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Offline pramanisa

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Migrain: some solutions
« on: June 10, 2007, 02:47:55 AM »
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  • Juice of ripe grapes serves as an excellent remedy for treating the problem of migraine. Consume it in small doses several times in a day.
    Niacin vitamin works wonders in overcoming migraine headache. Rich sources of this vitamin are yeast, tomatoes, green veggies, nuts, liver and fish.
    Crush a few leaves of cabbage and place in a cloth. Bind it on the forehead while lying on the bed.
    Vegetable juices have proved to be beneficial in curing migraine. Carrot juice can be had in combination with spinach and likewise beet and cucumber.
    Wet a towel liberally, then squeeze, not wring, some of the water out. Fold until the towel can easily be placed in the freezer. Leave in for about five minutes or until the towel begins to stiffen up. Unfold the towel and refold, trying to place the frozen section towards the middle and the wet sections toward the outside. When the towel is reasonably frozen, place around the head and eyes.
    cumber juices can be consumed.


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