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Offline ShAivI

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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
« Reply #135 on: January 17, 2015, 03:55:17 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    An outburst of anger is not the same as experiencing it.
    It is not uncommon for people to not yell or scream yet hold a lot of anger within.
    Sometimes, you feel so angry and frustrated that you don’t even want to lash out
    for you know it won’t solve any purpose. You’ve tried it in the past and it didn’t help,
    the other person did not change. For your own sanity, you don’t want to get mad
    at someone or feel angry within. The toxic anger — the anger you keep within.

    Toxic anger could be the result of past incidents or something you experience
    in any relationship.

    There are three ways, coping mechanisms if you will, to preserve your peace and
    rid yourself of the pain and burden anger often brings. There may or may not be
    philosophical or empirical truth to these methods. But, you can treat them as
    affirmations to keep your calm. As follows:

    1. I owe you

    This is the most powerful of the three methods. Think of yourself as a customer
    of a bank. You’ve taken out a personal loan and you are paying the installments.
    The manager may change, the branch may relocate, the bank may be acquired
    but the repayments will stand. You are expected to make payments till your final
    breath or the final payment, whichever comes first.

    The bottom line is: you must pay what you owe.

    The person who is your partner today, could easily have been your parent,
    sibling, friend, or even an enemy in your past life. They may have a different name
    now, a new relationship or a different body, but there are some outstanding transactions.
    In this affirmation, you simply have to think that you have some unfinished business
    with this person. He or she is your creditor. In the process, you may cultivate detachment
    and dispassion, you may emerge more spiritual, you may develop compassion or
    you may even build a stronger personal relationship with your god. At any rate,
    you will grow and evolve.

    Someone I knew was quite sick. He was diagnosed with a terminal condition,
    in fact. When everyone around him was panicking and crying, he said,
    “Don’t worry. I must spend time in this hospital. I’ve unfinished business with the
    doctor here from my previous life.”

    Everyone became calm almost instantly.

    2. I forgive you

    This method requires great inner strength because it’s not easy to forgive.
    People often say that I’ve forgiven the other person but they still keep anger in their hearts.
    How do you know if you’ve truly forgiven them? Well, when their sight or their memories,
    good or bad, trigger no sadness, anger or restlessness in you, it means you’ve completely
    forgiven them. Saying I forgive you is not enough, we must feel it. And, a good way to
    forgive is to remember that, one, you must pay back your loans, and two, you are bigger
     than their mistakes.

    This leads me to the crux of this method:

    Remind yourself that you are forgiving the other person because their conduct,
    attitude or mistakes are not bigger than your existence. That you consciously choose
    to emerge larger than their neglect. Say: “I forgive you because I want to free myself.
    This is the only way I can close my account otherwise the books will remain open and
    our pending transactions will be carried forward into the next life. I do not wish to
    repay your loans. I set you free from making any more payments. I forgive you.”

    3. I am the owner

    This method is about incorporating the first two approaches in our way of life.
    It is always remembering that we are responsible for the choices we make.
    We are the owners of our life, our minds, our emotions.

    A beautiful Buddhist sutra states:
    “When you are annoyed with a person, concentrate on the ownership of deeds like this:
     ‘This good person is the owner of his deeds, his deeds are the womb from which
     he is born, his deeds are his kin for whom he is responsible, his deeds are his refuge,
    he is heir to his deeds, be they good or bad.’ ”

    It becomes easier to practice the first two methods when we see the other person
    in the light above, independent of us. You are a customer and so is he. They are the
    owners and inheritors of their deeds, we ours.

    Mulla Nasrudin was having frequent episodes of anxiety attacks and became
    a patient of hypertension as a result.

    “The reports are fine,” the doctor said, “you should probably see a psychiatrist.”


    “Yes. Maybe you have a business or a family problem that’s causing these panic attacks.
    Just a few weeks ago, I had a similar case. The patient was worried about
    a $20,000 loan and had a nervous breakdown.”

    “How did you cure him?” Mulla asked.

    “I told him to declare bankruptcy and that life was too short to be wasted over a loan,”
     the doctor said. “He’s enjoying perfect health now and has completely stopped worrying.”

    “I know,” Mulla said. “He has not only stopped worrying, he has also stopped picking
    up his phone. I’m the man whom he owes the 20,000.”

    Life is a seesaw, you know. Sometimes you are at the receiving end and other times
    giving. You go through your ups and downs, highs and lows, but, either way,
    to come off the swing, without hurting yourself or the other person,
    you have to bring it in the balanced position.

    We must repay our loans. Everyone owes someone.
    If you want to close the books,
    relieve them from their debts and set them free.
    Nature will write off your borrowings too in return.

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #136 on: January 18, 2015, 07:10:42 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    If you go through the Buddhist Teachings that says if you want to live than
    you should experience suffering in your life. Throughout the whole life
    you must have to pass through various processes like illness, sickness, injury,
    tiredness, accidents and old age. These all are outer sufferings there are
    some kind of internal sufferings such as loneliness, fear, embarrassment,
    doubt, anger and jealousy, but these sufferings are difficult to accept.
    When we are not happy and feeling upset than we get impatient and want
    to get rid of these kind of unpleasant things in the life.

    Many personal problems arise when we want something in our life from very
    deep of our heart and we get something else, which is not of our choice.
    When such things happen in our life than we get frustrated. Similarly, in the
    case of expectations when we expect something from our parents, siblings,
    friends or from our loved ones and those expectations does not get met than
    we feel let down and disappointed. In this way there are so many things
    we face in our life, which keep on suffering us from within.

    The biggest reason behind all this is that we always think about the things
    happened in the past and about our  future. Past we cannot change and
    Future we cannot expect to be like that only? So what we have right now is
    present and we should live in present moment if life, we should enjoy every
    moment in the current time period rather than thinking about past and future.

    So the mantra behind this is that we should live our life focusing on what
    we have right now with us rather than focusing on what we do not have in
    our life. In this way you will get satisfaction and happiness in your life and
    you will not look for something different.

    (found on the net ................. sharing )

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #137 on: January 19, 2015, 12:31:15 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    How to be connected to the faith?

    Trying to connect to the faith is trying to connect to the air around you.
    ‘I want to be connected to the air.’ 
    you can’t be but! You are already connected.
    Why do you try to connect to air?
    Are you getting what I am saying?
    Doubt as much as you can.
    I would say, you should doubt as much as you can.
    A point comes when you no longer can doubt, the truth will stand up.
    Truth can never be destroyed by doubt.
    Truth will stand.
    Doubt can cover it, delay it for some time, drag on for some time,
    but it can never destroy the truth.
    Therefore, when people have doubts,
    I say, ‘doubt as much as you can.
    One day those doubts will fall off.’
    If you are lucky, it will fall off immediately the way it comes.
    Unlucky ones hang on to it for a little longer time.
    That’s all.
    Unlucky ones will carry the garbage on their back for some long distance.
    Lucky ones know that they carry garbage and throw it right there.
    Two steps, and they drop their garbage.

    (found on the net ................. sharing )

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #138 on: January 20, 2015, 11:04:28 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    What is Life?

    Often when you are happy you feel life is a dream because
    you do not believe in the reality of it.

    When there is misery you feel life as a burden.

    And we take trivial things very seriously.

    But one who has really gone through the pleasure realizes
    that pleasure is a burden.

    And if you have undergone misery thoroughly
    you will realize that life is a dream.

    In every miserable condition you have been walked or carried
    through and you realize life is a dream. When you see life is dream
    a burden or a joke only then can you be centered.

    And when you have really gone through misery you have
    really seen life as a dream. And in between the pain and
    pleasure life is all a joke.

    Life is very uncertain. Before it takes you away, realize it is
    a dream, a burden or a joke.

    Someone asked: What about life is a joke?

    Answer: A joke you do not question. If you question a joke,
    it is no longer a joke. Do not question a burden either.
    It is a waste of time to question life and its events.

    The burden makes you go deep.
    It gets you to the core of yourself.
    Realization of a dream wakes you up.
    And seeing life as a joke makes you light.

    The only certainty is that life is a dream, a burden or a joke
    and only when you realize this can you be centered.

    (found on the net ................. sharing )

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #139 on: January 30, 2015, 04:02:13 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    You must deal with the world the way it is,
    not the way you wish it was.
    Think positive.
    Life is good.
    Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting pure gold.
    Positive thinking isn't about expecting the best to always happen,
    but accepting that whatever happens is the best for the moment.
    So keep smiling and keep following your heart.
    Someday, life will get tired of upsetting you.

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #140 on: January 30, 2015, 04:21:51 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Human life is built on trust.

    Whether it is the relationship between parents and child, man
    and woman, friends or relatives or thy neighbors, he who trusts
    others lives a peaceful life because, if you do not place trust on others,
    your life will be in trouble.

    Basically, you should trust your own self and it takes years to build up a
    trust but just one second to destroy it. Trusting a person and then becoming
    suspicious of it, is like throwing stones while staying in glass house.

    Trust is like a kind of mirror and once you feel a scar in it, it will never be
    the same again. So, trust is essential in any kind of relationship.

    Distrust is like a drop of ink in a blotting paper. The majority of white color
    will not be visible; only the drop of ink will be visible.

    So, think not twice, but many times before you sow the seed of distrust.

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #141 on: February 09, 2015, 05:06:32 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    If you are feeling sad, disappointed, frustrated, or any negative feeling,
    then you are looking at the world through that feeling field, and the world
    will look sad, disappointing, or frustrating to you. You cannot see anything
    good through a field of bad feelings. Change your feelings and the outside
    circumstances will change!

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #142 on: February 09, 2015, 05:07:31 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    As you defend against something in your life,
    you are bringing the very thing you don't want to you.
    Defending is focusing on the problem,
    and defending attracts more defending.
    Instead, be creative and focus all your energy on the outcome you want.
    Creating is focusing on the solutions

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #143 on: February 10, 2015, 07:26:25 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Forgive yourself, you are a human

    “To err is human, to forgive divine.” You might as well insert the word “yourself”
    into this all-so-true observation about being human.

    Let’s face it. We are human, and to be human means you’re going to make errors,
    at least some of the time. You’re going to make plenty of mistakes, mess up from
    time to time, lose your way, forget things, lose your temper, say things
    you shouldn’t have, and all the rest.

    I have never understood why this simple fact of life – our tendency to make
    mistakes – is so surprising or disappointing to people.

    To me, one of the saddest mistakes we make is a lack of forgiveness, especially
    to ourselves. We constantly remind ourselves of our flaws and previous mistakes.
    We anticipate future mistakes. We’re highly critical of ourselves, frequently
    disappointed, and ruthless in our self-judgment. We blame ourselves,
    and often we’re our own worst enemy.

    It seems to me that to be unforgiving of yourself is foolish and ridiculous.
    Most of us are doing the best that we can – really. But we’re not perfect.
    The truth is, we’re a work-in-progress.

    We should learn from our mistakes and from stumbling and
    keep moving ahead in life.

    Sharing is caring!

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #144 on: February 10, 2015, 07:32:09 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    What we value ?

    A nice example and great moral.

    Let us apply this principle and cherish.

    “I had known a friend of mine who used to say that he misplaces and
    loses his pen very often. He will use only very cheap pens so that
    he need not worry about losing them.

    He was worried about carelessness habit.

    I suggested to him to buy the costliest pen he could afford
    and see what happens.

    He did that and purchased a 22 carat Cross pen.

    After nearly six months I met him and asked him if he continues to misplace his pen.

    He said that he is very careful about his costly pen
    and he is surprised how he has changed!

    I explained to him that the value of the pen made the difference
    and there was nothing wrong with him as a person!

    This is what happens in our life.

    We are careful with things which we value most.

    * If we value our health, we will be careful about what and how we eat;

    * If we value our friends, we will treat them with respect;

    * If we value money, we will be careful while spending;

    * If we value our time, we will not waste it.

    * If we value relationship we will not break it.

    Carefulness is a basic trait all of us have, we know when to be careful!

    Carelessness only shows what we don't value......”

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #145 on: February 24, 2015, 04:29:05 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    याद रखें ये बातें, जिंदगी में नहीं आएगी गम की छाया :

    जीवन को खुशनुमा बनाने के लिए सकारात्मक सोच होना बेहद जरूरी है।
    सकारात्मक सोच के साथ अगर सकारात्मक प्रतिज्ञाओं को भी हम अपनी
    दिनचर्या का हिस्सा बना लें तो जीवन में सुखद परिवर्तन संभव है।
    कोई भी दो-तीन सकारात्मक प्रतिज्ञाओं को लगातार कम से कम तीन सप्ताह
    तक दोहराएं तो इसका चमत्कार खुद ही महसूस होने लगेगा।
    ध्यान रखें कि इन्हें दोहराते समय मन में कोई भी नकारात्मक सोच नहीं होनी चाहिए
    और मन पूरी तरह से रिलेक्स भी होना चाहिए। इन्हें दोहराते समय इस बात का
    भी पूरा विश्वास रखें कि एक दिन मेरी प्रतिज्ञाएं जरूर सच होंगी।

    - मैंने जीवन में आगे बढऩे का मजबूत निश्चय किया है,
      मुझे आगे बढऩे से कोई नहीं रोक सकता है।
      अन्य लोगों की विशेषताओं एवं सफलता से मुझे अपने जीवन में
      और अच्छा करने की प्रेरणा मिलती है।

    - मैं अपनी चिंताओं और कमियों को दूर रखने का सामथ्र्य रखता हूं।
      मैं हमेशा सकारात्मक एवं साहस पूर्ण जीवन जीना चाहता हूं।
      मैं अपनी आत्मा की आवाज सुनकर ही अपना काम करता हूं।

    - मैं अपने जीवन में बहुत खुश हूं, मेरा हर दिन बेहतर से बेहतर होता जा रहा है।
      मेरा मन बहुत शांत है, मैं प्रतिदिन ध्यान (मेडीटेशन) करता हूं।
      मेडीटेशन करने से मेरा मन और भी शांत हो जाता है।

    - मेरे विचार और मेरी भावनाएं मेरे नियंत्रण में रहते हंै।
      मेरे मन में केवल सकारात्मक विचार ही आते हैं।
      मैं हर व्यक्ति में उनके सकारात्मक पक्ष को ही देखता हूं,
      वे जैसे हैं उन्हें उसी रूप में स्वीकार भी करता हूं।

    - मैं अपने गुस्से का सकारात्मक प्रयोग करता हूं।
      मेरे मन के सभी विकार सकारात्मकता में बदलते जा रहे हैं।
      मेरे अंदर जीवन का हर दुख सहने की अपार क्षमता है।

    - ईश्वर की बनाई हुई प्रकृति बहुत खूबसूरत है।
      इससे मुझे हर परिस्थिति में कुछ न कुछ सीखने को मिलता है।

    - मुझे परमपिता परमात्मा पर पूरा विश्वास है और मैं मानता हूं कि
      मेरे साथ जो भी होता है वह मेरे अच्छे के लिए ही होता है।

    - मेरी आंतरिक शक्तियां एवं आत्मविश्वास मुझे मेरी हर समस्या को
      सुलझाने की शक्ति प्रदान करती है। कठिन परिस्थितियों में मेरा धैर्य और बढ़ जाता है।

    - हर परिस्थिति मेरे लिए एक चुनौती है और इसका सामना करना मुझे बहुत पसंद है।
      मैं परिस्थितियों को गहराई से समझ कर अपनी कार्ययोजना बनाकर कार्य
      एवं कर्तव्य का निष्पादन करता हूं।

    - मैं न तो कभी किसी से कोई अपेक्षा रखता हूं और न ही किसी की उपेक्षा करता हूं।
      मैं रोज व्यायाम करता हूं, जिससे खुद को तरोताजा अनुभव करता हूं।

    - खाली समय मैं मित्रों और परिवार के साथ व्यतीत करता हूं।
      मैं प्यार बांटने और प्यार पाने में विश्वास रखता हूं।

    - मैं अपनी पुरानी गलतियों से सीखता हूं, उनके लिए खुद को माफ कर चुका हूं।

    - खुशी मेरा जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार है और जीवन के प्रति बहुत आशावादी हूं।
      मैं अपने जीवन में जो भी करता हूं, योग्यता अनुसार सर्वश्रेष्ठ ही करता हूं।

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #146 on: February 27, 2015, 06:02:18 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Nice article in Hinglish (Hindi+English)  :) worth reading  found on the net, so, sharing....

    The 7 Habits of Happy People
    खुश रहने वाले लोगों की 7 आदतें

    Friends, खुश रहना मनुष्य का जन्मजात स्वाभाव होता है .
    आखिर एक छोटा बच्चा अक्सर खुश क्यों रहता है ?
    क्यों हम कहते हैं कि childhood days life के best days होते हैं ?
    क्योंकि हम पैदाईशी HAPPY होते हैं ;
    पर जैसे -जैसे हम बड़े होते हैं हमारा environment,
    हमरा समाज हमारे अन्दर impurity घोलना शुरू कर देता है ….
    और धीरे -धीरे impurity का level इतना बढ़ जाता है कि
    happiness का natural state sadness के
    natural state में बदलने लगता है .

    Habit 1: खुश रहने वाले अच्छाई खोजते हैं बुराई नहीं :

    Human beings की natural tendency होती है कि वो negativity को जल्दी
    catch करते हैं . Psychologists इस tendency को “Negativity bias” कहते हैं .
    अधिकतर लोग दूसरों में जो कमी होती है उसे जल्दी देख लेते हैं और अच्छाई की तरफ उतना
    ध्यान नहीं देते पर खुश रहने वाले तो हर एक चीज में , हर एक situation में अच्छाई खोजते हैं ,
    वो ये मानते हैं कि जो होता है अच्छा होता है . किसी भी व्यक्ति में अच्छाई देखना बहुत आसान है ,
    बस आपको खुद से एक प्रश्न करना है , कि , “ आखिर क्यों यह व्यक्ति अच्छा है ?” , और यकीन
    जानिये आपका मस्तिष्क आपको ऐसी कई अनुभव और बातें गिना देगा की आप
    उस व्यक्ति में अच्छाई दिखने लगेगी .

    एक बात और , आपको अच्छाई सिर्फ लोगों में ही नहीं खोजनी है , बल्कि हर एक situation में
    आपको positive रहना है और उसमे क्या अच्छा है ये देखना है . For example ,
    अगर आप किसी job interview में select नहीं हुए तो आपको ये सोचना चाहिए कि शायद
    भागवान ने आपके लिए उससे भी अच्छी job रखी है जो आपको देर-सबेर मिलेगी, और
    आप किसी अनुभवी व्यक्ति से पूछ भी सकते हैं, वो भी आपको यही बताएगा .

    Habit 2: खुश रहने वाले माफ़ करना जानते हैं और माफ़ी माँगना भी :

    हर किसी का अपना -अपना ego होता है , जो जाने -अनजाने औरों द्वारा hurt हो सकता है .
    पर खुश रहने वाले छोटी -मोती बातों को दिल से नहीं लगाते वो माफ़ करना जानते हैं ,
    सिर्फ दूसरों को नहीं बल्कि खुद को भी .

    और इसके उलट यदि ऐसे लोगों से कोई गलती हो जाती है , तो वो माफ़ी मांगने से भी नहीं कतराते .
    वो जानते हैं कि व्यर्थ का ego उनकी life को complex बनाएगा इसलिए वो “Sorry”
    बोलने में कभी कंजूसी नहीं करते . मुझसे भी जब गलती होती है तो मैं कभी उसे सही ठहराने की
    कोशिश नहीं करता और उसे स्वीकार कर के क्षमा मांग लेता हूँ .

    माफ़ करना और माफ़ी माँगना आपके दिमाग को हल्का करता है , आपको बेकार की उलझन
    और परेशान करने वाली thoughts से बचाता है , और as a result आप खुश रहते हैं .

    Habit 3: खुश रहने वाले लोग अपने चारो तरफ एक strong support
    system develop करते हैं :

    ये support system दो pillars पे टिका होता है Family and Friends( F&F).
     ज़िन्दगी में खुश रहने के लिए F&F का बहुत बड़ा योगदान होता है . भले आपके पास
    दुनिया भर की दौलत हो , शोहरत हो लेकिन अगर F&F नहीं है तो आप ज्यादा समय
    तक खुश नहीं रह पायेंगे .

    हो सकता है ये आपको बड़ी obvious सी बात लगे , ये लगे की आपके पास भी बड़े अच्छे दोस्त हैं
    और बहुत प्यार करने वाला परिवार है , लेकिन इस पर थोडा गंभीरता से सोचिये . आपके पास
    ऐसे कितने friends हैं , जिन्हें आप बिना किसी झिझक के रात के 3 बजे भी phone कर के
    उठा सकें या कभी भी financial help ले सकें?

    Family and friends को कभी भी for granted नहीं लेना चाहिए , एक strong
    relationship बनाने के लिए आपको अपने हितों से ऊपर उठ कर देखना होता है . , दूसरे की
    care करनी होती है , और उन्हें genuinely like करना होता है . जितना हो सके अपने
    रिश्तों को बेहतर बनाएं , छोटी -छोटी चीजें जैसे कि Birthday wish करना, बधाई देना ,
    सच्ची प्रशंशा करना , मुस्कुराते हुए मिलना , गर्मजोशी से हाथ मिलाना , गले लगना आपके
    संबंधों को प्रगाढ़ बनता है . और जब आप ऐसा करते हैं तो बदले में आपको भी वही मिलता है
    और आपकी ज़िन्दगी को खुशहाल बनाता है .

    Habit 4: खुश रहने वाले अपने मन का काम करते हैं या जो काम
    करते हैं उसमे मन लगाते हैं :

    यदि आप अपने interest का, अपने मन का काम करते हैं तो definitely वो आपके
    Happiness Quotient को बढ़ाएगा , लेकिन ज्यादातर लोग इतने lucky नहीं होते ,
    उन्हें ऐसी job या business में लगना पड़ता है जो उनके interest के हिसाब से नहीं होतीं .
    पर खुश रहने वाले लोग जो काम करते हैं उसी में अपना मन लगा लेते हैं , भले ही parallely
    वो अपना पसंदीदा काम पाने का प्रयास करते रहे .

    मैंने कई बार लोगों को जहाँ job करते हैं उस company की बुराई करते सुना है ,
    अपने काम को दुनिया का सबसे बेकार काम कहते सुना है , ऐसा करना आपकी life को
    और भी difficult बनता है . खुश रहने वाले अपने काम की बुराई नहीं करते , वो उसके सकारात्मक
    पहलुओं पर focus करते हैं और उसे enjoy करते हैं .

    मगर , यहाँ मैं यह ज़रूर कहना चाहूँगा कि यदि हम दुनिया के सबसे खुशहाल लोगों को देखें
    तो वो वही लोग होंगे जो अपने मन का काम करते हैं , इसलिए यदि आप जो कर रहे हैं उसे
    enjoy करना , उससे सीखना अच्छी बात है पर Steve Jobs की कही बात भी याद रखिये:
    “आपका काम आपकी जिंदगी का एक बड़ा हिस्सा होगा, और truly-satisfied होने का
    एक ही तरीका है की आप वो करें जिसे आप सच-मुच एक बड़ा काम समझते हों…और
    बड़ा काम करने का एक ही तरीका है की आप वो करें जो करना आप enjoy करते हों.”

    Habit 5: खुश रहने वाले हर उस बात पर यकीन नहीं करते
    जो उनके दिमाग में आती हैं :

    Scientists के अनुसार हमारा brain हर रोज़ 60,000 thoughts produce करता है ,
    और एक आम आदमी के case में इनमे से अधिकतर thoughts negative होती हैं .
    अगर आप daily अपने brain को हज़ारों negative thoughts से feed करेंगे तो खुश रहना
    तो मुश्किल होगा ही . इसलिए खुश रहने वाले व्यक्ति दिमाग में आ रहे बुरे विचारों को अधिक देर
    तक पनपने नहीं देते . वो benefit of doubt देना जानते हैं , वो जानते हैं कि हो सकता है
    जो वो सोच रहे हैं वो गलत हो , जिसे वो बुरा समझ रहे हैं वो अच्छा हो . ऐसा कर के इंसान relax
    हो जाता है , दरअसल हमारी सोच के हिसाब से brain में ऐसे chemical release होते हैं
    जो हमारे मूड को खुश या दुखी करते हैं .

    जब आप नकारात्मक विचारों को सच मान लेते हैं तो आप का blood pressure बढ़ने लगता है
    और आप tensionize हो जाते हैं , वहीँ दूसरी तरफ जब आप उस पर doubt कर देते हैं तो
    आप अनजाने में ही brain को relaxed रहने का signal दे देते हैं .

    Habit 6: खुश रहने वाले व्यक्ति अपने जीवन या काम को किसी बड़े
    उद्देश्य से जोड़ कर देखते हैं :-

    एक बार एक बूढी औरत कहीं से आ रही थी कि तभी उसने तीन मजदूरों को कोई ईमारत बनाते देखा .
    उसने पहले मजदूर से पूछा ,” तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?”, “ देखती नहीं मैं ईंटे ढो रहा हूँ .” उसने जवाब दिया .

    फिर वो दुसरे मजदूर के पास गयी और उससे भी वही प्रश्न किया ,” तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?” ,
    ” मैं अपने परिवार का पेट पालने के लिए मेहनत – मजदूरी कर रहा हूँ ?’ उत्तर आया .

    फिर वह तीसरे मजदूर के पास गयी और पुनः वही प्रश्न किया ,” तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?,
    उस व्यक्ति ने उत्साह के साथ उत्तर दिया , “ मैं इस शहर का सबसे भव्य मंदिर बना रहा हूँ ”

    आप अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं कि इन तीनों में से कौन सबसे अधिक खुश होगा!
    दोस्तों, इस मजदूर की तरह ही खुश रहने वाले व्यक्ति अपने काम को किसी बड़े
    उद्देश्य से जोड़ कर देखते हैं

    Habit 7: खुश रहने वाले व्यक्ति अपनी life में होने वाली चीजों के
    लिए खुद को जिम्मेदार मानते हैं :

    खुश रहने वाले व्यक्ति responsibility लेना जानते हैं . अगर उनके साथ कुछ बुरा होता है तो वो इसका
    blame दूसरों पर नहीं लगाते , बल्कि खुद को इसके लिए जिम्मेदार मानते हैं .For example:
    अगर वो office के लिए late होते हैं तो traffic jam को नहीं कोसते बल्कि ये सोचते हैं कि
    थोडा पहले निकलना चाहिए था .

    अपनी success का credit दूसरों को भले दे दें लेकिन अपनी failure के लिए खुद को ही जिम्मेदार मानें .
    जब आप अपने साथ होने वाली बुरी चीजों के लिए दूसरों को दोष देते हैं तो आपके अन्दर क्रोध आता है ,
    पर जब आप खुद को जिम्मेदार मान लेते हैं तो आप थोडा disappoint होते हैं और फिर चीजों को
    सही करने के प्रयास में जुट जाते हैं . मैं खुद भी अपनी life में होने वाली हर एक अच्छी – बुरी चीज
    के लिए खुद को जिम्मेदार मानता हूँ . ऐसा करने से मेरी energy दूसरों में fault खोजने की
    जगह खुद को improve करने में लगती है , और ultimately मेरी happiness को बढाती है .

    Friends, हो सकता है आप इनमे से कुछ बातों को already follow करते हों partially या
    शायद पूरी तरह से . पर यदि किसी भी Habit में खुद को थोडा सा भी improve करेंगे तो वो
    definitely आपकी happiness को बढ़ाएगा . Personally मुझे Habit 2 में माफ़ करने वाले
    part को improve करना है . तो चलिए हम सब साथ -साथ अपने Happiness Quotient को
    बढ़ाते हैं और एक खुशहाल जीवन जीने का प्रयास करते हैं .

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!


    « Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 06:20:10 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #147 on: March 01, 2015, 06:08:34 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Purity in Heart and Clarity in Mind

    When the mind is not clear and the heart is full of hatred,
    then your actions lead you to disaster. We need to maintain
    a pure heart; the way nature made us. If you maintain purity
    in the heart, then clarity in the mind comes, and actions
     become more harmonious, pleasant, and constructive,
    and you spread happiness.

    Now, how to purify the heart? Purity comes through breathing
    practices and meditation. With this, all the tension goes away
    and our heart gets back to the original state, that it came to
    this world with. With pranayama and meditation, then the
    mind also becomes clear. We have all experienced clarity in
    our mind at some time or the other, where you know exactly
    what you want, and what to do, isn't it?

    Here again, there are two types of people:

    One type are very sensitive, and the other are very sensible.
    People who are very sensible, very logical, very clear in their
     mind, they cannot stand imperfections. They get angry
    very fast. But in life, sensibility alone will not do. You need
    to be sensitive as well.

    People who are very sensitive, they start crying at the drop
    of a hat. They get hurt very fast. They cannot stand criticism,
    and they cannot stand anything that they don’t like also;
    they get thrown off balance. They get into an emotional mess,
    and create a mess for everybody.

    So in life, both are needed. A balance between sensitivity
    and sensibility; value of the heart and value of the mind.

    So, when mistakes happens, see it as a happening.
    Through whom it happened is secondary. If you adopt this
    approach, it makes you very centered, and you feel connected
    with everybody. The mind becomes free from anger, jealousy,
    greed, and all these negative imperfections.

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #148 on: March 03, 2015, 11:09:54 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Your Breath Comes .. To Go.
    Your Thoughts Come .. To Go.
    Your Words Come .. To Go.
    Your Actions Come .. To Go.
    Your Feelings Come .. To Go.
    Your  Illnesses Come .. To Go.
    Your  Phases Come .. To Go.
    Your Seasons Come ..To Go.
    Your Have Come .. To Go.

    Then Why Do We Hold our Guilt, Anger,
    Un-forgiveness, Hatred So So So Tightly,
    When It Too Has Come .. To Go.

    L E T............. I T.............  G O.............

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    Re: BE POSITIVE :)
    « Reply #149 on: April 06, 2015, 03:37:40 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Everything in life happens for a reason!

    Everything in life happens for a reason.
    Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.

    Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful,
    and unfairat first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming
    those obstacles you would have never realised your potential, strength,
    willpower, or heart.

    Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity
    all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests,
    whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight,
    flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and
    utterly pointless.

    The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls
    you experience, help to create who you are and who you become.

    Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably
    the most poignant and important ones.

    If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them,
    for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious
    when you open your heart.

    If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they
    love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to
    open your heart and eyes to things.

    Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were
    meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to
    help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.

    You never know who these people may be, your neighbour, your co- worker,
    a long lost friend, or a complete stranger. When you lock eyes with them, you
    know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

    Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments
    everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it
    again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually

    Allow yourself to laugh, play, dance, sing; and set your sights high. Hold
    your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great
    individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it
    will be hard for others to believe in you.

    If you love someone tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may
    have in store. Learn a lesson in life each day that you live.

    Most importantly give a prayer of thanks daily to our beloved SAI for
    His never ending Love & Grace.

    With Him by our sides, we can make anythingof our lives as we wish.
    So let us create our lives and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.

    That's the Story of Life.

    Be Happy, Be positive and Be Strong!



    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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