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Re: GURU KRIPA .............
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2013, 03:08:58 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Why are you insecure?
    What is it that you want?
    If you keep your mind clean, I promise you will not suffer.
    You will get more than you need.
    Your mind, your being is so powerful.

    तुम असुरक्षित क्यों महसूस करते हो? तुम्हें क्या चाहिए?
    यदि तुम अपना मन निर्मल रखो, तो मैं वादा करता हूँ तुम्हें कोई कष्ट नहीं होगा|
    तुम्हें अपनी आवश्यकता से अधिक ही मिलेगा|
    तुम्हारा मन, तुम्हारा आत्म इतना शक्तिशाली है|

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Why do people suffer?
    Due to ignorance they have forgotten their original self
    and believe themselves to be what others say of them.
    This suffering will continue till the true nature of the self is not realized.

    लोग क्यों दुःखी हैं ?
    क्योंकि अज्ञान के कारण वे अपने सत्यस्वरूप को भूल गये हैं
    और अन्य लोग जैसा कहते हैं वैसा ही अपने को मान बैठते हैं |
     यह दुःख तब तक दूर नहीं होगा जब तक मनुष्य आत्म-साक्षात्कार नहीं कर लेगा |

    परम पूज्य बापूजी

    Life knows no failure.
    Failure exists only for those who are always comparing themselves with others.

    जीवन के लिए नाकामियाबी जैसी कोई चीज़ नहीं होती
    नाकामियाबी केवल उन्ही लोगो के लिए है जो हमेह्सा अपनी तुलना दूसरों से करतें रहतें हैं.

    Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Journey from 'Here' to 'Here!'
    « Reply #46 on: May 22, 2013, 05:17:55 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Journey from 'Here' to 'Here!'

    God-realization (tattva-gyana) is independent of senses or organs of perception
    (karana-nirapeksha)—for, it is realized by one’s own self through the intense
    longing of one’s own self. It is not a matter of ‘creating’ something new; it is a
    matter of ‘discovering’ something which is already there. To create or produce
    something new, efforts are required. But to discover something which is already
    there, one only has to ‘turn and look towards it’ and ‘recognize’ it as such.

    For, if realization of God also depended on creating something new, then it will
    also be like every other ‘object’ that is created and will be subject to the six
    “modifications,’ viz., birth, change, death, etc. Besides, all actions take place
    within the sphere of material nature (Prakriti). They have a beginning and an
    end; so their results too are bound to have a beginning and an end. How can
    then a beginningless and endless God be realized through actions which have
    a beginning and an end? Thus, God-realization is a matter of ‘recognizing’
    what ‘IS,’ a matter of attaining the ever-attained (praapt ki praapti).
    It is journey from ‘here’ to ‘here.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    The Spiritual Plenitude!
    « Reply #47 on: May 22, 2013, 05:19:57 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    The Spiritual Plenitude!

    There is no bliss greater than the bliss experienced by the aspirant-meditator
    (Dhyanyogi) in which he beholds the Self through the self and rejoices in the
    Self. This bliss is not dependent upon the senses, and, in this bliss, the intellect
    remains fully awake (and alert). It means that this bliss (sukha) is utterly distinct
    from Sattvika, Rajasika and Tamasika sukha—all three types of happiness.
    * Established in such bliss, the Dhyanyogi never deviates from it.

    To have attained this bliss is the touchstone (litmus test) of all spiritual
    practices—a sure proof of Spiritual Plenitude. (Bhagavad Gita 6.20-21+)

    * Prakriti or Primordial Nature is constituted of three modes or qualities or
    Gunas: Sattva (equilibrium or purity or goodness), Rajas (passion or activity),
    and Tamas (dullness or inertia). The ‘three types of happiness’ referred to
    here signify the three different types of pleasures arising from these gunas.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Story of Vedanta!
    « Reply #48 on: May 22, 2013, 05:22:05 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Story of Vedanta!

    Once in a tree there were two birds, one at the upper branch, serene,
    majestic and divine, and the other at a lower branch, restlessly pecking fruits,
    sometimes sweet sometimes bitter. Every time, when the restless bird ate a
    bitter fruit, it looked at the upper bird and climbed a branch up. This occurred
    a number of times and eventually the bird reached the topmost branch. There
    it was not able to differentiate itself from the divine bird, and then it learned
    that there was only one bird in the tree, the upper bird, which is described as
    divine, the real form of the other restless bird. This is the thought of Vedanta.
    The fruits in the story are Karma, the restless bird denotes a human soul,
    and the majestic bird denotes the Absolute.

    [Mundaka Upnishad]

    « Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 05:25:22 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    The Path and the Goal
    « Reply #49 on: May 22, 2013, 05:24:13 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    The Path and the Goal!

    One of the concrete ways of determining whether one is on the right path
    or not is to ask oneself, from time to time, if one's saadhana (spiritual practice)
    is making one "less" self-centered or "more" self-centered. The wise, according
    to the Gita, work naturally for the good of the all: sarva bhuta hitae ratah.
    In the Gita, at two places only, this blessed pharse "sarva bhuta hitae ratah"
    occurs: 5.25 and 12.4; in both the contexts the Lord has adored such people
    who are naturally immersed in the welfare of the world with such adjectives:
    'They attain Brahma-Nirvanam (5.25) and they verily come to Me (12.4)!
    Selfless service, then, is both the path and the goal!

    « Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 05:26:11 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #50 on: May 24, 2013, 03:39:38 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Divine love is - "I have never seen your face but I have fallen in love with you.
    I have not heard your name but my heart beats by your name.
    I have never touched you but you are pulsating in every cell of my being.
    I have never met you but you are in me. All I want is to dissolve.
    All I want is to be one."

    दैवी प्रेम है - "मैंने कभी तुम्हारा चेहरा नहीं देखा पर मुझे तुमसे प्रेम हो गया है|
    मैंने कभी तुम्हारा नाम नहीं सुना पर तुम्हारे नाम से मेरा दिल धड़कता है|
    मैंने तुम्हें कभी नहीं छुआ पर मेरा कण कण तुमसे कम्पायमान है|
    मेरा तुमसे कभी मिलन नहीं हुआ पर तुम मुझमें समाये हो|
    अब मुझे बस पिघलना है, घुलकर एक होना है|

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    If you cannot behold Brahman in all beings, try to behold him
    in at least a Self-realized person. Seek refuge in Him, whose
    heart is full of Supreme bliss. His mere glance will kindle the possibility
    of your awakening into Supreme Bliss. Just as X-rays penetrate
     the outer layers of clothes, skin, soft tissues and muscles to take
    the photograph of Bones, the glance of a Self-realized Saint penetrates
    through the different layers of your false identification with the body
    that lie in the chitta enabling you to see the indwelling God. This in
    effect makes it easy for you to penetrate through those layers and
    behold God within. Let your Chitta be cleansed by the glance of such
    a Saint. Sit before him without blinking your eyes, fill your heart with
    devotional love, and mind with peace; only then will His benign glance
    exercise its effect on your chitta.

    सब वस्तुओं में ब्रह्मदर्शन करने में यदि आप सफल न हो सको तो जिनको
    आप सबसे अधिक प्रेम करते हों ऐसे, कम-से-कम एक व्यक्ति में ब्रह्म परमात्मा का दर्शन
    करने का प्रयास करो | ऐसे किसी तत्वज्ञानी महापुरुष की शरण पा लो जिनमें ब्रह्मानंद छलकता हो |
    उनका दृष्टिपात होते ही आपमें भी ब्रह्म का प्रादुर्भाव होने की सम्भावना पनपेगी | जैसे एक्स-रे मशीन
    की किरण कपड़े, चमड़ी, मांस को चीरकर हड्डियों का फोटो खींच लाती है, वैसे ही ज्ञानी की
    दृष्टि आपके चित्त में रहने वाली देहाध्यास की परतें चीरकर आपमें ईश्वर को निहारती है |
    उनकी दृष्टि से चीरी हुई परतों को चीरना अपके लिये भी सरल हो जायेगा | आप भी स्वयं में
    ईश्वर को देख सकेंगें | अतः अपने चित्त पर ज्ञानी महापुरुष की दृष्टि पड़ने दो | पलकें गिराये बिना,
    अहोभाव से उनके समक्ष बैठो तो आपके चित्त पर उनकी दृष्टि पड़ेगी |

    परम पूज्य बापूजी

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    The Essence of Essence! Saar ka Saar!
    « Reply #51 on: May 24, 2013, 03:54:44 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    The Essence of Essence! Saar ka Saar!

    The great sage, Swami Ramsukhdasji, at the ripe age of 103 years,
    was asked by a seeker to distill the essence of his findings in the
    spiritual realm. This unassuming saint, who had spent over 90 years
    pondering over the deep import of every single word of the Bhagavad Gita,
    quite simply said, “Parr’ashrey chhod do, aur prishramm chhod do.” That is,
    give up relying on ‘the other’ and give up vain (spiritual) efforts/practices.
    That is, take refuge only in the Divine and find eternal peace - param-vishraam.

    In one word, sharanagatti or surrender (to the Divine Will). This is the true
    import of the most important shloka in the entire Bhagavad Gita! (BG 18.66)

    ... This surrender happens through the workings of the Divine Grace and
    not through our puny spiritual efforts...

    Jinki kripa lavlesh sey, matti-mandha Tulsi Das…
    Payo param-vishraam, Ram samm nahin koyee


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #52 on: May 28, 2013, 01:27:09 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!


    It is impossible for human beings like us to completely understand God,
    the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and the Master of Time. It might not be feasible
    to see Him or listen to His words. But the occasions that confirm God's presence
    are many, as "He is found wherever we search for Him". The electrical power
    that we very often use in our daily life is not visible to the naked eyes. Just
    because of its invisibility if we say that electricity does not exist, we miss its
    utility. To know its existence, we should press the right switch which allows
    the flow of electricity. The power of energy will reach us in the form of light,
    fire, sound or picture.

    Likewise, to feel the presence of God dwelling everywhere, there is a switch
    called 'prayer'. If we press the switch of prayer, our mind gets lighted. The
    All-Pervading God sheds His light on the hearts that pray to Him. It is God
    who illuminates our intellect. It is enough, if we remember the truth and
    pray to Baba, the Ocean of Ever-New Bliss. He would make our life spiritually
    enlightened. The proper arrangement of positive and negative wires provide
    the light. There is no use of pressing the switch when the concealed wires
    are not properly set. Therefore, throughout the process of prayer, our
    hearts and mind should be enveloped by the Divine Love. Only then,
    our life becomes brighter with the blessings of Baba.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #53 on: May 29, 2013, 02:23:44 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    People become our enemies even when we have not done any wrong to them.
    Similarly, we do not do any special favors for some people, yet they become our
    close friends. All these happenings run by some law that we don’t know. We
    just can’t say when someone’s feelings towards us will change and whether they
    will be in our favor or not. That is why we should place absolute faith on our Self,
    on God, and not on friendship and enmity. This does not mean you distance yourself
    from your friends, or that you stop making new friends. Friendliness and love should
    be in our very nature. Interact with everyone around and at the same time be
    centered from within.

    प्रायः लोग हमारे शत्रु हो जाते हैं जब हमने उनका कोई बुरा नहीं किया। इसी तरह,
    लोग हमारे मित्र हो जाते हैं जबकि हमने उनपर कोई विशेष उपकार नहीं किया। यह सब किसी विधान से
    चलता है जो हमें ज्ञात नहीं है। हम नहीं कह सकते कब हमारे प्रति किसी की भावनाएं बदल जायेंगी या
    यह कि वे हमारे पक्ष में होंगी कि नहीं। इसलिए हमें अपनी पूरी श्रद्धा अपने आत्म पर, ईश्वर पर रखनी
    चाहिए न कि मित्रता या शत्रुता पर। इसका अर्थ यह नहीं कि तुम मित्रों से दूर रहो या नए मित्र न बनाओ।
    मित्रता और प्रेम हमारे स्वभाव में होना चाहिए। सबसे बातचीत करो पर अपने भीतर स्थापित रहो।

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Sweet language spoken for the benefit of others gives them happiness,
    peace & love; also, it gets back happiness, peace & love for oneself.
    Such language nourishes ones good qualities and provides mind with
    pure & positive energy. It is a blessing from God and it is beneficial
    for us & everybody around us. It protects & beautifies The Truth.

    यह समझ लो कि मीठी और हितभरी वाणी दूसरों को आनंद, शान्ति और प्रेम का दान करती है
    और स्वयं आनंद, शान्ति और प्रेम को खींचकर बुलाती है | मीठी और हितभरी वाणी से
    सदगुणों का पोषण होता है, मन को पवित्र शक्ति प्राप्त होती है और बुद्धि निर्मल बनती है |
    वैसी वाणी में भगवान का आशीर्वाद उतरता है और उससे अपना, दूसरों का, सबका कल्याण होता है |
    उससे सत्य की रक्षा होती है और उसीमें सत्य की शोभा है

    परम पूज्य बापूजी
    « Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 03:17:20 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #54 on: June 04, 2013, 06:28:30 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    The strength of a relationship lies in its ability to accommodate rough patches.
    How well you handle it gives you skills. See the situation as an opportunity
    to learn to adapt, to be accommodating. Excel in exhibiting your character
    rather than changing the other person. If the relationship comes from a
    space of giving rather than need, it is a good quality relationship.

    किसी सम्बन्ध की शक्ति अशांत परिस्थितियों को समायोजित करने में होती है।
    उन्हें सँभालने में तुम्हारी कुशलता उभरती है। परिस्थिति को अवसर समझो रूपान्तरित होने में।
    अपना चरित्र दर्शाने में श्रेष्ठ बनो बजाय दूसरे व्यक्ति को बदलने में। यदि सम्बन्ध देने के भाव से होता है,
    आवश्यकता से नहीं, तो वह उत्कृष्ट सम्बन्ध है।।

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Who on earth has the power to obstruct a person who is driven by
    a penchant for an overall prosperity and is armed with the virtues
    of piety, truthfulness, confidence and benevolence? If there is honesty,
    piety and confidence in your heart, your sight will have the power to
    penetrate even the iron sheet. Your ideas will crush big mountains.
    O kings of the World! Stand aside! Here comes the emperor of the heart!

    पवित्रता और सच्चाई, विश्वास और भलाई से भरा हुआ मनुष्य उन्नति का झण्डा हाथ में लेकर
    जब आगे बढ़ता है तब किसकी मजाल कि बीच में खड़ा रहे ? यदि आपके दिल में पवित्रता,
    सच्चाई और विश्वास है तो आपकी दृष्टि लोहे के पर्दे को भी चीर सकेगी | आपके विचारों की ठोकर
    से पहाड़-के-पहाड़ भी चकनाचूर हो सकेंगे | ओ जगत के बादशाहों ! आगे से हट जाओ |
    यह दिल का बादशाह पधार रहा है |

    परम पूज्य बापूजी

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #55 on: June 11, 2013, 07:03:11 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    प्रेम और पीड़ा साथ साथ चलती है| जब तुम किसीसे प्रेम करते हो, एक छोटा सा कर्म भी चोट पहुंचा सकता है|
    और तब तुम बहुत नाज़ुक हो जाते हो| प्रेम और वियोग के एक जैसे ही लक्षण हैं| यदि तुम किसीसे प्रेम नहीं करते,
    वे तुम्हें पीड़ा नहीं दे सकते| यह समझ लो और स्वीकार कर लो| तब वह पीड़ा घाव में परिणत नहीं होगी|
    बल्कि वह पीड़ा तुम्हें वैराग्य और ध्यान की गहराईओं में ले जाएगी|

    Love and pain go hand in hand. Because you love someone,
    even a small action can hurt you. And in hurt, you feel very delicate, very deep.
    Love and separation create the same symptoms. If you don’t love somebody,
    you will never feel hurt by them. Understand and accept this. Then hurt will
    not turn into a sore feeling. Rather, that very hurt will take you deep into
    dispassion and meditation.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    It is the principle of Vedanta that we are never bound and ever liberated.
    Even thinking oneself to be bound, is an illusion and detrimental to one’s progress.
    To think that ‘I am bound... I am weak… I am helpless... ’ is to set out on the path of
    misfortune. Therefore always think that you are librated and experience the same.

    वेदान्त का यह सिद्धांत है कि हम बद्ध नहीं हैं बल्कि नित्य मुक्त हैं | इतना ही नहीं, ‘बद्ध हैं’ यह सोचना भी अनिष्टकारी है, भ्रम है |
    ज्यों ही आपने सोचा कि ‘मैं बद्ध हूँ…, दुर्बल हूँ…, असहाय हूँ…’ त्यों ही अपना दुर्भाग्य शुरू हुआ समझो |
    आपने अपने पैरों में एक जंजीर और बाँध दी | अतः सदा मुक्त होने का विचार करो और मुक्ति का अनुभव करो

    परम पूज्य बापूजी

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #56 on: June 12, 2013, 07:02:50 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    प्र: ऐसा कहते हैं कि विजयी व्यक्ति अकेले खड़े होते हैं। क्या वह वास्तविक विजय है यदि ऊपर शिखर पर अकेले खड़ा होना हो?
    श्री श्री: सबसे पहले, ऊपर और नीचे का विचार अपने मन से निकाल दो।
    हर स्थान अद्वितीय है।
    यदि तुम ऊपर हो तो जो नीचे हैं उनके प्रयत्नों के कारण हो।
    यदि तुम ऊपर हो तो नम्र रहो, पूर्णतया नम्र।
    जितना ऊपर जाओगे उतना नम्र हो जाओगे।
    नम्रता सफलता का चिन्ह है।
    जब नम्रता होती है तो बाधाएं नहीं होतीं।

    Q: It is said that winners stand alone. Is it really winning if you stand alone at the top?
    Sri Sri: First of all, take this concept of top and bottom out of your mind.
    Every place is unique.
    If someone has kept you on the top then it is due to the efforts of all those who are at the bottom.
    If you happen to be on the top, be totally humble.
    The more you go up, the more humble you become.
    Humility is the sign of success. When there is humility, there are no obstacles.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    If your mind is pure, has no vices of jealousy or hatred, then nothing in this world can harm us.
    Even the vicinity of such a Saint of Supreme Bliss and peace will transform a man mad
    with anger into a docile gentleman. Wild lions and wolves become intoxicated with love a
    t the sight of such a Saint. Even snakes and scorpions forget their wild nature.

    यदि हमारा मन ईर्ष्या-द्वेष से रहित बिल्कुल शुद्ध हो तो जगत की कोई वस्तु हमें नुक्सान नहीं पहुँचा सकती |
    आनंद और शांति से भरपूर ऐसे महात्माओं के पास क्रोध की मूर्ति जैसा मनुष्य भी पानी के समान तरल हो जाता है |
    ऐसे महात्माओं को देख कर जंगल के सिंह और भेड़ भी प्रेमविह्वल हो जाते हैं |
    सांप-बिच्छू भी अपना दुष्ट स्वभाव भूल जाते हैं |

    परम पूज्य बापूजी

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #57 on: June 24, 2013, 06:00:02 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Be like water.
    When there are stones on the path of water, what does it do?
    It rises above the stones and flows.
    Similarly, obstacles are there in life.
    Rise above obstacles and move through them.
    Have patience and flow over them.

    जल की तरह बनो|
    जब जल के पथ पर पत्थर होते हैं, तो वह क्या करता है?
    वह पत्थरों से ऊपर उभर कर बहता है|
    जीवन में विघ्न भी इसी तरह हैं|
    उनसे ऊपर उठकर उन्हें लाँघ जाओ|
    धैर्य रखो और उनके ऊपर से बहते चलो|.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    To conquer the mind, consider it to be the slave and yourself as it’s master.
    If you ignore the slave i.e. mind, it will automatically surrender to your control.
    If you ignore the fickle mind and concentrate on your original calm nature,
    the vacillating mind will disappear within a few days.
    In this way the sadhaka can become engrossed in his pristine blissful Self.

    मन को वश करने का उपाय : मन को अपना नौकर समझकर स्वयं को उसका प्रभु मानो |
    हम अपने नौकर मन की उपेक्षा करेंगे तो कुछ ही दिनों में वह हमारे वश में हो जायेगा |
    मन के चंचल भावों को ना देखकर अपने शान्त स्वरूप की ओर ध्यान देंगे तो कुछ ही दिनों में मन नष्ट होने लगेगा |
    इस प्रकार साधक अपने आनंदस्वरूप में मग्न हो सकता है |

    परम पूज्य बापूजी

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #58 on: November 29, 2013, 03:11:30 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!


    Though you have heard "Don't judge", judgement comes unavoidably
    in day-to-day life. By the actions and behaviour of people, you either
    approve or disapprove. But always remember that everything is changing,
    do not hold on to the judgement. Otherwise your judgement gets solidified
    like a rock. It brings misery for you and for others.

    If judgements are lighter, like air, like a breeze, they bring in fragrance,
    then move away. Or they could bring a foul smell, then move away.
    But they should not stay forever.

    Judgements are so subtle that you are not even aware of their existence.
    Only when you are full of love and compassion, can you ever be free
    from all judgements.

    Yet the world cannot move without judgements. Until you judge something
    as good or bad, you cannot do any action. You want to buy only good apples
    in the market. If someone lies to you ten times, the next time he speaks
    it could also be a lie - a judgement happens automatically.

    See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don’t hold
    on to judgements.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: GURU KRIPA .............
    « Reply #59 on: December 05, 2013, 02:45:39 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    This entire universe is nothing but vibrations.
    It is all made up of waves, vibrations, and energy.
    When your vibrations do not match with the vibrations
    of others you call it negative, and when your vibrations
    match with other vibrations, it is harmonious and
    you call it bliss. When your energy becomes such that
    it becomes universal, then whatever the outer circumstances may be,
    you remain oblivious to it.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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