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« on: September 03, 2011, 02:46:59 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः  


    The entire universe is watched and directed by the Parmatma. He is the One who looks after birth - life - end of the universe. Though He creates the things in the universe, He is aloof from them. He is unmoved by them. He is Swa-samvedya. The Parmatma existed before the creation of the universe and will continue to exist even after the end of the universe. The world was created from the Parmatma and will end in the Parmatma. The Parmatma will remain constant.

           In short, there is a force guiding the gigantic universe and that force is the Parmatma. He exists as a separate being apart from the visible. He is a part and parcel of everything that exists in the universe. But, even after encompassing the universe, the Parmatma still exists independently.

    Because of this omni-present nature of the Parmatma, He is, therefore, described by many titles such as ‘Aj’, ‘Amar’, ‘Anadi’ (from time immemorable), ‘Ananta’, ‘Akshay’, ‘Avichhinnha’, ‘Abadhit’, ‘Anirvachaniya’, ‘Sachchidanand’ etc.

        To describe the omni-present nature of the Parmatma, He is described as “smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest”. And even then, words fail in describing the true nature of Parmatma.

         The animated and unanimated things of this universe were created from the Parmatma.  He controls the Panch-maha-bhootas (the five elements of the universe - earth, water, fire, air and sky). He is independent of place and time. He is joy personified. He is honored as not only Sarva-shaktiman but also as Sarva-shakti-samanvit (Coordinator of all powers).  

        The Parmatma has no birth and no death. He has no growth and no decline. The Parmatma always remains in a condition of total bliss.  

    (The Appearance of Saints)

        The God has gifted human beings with a gift of a mind. A man feels the need of gaining knowledge of the Parmatma, the Creator of the universe. He wants to understand the purpose of his life. He wishes to find out, how he can make his mortal life worthy. He desires to lead his life according to his religion, to do the religious rites and gain the knowledge about himself ‘Atma-sakshatkar’. The God knows that in this pursuit, the man needs guidance in the form of a Sadguru. Hence, from time to time, the Parmatma takes outward appearance of a human being and arrives on the earth. These Appearances (Vibhutis) are known as Sant (Saints). It is natural that Saints also have the qualities and features of the Parmatma.

          Bhagawant (God) and Saints are inseparable. However, in the practical world, Saints work as symbols of Parabrahma. Hence, theirexistence carries the limitations of this mortal world. They appear in the form of human bodies and hence, are bound by its restrictions. However, they remain in immortal (Parlaukik) while travelling in the mortal (Laukik) world.

         Bhagawan says, “Whenever a religion looses its consciousness, I take birth to protect the gentle folk and to destroy the villains.”

         The word ‘Avatar’ is made up of ‘Ava’ and ‘Tru’. ‘Tru’ means to take shape. For the sake of His devotees, the Lord becomes Sagun. In reality, He continues to be Nirgun.

         By taking form of a body, these Saints or Sadgurus look after the welfare of the world. They destroy the ego existing in the human body. They purify the soul. They introduce you to the principle of Adwait and release the innocents from the endless travel from births and deaths.

    « Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 03:19:35 AM by piyagolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    « Reply #1 on: September 05, 2011, 02:01:27 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः

    "Origin of the word ‘Sant’ "

    There are different explanations for these.

    Some believe that the word Sant originates from the word ‘Sat’. It means ‘to be’ - one which is permanent, Shashwat, indestructible. The plural form of ‘Sat’  is ‘Sant’.

     According to Panini Sutra, The corrupted version of ‘Shant’  is ‘Sant’. The word ‘Shama’ becomes ‘Shant’ after getting affixed with ‘Ta’. 

     According to Rugved, the word ‘Santi’  means “the one who gives a desired fruit”. When the word becomes Santya, it means “the pinnacle of givers of fruits” who in turn means Sant.

    Hemadpant describes the omni-present nature of Saints. The earth, the seven islands, nine continents, the seven heavens and the nether world are all born out of the Hiranyagarbha - that itself is the famous Brahmand.

    The Sadguru dwells far beyond, what is known as the Maya, which that Brahmand creates here and which is invisible or illusory.

    "Sadguru is A-yo-ni-j"
    (Not born from the womb)

     It is not possible to know the origin of the births of Saints. In the mortal sense, they take birth through a very righteous fearing couple. Hence, a name, surname, caste or religion gets labelled to them. However, in reality they are Swayambhu  (self-born). In the words of Hemadpant, Sai Samartha, the Cloud of Bliss, Who did not know about the birth of His body, how could His body experience death ? He does not know about the body’s existence. Therefore, Vibhutis like Sai are Aj or A-yonij. For a Saint, a human body is only a form. A person - who has no beginning or end - will have no birth or death. The repeated remembrance or chanting of a Saint’s name, frees a person from the vicious circle of countless births followed by countless deaths. Such a Saint can continue to live life after killing the death itself. Sometimes he rules his power over death. Such Sadguru is Poorna Parabrahma. His birth cannot be controlled by trivial things like a womb. In his case, the concepts of birth and death are Mithya (irrelevant and unreal).

    Those who are Incarnate are never born and they never die. As soon as their mission is completed they merge with Brahman and become one with the unseen.

    Such a Parabramha Sadguru, dissolves back into the Isha-tatva once their desired work on the earth is accomplished.
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    « Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 12:30:27 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः

    "Sadguru is time-less"

    In Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, Bhagwan Shri Krishna tells Arjun, “You and Me have had several births. I am aware of this; but you are not.”

    Like-wise, Sai Baba used to say to Nanasaheb Chandorkar that “We know each other for the last four births.”  He also informed Madhavrao Deshpande alias Shama that “We are close to each other for last 72 generations.” He also said to Balaram Dhurandhar that “Are, we know each other for 60 times. We have been contemporaries. To Shri Sapatnekar, He stated in clear words that “These Feet are Puratan (ancient).” To some, He said that “I am here since thousands of years.” To some others, He narrated stories from their earlier births. He promised some people to remain with them from one birth to another birth.  To a few, He said that “I will take care of the livelihood of your future generations.”


    "Sadguru is place-less"

    As a Sadguru is not bound by time, he is similarly not bound by any place also. As he cannot be encompassed by the limits of time, he can neither be caged by the boundaries of a place. He has the qualities of Bhagawant (Ashta-siddhi-yukta Shat-guna-aishvarya).  He has at his feet the Ashta (eight) Siddhis like Anima-Laghima etc.

    There was a time when the Masjid was full of knee-deep potholes. Baba used to sleep in the same premises. Therefore, to mitigate His hardships, Nanasaheb Dengale brought a wooden plank and gave it to Baba. Baba tied this narrow plank to the ceiling of the dilapidated Masjid and that too with the help of very old and feeble pieces of rags ! Baba used to keep four earthen lamps burning at the four corners of the plank and sleep on it. Even after keeping a close watch, no one ever saw, how Baba climbed on top of the plank or how He got down from it. Some devotees - such as Dasganu Maharaj, Chandrabai Borkar, Nanasaheb Dengale - have noted down this miracle.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    « Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 01:12:19 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः 

    "Sadguru is form-less "   

      The Sadguru can travel everywhere. To take a test of his devotee, it is not necessary to adopt the form of a human body only. He has the power to adopt any form or figure  (Parakaya Pravesh - entering another body).

          Baba came in the form of a dog and took a trial of Mhalsapati. At his house, once there was the death anniversary of Mhalsapati’s father. Meals were being served. Suddenly, a dog - full of diseases - came and stood there. Mhalsapati called his wife and said, “Throw a piece of bread in front of the dog”. However, as the bread was not given, the dog continued to stand there. Mhalsapati gave a blow to the dog and it immediately ran away. Later on, in the evening, while making bed, Baba said to Mhalsapati, “Kaa re Bhagat, in the town, there is a dog suffering from diseases like Me. But, people hit it.”

           It is well-known that during her stay at Shirdi, while Babasaheb Tarkhad’s wife was having meals, Baba came once in the form of a nauseating dog and also in the form of a pig covered in mud.

         Once Nanasaheb Chandorkar reached Shirdi at mid-noon. After bowing before Baba, he was about to sit down. But, Baba said to him, “Nana, I feel like eating Puranpoli. Go and get it prepared now only. Even if My meal is delayed, I have no objection.” There were no ladies folk accompanying him. The necessary ingredients were also not readily available. It was a difficult time. But, Baba was not willing to listen otherwise.  After pleading repeatedly before a lady from the village, after great efforts, Nanasaheb managed to get Puranpoli. And Baba said to him, “Take this plate away.” Nana replied, “I will not have my meal till You have Yours.” Baba tried to assure him, “Are Nana, I have eaten the Poli.” But, Nana was not convinced. He left the Chavadi and slept. When Baba came to know that Nanasaheb has gone to bed on empty stomach, he was pained. He called back Nana to the Masjid and said, “Did you learn only this after being with me for the last 18 years ? Are, I eat by adopting the form of an ant or a fly or any other thing. I have eaten your poli long back.”

     Baba used to visit Tarkhad household everyday in Sookshma Roop (minute form) and have Prasad. Once Babasaheb Tarkhad forgot to keep Prasad. His son Jyotindra had a vow of eating Prasad of Khadi Sakhar (lump sugar) before having any kind of food. On this day, he happened to be in Shirdi along with his mother. He came for Baba’s Darshan, bowed and sat down on one side. At that time, Baba said to Jyotindra’s mother (Mrs. Tarkhad), “Aai, what shall I do ? As usual, I went to Bandra (Tarkhad was staying in Tata Blocks in those days). But, I did not get anything to eat or drink. And, I had to return on empty stomach. The door was closed. However, even then I entered the house. But, the owner was also not there. Without food, I became restless. In that condition, I returned back.”

     Jyotindra realized that at their house in Bandra, his father must have forgotten to place Naivedya before Baba’s photo. Within two days, Jyotindra’s letter from Shirdi and Babasaheb’s letter from Bandra were received by each other and Baba’s utterings of that day got explained.

    On some occasions, Baba did things exactly opposite to the above. On one Sankrant Day, Mrs. Tarkhad spent a lot of efforts on preparing Tilgul Halva (a sweetmeat made of jaggery and sesum). Sankrant was still a week away. Lest it be eaten by ants, Mrs. Tarkhad hurriedly sent it in a parcel to Radha-krishna Aai. Before the parcel could reach her, after the Aarati, Baba sent a message to Radha-krishna Aai. “Send My Tilgul Halva !” As there were still eight days for Sankrant, Aai replied accordingly. And just then, the parcel from Tarkhad arrived. On casually opening, it revealed Tilgul Halva ! Baba put a few seeds into His mouth and informed Radha-krishna Aai to send the rest on the day of Sankrant.

    In this connection, Babasaheb Tarkhad says - “Baba moves about in any form. We know this fully well. Even then, do we ever think, how our heartfelt desires and selfless love will be used by Shri Sai Baba ? ... Did He not know that He is omni-present ? He has given - and is still giving - several instances to prove that He also lives in worms and ants. Oh ! What great love ! With the help of a mere pen, how can one describe such type of love and affection ?”

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    « Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 12:57:58 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः  

    "Sadguru is Atindriya"
    (Beyond the sensory organs)

              The Saints have one more quality known as Atindriyata. Even though their body is seen at one place, they are also seen at the other end of the world.

            One Bengali Sannyasi Goshala Pracharak (Canvasser for Cow Pond) visited Balasaheb Deo. After about a month, Baba came in the guise of this Pracharak. Similarly, He came to Dabholkar’s house on the auspicious day of Holi Pournima in the form of a frame.

           He appeared as a blind lady (accompanied by her two daughters) in the dream of Haji Siddique Phalke. Phalke got scared and in his dream, he kicked and drove them away. He started chanting prayer. When he woke up, he requested Khaparde to enquire about this from Baba. Before, Khaparde could open the topic, Baba narrated the entire episode of yesterday night - how He got blows and kicks, then how He applied oil, how He got some relief, when He sat near the Dhuni etc.  How many tales like these can be narrated ?

           There are several examples of Baba giving Darshans to His devotees in the form of their sacred deities (Ishtadaivat - Tutelar Deity ) and fulfilling their wishes.

           Baba gave such Darshans in the form of Ganpati to Chidambar Keshav Gadgil, as Akkalkot Swami to Bapusaheb Jog, as Shankar to Megha, as Gholap Swami to Mule, as Pandurang to Balaram Dhurandhar and Sapatnekar, as Datta to some and as Maruti to some others.

           He appeared as Shri Ram to a Brahmin doctor and a lady from a Bhajan Mandali from Chennai. He appeared as Ramdas Swami to a gentleman from the same Bhajan Mandali. He gave Darshans in such a varied manner.

          Before coming to Shirdi, Ratanji Shapurji Wadia (a well-known businessman and a Mill Contractor from the town Nanded) had given a feast to a local Saint Mauli Baba. The entire expense incurred was, in those days, three Rupees and fourteen Annas. Sitting in one corner of the Masjid, Baba reminded Ratanji about this incident, which had taken place in the privacy of his home. He said, “Earlier you had given Me three Rupees and fourteen Annas. Now, give Me the rest.” Thus He gave a lesson that Saints are united (Ekatmata - unity).

         Similarly, He reminded Dasganu Maharaj, Nandedkar Lawyer and others about the coconut which had been offered by Vasudevanand Saraswati when he came to the Rajmahendri Town.

         Some people had come to Shirdi from the village Rahata. They said that “Yesterday, Baba had come to village Rahata and we took His Darshan.” All were surprised; because that entire day Baba was in the Masjid. He did not visit even a nearby place. Hearing this, the people from Rahata were speechless. They could get an idea about the miraculous and amazing powers of Baba.

    Every year Mhalsapati carried the Palkhi of Lord Khandoba to the fair at village Jejuri. He came to know that the epidemic of plague was currently prevalent in Jejuri. All the co-devotees panicked upon hearing the news. Mhalsapati was also uncomfortable and disappointed. He sat resting on the Palkhi. He sensed that someone has come at his back. He turned around and looked in that direction. He saw Baba there, Who immediately disappeared. Baba’s Darshan gave him lot of courage and he told everyone about the incident. All went to Jejuri, hailing Lord Khandoba and Baba.

          In their stay of four days, they did not face even the smallest difficulty. Their pilgrimage tour was completed without any untoward event.

         After their return to Shirdi, Baba inquired, “Are Bhagat, the fair was good isn’t it ? I had also come there. Were you not resting your back on the Palkhi ? That was the time, I came there.”

    For sometime, Baba had sent Balaram Mankar - against his own wishes - for solitary life to Machhindra Gad. To secure a Sadguru, it is necessary to win control over one’s own mind. However, the mind has undergone Sanskar for several births and is willing to accept the change easily. If a person succeeds in realizing his self and is able to unify , then the final realization cannot be far away. This is what Baba expected from Balaram Mankar.

          While Mankar was engrossed in Tapascharya on Machhindra Gad, Baba gave him Pratyaksha Darshan (Darshan in physical form). Not only Darshan but Mankar even saw Baba moving about and had conversation with him ! He asked Baba, “Why did You send me here ?” Baba replied, “Are, when you were in Shirdi, your mind was running helter-skelter with different thoughts. To make it steady, I sent you here ! And is it not the same Baba now standing before you, Who is in Shirdi ?”     

    After completing a decade at Machhindra Gad, Mankar began his journey back. He was staying at Bandra in Mumbai. Therefore, planning to buy a ticket from Pune to Dadar, he stood in the que. Just then, a person from Kunbi caste - wearing a loin cloth and carrying a Kambal (rug) on his shoulder - brought a ticket to him and asked “Where are you going ?” As soon as Mankar replied, “To Dadar”, he gave the ticket he was carrying to Mankar and said, “I was also going there; but I remembered an important work and cancelled my plan.” Before Mankar could pay him, the Kunbi disappeared somewhere. Mankar waited for him till the train moved. But, had the Kunbi vanished to reappear again ! Mankar realized what had happened.
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    « Reply #5 on: September 09, 2011, 02:16:32 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः

    "Saints can make the
    dead alive"

            In the biographies of Saints and Sadgurus, one comes across many amazing feats which science cannot explain. Because the sciences have limitations while the doings of Saints are boundless. They are beyond comprehension of human mind and hence, we call them miracles.

          Saints do not perform miracle for the sake of their sensational value. They do not need help of miracles; because Saints are born as self-evident. With their amazing powers, they have conquered Chaitanya. And hence, we say that they have gained Siddhis (divine illuminations). Actually, the Saints believe that Siddhis are detrimental to Paramartha. It must be remembered that Saints use Siddhis only for the salvation of mortal beings.

         Once, in the strong sun of mid-noon, a young lamb on the verge of death came staggering into the Masjid, fell down and lay motionless. The villagers examined it. Seeing that it has died, Mrs. Tarkhad was moved to tears. At that time, she was massaging Baba’s Feet. She requested Baba and said, “Baba, the young lamb has died.” Baba replied, “Aaye (mother), it must not be dead. It must have fainted because of the strong sun rays.” “No, Baba, it has died,” the villagers also started saying. No one was willing to believe Baba. Then, Baba got up. He took water in His tumbler, pouring a stream of the water, Baba went around the young lamb. And what a miracle ! That dead lamb suddenly sprang up and went away hopping on its legs. Everyone was amazed.

          In a village nearby Shirdi, on one night Dasganu Maharaj was to deliver Kirtan (preaching). As per his usual practice, he went to Baba to take His blessings. Besides giving blessings, Baba suggested, “Take My Bhau (Jyotindra - son of Babasaheb Tarkhad) along with you. Don’t forget.”   

          After walking the distance of 7-8 Miles, Dasganu Maharaj and Jyotindra arrived at the village. The appointed time for Kirtan arrived. As it had grown dark, petromax lamps were arranged. Dasganu Maharaj arranged Baba’s photograph on a stool. Putting a garland and doing Namaskar, he stood up to deliver the Kirtan. The Kirtan had begun and just then, some people - looking like Bhillas - came carrying a dead body on a Tirdi (stretcher for carrying the dead). One of them scolded Dasganu Maharaj and asked him, “What is this mumbo-jumbo you have started and whose photograph is this ?” Dasganu Maharaj replied, ‘‘Dada, this is Shri Sadguru Sai Baba. He is my Guru, my Deity and my everything ! How can a mere mortal like me describe His greatness ? I can only say that with His blessings impossible becomes possible. He is the Saviour of the poor and destitute. I only go from village to village and pray that people realize His greatness.”

           The Bhilla said, “Is it so ? Then keep the dead body down. And you, tell him - whoever is your Sai Baba - to make this dead man alive. And if he does not become alive, we will make you dead with our sickles, choppers and axes.”

          Dasganu got scared. His hands and feet developed tremors and became clammy. However, he realized that as Baba had sent Jyotindra along to ward off the forthcoming danger. He asked, ‘‘Bhausaheb, please tell me, what I should do now ?” Jyotindra replied, “Maharaj, this is a play (Leela) of Baba. We are only His children. We can only chant His name. Only that is in our hands. Start your famous Bhajan - ‘SAI RAHAM NAZAR KARANA, BACHCHONKA PALAN KARANA.’ Rest will be done by Baba.”

         Dasganu Maharaj began the Bhajan and got engrossed in it. He almost lost consciousness of where he was. An hour passed like this. And, suddenly the dead body broke the string tied around it, sat up and started clapping in rhythm with the Bhajan. Seeing this, Jyotindra said, “Maharaj, stopthe Kirtan. Baba has

    completed His task.”

         The Bhilla folks, who had unconsciously started participating in the Bhajan, were dumb struck. They asked the ‘dead’ man to touch the feet of Baba. Tears were streaming from the eyes of all. Now, all of them promised to come to Shirdi for Baba’s Darshan.

         Next day, Dasganu Maharaj and Jyotindra returned to Shirdi and went to Dwarkamai. Before they could say anything, Baba said, “Ganya, yesterday My Bhau (Baba used to call Jyotindra as ‘Bhau’) was with you and hence, you were saved. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for you. Isn’t it ?”

         If a devotee has full faith, devotion and unity at the feet of his Sadguru, then Chaitanya Parabrahma (Supreme Spirit) gives Darshan in a mortal form. But, the devotion must be total.
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    « Reply #6 on: September 10, 2011, 12:58:43 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः

    "Saints do not  meddle
    in the laws of the nature"

          Once, Baba gave a very valuable advice in this regard to Nanasaheb Chandorkar. He said, “Two things - birth and death - are not in My hands. They are dependant on Poorva Karma (the deeds of the past life). Even the God cannot interfere in them. Can the God ask sun or moon to deviate from their paths ? He cannot and will not do so; because otherwise there will be chaos in the universe.”

              However, there is an exception. “In spite of the above, going against the laws of the nature and destiny, how did Baba give life to someone ?” The answer to this was given by Baba to Kakasaheb Dixit. It happened as thus. Baba had given life to the dead young of a lamb. A few days thereafter, another incident took place in the village. Suddenly the only child of a lady - a 10 to 12 year old lad - was seriously ill of snake bite. The lady came crying and requested Baba. However, Baba refused to give her Teertha or Udi. Said, “Do not come in His way.” After some time, the boy died.

        Dixit could not bear the scene. He pleaded repeatedly that “Baba, You gave life to an ordinary animal. Now, give life to this boy.”

         Baba said, “Kaka, do not enter into this affair.” Still, Dixit continued his pleadings. Finally, Baba said, “See Bhau ! Now, I will explain to you. All proper arrangements have been made for that boy.  His new body is set to do a different task. That work cannot be done by his this body. And now, you want to increase the life of this body and reduce the life of his new body ? Do you know, what will be the result of this ? Do you realize, the responsibility involved ? And, are you willing to accept the responsibility ?”

         Babasaheb Tarkhad notes, “On listening this, sudden insight came to Dixit. He understood  that the present body has certain years of life. By extending it by a few years, the life of the next body will be reduced by that many years. And even after then, the boy would not have accomplished any desired deeds. This was the play of the God. Realizing this, Dixit tightly held on to the Feet of Shri.”

    It will be understood from this incident that under certain circumstances Sadguru borrows a few years from a persons next life and adds them to this life. If it is foreseen that such a deed will result into the Atma-kalyan of the person, only then Sadguru uses his right. Otherwise, they do not do so. The Sadguru, who gave life to a mere animal, can he not give life to a boy ?

         Baba had taken the fever of in Tatya Patil’s last illness. Tatya’s death was avoided in return of Baba’s own Atma-nirvan.

    "Saints have another quality"
    ‘Sahaj Samadhi’

          Sadgurus are complete with all qualities. One of them is Sahaj Samadi.

          When we see them moving about with us in Sharir Roop (body in physical form), even then they are in Unmani Avastha, beyond ‘Para Vani’. This is ‘Sahaj Samadhi’. This means that even though we see them in mortal form with our eyes, they are Ek-roop  with the God. In short, while carrying out work in the form of a human body, they are in constantly contact with immortal world. They have a body and even then they are beyond its limitations. After completing their chosen mission, they once again merge with the eternal world.

          About 32 years prior to Baba left His mortal body, in year 1886, He had taken His life to Brahmananda. For three days, His lifeless body was lying in the lap of Mhalsapati. Eyes were dim. Actions had stopped. Everyone felt that life had left the body. However, Baba had said, “For three days don’t take Me away.” Thereafter, pointing His finger to a corner, He said, “After three days, dig a Samadhi, bury and keep Me.”

          After two days, the Muslim Maulavi and some villagers even started making preparations in that direction. On the third day, at 3’O clock in the morning, the seemingly lifeless body started showing signs of spirit. Breathing commenced, eyes opened. The radiance on His face started making reappearance. And, stretching His body in different directions, Baba got up. As if, in the intervening three days, nothing had happened. However, Mhalsapati fondly looked at Baba’s face and Baba also responded by nodding His head.

           A Yogi has ‘Samarasya’ (to be content) in him; and because of it, he is able to unify himself with Paramananda and others also experience his this power.
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    « Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 12:28:58 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः

    "Saints can take the sufferings
    of their devotees upon thmeselves"

           On the auspicious day of Dhana-trayodashi, Baba had put His both hands in a raging fire, suffered burns; but saved the daughter of a smith.

           And, He had taken the plague glands of Khaparde’s son on His own body and saved the boy from the deadly disease. Similarly, Tatyasaheb Nulkar was suffering from some eye ailment. He was seeing double images. His eyes were red and watering continuously. The eyes were not even opening fully. He went to Baba and Baba said, “Allah will make you all right.” And from that moment, the throbbing pain ceased. However, Baba’s eyes became swollen !

    "Saints and their Yogic powers"

           To know the Yogic powers of Saints is beyond the comprehension of a common man. Baba used to do Dhoti - Poti - Khanda Yog. For that, He used to go to any lonely place. While taking bath, He used to vomit out His intestines, wash them and spread them for drying on a Jamb tree.

          Sometimes, he used to practice Khanda Yog. In it the different parts and organs of the body can be separated. Many people came to watch the scene. However, they could see Baba in His entirety.

            Once, at midnight, a man went to the Masjid. He saw Baba’s limbs lying scattered in the four corners of the building. Seeing this, he was utterly scared. He felt that some evil person had must have slain Baba. He felt that if he informed anyone, he himself  may be assumed to be the culprit. Hence, in the morning, with a bated breath, he again went to the Masjid. He saw that Baba was as usual sitting in His place.

           Baba always said that “This skeleton - measuring three and half hands - is not Me.” A person, who is beyond a mortal body, cannot be encompassed in it. Unless an attachment is developed, a person does not come near another. Hence, “Do not ill-treat anyone” was the advice of Baba.
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    « Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 12:58:28 AM »
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  • ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः 

    "Saints and the end of their Avatar"

            Once the chosen mission of their Avatar is accomplished, the Saints also bring an end to their Avatar. They decide, when and in which way their human body will come to an end in the mortal world. The signs begin to appear; but everytime they may not be noticed by us.

           Baba also had given indications before His Maha - Samadhi. In year 1916 - two years prior to the Maha - Samadhi - one evening, after completing His evening stroll, Baba suddenly became furious. He discarded His Kafni, loin cloth and the cloth tied around His head and threw them in the Dhuni (Holy Fire). He said, “Now, come to conclusion, whether I am a Hindu or a Muslim.” Around 11’O clock in the night, He became peaceful. Bhagoji Shinde put back His clothes and then the procession went on its way to the Chavadi.

         Baba had given indications that for His Simollanghan (crossing of border), Dassera was the proper Muhurta (auspicious time).

         Around Dassera, Ramchandradada Patil was seriously ill. Baba came in his dream and said, “Don’t be sad. The danger has passed away. But, in Shake (Hindu Year) 1840 Dakshinayan in the Ashwin month, in Shukla Paksha on the day of Vijayadashami Tatya Patil will die.”

         Exactly the same happened. A few days before Vijayadashami, Tatya Patil became seriously ill. He was bed-ridden. Baba also became sick. And, after giving life to Tatya, Baba did Mahanirvan.

         A young man, named Mahadu, used to look after the cleaning of the Masjid premises. Once, while hurrying his work, Baba’s brick slipped from his hand, fell down and broke. This brick was with Baba from the very beginning. Baba was forlorn with its loss. He started wailing. He said, “It was My life’s companion. It was very dear to Me. While doing Chintan (meditation), I used to rest My elbow on it. Now, that dear brick is broken. I will not be able to live without it.”

           As far back as the year 1913, Baba had said, “Bapusaab Buti will build a ‘Wada’ for us.”

          And really, in the year 1916, Buti got the inspiration to build  a Wada. Later on, once, Buti and Madhavrao were sleeping in Dixit’s house. Baba came simultaneously in the dreams of both of them. He suggested “Let Wada and Mandir be built at the same time.”

           While the construction of Wada was in progress, Baba used to go and see it. He used to give suggestions. He always said, ‘‘We all will stay together in the Wada - stay, chitchat, laugh, play, embrace each other in love.”

         About 4-5 years earlier, Baba had held the hand of Bapusaheb Jog’s wife, called as ‘Taai’ and brought her there and said, “This place, where waste is being dumped, is My place.”

          He had said to Soni’s mother, “Now, I am tired of this Chavadi, tired of this Masjid. Now, I will sit in the Wada. There Brahmins will look after Me.” Similarly, to people like R. B. Purandare, Uddhaveshbua Ranade, Babasaheb Sahastrabuddhe, He had uttered, “I am really tired now. I will also come with you. I will see for sometime and one day I will also go away. These Telis, Wanis harass Me. The people take advantage. They don’t take, what I offer. Why I should continue to live !”

          To Kakasaheb Dixit He had clearly said that ‘‘Now, I will go and come back as a eight year old.”

    He had thus given several indications of Avatar-samapti. People around Him failed to see their true meaning. However, while giving these signs, He had also given - through His words and actions - proof of His immortal being (Amaratva).

         In the year 1918, on 15th October - Dassera day - in the afternoon at 2.35 p.m. Baba left His mortal body. His last words were, “I am not comfortable here. Take me to Buti’s Wada. I will feel better there.”

         Shri Narke, while describing the last moments before Mahanirvan, says - “More than 24 hours have passed. However, Shri’s body has not become stiff. Next day, a little blood came out from the mouth. Hands and legs could be moved easily. It was not necessary to tear the Kafni.”

         After Mahasamadhi, on the same night, Baba appeared in the dream of Laxmanmama - the Gram-joshi of Shirdi. He said, “Bapusaheb believes that I am dead. He will, therefore, not come today. You get up fast and do My Kakad Aarati and Pooja !” Laxmanmama came immediately and he did a proper Pooja of Baba’s body. He opened the closed fists and put Vida (a roll of beetle leaves) and Daxina (alms) in them. He once again covered the body and left. Later on, the afternoon Aarati was performed in the Masjid as usual by Jog.

           At that time, Dasganu Maharaj was in Pandharpur. In the same night, Baba came in his dream and said, “Here Telis, Wanis harass Me. Now, I am going. Fill up My place with flowers !”

           When a Sadguru obtains the shape of a human body, luck favour the people as they can take actual Darshan. Decades have passed after the Samadhi. However, even now His devotees get experiences, which make them feel that Baba is still among them, very near them. Some devotees actually see Him,  some converse with Him, some receive advice in their dreams, some see Him in different guise, some get solutions to their problems through Drushtanta.  In different ways, Baba gives proof of His continuing to be here.

            He does all this for the sake of His devotees. There are several matters which are detrimental to Parmartha. These are Avidya, Ahankar, Lobha, Moha, Avihit or Nishiddha Karmas, Vishayasakti, Phalasakti, Dehabhiman. Baba dissuades His devotees from them and takes them to Atmaswaroop. With the help of rational thoughts and Atmavivek, He helps His devotees to conquer their minds (Manojaya). With the fusion of Vivek and Vairagya, He helps them to cross the Bhavasagar. For this, the devotee has to only place his Tan - Man - Dhan (body, soul and belongings) at the Feet of the Sadguru. Only this much is expected by the Sadguru. The life mission of Sadguru is the salvation of everyone who remembers His name (Namasmaran) and who takes refuge at His Feet.

    For such a liberation, the devotee has to only follow the advice and teachings of the Sadguru. Sadgurus like Sai Baba come rushing to the help of devotees who actually follow this in their life.

         ‘‘Even when I pass away, believe in My words. From My Tomb My Bones will give you assurance.

    Not only I, but My Tomb would be speaking, moving and communicating with those who surrender themselves whole heartedly to Me.

         Do not worry that I shall be hidden from your eyes. You will hear My Bones speak and discuss your welfare.

    Always remember Me only. Believe in Me heart and soul. Pray without selfish motives and you will attain your welfare.’’

          This is the promise of Baba. While describing His powers, Hemadpant says -

    Baba is not in body now. Yet, one who remembers Him is helped by Him even now, as in the past, when Baba was in the body.

          If one does not experience something according to what Baba may have said, it should not be believed that this has happened; because Baba is no more.

    Baba’s words are destined. One should have faith and experience this. If they do not come true immediately, they will do so in time to come.

    Author Unknown

    Baba Bless All !!
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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