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Offline fatima

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So you are planning your first baby – it is important to see that you are in total control right from day one – the conception stage. This way you will face less problems and be able to adjust better to the new addition when it happens.
There are a few basic things you have to be aware of even when you start planning.

Begin with pre-pregnancy check ups. These will tell you if your insides are healthy and will be able to house the baby for 9 months.

Folic acid is of extreme importance to sustain a healthy pregnancy. With your doctor’s guidance, start taking adequate amounts (0.4mg is the recommended dose).

Have you got your vaccinations done? Especially for German Measles which when contracted can lead to miscarriage or a deformed pregnancy.

Ask your gynae about taking sufficient prenatal vitamins. Remember, your baby needs those vitamins too!

Are you having adequate protein intake? This is very important for the baby’s brain to develop and also to help you have a healthy full term.

Eat plenty of nutritious food and exercise with caution and proper guidance. Keep your weight under control.
Do not avoid fat or cholesterol in your diet. Fat is important for elastic skin and for the development of baby’s brain. Include just enough fat (2 tblsps a day) to ensure this.

Strengthen your pelvic muscles by doing Kegel’s exercises regularly. Ask your doctor or trainer for advice on this.

Fill your house with indoor plants – it is the best way to combat the chemicals and pollution in the air.

If you have to travel, take good care when you are pregnant and keep all your medicines handy along with the prescriptions.

And the don’ts…

No drinking – not even the small social sips if you want to have a healthy baby. Birth defects, mental retardation, congenital defects, facial deformity and system malfunctions are some of the ill effects of drinking.

Of course, no smoking – either active or passive. Ignore this warning and the results can be disastrous like spontaneous abortion, premature births, low weight babies with attendant problems, and fetal deaths.

Drugs are totally taboo. Especially the illegal variety. Again it is the fetus that gets affected and suffers various dysfunctions and malformations if there is any drug intake.

Avoid popping over the counter pills like aspirin for common ailments as they can cause unbelievable damage to the unborn child. You have to be careful especially during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy as this is when all the important organs are formed. Always consult the doctor before taking any medicine.

Caffeine is another big no-no. Too many cups of coffee or tea consumed during pregnancy is said to cause increased risk of diabetes in the child.

If you have pets at home see that they are free of ticks and fleas. Tick bites can expose you to Lyme’s disease which can kill the fetus.

Stop eating fish when you are pregnant. The methylmercury content in fish is supposed to affect the baby’s brain.

Avoid all temptation to eat junk food. They are empty calories that are far from the nutrition your baby needs.
This is but a small list of the more important Don’ts that you have to be careful about if you are pregnant

Have you discussed all family medical problems with your doctor? If you haven’t, do it before you actually conceive so that you can take all precautions needed for anything that could be hereditary.
astly, always think positive. Avoid all negative thought and action as it can definitely harm your unborn baby. Try to be stress-free and begin to bond with your baby from day one.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 03:23:44 AM by fatima »
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Re: Tips for Pregnant Women----Ideal Weight & Ideal Pregnancy
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2008, 06:47:30 AM »
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  • While we all know that obesity is a no-no during pregnancy, did you know that being underweight (before or during pregnancy) can also cause problems during pregnancy? Kilos should be a matter of concern not only during your pregnancy, but also before conception.

    Underweight women

    May miscarry in the first trimester
    Research shows 72% of underweight women, are more liable to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy.
    Underweight is classified as those having a BMI of under 18.5
    They may deliver before completion of full term

    Can increase the risk of miscarriage
    It doubles a woman’s chances of developing Gestational Diabetes
    It can lead to pre-eclampsia, which can be life-threatening for the mother and the foetus
    Can induce increased blood loss and risk for infections at time of delivery
    It doubles the baby’s chances of neural tube defect ( spina bifida)
    Increases the risk of undergoing a Caesarian delivery
    Dieting during pregnancy is absolutely forbidden, for it can do irreparable harm to the baby.

    Ideal Weight
    “Eating for two” is a myth.

    Eating fruits, vegetables and even chocolate can help reduce the risk of miscarriage

    Avoid foods with “empty” calories eg. junk food, soft drinks, fatty foods etc.

    Eat more nutrient-dense foods and those with high fibre content

    Exercise is a must. An hour of walking can work wonders.

    Underweight women should put on 11 to 16 kg during pregnancy

    Obese women should put on only 7 to 11 kg during pregnancy

    Rule of thumb: If you feel healthy, look healthy and the doctor confirms that the baby is growing well, you
    won’t need to worry about the weight. However it is important that you eat right, maintain the ideal weight and stay healthy for a trouble-free delivery as well as a healthy baby!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women--------Pregnancy & Work Life
    « Reply #47 on: August 18, 2008, 08:05:12 AM »
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  • So you are pregnant for the first time and there is palpable excitement all round in the family. Well meaning phone calls and emails from the near and dear ones flood you. Your mom wants to know when you will be coming home for the much needed rest and recuperation. The general tone points toward an early sabbatical that is emphasized as most essential in order to have a safe pregnancy. And of course you are in a fix. While you don’t want to jeopardize your pregnancy, you do want to work for some more time. So how do you go about it?

    To begin with, learn all you have to learn about being pregnant, all the precautions you will have to take, the things you have to give up – even sacrifice, and most essential, how to cope with your job in your condition.
    Your body will tell you most of what you want to know. It is the body which first begins to adapt to the new condition and begins to work harder to support the pregnancy.

    At your work place, try to rest as much as possible – by taking short breaks. Move around whenever possible – don’t be chained to your seat. This will prevent the fluid retention in your feet.
    Learn to reschedule your day according to your fitness levels. Finish your heavier jobs in the morning if you are a morning person able to tackle demanding tasks. If not, schedule them for the afternoon when you are better charged. Time management is essential if you want to maintain good health throughout the difficult months.
    Ask for a comfortable ergonomic chair in the office. Company management these days is very understanding of employees requirements and will go out of their way to pamper a good employee. As your pregnancy progresses, you will find it difficult to do even the simplest of things like sitting or standing for a stretch of time. Have support back cushions and a footrest for added comfort.
    If your job involves long standing hours, remember to wear comfortable shoes that will support your back. Sit down whenever possible.
    If you do have to take out heavy files and no help is available, remember to bend at your knees when lifting up something heavy. Lift with the pressure on your legs and not on your back. You don’t want to land up with a bad back that may turn chronic.
    Do not take up too many outside activities that might drain you of all your energy. Hire people to do the menial jobs that involve physical strain at home. This will give you a little more energy at work.
    Never forget your exercise regimen. Even if you don’t have time in the morning, go for it in the evening instead of thinking up ways of avoiding exercise. It will help to recharge your tired batteries especially if you have been sedentary at work. At least take a brisk walk to rejuvenate yourself.
    Make it a point to sleep early and no watching those late night horror movies you are addicted to.
    Always make a To-do list to make sure you don’t get stressed out. Once your list is ready, learn to prioritise for the day. Try and delegate as much as possible. Be clear about what you can and cannot do.
    Never spend time with depressing people who will give out negative energy that can stress you out.
    Never bottle up emotions. At work confide in a friend about your frustrations – this way, it is out of your system. At home, who better than a supportive husband with whom you can discuss your problems
    Learn to let go if you can do nothing about it. There is no point in mulling it over and over in your mind when you know you are helpless. This way you save up on energy.
    Meditation is a great way of relaxing anywhere. Simply close your eyes and imagine you are in a beautifully relaxing place. You will be amazed at the difference those few minutes make to your psyche.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women----Looking Good During Pregnancy
    « Reply #48 on: August 22, 2008, 02:57:20 AM »
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  • Pregnancy is a beautiful state for most women but the rapid hormonal ups and downs can stimulate some less desirable changes in your looks. There are many changes that your body undergoes when you are pregnant. Your skin is the first thing to take the brunt of all this. Some of the common problems include very dry, itchy skin, dark patches, acne, stretchmarks etc. Do not despair, these can be treated during and after pregnancy to leave you with a flawless complexion. Do remember that it is better to take preventive measure to avoid these problems:

    From your second trimester you might having very dry, taut skin that is sand papery to the touch. Especially around your stomach, hands and legs. This condition vanishes after your delivery. But till then be sure to keep your skin extra moisturised with a creamy body lotion. Almond oil or cocoa butter based creams tend to work wonders in soothing the skin during this period. Apply twice a day at least after bath on a slightly damp skin.

    The hormonal changes combined with exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation problem around the eyes, on the cheeks and sometimes above the lip. So a sunscreen all the time is a must during this phase. This pigmentation vanishes post delivery naturally, but if you want, you can try AHA or retinoid based creams post pregnancy. But consult a dermatologist first. Avoid laser therapy though during pregnancy.

    During your pregnancy you will find your skin glowing due to the xtra flow of blood. But some of you might experience a bad case of breakouts or acne. Try not to treat this with any prescription cream or drugs during pregnancy and when nursing. To keep under control, use an oil control face wash with salicylic acid. You can try tea-tree oil based products to minimise the problem.

    Stretchmarks are the biggest problem that almost all pregnant women worry about. This happens when the skin loses its elasticity due to stretching of the upper and lower layers of the skin. They generally appear as red marks, which slowly fade to form white strip like marks across your stomach. It is really tough to fight stretch marks but with timely treatment you can lighten the marks. You can use an emollient with vitamin E oil. Take zinc supplements to strengthen the skin from within. Avoid scratching the area. Laser also works but it is best to wait until after your pregnancy to try the treatment.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women-----Great Skin During Pregnancy
    « Reply #49 on: September 05, 2008, 03:26:44 AM »
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  • Pregnancy is a beautiful state for most women but the rapid hormonal ups and downs can stimulate some less desirable changes in your looks. There are many changes that your body undergoes when you are pregnant. Your skin is the first thing to take the brunt of all this. Some of the common problems include very dry, itchy skin, dark patches, acne, stretchmarks etc. Do not despair, these can be treated during and after pregnancy to leave you with a flawless complexion. Do remember that it is better to take preventive measure to avoid these problems:

    From your second trimester you might having very dry, taut skin that is sand papery to the touch. Especially around your stomach, hands and legs. This condition vanishes after your delivery. But till then be sure to keep your skin extra moisturised with a creamy body lotion. Almond oil or cocoa butter based creams tend to work wonders in soothing the skin during this period. Apply twice a day at least after bath on a slightly damp skin.

    The hormonal changes combined with exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation problem around the eyes, on the cheeks and sometimes above the lip. So a sunscreen all the time is a must during this phase. This pigmentation vanishes post delivery naturally, but if you want, you can try AHA or retinoid based creams post pregnancy. But consult a dermatologist first. Avoid laser therapy though during pregnancy.

    During your pregnancy you will find your skin glowing due to the xtra flow of blood. But some of you might experience a bad case of breakouts or acne. Try not to treat this with any prescription cream or drugs during pregnancy and when nursing. To keep under control, use an oil control face wash with salicylic acid. You can try tea-tree oil based products to minimise the problem.

    Stretchmarks are the biggest problem that almost all pregnant women worry about. This happens when the skin loses its elasticity due to stretching of the upper and lower layers of the skin. They generally appear as red marks, which slowly fade to form white strip like marks across your stomach. It is really tough to fight stretch marks but with timely treatment you can lighten the marks. You can use an emollient with vitamin E oil. Take zinc supplements to strengthen the skin from within. Avoid scratching the area. Laser also works but it is best to wait until after your pregnancy to try the treatment.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women-----------Pregnant & Travelling?
    « Reply #50 on: September 05, 2008, 03:29:31 AM »
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  • Today, women are travelling more than ever before. It could be for business or for pleasure, but the fact remains, everyone is on the move. So, are there things you should know about travelling if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant? It is a comforting thought to know that most pregnant women can travel safely. 
    But there are things one should know…

    Exotic holidays can be fun, but avoid bungee jumping, diving, trekking or any other activity that can be taxing to your body.
    Discuss your travel plans with your doctor even before you make them.
    Check with your travel agent whether you require a medical certificate before you travel.
    Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly with them, up to the 36th week of pregnancy
    Of course the above rule applies only to the straight forward pregnancies, not the complicated ones.
    Check with the airline before booking your holiday.
    If you are traveling in the seventh month of pregnancy, you could face the risk of not being allowed to board the return flight, if in the eighth / ninth month at the time of your return journey.

     Long hours of flying can be uncomfortable when you are pregnant. Watch out for…

    Avoid traveling alone.
    Wear comfortable clothing and footwear.
    Get yourself an aisle seat.
    Avoid carrying heavy luggage.
    Long flights can induce swollen ankles and impaired circulation
    Try to put your feet on the foot rest if possible.
    Walk down the aisle every 20 minutes, if you can, to increase circulation
    Wearing the seat belt is an absolute must. Wear it at a comfortable level.
    Humidity in the aircraft is low, so pregnant women need to drink lots of water
    You run the risk of developing blood clots in veins due to immobility
    It is advisable not to travel to countries where Malaria is rampant.
    Carry all your prescribed medicines / Vitamins with you.
    Should you suffer from travel sickness, carry the required medicines for that too.

    Be vigilant, and watch out for any unusual symptoms:

    Persistent headaches
    Oedema ( or swelling)
    Spotting or bleeding
    Watery vaginal discharge
    Have a safe flight!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women----Care For Stretch Marks
    « Reply #51 on: October 01, 2008, 02:41:07 AM »
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  • What’s the modern woman’s worst cosmetic nightmare today? It’s not dry flaky skin, or the little mole on the lip. It is nothing but stretch marks or as medically known as Straie that appear as fine white lines across the skin’s surface.

    So what causes stretch marks? It happens when the skin gets stretched and becomes less elastic and the connecting tissues break. Though visible on the epidermis, stretch marks are really scarring of the middle layer of our skin. Though dermis is a very elastic and resilient layer, but even elastics can be stretched too taut that they break. This is what happens to our skin. During phases like excessive weight gain, pregnancy and even early teens when hormones run amok, the skin gets stretched beyond its limit and get scarred easily.

    How They Look

    Depending on your natural skin tone, the stretch marks appear as raised pink, reddish brown or dark brown lines. Gradually these marks flatten and fade to a colour few shades lighter than your skin colour. In most Indian skin they appear as pale white marks. They do become less noticeable over time, however they never vanish.

    Fading Them Away

    Let’s face it stretch marks don’t go away. Only thing you can do is to try and reduce the appearance. The earlier you start treating stretch marks, the more successful you’ll be. Stretch marks are easier to treat when they appear rather than when they begin fading.

    Avoid letting you skin get dry and itchy.

    Always moisturise areas where you feel the skin stretching or have the potential to stretch. Slather on any emollient or a heavy moisturiser in the area on a daily basis preferably after bath to keep the skin supple.
    One of the best ways to prevent this is to regularly buffing your body. Gently massage your skin with a massage brush or glove to increase circulation in the area.

    A note of warning especially for pregnant women, avoid scratching the area.

    Eat healthy to fortify your skin from inside go for nuts, fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, E, zinc and silica.

    Try laser treatments as early as possible to get maximum benefit. It fades the area.

    Most dermatologists prefer to treat stretch marks with creams containing Tretinoin, or Retin-A. These are vitamin A derivatives that work by loosening the keratin or outer layer of the skin to remove dead skin cells.

    Tretinoin thins the outer layer of skin in order to penetrate it. It is most effective when used in the early stages.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline shaunmedrik

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women
    « Reply #52 on: December 16, 2010, 05:08:30 AM »
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  • Many type of care are required to the pregnant woman like food,health.You may be off your regular eating and exercise routine and find yourself eating more.  During the early months, you may find that you have aversions to particular foods and maybe the idea of food makes you nauseous, especially specific foods.You should be consuming around 300 additional calories per day.

    Offline hamburg113

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    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women
    « Reply #53 on: July 08, 2011, 08:20:28 AM »
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  • Hi,

    Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.

    Tks again and pls keep posting.

    If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit:

    Best regards.

    « Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 09:57:12 PM by hamburg113 »

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    • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
    Re: Tips for Pregnant Women
    « Reply #54 on: July 10, 2011, 10:19:42 AM »
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  • Following are some more tips posted by our sai brother anupam ji in another link.

    For the benefit of all mothers to be, i m giving the link [] which also has few more tips by our sai brotehrs anupam ji and saib ji.

    Be Blessed!
    Love & Light!
    Om Sai Ram!

    Re: Confession « Reply #139 on: October 05, 2009, 03:15:56 AM » Anupam:

    <<< Anul ji, if you do believe in subtle worlds which exist around us, it is said by all Revered Saints that only 20% of miscarriages are the result of some physical reasons. 80% of these are due to reasons in etherial and astral dimensions. It IS a FACT that the Black Magic and Wiccan (Witch craft spells) (Which is most used by the SO CALLED SOPHISTICATED SOCIETY WOMEN IRONICALLY) is the main reason for miscarriages.

    That's why it is ALWAYS TOLD BY ELDERS that the pregnant women shud avoid going out much, if they can, avoid the 4 ways and 3 ways streets, where people do all sort of stuff and a embryo is most susceptible and helpless. Avoid listening to All types of Harsh westernised music, and husband and wife shud avoid the physical relation atleast after 6 months of pregnancy.

    Few Do's an Don'ts which our revered Saints have said about protecting the child from evil subtle entities.

    1. The would be mother shud Read Vishnu Sahasranam  (or part daily) it is the best protection for the inborn as it creates the protection of Sudarshan Chakra for the baby. It can be SAI SATCHARITRA which has the same effect, but please has to be done regularly, If the would be mother is unable to do so, the Father shud read the same and the Mother listen to it

    2. Continuously do the Jaap of Guru Mantra, Sai Mantra, or just utter the SAI'S or Guru's Name whatever you do, wherever u go. This creates a shield of positive spiritual energy and the disturbing dark vibrations are unable to attack the child

    3. Atleast once a week please light the Desi Cow dung cake with some Guggal, Loban, Chandan Powder, and raw sugar and spread the smoke in the entire house, before keeping the upla outside. This removes all the negative vibrations in the house.

    4. Try reading atleast some Shlokas of Bhagwat Geeta or Ramayana everyday, or doing 108 rounds of Gayatri Mantra. Gayatri Mantra and Mahamritunjay mantra(and Bhagwat Geeta and Ramayana) in fact not only protect the child and mother BUT ALSO burn THE PAST KARMAS OF THE UNBORN CHILD AND MAKES HIS LIFE MUCH successful. If nothing else the Jaap of Hari Om, Om Sai Ram, har har har WILL also help.

    5 The would be mother and father should also do annadaan, feed cows and dogs regularly till the child is  born and even after that for a year. This would not only protect the child but also a good, lucky child would be born. Feeding dogs with milk removes negative vibrations, feeding cows increases the positive vibrations manifold and feeding the poor and saintly people increases the positive effects of planets. This will minimize the negetive effects of planets on the child and increase their positive effect, by modifying his karmas.

    6. Try to Keep the old people (like the child's grandparents) near you when pregnant. Till Grandparents are there in the house the effects of women practicing witchcraft and black magicians cannot effect the child.

    These are few tips. Thanks a lot to our Great Revered Saints and Param Pujya Gurudevji. Following these would benifit most mothers and fathers and help them beget New Shivaji's, Rana Prataps etc >>>

    « Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 12:36:11 PM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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