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Re: Health tips!---------Safe Remedies....
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2008, 03:49:43 AM »
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  • Oooooh ! Aaahhhh! Ouch! Are you heading to your medicine cabinet once again? Why don't you try your kitchen instead? Grandma says there is many an adequate cure on your kitchen shelf and there is little need to dose and drug yourself for small ailments and problems. Why don't you give it a try? Most kitchen cures are harmless - you needn't worry about the side effects. After all, the history of medicine did begin in the humble kitchens of yore.

    The scorching Indian summers can create havoc with your skin. While brown skin doesn't peel with heat - it still reacts adversely to an overdose of the sun. You need to cool your skin first. Rubbing cold water or ice on the skin helps immensely. If you've spent too many hours in the sun - try cold water first and gradually introduce ice - so as to decrease your skin's sensitivity to the extreme change in temperature.

    Lavender oil is just as effective for soothing parched skin. Rub it gently onto your skin - and you'll feel better in a short while.

    But if the spell in the sun has dehydrated you (when you feel dizzy or listless) - you need to act a lot faster. Get out of the sun and stop all activity. Drink a few glasses of cold (but not chilled) water. Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in it if you can.

    Here's a sweet way to get rid of hiccups - try a spoonful sugar. Or if you prefer a sour taste - suck at a slice of lemon - your hiccups will disappear before you can say Jack Robinson. Some people believe that if you block your ears with your fingers - and drink water through a straw - you can get rid of hiccups.

    Regular migraines? Try two spoons of honey after every meal. This remedy could even prevent potential migraine attacks.

    Plagued by sinus? You need to clear out those blocks. Use an extra pillow and keep your head elevated through the night - it helps drainage and prevents the blocks from forming. A totally sugar free diet is said to do away with sinusitis. And helps you lose weight as well!

    Regular dose of garlic, and hot milk with turmeric can ward off many a cold and throat infection.

    It's important to remember, though that home remedies are recommended only for minor ailments that plague us regularly. You should consult your doctor for major or chronic symptoms.
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    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!---------Treatment For Puffy Eyes From The Kitchen
    « Reply #46 on: July 16, 2008, 06:28:10 AM »
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  • Eyes need to look bright and sparkling to attract attention. Puffy or red eyes are lack lustre and make you look tired and ill.

    Nature's best ingredients for removing puffy eyes are cucumber and potato.

    Take a small raw potato or cucumber
    Slice into small pieces
    Blend to a fine consistency in a mixie
    Strain the excess juice.
    Preserve the pulp.
    Make a cup of tulsi tea
    Mix the tea and the pulp well
    Pour into ice trays and freeze to make ice cubes.
    Every time your eyes are puffy or red, just scoop a cube and dab them on your closed eyes for a few minutes.
    Rinse your eyelids gently and pat dry.
    Puffiness is often caused by the accumulation of fluids around the eye. Use your middle finger and gently press along the eyebrow and around the eye socket. This will stimulate the lymphatic system and help drain excess fluid. The swelling will reduce.

    Take a rounded metal spoon and place it in your fridge for a few minutes. When it gets cold, take it out and hold the rounded bit against your eyes for a few minutes. This again will help reduce puffiness.

    Red eyes or sore eyes are often caused by exposure to the sun, wind or chlorine. They need some soothing treatment to look healthy and sparkling again.

    Mix 2 tablespoons of water to a glass of mineral water. Stir well. Bathe your eyes in this solution 3 - 4 times a day. Open your eyes and blink gently while you move your eyeballs around.

    Gently pat your eyes dry.
    Too much of salt in your diet will cause your body to hold onto fluid. This could show up under your eye or anywhere else in your body.

    Use an extra pillow at night. If your head is elevated when you sleep, it discourages fluids from settling around your eyes.
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    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #47 on: July 16, 2008, 06:32:13 AM »
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  • Grind a raw potato and add almond paste to it. Apply this mixture regularly under your eyes to get rid of dark circles and puffiness.

    Make a paste of amla powder and lemon juice. Apply this regularly on the greying hair. The hair will darken again gradually..

    Drink a cup of carrot juice everyday to reduce your weight and make your skin glow.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!------Tips To Help Keep Your Voice In Shape!!!
    « Reply #48 on: July 18, 2008, 02:05:52 AM »
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  • The following 10 tips to help keep your voice in shape:

    1. Drink water to keep your body well hydrated, and avoid alcohol and caffeine. Your vocal cords vibrate very fast, and having a proper water balance helps keep them lubricated. Important note: Foods containing large amounts of water are excellent hydration-conscious snacks, including apples, pears, watermelon, peaches, melons, grapes, plums, bell peppers and applesauce.

    2. Allow yourself several "vocal naps" every day, especially during periods of extended use. For instance, teachers should avoid speaking during the breaks between classes and find quiet ways to spend the lunch hour rather than talking in a noisy staff room with colleagues.

    3. Don't smoke, or if you already do, quit. Smoking raises the risk of throat cancer tremendously, and inhaling smoke (even secondhand smoke) can irritate the vocal cords.

    4. Don't abuse or misuse your voice. Avoid yelling or screaming, and try not to talk loudly in noisy areas. If your throat feels dry or tired, or your voice is getting hoarse, reduce your voice use. The hoarseness is a warning sign that your vocal cords are irritated.

    5. Keep your throat and neck muscles relaxed even when singing high notes and low notes. Some singers tilt their heads up when singing high notes and down when singing low notes. "The high notes are on the ceiling and the low notes are on the floor," Rosenberg says. "Over time, you'll pay for that"—not just with strained vocal muscles but also by causing future limits on the vocal range.

    6. Pay attention to how you speak every day. Even performers who have good singing habits can cause damage when they speak. Many skilled singers don't continue their healthy habits when they speak; indeed, says Herseth, "many people—including singers—should have much more breath flow when they speak."

    7. Don't clear your throat too often. When you clear your throat, it's like slamming your vocal cords together. Doing it too much can injure them and make you hoarse. Try a sip of water or swallow to quench the urge to clear. If you feel like you have to clear your throat a lot, get checked by a doctor for such things as acid reflux disease, or allergy and sinus conditions.

    8. When you're sick, spare your voice. Don't talk when you're hoarse due to a cold or infection. Listen to what your voice is telling you.

    9. When you have to speak publicly, to large groups or outdoors, think about using amplification to avoid straining your voice.

    10. Humidify your home and work areas. Remember, moist is good for the voice.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!----Water Melon
    « Reply #49 on: July 22, 2008, 04:03:05 AM »
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  • cool wedge of watermelon on a hot summer day? Refreshing, for sure.

    But watermelon is more than just a seasonal treat. Here are three great health reasons to dig into this juicy fruit:

    It's loaded with lycopene. Watermelon juice actually gave tomato juice a run for the money in a recent study of lycopene levels. That’s good news for your body, because early research suggests that lycopene may be a cancer crusher. (Here's a trick for unleashing more lycopene from your tomatoes.)

    It can make your skin pretty. Watermelon is loaded with a key compound credited with helping skin's healing and regenerative processes. Say no more -- bring on the melon! (Find out what other foods support youthful skin.)

    It's practically calorie-free. With fewer than 50 calories in every cup, watermelon is one smart way to satisfy a sweet tooth. And with a whopping 141 grams of water per cubed cup, watermelon will keep you hydrated, too. (Here are 10 more low-calorie treats to try.)
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #50 on: July 22, 2008, 04:21:23 AM »
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  • Here's a list you'll want to check twice: Five ways to slash your risk of cancer.

    Doing just one of the anticancer steps is better than nothing. But do all of them and you're cancer risk could drop by as much as 30 percent.

    1. Don't smoke (a no-brainer).

    2. Limit red meat, alcohol, fat, and . . .

    List of 5, Cont'd. . . .
    . . . salt.

    3. Eat fruit, veggies, and whole grains -- lots of them!

    4. Exercise regularly.

    5. Watch your weight.

    Pick and Choose, Just Pick
    Although there is no surefire way to prevent cancer, making healthy choices in your daily life may reduce your risk. If you don't feel capable of following all the anticancer guidelines, at least choose to do the ones you know you have a good shot of sticking to. You can add a few more later, once you've made some progress. Baby steps are fine. And they're waaaay better than doing nothing
    « Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 04:32:27 AM by fatima »
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Yogurt happens to be edible bacteria. It is a by-product of milk and is a popular item in one's daily diet in the south where people swear by it. Surprisingly, it is not as popular in the northern parts of India - maybe people there are not really aware of the great benefits of this yummy milk derivative!

    Yogurt is low on fat. Plain yogurt contains just 1/3 of the fat in, say, a piece of apple pie.

    People who are on a daily intake of antibiotics and sulfa drugs which affect the intestines, should take yogurt as it can help stem the destruction.

    Teens! Do you know that yogurt can help you in your battle against acne? Simply consume a lot of natural unsweetened yogurt. It will cool your system and reduce the onslaught of acne. In addition, you can also wash your face daily with water to which the juice of one lemon has been added (1 litre water to juice of 1 lemon). You could also apply a face mask of honey once a week for about an hour. See the difference it makes!

    Do you suffer from bad breath? Never fear! Help is at hand - and it is help of the inexpensive kind! All you got to do is eat a lot of yogurt and you will no longer be afflicted by this embarrassing phenomenon!

    If drinking milk causes intestinal discomfort, just switch to yogurt. People who cannot digest milk due to the lack of lactase can easily tolerate yogurt as it already has adequate lactase in it which aids in quick digestion.

    Did you know that yogurt is naturally high in calcium? Should the dreaded disease osteoporosis run in your family causing brittle bones and teeth, take plenty of yogurt - it will help to strengthen bones and teeth.

    As you can see, consumption of yogurt has multiple health benefits that cannot be ignored. Added to which it is really tasty, lends itself to many dishes, and is economical too! So, have you started on yogurt?
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!---------Tips For Healthy Refrigerator
    « Reply #52 on: July 27, 2008, 08:42:46 AM »
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  • The refrigerator is the backbone of your kitchen. You can make it a healthy one by stocking low calorie or low fat food, high fibre foods, sauces, nutritious vegetables and fruits. Here are a few tips.

    Clean the refrigerator once a fortnight.
    Arrange foods that are only good for you, eg. low sugar foods, high fibre vegetables like saag or palak, barley etc.

    Masalas and vegetables that are cut can be stored in a container. When you buy vegetables, cut them and store them. This can be used to make a ready to eat meal. Keep on the top shelf.

    Meal from left overs. Left overs can be made into a sumptuous meal. This can also be kept on the top shelf.

    Low fat foods. Reduce the oil and ghee as much as possible. Place low fat foods on top. For example: instead of whole milk, skimmed milk can be used and margarine can be used instead of butter.

    Conceal Desserts. We often place vegetables and fruits in the crisper and sometimes even forget about some of them. Yummy desserts can be kept in the crisper so that we don't gorge on them always.

    Healthy eating can be fun. Healthy eating can be fun provided you plan the food well. Put a sticker of a particular colour e.g. yellow for a very nutritious meal and a red sticker for salads etc.

    Freeze fruits for children. Some fruits can be frozen like oranges, grapes, bananas etc. Children can snack on these. Instead of ice cream and creamy cakes, fruits can be given.

    Organise the foods. Keep the less used foods in the lower shelves.

    Make these tips a part of your routine to save you time and make you healthy.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Menstrual cramps are the bane of many a woman – and they seem to occur just when it is most inconvenient! Lays many a strong woman totally low – and no medicine seems to help at the crucial time! To tackle this problem which is almost as old as Eve, maybe, just maybe, we could turn to Grandma for help! Dare we consult her?

    Herbal remedies - get relief the naturally!

    It is a common enough occurrence and happens in more than 70% women at some point of their lives. In some the cramps may last but a few hours, in others, even 48 hours. Should it last longer, please take a doctor’s advice – there is no point in suffering endlessly. However, you could try out some of these remedies that have been suggested by Grandma after checking out your allergies of course!

    The most natural solution, according to Grandma, and one that is easily the best is exercise! Did you know that walking helps in reducing menstrual cramps – and it is because when you walk, you automatically exercise your pelvic organs and increase the blood supply to them. Avoid vigorous or strenuous walking. Just remember to relax and move your arms and hips freely.
    Have you tried having a warm bath or kept a heating pad where it hurts most – like the small of your back? You will find that it not only alleviates your pain but helps to relax those painful muscle spasms too.
    Learn to keep your body warm when the attack is on – like covering your hips (the pelvic region). It will reduce the cramping pain quite a bit.
    Ginger tea is supposed to really help in painful moments. You can also simmer some roots of ginger for about 15 minutes and drink that concoction after it cools (strongly recommended by Grandma).
    Are you having your calcium supplements? Calcium intake is supposed to actually prevent menstrual cramps as the muscle tone is maintained. If there is any calcium deficiency, he muscles tend to become hyperactive and therefore cause the painful cramps. You will need at least 800 milligrams of calcium every day (equivalent to 3 cups of milk – Grandma of course feels this is best!)
    Another vital necessity is magnesium as it increases the body’s capacity to absorb calcium, thus indirectly reducing painful cramps. Beans, whole grains, whole wheat flour, salmon, shrimp, tofu, all vegetables and nuts are foods rich in magnesium.
    Acupuncture and other such holistic treatments are known to have a beneficial effect.
    A tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a pinch of pepper can be had up to 3 times a day. Just check for possible allergic reactions.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!------Slimming Foods
    « Reply #54 on: August 04, 2008, 04:05:15 AM »
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  • Have you been searching for that miracle diet? You know you need to exercise, but you just aren’t the exercise type? “Eating right” has only been a phrase to you, but you’ve never known where to start?

    If your answer to all of the above is “yes” then you are in the right place….
    Did you know, certain foods provide satiety (or fill you up) better than others? The simple logic is, if what you eat fills you up, you are bound to eat less. And, if you eat less, you are sure to knock off a couple of kilos! Foods that fill you up better are rich in fibre, full of proteins or those with a high water content. What’s better, these foods come packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals!

    Mum was right, after all! Breakfast is very important and oats are good for you! Did you know, that people who eat breakfast, have a lower BMI than those who don’t eat breakfast? Oatmeal is one of the best “fillers” you can get! It is packed with fibre, a great source for protein and it definitely keeps you full for longer. Oats can be cooked in water, and a little milk can be added later to cut down on calories. Oats mixed with yogurt tastes great too. This is a great combination for hot summer months. You can also add some almonds, raisins, or even fresh fruit to make it into a virtual powerhouse of nutrition!

    Eggs eaten at breakfast, keep you full for a longer period than a bowl of cereal, toast or plain fruit. They are packed with proteins and that is the secret of feeling “full”. Of course, if you have cholesterol issues, you may consider switching this option, or going only for egg whites whipped up with some fresh vegetables.

    Low fat yogurt
    Now, low fat yogurts are available off the shelf, in India too. What’s better, you can make your very own, at home. Boil the milk well, cool it, skim all the fat on the surface, and set the yogurt. Yogurt is a storehouse of calcium, which, when combined with other compounds found in dairy products, slows down the body’s process of manufacturing fat and it increases the body’s capacity to burn more fat. The good news is, moreso around the belly! Two or three servings of low fat yogurt a day will definitely help. Sneak in more yogurt into your meals by adding it to dips, soups or sauces.

    An apple a day, they say, keeps the doctor away! We’ll tell you why….apples have a very high water content ( almost 85%), as well as lots of soluble and insoluble fibre, which makes you feel less hungry, after eating one. A great anytime snack, loaded with goodness and nutrition. Apples also contain quercetin, a flavnoid known for its anti oxidant properties in fighting cancer, loweringcholesterol levels and it aids in keeping your lungs healthy. Make sure you eat the peel for that’s where you find the fibre, the Vitamin C, iron and magnesium!

    It’s important to eat right, rather than just eat less, if you want to lose weight.If you end up eating the wrong stuff, you will feel hungry faster and consequently will end up eating more! Fight the battle of the bulge the right way…
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!------------Constipation - Causes and natural cures
    « Reply #55 on: August 18, 2008, 08:03:14 AM »
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  • Constipation is caused by a wide variety of problems that range from simply not drinking enough liquids to having a very low fibre diet.

    Medications such as iron and calcium supplements, drugs used to treat allergies, cold, hypertension, depression, antacids, diuretics (drugs which increase the flow of urine), non-steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs also cause constipation. Parkinson's disease, spinal cord disease and paralysis are the other known causes.

    Weakness of the abdomen muscles and pelvic floor also lead to constipation, especially in the case of the elderly.

    Nature cure for constipation

    There are many home remedies which are effective in the treatment of constipation.

    * A large slice of papaya every day will help in easy bowel movement.

    * The juice made from the pulp of the ripe bel fruit is also recommended. Break the shell of the fruit and remove the seeds. Add water to the pulp and sugar if desired. Strain and serve.

    * 6-8 apricots a day are also helpful. The cellulose in apricots acts as roughage and the pectin retains water. Two raw apples per day can also be taken.

    * Figs have a high cellulose content. The fig seeds increase the peristaltic movements, thus easing constipation.

    * Curd is also beneficial in treating constipation. Dates, bananas, raw cabbage and beetroot also help a great deal. Lemon juice with honey taken first thing in the morning is a good bowel stimulant
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!-------Eating Out Guide For Diabetics
    « Reply #56 on: August 30, 2008, 03:38:17 AM »
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  • If you are a diabetic or someone in your family is, going out to eat may seem like taboo, but it isn’t! Of course, no two diabetics will have the same meal plan, but essentially diabetics need to limit fat and salt, they need to limit calories and eat more fibre.

    A diabetic has to watch her calories, and if you eat smart, you can eat healthy and nutritious as well. What’s even better, if you know “what” you can eat, you can enjoy your evening even better!


    Choose a fresh fruit or vegetable starter
    Munch on roasted papads or some almonds
    Avoid cream based soups
    Stay away from bread rolls and definitely from the butter!
    Salted nuts, pickles and honey based sauces are not for you.
    Have a diet coke, buttermilk or a fresh lime soda ( without salt / sugar)


    Select a fresh fruits / vegetable salad
    Avoid creamy dressings, pickles, canned or marinated vegetables, cured meats, seasoned croutons, cheese etc
    Order salad dressings on the side and use small amounts of them.
    The secret is to ensure, your stomach is half-full even before you start on the main course

     Meal Time…

    Take your pick from grilled, tandoori or roasted chicken, meat, fish, or shellfish.
    Eating lots of vegetables will fill you up, but they are low on calories, so you are safe.
    Go easy on the salt. Sprinkling salt on cooked food is taboo.
    Avoid butter naan, parathas, casseroles, dishes with white sauce, coconut based gravies, and honey based sauces.
    If you are eating at a fast food restaurant, avoid the pickled gherkins, cheese and sauces you-are-not-sure-of.

    Desserts and diabetics don’t go together. Don’t even consider dessert unless your sugar levels are under perfect control. In which case, you can select a fresh fruit salad. Pick fruits like apple, orange, pear, papaya etc that are low on sugar. Do not opt for fruits high in sugar, like chikoo, mangoes, grapes etc.

    Eating out today is inevitable: it may be a business lunch, dinner with friends, fast food joints with the kids or food from a take-away. Eating out can also be quick, easy and fun! But diabetics need to watch what they eat! When you eat out, order only what you need and want. You don’t necessarily have to finish enormous portions Learn how to make changes in your meal plan in case the restaurant doesn't have just what you want.

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!----------Best foods for healthy & slim body
    « Reply #57 on: August 30, 2008, 03:40:23 AM »
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  • We women are constantly struggling to find the right way to add the minerals and vitamins through our daily diet. For we know that the minerals and vitamins got from natural sources is easier for the body to absorb than supplements. Often times we are confused as to what food gives us the right minerals needed to keep our body healthy and fit. Here’s a list of food that every woman needs to consume to remain slim without compromising on health.

    Full of Beans

    We know that eating fibres is a must for a good digestion. If you are looking for sources to add fibre to your daily diet, go for beans. Beans in every form and colour gives you more than 5 grams of fibre per helping. They are low fat, inexpensive, nutritious and can be cooked in various ways. Add a type of beans everyday in your menu.

    Scrunchy Cabbage

    We women need folic acid in double doses to fight various health problems and keep looking young longer. It is known that deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy can harm the child and mother. To add that naturally to your diet, go for cabbage. It has folate, a water-soluble vitamin B, a form of folic acid. According to health experts consuming 400 micrograms of folic acid daily is a must for women. You can add that to your diet by going for cabbage based salads, or sandwiches.

    Munch on Carrot

    We women are looking for ways to improve our skin and hair. Well the magic mineral for is beta carotene, an antioxidant and essential mineral that improves eyesight. Since the body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, this nutrient helps repair your skin. So stock up on veggies like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and squash to add a dose of carotene to your food daily. If you can’t figure out what to cook with theses, then simply munch on a fresh red carrot. Make carrot cake or a pumpkin pie, sweet potato or carrot halwa to add beta carotene to your menu in a fun delicious way.

    Pump in Iron

    To have a well-balanced diet, it is necessary to meet your body’s iron requirements. Instead of just taking iron capsules, you should try to get this as much as possible from the food you eat. In fact it is easier for the body to absorb iron got from natural sources than from supplements. Make sure to add at least on of these namely beetroot, spinach, mutton, poultry or lentils in your diet daily.

    Plenty of Soy
    Eating phytoestrogen-rich soybeans help women significantly lower their bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise the good (HDL) cholesterol. One great source of soy protein is tofu. But if you are unable to get your hands on tofu, then pick up soy nuggets. They are tasty and interesting additives to any vegetable or mutton dish that you prepare.

    Chalk up on Calcium

    Osteoporosis is a bane to us women. Experts say that a daily dose of at least 800mg is a must to keep your bones healthy. So how do you do that? Just consume plenty of yoghurt, milk, paneer and cheese every day to stay strong longer. In case you are not a fan of dairy products then chomp on broccoli or an egg to get your dose of calcium. Broccoli is a fabulous source of calcium and contains other important nutrients like potassium and B vitamins.

    Sole Curry
    Experts have been talking about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and how important it is for a healthy body. Most types of fish and fish oil provide the body with this type of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Well to get that just go to fish market and stock up on fish like salmon, mackarel, sole and sardines, tuna or any other cold-water fish. If you are a vegetarian then add some flaxseed or linseed, and kiwi fruit to you diet to get the same.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #58 on: September 18, 2008, 06:44:24 AM »
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  • There are many fad diets that promise to help you lose weight in almost no time at all. After two or three weeks on the diet you find yourself losing enough to be able to brag to your family and friends about it, and you're so optimistic that this new lifestyle will be your ticket to a smaller waistline that you start to browse the stores for new clothes.

    You continue to lose weight for another couple of weeks, and then something happens: you start to feel sluggish, you begin craving something that your diet absolutely forbids you to have, or the general sense of optimism begins to transform itself into a feeling of constriction, frustration, and even dietary imprisonment.

    You decide to have just one snack, or spend just one day eating whatever you want with the intention of going back to the diet the following day. What happens then, is that you feel such satisfaction from that treat that the entire effort falls apart and you put the weight back on in practically no time at all.

    Does this scenario sound at all familiar?

    Diets are very hard, as is the feeling of being overweight. Many of these fad diets may promise instant and significant weight loss results, but most of them rely on depriving your body of certain nutrients and disrupting the natural function of your body's metabolism. Chinese medicine considers obesity to be partly the result of declining function of the metabolic fire of the kidney network and a diet that provides a well-balanced array of nutrients is the key to losing weight in a healthy way. What follows are five foods that will help you restore your body's ability to use energy and help you become your healthy weight.

    1. Millet: A well-balanced diet should consist of whole grains instead of refined grains like white rice and pasta, and millet is a beneficial and delicious staple of this category of food. This non-glutinous grain is over 10-percent protein, has high amounts of fiber and B-complex vitamins, and because it isn't an acid forming food, is easy to digest.

    2. Asparagus: When losing weight, it's important to favor chlorophyll-rich foods, including asparagus. Asparagus is a nutrient-rich vegetable packed with folate, vitamins A, C, and K, and fiber. Asparagus also contains a carbohydrate known as inulin (not to be confused with insulin) that promotes healthy bacteria in the large intestine - which in turn promotes a healthier digestive function.

    3. Pomegranates: Eating a balanced diet to lose weight should include eating fresh fruits, and pomegranates are a wonderful example of a healthy, nutritious fruit that has antioxidant properties and will help prevent cancer. While the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice have gained a lot of attention recently, you will be more likely to lose weight by eating the fruit fresh to increase your fiber intake and keep the calories down.

    4. Pine Nuts: Pine nuts are the edible seeds of pine trees and are considered an essential ingredient in the tasty Italian mixture pesto. Chinese medicine uses pine nuts to improve gastrointestinal tract and digestive functions, and pine nut oil is even used for appetite suppression. Pine nuts and other nuts are a tasty part of a well-balanced diet intended for weight loss.

    5. Green Tea: It has been found that consuming large amounts of coffee and caffeine can lead to food cravings, increase one's appetite, and induce stress-related eating. Green tea is a wonderful alternative to coffee in that it does provide a little caffeine but also contains beneficial antioxidants. So drink up!

    A healthy diet also includes lean proteins like chicken breast, legumes such as lentils, and other whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. While fad diets may promise a large amount of weight loss in a short period of time, there's almost a guarantee that you will put that weight back on-and then some!

    Eat five smaller meals a day, avoid processed foods, chew more slowly, and incorporate more healthy foods into your diet-starting with these five. Also, click here to learn more about the Tao of Wellness B-Slim dietary supplement, which will help you lose weight naturally.

    May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!----------5 Healthiest Anti-Agining Snacks
    « Reply #59 on: September 18, 2008, 06:48:32 AM »
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  • Snacking often gets a bad rap, but if you make intelligent choices about what you eat, you can actually benefit your health and longevity. Read on to find out how!

    Why Snacks?
    Most of us are used to eating three times a day, but it is much healthier to eat smaller meals more frequently -f ive small meals a day, for instance. Eating in this way delivers a steady stream of nutrients, blood sugar, and energy to your body throughout the day and is also much less taxing on the digestive and metabolic systems.

    And when you eat more small meals throughout the day, you will most likely avoid the pitfalls of overindulging at your next meal and may actually consume fewer total calories for the day.

    Keep healthy "grab-and-go" snacks on hand all the time to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks. Here are my top five snack choices:

    1. Nuts and Seeds Keep You Young
    Healthy and appetizing, nuts and seeds are absolutely the best snack of the bunch. Helping yourself to a handful of nuts and seeds every day can improve circulation and muscle tone.

    And nuts and seeds are especially full of arginine, an amino acid that helps to combat heart disease, impotence, infertility, and high blood pressure, and it also facilitates the healing process. Additionally, arginine can stimulate the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.

    The pituitary releases growth hormones, which begin to decline quickly in humans after age 35. This means that after 35, your hormones start to plunge and you experience some aging symptoms. The skin loses elasticity, the muscle loses mass and strength, the lean body tissue decreases, fertility and virility decrease, and other signs of aging start to set in.

    Many nuts and seeds are rich sources of vitamin E, lignants and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect you from heart disease and also from the ravages of aging.

    Almonds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, peanuts, and pistachios: mix them in any combination and enjoy! Keep in mind that there are more nutrients in the raw form than roasted. Make sure that the nuts and seeds are fresh and not old and rancid. 

    2. An Apple a Day for Heart Health
    There are many reasons to eat an apple - or two or three - every day. One study discovered that subjects who ate five apples or more a week had a healthier lung function than those who ate no apples.

    And scientists have confirmed that apples also contribute to a healthy heart. Thanks to the fruit's rich pectin content, eating two to three apples per day leads to decreased cholesterol levels. Pectin also helps prevent colon cancer, one of the top causes of death in adults over age sixty.

    3. Bring On the Berries
    In season again, berries are bursting with antioxidants. The enticing red, purple, and blue skins of berries contain bioflavonoids, antioxidant compounds that reduce free radical damage.

    These flavonoids are more potent antioxidants than vitamins C and E, and they also help to reduce inflammation - more effectively even than aspirin!

    • Blueberries are your best pick because not only do they have the highest level of antioxidant activity, but they also possess powerful neuroprotective properties that shield brain cells from damage , helping to slow down the age-related onset of memory loss, Alzheimer's, and senility.

    • Cherries also contain these beneficial anthocyanin compounds, which stimulate your pancreas to produce insulin. In fact, Chinese researchers have observed that cherries help keep diabetics healthy. These compounds also protect you against cancer, arthritis, and heart disease because they lower cholesterol.

    To learn more about the health benefits of berries, click here.

    4. Avocado: Packed with Nutrients
    Among the many antioxidant nutrients, glutathione is known as the "master antioxidant." This naturally occurring compound, found in avocados (as well as asparagus, walnuts, and fish), is made up of the three amino acids glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine. Glutathione regulates immune cells, protects against cancer, and assists in detoxifying.

    A deficiency in glutathione can play a part in diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, low sperm count, and premature aging. Avocados are also a source of L-cysteine, which helps protect your body from the harmful effects of pollution, chemicals, radiation, alcohol, and smoke. L-cysteine may also help boost immunity, protect you from heart disease, and build muscle. It is also useful for combating inflammation and encouraging healthy hair and nail growth.

    Pair your avocado with whole-grain crackers or whole-grain crisp breads for a fiber-rich tasty treat.

    5. Apricots for Anti-Aging
    One of the staple foods of the famously long-lived centenarians in the Hunza valley of the Himalayas is the apricot. Research has discovered that apricots have the highest levels and widest variety of carotenoids of any food.

    Carotenoids are antioxidants that help prevent heart disease, reduce "bad cholesterol" levels, and protect against cancer. 
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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