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« on: December 27, 2011, 12:15:03 AM »
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  • We all have some questions regarding our Karma and its fruits so Here we go:

    *Does my every action reap some result? Why am I not able to see the results of my actions immediately?

    **To know the answers for your questions you must understand the science of Karma. The moment one performs an action (at the level of thought, feeling, or body) he reaps its fruit. One may experience the end result either immediately or at a later time. It takes time for the fruit to manifest; hence the end result of some actions comes to us immediately while of others, later on. Human eyes cannot see this because of the limited vision.

    You drink water on feeling thirsty. As soon as you perform the action of drinking water, you gain a feeling of satisfaction. When you serve an ailing person, an act of service is carried out by you, and you instantly get the feeling of fulfilment and joy. You don’t have to wait for it until your next birth. The result is the feeling that you derive at that very same moment; all you need is the understanding to grasp this form of subtle results. Nature gives man a sample of the end result of his actions in the disguise of feelings. For example, when you wish to buy some candies, the shopkeeper first gives you a sample to taste. Likewise, when you think negative about someone, nature gives you a sample of its result in the form of a feeling that you experience within you. The feeling could either be of anger, sorrow or just ‘not feeling good’. It can also be a feeling of happiness, joy or love that evolves immediately once you act or think. Based on the experience of feeling you can then imagine how bitter or sweet the actual fruit to come will be!


    Source: Magicofawakening
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    • ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ
    Re: Karma
    « Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 12:04:29 AM »
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  • *Is all suffering in my life because of my bad Karma of this birth and past births? Will I ever be able to get liberated from the bondage of Karma in this birth itself?

    ** Any action performed without the ‘Karmatma’ results in bondage. The three elements of Love, Right intension and Wisdom form the ‘Karmatma’. Actions that are performed unconsciously, further result in tendencies or habits that make us act in the same way again and again. In reality the patterns or tendencies are the fruits of our own actions; they are exactly the elements of bondage which all great saints have warned us about. Because of these habits, no new response to situations and events emerge from us. Thus one always attracts similar situations and events in his life, experiencing and creating same resultant pain and suffering repeatedly for one-self.

    The fruits of your karma manifest in this lifetime itself. If the fruits of your actions were to manifest only in the next birth, no man could ever attain liberation. This is because while experiencing the results of his earlier actions, he would again react to them thus creating new karma. Further now he would be liable for these new actions and as a result again would react, create newer actions and attract newer results. This cycle of reacting, creating new karma and experiencing their result would thus continue everlastingly and man would never get liberated.

    One must understand Karmatma deeply and fully to free oneself form the bondage of karma. The Karmatma should be such that your actions do not create any bondage. If the intention of your action i.e Karmatma has – love and devotion emanating from complete surrender to God, the intention of non-doership and Wisdom of your true self, then this action will not result in any bondage or karma. Actions performed without this understanding are mere reactions based on the accumulated, thoughtless patterns of your mind – body mechanism. Reactions are devoid of any understanding. The circumstances around you help you to decide and further act on it. Only actions performed in consciousness and through understanding liberate you from reactions; otherwise a man’s life is like a person who keeps rowing a boat all night in darkness without untying it from the shore.

    To get free from the bondage of Karma you can do the following -

    a) Increase your awareness and break unconscious reactions and tendencies.

    b) Pray whenever the old tendencies tend to emerge. Praying will make you alert to them and will protect you from succumbing to their influence.

    c) Surrender the fruit of every action to God i.e. performing every action with a feeling of detachment and non-doership.

    d) Make your life an impersonal one.

    e) Work on attaining the Bright understanding.

    Since man considers himself to be the body, he lives his whole life under the impression that only when he reaps the fruits of all his actions, will he get liberated. In reality what YOU are is free and liberated right from the very beginning.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    • ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ
    Re: Karma
    « Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 02:35:52 AM »
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  • Good Karma And You

    Our life and Beliefs

    Most of us tend to believe that age and maturity makes the philosophical belief of living life complete and that in the midst of your quest for a good life, you almost never come close to understanding this. You w'll find at most times in life that the older generation feels the need for getting close to spiritualism. The feeling that this body is not me,and that like noted by Shakespeare, we are merely players.

    It is probably then that you might feel that you have grown wiser, if not a bit more intelligent. We have noticed that age generally tends to do that to you. Or at least it has been the trend so far. So what in short is wisdom? A feeling of believing in things that are not apparent, or obvious? Or is it just that there exists a different kind of understanding in you?

    For us humans, it is not only important to be intelligent; however, although it may seem to be peripherally so. For being complete in the garb of our individual personalities, it's essential that we grow on all fronts; physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual. At most times couples don't agree on various issues, knowing that each is different from the other; also knowing that it is in being imperfect that they are to cross many paths in life. But you w'll still find them arguing over petty issues.

    Issues, which they themselves know, are of no great significance and yet they have probably been stretching far beyond their limits! So what is the limit or the extent at which an individual can take things in their stride? Do we live by rules that definitely make us tread on this path known as life; or do we stop and ponder where are we heading for, in all aspects, physical, mental spiritual and intellectual? There are various aspects to growing into an intellectually sound personality.

    When you intellectually understand, it only leads to a deceptive state of mind. Deceptive, because like truth, the intellect is bland and throws up a kind of logical reasoning in your face. Retorting to logical answers may or may not be accepted? It's easier said than done, but how far do we get things done in this manner!

    Common Meanderings

    Let's understand through an example. Assuming that there is no communication issue between the husband and wife, there are many times that things get out of hand and are grossly misunderstood. The husband immediately throws a tantrum and blurts things like, "I thought you'd understand," with the wife also exclaiming the same. Do we whilst in the midst of such petty meanderings marvel at the Almighty is scheme of things! That he created a situation, which keeps the both of, you occupied. Perhaps you are a couple who is at the verge of starting a family and situations like these, if taken in the right spirit can only help you build on your patience level. Yeah god has a strange sense of humor, but then he also told you that one who laughs last laughs best!

    Why you say, "this cannot be me!" this is actually because you don't want it to be you! A philosophy like that will just give you some semblance of balance in your life, but it does not liberate you from the deeper karma; the karma that teaches you to look beyond what you have been taught, while opening the gates of self-knowledge! This karma lies within your own self. You only need some amount of time to make yourself believe that it's lying out there for you to unearth it. The more you avoid it, the lesser the balance you might find in your day-to-day life.

    While it may be difficult for a person to apply this philosophy, it's also important that once you do make an attempt, and follow it through, there might be a time that you w'll probably not require any of the materialistic joys that were so once important to you. You may even face a situation of joylessness. Although this may sound far- fetched to you, but it is true that you may reach a stage of becoming someone who's reasonably balanced and stable.

    Suppression and the art of being lonely

    Suppressing oneself does not drive in the feeling of joylessness. People generally believe that being adamant is the way out in most situations. That, "If I don't want to do it, I won't do it!". It may then be any thing for that matter! What you are today is the element of suppression. And you are just not allowing yourself to experience life in all its practicality.

    Today, in the name of civilization or whatever - etiquette or education  it is a fact that none of the educated people are able to experience any of their emotions completely. They can't cry fully, they can't even express happiness completely. For everything, we h've got etiquettes tagged along our side. This is probably one of the reasons why you find most people either depressed or joyless. A deep sense of frustration thus establishes itself. Notice people with simple mannerisms!

    They laugh out loud they cry as it the melancholic situation approaches them; in short they live life to the fullest. They don't accumulate heaps on them; be it for sorrow or for happiness. The very process of life is this dissolution of karma. For every living moment of your life, if you live it totally, you dissolve enormous amounts of karma. Food for thought!

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    • ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ
    Re: Karma
    « Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 04:24:34 AM »
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  • The Law of Karma demystified

    The discussion throws light on a number of beliefs one may have about Karma

    The law of Karma

    Seeker 1: Sirshree, what exactly is the law of Karma?

    Sirshree: Let us examine everyone’s beliefs here about Karma before we exactly come to the law of Karma. Let us suppose young Sam stole from his father. He stole 100 dollars worth of money from his father’s wallet. What according to you will happen as per law of Karma? What do each one of you think? Let us start with you – since you asked the question…

    Seeker 1: Well, I think if Sam stole from his father, when Sam grows up – his son will steal about the same amount of money from him.

    Sirshree: What about interest? (smiles). What if he does not get married at all? What do others think?

    Seeker 2: Well, I believe that someone will steal back from him. It may be money, it may be ideas. It will be sometime or the other. But nature will pay back. And it may not be from a similar relationship. Nature will repay back through anybody.

    Seeker 3: I believe that something wrong will happen to him and God will square off. It is not necessary that someone will steal. But for every ‘debit’, there will be a ‘credit’ in some form or the other. Something bad will definitely happen to him.

    Sirshree: So, do you think there is ‘someone’ to square off? Is there a divine accountant who keeps track of every karma?

    Seeker 3: Yes, I believe so.

    Seeker 2: Maybe nature keeps track. That is the law. Like the law of attraction, the law of karma comes into operation and someone, somewhere keeps track.

    Seeker 4: I believe this is all humbug. Nobody keeps track. There is no impact of any karma. You steal and you enjoy the money. That’s it. Maybe you will get caught. Then you suffer. It is all practical. This whole thing about Karma is unscientific. So, I do not believe in Karma at all.

    Sirshree: Every answer here clarifies what beliefs you carry. Let us change the question. What if in the story – young Sam apologizes to his father the next day? He confesses and gives the money back. What do you think will then happen as per the law of Karma?

    Seeker 1: Someone will steal something from Sam when he grows up and that person will also confess to Sam.

    Seeker 2: I agree with this answer. Only thing is that it will not necessarily be when he grows up. It can be any time.

    Sirshree: So, now for something Sam has done -someone will be made to not only ‘steal’, but also confess. All to square one person’s karma off?

    Seeker 4: Exactly – that is why I believe this is all humbug. Sam steals – he feels unhappy. He has gotten the result. Sam confesses – he feels happy. That’s the result. No more, no less.

    Seeker 3: Well, if he confesses, then it is an altogether different thing. Then there is no impact of Karma. Also, I have a new idea. How ‘young’ Sam is also makes a difference. If Sam is a child, then it does not matter at all. There is no impact of Karma. But, If Sam does it knowingly – there is an impact. I have a Jewish friend. He was telling me that Jewism believes that when children reach their teens – then they become responsible for their Karma. Till then, all actions are their parents’ responsibility.

    Sirshree: Yes – the Jews celebrate the Bar Mitzvah for every child to signify this coming of age. Let us go back to the question and change the question further. What if Sam did not steal in the first place? What if he only thought about stealing? Is that Karma?

    Seeker 1: No, thinking is not Karma. “Doing” is Karma.

    Seeker 2: True. Karma means action. Thinking is not “action” in the truest sense.

    Seeker 3: I believe even a thought is Karma. But, the impact of the Karma will be lower. Like someone will think of stealing from Sam. That’s all the impact will be.

    Seeker 4: When there is no big ‘consequence’ of doing- there is nothing at all for thinking. Maybe, he thinks of stealing and the only consequence is that he feels guilty. Or then maybe he is a sadist and enjoys thinking about stealing. All this does not matter because there is nothing like the law of karma. Let us look at this scientifically. A thought is an electro magnetic impulse. It is too much to think that every electro magnetic impulse will have any consequence besides the impulse itself.

    Sirshree: (smiles): All very good answers. Now, consider with an open mind what the Law of Karma is all about from a different perspective. Consider that the only consequence of an action is that a ‘tendency’ is formed. If Sam steals from his father – a tendency is formed in Sam to take shortcuts. The consequence or fruit of the Karma is that a pattern of taking shortcuts is formed in his subconscious mind. Or if this pattern is already there, the action reinforces the pattern. This is the only consequence. Automatically, from that pattern – Sam will attract things to his life where he will constantly seek easy shortcuts that may prove to be costly one day or the other. People will call this Karma.

    Seeker 4: So scientifically, the only thing that happens is that a pattern is formed in his subconscious mind.

    Sirshree: Yes. Let us understand this with an analogy. Imagine two pages are kept, one over the other, and you are given a pen in your hand. When you write something on the first page, the impressions of what is written on the first page get etched on to the second page too. A closer inspection of the second page will reveal such marks. This means that the deed was done on the first page, while subtle impressions got etched on the second page. If you run a brush dipped in colour on the second page, you will be able to see the subtle lines of impression.
    These impressions cause the same kind of writing next time which follows the previous impressions. In the beginning, when the man starts to write…such impressions are not there. But later these impressions become deeper. Now due to these impressions or habits, a tendency gets formed. Due to this tendency, anger manifests. In fact, man does not desire to get angry, but now this becomes a habit. Once a habit gets formed, man gets easily drawn towards that habit.

    Seeker 1: Yes. This makes sense. So, if I shout at someone today, the consequence of that Karma is that my anger pattern is becoming stronger.

    Sirshree: Yes. And your anger pattern was formed in the first place through accumulation of such tendencies caused by actions of anger. People unnecessarily imagine this to be some accountant keeping a count of such accumulation of Karma.

    Seeker 2: What you say resonates with me. So, if young Sam confesses to his father that he stole the money, another good tendency is forming in him which is to courageously own up for his actions.

    Seeker 3: Maybe, the pattern he is forming is that to first do the wrong thing and easily get off the hook by saying sorry.

    Sirshree: Patterns are formed based on what intention you do the action with. Let us understand the law of Karma with one more analogy. There is a boy who thinks of cheating in his exams. He intends to copy from his notes. What do you think will the impact of this Karma?

    Seeker 1: Has he made up his mind to definitely cheat in the exams?

    Sirshree: Let us assume he is still contemplating. He thinks about it and then puts off the idea sometimes owing to fear and sometimes owing to guilt that he is thinking of something wrong.

    Seeker 2: So, based on what I have understood from you so far, the consequence of this karma is that his pattern of cheating and lying will get reinforced by this thought.

    Sirshree: Yes. Even ‘thought’ is karma. And then one day, he ‘actually’ cheats. He actually ends up copying from his notes in the examination hall because he has been thinking of doing it in the past. So one consequence of his karma of ‘thinking of cheating’ is that his tendency gets reinforced and another consequence is that he may end up committing what he is thinking all about. So, now tell me what is the consequence of his ‘action’ of cheating in the examinations?

    Seeker 4: His subconscious mind announces inside, “I am a cheat. I cannot do things in a straight forward manner”.

    Sirshree: So, the tendency is reinforced more strongly. The thought of cheating the first time which be brushes off thinking that it is not the right thing to do is like drawing a line in the sky. No significant consequence. Just a fleeting thought. If he again and again thinks about it, it is akin to drawing a line on water. There are some ripples. If he actually ends up cheating the first time, it is akin to drawing a line on sand. The impression is deeper and the tendency is reinforced stronger. Some actions are so strong that they are akin to drawing a line on a rock with a hammer and chisel. The tendencies become extremely strong.

    Seeker 3: …And depending on how deep this tendency has become, as a consequence of this pattern, he may attract more incidents of cheating in his life. It is not that someone will cheat back from him.

    Sirshree: Correct. The possibility that someone will cheat him back increases. This is so because someone who ‘cheats’ ends up attracting the company of others who cheat. So, the chances are that he will be cheated himself. He increases ‘cheating’ consciousness in his life. He attracts things from lower level of consciousness. If someone is corrupt, he starts seeing corruption more than the normal person. He not only may end up doing more corruption, but may end up attracting corruption in his own life.

    Seeker 4: This is wonderful. This is scientific too. Thank you for this understanding.

    Seeker 2: Sirshree, this is great. This intuitively makes sense. But, it brings me to another question. I believe in the law of Karma because it helps me make sense of all the injustice in the world. I think that somebody is born poor or somebody is born with a deformity because of his karma in his past lives. What do you make of that? Isn’t the law of karma closely related to reincarnation?

    Sirshree: Maybe reincarnation does not exist in the way you exactly believe. Maybe, just memories are used. You shall understand more of this in the ‘Life after Death?’ retreat or you can read the book, ‘The Soul Purpose’. Today, all of you understood a new way of looking with Karma. Consider that there is a completely new dimension about ‘life after death’ and reincarnation that one has never considered…..


    Source - MagicOfAwakening
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Karma
    « Reply #4 on: May 15, 2013, 02:02:31 AM »
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  • Does Prayers Change our karma ?

    One of the important goals of prayer is to instill in us a sense of gratitude, for it is gratitude that brings us more abundance in our lives. The word Pooja means "that which is born out of gratefulness". This is why, in eastern traditions during a "Pooja", various items such as fruit, flowers, milk etc are offered to God. This is saying "Dear God - I am grateful for so much you have given me in my life - please accept a humble offering from me in return. Thank you". This is very much like small children borrowing money from their parents so that they can buy a gift for their parents birthday - whatever we are offering to Him was after all given by Him. However this helps to cultivates a sense of gratitude. Unfortunately people pray to tell God what is not working in their life - the focus is inherently on lack. That sort of complaining to God does not help to bring more abundance in our lives.

    And then some others pray saying "God, give me what I want, and I shall do this in return." Some people offer God a portion of future income earned, some others offer him a few coconuts in exchange for a large profit.  If you want to give to God, give out of gratitude, as He has given you everything you have. If you want to ask guidance from God, ask with sincerity. Making your giving conditional to your receiving is not prayer - it is doing business with God. That is being ignorant of the fact that God is your own consciousness - even before a thought rises in your mind and you become aware, He already knows it! He knows your intentions - so it's best to not make deals with Him. Prayer can also be done to ask for forgiveness and to seek guidance from God. Asking God for what we want can work wonders, if we ask from a state of gratitude, contentment and joy, instead of frustration, despair, powerlessness etc. Ask and it is given - this is very much consistent with the law of attraction.

    The practice of Bhakti Yoga in eastern traditions or offering prayer in other religious traditions is an attempt to be in a state of devotion. A mind that is turned to the Lord in devotion loses itself. Such is mind is free from egocentric desires. Action done without egocentric desires does not accumulate any new vasanas (mental impressions), and existing vasanas are burned. A mind with lesser vasanas is less agitated and more contemplative. Lesser the vasanas, more the contemplation, and higher the realization. The burning of vasanas means the strong thrust that the vasanas had on our mind and intellect loses its grip.

    Karma is both action we do, and the fruits of the actions we enjoy. Going to the roots, our vasanas, which manifest as our mental impressions of strong likes and dislikes, is itself our Karma. Why is this? Desires springs from our likes and dislikes. Our actions springs from our desires. All of us are doing actions in such a way that we move towards what we like, and move away from what we do not like. This is the autobiography (Karma) of every life on this planet. Consequently anything we do on the spiritual path such as selfless service, meditation, prayer etc changes our Karma -  sincere prayer burns the seeds of our Karma - which is our vasanas.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Karma
    « Reply #5 on: June 03, 2013, 02:23:58 AM »
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  • You are the Master of your Own Destiny

    Man sows a thought and reaps an action. He sows an action and reaps a habit. He sows a habit and reaps a character. He sows a character and reaps a destiny.

    Man has made his own destiny by his own thinking and acting. He can change his destiny. He is the master of his own destiny. There is no doubt of this. By right thinking and strong exertion, he can become the master of his destiny. Some ignorant people say: “Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my Karma to be like this or that why then should I exert? It is my destiny only.”

    This is fatalism. This will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. This is perfect misunderstanding of the laws of Karma. This is a fallacious argument. An intelligent man will certainly not put such a question. You have made your own destiny from within by your thoughts and actions.

    You have a free will to choose now. You have got  freedom in action. A rogue is not an eternal rogue for all times. Put him in the company of a saint. He will change in no time. He will think and act now in a different way and will change his destiny. He will become saintly in character.

    You can become a Yogi or a Jnani. You can make your destiny. You can make your Karma in any way you like. Use the Power of Thought. Think rightly, think nobly. You will have only to think, and to act. By right thinking, by right desiring, by right acting, you can become a Sage, a millionaire. You can attain the position of Indra or Brahma by good thought and action, by good Karma. Man is not a helpless being. He has a free will of his own.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Karma
    « Reply #6 on: May 16, 2014, 03:29:45 AM »
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  • Create Your Future

    The choices that you make in life pave the way to the creation of your future. Your choices shape your future. Every person should ask himself, ‘What is the shape of my future? What choices am I making that will create my future?’

    A person who does not get what he seeks, chooses to feel pain and be unhappy. He does not realize the quality of the choice that he has made at that time. He chooses to remain unhappy in his situation, which of course is a lower choice, thus creating a future on those lines. On the other hand, another person chooses to remain happy under the same circumstances. The choices that they make create their respective future courses. Hence it is necessary that you remain conscious and alert at all times while making choices and be aware towards the future that is being shaped by your choices.

    It is you who decides what you want to create for your future and for the rest of your life. Hence, after every task, ask yourself whether you have made the highest choice for the given moment. This question will keep you alert at all times. As a result, you will be able to function from an elevated level of consciousness. This way, instead of creating hell by your lower choices, you will create heaven by choosing responses from a higher level of consciousness.

    Whenever you are able to convince yourself that whatever you are going to do is not going to be difficult but easily achievable, you automatically feel motivated to do it.


    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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