swami Maharaj gave lessons on Yoga to Venkat-rao, Nana-saheb, Balwantrao, Vaidya, etc. He advised them specially— "Man should worship image with qualities (Saguna-Murti) and be sublime. Without devotion to Saguna murti there cannot be realisa­tion of Brahma. A king is proud of his seal and signature but the seal and signature do not mean the king. Bin all affairs of the king are not valid without the seal and the signature. Just as a king is pleased if people abide by his laws and rules, so is God pleased if people abide by the rules of Shastra and Dharma. So worship as per Shastra rules and make your lives full of bliss".

    Then he departed from Chikhalda and reached Tifakvada on the river Narmada on Vaishakh Shudh 10, 1820. Plague epidemic was spreading and he was not allowed to proceed further.

    (to be continued)


    —Shri J. N, Bose
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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