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Offline tana

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Healing Illnesses Through Mind Power~~~
« on: April 22, 2008, 06:05:00 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Healing illnesses through mind power~~~

    Meditation helps to increase power of the mind~~~

    In today’s times most of us are facing stress, tension, fears, phobias and diseases.

    Everyone wants to know the different ways of healing diseases. But can this be achieved? Yes, it can be achieved.
    Our mind, specially the subconscious mind, is a miraculous tool. And we must understand that any disturbance in the mind causes disturbance in the body. So you have understand the mind in order to use the mind to heal illnesses.

    Rules you need to follow to heal any illness.

    Stop talking about your illness.

    Don’t gossip with friends, relatives about your illness as when you do that you are stopping yourself from becoming healthy.

    Stop thinking about your illness.

    Think,talk, and pretend that you are healthy.

    Before visiting a doctor, sit in silence and ask yourself what is it that you need to know, what your illness is teaching you. Our body is constantly talking to us. We just need to listen to it. Whenever anyone is not well, he/she says, "I am not well".
    Now when you say I am not well it means it is me who is not well, which results in showing up on your body in the form of illnesses. The root cause of all illnesses is the mind. Our mind has its own language. Our mind can understand through power of words and images. So you need to speak health, think health, feel heath, through affirmations. Affirmations are positive therapeutic commandments (PTC) to programme your mind.
    For example~~~
    1) I am healthy~
    2) I have very high energy level~
    3) I realise the need of this condition (illness)~
    4) I am at peace~
    5) I forgive everyone~

    Meditation should be done for 20 mins morning/evening. By practicing mediation everyday you are actually increasing power of the mind. Research has proved how meditation is beneficial in lowering down your blood pressure, stress, tension and any other illness.

    Here’s how simple meditation should be done .

    Sit comfortably, loosen your body, with complete back rest, not at all a erect spine.

    Close your eyes, clasp your fingers, put it on your lap or as you are comfortable.

    Chant 'SAI SAI' to yourself in your mind.

    Count 20-1 backwards very slowly in your mind

    Now focus on your breath, let the thoughts come and go.

    Don’t try to push thoughts away (many people do that, don’t do that)

    Let it come and go, you come back to breathe.

    Sit for 20 mins, then slowly open your eyes.
    Note: Switch off your mobile, door bell, lights before starting meditation. Follow the above steps faithfully, and say in your mind, "I am taking responsibility of my health, I am going to heal myself with the power of my mind." Say this 10 times in your mind and see how your life will start changing miraculously.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Healing Illnesses Through Mind Power~~~
    « Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 08:10:56 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम़।।।

    1-घर में प्रवेश करने से पहले अपने कपड़ों की धूल झाड़ लीजिए। सोने से पहले मन पर पड़ी नकारात्मक सोच की धूल साफ़ कर लीजिए । तन और मन स्वस्थ रहेगा।

    2-घर की खिड़कियाँ खुली रखिए ताकि ताज़ा हवा आ सके । दूसरे लोग क्या कर रहे हैं, यह देखने के लिए खिड़कियों का इस्तेमाल न करें। दीर्घायु प्राप्त करेंगे ।

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।।
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline tana

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    Re: Healing Illnesses Through Mind Power~~~
    « Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 08:16:24 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Healing Power of the Mind - Using Mind Power to Heal Illnesses~~~

    Do you ever wonder why some cancer victims heal and recover from their illnesses while some don’t? Do you ever wonder what defines the difference between these two kinds of cancer-afflicted people? It is true that those who have been healed have a secret: the healing power of the mind. The healing power of the mind is not a mysterious thing that can be activated by gibberish and mumbo-jumbo rituals and words. The healing power of the mind is actually based on one thing: positive thinking.

    Maybe you’re thinking that these people are super-optimists. No they are not. They too, have had their share of discouragement and had reacted accordingly. They too had felt that life had been unfair to them.

    But what is crucial to their recovery is the realization that they can actually choose not to continue to feel the negative way that they do. You too can make use of the healing power of the mind. Let me show you how.

    1) Accept that you have an illness~~~

    Seem absurd? Actually, it’s not. Life’s problems are not solved by denying their existence. On the contrary, they are made worse through denial, because they aren’t being dealt with. The most important step you can take in healing would be to accept your present circumstance, but to positively expect that you can heal yourself using the powers of your mind.

    2) Do something about it~~~

    Get treatment; research your options for the treatment of your illness. Getting treatment lets you assume control over your life again. This diminishes the feeling of helplessness; thus, you can start to think clearly, do what needs to be done, and make the most out of your days.

    3) Take comfort in a Higher Power~~~

    Studies have proved that those who believe in a Higher Power tend to heal faster. The trust that though they are helpless, someone has control over their lives and He ultimately would see them through, makes people less anxious, freeing their system to self-heal faster.

    The mind is a terrible thing, some people said. Actually, as you’ve seen here, the healing power of the mind can be unlocked so easily. Follow these steps, and you can harness this power.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~


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