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A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
« on: October 09, 2007, 12:04:07 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi~~~

    The story is about seven hundred years old. Two kilometers away from present Katra town, is a village named Hansali. This picturesque-place surrounded on all sides by trees and brooks, pre­sents an thrilling view of nature. In the midst of this atmosphere a sound was reverberating in the mountains of Trikuta....

    "I don't know hymns; I don't know how to adore thee; I don't know formal worship; I don't know even your shape; Neither I know the method of meditation nor the postures of meditation story all my sins and help to attain, whatever I deserve."

    "Victory to you,, Oh mother Bhavani," said Pan­dit Shri-Dhar. His throat choked, tears rolled down the cheeks, sweat drops appeared over his forehead; lips quivered. Shri-Dhar asked mother, "You are the greatest of great. You are knower of known and unknown. Why don't you accept' my prayers? What are the short-comings in my wor­ship? Oh, goddess! Be benign unto me. Pardon my sins or else tell me in person that why children can't adore my home? How can my line of progenitors continue without my descendants?" Pan­dit Shri-Dhar was talking as if to him with emo­tion and devotion. His whole body was shivering & suddenly a murmuring sound came beneath the fallen dry leaves.

    "Chhan, Chhan, Chhan...".

    Sound of Pazeb (Anklet) filled the air. Pandit ji looked in the direction of leaves and the rays of blazing sun fell on his face. The whole atmosphere looked blissful. Shri-Dhar was aghast. He saw here. & there, but couldn't find anyone. He took it as his own hallucination and offered the flowers of wor­ship and left for his village. He had to conduct girl worship ceremony.

    The girl worship ceremony started. Six small girls were sitting in line with folded legs. Suddenly Panditji's eyes fell on a ravishing face, full of beauty and splendor. Panditji was amazed and bewitched. It seemed as if hundreds of suns were blazing on her face. It was so innocent, as if thousands of lotuses had blossomed. This girl had never been spotted in the village earlier. Her clothes were red in color and she was wearing an anklet.

    The girl put her feet in the front of Pandit Shri­Dhar. He started to wash her feet. Then he wor­shipped all the seven girls and served flowers. Later he served food and gave 'Dakshina' (offering in cash) to them. All the girls, except the divine shaped girl, left. Panditji was about to ask her some questions, when the divine goddess, in the form of girl, said to him, "I have come to you for an important job." On hearing this from small girl the devotee was overwhelmed.

    The girl said, "You convey to people in the vil­lage and around, that you are holding a feast in the name of god." Before Panditji could ask her any­thing, the girl disappeared. Shri-Dhar was perplexed. Who was that girl? She should have been a divine girl. Then Shri-Dhar became anxious about holding of 'Bhandara', the feast in the wor­ship of god. He thought that he could invite everyone but who would arrange the eatables and other material required for it? He thought he could not conduct the feast (Bhandara). He thought that the mysterious girl may have been divine & wanted to examine his devotion. He resolved to in­vite people from the village and near-by places & left his home to invite all the people including 'Bhairav Nath'.

    Bhairav Nath enquired of Panditji, if he could fulfill the requirements of so big a congregation. He warned him of bad consequences in case of fai­lure. He reminded him that once; Lord Indra was cursed by their guru for not being able to satisfy the appetite of guru and his disciples. He said to Panditji, "Our guru ji can burn the whole village by his curse in anger. So you think before deciding to invite us. You are committing a great blunder by calling us on feast." Panditji folded hands and said, "Sir, you are a great sage, saint and seer. By good luck, I have been able to see you. I have al­ready invited the people from far & nearby places. I have requested you to visit my home deeming it to be my duty. Although I know that I can't per­form such a big holy feast (Bhandara) yet I have to perform it.

    "Why?” enquired yogi; "Holy sage, that girl has ordered me to perform it," said Shri-Dhar. "Which girl"? Again the yogi enquired "Fantastic! a small girl will arrange holy feast for such a huge group of holy saints". The saint turned towards his guru & said, "Sir, listen the words of Panditji. He says that a small girl wants to feed all of us and also the whole village." Guru Gorakh Nath replied," What harm is there to take the test? We should go and see ourselves, who this girl is?" The guru raised his hands and said to Shri-Dhar." We accept your invitation. We will arrive tomorrow in time.

    Shri-Dhar got dead-tired by visiting the houses of people in villages and fell asleep at night. In the morning, he got worried about the arrangements for 'Bhandara'. People started to pour in.

    It was noon. Sun was blazing high in the sky. Shri-Dhar was sitting out side his hut on a raised earthen platform. He was lost in worry as nothing had been arranged. Meanwhile the sound of saint’s arrival could be heard from a distance. Holy saint, Gorakh Nath, was proceeding towards the hut, accompanied by huge group of devotees.

    The whole village hummed with activity and people thronged towards the hut. Some said that Panditji has got himself entrapped. Others thought that whole village will be put to disre­pute, because of Panditji's folly. Even ladies began to murmur.

    Suddenly, the sky was overcast with clouds and for a moment it was almost dark and later bright sun appeared again and darkness disappeared. Surprisingly a divine girl, wearing red apparel and a trident in hand, appeared in front of Shri-Dhar. Nobody could know, from where, the girl ap­peared.

    The divine girl said, "Panditji, leave your wor­ries. Everything will be arranged. You get up and ask the holy men to get into your hut and eat food." Shri-Dhar got up and requested the saints to grace his hut.

    Guru Gorakh Nath said, "How can I sit in your hut with my three hundred and sixty disciples? For us, open space, outside the hut, will be suita­ble. Your hut is too small. Panditji, please arrange to serve the foods, outside the hut." Shri-Dhar re­plied, "Sir, the girl has invited you inside the hut." Guru ji proceeded to hut and his disciples followed him one by one. All the people got accommodated inside the hut and there was still some room left. People of the village sat outside. Bhandara started. The divine girl started to distribute food from mystic pot (Kamandal). Panditji became happy while others were surprised. Everyone got food of choice. Numberless foods of varied tastes were distributed and people ate to their heart full.

    On seeing this, Gorakh Nath and Bhairav-Nath admitted in their conversation that the girl had some supernatural powers. They decided to probe about her antecedents. The girl reached near Bhairav Nath, serving food. He said to the girl, "You have served food to everybody as per their choice. Now serve me also food of my choice." The girl replied, "Your holiness, what do you want?" Mother knew everything. She wanted to play a sport with her child in the same way, as a mother .plays with a baby or as a baby plays with his toys. So in spite of knowing everything about Bhairav she wanted him to spell it out.

    Bhairav said, "Bring for me meat and drinks (wine)." The girl replied, "Sir, please do not forget that you are sitting in a Brahmins hut and this au­spicious feast is vegetarian. So please ask only those foods which are vegetarian." Bhairav stood by his choice. He wanted to test the powers of this amazing girl. Discussions started over this issue and Bhairav lost temper. He tried to catch hold of the hand of girl. The girl (goddess) disappeared. Bhairav, also, was not an ordinary human-being. He went into samadhi (Intense meditation) and saw by his spiritual powers that the girl is moving towards Trikuta Mountains. His quest increased. He wanted to know the whereabouts of the girl, her source of power and the mystery surrounding her. He became restive and as such sought per­mission from his Guru, to follow the girl and to know her abode. He told him that he wanted to know the secret of her powers and their source. Guru Gorakh Nath allowed Bhairav to pursue the girl and wished him good luck.

    Bhairav left for Trikuta hills. He saw, in medita­tion, the path taken by the girl and followed her.

    Meanwhile Pandit Shri-Dhar became restless just like a fish out of water. The divine girl had left the hut since last two days. He was continuously gazing towards the unknown. He stopped eating, drinking and talking. It seemed as if the jug of water had been snatched from the hands of a thirsty man. The day passed in this way and night set in. He fell asleep.

    While sleeping Panditji felt, as if, someone is pressing his hand on his head. The soft touch of hand gave him relief and he opened his eyes. To his astonishment, he found Durga goddess riding a lion, adorned with ornaments, trident in her hand and many other-weapons gracing her dazzling and sparkling personality. Panditji reverently bowed down his head and sang hymns in the worship of mother. Mother enquired of Panditji, "Why did you stop eating and drinking? How can you worship with an empty belly? Come, I will show you my abode." Shri-Dhar followed mother with folded hands. It seemed, as if everything was mov­ing mechanically. He started riding up the hill. Then they reached near a cave. They entered the cave. The mother showed him her abode in the cave. The devotee was jubilant on witnessing it. Tears rolled down his cheeks in reverence. He bowed down his head and worshipped the god­dess mother. Then they came out of the cave. The moment he ejected-out of cave the bright light fell on his eyes and Shri-Dhar awoke from his sleep. It was dawn. The Sun had come out scattering red rays in streaks in the sky. Shri-Dhar got up from the bed.

    Panditji was very happy. The scenes witnessed during dream were still fresh in his mind. The pic­ture of mother astride a lion in full glory, was caus­ing a commotion to him. He remembered every bit of path, place, the goddess in 'Pindi' shape, the beautiful cave, the mountains falling on the way etc.


    Nine months passed by. Bhairav Nath was loit­ering on the mountains in search of mystic girl. He sat in meditation several times and tried to know the whereabouts of the girl through mystic pur­suits but he failed. Although he knew that the di­vine girl is hidden somewhere on the same moun­tain yet he could not locate her. The path, she fol­lowed, was not clear. Earlier, he had seen a 'Lan­gur Veer' (monkey) with a red flag in hand with the girl. Then he saw the girl hitting a stone with an arrow and water gushed out of that stone. Bhairav reached near that place and again sat in meditation. He saw the girl standing at the moun­tain top. Bhairav went to that place and found the foot-print (marks) on the stone. Then he could not locate the girl for nine months. His innate desire for the search of girl, increased to the extent of mad­ness.

    One day his eyes fell on a hermit. Bhairav en­quired of hermit, "Sir, have you seen any girl here?" The hermit replied, "Perhaps you are not aware, that goddess Maha Devi lives here. Who else can stay here?" Bhairav asked, "Where can the girl, whom I am searching, hide for nine months? Is it not possible that she is hidden in the cave?" Saying so, he started to enter a narrow cave beneath the hermit.

    The hermit stopped Bhairav. He stood in front of the cave mouth and said, "Oh fool! The girl, whom you think as ordinary human being, is all powerful goddess 'Adi Kumari' * . It is good for you to return back."

    It is said that when evil times are to be-fall on a man, his intellect fails. Bhairav Nath also acted in the same manner. The more he was forbidden by the saint, the more he became stubborn about en­tering the cave. He thought how a girl could re­main hidden in cave for nine months. A cave can­not -become a womb (Garb-Yoni). He vowed to enter the cave. Mother goddess was witnessing the mental agony and turbulence of Bhairav. In fact, it was her own sport (Lila). She could annihi­late Bhairav in a spur of moment, but she wanted to continue the play a bit more.

    On seeing Bhairav entering the cave, she tore open a path behind the cave by her trident and came out. The goddess went ahead, while Bhairav followed her. At last the goddess reached near the beautiful cave on Trikut Mountains. Goddess asked Bhairav to return back and stop following her, but Bhairav refused. So the goddess kept 'Veer-Langur' (monkey) as a guard on cave-mouth and entered in the cave. Bhairav also started to enter the cave. However Langur-Veer stopped him. He said to Bhairav, "Mahamaya has forbid­den me from allowing anyone to enter into the cave. So please take leave." Bhairav got agitated and asked Langur, "Who are you to stop me? I am Bhairav-Bali. I can go to any place." On saying this Bhairav snatched 'Gada' (club) from Langur and started hitting him. The two fought battle royal for a long time, till Langur fell down. Bhairav threw him away and entered the cave. Goddess saw him entering and took the shape of fierce 'Chandi' god­dess and killed Bhairav by her sword.

    Probably the play of goddess had come to an end. When a child plays with a toy and it doesn't move according to his choice, he may break it. He is the master of toy. In similar way, Maha Devi broke the toy (a creation of her own Maya). The sword of goddess tore through the body of Bhairav so ferociously, that the head of Bhairav fell on the mountain peak. This place, in these days, is called as Bhairav- ghati.

    Bhairav Nath was not an ordinary human being.

    He was a spiritual saint. His head separated from the body, but the consciousness still remained. He felt sorry for his conduct. He repented and im­plored to goddess, "Oh! the mother of’ creator, foundation of universe, I am not sad for having lost my life, as my end has come at the hands of mother of creation. I will get 'Moksha' (Liberation). But mother, please pardon me. I was ignorant of your girl-form. Great mother, if you won't pardon me, then the whole world will consider me as a great sinner and abhor me.

    On listening the prayers of Bhairav, the mother took pity on him. She gave him a boon and said, "After my worship, people will be worshipping you also. Your soul will be liberated. The devotees will visit your shrine after pilgrimage to my abode. The devotees, who pay obeisance to you, will also get their desires fulfilled. As per this boon, the pil­grims of holy Mata Vaishno Devi shrine later visit the temple of Bhairav Baba. The place, where the Bhairav's head fell, houses a temple in the name of Bhairav.


    Meanwhile, Shri-Dhar had become impatient after having holy 'darshan' of goddess mother in holy cave in a dream. He started to march towards Trikuta Mountains on the same path as he had witnessed in dream. Sometimes he used to forget the path but immediately a picture of the path would come in his eyes. In this way, he went on searching the cave and ultimately reached the cave mouth. He became joyous and entered the cave. There he saw mother goddess in 'Pindi- Rupa'. Shri-Dhar prayed holy mother with hymns and oblations. He worshipped mother with deep reverence. He made a daily routine of worshipping 'Pindis' and serves the mother in several ways. The unswerving faith and devotion of Shri-Dhar pleased the mother goddess and she appeared in front of her devotee and gave him a boon of four sons. The mother blessed Shri-Dhar and said, "Your future progeny will worship me for long times to come and they will be blessed with happi­ness, wealth, health and velour." Since that day, Shri-Dhar and his descendants have been wor­shipping the mother. After this event Shri-Dhar spread the message far and wide and the cave be­came popular amongst masses. People come in millions to visit the holy cave and get their desires fulfilled.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline tana

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    Re: A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
    « Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 12:07:24 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    History of Mata Vaishno Devi~~~

    Whenever righteousness and virtue has been under pressure of demoniac forces, the cosmic mother has overpowered such forces by taking dif­ferent 'Rupas' • (Different supernatural forms or shapes) and saved her devotees. In the beginning of the universe, Maha-Shakti was created out of all supernatural forces (Tejas) of gods united into one. The same later took birth as Maha-kali, Maha­Laxmi and Maha-Saraswati. All the three 'Rupas' represent the human characteristics Viz Raj, Tam and Satva-gun.

    In Treta-yug when Ravana, Kumb-Karan, Khar­Dooshan, Tadka and other demons tormented the virtuous men, the goddess decided to create a di­vine form for their protection. This gave birth to a beautiful divine girl. The divine girl enquired of Devas, the cause and reason of her birth. The di­vine forces told her that she had been created to protect Dharma and rekindle spirit of religion. She was asked to go to South India and take birth at the home of Ratnakar Sagar as a girl-child. Girl was named Trikuta. Later the same girl was cal­led Vaishno because of her taking birth from Lord Vishnu's lineage. The religion propogated by this goddess girl was called Vaishno-Dharm.

    Within a short duration the goddess attracted the attention of gods, saints and holy persons. The fame of her divine power and miracle spread far and wide. People started visiting the abode of di­vine girl to get benediction. After some time Trikuta sought permission from her father for tak­ing penance on sea shore. She prayed to Lord Vis­hnu in the form of Rama and waited for Shri Ram Chander ji while meditating. When Lord Ram Chander ji reached the sea-shore along with his army in search of Sita, his eyes fell on this divine girl in deep meditation. Ram ji enquired of Trikuta ji, her name and reason for penance. Devi replied that she had accepted Sh. Ram Chander as her husband by mind and heart. On hearing this Ram Chander ji told her that he had vowed to be faith­ful to wife. However, Ram ji wished that penance of Trikuta should not go waste and unfruitful. Therefore he said to her, "I will definitely come to see you in a disguised form. If you can recognize me at that time then I will accept you."

    It is said that on his return from Lanka, Lord Rama went to see the girl in the form of an old monk (Sadhu). Trikuta could not recognize god. However Lord assured the girl that in 'Kaliyuga' he will manifest himself as 'Kalki' god incarnate and will marry her. He asked Trikuta to meditate on god in the cave found in Trikuta range of Manik mountains, situated in north India. He said that Trikuta will become immortal for ever. The whole world will sing her praise and pray. Later Trikuta will become famous as 'Vaishno Devi'. Monkeys will be her body guards.

    It is believed, that daughter of 'Ratnakar Sagar' Vaishno goddess, who was born by the benedic­tion of gods and goddesses, is adorning the holy cave since 'Treta Yug'. The early stories of Purans bear testimony to it. With the passage of time, many more stories about the mother goddess emerged.

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline tana

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    Re: A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
    « Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 12:10:13 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Durga Mata Aarti~~~

    Jai Ambe Gauri maiya, jaa Shyama Gauri
    Nishdin tumko dhyavat, Hari Brahma Shivji,
    Jai Ambe....

    Mang sindur birajat, tiko mrigmadko,
    ujjvalse dou naina, chandravadan niko,
    Jai Ambe....

    Kanak saman kalevar, raktambar raje,
    Raktapushp galmala, kanthhar saje,
    Jai Ambe....

    Kehari vahan rajat, khadg khappar dhari
    sur nar munijan sevat, tinke dukhahari,
    Jai Ambe....

    Kanan kundal shobhit, nasagre moti
    Kotik chandra divakar, samrajat jyoti,
    Jai Ambe....
    Shumbh- nishumbh vidare, MahishaSur ghatia
    Dhumra-vilochan naina, nishdin madmati
    Jai Ambe....

    Brahmani, Rudrani tum Kamala Rani,
    Agam-nigam bakhani. turn Shiv patrani,
    Jai Ambe....

    Chaunsath yogini gavat, nritya karat Bhairon,
    Bajat tab mridanga, aur bajat damru,
    Jai Ambe...

    Tum ho jag ki mata, tum hi ho bharta,
    Bhaktan ki dukh harta, sukh sampati karta,
    Jai Ambe....

    Bhuja char ati shobhit, var mudra dhari,
    Manvanchhit phal pavat, sevat nar nari,
    Jai Ambe....

    kanchan thal virajat, agaru kapur bati
    Malketu men rajat, kotiratan jyoti,
    Jai Ambe....

    Jai Ambe Gauri maiya, jaa Shyama Gauri
    Nishdin tumko dhyavat, Hari Brahma Shivji,
    Jai Ambe....

    Mang sindur birajat, tiko mrigmadko,
    ujjvalse dou naina, chandravadan niko,
    Jai Ambe....

    Kanak saman kalevar, raktambar raje,
    Raktapushp galmala, kanthhar saje,
    Jai Ambe....

    Kehari vahan rajat, khadg khappar dhari
    sur nar munijan sevat, tinke dukhahari,
    Jai Ambe....

    Kanan kundal shobhit, nasagre moti
    Kotik chandra divakar, samrajat jyoti,
    Jai Ambe....
    Shumbh- nishumbh vidare, MahishaSur ghatia
    Dhumra-vilochan naina, nishdin madmati
    Jai Ambe....

    Brahmani, Rudrani tum Kamala Rani,
    Agam-nigam bakhani. turn Shiv patrani,
    Jai Ambe....

    Chaunsath yogini gavat, nritya karat Bhairon,
    Bajat tab mridanga, aur bajat damru,
    Jai Ambe...

    Tum ho jag ki mata, tum hi ho bharta,
    Bhaktan ki dukh harta, sukh sampati karta,
    Jai Ambe....

    Bhuja char ati shobhit, var mudra dhari,
    Manvanchhit phal pavat, sevat nar nari,
    Jai Ambe....

    kanchan thal virajat, agaru kapur bati
    Malketu men rajat, kotiratan jyoti,
    Jai Ambe....

    Glory to you, O divine Mother Gauri, glory to you, O Parvati, who are so rich in maiden grace , the object of daily meditation by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. O Ambe!
    On your forehead is a mark of vermilion along with a mark of musk . Your twin eyes are bright and your face beautiful as the moon. Your body with a tinge of gold is beautifully dressed in red attire; on your throat there is a wreath of red blossoms like a beautiful necklace. Your vehicle, the lion, is, O Mother in keeping with your majestic form; you hold a sword and a skull in your hands, and on you attend the gods, hermits, men and your devotees, whose grief you drive away.

    You are adorned with rings on your ears and with pearl on the tip of your nose, your radiance looks as beautiful as that of myriad of moons and suns. O slayer of the demon Mahish, you tore apart the bodies of Shumbha, Nishumbha and Dhuumravilochana. Your eyes reflected a frenzy of wrath everyday and night. You are the beloved companion of Brahma, Rudra and Vishnu. The Vedas and the Shastras describe you as the queen companion of Shiva Sixty-four Yoginis chorus your glory and glorify you, while Shiva dances in tune to the accompaniment of the sound of tambour and drum .

    You are mother of the universe, the almighty, its sustainer, reliever of your devotees' hardships and bestower of prosperity and happiness The four arms you have adorned your person, while the hand raised in benediction reveals your compassionate aspect. Those among men and women who wait on you and worship you have all their wishes fulfilled. In a golden platter are beautifully laid aloe and camphor, both of which have lighted; and the radiance of your forehead is reflecting the splendor of gems.
    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline tana

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    Re: A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
    « Reply #3 on: January 17, 2008, 11:34:58 PM »
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  • माता वैष्णों के दरबार में दोनों समय होने वाली आरती

    हे मात मेरी...........हे मात मेरी
    कैसे ये देर लगाई है दुर्गे, हे मात मेरी हे मात मेरी ।
    भवसागर में गिरा पड़ाहूँ, काम आदि गह में घिरा पड़ा हूँ
    मोह आदि जाल में जकड़ा हँ
    हे मात मेरी, हे मात मेरी................

    न मुझमें बल है न मुझमें विघा
    न मुझमें भक्ति न मुझमें शक्ति
    शरण तुम्हारी गिरा पड़ा हूँ । । हे मात मेरी ।। 2 ।।

    न कोई मेरा कुटुम्बी साथी, ना ही मेरा शरीर साथी
    चरण कमल की नौका बनाकर,
    मैं पार हूँगा खुशी मनाकर
    यमदूतों को मार भगाकर ।। 2 ।।

    सदा ही तेरे गुणो को गाऊँ, सदा ही तेरे स्वरुप को ध्याऊँ
    नित्य प्रति तेरे गुणों को गाऊँ ।। हे मात मेरी ।। 2।।

    न मैं किसी का न कोई मेरा, छाया है चारों तरफ अँधेरा
    पकड़ के ज्योति दिखा दो रास्ता हे मात मेरी ।।
    शरण में पड़े है हम तुम्हारी, करो ये नैया पार हमारी
    कैसे से देर लगाई है दुर्गे हे मात मेरी..........

    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline tana

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    Re: A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
    « Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 05:18:19 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    Durga Chalisa in English With Meaning~~~

    Namo Namo Durge Sukh Karani
    Namo Namo Ambe Dukh Harani

    I bow to you O Goddess Durga, the bestower of all happiness! I bow to you O Goddess Amba! Who ends all miseries.

    Nirakar Hai Jyoti Tumhari
    Tihun Lok Phaili Ujayari

    The radiance of your light is limitless and pervading and all the three realms (Earth, Heaven and the Nether World) are enlightened by thee.

    Shashi Lalat Mukh Maha Vishala
    Netra Lal Bhrikutee Vikarala

    Your Visage is like the moon and mouth very huge. Your eyes are bedight with a red glow with the frightening frown.

    Roop Matu Ko Adhika Suhava
    Daras Karat Jan Ati Sukh Pave

    O Mother! Your view is enchanting, the very sight of which ensures welfare of the devout.

    Tum Sansar Shakti Laya Kina
    Palan Hetu Anna Dhan Dina

    All the powers of the world repose in thee and it is you who provide food and money for the world’s survival.

    Annapurna Hui Jag Pala
    Tumhi Adi Sundari Bala

    Like the feeding mother Annapurna you nurture the whole universe and you are the one who appear like the timeless Bala Sundari (young girl of extreme beauty).

    Pralaya Kala Sab Nashan Hari
    Tum Gauri Shiv-Shankar Pyari

    At the time of Dissolution it is you, O Mother, who destroys everything. You are the beloved consort of Lord Shiva, Gauri (Parvathi)

    Shiv Yogi Tumhre Guna Gaven
    Brahma Vishnu Tumhen Nit Dhyaye

    Lord Shiva and all yogis always chant your praise, Brahma, Vishnu and all other Gods ever meditate on you.

    Roop Saraswati Ko Tum Dhara
    De Subuddhi Rishi Munina Ubara

    You also appear in the form of Goddess Saraswati to grant wisdom to the sages and thus ensure their welfare.

    Dharyo Roop Narsimha Ko Amba
    Pragat Bhayin Phar Kar Khamba

    O Mother Amba, it was you who appeared in the form of Narismha, sundering the pillar.

    Raksha Kari Prahlaad Bachayo
    Hiranakush Ko Swarga Pathayo

    Thus, you saved Prahlaad and Hiranyakashyap also went to Heaven as he was killed by your hands.

    Lakshmi Roop Dharo Jag Mahin
    Shree Narayan Anga Samhahin

    In the form of Goddess Lakshmi, O Mother, you appear in this world and repose by the side of Shree-Narayan.

    Ksheer Sindhu Main Karat Vilasa
    Daya Sindhu Deeje Man Asa

    Dwelling on the Sea of milk, O Goddess,with Lord Vishnu, please fulfil my desires.

    Hingalaja Main Tumhin Bhavani
    Mahima Amit Na Jat Bakhani

    O Bhavani, the famous goddess of Hingalaja is no one else but you yourself. Illimitable is your glory, defying description.

    Matangi Dhoomavati Mata
    Bhuvneshwari Bagala Sukhdata

    You are yourself Matangi and Dhoomavati Mata. It is you who appear as Bhuvenshwari and Bagalamukhi Devi to bestow happiness to all.

    Shree Bhairav Tara Jag Tarani
    Chhinna Bhala Bhav Dukh Nivarani

    It is you, who redeem the world, appearing in the form of Shree Bhairavi, Tradevi and Chhinamasta Devi, and end its sorrows.

    Kehari Vahan Soh Bhavani
    Langur Veer Chalat Agavani

    Reposing Gracefully upon your vehicle of Lion. O Goddess Bhavani, you are welcomed by the brave Langur (Lord Hanuman).

    Kar Main Khappar Khadag Viraje
    Jako Dekh Kal Dar Bhaje

    When you appear in the form of Goddess Kali with sword in one hand and a cupel in the other, even time flees in panic.

    Sohe Astra Aur Trishoola
    Jase Uthata Shatru Hiya Shoola

    Beholding you well-armed, with a Trident in your hand, the enemy’s heart aches with the sting of fear.

    Nagarkot Main Tumhi Virajat
    Tihun Lok Main Danka Bajat

    You also repose in the form of the Devi at Nagarkot in Kangara. Thus all the three realms shudder in the might of your glory.

    Shumbhu Nishumbhu Danuja Tum Mare
    Rakta-Beeja Shankhan Samhare

    You slayed the demons like Shumbhu and Nishumbhu and masacred the thousand forms of the dreaded demon Raktabeeja.

    Mahishasur Nripa Ati Abhimani
    Jehi Agha Bhar Mahi Akulani

    When the earth was severtly distressed bearing the load of the sins of the arrogant Mahishasur.

    Roop Karal Kalika Dhara
    Sen Sahita Tum Tin Samhara

    You assumed the dreadful form of Goddess Kali and massacred him along with his army.

    Pari Garha Santan Par Jab Jab
    Bhayi SahayaMatu Tum Tab Tab

    Thus whenever the noble saints were distressed, it is you O Mother, who came to their rescue.

    Amarpuri Aru Basava Loka
    Tava Mahima Sab Rahen Asoka

    All the realms including the Amarpuri (divine realm) remain sorrowless and happy by your grace, O Goddess!

    Jwala Main Hai Jyoti Tumhari
    Tumhen Sada Poojan Nar Nari

    It is the symbol of your glory that is burning brightly at Shree Jwala ji. All men and women ever worship you, O Mother!

    Prem Bhakti Se Jo Yah Gave
    Dukh-daridra Nikat Nahin Ave

    He who sings your glory with devotion of love and sincerity remains beyond the reach of grief and poverty.

    Dhyava Tumhen Jo Nar Man Lai
    Janam-maran Tako Chuti Jai

    He who meditates upon your form with concentration goes beyond the cycle of births and deaths.

    Jogi Sur-muni Kahat Pukari
    Jog Na Ho- Bin Shakti Tumhari

    All the Yogis, Gods and Sages openly declare that without your favour one can’t establish communication with God.

    Shankar Aacharaj Tap Keenhon
    Kam Krodha Jeet Sab Leenhon

    Shankaracharya had performed once a special penance called Aacharaj and by the virtue of which he had subdued his anger and desire.

    Nisidin Dhyan Dharo Shankar Ko
    Kahu Kal Nahin Sumiro Tum Ko

    He ever worshipped Lord Shankar and never for a moment concentrated his mind on you.

    Shakti Roop Ka Maram Na aayo
    Shakti Gae Tab Mann Pachtayo

    Since he did not realise your immense glory, his all powers waned and the repented hitherto.

    Sharnagat Hui Keerti Bakhani
    Jai Jai Jai Jagdamb Bhavani

    Then, he sought refuge in you, chanted your glory and sang ‘victory, victory, victory’ to Thee O Jagdamba Bhavani.

    Bhayi Prasanna Aadi Jagdamba
    Dayi Shakti Nahin Keen Vilamba

    Then, O Primal Goddesses Jagdamba ji, you were propitiated and in no time you bestowed him with his lost powers.

    Mokon Matu Kashta Ati Ghero
    Tum Bin Kaun Hare Dukh Mero

    O Mother! Severe affictions distress me and no one except Your Honoured Self can provide relief. Please end my afflictions.

    Aasha Trishna Nipat Sataven
    Moh Madadik Sab Binsaven

    Hopes and longings ever torture me. All sort of passions and lust torment my beart ever.

    Shatru Nash Keeje Maharani
    Sumiron Ekachita Tumhen Bhavani

    O Goddess Bhavani! I meditate only upon you Please kill my enemies O Queen!

    Karo Kripa Hey Matu Dayala
    Riddhi-Siddhi De Karahu Nihala

    O Merciful Mother! Show me your favour and make me feel happy by bestowing me with all sorts of riches and powers.

    Jab Lagi Jiyon Daya Phal Paoon
    Tumhro Yash Mai Sada Sunaoon

    O Mother! May I be the receptacle of your grace as long as I live, ever recounting the feats of your glory to all.

    Durga Chalisa Jo Gave
    Sab Sukh Bhog Parampad Pave

    This, way he who ever sings this Durga Chalisa shall ever enjoy all sorts of pleasures and shall attain the highest state in the end.

    ‘Devidas’ Sharan Nij Jani
    Karahu Kripa Jagdamb Bhavani

    Deeming ‘Devidas’ to have sought your shelter, O Bhavani grant me your favour~~~

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline tana

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    Re: A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
    « Reply #5 on: April 25, 2008, 02:37:28 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram~~~

    The Darshan~~~

    At the entrance to the cave is a place called Bhavan where the worshipper buys prasad (offering to the God, a little of which is returned to the devotee for distribution amongst his near and dear ones) and other offerings. Here the Yatri is issued a token number on showing the Yatra ticket. The group no. and the time for the Yatri's turn is mentioned on the token.

    At Bhavan there are cloakrooms, lockers for your belongings and change rooms. It is customary to bathe and change clothes before joining the queue for the darshan. Amidst the continuous chanting of Jai Mata Di, pilgrims wait patiently for their turn after depositing their coconut at the entrance for which they are given tokens. Each one has to enter the cave alone as the tunnel to the shrine is very narrow and has to be negotiated with care. Once inside it widens out to provide darshan of the goddess. The return is via a different route that takes the devotee to the shrine of Bhairon and then back to Katra.


    The total length of the holy Cave is about ninety eight feet. Here you can see symbols of a large number of Gods and Goddesses of the Hindu pantheon. At the mouth of the original tunnel to the holy Cave on the left hand side of the rock face you can see the symbol of Vakra Tunda Ganesha. Adjacent to the symbol of Lord Ganesha you can see the symbols of Surya Dev and Chandra Dev. When you crawl into the holy Cave through the natural tunnel you cross over the Dhadh of Bhairo Nath who was beheaded by the Goddess at the entry point to the holy Cave. The Dhadh is fourteen feet long. After this you come across the symbol of Lord Hanuman who was also called Launkra Beer.

    Beyond the Launkra Beer point you have to wade your way through water Twenty three feet beyond Launkra Beer, on the left upper hand side, the roof of the cave flares out and the weight of this over hang appears to the resting on the innumerable heads of Shesh Nag. Immediately below Shesh Nag there is the Havan Kund of Mata. Adjacent to the symbols of Shankh, Chakra, Gada and Padam. Higher up, almost touching the ceiling of the cave are the symbols of the five Pandavas, the Sapt Rishi, the Than of the divine cow, Kamdhenu, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv and Parvati.

    Three feet further ahead, on an elevation some what lower than Shiv and Parvati, is the Khamba that was gripped by the legendary worshipper Prahalad. Diagonally below this, at the water level you can see the Yantra with innumerable mystical signs and symbols inscribed on it. Twenty two feet beyond this point, the Sher Ka Panja symbolising the lion, which is the mount of Mata Vaishno Devi Ji is located.

    The distance from the entry point to the Sher Ka Panja is fifty nine feet.. Six feet further ahead, on the left hand side, are the symbols of Shankar and Gouri. Thirteen feet beyond the symbols of Shankar and Gouri the holiest of the holy Pindies of ``Mata Maha Kali Ji'', ``Mata Maha Lakshmi Vaishno Devi Ji,'' and ``Mata Maha Saraswati Ji''.appear .To the right of the holy Pindies on the upper side we can once again identify the symbols of Ganesh, Surya Dev, Chandra Dev and Goddess Annapurna. Slightly behind the holy Pindies, on the right hand side you can see the symbol of the seated Sinh Raj. A little ahead of this you can make out the full hand of the Goddess raised in the Vard Hast mode, granting boons to the world. Immediately opposite the Holy Pindies is the natural symbol of Lord Pashupati Nath.

    Water(Charan Ganga) gushes out of the base of the holy Pindies and flows out of the holy Cave. Charan Ganga is collected in small containers by the devotees and is taken home. It is also channelised to the bathing ghat and the devotees can take a bath in this water before they join the queue for Darshan of the holy Pindies.

    The Pindis~~~

    The cave at the Trikuta mountain is indeed a unique cave as it is in this cave that Shakti in her incarnation of Vaishavi resides in a petrified rock form and it is only here that she is manifested in her 3 forms Maha Kali , Maha Lakhsmi and Maha Saraswati The holiest of the holy Pindies of "Mata Maha Kali Ji", "Mata Maha Lakshmi Vaishno Devi Ji" and "Mata Maha Saraswati Ji which are the ultimate destination for pilgrims are located at a distance of 91 feet inside the cave .In the surroundings symbols of 'Surya', 'Chander', 'Sinh Raj', 'Pashupatinath', 'Shiva' and 'Dhrupad Ji' are quite prominent.

    A stream of water gushes out of the base of the holy Pindies which is commonly known as 'Charanganga'. After flowing through the cave this Charanganga is chennalised to 'Bathing Ghat' at Bhavan where the devotees take their bath before proceeding for Darshans of the deity. As a mark of reverence the devotees also carry this 'Charanjal' in small containers to their homes.

    The Aartis~~~

    The Aarti of the Goddess is performed twice a day, once during the morning at sun rise and again during the evening at sun set. The holy cave is closed for pilgrims during the period the Aarti is being performed. It usually takes around two hours for the Aarti to be completed. Only the Pujaris, Sahayaks and an officer are permitted in the cave when the Aarti is being performed. The sequence of the various activities that are performed at Aarti is as under :
    Chanting of Mantras~~~

    At the commencement of the Aarti the Pujaris utter aloud the 108 names of Durga. Then they perform Atam Puja for their own purification and apply Tilak on each other's forehead. This is followed by the chanting of mantras exhorting the Devas to give the Pujaris sound health. Thereafter, Prithvi, Surya, Deep and Dhoop are worshipped by the chanting of mantras. Once these activities are over, the Pujaris chant the Pratigyaa Sankalp where they vow to worship Mata Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi Vaishno Mata and Mata Maha Saraswati
    The Other Pilgrimage Attractions at Vaishno Devi~~~

    Ban Ganga Temple~~~

    After the goddess left the Bhumika Temple, she went to the Trikuta Hills passing through here. At this time, Langoor Vir (Veer Langur) felt thirsty. The goddess shot an arrow into the stone and a holy river was produced, now known as Ban Ganga. It is called Ban Ganga because the goddess washed her hair at this place. Most pilgrims take bath here. You must show the slip you got near the Bus Stand in Katra to pass this point. Ban Ganga is about 3 km from Katra.

    Charan Paduka Temple~~~

    This is where the goddess stopped for some time while Bhairon was chasing her. Her footprints are supposed to be visible on a stone at this place. Charanpaduka means "holy footprints". It is about 1.5 km from Ban Ganga at 3,380 feet.

    Ardh Kuwari~~~

    Ardh Kuwari is the halfway point, and some pilgrims stay here for the night. There is a 15-foot-long cave called Garbha Joon where the goddess hid herself for nine months and showed herself to a saint. The cave is narrow, and you have to almost crawl all the way through it. When Bhairon entered the cave, the goddess made a new opening with her trident and ran away. Ardh Kuwari is 4.5 km from Charan Paduka and 4,800 ft above sea level. 

    Jai Sai Ram~~~
    « Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 02:40:57 AM by tana »
    "लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तुः
    ॐ शन्तिः शन्तिः शन्तिः"

    " Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
    Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH"~~~

    May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
    May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all~~~

    Offline Nakshtra

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    Re: A Story of Goddess Vaishno Devi ~~~
    « Reply #6 on: October 03, 2008, 04:09:06 AM »
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  • Very Very Thankful to Tana jee

    jo aapne itni achi maa durga chalisa aur maa durga jee ki arti yaha pe post pe

    really its a very good job
    Nakshtra Kumar


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