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Offline fatima

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Health tips!
« on: February 02, 2008, 06:16:39 AM »
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  • 10 Essential Health Tips
    (The Basics to Practice Every Day)
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    1. Move More

    Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!

    2. Cut Fat

    Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!

    3. Quit Smoking

    The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.

    4. Reduce Stress

    Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.

     5. Protect Yourself from Pollution

    If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.

    6. Wear Your Seat Belt

    Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.

    7. Floss Your Teeth

    Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.

    8. Avoid Excessive Drinking

    While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.

    9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook

    There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.

    10. Choose Your Parents Well

    The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.
    « Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 06:18:52 AM by fatima »
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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #1 on: February 02, 2008, 06:23:31 AM »
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  • Ayurved Healthtips

    5-10 leaves of holy basil + 10 black pepper + 1 teaspoon honey. Recommended thrice in day.


    Hoarsness of voice:
    1teaspoon piper longum + 1 teaspoon honey + 1 teaspoon ginger powder. Recommended thrice a day. This combination can also be used in Hiccough.


    Insect bites:
    A paste of 1 teaspoon powder of black pepper + 1 teaspoon ghee. Recommended twice or thrice daily.


    Intestial worms:
    1 teaspoon bishop seeds + 1 teaspoon castor oil. Recommended 1-2 times a day.


    Malaria :
    10 leaves of holy basil + 10 pieces of black pepper +1 teaspoon of honey. Recommended 3-4 times a day.


    Piles :
    1/2 teaspoon dried ginger powder + 1 teaspoon jaggery. Recommended two or three times a day.


    Prevention of Malaria :
    1/2 teaspoon of asofoetida powder once a day after lunch to prevent recurrent attacks of malaria.


    Cough & Cold :
    1 teaspoon. dried ginger powder + 1 teaspoon. black pepper + 5-10 leaves of holy basil in a cup of tea. Recommended 3 -4 times in day.


    Dental pain :
    10 pieces of clove + 1 piece of camphor in a cotton piece and place it over the area of pain as required.


    Diabetes :
    One teaspoon of powdered Emblic Myrobalans + one teaspoon of turmeric powder & honey. Recommended thrice in a day.[/color]
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    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 02:10:42 AM »
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  • Maximize the healing power of garlic

    Want to fight cancer when you cook garlic? The secret is peeling the cloves and leaving it aside for about 15 minutes. Unfortunately, roasting garlic while it's still in the peel may taste great, but it seems to knock out the healing power before it has a chance to develop.

    In a study done on animals, those fed with garlic cooked in the peel had little resistance to a carcinogen. But animals that were fed garlic that was peeled and left aside for a while before cooking, were better able to resist getting cancer.
    Why the difference? Heating garlic with the peel destroys the enzyme that activates garlic's cancer-fighting compounds. But peeling and not cooking them immediately activates the enzyme and allows it to work its magic[/b]
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 02:49:25 AM »
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  • Food that would look after your curves

    To get rid of that extra roll of fat, go for a diet that includes proteins, carbohydrates and fat to give you the right caloric intake.

    Well-known fitness expert Pervez Mistry tells you what to eat to stay trim:

    To get rid of that extra roll of fat, go for a diet that includes proteins, carbohydrates and fat to give you the right caloric intake. That will be two servings each of dairy products and meat and four servings of fruit and vegetables. Pure vegetarians should have three servings of dairy and grain products a day. (A serving is half a cup).

    Fruits and vegetables:

    A large piece of melon, two oranges and one or two bananas for your fruit intake, and brinjal, carrots and drumsticks for your vegetable diet will be right. They are low-fat sources of essential nutrients.

    Grain and lentil:

    Four servings a day are adequate. If it is bread, consider a larger slice as a serving. But chapattis from whole wheat, naan and Goan rice in themselves are not enough as they are deficient in one or more amino acids.


    Have two or three cups of milk a day. Vegetarians need four or five cups. Girls, middle-aged and pregnant women should drink skimmed milk. If you are lactose intolerant, take an enzyme product which will help digest lactose. Or make up the deficit with other food.

    Red meat is the main source of fat and cholesterol. But what is required is moderation and not abstinence. Have three and a half to four ounces of red meat. Go for lean cuts of pork, lamb or beef, which have less than 10 grams of fat in a serving of 3 oz. It is always better to substitute chicken or fish for meat. Treat meat as a side dish that completes a meal of vegetables, grains and lentils. But first, trim the fat from red meat and remove the skin from poultry before cooking.

    If you are a vegetarian, include low-fat dairy products, cottage cheese (paneer), soya bean and lentil in your diet.

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #4 on: February 14, 2008, 04:13:41 AM »
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  • Natural Remedies for Gum Disease

    There are natural remedies that can be used to treat gum disease.

    1. Vitamin C. To boost your intake of vitamin C, eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as grapefruit, oranges, kiwi fruit, mango, papaya, strawberry, red pepper, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe.

    2. Vitamin D. Sun exposure is one of the most important sources of vitamin D, because UV rays from the sun trigger the synthesis of vitamin D in skin. The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements suggests 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure twice a week, although the further away from the equator, the more polluted your city, and the more cloud cover there is, the less likely that this sun exposure will be sufficient. Look for at least 200 IU in a multivitamin.

    3. Coenzyme Q10. Meat and fish are the best sources of CoQ10 although the better sources from these foods are organs such as lungs, heart, and liver.

    4. Tea tree oil. This can be found at health food stores but is quite expensive.

    5. Cranberry. Cranberry juice with no added sugar sold at health food stores is recommended
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #5 on: February 14, 2008, 04:20:26 AM »
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  • Healthy Knees

    Some ways to keep your knees healthy

    Maintain a healthy weight.
    To lose weight or to keep from gaining eat only three times a day and limit portions. Do some form of exercise at least four days a week.

    Strengthen the muscles that support your joints. And stretch.
    Weight bearing exercises will strengthen your muscles and bones. Keeping the body flexible is just as important. Flexible people may be less likely to develop arthritis in their joints compared to those less flexible. Flexible people also appear to have better bone mineral density.

    Take your vitamins. Nutrients like vitamins C, E, and D may help slow arthritis progression.
    Raw red peppers and Brussels sprouts are good sources of vitamin C. Almonds and walnuts are good sources of vitamin E. Cod liver oil is rich in vitamins A and D.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #6 on: February 14, 2008, 04:25:57 AM »
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  • Healthy Fingernails

    You can do a few simple things to have strong and healthy fingernails. Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to your daily diet. Because they are rich in zinc, they will do wonders for your nails, especially if your nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake. Household chores are hard on the fingernails. To protect them from dirt and harsh cleaners, wear gloves whenever it's cleaning time and apply hand cream before you put them on. Rub a small amount of olive oil or castor oil into your cuticle and the skin surrounding your nails every evening before you go to bed or whenever your nails feel dry.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #7 on: February 15, 2008, 04:45:35 AM »
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  • Ginger Tea

    Ginger tea is usually used to help digestion and relieve nausea but it can be used to boost the immune system and ward off colds, sore throat and the flu. Ginger tea bags are available in health food stores but if you want to make it from scratch it's easy to make. Just heat 4 cups of water in a sauce pan. While it is heating peel a two-inch piece of fresh ginger root and cut it into thin slices. Once the water boils, add the ginger, cover it with a tight-fitting lid, reduce the heat, and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. After it has simmered strain it and it is ready to drink. You may add honey and lemon to suit your taste but know that ingesting sugar depresses the immune system. Artificial sweeteners are not recommended
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #8 on: February 15, 2008, 04:59:08 AM »
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  • Breathe Deeply, Lower Blood Pressure

    Sitting with both feet flat on the floor and your spine straight, deeply inhale through the nostrils, filling your lungs to two-thirds capacity. Hold your breath for several seconds, then exhale fully through the nostrils. Repeat this 10 times.

    "By holding in the breath for several seconds the carotid bodies, tiny clumps of nerve tissue containing specialized chemical receptors and located along the carotid arteries, are fooled into thinking that blood pressure is rising. The carotid bodies will then signal a message for blood vessels to dilate, which causes an overall drop in blood pressure and hence a diminishment of the stress response.

    "By breathing in to only two-thirds of your lung capacity, you ensure that blood pressure won't go up from the sheer exertion of forcing the lungs to maximum expansion. By breathing out more fully than you breathe in, you help move stale air out from the lungs. Slow, deep breathing has also been shown to increase endorphin release in the body, producing a sense of relaxation and well-being."

    Doing this before you eat can also help to prevent digestive problems--irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, constipation, chronic gastric upset, etc.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #9 on: February 16, 2008, 04:07:32 AM »
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  • Preserve the vision

    Never use hot water to wash your eyes. Close your eyes and sprinkle cold water on your lids for a few minutes. Doing this every morning before sunrise will help the eyes remain healthy.

    Don't strain your eyes. Blink often. Take a break from the book or computer screen and look into the distance, taking care to blink often. If you think your eyes are getting tired, rest them for a while.

    Don't expose your eyes to bright sunlight. Take care to shield your eyes with a cap or sunglasses.

    Insufficient sleep also tells on the eye. Make sure you get your nine hours of the dreamless. It adds a sparkle to your eyes.

    Drink adequate water. Eight glasses of water a day is a must.

    Protect your eyes from air conditioners, fans and even strong winds. They all tend to dry out your eyes. This leads to other eye problems.

    Believe it or not but constipation and stress do affect eyes adversely. Make sure you move your bowels everyday and do de-stress.

    Eat carrots regularly. Greens help as well. A healthy diet is invaluable.

    Keep your eyes clean and well rested.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #10 on: February 16, 2008, 04:12:15 AM »
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  • Feeling tired? Exhausted after a hard day's work? And you come to a house full of kids and a kitchen sink full of dishes? Feel like giving up? What you need is a quick pick-me-upper.

    Here are some ideas!

    Soak your feet in a tub with hot water in which some rock salt has been dissolved. And while your feet soak, think of pleasant thoughts - a sea shore...a brook.... a meadow with green pastures... Feel the tension and tiredness easing away.

    Light some aromatherapy candles.....something with lavender in it.

    Play some Beethoven on your CD player and sit down and let the music sweep over your soul. Watch your kitten play with a ball of twine.

    Put your chair out in the garden and sip a cup of hot tea. Watch the flowers..... the butterflies....the birds..... the trees swaying in the breeze.....

    Have a refreshing bath, may be even in cold water (if it is not too cold) with a soap that smells good.

    After your bath, sprinkle some talc on yourself and face the other challenges that still need your gentle touch.

    Go for a long walk with that special someone and see the birds homing in for the night

    Think positive!
    Now that we have all these ways to get zip and zany and full of life, it is up to you to find out what works the best for you. Try one, try a few, whatever works for you.... but get fresh! Simply fresh!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #11 on: February 17, 2008, 01:50:47 AM »
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  • Natural herbal remedies

    Nature is rich in herbs that can cure naturally without any side effects – a mystery that allopathy is yet to solve or duplicate. We can maintain nutrition, cure diseases, alleviate pain and benefit from using what is available in natural form all around us.

    A vegetable loaded with nutrition is the avocado. But are you aware of its other uses? For example, use a small piece of the seed as a temporary filling for cavities. It will help you till you can get your dentist’s appointment! Only remember that you must replace the seed filling at least twice a day.

    Ginger is a pungent addition to any dish. But its medicinal properties are many – chief among them is that it is an excellent remedy for sore throat. You can just chew on a washed and sliced piece of ginger for immediate relief.

    A fruit high in fibre, the papaya is a natural laxative for people suffering from constipation. Just have a slice at breakfast and it will help you to digest your protein intake and relieve you of constipation. Want to use it as a cosmetic? You can mash a ripe papaya with some lemon juice and simply apply the mixture as a face mask. When you rinse after half an hour with warm water, you will find your face cleansed and exfoliated.

    Ladies’ finger (okra) is a common, popular desi vegetable, and cooked in many ways. But not many people are aware that its seeds, when dried, ground and boiled in two glasses of water for 15 minutes, can be cooled and strained for use as a medicine. This decoction helps to reduce fever, and is generally taken after a meal. Kids can be given this too – but just a tablespoonful, again after a meal.

    Olive oil is strongly recommended to be used as a light cooking oil as it benefits the heart. But as a cure for hyperacidity? Hmmm… Grandma recommends that you simply swallow one teaspoonful at least 30 minutes before a meal.

    Pineapple? And as a cure? Grandma says ‘Yes’! Internal parasites (worms) can be sent scurrying with 2 to 3 slices of delicious pineapple with every meal for at least a week.
    Suffering from severe stomach pain and cramps? What you need is a good home-made antacid.

    Mix a large slice of cabbage with a carrot, blend in the mixie with some sugar. Drink a glass full of this mix about half an hour before meals and get rid of gastric pain!
    Gingivitis sufferers! Help is at hand – and it is from the common brinjal or eggplant. The brinjal leaves, when boiled in 2 glasses of water for about 10 minutes, and used as a mouthwash, can soothe gingivitis.

    Lemon grass we know, is used to enhance many dishes and gives an exotic flavour. But did you know that it can control diarrhoea? Boil some lemon grass leaves in about 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes. Add sugar and crushed ginger to this decoction and drink 1 cup three times a day.

    When you buy fresh corn, you will find corn hair when you open the covering. Remove these carefully, boil in 1 litre of water. Cool down this concoction and drink it 3 times during the day. It will help to alleviate cystitis or inflammation of the bladder. Kids can be given ½ a cup 3 times a day.

    These days herbs like oregano are available fresh. This is a great cough reliever. All you have to do is to boil chopped oregano leaves in water for 15 minutes and use it as you would a cough syrup.

    Guava leaves have many medicinal uses. Boil guava leaves in water for about 15 minutes. The decoction should be consumed at least 3 times a day. The crushed guava leaves can be used like smelling salts when someone has a fainting fit. The nausea subsides when the strong aroma is inhaled. A cup of the guava leaves, when boiled in water and cooled, are an excellent and soothing rinse for sunburn and prickly heat.

    Suffering from athlete’s foot? Don’t worry! Simply chop a radish and extract the juice. Apply this on the affected part twice a day for instant relief!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #12 on: February 17, 2008, 02:07:18 AM »
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  • Nutty truths

    Nuts are an all-time favourite in our country. We use nuts for garnishing desserts, adding flavour to our savouries, make our kheers with them and even serve them raw or salted for guests as snacks or appetizers. Here is a low-down on nuts – it is good to know a few facts about them too!

    Did you know that walnuts are connected to fertility (in Rome) and anti-fertility (in China)? Our ancestors believed that walnuts were for divine consumption and it was considered a royal delicacy. It is often referred to as the “nut of the gods”. While the gods feasted on walnuts, lesser subjects were given nuts like acorns and chestnuts. In Italy, walnuts were considered a good-luck symbol and were thrown to wedding guests to ward off the evil eye.

    Selection and care

    Never buy shriveled up, rubbery or shelled nuts – this is an indication of age. If you go in for shelled nuts, see to it that they are brittle and break easily. It is said that nuts that grow with the sun upon them are generally darker in colour and have a richer flavour. Because walnuts are high in oil content they require special storage to prevent them from tuning rancid. If you are planning to buy large quantities, it is better to go in for unshelled nuts – but you have to store them in the refrigerator where they would last for 2 to 3 months. They can last a year if you put them in deep freeze.

    As health food

    Walnut oil is excellent for using as dressing for salads but never use in regular cooking which involves heating at high temperatures. The nuts are high protein foods and are excellent for vegetarians. Like most nuts, they have a mild laxative effect as they lubricate the large intestine. They are also rich in Vitamin E which helps relieve arthritic pain and enhances mental well being.


    The fruit is said to have originated in Persia. It is also known as the green almond though it is actually related to the cashew. The Pistachio trees survive for hundreds of years on stony soil and require very little care. They are now commercially cultivated in California, Italy, Turkey and Iran. The Roman emperor Vitellius and the Queen of Sheba were particularly fond of pistachios and were known to feast on these exotic nuts. The pistachio is a drupe like the cashew – it has a fleshy outer covering with a hard shelled nut inside which is removed and dried in the sun.

    How to select and store

    Buy pistachios that are split at one end. If they are unopened they are still immature. The nuts that are bright green in colour are better flavoured. The nuts are available as raw, shelled, unshelled and roasted. The thin covering on the nuts can be easily removed by blanching. As the shell splits on ripening, the shelf life is limited. They have to be stored in airtight containers and will last for 3 months when kept in the refrigerator. They cannot be frozen.

    The nuts are widely used in desserts and they are also used to enhance seafood, salads and poultry dishes.


    Almonds are the most widely grown and eaten nuts. The almond belongs to the plum family and is said to have originated from N.Africa, West Asia and the Mediterranean. The Romans referred to them as ‘Greek nuts’ as they were first grown in Greece. They are actually a fruit which looks like a longish peach. When mature, the husk is broken and reveals the shell which contains the nut. Almonds are given as symbol of good luck.

    Uses and forms of almond

    Almond extract is made from the oil of the bitter almond (which is different from the regular sweet almond). It is diluted and used as a flavouring. Almond milk is made from soaked, crushed and strained pulp of almonds .See that the almonds are completely dry before you grind them. Almond paste which is made from blanched almonds. Almond oil is from crushed whole raw almonds. It is rare to find food grade almond oil – it is also very expensive.

    As health food

    Almonds are known to help in reducing cholesterol and they are high in monounsaturated fatty acids. They are thus useful in reducing the risk f heart disease. They are also a very good source of Vitamin E which helps to prevent plaque in arteries. Just an ounce of almonds can give you at least 10% of your daily requirement of calcium and is therefore a good non-dairy source for vegetarians. They also help in body building for those who are underweight.
    Almond oil also has its uses as a cosmetic.
    However, if you are prone to cold sores or herpes, it is better to avoid this nut as it is rich in arginine which is known to aggravate the condition

    How to buy and store almonds

    If you plan to buy unshelled almonds, just take one and shake it vigorously. If there is a lot of rattling it means that it is rather aged and is shrinking. They will turn rancid when shelled. When soaked for half an hour, the almond should retain its whiteness and texture. If it is yellowed and has a honeycombed appearance, just discard it immediately.

    Packaged natural almonds can be stored unopened in cool dark places for even two years. Unopened roasted ones will last for a year. They can last longer under refrigeration. If opened store them in airtight containers and use within 3 months. Store in refrigerator. Never keep them in the pantry or in a shelf in the kitchen as the heat will damage them.


    Cashews are part of the mango and pistachio families. Originated in Brazil, it was brought to India by the Portuguese sailors. The seed of the cashew hangs from the bottom of the cashew fruit. The fruit too is edible but highly perishable which is why it has to be eaten absolutely fresh. They are used in making liqueurs

    Uses and storage

    Cashews labeled as raw are generally never completely so as they undergo a process of heating during the shelling and cleaning processes. Dry- roasted cashews actually have a lower fat content than other nuts. Cashews are highly perishable when shelled as they are rich in oil content. They should be stored in air-tight containers as they absorb food flavours very quickly. When refrigerated they can last up to six months and when frozen, for a year. Cashews are often used in curries, salads, rice dishes, desserts, stew, stir-fry and vegetable preparations. Always remember to add cashews after the cooking process is over as they will turn soft and disintegrate very fast. When used in baked dishes, they lose their crunchiness and become soft. Broken cashews have the same taste as full ones and are less expensive.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #13 on: February 18, 2008, 03:00:07 AM »
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  • Dental hygiene

    Dental care is a vital part of personal hygiene. You just cannot afford to neglect it. All it needs is regular care and caution. Halitosis or bad breath can be embarrassing and could cause social and psychological problems. It can even affect marriages.

    Remember, lack of dental hygiene will not only wreck your personal life, it could tell on your health too.

    Bacteria that live on teeth and gums are the prime cause of bad breath. We need to take extra care and make sure that these bacteria are eliminated regularly and effectively.

    Here are a few simple but effective ways to keep your breath clean and fresh.

    Brush your teeth well. Ideally, it takes two to three minutes to brush your teeth well. But most people seem to finish brushing their teeth in less than a minute. That won't be too effective.
    Drink plenty of water. Bad breath is accentuated by dryness of the mouth. It helps bacteria flourish. Drinking a lot of water not only helps washing away left over food particles, it also stimulates saliva flow. Saliva plays a vital part in keeping the mouth clean and dissolving the compounds that could cause halitosis.

    Chew sugarless gum. This will help clean teeth and also stimulate the flow of saliva. Gum with sugar is not considered healthy and is therefore not recommended by dentists.
    Check for dental problems. This could cause bad breath too. These problems are easily solved by a visit to the dentist. A dental check up is necessary at least once a year.
    Inter dental cleaning is very important. Flossing is a must. It helps removing plaque from between our teeth and under our gums.
    Rinse well after every meal – don't depend solely on mouth fresheners. Whenever possible, try to rinse with warm water and salt.

    Add a few drops of lime juice to a teaspoon of salt. Brush your teeth with it once a week. It will add a shine to your teeth besides keeping your breath clean.

    Your dental hygiene speaks volumes about your personality
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #14 on: February 18, 2008, 03:07:43 AM »
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  • Ways of relaxation

    Scurrying around won't help - you need those moments - those precious healing moments that can cleanse and rejuvenate you. Even if it is for only a few short moments in a day, it helps to stay calm - quiet - at peace with your soul and the universe. And then, and only then can you feel the healing flow. The idea is to practice mindfulness. Let your mind expand.

    Breathe properly for starters. If your breath is shallow, you're breathing through your chest and are probably anxious. Breathe from your lower abdomen and you'll begin to feel more relaxed almost immediately

    Here are some ways you can relax.

    Use Your Senses

    Sight : Watch a beautiful sunset.
    Smell : Dab on perfume, sniff vanilla, light an aromatic candle.
    Touch : Put on your comfiest pyjamas.
    Taste : Eat something yummy.
    Sound : Listen to beautiful music.

    Mirror, mirror on the wall. Instead of fretting over a bad hair day or a sudden pimple, look in the mirror and repeat: "[Your first name], I love you and accept you just the way you are". Do this for 30 seconds to a minute, first thing in the morning and just before you go to bed at night. In a month, you'll see the unmistakable effects of this simple exercise. Why? Because every time you look in that mirror and say those words, you look into your eyes with love. That sure beats giving yourself the dirtiest looks of disdain possible!

    Calm down - then take action. Ultimately, the only truly safe haven is the one you have within. But when you're being pulled in a hundred directions, it's all too easy to forget that. A great way to start to defuse stress is to ask yourself two simple questions throughout the day: How do I feel? What do I need? If your to-do list has 10 tasks on it and you only have time for two, don't panic. Instead, take a break, have a cup of tea and then ask yourself those two questions. You'll know exactly what to do and when. Do it for a day and see how profoundly powerful it is to truly nurture yourself from within.

    Soothe yourself with prayer. The next time things aren't going your way - use a prayer to de-stress. Say: "All is well. Everything is working out for my good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe."

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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