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Re: Skin Care Tips~~~
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2008, 07:44:38 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~


    Wrinkles appear on the face in the old age. It is natural. This is produced due to ageing. Taking care of the skin in the young age can prevent premature ageing.
    Wrinkles appear in the skin when it becomes thin and looses its elasticity. The appearance of some wrinkles is due to aging, and is the most common skin problem for women. One of the first signs of wrinkles normally appears around the eye. As the time passes it appears on the cheeks and lips.
    There are many factors that can contribute in the development of wrinkles some of which are: diet and nutrition, muscle tone, pollution, habitual facial expressions, chemicals, stress, improper skin care, and lifestyle habits such as smoking.
    The most important factor is exposure to the sun, which is the worst enemy of the skin, because it dries the skin and leads to the generation of free radicals that can damage skin cells. Researches show that 90% of what we think, as signs of age are actually signs of overexposure to sunlight. Furthermore, approximately 70% of sun damage comes from everyday activities, as driving and walking to and from your car.
    The ultraviolet-A rays that cause this enormous damage are present all day long in all seasons. These ultraviolet-A rays wear away the elasticity of the skin, causing wrinkling.


    Cucumber juice can be effective in alleviating age spot skin problems.

    Fresh Papaya juice can remove dead and rough skin, and apple and pineapple juices can help to diminish fine lines, wrinkles and cracked skin.

    Regular facial is very necessary to control wrinkles.

    Massage increases blood circulation, which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby, reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look.

    Apply lemon juice few times a day to reduce the blemishes and age spots
    Prepare a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice and apply to the face to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.

    Cut a Green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face at wrinkles (lines). Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air. This is very effective home remedy for wrinkles and they will disappear shortly.

    Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.

    Apply juice of green pineapples and apples the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
    Apply pure castor oil to prevent wrinkles.
    Applying a good quality cream with a firm pressure with the fleshy tips of fingers. Do not apply pressure around eyes. Continue massage for 15 minutes.
    For wrinkle treatment wipe off the face with wet cotton.

    For fast removal of wrinkles, massage with your all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with rapid circular motion.

    For wrinkles on jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers. Pinching is also good if you have double chin.

    Massage coconut oil into the skin where wrinkles appear before bed.

    Leave metal spoons overnight in the freezer. In the morning when you first wake up, apply the backs of spoons under the eye to reduce under-eye wrinkles. This also helps with under-eye circles.

    Eat a spoonful of shredded ginger with some honey every morning for wrinkle cure.

    Mix two tablespoons vodka, a tablespoon fennel seeds, and 2 teaspoons honey, and let sit for three days. Strain out the fennel seeds and use as a toner on the face.

    Remove wrinkles from the face by simmering 1/2-cup rosemary leaves in 2 cups of water for about 30 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of brandy and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Strain and wipe onto skin every morning and evening to preserve a face free of lines Wash face thoroughly and pat dry. This is also very effective home remedy for wrinkles.

    Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, seeds, nuts and legumes.

    Drink plenty of fluid every day. This help to keep the skin hydrated and to flush away toxins.

    Avoid alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes; they dry the skin encouraging the development of wrinkles. Also the smoking habit uses the lips muscles hundreds of times a day, which contributes wrinkling.

    Always protect your skin from the sun applying a sunscreen.
    Prick 3 capsules of vitamin E and drain into small bowl. Add 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to face with cotton ball. Leave on skin for about 10 minutes. Rinse.

    For wrinkle cure apply egg yolk once in a week for 10 minutes.

    Prepare a mixture of honey, olive oil and cream. Apply it on the face. It gives very good results.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
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    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
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    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Lip Care~~~
    « Reply #16 on: June 08, 2008, 05:50:17 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Lip Care~~~

    Q: How is lip care different from skin care?
    Well, your basic lip structure is different from your skin structure. By that I mean your lips do not have any sweat or oil glands unlike your body skin. Now this means that your lips have no natural moisture at all.

    Also, the outer layer of the lip is extremely thin and even completely absent in most people. So your lips dry out faster than your skin as moisture evaporates from the lips much faster than from skin. This dryness results in chapping and cracking, and in extreme cases it can increase the risk of inflammation, infection and burning sensations.

    You need to use good quality products for your lips like Blistex DCT, Lip Balm or Fruit Smoothies which keep your lips soft and supple.
    Q: How do we protect our lips from the sun?
    Lips have little or no melanin, your skin's natural sunscreen pigment. Without it your lips are extremely susceptible to the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
    Now, lips should be protected from the sun with a product that contains a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or more. This is essential as constant exposure to the sun can result in lip cancer. Blistex products contain SPF 15/20 which effectively shield out the sun's harmful rays.
    Q: Lips need to be protected indoors. Is this true?
    That is actually a very good question. The answer is yes. Your lips do need to be protected indoors. Unless you're living in a house with no windows, the sun's rays can most definitely harm your lips.
    Also, what many don't realize is that if you spent a great deal of time in centrally heated or air-conditioned rooms, your liable to end up with extremely dry lips. Dryness is also the enemy when a winter cold or flu strikes. So, it's a good idea to work lip protection into your daily skin care regimen-whether you spend time outdoors or not.
    Q: How do we heal lips that are already severely dry?
    For seriously dry lips, I recommend using a medicated product, like Blistex Lip Ointment, that contains penetrating analgesics to bring cooling relief to lips and moisturizing ingredients to hydrate lips.
    And yes, prevention is better than cure, so make sure you continue to use Lip Ointment to avoid severely dry lips from recurring.
    Q: Is it possible to reduce the signs of aging on lips?
    Lip wrinkles are growing to be more and more of a problem now days. The thing is you don't necessarily have to be old to develop them on your lips.
    Now, the two bigger reasons for lip wrinkles are sun damage and loss of elasticity. The most important thing to do is to ensure that you're using SPF 15 or more. This takes care of the sun. You could use any of the Blistex products which have moisturizers with sun protection ranging from SPF 15-20.

    But to eliminate lip wrinkles and prevent the appearance of lines, you need to use Blistex Fruit Smoothies. This product literally turns back the clock for your lips, making them look younger and more supple.
    Q: How can we tell if a particular product is good for our lips?
    You first need to identify what your lip problem is. Are you suffering from chapped, dry lips? Then you need a product that contains a good balance of moisturizers to condition your lips. Look out for products that contain Aloe Vera, Cocoa Butter, Soya Protein and essential Vitamins. They nourish your lips, making them look and feel healthier.
    You should also ensure that the product you're buying contains SPF to protect your lips from the sun. You could check out the entire range of Blistex products which contain SPF 15/20.

    If you're suffering from Blisters or cold sore, you need a curative product that contains intense medication to relieve your lips. Lip Ointment is a good option.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
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    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
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    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Body Care
    « Reply #17 on: June 11, 2008, 05:36:23 AM »
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  • Mix six-teaspoon petroleum jelly, two-teaspoon glycerin and two-teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this moisturizing lotion at least twice a week if you have dry and flaky, arms and legs

    Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice to this, mix half-a-teaspoon glycerin and half-a-teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns, leave it for some time.

    If you have cracked heels, melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it  overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your heels will become smooth.

    Massage your body with a mixture of coconut oil and any of your favourite scented oils like lavender or rosemary. 

    For rough palms, use a mixture of glycerin and limejuice in equal proportion.

    For cracked heals, massage the foot with coconut oil and keep the foot in warm water for some time. Wipe the water off the feet and apply a mixture of hibiscus flower(10), Henna (1 handful) and juice of half a lemon. when dry wash it off.

    Remove scars on your hands and feet by rubbing  them with lemon peel. 
    « Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 06:11:55 AM by fatima »
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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Eye Care
    « Reply #18 on: June 12, 2008, 06:12:58 AM »
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  • Dip wads of cotton in a chilled mixture of cucumber and potato juice. Keep this on your eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes and gently wash it off. Apply a little baby oil.

    For long eyelashes..,  apply a thin coat of castor oil every night. It strengthens lashes and cools your eyes.

    Massage a few drops of coconut oil around the eyes to get rid off dark circles. 

    To reduce puffiness of your eyes, grate a potato; tie in a cloth and place the cloth over your eyes for about 15 minutes.

    Add a small pinch of salt in  water and wash for bright and sparkling eyes.

    Mix tomato juice and lemon juice in equal quantity and apply around the eyes. After 30 minutes wash it off with cold and hot water alternatively.

    Make a paste of sandal wood and nutmeg. Apply the paste around the eyes before sleeping and wash it off in the morning.

    Crush a cucumber and take the juice. Add a little rose water and apply around the eyes and wash it after 30 minutes.

    Place cotton wool swabs dipped in cold milk on closed eyes for removing dark circles.
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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Beauty Tips
    « Reply #19 on: June 22, 2008, 02:46:41 AM »
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  • Place your eye sharpener or lip pencil in the freezer to harden for 10 minutes before sharpening it. It will not break when sharpened

    Pamper your tired and sore feet by placing it in a basin of warm water. Add a few drops of essential oils and place some marbles or small stones (found in your garden) into the basin. Run your toes and soles of feet over the marbles and relax for 15 minutes

    Be careful of eye infection while using make-up. Remember these tips to prevent eye infection. Do not use any cosmetic items beyond the expiry date. Replace your old mascara every three months. Powder eye shadows and cream eye shadows should be used within 9 to 18 months

    Keep hand cream at work desk and in your car. Apply the cream throughout the day to rejuvenate your cuticles and keep the hands saturated. Doing this regularly will give you well-moisturized hands.

    Take half a teaspoon of sugar and add two teaspoons of lemon in the palm of your hand. Massage it on to your hands for a few minutes and wash thoroughly with soapy water to make them softer

    Apply a paste of rice flour and milk cream for a soft glowing skin.

    Make a mixture of lemon juice and coconut oil. Massage it well on the scalp. Leave overnight and wash it in the morning. This will soften your hair and remove dandruff

    Take four tablespoons of almond oil, two tablespoons of lanolin, petroleum jelly and extra virgin olive oil. Heat this mixture and massage it into your skin for a smooth glowing skin.

    Try this cure for sunburn. Peel and grate a cucumber and squeeze the juice. Mix it with half a teaspoon glycerin and half teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns and leaving it on for sometime

    Pure castor oil will slow down the aging process of the skin and prevent wrinkles by softening the skin. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day for more beautiful skin
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    Om Sai Ram~~~

    How To Care For Dry, Itchy Skin In All Seasons~~~

    Do you have dry skin? Most people notice a drying tendency in their skin at certain times of the year, especially in the winter when they are cooped up indoors with dry heat. Others experience dry, itchy skin in the summer if they go outdoors too often without staying hydrated. Some people are more prone to dry skin for genetic reasons, while others live in an environment that causes their skin to dry out more quickly than it would elsewhere. No matter the cause, dry skin can be extremely irritating and painful. Some people's dried tissues dry out so badly that their hands can develop open sores that become infected. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to avoid these drastic outcomes, as indicated in the tips that follow below.

    1. Manage seasonal aggravations~~~

    Human skin can be very sensitive to changes in the weather, atmosphere, and environment. Cold winter days that force people to stay indoors in homes that have central heat can cause chronic dry skin irritation that lingers for weeks or months. Some people's skin dries more quickly than other people's skin, and you can see the fine lines or flakes that form on their faces, arms and feet, or other exposed areas of the body. To deal with winter dryness, it may help to run a humidifier that puts moisture back in the air.
    Turning the thermostat to a lower temperature in the 60's rather than in the 70's or 80's can reduce the dry air in your home, although naturally, you have to be careful on extra cold days to keep the house warm enough for aging people or small children. When venturing outdoors in cold weather, you should cover the skin to prevent it from getting dried out by wind or cold.

    In the summertime, sunscreen not only protects the skin from tanning rays that can damage cell tissues, but some types also may help to seal in moisture that offers additional skin protection. It is important to stay hydrated and practice dry skin care to prevent problems associated with warm temperatures and sun exposure.

    2. Drink plenty of water~~~
    Clean water that you drink on a regular basis irrigates both the inside and outside of your body. Dry skin can be alleviated when you make sure to get at least eight glasses of healthy water each day, which can help protect against dry, itchy skin. Clear liquids like soup, juice and herbal teas can be included in your eight-glass quota, but remember that beverages that contain caffeine might deplete your bodys fluids and leave you even more dehydrated. Getting enough water to drink on a daily basis is the perfect way to start your skin care regimen.

    3. Lather up with lotion~~~

    There are many good quality skin care products on the market today, including creams, lotions and body oils that will help to keep your skin moist and supple. Lotion for dry skin can be bought at most grocery stores, pharmacies, discount marts, and other quick-stop shops. You can choose from literally hundreds of moisturizing products, such as day creams, night lotions, long-lasting (or heavy) creams, scented or unscented moisturizers, and products that form part of a grooming set of body soap, shampoo and matching lotion. Many hotel and motel chains keep small containers of lotion in their rooms bathrooms for guests who may have forgotten to bring some or who may experience dry skin while away from home. Travel sizes or samples can be purchased at many discount stores.

    4. Don't take too many hot showers~~~

    Although being clean is always a good idea, it is possible to overdo your showers, baths and saunas. Ideally, a hot shower should last no longer than three to five minutes, and you may want to adjust the water temperature to a reasonable setting that won't steam and dry your body's skin. Daily showers are fine, but if you are taking two or three a day for reasons other than exercise or dirt exposure, see if you can cut back to one daily. Long, luxurious bubble baths are great to a point. As with a shower, try not to soak in the hot water more than necessary, as it can dry out your skin especially when aided by certain kinds of soap. Avoid lathering the same areas multiple times if you are using strong or harsh soap.

    5. Avoid diuretic beverages~~~

    Drinking or eating products that are laced with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate, can contribute to your skin’s drying out as you lose body fluids and become dehydrated. Switch to low-caffeine or caffeine-free products to head off this problem. If you are taking water pills, ask your doctor if an adjustment needs to be made to keep your skin from becoming too dry.

    Women tend to be more concerned over their skin than men, so they are more apt to buy skin care products, which make great gifts, especially for someone who spends a lot of time in the sun or who struggles with dry skin.

    Its a good idea to keep a small tube of skin lotion on hand at all times, carrying it in your purse year-round. No one wants to shake hands with Velcro, so apply lotion or cream to your dry skin if you will be meeting people and getting introduced. Some folks keep extra lotion in their cars, in their pockets, and in several rooms of the house during the seasons when they dry out the most, and then their skin can stay supple and moist all day.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
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    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
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    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Beautiful Tips For The Indian Women
    « Reply #21 on: June 25, 2008, 04:10:59 AM »
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  • Dealing with enlarged pores

    Add tablespoon of Fennel ( Saunf ) in a large pot of water. Cover the pot & bring to a boil. Turn off stove. Then steam face for 5-6 minutes over the hot water by putting a towel over your head to feel the steam. Please be careful not to overdo this.

    Sponge cold rose water all over the face.

    Dark under-eye circles

    Place a cold, used tea-bag, on each eye daily. Relax for a few minutes. In a few weeks the black circles will be diminish significantly. Please make sure that you do not use a fresh tea bag, as it may leave the tea colour on the skin. It is preferable to rinse the tea bag if it is freshly used.

    Natural way to condition hair

    Add a couple of teabags to 3 cups of boiling water. Boil for about 2 minutes, remove from the stove. Strain immediately. This will make a weak tea. Cool this weak tea. Rinse hair with this mild tea infusion. Let this dry for ½ hour then rinse off with water. Gives a nice shine to the hair.

    Dealing with dry skin

    Mix one teaspoon of glycerine in two teaspoons of lemon juice and rose water. Apply on face, neck, rough elbows, and knees. Excellent for softening the skin and keeping it free of dryness.

    A home-made dry skin mask?

    Mix well 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons fresh cream and apply on face. Leave on for 10 minutes and then remove with cotton balls soaked in warm water. Mix well 1 tablespoon of cornflakes, 1 tablespoon of almond oil & 1 tablespoon olive oil (or just 1 tablespoon of fresh cream instead of the almond oil & olive oil). Apply on face, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse off.

    Clearing blemishes

    Grind mint leaves and water into a paste and apply on blemishes.

    A natural mask for oily skin

    Plain low fat curd is a good mask. Strain about 4 tablespoons of curd. Beat well. Apply a thin layer on face. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash off with warm water to get a very clean healthy feeling to skin.
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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Hands And Feet
    « Reply #22 on: June 25, 2008, 04:17:30 AM »
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  • It isn't enough if you have a gorgeous face and a soft and glowing skin. Your rough hands and calloused feet might give the whole game away. Keep your hands and feet soft and supple too. Here's how :

    Hands reveal your true age. The skin on your hands is thin and delicate; you need to take special care of them.

    Soak hands in warm water for five minutes and then pat dry with a soft towel.

    When dry, cut your nails (they will have softened with the soaking). Always remember to file nails in one direction and not back and forth as it will split the nails and weaken them.

    Use a hand cream on your fingers and the back of your hand.

    For your feet, you have another special routine that you could follow:

    Warm some water and add a pinch of salt to it. Soak your feet for 10 or 15 minutes.

    Then scrub (but not too hard) your feet with a pumice stone, especially on calluses, corns and rough cracked heels when the skin is still damp.

    Clean your toes and toe nails using a nailbrush before you clip them. Always clip your nails straight across to prevent painful ingrown toenails.

    After you've cleaned and clipped, apply a foot cream on the top and soles of your feet. Concentrate on the rough portions. Let your feet absorb the cream for about 15 minutes and put on fluffy cotton socks. The warmth from the socks helps trap in the moisture and cream into the skin.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~
    « Reply #23 on: June 25, 2008, 06:10:18 AM »
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  • om sai ma

    Thanks for sharing all these...........

    om sai ma

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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Pregnancy & Soft Skin~~~
    « Reply #24 on: June 27, 2008, 04:42:34 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Pregnancy & Soft Skin~~~

    Most women dread the idea of getting pregnant only because they fear it would wreak havoc on their skin. All those stretch marks they keep hearing about from friends – they feel it is enough to forget about having babies! But things are not so bleak if you take good care of yourself from the time you discover that you are pregnant.

    Make skin care a part of your daily routine, more so when you are pregnant. Remember that stretch marks affect most women – the skin that is stretched when you are pregnant tends to leave scars after the baby comes out. So begin your skin care regimen from day one – and reap the benefits.

    ~~There are plenty of products flooding the market for pregnant women. Cocoa butter is one such lotion that is said to help skin to retain its natural elasticity and moisture. Massage this regularly on your stomach and other stretch areas for maximum benefit.

    ~~Never forget your daily moisturizer. It helps in keeping the skin in good shape and hydrates the skin. Apply one immediately after getting out of the shower for increased absorption and hydration.

    ~~If you have just delivered your baby, what you will need in addition is a skin firming lotion. Most of these lotions now widely available under different brand names, contain in addition to cocoa butter, collagen elastin ginseng and vitamin E. Massage this cream/lotion slowly on specific areas prone to sagging that need a special lift. This will help restore a taut and supple skin.

    ~~Proper application is however needed or best benefits. Always make circular strokes on your thighs, upper arms and midriff when applying a skin firming lotion.
    ~~Your bustline needs extra care especially when you are feeding the baby. Bust firming creams are now available. Invest in one and start applying it as soon as you feel that your breasts are tender and enlarged. This will also prevent ugly stretch marks under your bustline after the baby is born as this area is ultra sensitive.

    ~~Use a body lotion every day. This will help to ensure that your skin has a youthful glow even while it improves the skin’s elasticity.
    ~~In addition, using a daily all-over moisturizer to improve skin's appearance and elasticity can help ensure a youthful glow. Use it both after a shower and before bedtime if you want to look after your skin.

    Follow these essential tips for skin care when pregnant, and when your baby is born, it will have tough competition from the mother where a soft, radiant skin is concerned!

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
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    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
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    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Potato For Skin Care
    « Reply #25 on: June 28, 2008, 06:42:31 AM »
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  • Potatoes can be an important alternative therapy for skin problems. The next time your skin needs help - try potato therapy.

    Let us take a quick look at the various ways potatoes can help you.

    They relieve dark or puffy circles under your eyes.
    They also remove excess oil from your face.

    A grated raw potato can be used as a mask. Keep it for 30 minutes. You can wash it off with water and a little vinegar.

    Need a compress to bring down a swelling? Put some grated potato in gauze. Leave it on for 30-35 minutes while you put your feet up.

    Here is a recipe for an effective skin cleanser. Try it - you'll be amazed at the difference it makes to your skin!

    Ingredients needed:

    Chopped cucumber (with peel) -1/4 cup

    Chopped potato (with peel) -1/4 cup

    Egg -1

    Plain curd -1 cup


    Put the potato and cucumber in a blender and whip for about twenty seconds.

    Add curd and egg. Blend the two together.

    Dampen your face. And apply the mixture using a clean wash cloth.

    Rinse clean with warm water.

    You can also use potatoes to:

    Treat skin scars by washing regularly with water and cooled potato juice.

    Treat sunburn by applying raw grated potato on affected areas.

    Ease aching areas by massaging affected areas with in which potatoes have been boiled.

    Three cheers for the versatile potato! It adds a glow to life
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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~'Mask' your face
    « Reply #26 on: June 29, 2008, 04:08:17 AM »
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  • There is nothing like a natural facial mask to clean and revitalize your face. In the days when cosmetic research was at a very nascent stage and when only foreign cosmetics were available at a price thanks to the British, our grandmothers devised their own remedies for common pinpricks like acne and blackheads. It is these well worn ideas that are being used today by cosmetic companies that boast of stringent R&D before launching any new product. In fact, so popular are our Shahnaz and Biotique products that they have caught the imagination of the foreign cosmetic companies who are turning 'natural' with a vengeance.

    A quick riffling of our treasure chest of grandma remedies has yielded rich results for facial masks. We share these with our readers.

    Did you know that oatmeal is one of the oldest and most used facial masks? Just make a smooth paste of oatmeal by adding sufficient water. Apply on the face and allow to dry. Wipe off gently with a damp cloth.

    Another inexpensive but equally effective mask can be prepared the same way by substituting cornmeal for the oatmeal. This can be washed off when dry.

    Using a blender, combine ½ a cucumber, a few strawberries, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply this mixture to the face and allow to dry. Wipe it off gently with a soft, damp cloth.

    Have some sour cream on hand? Simply mash ½ a banana, add 1 tablespoon honey and add to the cream and mix well. Apply and allow it to set for at least 10 minutes. Wipe off very gently with a damp cloth.

    1 tablespoon of almonds ground to a fine powder and mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 egg white should be applied to the face and let set for at least 15 minutes. Again, use a damp cloth to wipe off.

    Plagued by blackheads and at a loss for a safe remedy? The baking soda in your kitchen will come in handy here. Mix equal parts of baking soda and water in your hand till it becomes a smooth paste and rub gently on your face for 2 to 3 minutes with your fingertips. Rinse with warm water when done. This will help to loosen stubborn blackheads.

    Did you know that avocado is wonderful for the face? Just mash ½ an avocado and apply to the face. Wait for 20 minutes before wiping off with a damp cloth.

    Juice of ½ a lemon, a cup of plain yogurt, 1 whipped egg white mixed with 1 ½ teaspoons of honey will make your face glowing and fresh.

    Hope those of you with dry and tired facial skin will find these tips useful. There is nothing like a homely facial mask to firm up and revitalise your face and these grandma's tips are harmless and worth a try. Please test for any allergies before using any product, whether home-made or from the chemist's

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~
    « Reply #27 on: June 30, 2008, 04:44:21 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Natural Tips For Beauty~~~

    Acne: Rubbing the area effected by acne with a fresh cut clove of garlic will help to clear the area up. Don't forget to drink at least 1 liter of water a day to keep a healthy glow to the skin.

    Dry Skin: Puree 1 banana and 1 papaya together. Apply to skin and leave on at least 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Next massage mayonnaise int to the skin leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do this every other day until your skin is soft. Then continue to use once a week to maintain the skins softness.

    Split Ends: After you shampoo your hair apply this to treat split ends. Half a cup of milk added to tablespoon of cream. Beat well, then apply throughout all of your hair. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse and washout with water.

    Facial Mask: Take one egg yolk and apply to the face. Allow to dry and remain on face for at least 5 minutes after drying. This will help to firm up the face. With repeated use it works like an all natural face lift. If you want a deep cleansing mask at the same time just add 1 teaspoon of table salt to the egg yolk before applying.

    Cellulite: This is easier to get rid of than most people think. Take caffeinated coffee and add it to a hand lotion. Massage this into the effected areas for 60 seconds, then shower it off. Do this each day and watch the difference it makes.

    Makeup Remover: An all natural way to remove your make up is to take a teabag and soak it in a little warm water to get it wet. Now take it and begin to remove your makeup. Once all the make up is gone just rinse your face with a little cool water.

    Whitening Teeth: A strawberry rubbed on your teeth prior to brushing them , can actually help to whiten your teeth.

    Brittle Nails: For about 5 minutes every other day soak your nails in Olive Oil. This will help to replenish oils in your nail, cutting down on brittleness.

    Dandruff: Dandruff is caused by a yeast. Vinegar will kill this yeast. Pour vinegar over your head and wrap your head in a towel. Sleep this way. When you wake up in the morning just shampoo out.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline fatima

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    Beauty Secrets
    « Reply #28 on: July 07, 2008, 03:12:19 AM »
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  • We're always trying to look better. It has something to do with being a woman. We need to look good and get even better looking. Indian women love experimenting with alternative remedies. They know it works, be it a new way to remain sweet smelling in summer.

    Do you feel you're putting on weight again? Need to shed a few pounds? Play classical music during meals. You'll end up eating less.

    Is your itchy scalp plaguing you? Add an aspirin to your shampoo. Wait till it dissolves. Stir it well. Wash your hair with it, massaging it well into your scalp. It combats dandruff effectively.

    A dull skin? Does it make you look tired all the while? No problem. Just wipe your face with a moist green tea bag. And Voila! You're beginning to glow already. Or to refresh your eyes, place the tea bags on your closed eyelids for ten minutes or so. There! The sparkle is back in your eyes.

    Oh no! A night out and the grey is beginning to show. Honey, just use your mascara to touch up your roots. It's very effective for an evening.

    The peak of summer. And you're sweating like a horse. Especially on your feet. Sweaty feet smell. Get savvy. Apply some anti-perspirant on the inside of your shoes just before you wear them.

    For healthy skin, wash your face with milk powder twice a day. Marvel at the difference.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Skin Care Tips~~~Home Made Skin Masks
    « Reply #29 on: July 07, 2008, 03:16:21 AM »
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  • Even though store shelves are heaving with a variety of exorbitantly priced skin care products, we offer you some tips & tricks, to not only save money, but discover the goodness of fruit, vegetables and natural ingredients.

    Forget the jargon, the high sounding fundas. AHA ( Alpha hydroxy acid ) products can easily be made at home, since they are made of fruit, and you are bound to find the remaining ingredients on your kitchen shelf or in the fridge! Fruits are natural anti-oxidants.

    The Acid test….
    Malic acid: Apples, vinegar, applesauce, cider
    Lactic acid: Buttermilk, yogurt, powdered skim milk, sour cream, blackberries, tomatoes
    Tartaric Acid: Grapes, grape juice, wine, cream of tartar
    Citric Acid: Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruit, and orange
    Glycolic acid: Sugar cane
    In a hurry? Cut a fruit into small cubes ( papaya, melon, strawberry, banana etc ) and rub on your face. Leave it for 10 mins. Rinse and see the difference! Pureed fruit also makes for a delicious skin treat. Apply and leave on for 10 mins. For best results.

    Lets whip up delicious concoctions of these fruits and vegetables and help you discover a new you!
    Go on, mask it…

    Tomato & Milk

    Ratio:1 medium tomato : 1 cup milk
    Process the tomato, in a blender. Strain through a piece of muslin and discard the pulp. Add the tomato juice to an equal amount of milk. Store in a covered container or bottle in the refrigerator. Apply to face and neck. Leave for 10 mins. Wash clean. Cleanses and refreshes the skin.
    Shelf life: 6 hours in refrigerator

    Almond Delite

    You can't do much better than almond milk cleansers if you have dry or aged skin. Almond oil lubricates and softens the skin, and glycerine helps it retain moisture.
    Ratio: 1/2 cup rose water :1 teaspoon pure glycerin
    Add 1 teaspoon almond oil
    Make the rose or lavender water by placing a small handful of dried organic rose petals or lavender in a glass jar. Add boiling water to cover. Let it stand overnight, then strain well. Combine the remaining ingredients in a glass jar and shake to blend. Dab on fingers and massage into your skin. Rinse with warm water.
    Shelf life: 1 month in refrigerator.

    24 Carrots

    Carrots are good for the eyes, we all know. But did you know boiled, grated carrot, mixed with milk and applied to the face or body, can work wonders for your skin? Makes for a fairer, smoother skin.
    Ratio: 1 grated carrot: 1 tbsp. milk
    Shelf life: 1 day in refrigerator.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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