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Offline ShAivI

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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
« on: August 20, 2011, 04:50:06 AM »
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  • CONTROL OF MIND - SUGGESTED BY BABA!!! (Rcd thru mail - sharing wd u all)

    There are so many books written on positivity, that it requires repeating, but the reverse seems to be happening when you see two trends:

    1.  Suicides and
    2.  Forcing your will.

    This leads to frustration as only His will works and will work. Don’t try to cross that as you will not succeed, and with frustration setting in, suicides sometimes follows.

    Let us study the effects of some thoughts.

    If you study your anatomy in relation to your thoughts you will learn that fear of the future will generally result in pain of the right leg and fear of the past will result in pain in your left leg. Surprised? Try it. Change your thought patterns and the pain should disappear.

    This is the rule of the thumb but you get the general idea. In another example, as you mentally lift weight your lower back will pain. Look at it this way – if you lift some heavy object physically the load will be on your lower back. The equation is clear. Try it sometime and you will surprise yourself. Also these thoughts can change by looking at life positively.

    Now if you apply this equation - since negative thoughts have these effects on our body then positive thoughts can eliminate many of these unwanted aches and pains. The problem lies in the fact that most do not want such easy and simple solutions. They are happy when they go to doctors, spend money and so on, popping pills which have their side effects which will require more pills – it is a never ending cycle.  Simply by thinking positively, illness will decrease.

    But our ‘Doctor’ Shri Sai has advocated a simple remedy – “trust me” he says. “leave it to me and I will  do the rest” but this medicine is too strong for some people simply because of doubt – How? They ask.

    Simple faith with implicit trust moves mountains, but this requires strong streams of thought of the mind – the negativity has to be removed for the positive effect to take firm hold.

    Always remember that there is a time and place for everything and if what you want is not happening, try to figure it out before you try to take your life. In short, ride it out while praying for His help, which will come but at a time of His choosing.

    What is required is faith coupled with patience. If we have faith and patience, there will be no suicides. But to have faith with patience requires strong will power to control thoughts or control of mind. Easier said than done I dare say. Skeptics will doubt the miracles performed by His energy in Udi - but then we devotees know about it – Right?

    Be Blessed!
    Love & Light!
    OM Sai Ram!  :)
    « Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 01:26:42 PM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline vishwanath69

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    « Reply #1 on: August 23, 2011, 08:33:34 PM »
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    Dear Shaivi ji,

    Indeed you have put forth the true nature of of what is meant by devotion.Not a single thing happens without our Sadguru's will.It is really a wonderful and positive post. I am going to do what you have said, Baba I bow at your feet. I was looking for an answer to some of my thoughts and you have spoken through shaivi ji. Baba keep your children in the positivity that shaivi ji emanates.



    Offline ShAivI

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    « Reply #2 on: August 23, 2011, 11:30:55 PM »
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    Dear Shaivi ji,

    Indeed you have put forth the true nature of of what is meant by devotion.Not a single thing happens without our Sadguru's will.It is really a wonderful and positive post. I am going to do what you have said, Baba I bow at your feet. I was looking for an answer to some of my thoughts and you have spoken through shaivi ji. Baba keep your children in the positivity that shaivi ji emanates.




    Be Blessed!
    Love & Light!
    Om Sai Ram !  :)

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
    « Reply #3 on: September 22, 2011, 05:15:40 AM »
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    Accordong to Shri Sai the entire universe is an organic and integral whole composed of five elements of nature: sky, earth, water, fire and air. The minerals, rocks, vegetation, animal and insect life are forms as they appear to our senses, to which we give different names. But the difference between one form and the other is only a matter of appearance and not reality.

    The only reality in the Universe is God, that we call Brahma, that underlies all forms. There is actually no difference between one human being and another, irrespective of caste, class, language, race, colour, religion or nationality. The difference between one form of life and another appear to us due to our ignorance (Agyan), produced by illusion (Maya).

    We differentiate between one and the other on the basis of our sense perceptions. But the knowledge derived through our senses cannot be conclusive, because the very instruments that are employed to understand reality cannot be considered adequate. The senses that are themselves subject to adjudication cannot be made to sit in judgement of what the reality is.

    The true knowledge is a unity that can only be experienced, and presently there is no language in the world through which it can be expressed. It can only be termed as an experience of supreme consciousness, a pure state of equanimity, bliss and joy.

    According to Shri Sai, this knowledge cannot be acquired by any amount of study of sacred texts or chanting of mantras. It can only be experienced through love. The love should be total such that no distinction would remain between the subject and the object (me and you). Shri Sai gained this divine experience through His indomitable, unassailable faith in His Guru and unwavering patience sustained by intense passionate, uncompromising love.

    When He fell deeply and passionately in love with His Guru and single-mindedly surrendered Himself at His Guru’s feet, He became completely identical with His Guru. All the uncalled-for doubt and fidgetiveness of His mind disappeared. According to Shri Sai, each glance of the face of His loving and compassionate Guru filled His heart with feeling of pure ecstasy and bliss.

    Just as the different rivers overflowing the banks meet the ocean, forgetting their identity as rivers and become the one great ocean itself, so He experienced a total annihilation of His ego identity based on may and acquired an altogether new personality based on universal brotherhood and love for all creatures of the Earth.

    He acquired a knowledge wherein all illusions of forms were annihilated and He experienced a state of Divine Unity and Transcendence and felt such a purity in His heart, as if He had bathed and cleaned in the holy Ganges without being touched by its waters.

    According to Shrj Sai, only when a devotee kindles in his heart, a flame of simple-hearted pure love and affection for his Guru, can he get His assistance whenever and wherever required. He will always respond to a devotee's call, who has only uncontaminated and pure love for Him. The qualities of simplicity, affection, compassion, kindness, flexibility, affability, generosity, magnanimity, modesty, humility, easily attract His attention.

    But the antithetical qualities like rigidity, arrogance, obscurantism, wrath, envy, lust, hatred etc. always repulse Him and as an inner ‘monitor’ and witness seated in their hearts, He has to wait indefinitely before He can make any positive and meaningful changes in their lives. Shri Sai’s advice to Kaka Mahajani’s friend demolish the wall of teli (oil man) meant exactty this.

    Shri Sai used to say to His devoiees that sweetness may depart from jaggery, the sea from its waves and the eye from its sparkle, but never will His simple faithful devotees ever be without Him. According to the author of Shri Sai Satcharita, G.R. Dabholkar – “just as the fire is always present in the wood, but lies latent and is kindled by the process of friction, so is also Sai for His devotees.

    Once you look to Him with love and affection, He is in your power, all your life when you call Him, neither time nor place can restrain Him; He stands behind you firmly, all the time and forever. Donning any dress that pleases Him, He appears wherever He wishes and wanders anywhere just for the welfare of devotees. Shri Sai is not confined to three and a half cubits of this human frame, He ¬stands pervading this ‘Universe in an unmanifest state and incarnates for the benefit of His devotees’.

    Many devotees had often heard Shri Sai say that just as a mother cannot push away her child with a kick, and an ocean cannot send a river back, He cannot repulse His devotees. He is hungering after their love and is absolutely in their power and will forever stand by their side ever ready to answer their call in distress. His devotees are His children and He is their father.

    How can He allow any of them to come to any harm? He has to think about them all the time. Just like when children sleep, a mother has to keep awake, so has He to be on guard against any danger or possible trouble to His babies. He is not only present everywhere, in water, on land, but even in a dry twig; among men and in wilderness; in foreign lands and in His own country. He pervades the radiant sky. He is not confined to anyone country.

    He has neither shape, nor size, He is always everywhere. Neither is a door required for His entry, nor horses, carriages, aeroplane, or train are needed to carry Him wherever He is required to reach. Whenever His devotees call him fondly, He will instantly appear before them without a moment's delay. He will not speak a word that is untrue. In order to fulfill His pledged word, He will even give up His life.

    Shri Sai spent His entire life at Shirdi serving His devotees with a singular spirit of love and sacrifice, submitting Himself as an abject slave of His devotees. He was often heard saying that, He is not even a groin of dust at the holy feet of His devotees. Shri Sai treated all devotees with equal dignity.

    People from all walks of life and all sections of society thronged in large numbers to Shirdi. He shared His food on a common plate with a dog and a leper with equanimity. He often said that He is indebted to all those people who came to Him and granted Him an opportunity to love and serve them.

    He carries their debt on His shoulders which He has to discharge when He is alive and even when He is no more. As He is recorded to have said: 'Even when I am no more, trust My word as the Truth. My bones, will give you assurance from My grave. Not Me alone but even My tomb will speak to you. He who surrenders to it whole - heartedly, with Him will it sway. Do not worry that I will be lost to you. You will hear My bones speaking to you of matters of your interest. Only remember Me, always with a heart that is trusting. Worship Me selflessly and you will achieve your highest goal’.

    J. P. Singh, Gurgaon



    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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