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« on: March 28, 2007, 08:05:17 AM »
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  • Kamada Ekadasii from the Varaha Purana

    Sri SUta GoswAmi said, "Oh sages, let me offer my humble and respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Hari, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, by whose mercy I can describe the fast day that removes all kinds of sins.  It was to the devoted Yudhisthira that Lord Krishna glorified the twenty-four primary EkAdasiis, which destroy sin, and now I shall recount one of those narrations to you. Great-learned sages have selected these twenty-four narrations from the eighteen PurANas, for they are truly sublime.

    "Yudhishthira MahArAja said, 'Oh Lord Krishna, Oh VAsudeva, please accept my humble obeisances.  Please describe to me the EkAdasii that occurs during the light part of the month of Chaitra [March-April].  What is its name, and what are its glories?'

    "Lord Sri Krishna replied, 'Oh Yudhishthira, please listen to Me attentively as I relate the ancient history of this sacred EkAdasii, a history Vasishtha Muni once related to King Dilipa, the great-grandfather of Lord RAmachandra.

    "'King Dilipa asked the great sage Vasishtha, "Oh wise brAhmana, I wish to hear about the EkAdasii that comes during the light part of the month of Chaitra.  Please describe it to me."

    "'Vasishtha Muni replied, "Oh king, your inquiry is glories.  Gladly shall I tell you what you wish to know.  The EkAdasii that occurs during the light fortnight of Chaitra is named KAmadA EkAdasii.  It consumes all sins, as a forest fire consumes a supply of dry firewood.  It is very purifying, and it bestows the highest merit upon one who faithfully observes it. Oh king, now hear an ancient history which is so meritorious that it removes all one's sins simply by being heard.

    "'"Once, long ago, there existed a city-state named Ratnapura, which was decorated with gold and jewels and in which sharp-fanged snakes would enjoy intoxication.  King Pundarika was the ruler of this most beautiful kingdom, which numbered many Gandharvas, Kinnaras, and ApsarAs among its citizens.

    "'"Among the Gandharvas were Lalita and his wife LalitA, who was an especially lovely dancer.  These two were intensely attracted to each other, and their home was full of great wealth and fine food.  LalitA loved her husband dearly, and likewise he constantly thought of her within his heart.

    "'"Once, at the court of King Pundarika, many Gandharvas were dancing and Lalita was singing alone, without his wife.  He could not help thinking about her as he sang, and because of this distraction he lost track of the song's meter and melody.  Indeed, Lalita sang the ending of his song improperly, and one of the envious snakes who was in attendance at the king's court complained to the king that Lalita was absorbed in thinking of his wife instead of his sovereign.  the king became furious upon hearing this, and his eyes turned crimson with rage.  Suddenly he shouted, 'Oh foolish knave, because you were lustfully thinking of a woman instead of reverently thinking of your king as you performed your court duties, I curse you to at once become a cannibal!'

    "'"Oh king, Lalita immediately became a fearful cannibal, a great man-eating demon whose appearance terrified everyone.  His arms were eight miles long, his mouth was as big as a huge cave, his eyes were as awesome as the sun and moon, his nostrils resembled enormous pits in the earth, his neck was a veritable mountain, his hips were four miles wide, and his gigantic body stood a full sixty-four miles high.  Thus poor Lalita, the loving Gandharva singer, had to suffer the reaction of his offense against King Pundarika.
    "'"Seeing her husband suffering as a horrible cannibal, LalitA became overwhelmed with grief.  She thought, 'Now that my dear husband is suffering the effects of the kings' curse, what is to be my lot?  What should I do?  Where should I go?'  In this way LalitA grieved day and night.  Instead of enjoying life as a Gandharvas wife, she had to wander everywhere in the thick jungle with her monstrous husband, who had fallen completely under the spell of the king's curse and was wholly engaged in terrible sinful activities. He wandered fitfully across forbidding region, a once-beautiful Gandharva now reduced to the ghastly behaviour of a man-eater. Utterly distraught to see her dear husband suffer so much in his dreadful condition, LalitA began to cry as she followed his mad journeying.

    "'"By good fortune, however, LalitA came upon the sage Shringi one day.  He was sitting on the peak of the famous VindhyAchala Hill.  Approaching him, she immediately offered the ascetic her respectful obeisances.  The sage noticed her bowing down before him and said, 'Oh most beautiful one, who are you?  Whose daughter are you, and why have you come here?  Please tell me everything in truth.'

    "'"LalitA replied, 'Oh great age, I am the daughter of the great Gandharva ViradhanvA, and my name is LalitA. I roam the forests and plains with my dear husband, whom King Pundarika has cursed to become a man-eating demon.  Oh brAhmana, I am greatly aggrieved to see his ferocious form and terribly sinful activities.  Oh master, please tell me how I can perform some act of atonement on behalf of my husband.  What pious act can I perform to free him from this demonic form, Oh best of brAhmanas?'

    “ ‘The sage replied, 'Oh heavenly maiden, there is an EkAdasii named KAmadA that occurs in the light fortnight of the month of Chaitra.  It is coming up soon.  Whoever fasts on this day has all his desires fulfilled.  If you observe this EkAdasii fast according to its rules and regulations and give the merit you thus earn to your husband, he will be freed from the curse at once.'  LalitA was overjoyed to hear these words from the sage.

    "'"Lalita faithfully observed the fast of KAmadA EkAdasii according to the instructions of the sage Shringi, and on DvAdasi she appeared before him and the Deity of Lord VAsudeva and said, 'I have faithfully observed the fast of KAmadA EkAdasii.  By the merit earned through my observance of this fast, let my husband be free from the curse that has turned him into a demoniac cannibal.  May the merit I have gained thus free him from misery.'

    "'"As soon as LalitA finished speaking, her husband, who stood nearby, was at once freed from the king's curse.  He immediately regained his original form as the Gandharva Lalita, a handsome heavenly singer adorned with many beautiful ornaments.  Now, with his wife LalitA, he could enjoy even more opulence than before.  All this was accomplished by the power and glory of KAmadA EkAdasii.  At last the Gandharva couple boarded a celestial airplane and ascended to heaven."'

    "Lord Sri Krishna continued, 'Oh Yudhishthira, best of kings, anyone who hears this wonderful narration should certainly observe holy KAmadA EkAdasii to the best of his ability, such great merit does it bestow upon the faithful devotee.  I have therefore described its glories to you for the benefit of all humanity.

    There is no better EkAdasii than KAmadA EkAdasii.  It can eradicate even the sin of killing a brAhmana, and it also nullifies demoniac curses and cleanses the consciousness. In all the three worlds, among movable and immovable living entities, there is no better day'"
    « Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 08:07:33 AM by OmSaiRamNowOn »
    Om Sai Ram !


    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

    Offline adwaita

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    « Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 10:24:38 AM »
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  • Dear anju ji,

    thank you very much for posting such a wonder ful story about ekadasi. please keep posting about the importance and details of important days. may baba always shower his grace upon you. om sai ram.

    Offline OmSaiRamNowOn

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    « Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 10:58:05 AM »
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  • Dear Advaita ji, I will try to post the story of each Ekadasi now on under this topic.  Ekadasi is twice a  month. Its 11th day of waxing or waning moon cycle. I am happy to learn you read thru the post. May Sai bless you.
    Om Sai Ram !


    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

    Offline SS91

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    « Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 11:03:18 AM »
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  • SaiRam

    I hope this below article will be of interest .This will tell the story of Ekadashis.

    The Story of Ekadashi

    (This article was originally written in 1956 by Sri Navincandra Cakravarti, a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur and in 1979 translated into English by Vyenkata das brahmachari.)

    Many devotees are very inquisitive about the appearance of Sri Ekadashi and about her special characteristics. Therefore I am presenting this description from the fourteenth chapter of the Padma Purana, from the section entitled "Kriya-sagara-sara."

    Once the great sage Jaimini Rsi said to his spiritual master Srila Vyasadeva, "Oh Gurudeva! Previously, by your mercy, you described to me thehistory of the glories of the Ganga river, the benefits of worshipping Vishnu, the giving of grains in charity, the giving of water in charity, and the magnanimity of drinking the water that has washed the feet of the brahmanas. O best of the sages, Sri Gurudeva, now, with great enthusiasm, I desire to hear the benefits of fasting on Ekadashi and the appearance of Ekadashi.

    kasmad ekadashi jata tasyah ko va vidhir dvija
    kada va kriyate kim va phalam kim va vadasva me
    ka va pujyatama tatra devata sad-gunarnava
    akurvatah syat ko dosa etan me vaktum arhasi

    "Oh Gurudeva! When did Ekadashi take birth and from whom did she appear? What are the rules of fasting on the Ekadashi? Please describe the benefits of following this vow and when it should be followed. Who is the utmost worshippable presiding deity of Sri Ekadashi? What are the faults in not following Ekadashi properly? Please bestow your mercyupon me and tell about these subjects, as you are the only personality able to do so."

    Srila Vyasadeva, upon hearing this enquiry of Jaimini Rsi, became situated in transcendental bliss. "Oh brahmana sage Jaimini! The results of following Ekadashi can only be perfectly described by the Supreme Lord, Narayana, because Sri Narayana is the only personality capable of describing them in full. But I will give a very brief description in answer to your question."

    "At the beginning of the material creation, the Supreme Lord created the moving and nonmoving living entities within this world made of five gross material elements. Simultaneously, for the purpose of punishing the humans beings, He created a personality whose form was the embodiment of sin (Papapurusha). The different limbs of this personality were constructed of the various sinful activities. His head head was made of the sin of murdering a brahmana, his two eyes were the form of the sin of drinking intoxicants, his mouth was made of the sin of stealing gold, his ears were the form of the sin of having illicit connection with the spiritual master's wife, his nose of the sin of killing one's wife, his arms the form of the sin of killing a cow, his neck made of the sin of stealing accumulated wealth, his chest of the sin of abortion, his lower chest of the sin of having sex with another's wife, his stomach of the sin of killing one's relatives, his navel of the sin of killing those who are dependent on him, his waist of the sin of self appraisal, his thighs of the sin of offending the guru, his genital of the sin of selling one's daughter, his buttocks of the sin of telling confidential matters, his feet of the sin of killing one's father, and his hair the form of lesser, less severe sinful activities. In this way, a horrible personality embodying all the sinful activities and vices was created. His bodily colour is black, and his eyes are yellow. He inflicts extreme misery upon sinful persons."

    "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu, upon seeing this personality of sin, began to think to Himself as follows: 'I am the creator of the miseries and happiness for the living entities. I am their master because I have created this personality of sin, who gives distress to all dishonest, deceitful, and sinful persons. Now I must create someone who will control this personality.' At this time Sri Bhagavan created the personality known as Yamaraj and the different hellishj planetary systems. Those living entities who are very sinful will be sent after death to Yamaraj, who will in turn, according to their sins, send them tom a hellish region to suffer.

    "After these adjustments had been made, the Supreme Lord, who is the giver of distress and happiness to the living entities, went to the house of Yamaraj, with the help of Garuda, theking of birds. When Yamaraj saw that Lord Vishnu had arrived, he immediately washed His feet and made an offering unto Him. He then had Him sit upon a golden throne. The Supreme Lord, Vishnu, became seated on the throne, whereupon He heard very loud crying sounds coming from the southern direction. He became surprised by this and thus enquired from Yamaraj, 'From where is this loud crying coming?'

    "Yamaraj in reply said, 'Oh Deva! The different living entities of the earthly planetary systems have fallen into the hellish regions. They are suffering extremely for their misdeeds. The horrible crying is because of suffering from the inflictions of their past bad karma (actions).'

    "After hearing this the Supreme Lord, Vishnu, went to the hellish region to the south. When the inhabitants saw who had come they began to cry even louder. The heart of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu, became filled with compassion. Lord Vishnu thought to Himself, 'I have created all this progeny, and it is because of Me thatthey are suffering.'"

    Srila Vyasadeva continued: "Oh Jaimini, just listen to what the Supreme Lord did next.

    etac canyac ca viprarse
    vicintya karunamayah
    babhuva sahasa tatra
    svayam ekadashi tithih

    'After the merciful Supreme Lord thought over what He had previously considered, He suddenly manifested from His own form the deity of the lunar day Ekadashi.' Afterwards the different sinful living entities began to follow the vow of Ekadashi and were then elevated quickly to the abode of Vaikuntha. Oh my child Jaimini, therefore the lunar day of Ekadashi is the selfsame form of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu, and the Supersoul within the heart of the living entities. Sri Ekadashi is the utmost pios activity and is situated as the haed among all vows.

    "Following the ascension of Sri Ekadashi, that personality who is the form of the sinful activity gradually saw the influence she had. He approached Lord Vishnu with doubts in his heart and began offering many prayers, whereupon Lord Vishnu became very pleased and said, ' I have become very pleased by your nice offerings. What boon is it that you want?'

    "The Papapurusha replied, 'I am your created progeny, and it is through me that you wanted distress given to the living entities who are very sinful. But now, by the influence of Sri Ekadashi, I have become all but destroyed. Oh Prabhu! After I die all of Your parts andparcels who have accepted material bodies will become liberated and therefore return to the abode of Vaikuntha. If this liberation of all living entities takes place, then who will carry on Your activities? There will be no one to enact the pastimes in the earthly planetary systems! Oh Keshava! If You want these eternal pastimes to carry on, then You please save me from the fear of Ekadashi. No type of pious activity can bind me. But Ekadashi only, being Yourown manifested form, can impede me. Out of fear of Sri Ekadashi I have fled and taken shelter of men; animals; insects; hills; trees; moving and nonmoving living entities; rivers; oceans; forests; heavenly, earthly, and hellish planetary systems; demigods; and the Gandarvas. I cannot find a place where I can be free from fear of Sri Ekadashi. Oh my Master! I am a product of Your creation, so therefore very mercifully direct me to a place where I can reside fearlessly.'"

    Srila Vyasadeva then said to Jaimini, "After saying this, the embodiment of all sinful activities (Papapurusha) fell down at the feet of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu, who is the destroyer of all miseries and began to cry.

    "After this, Lord Vishnu, observing the condition of the Papapurusha with laughter, began to speak thus: 'Oh Papapurusha! Rise up! Don't lament any longer. Just listen, and I'll tell you where you can stay on the auspicious lunar day of Ekadashi. On the day of Ekadashi, which is the benefactor of the three worlds, you can take shelter of foodstuff in the form of grains. There is no reason to worry about this any more, because My form as Sri Ekadashi Devi will no longer impede you.' After giving direction to the Papapurusha, the Supreme Lord, Vishnu, disappeared and the Papapurusha returned to the performance of his own activities.

    "Therefore those persons who are serious about the ultimate benefit for the soul will never eat grains on the Ekadashi tithi. According to the instructions of Lord Vishnu, every kind of sinful activity that can be found in the material world takes its residence in this place of foodstuff (grain). Whoever follows Ekadashi is freed from all sins and never enters into hellish regions. If one doesn't follow Ekadashi because of illusion, he is still considered the utmost sinner. For every mouthful of grain that is eaten by a resident of the earthly region, one receives the effect of kiling millions of brahmanas. It is definately necessary that one give up eating grains on Ekadashi. I very strongly say again and again, 'On Ekadashi, don't eat grains, don't eat grains, don't eat grains!' Whether one be a ksatriya, vaisya, shudra, or of any family, he should follow the lunar day of Ekadashi. From this the perfection of varna and ashram will be attained. Especially since even if one by trickery follows Ekadashi, all of his sin become destroyed and he very easily attains the supreme goal, the abode of Vaikuntha."


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    « Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 11:20:57 AM »
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  • SaiRam Subha ji, Thanks for sharing more information on Ekadasi. Today March 28 is being observed Kamadi Ekadasi in US though some calendars have 29 March. Sai bless you.
    Om Sai Ram !


    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

    Offline Kavitaparna

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    « Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 03:32:57 AM »
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    Dear Anju ji, Subha ji, Sai Ram!

    Really, very nice topic and good information on Ekadasi. You have really inspired me to know more on Ekadasi. Though, the fasting is not adhered to by me on the day of Ekadasi, I usually do plan for Vishnu Sahasranama Parayana OR mostly open the file Snanamantra Aarati of Baba which automatically has Vishnusahasranama Stotram as its part so that I can sing along with it.

    Another small story on Ekadasi to my knowledge is here:

    Who is Ekadasi?

    (based on book "Ekadasi" by Krishna-Balaram Swami)

    In the Satya-yuga there once lived an amazing fearsome demon called Mura. Always very angry, he terrified all the demigods, defeating even Indra, the king of heaven; Vivasvan, the sun-god; the eight Vasus; Lord Brahma; Vayu, the wind-god; and Agni, the fire-god. With his terrible power he brought them all under his control.

    Then the demigods approached Lord Visnu,
    and prayed to Him for help.

    Hearing the prayers and request from Indra, Lord Visnu became very angry and said: "O powerful demigods, all together you may now advance on Mura's capital city of Candravati." Encouraged thus, the assembled demigods proceeded to Candravati with Lord Hari leading the way.

    Then there was a big fight between the soldiers of Mura and the demigods. Many hundreds of demons were killed by the Lord's hand. At last the chief demon, Mura, began fighting with the Lord, first with weapons, then with bare hands. The Lord wrested with Mura for one thousand celestial years and then, apparently fatigued, left for Badarika-asrama. There He entered a very beautiful cave, named Himavati, to rest. The demon followed Him into the cave, and, seeing Him asleep, started thinking within his heart: "Today I will kill this slayer of all demons, Hari."

    While the wicked demon Mura was making plans in this way, from Lord Visnu's body there manifested a young girl who had a very bright complexion. Mura saw that she was equipped with various brilliant weapons and was ready to fight. Challenged by that female to do battle, Mura prepared himself and then fought with her, but he became very astonished when he saw that she fought with him without cessation. The king of demons then said: "Who has created this angry, fearsome girl who is fighting me so powerfully, just like a thunderbolt falling upon me?" After saying this, the demon continued to fight with the girl.

    Suddenly that effulgent goddess shattered all of Mura's weapons and in a moment deprived him of his chariot. He ran toward her to attack her with his bare hands, but when she saw him coming she angrily cut off his head. Thus the demon at once fell to the ground and went to the abode of Yamaraja.

    Then the Supreme Lord woke up and saw the dead demon before Him, as well as the maiden bowing down to Him with joined palms.

    The Lord, being pleased with the girl, offered to give her a boon.

    The maiden said: "O Lord, if You are pleased with me and wish to give me a boon, then give me the power to deliver from the greatest sins that person who fasts on this day. I wish that half the pious credit obtained by one who fasts will accrue to one who eats only in the evening [abstaining from grains and beans], and that half of *this* pious credit will be earned by one who eats only at midday. Also, one who strictly observes a complete fast on my appearance day, with controlled senses, goes to the abode of Lord Visnu for one billion kalpas after he has enjoyed all kinds of pleasures in this world. This is the boon I desire to attain by Your mercy, my Lord. O Lord, whether a person observes complete fasting, eats only in the evening, or eats only at midday, please grant him a religious attitude, wealth, and at last liberation."

    The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: "O most pious lady, what you have requested is granted. All My devotees in this world will surely fast on your day, and thus they will become famous throughout the three worlds and finally come and stay with Me in My abode. Because you, My transcendental potency, have appeared on the eleventh day of the waning moon, let your name be Ekadasi. If a person fasts on Ekadasi, I will burn up all his sins and bestow upon him My transcendental abode."

    Baba bless us all
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    « Reply #6 on: March 30, 2007, 03:47:48 AM »
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  • Thanks Kavita Didi, v nice to learn abt yet another story behind Ekadasi. With Hari's grace I also want to start observing and fasting on Ekadasi. May we all have the right motivation for such positive thoughts and may be able to apply them in right time. Sai bless all.  Jai Sai Ram.
    Om Sai Ram !


    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

    Offline Kavitaparna

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    « Reply #7 on: March 30, 2007, 04:17:24 AM »
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    Anju ji, Sai Ram !

    Nice to read about your wish. But, pl ensure that your health permits fasting.

    Further, more information on Ekadasi can be got from

    Baba bless us all
    Baba be with us all

    Jai Sai Ram



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