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Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2010, 11:03:41 PM »
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  • Chapter - 11 ~
    Shri Ganeshayanmah! O Pashupati, Bhavanipati, you have as many forms as number of people in the universe. Your formless form occupies the entire universe and it is also the manifestation of maya in its original form. 0 Dear God, it is impossible to apprehend your form, and so you have been kind enough to manifest yourself in forms with different attributes. Devotees name you as they like, and the names do not make any difference for you. Shaiva call you Shiva Vedantis call you Brahma, Ramanujas call you Sitapati and you are Vishnu of Vaishnavas. Various methods of worshiping have given you these names, but you are the same everywhere. You are Vishveshwar at Somnath, Kedar in Himalaya, Mahankal on the bank of Kshipra, Naganath, Vaijanath, Ghrushneswar at Verul and Tryambak on the bank of Godavari. You are Bhimashankar, Mallikarjuna and Rameshwar. You are Shankar in the form of Gokarna and Mahadeo at Shinganapur. I bow before all of them. O Benevolenl God, please rid me of the troublesome elements of nature. O Girijapate, it is you who made Kubera wealthy in a moment. Then why this hesitation for me?
    Next year Shri Samartha came to Balkrishana at Balapur for Das navami. At that place there were His two most devoted devotees - SukIal and Balkrishna. Bhaskar Patil, Balabhau, Pitamber, Ganu, jagdeo and Dindokar accompanied Shri Maharaj. The celebration of Dasnavami was most satisfying, but fate had something else in store for Bhaskara. A rabid dog bit him and people were afraid that he would soon go rabid. All the possible treatment was given to him, and it was also suggested that he be taken to some doctor. But Bhaskar said that he did not need any doctor as Shri Maharaj was his real doctor to whom he wanted to be taken soon. Accordingly Bhaskar was brought before Shri Maharaj and Balabhau narrated him everything about the dog bite. Shri Maharaj heard and smilingly said,

    "Nobody can escape the effects of murder, enmity and debt. This Bhaskar removed the wickedness of Shukhlal's cow at Shegaon, and that wickedness has now come in the form of the dog to bite him. Bhaskar is so selfish that he had requested me to remove that wickedness from the cow so that he could get her milk for himself. You enjoyed drinking her milk, and now feel sorry for

    the dog bite. Do you want me to save you? Be frank. This dog bite is only an excuse to end your life. Your life is now over, and soon you have to leave this material world. If you wish to live more, I can save you, but that will be a sort of give and take affair in this illusive world. So be quick and let me know your mind. You will not get such chance again."

    Bhaskar said, "I am an ignorant child of yours. You do whatever is good for me. Shri Tukaram, in his Abhang has said that mother only understands everything that is good for her child. I am your child, so why should I request You 7 You are the ocean of all knowledge and know everything."

    Hearing this, Shri Maharaj felt very happy, as truth always satisfies people who are themselves truthful. Some devotees requested Shri Maharaj to save Bhaskar as he was one of the most dedicated disciple.

    Shri Maharaj said, "Gentlemen, it is your ignorance that makes you say so.
    Know that, this life and death itself is unreal. Nobody is born and nobody dies.
    The intellectuals to have advised the knowledge of the Supreme self

    understand this illusion. You cannot be liberated from the present life, without suffering the effects of your deeds of previous life. You do something in you past life and take birth to suffer the effects of those deeds and again to take birth for the deeds of present life and so on the cycle goes on. How long will you continue this chain? Bhaskar has finished suffering the effects of the deeds of his past life and now is liberated to attain Moksha (to merge with the Brahma). So please do not come in his way, let him go. It is difficult to get a devotee like Bhaskar. Know that, this dog was his enemy in the previous life and so it has bitten him in this life at Balapur. The revenge is over. But if this incident leaves any bitterness in the mind of Bhaskar, it will be a cause for another birth to him to avenge the bite. So understand that, as at today, the enmity of the previous life is over and Bhaskar is cleansed of all effects of that life. He is left with two more months of life, and I will save his from the effects of that dog bite for two months. If I do not do that he will have to take birth again and live for two months."

    So me people were unable to understand this supreme knowledge given out
    by Shri Maharaj, but Balabhau could comprehend and so was happy. He praised Bhaskar again and again for his sincere devotion to the saint and thereby againing the ultimate liberation from the cycle of life and death.

    Then all of them returned to Shegaon. Bhaskar narrated everything that happened at Balapur, to other devotees in the Math and with folded hands requested them as follows

    Shegaon is most fortunate to get Shri Gajanan Maharaj and so we in the form of some permanent memorial should retain this invaluable Trust. In fact He himself does not need any memorial but it is necessary in the interest of future generations. Like the monuments of Sant Dnyaneshwar at Alandi Shri Ramdas Swami at Sajjangad and Shri Tukaram Maharaj at Dehu, We should have a grand memorial of Shri Gajanan Maharaj at Shegaon."

    Bhaskar went on telling this to everybody but was doubtful about their conviction. So he, in the absence of Shri Maharaj, called a meeting of all devotees at
    Shegaon. Bankatlal, Han Patil, Maroti, Chandrabhan, Shripatrao Vavikar, Tarachand Saokar and many others attended.

    Bhaskar said to them, "Now my stay with you is for two months only, and I wish that a grand memorial of Shri Maharaj should come up at Shegaon. If you promise me to do it. I shall leave for "Vaikunth" with real happiness. Remember that service to saint never goes waste. He will fulfill all your desires. The memorial should be such that it attracts praise from everybody. This is my last desire. You vow to raise such monument for Shri Maharaj."

    All promised to fulfill his desire and Shri Bhaskar was satisfied.

    Day by day, Bhaskar was getting gay as a child waiting for the gayety of some ensuing festival. On Magh Vadya 13th maharaj said,

    "Bhaskara, let us go to Trimbakeshwar for Shri Mahashivaratri, as there resides on the bank of Godavari, Shri Shiva - the Bhavanivara. The Jyotirling at that place is most pleasant and capable of dispelling all sins. Don't delay. Let
    us go there and have holy bath in the sacred Godavari. Moreover, there is a hill named Brahmagiri near Tryambakeshwar and on it are lot of medicinal herbs Gahininath, Who knows all the medicinal herbs also resides over there. We can get some herbs for your anti-rabit treatment from him."

    Bhaskar said - "Why should I need any medicine now? Your blessings are more useful for me, than any medicine. By your grace I was freed of the poison at Balapur, and have to live for another two months only. So permit me to stay at Shegaon, as for me you are Trimbakeshwar, and your feet the Godavari where I shall take bath. Thus I don't need any other holy place to visit.

    Thereupon Shri Maharaj said that it was all true, but one should not ignore the importance of the holy and sacred places. He asked Bhaskar to get ready and also to take Pitambar and Balabhau with them.

    They all went to Tryambakeshwar on Shivaratri day, took bath at sacred Kushavarth, had darshana of Shri Shiva at the temple, and then offered Pujas to Goutami at Gangadwara, Ma Nilambika, Nivrutti and Gahaninath. From there
    they came to Nasik to meet Gopaldas who was always sitting at the entrance of Kalaram Temple in Panchavati. In front of it was a piple tree surrounded by a platform. Shri Gajanan Maharaj, along with his disciples, went and sat on it. Shri Gopaldas was very happy, and said to the people around him,

    "Today my brother has come from Vidarbha and his name is Gajanan. Go and have his darshan respectfully. Offer him coconut and sugar as a present from me, and put this garland around his neck. Though we have two bodies, still we are one.

    The disciples accordingly offered the coconut, sugar and garland to Shri Gajanan Maharaj and had his darshan. Looking to that Shri Maharaj said to Bhaskar,

    "Bhaskara, distribute this prasad to all. In this Panchavati I have met my brother today. So the work over here is finished. Let us now go to Shri Dhumal Lawyer of Nasik."

    Shri Maharaj came to Nasik where many people took his darshan. After staying

    there for few days he returned to Shegaon. Zyam-Singh came to Shegaon and requested him to go with him to Adgaon. Shri Maharaj was reluctant but looking to the fervent request of Zyam Singh, said that he would go to Adgaon after Ramnavami. Zyam Singh went back to Adgaon and returned to Shegaon again after Ramnavami as per the wish of Shri Maharaj. After the celebrations of Ramnavami Zyam Singh brought Shri Maharaj alongwith other disciples to adgaon for "Hanuman Jayanti". While at Adgaon Shri Maharaj performed many miracles. One afternoon he pushed Bhaskar flat on ground, sat on his chest and started beating him. All people were looking at it, but nobody could go to rescue Bhaskar from that beating. Then Balabhau said,
    Maharaj, kindly leave Bhaskar, he is getting scorched on hot earth below him."
    Thereupon Bhaskar said, "Don't obstruct him like that. Let him do as he likes. he is my God. You think that he is beating me, but infact he is playing with me. This experience can be understood only by those who know Him." Then Maharaj along with Bhaskar and other disciples came to Adgaon where they stayed.
    Shri Maharaj said, "Balabhau, now only two days are left for Bhaskar as he will leave this world on Panchami. You must have understood the reason for my beating him today. Do you remember that this Bhaskara had made me beat you with umbrella at Shegaon? To dispel the effect of that act, I beat Bhaskara today. There was no other intention."
    Now listen to what happened after Hanuman Jayanti celebrations at Adgaon.
    Prasad of 'Kala' was distributed and the day of "Panchami" dawned. On that day, in the morning, Shri Maharaj said to Bhaskar,

    "Bhaskara, your departure is scheduled for today. Facing east, sit in the "Padmasan" posture. Make your mind steady and concentrate on Almighty "Han". You are nearing the time of departure. Get prepared".

    To others he said -"Keep on chanting Loudly Vithal, Vithal, Narayan. This brother of yours is going today to Vaikunth. Worship him by offering flowers and "Bukka."

    Bhaskar sat in the Padmasan posture, concentrated both eyes on the tip of his

    nose and calmed his mind in complete surrender to Almighty. All the devotees were offering Puja to Bhaskar and Shri Maharaj was happily looking at them. The chanting of holy verses and "Bhajan" continued till midday when Shri Maharaj loudly said - "Har Har". And with those words Bhaskara's soul left for "Vaikunth". Only those who are blessed by saints go straight to Vaikunth. People asked Shri Maharaj about the place for Shri Bhaskara's burial, and He advised them' to bury him near the Shiva Parvati temple Then they brought a palanquin and decorated it with leaves of banana tree around it. Bhaskara's body was kept in it and carried in a procession with devotees singing Bhajans in the front. They reached the Dwarkeshwar temple and all rites of Samadhi were performed, near the place of burial. People were weeping with grief, saying that the greatest disciple of Shri Maharaj had left them forever.

    From next day started the feeding of poor people in memory of Bhaskar. This Shrikrishna - Shankar Parvati temple is about a mile away to the north of adgaon. The surrounding of Shrikrishna temple was very lively with the greenary of trees like Nimb, Ashwatha, Mandar, Audumbar and many flower plants. The

    place is between Akola and Adgaon. The feeding of people, called "Sant Thandara" continued for ten days. People sat under the tamarind tree for their food, but the crows started trouble by continueous cawing, lifting away food from their plates, and even dropping dirt on them. All this annoyed the people rery much and the called the Bhill to shoot arrows at them. Seeing that, Shri Aaharaj said,

    Don't shoot at the crows. They have done nothing wrong, as they have come iere to get the Prasad of Bhandara just like you. Bhaskaras' soul has as ended straight to Vaikunth without any break on the Pitrulok. Normally the souI of a dead person keeps on wandering in the sky for ten days. On eleventhday a ball of rice (Pind )is offered to crows, on whose touching it only (by crow)the souldgoes ahead. In Bhaskar's case, his soul went straight to Vaikunth and so there was no need of offering the rice ball (Pind) to the crows. That is why the crows are angry. His soul has been liberated immediately and by this rime it has reached the Vaikunth. While on earth he had attained the detach-
    ment and so needs no offering of the rice (Pind). Rice ball offering is given those persons who are not favoured with direct ascent to the heaven. Now knowing that Bhaskar's soul has gone straight to heaven, the crows are angry and by their such behavior they only want to say that they be given Prasad Bhaskar as given to other people. So don't shoot at them. I will tell them. crows listen to what I say. Don't come to this place from tomorrow, as it m lower the prestige of my Bhaskar. Eat the prasad today to your heart content and don't come here from tomorrow."
    All the devotees were pleased to hear Shri Maharaj, but a few non belivers were sarcastic and said that it was all nonsense. "How can birds obey t orders of human beings ?", said they to each other. Next day they even went that place to see effect of what Shri Maharaj had said. There was not single crow there. They were surprised and then surrendered to Shri Maharaj. T crows did not visit that place for twelve years.
    After 14 days Shri Maharaj returned to Shegaon with his remaining disciple

    Now listen to another story.

    It was a year of famine and so a work on digging of well was going on. Diggir of about 10 feet was done and then came up hard black rock making it impossible to dig further. So four holes were made for dynamites, and putting or end of string inside. Gun powder was packed in them. The other ends of ft strings were taken up and through them were passed small burning wooden   pipes, so that they slide down and ignite the gun powder. But some how the   wooden pipes got stuck on the string knots in between. They were not sliding down and the water in the well was about to enter the gun powder holes thereby making it ineffective to explode. Somebody had to go down & push the pipe down to save the situation, but nobody was ready to take such a risk. The   contractor on the work asked Ganu Lavarya to go down the well immediately Because of his poverty Ganu had to obey. It is always seen that poor sheep killed as an offering to God . Ganu had great faith in Shri Gajanan Maharaj and so remembering Him. Ganu went down the well and pulled one obstructed pipe which immediately slid and touched the gun powder before he could pull
    another. The first one exploded. Ganu Javarya was caught inside the well. He
    fervently prayed Shri Maharaj to save him. Whole well got filled with smoke and before the next dynamite exploded Ganu got hold of one side rock below which there was a cavern. Ganu immediately slid in it. One after the other all
    the remaining three dynamites exploded and lot of stones were thrown out
    People thought that Ganu must have been split into pieces and thrown ou Contractor asked other workers to search the body around. Ganu heard hir and shouted from inside the well.

    "O mistry, Ganu is not dead he is perfectly alive in the well. By the grace of Shri
    Gajanan Maharaj I am sate in a cavern here, but there is a big rock obstructin me to come out."
    People, rejoicing to hear the voice of Ganu, went down the well and removing the stone by spades, brought his up. Ganu at once went running to Shri Maharaj and prostrated at his feet. Shi Maharaj smilingly said,
    "Ganu, hiding inside the cavern, how many stones have you thrown out? It big stone which obstructed you from coming out. intact saved you. Don't r peat such feats again and never in future touch the ignited pipe, once it h~ slid down a string. Now go You are saved from a great disaster today."
    When people came to see Ganu he said "O Maharaj, when the dynamite exploded, it was you who, holding my hand, put me safe inside that caver and saved from death." Such is the greatness of Maharaj for which I have r words to express.


    Offline samarthasai

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #16 on: October 13, 2010, 01:52:11 AM »
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  • Chapter - 12 ~
    Shri Ganeshayanmah. O Ganapati, Mayureshwar, come, sit in my heart an help me complete this book. You are the giver of knowledge and intelligence and the only one to fulfill the desires of his devotees by removing all the obstacles. Puranas also say so. O Ekdanta, Lambodara, Parvatisuta Bhalchandra, Sindura please get me rid of all anxieties.

    There was one Bachchulal Agrawal at Akola - a rich and generous person. H heard about the episode of Laxman Ghude of Karanja which created som doubts in his mind. As he was thinking to find out real fact behind it, Shri Gajana Maharaj himself came to Akola and reached his house. Bachchulal wa immensly happy and expressed to Maharaj the desire to worship Him. H gave his consent. Shri Bachchulal made elaborate arrangements for the Puj~ First Shri Maharaj was given a Bath with scented water and then offered a fin silken Pitambar, a Kashmiri Shal and a silken Pheta. A gold chain was placed

    around his neck and gold rings on all his fingers. A bracelet of diamonds ware
    put on his left arm and perfumes were sprinkled on the body. Then, meals with Jalebi and other sweets was given to him. Thereafter golden Thali full of rupees and Moharas was offered to Shri Maharaj as Dakshina - which amounte to about Rs. Ten thousand - and on it was put a coconut. Then with folded hands Bachchulal said,   "Maharaj, I wish to construct Shri Ram temple as the space in my court-yard I insufficient for the annual celebration of Ram-navami. Kindly fulfill my desire.
    Saying so he most reverently put his head on the feet of Shri Maharaj. Then upon Shri Maharaj said,

    "I bless you that God Shri Ramchandra will fulfill your desire. But what have you done this by putting so many ornaments on my body? You have made me look like a bullock of 'Pola" festival. You see, I am not a bullock of Pola nor a horse
    of Dasera. These ornaments are of no use to me, or rather they are poison for
    me and I should not have even a touch of it. Don't try tempt me by all thee material attachment or Bachchulal, have you done all this exhibit your wealth? You should offer only those things which can be liked by the receive I am a mad wandering naked saint. Let it all be with you only. It is useful f4 people leading family life like you. My lord standing on a brick on the bank Bhima can give me any wealth if I want."

    Saying so, he removed all the ornaments and clothes and threw them away, Took only a piece of sweet and went away. Many people of Akola witnessed this and were unhappy to see Shri Maharaj leaving like that. Amongst them, some were from Karanja, who felt sorry for Lakshman Ghude who worshipped Maharaj like Bachchulal but was not sincere while offering Dakshina. It was not difficult for Shri Maharaj to understand his hypocrisy, how talk, and false modest Ghude's Puja was of only words. Such people while worshipping say - "O God accept this Mahavastra" and actually may offer some grains of rice only, saying "O God accept these sweets", may put before Him some grains of ground

    nut. Such dishonest & hypocritical worship gives the same type of fruit to Th worshipper. Laxman was a victim of such behavior, unlike Bachchulal, whose actions and words were the same. So Bachchulal's prosperity never recede He, who gets blessings of saint, ever remains happy. Bachchulal thereaft searched for Shri Maharaj in whole of Akola, but could not get him.

    At Shegaon, in the Math of Shri Maharaj, there was one devotee nam Pitambar a Shimpi by caste. He rendered most sincere service to Shri Maharaj whereby his devotion bore fruit.

    Once it so happened that he was wearing a dhoti which was in tattered condition. Looking to that Shri Maharaj said,

    "Eh, your name is Pitambar and you don't have even a good dhoti to we Atleast try to cover your buttocks which are seen by others. It is just like woman by name Sonubai going without even aluminium bangles, or a lady name Gangabai dying for want of water. Same is the case with you. This dhoti is useful only for making a duster. By wearing such clothes, you are exposing your buttocks. Take this Dupatta, which I am giving you, wear it without hesitation and never remove it at anybody's asking you to do so."

    Pitambar obeyed and wore the Dupatta, but others could not tolerate it. It is the way of the world that, in the wake of selfishness, your own brothers become your enemies. There is no use talking over this subject as by opening the drainage you get bad smell only. There were many people claiming to be the disciples of Shri Maharaj, but real devotees were very few who could be counted on finger tips. It was like few sandalwood trees in the midst of scores of other trees in the forest. Same was the case with people around Shri Gajanan Maharaj.

    Seeing that a Dupatta was given to Pitambar by Shri Maharaj other disciples started teasing Pitambar out of jealousy, and said that he should not wear the Dupatta which in fact was meant for Shri Maharaj. In reply Pitambar said that he only obeyed the orders of Shri Maharaj who had specifically told him to wear it. Thus, the incident created rift among the disciples of Shri Maharaj, who

    to overcome it, said to Pitambar,

    "Pitambar now you go away from here, as a grown up and wise child is kept aloof by his mother. My blessings are with you. Go and save the fallen ones. With tears in his eyes, Pitambar prostrated before Shri Maharaj and with lingering eyes, looking back again and again, left the Math. He reached Kondhali and sat under a tree meditating with the name of Shri Maharaj on his lips. He was sitting there for whole night, but as the ants started climbing his body in the morning, he went up the tree and sat on a branch. There too he had to face the menace of ants, and so went from branch to branch, small or big, to find out a safer place to sit, but could not get any. There were some cowheards nearby who were surprised to see Pitambar moving like that on the tree. They could not understand the reasons for his such going from branch to branch like a monkey, and were more surprised to see that he did not fall down even by going on smallest of the branches. One of them said that disciples of Shri Gajanan Maharaj do perform miracles like this, and so he thought that this

    man must be a disciple of Shri Maharaj. Then they went back to the village and told other people about what they saw near that mango tree. Hearing the story from the cowherds, people of Kondhali came to the Mango tree to find out who this person was. Seeing Pitambar, they thought that he must be hypocrite doing all these tricks to make us believe that he was a disciple of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. There was one Bhaskar Patil, a real disciple of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, but recently he died. Some said, disciples of Shri Maharaj are not likely to come here, leaving the sweets they get over there at Shegaon. Ultimately they thought it better to ask Pitambar himself about him before forming any opinion. So one of them asked Pitambar as to who he was, why he had come there and who was his guru.

    Pitambar said -

    "I am resident of Shegaon, Shimpi - Pitambar, and disciple of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, I have come here as per my Guru's orders. I first sat under the Mango
    ree, but due to lot of ants climbing my body, I went up the tree and sat on the )ranches."

    people got angry at this reply and they warned him not to fool them by using he name of great saint. They further taunted that it was like saying he was a queen of a king and had come there to do a laborer's job for lively hood.

    Shamrao Deshmukh of that village said,

    You impostor, listen to me. Shri Gajanan Maharaj is God himself and you are arnishing his name. You fool, do you know that once Shri Maharaj created mangoes on a mango tree out of season. He created mangoes and now we challenge you to create atleast leaves on this dried up tree of Baliram Patil. Do or get prepared for a beating from us. If you do you will get all the respect from us. It is generally seen that disciples of great saints, to some extent, attain the heights of their guru. So don't delay. Make this tree green with leaves."

    Pitambar got frightened and said, "Please don't corner me like this. Listen to what I say. You see, diamonds and pebbles are found in the same mine. I told you the truth about me. You can very Nell treat me a pebble amongst the disciples of Shri Gajanan Maharaj and ignore. What I said is not a lie at all. A pebble does not lower the importance of the mine, I cannot hide the name of my Guru."

    Thereupon Shamrao said,

    'Don't talk nonsense. Whenever a disciple is in difficulty, he prays for the favor of his Guru, who do come to the rescue of such disciple even if he has not attained the real height required for a disciple.'

    Thus Pitambar was caught between the devil and the sea, got worried and felt helpless. All the people gathered around the mango tree to see what happens further. Helplessly Pitamber folded his hands and started praying Shri Maharaj,
    O Swami Gajanan, My Narayana come running for my rescue. Because of me they are blaming you. Make this tree green with leaves for the sake of your

    greatness. I am entirely depending on you. Come for my sake, else I will have to face death here. Narhari appeared in a pillar to uphold the worlds of Pralhad,
    and the pointed piller on which Jananbai had to be killed, turned into water.
    janabai depended on God and I entrust myself to you. There is no difference
    between God and Saint. God is saint and saint is God. I am recognized as a
    disciple of Gajanan Maharaj and have no individual existence. So it is you
    whose honour is at stake. Thread gets importance because of the flowers in
    the garland. You are flower and I am the thread. You are musk (Kasturi) and I
    am mere dust. I am caught in this calamity because of you. Please don't test
    me any more, and come running to create fine green leaves on this tree.'

    Thus praying he called upon peple to chant in chorus the name of Shri Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon. So the bhajan started saying "Jay Gajanan" - "Jay Gajanan" This continued for some time, and Lo! there was the miracle. Delicate green eaves started shooting out on the tree and soon it was all green. People looked at it in wonder. Some of them thought that it could be a dream, so they just pinched each other and were satisfied that it was not a dream. Others thought it to be a sort of some magic. But that doubt too was removed as white liquid drops came out on plucking the leaves. Then they were convinced that the leaves came on the three because of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. This made them accept the greatness of Pitamber. They took him to Kondhali with a hope that some day, like a cow going to its calf, Shri Gajanan Maharaj may come to Kondhali to see his disciple. Shri Ramdas Swami had sent his disciple Kalyan to Domgaon for the spiritual upliftment of the people there, likewise this Pitamber was sent to Khondhali by Shri Gajanan Maharaj. It was the good luck of Kondholi. That mango tree is still there at Knodholi and bears more mangoes than any other in the vicinity. People of Kondholi started respecting Pitmaber. He established a math at Kondholi and also died there.

    At Shegaon once Shri Maharaj was found to be restless, so his disciples asked urn the reason for it.

    Shri Maharaj replied, "Krishna Patil, who was daily giving me nut (Supari) has
    gone and today I am remembering him. His son, Ram is now very young, and as such there is nobody to give me supari. Ram may render me service when he grows up. So I donot wish to stay in this Math hereafter."

    These words created anxiety in the minds of people as it was clear indication of His intention to leave the place. They decided to catch his feet and desist him from leaving Shegaon. Shripatrao, Bankatlal, Tarachand, Maroti and others came and touching the feet of Shri Maharaj, said, "Maharaj, please don't leave us by going away from here. You may stay wherever you like, but don't leave Shegaon."
    Shri Maharaj said that since the people of Shegaon were divided among themselves, he did not wish to stay in anybody's house. He however, added that He may stay in Shegaon if given a place not owned by anybody. This demand put the people in a very awkward position. He is not ready to stay in anybody's place, so the only alternative is to get land from Govt. But how can Government, which is of foreigners, have respect for our Saint ? So Bankatlal equested Shri Maharaj not to put them in such difficulty as there was no guarantee of this alion Govt. donating land for religious purpose. They again 'equested Shri Maharaj to ask for anybody's place from amongst them. Shri Maharaj said, "You are ignorant people. Know that land is fully owned by Almighty. Many things came and vanished, but this land always belonged to Pandurang. Kings own land by way of tradition and nothing more than that. Go and try at the lands of Han Patil. You will succeed in getting the land from Government."

    People came to Han Path and after consultation with him applied to the Government for land. Mr. Karl was district Collector at Buldana. He agreed and pave one acre of land on that application. In his order he had said that initially anctioned only one acre of land, but if they use and develop it properly - within year, more land would be sanctioned. That decision of the Collector is still there on record. This was all due to the "word" of Shri Maharaj. Then Han and Bankatlal started collection of funds and the required amount was soon collected. Thereafter started the construction. Subsequent story will be narrated in the next chapter. God is always ready to fulfill the wish of saints. Vithu Patil of Dongargaon, Laxman Patil of Wadegaon and Jagu Aba of Shegaon were the leaders to collect the donations.


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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #17 on: October 13, 2010, 05:58:08 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi12

    Shri Ganeshayanmah. O Ganapati, Mayureshwar, come, sit in my heart an help me complete this book.
    You are the giver of knowledge and intelligence and the only one to fulfill the desires of his devotees by removing all the obstacles. Puranas also say so. O Ekdanta, Lambodara, Parvatisuta Bhalchandra, Sindura please get me rid of all anxieties.

    There was one Bachchulal Agrawal at Akola - a rich and generous person. H heard about the episode of Laxman Ghude of Karanja which created som doubts in his mind. As he was thinking to find out real fact behind it, Shri Gajana Maharaj himself came to Akola and reached his house. Bachchulal wa immensly happy and expressed to Maharaj the desire to worship Him. H gave his consent. Shri Bachchulal made elaborate arrangements for the Puj~ First Shri Maharaj was given a Bath with scented water and then offered a fin silken Pitambar, a Kashmiri Shal and a silken Pheta. A gold chain was placed
    around his neck and gold rings on all his fingers. A bracelet of diamonds ware
    put on his left arm and perfumes were sprinkled on the body. Then, meals with Jalebi and other sweets was given to him. Thereafter golden Thali full of rupees and Moharas was offered to Shri Maharaj as Dakshina - which amounte to about Rs. Ten thousand - and on it was put a coconut. Then with folded hands Bachchulal said,    "Maharaj, I wish to construct Shri Ram temple as the space in my court-yard I insufficient for the annual celebration of Ram-navami. Kindly fulfill my desire.
    Saying so he most reverently put his head on the feet of Shri Maharaj. Then upon Shri Maharaj said,

    "I bless you that God Shri Ramchandra will fulfill your desire. But what have you done this by putting so many ornaments on my body? You have made me look like a bullock of 'Pola" festival. You see, I am not a bullock of Pola nor a horse
    of Dasera. These ornaments are of no use to me, or rather they are poison for
    me and I should not have even a touch of it. Don't try tempt me by all thee material attachment or Bachchulal, have you done all this exhibit your wealth? You should offer only those things which can be liked by the receive I am a mad wandering naked saint. Let it all be with you only. It is useful f4 people leading family life like you. My lord standing on a brick on the bank Bhima can give me any wealth if I want."

    Saying so, he removed all the ornaments and clothes and threw them away, Took only a piece of sweet and went away. Many people of Akola witnessed this and were unhappy to see Shri Maharaj leaving like that. Amongst them, some were from Karanja, who felt sorry for Lakshman Ghude who worshipped Maharaj like Bachchulal but was not sincere while offering Dakshina. It was not difficult for Shri Maharaj to understand his hypocrisy, how talk, and false modest Ghude's Puja was of only words. Such people while worshipping say - "O God accept this Mahavastra" and actually may offer some grains of rice only, saying "O God accept these sweets", may put before Him some grains of ground

    nut. Such dishonest & hypocritical worship gives the same type of fruit to Th worshipper. Laxman was a victim of such behavior, unlike Bachchulal, whose actions and words were the same. So Bachchulal's prosperity never recede He, who gets blessings of saint, ever remains happy. Bachchulal thereaft searched for Shri Maharaj in whole of Akola, but could not get him.

    At Shegaon, in the Math of Shri Maharaj, there was one devotee nam Pitambar a Shimpi by caste. He rendered most sincere service to Shri Maharaj whereby his devotion bore fruit.

    Once it so happened that he was wearing a dhoti which was in tattered condition. Looking to that Shri Maharaj said,

    "Eh, your name is Pitambar and you don't have even a good dhoti to we Atleast try to cover your buttocks which are seen by others. It is just like woman by name Sonubai going without even aluminium bangles, or a lady name Gangabai dying for want of water. Same is the case with you. This dhoti  is useful only for making a duster. By wearing such clothes, you are exposing your buttocks. Take this Dupatta, which I am giving you, wear it without hesitation and never remove it at anybody's asking you to do so."

    Pitambar obeyed and wore the Dupatta, but others could not tolerate it. It is the way of the world that, in the wake of selfishness, your own brothers become your enemies. There is no use talking over this subject as by opening the drainage you get bad smell only. There were many people claiming to be the disciples of Shri Maharaj, but real devotees were very few who could be counted on finger tips. It was like few sandalwood trees in the midst of scores of other trees in the forest. Same was the case with people around Shri Gajanan Maharaj.

    Seeing that a Dupatta was given to Pitambar by Shri Maharaj other disciples started teasing Pitambar out of jealousy, and said that he should not wear the Dupatta which in fact was meant for Shri Maharaj. In reply Pitambar said that he only obeyed the orders of Shri Maharaj who had specifically told him to wear it. Thus, the incident created rift among the disciples of Shri Maharaj, who

    to overcome it, said to Pitambar,

    "Pitambar now you go away from here, as a grown up and wise child is kept aloof by his mother. My blessings are with you. Go and save the fallen ones. With tears in his eyes, Pitambar prostrated before Shri Maharaj and with lingering eyes, looking back again and again, left the Math. He reached Kondhali and sat under a tree meditating with the name of Shri Maharaj on his lips. He was sitting there for whole night, but as the ants started climbing his body in the morning, he went up the tree and sat on a branch. There too he had to face the menace of ants, and so went from branch to branch, small or big, to find out a safer place to sit, but could not get any. There were some cowheards nearby who were surprised to see Pitambar moving like that on the tree. They could not understand the reasons for his such going from branch to branch like a monkey, and were more surprised to see that he did not fall down even by going on smallest of the branches. One of them said that disciples of Shri Gajanan Maharaj do perform miracles like this, and so he thought that this

    man must be a disciple of Shri Maharaj. Then they went back to the village and told other people about what they saw near that mango tree. Hearing the story from the cowherds, people of Kondhali came to the Mango tree to find out who this person was. Seeing Pitambar, they thought that he must be hypocrite doing all these tricks to make us believe that he was a disciple of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. There was one Bhaskar Patil, a real disciple of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, but recently he died. Some said, disciples of Shri Maharaj are not likely to come here, leaving the sweets they get over there at Shegaon. Ultimately they thought it better to ask Pitambar himself about him before forming any opinion. So one of them asked Pitambar as to who he was, why he had come there and who was his guru.

    Pitambar said -

    "I am resident of Shegaon, Shimpi - Pitambar, and disciple of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, I have come here as per my Guru's orders. I first sat under the Mango
    ree, but due to lot of ants climbing my body, I went up the tree and sat on the )ranches."

    people got angry at this reply and they warned him not to fool them by using he name of great saint. They further taunted that it was like saying he was a queen of a king and had come there to do a laborer's job for lively hood.

    Shamrao Deshmukh of that village said,

    You impostor, listen to me. Shri Gajanan Maharaj is God himself and you are arnishing his name. You fool, do you know that once Shri Maharaj created mangoes on a mango tree out of season. He created mangoes and now we challenge you to create atleast leaves on this dried up tree of Baliram Patil. Do or get prepared for a beating from us. If you do you will get all the respect from us. It is generally seen that disciples of great saints, to some extent, attain the heights of their guru. So don't delay. Make this tree green with leaves."

    Pitambar got frightened and said, "Please don't corner me like this. Listen to what I say. You see, diamonds and pebbles are found in the same mine. I told you the truth about me. You can very Nell treat me a pebble amongst the disciples of Shri Gajanan Maharaj and ignore. What I said is not a lie at all. A pebble does not lower the importance of the mine, I cannot hide the name of my Guru."

    Thereupon Shamrao said,

    'Don't talk nonsense. Whenever a disciple is in difficulty, he prays for the favor of his Guru, who do come to the rescue of such disciple even if he has not attained the real height required for a disciple.'

    Thus Pitambar was caught between the devil and the sea, got worried and felt helpless. All the people gathered around the mango tree to see what happens further. Helplessly Pitamber folded his hands and started praying Shri Maharaj,
    O Swami Gajanan, My Narayana come running for my rescue. Because of me they are blaming you. Make this tree green with leaves for the sake of your

    greatness. I am entirely depending on you. Come for my sake, else I will have to face death here. Narhari appeared in a pillar to uphold the worlds of Pralhad,
    and the pointed piller on which Jananbai had to be killed, turned into water.
    janabai depended on God and I entrust myself to you. There is no difference
    between God and Saint. God is saint and saint is God. I am recognized as a
    disciple of Gajanan Maharaj and have no individual existence. So it is you
    whose honour is at stake. Thread gets importance because of the flowers in
    the garland. You are flower and I am the thread. You are musk (Kasturi) and I
    am mere dust. I am caught in this calamity because of you. Please don't test
    me any more, and come running to create fine green leaves on this tree.'

    Thus praying he called upon peple to chant in chorus the name of Shri Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon. So the bhajan started saying "Jay Gajanan" - "Jay Gajanan" This continued for some time, and Lo! there was the miracle. Delicate green eaves started shooting out on the tree and soon it was all green. People looked at it in wonder. Some of them thought that it could be a dream, so they just
    pinched each other and were satisfied that it was not a dream. Others thought it to be a sort of some magic. But that doubt too was removed as white liquid drops came out on plucking the leaves. Then they were convinced that the leaves came on the three because of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. This made them accept the greatness of Pitamber. They took him to Kondhali with a hope that some day, like a cow going to its calf, Shri Gajanan Maharaj may come to Kondhali to see his disciple. Shri Ramdas Swami had sent his disciple Kalyan to Domgaon for the spiritual upliftment of the people there, likewise this Pitamber was sent to Khondhali by Shri Gajanan Maharaj. It was the good luck of Kondholi. That mango tree is still there at Knodholi and bears more mangoes than any other in the vicinity. People of Kondholi started respecting Pitmaber. He established a math at Kondholi and also died there.

    At Shegaon once Shri Maharaj was found to be restless, so his disciples asked urn the reason for it.

    Shri Maharaj replied, "Krishna Patil, who was daily giving me nut (Supari) has
    gone and today I am remembering him. His son, Ram is now very young, and as such there is nobody to give me supari. Ram may render me service when he grows up. So I donot wish to stay in this Math hereafter."

    These words created anxiety in the minds of people as it was clear indication of His intention to leave the place. They decided to catch his feet and desist him from leaving Shegaon. Shripatrao, Bankatlal, Tarachand, Maroti and others came and touching the feet of Shri Maharaj, said, "Maharaj, please don't leave us by going away from here. You may stay wherever you like, but don't leave Shegaon."
    Shri Maharaj said that since the people of Shegaon were divided among themselves, he did not wish to stay in anybody's house. He however, added that He may stay in Shegaon if given a place not owned by anybody. This demand put the people in a very awkward position. He is not ready to stay in anybody's place, so the only alternative is to get land from Govt. But how can Government, which is of foreigners, have respect for our Saint ? So Bankatlal equested Shri Maharaj not to put them in such difficulty as there was no guarantee of this alion Govt. donating land for religious purpose. They again 'equested Shri Maharaj to ask for anybody's place from amongst them. Shri Maharaj said, "You are ignorant people. Know that land is fully owned by Almighty. Many things came and vanished, but this land always belonged to Pandurang. Kings own land by way of tradition and nothing more than that. Go and try at the lands of Han Patil. You will succeed in getting the land from Government."
    People came to Han Path and after consultation with him applied to the Government for land. Mr. Karl was district Collector at Buldana. He agreed and pave one acre of land on that application. In his order he had said that initially anctioned only one acre of land, but if they use and develop it properly - within year, more land would be sanctioned. That decision of the Collector is still
    there on record. This was all due to the "word" of Shri Maharaj. Then Han and Bankatlal started collection of funds and the required amount was soon collected. Thereafter started the construction. Subsequent story will be narrated in the next chapter. God is always ready to fulfill the wish of saints. Vithu Patil of Dongargaon, Laxman Patil of Wadegaon and Jagu Aba of Shegaon were the leaders to collect the donations.
    O listeners, listen to this Gajanan Vijay classic singlemindedly for your own emancipation. May all happiness come to you.

    Om Shri Han Hara Pranmastu.
    Here ends Chapter Twelve

    « Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 06:01:52 AM by SOWMYA_4 »
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #18 on: October 13, 2010, 06:02:48 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi13

    Shri Ganeshayanmah. O Shri Han, you are the supreme saint, ocean of kind ness and intimate friend of Gopa and Gopis.
    O Shri Han, please manifest your self to me. Brahmadeo had to steal cows and calfs in Gokul to see the Godliness in you. At that time you yourself became cows of calfs and manifested the Godliness in you to Brahmadeo. You crushed Kaliya Cobra in Yamuna and sent him to Ramanakdweep to free Gopas of his menace. Likewise I request you to trample my misfortune to rid me of all fears. O Han, I am most ignorant devote4 of yours, undeserving and not suitable for your blessings, but even then request you to please oblige me by your favor to free me of all worries immediately.

    Now listen. Bankat, Han, Laxman Vithu and Jagdeo together went round for collecting donations for Math of Shri Maharaj. Believers readily subscribed while some mischievous people taunted them saying, "Why should your saint need donations? You always say that Shri Gajanan Maharaj is a great saint capable of performing any miracle, then why should he need money for his Math? Kuber is his banker - Just draw a Hundi in the nam of Kuber instead of going from door to door for money." At this Jagdeo laughed and said, "This begging for donations is for your good. There is no need to build Math or temple for Shri Gajanan Maharaj. All this exercise is meant for bringing happiness to you. This whole universe is a Math for Shri Maharaj. All these forests are gardens and the earth a cot for him. Eight Siddhis serve him like maids. He does not care for you, as his glory is entirely different than what you imagine I to be. How can a candle help the sun to diffuse darkness? The sun himself light and does not need candle at all. How can a watchman bring grandeur t an emperor? Human Beings desire material pleasure and that can be fulfill by this good deed. Remember that the medicine is required to cure the disease of the body and not of soul. Body is susceptible to disease and not the soul
    What of that, even birth and death does not affect the soul. Thus this medicine of Punya (Good deeds) is required to protect your material pleasures, which are in your body, and sin is its disease. This medicine of Punya will destroy tha sin. Therefore, increase, your Punya and stop all this perverse thinking so the wealth of good deeds to reap the crop of happiness. Grains sown on rocks get wasted and they never germinate. Bad desires and acts are like rocks and birds and insects will consume grains thrown on it only. There is n better Punya than rendering service to Saints. At present Shri Gajanan Maharaj is a gem amongst saints. A single grain sown gives out a bunch of grains Likewise - anything given for cause of a saint adds to your punya countless times. One grain gives back multiple of grains - same is the case with Punya.

    Hearing this, the slanderers kept quiet, as truth puts an end to all arguments Donations can be collected only with the help of men having prestige in this society. Ordinary persons are of no use for such work. People then started the work of constructing a compound wall around the plot acquired for Shri Maharaj

    Everybody in Shegaon extended help for this work. The material like stone lime and sand for the work was carried in bullock carts, At that time Shri Mahan was sitting in the old Math. He thought that unless he himself went and sat i the new place, the work of the construction would not be expedited. Thinking so he climbed up a bullock cart carrying sand to the new place of Math. Th cartman, being a Mahar by caste, immediately moved away from the cart. Shri Maharaj asked him the reason for his such behaviour and added that he being a saint-a Paramhansa, was not affected by the contact of untouchables. There upon the Mahar said,

    "It is true, but even then that is not proper for me to sit beside you on the cart. Maroti became one with Shri Ram, but never sat by his side. He always stood before Him with folded hands."
    Shri Maharaj agreed and asked the bullocks to follow the cart man. They really behaved well, and brought the cart, without cart man, to the desired place.
    Shri Maharaj got down and sat in the center of the plot where the temple stands at present. This place is in two survey numbers - 43/45. The spot where Shri Maharaj sat was treated as the centre for construction and for doing so they had to take land from both the survey numbers. In fact they were sanctioned only one acre of land, but due to the centre already being fixed as above, an encroachment of eleven gunthas of land was done for the construction ol the Math. They dared do this because the Collector had promised to allot more land after looking to the progress of construction. But some mischeuous ele ments reported the matter to the Government. The devotees were disturbed a' ~ the news and informed Shri Maharaj that an Officer by name Joshi was comin� to enquire in the matter of encroachment. Shri Maharaj laughed and said tha Y the fine imposed for the encroachment would be exempted. It proved true. Shri Joshi on going through the enquiry passed orders exempting the fine impose on Shri Gajanan Maharaj Trust. When this order was received Han Patil fel very remembered the episode when he had beaten a Mahar. At that time als
    Shri Maharaj had promised him protection and ultimately saved Han Patil frorr prosecution. Thus whatever Shri Maharaj had said proved true.

    Now I will narrate the miracles performed by Shri Maharaj after coming to the new Math.

    A man named Gangabharti came to Shegaon from a village Savadad near Mehkar. He was suffering from leprosy and his whole body had become rotten with cracks on both the legs. The disease had eaten away his finger tips, reddened all skin and he had itching all over body. Gangabharati was tired of the suffering and so when he heard of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, came to Shegaon. The devotees there did not allow him to go near Shri Maharaj as the disease was contageous. They advised him to get the Darshan of Shri Maharaj from a distance. Despite this advise one day Gangabharati took an opportunity, rushed and direct Darshan of Shri Maharaj by prostrating and putting his head on his feet. Shri Maharaj gave a big slap on his head and as he got up to look at Shri Maharaj again got slaps on both his cheeks. Thereafter Shri Maharaj kicked
    him by feet and spat on him. The spittle that fell on his body was treated by Gangabharati as a gift (Prasad) and, like an ointment, massaged all his body by that spittle. Looking to that a person, standing nearby criticised him fo applying the spittle to his already rotten body. He advised to wash it away by soap and to keep away from such actions of blind faith. He even went to the extent of saying that Gangabharati should better take some medicine instead of coming to such mad men like Shri Gajanan Maharaj.

    Gangabharati smiled and said, "you are wrong. There is nothing unclean wit saints. Kasturi (Musk) will never emit bad smell. What appeared like spittle t you, was in fact a medicinal ointment and it smells like musk.lf you doubt, ju~ touch my body and smell, you will find that there is no trace of spittle in it. It is all medicine. I am not a fool to treat this spittle as an ointment. Since it was n meant for you, it looked like spittle to you. You do not know the greatness Shri Maharaj. To prove my statement, let us go to the place where Shri Mahar4 takes his daily bath and wherefrom I take the mud and apply to my body.'
    Both of them went to that bathing place,Gangabharati took the mud from tha place and it turned in to ointment in his hand. The criticdid the same thing but i remained only mud in his hand.This made him realise the real thing and sc surrendered to Shri Gajanan Maharaj.

    Nobody allowed Gangabharati to go near Shri Maharaj, so he used to sin� bhajans sitting away from him. He had a melodious voice and was a good singer too. This continued for a fortnight and there was a miracle. The redness on his body disappared, the earlaps regained normal luster and shape, cracks on the feet closed and the stinking from body vanished. Gangabharati continued singing bhajans in his sweet voice, It pleased everybody.

    Anasuya, Gangabharatis wife, alongwith her son, Santosh Bharati, came to Shegaon to take her husband back home. They with folded hands, said,

    "Your disease is cured by the grace of Shri Maharaj, so we request you to take permission from him to go home with us."
    Gangabharati replied- "Please don't pray to me. I no more belong to you. Shri Maharaj slapped and brought me to senses, saying that I should not defame the saffron robes I wear. My eyes are opened now and so wish to keep away from family life. Santoshbharati, now you better go home with your mother, be obedient to her and keep her happy. Follow the ideal of Pundalika for rendering service to the mother. That will bring you blessings from Vasudeo. If I return to Savdad, the disease will catch me again. So do not force me. Till now I belonged to you, but hereater I will devote myself to almighty God to free me from the cycle of life and death. This change in my thinking has come by the grace of Shri Maharaj. Please don't tempt me anymore."

    Saying so he sent them back to Savadad and himself stayed at Shegaon. Daily evening, sitting before Shri Maharaj he used to sing Bhajans, which enchanted every one. He was completely cured of the disease and then went tc Malkapur as per orders of Shri Maharaj. Once, in the month of Poush, Zamsing~ came to Shegaon and requested Shri Maharaj to come with him to his village
    He reminded Shri Maharaj that when he had come some time back with same invitation, he was told to come later on. Accordingly he had come now to takE Shri Maharaj to Mundgaon. Shri Maharaj went with him. Many People gath ered at Mundgaon and took his Darshan. Zamsing arranged grand feast tc celebrate the visit and Mundgaon became second Paithan. At Paithan there was saint Eknath, as Shri Gajanan Maharaj was at Mundgaon. Many singers groups reached there to sing Bhajans in praise of god. Cooks started preparation of food on large scale, and when it was half way through, Shri Maharaj said to Zamsingh,

    "Zamsingh, today is Chathurdashi which by nature is an empty Tithi, so it is better to arrange feeding the people tomorrow which is Pornima."

    Whereupon Zamsingh said that the food was nearly ready and people had gathered to take prasad.

    Shri Maharaj replied, "What you say is correct in your own way, but it is not
    acceptable to Almighty God. Azmsingh, this food has to go waste. You, men of family, always wish things to happen as per your desires, but it is not possible.' Even then people sat in rows to take food. Suddenly clouds gathered in the sky and it started raining heavily with thunder storm. The roaring lightening and the storm uprooted many trees and in short time the down pour spread water everywhere even in the food. All food was wasted.

    Zamsingh then said to Shri Maharaj,

    "0 Maharaj, All people are greatly disappointed by these rains. Now tomorrow atleast it should not happen like this. It is not a rainy season to rain. So it appears to have come just to destroy our preparations. Such untimely rains may rains the crops and the people will taunt me saying this to be the fruit of Zamsingh's Punya."

    Thereupon Shri Maharaj assured him that it will not happen like this next day, and then he just looked up towards the cloulds and in a moment they all van-
    ished and clear sunlight came out. Such was the will power of Shri Maharaj. Next day Zamsingh held "Bhandara' and fed all the people of the village. This tradition of feeding the people on this particular day still continues at Mundgaon. ~amsingh surrendered all his estate at the feet of Shri Gajanan Maharaj.

    On this occasion of the visit of Shri Maharaj, many people of Mundgaon became his Shishyas (disciples)) among whom was a young boy by name Pundalika Bhokre. He was the only son of Ukirda - a Kunbi by caste. It is customary in Berar to name a child as Ukirda when the survival of such children was doubtful. Similarly Pentayya in Telengana and Kerpunja in Maharashtra are the names given to children to ensure their survival.

    This Pundalika was visiting Shegaon regularly on every Vadya Ekadashi, like a
    Varkari going regularly to Pundharpur, Dehu and Alandi. So was the routine of
    Pundalika to go to Shegaon every month for the Darshan of Shri Maharaj.,
    Once there was a spread of plague epidemic in Berar, and people left their ~
    houses and started living in open fields away from the towns and villages. In ~
    this disease the patient first gets shivering and then temperature. Eyes become blood red followed by eruption of a tumour on some of the joints of the body. Then the patient loses his sense and dies. This disease was never seen in India in the past. It was rempant in Europe from where it came to India and sprea all over the country. It made people to leave their houses and reside in open fields to protect themselves.This terrible killer disease came to Mundgaon also. It was the day of Vadya Ekadashi and Pundalik had to go to Shegaon as per his routine. He was feeling feverish but even then left for Shegaon with his father. After walking about ten miles he was hot with fever and could not walk a step ahead. A tumour also erupted in his armpit and flet completely exhausted. Looking to his condition, father anxiously enquired about his health. Pundalik said that he hand a high fever, a tumour in the armpit and feeling of extreme weakness.

    Pundalik, with folded hands said,

    "0 Gajanana, Please see that my Van (routine of coming to you on Vadya
    Ekadashi is not distrubed. Let me reach at your feet today. Once I reach Shegaon I won't mid death thereafter. Please protect me from this plague enemy till I reach Shegaon. Visits to shrines in possible only if you are in good health. "Looking to the condition of Pundalik, his father felt sorry and tears rolled from his eyes. He prayed to God to save his only sons from this calamity. He offered Pundalik to get a bullock cart for his journey to Shegaon. Pundalik replied,

    "No. I must go to Shegaon on foot only. Slowly I will walk and reach Shegaon some how. If I die on way, please carry my body to Shegaon and don't worry. Saying so Pundalik started walking slowly and with great difficulty reached Shegaon. He saw Shri Maharaj and prostrated at his feet. Looking to Pundalika Shri Maharaj pressed his own armpit by another hand and said,

    "Pundalika, your danger is averted, so do not worry at all.'

    When Shri Maharaj said so, the tumour in the armpit of Pundalik suddenly vanished. He was, however, feeling a bit of weakness, but that too disappeared
    when Shri Maharaj ate two morsels of Naivedya offered by Pundalikas mother. Pundalik began feeling normal. This was the result of Gurubhakti, and example to be noted by disbelievers. It shows that devotion to proper Guru never goes waste. Real Guru is like having a Kamdhenu at home, to fulfil all your desires.

    After completing his rituals of the "Van' Pundalik returned to Mundgaon. If you read this Chanitra, all the dangers to you will be averted. It is a biography of a great saint and not any imaginary story. Everything given in this book is real and actual by happened. Nobody should show any disbelief in this story of the great saint.

    May this Gajanan Vijay Granth, written by Dasganu, bring happiness to all. Thus prays Dasganu.
    May good come to you all.

    My obeisance to both Har and Han.

    Here ends Chapter Thirteen

    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #19 on: October 13, 2010, 06:03:51 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi14

    Shri Ganeshayanmah ! O Kausalya's son Rama! O gem of Raghu dynesty Sitapati, have compassion for this child of yours.
    You have liberated Tratika an gave life to Ahilya who was lying in the form of a stone. You have fulfilled th desire of Shabari by visiting her. O son of Dasharatha, You renounce the thron to protect your devotee, and by your grace monkeys got strength. O Killer of Ravana, your mere name made stones to float on sea and it is you, who ii stalled on throne your devotee - Bibhishan. Whosoever surrendered at yoi feet, got rid of poverty, sorrow and calamities. Please remember it and prote this Dasganu. How can a child go away from its mother 7 You are my mothe father and Guru (Preceptor).You are the Kalpataru - the tree that meets eves desire of devotees. O Rama! you are the ship to float in this ocean of life.

    There was a brahman named Bandu Tatya at Mehkar. He was most pious ar liberal at heart. In family life one comes across many calamities, but even thE he does not leave the attachment for life and its pleasures. Many guests use
    to come to this Bandu Tatya and he personally looked their comforts. This cc tinued for long and he spent all his money. He even borrowed money fro money lenders by mortgaging his house. Due to mounting debts, he h ashamed to face people. He even sold the utensils in the house and the remained nothing more to sell. He was completely bankrupt and the credito were after him to get the money back. He could not afford even two time meals and had to bear insult from wife and childern. Thus losing all his credi nobody would lead him any money. He got frustrated with life and started thinl~ ing to commit suicide. Without money one has no value in this world, and th sweet home becomes a place of sorrow. This is the way of the world. He thougl that if he jumps in the well, somebody may see & bring him out, under whic circumstances, instead of death, he would be required to face prosecution f committing suicide. So he decided to go to Himalayas to kill himself and g absoved of the sin of suicide. Thinking thus he finally left the house with onl lioncloth and ash applied all over the body to hide his identity. It is a well know fact that people of respectiul families are always afraid of public condemn~
    tion. In his mind Bandu Tatya said -

    ""0 God why are you so much displead with me? I lived with full faith in you, and Puranas say that even a beggar becomes rich by your grace. But my present experience proves it to be false and makes me think that the poets have wrongly described you to be the benefactor of the poor. 0 Shri Han -now lay down my life and you will be blamed for my death. So I request you to save yourself from this blame.~~

    Saying thus to himself Bandu Tatya went to the Railway booking office to purchase ticket. A brahmin approached him and said,

    "Don't purchase ticket for Haridwar. First go and take darshan of saint and then go to Haridwar. There is a great saint - Gajanan Maharaj - at Shegaon. Go and meet him first. Don't take hasty steps by momentary frustration. Know that the darshan of saint is never wasted."

    At that Bandu Tatya got confused, fearing that the Brahman might have
    recognised him. But he felt shy to ask him about his identity, nor could he kno~ as to who he was. He however, decided to go to Shegaon and pay respects tc Shri Gajanan Maharaj. When he reached there and bowed before Shri Maharaj He laughed and said,

    "Bandu Tatya, why are you going to Himalayas to commit suicide ? 0 boy, One should not kill himself, never lose hopes and don't not stop trying to get the desired things. If you now commit suicide due to the calamities in the family life, you will be required to take birth again to undergo the sufferings which you may avoid by suicide in this birth. Now don't go to Himalayas to end your life ir the holy Ganga. Instead, go home immediately. Have you recognised the brahman who met you at the Railway Station ? Go home, and don't stay here anymore. There is an idol of Mhasoba in your garden. Go there at midnigh alone, and dig three feet deep near Babul tree - which is to the east of Mhasoba idol. You will get some money there. Give some of it to your creditors and keep rest for you. Don't leave your wife and children, and forget this false renuncia tion."
    Hearing thus brahman returned to his village Kherda and as per advice of Shr Maharaj started digging near that Babul tree at midnight. He dug three tee deep, and inside found a copper pitcher with covered mouth. He opened it anc saw that there were about 400 Moharas (gold coins) in it. He lifted it and started dancing with happiness saying - "Jay Gajanan" "Jay Gajanan". He then paic to his creditors and got released his mortgaged garden. By the grace o Shri Gajanan Maharaj he set right his affairs and was very happy once again It was just like getting nector at the time of death, or like seeing a life saving boat when drowning in the sea. So was the state of Bandu Tatya, and gone were the bad days for him. Then he came to Shegaon and spent lot on Charity He prostrated at the feet of Shri Maharaj - who said to him -

    "Why do you bow before me? Instead, go and bow before Him who gave yo~ all this wealth. Now take a lesson and be judicious in spending money hereafter, it is useless toi be over liberal. People come to you only in your good days, but Almighty Narayan is always with you in bad times also. Always pray to Him and He will never neglect you."
    Hearing this advice, Bandu Tatya again prostrated at the feet of Shri Maharaj and happily returned to his village.

    Once there was an auspicious occasion of Somavati, which occures when there is coincidence of Monday and Amavasya. Puranas describe its importance at great length. it is said that one must take bath in holy Narmada river on this day. So People of Shegaon planned a trip to Narmada for Somavati. Among them were Martand Patil, Bankatlal, Maruti, Chandrabhan and Bajaranglal who decided to go to Onkareshwar. Bankatlal thought that it would be better if Shri Gajanan Maharaj also accompanied them for a holy dip at Narmada. So all the four approached Shri Maharaj and requested for his company to Onkareshwar. They said that his presence would fully protect them from every evil, and so again and again requested Shri Maharaj to oblige them by conceeding to their request. There-upon Shri Maharaj said,

    "Holy Narmada is already with me and as such there is no need for me to go and trouble her. I will have the Narmada bath here, but you all go to Onkareshwar.
    In ancient days there ruled a brave & famous king named Mandhata at that place. Shri Shankaracharya took his first vow of renunciation at Onkareshwar only, and then started on his mission of liberating people from their worldly bonds. So, you go to that place and meet my Narmada, but do not force me to go with you. Now there is no need for me to undergo such rituals."

    But they won't listen to him, and firmly caught hold of his feet and again requested their request.

    Shri Maharaj said, "You people appear to be hypocrite. This well here contains the water of Narmada, and if I go to Onkareshwar, leaving her here, my dear Narmada will be angry. So, in your own interest, I again advise you to go, leaving me here. Believe me it is for your good."

    But Maroti and Chandrabhan said that they won't go without him.Thereupon Shri Maharaj warned, that they should not blame him if something bad happened by his accompanying them.
    hey all came to Onkareshwar with Shri Maharaj. Lot of people had gathered here on that auspicious occasion of "Somavati", and all the men and women vere spread on both the banks of the river. Some were taking holy dip, some vere chanting holy hymns, while others were going to the temple with flowers n their hands. Many people were seen eating sweets and "Bhajan Dindis" vere coming in scores. During the auspicious period, the temple was full of devotees offering "Abhishek" to Shri Onkareshwar. At that pleasent place of onkareshwar Shri Maharaj sat in "Padmasan" posture on the bank of the holy narmada. His four devotees took Darshan and came back to Shri Maharaj. they suggested that it was not safe to travel back by road, as there was lot of t raffic on road, and the bullocks of their cart were not dependable. So they wished it better to go back by river in a small boat. Shri Maharaj instead of giving any opinion asked them to do as they liked. Saying so Shri Maharaj sat n the boat with them and the journey to Khedighat started by river. On their  way the boat dashed against a rock and a plank at the buttom of the boat was  washed away. The water started rushing in through that hole and looking to it
    the boatmen jumped out in the river for safety of their lives. But Shri Maharaj was sitting quiet and started chanting, "Gin-Gina-Ganat Bote" contineously. mAroti, Bajarang, Martand and Bankatlal got scared and their hearts began throbbing with fright. They, with folded hands, said,

    '0 kind hearted Maharaja, we are guilty of disobeying you at Shegaon, as a result of which this holy Narmada is punishing by drowning us. 0 swami, we shall hereafter obey every word of yours as if it were a directive from the Vedas. So kindly save from this danger and take us safe to Shegaon."

    As they were praying so, half of the boat had already gone under water. On lookers were saying that these five persons would soon be drowned.

    Thereupon Shri Maharaj said, "Don't get panicky. This holy Narmada will not hurt you at all."

    Saying so Shri Maharaj started reciting as follows in praise of Narmada -"'0 Sacred Narmada Devi,
    Destroyer of everything that is inauspicious, Pardon their fault by your kindness."

    As he was reciting above prayer, the water went away from the boat, and the hole was closed by the hand of Narmada. The Boat came up floating on the water as before and alongwith it was seen Narmada herself in human form. She, in the dress of a fisher woman, and with curly hair, was wet upto her waist. The boat reached the shore and all of them looked surprisingly at the bottom of the boat and said,

    "0 lady, you have saved us. Kindly tell us who you are. Please change your wet clothes. We have dry clothing to offer you."

    Holy Narmada said - "I am daughter of Onkar fisherman. My name is Narmada and it is my habit to be in wet clothes. I always remain wet and my form is water."
    Saying so, she bowed before Shri Gajanan Maharaj, and suddently disappeared like a lightening in the sky.

    Looking to that, all the four were overjoyed to see the authority wieded by Shri Maharaj, as the holy Narmada herself came for his Darshan.

    Even then Bankat asked Shri Maharaj to tell them as to who the lady was.

    Shri Maharaj said, "What you are asking has already been told by Narmada to you. The fisherman Onkar, is this Onkareshwar. When She said that the water is her form means she herself is Narmada river. Do not have any doubt in your mind. She always extends her helping hand to her devotees in times of danger. So, say loudly "Jay" to her with a prayer requesting to save us in times of danger."

    Hearing this, Bankatlal and the three other again and again prostrated before Shri Maharaj. They returned to Shegaon and with great happiness narrated the incident to the people there.
    Once Sadashiv Ranganath Wanawale, alongwith his friend came to Shegaon for the Darshan of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. This Sadashiv with nick name as Tatya, was disciple of Shri Madhaonath Maharaj of Chitrakut, who had mastered the art of yoga and had a large following in Malwa. When Sadashiv came for the darshan of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, he was taking his meals. At the sight of Sadashiv Shri Maharaj remembered Shri Madhaonath Maharaj. Saints know each other even without meeting.

    Shri Maharaj said,

    "Bring those disciples of Shri Nath before me. His Guru just went away after taking meals with me. Had they come a bit earlier, they would have met their Guru here only. Now they have come after their Guru went away without taking "Pan". Being the children of a brother, Shri Maharaj embraced Wanawale and gave him traditional reception. Then he gave him two leaves of betel for giving to Shri Nath and asked to convey message as follows without change of word.
    'We had meals together but you forgot your pan here." We have now brought foryou.

    Nanawale heard it and returned with those two leaves of betel. He narrated :he detailed talk at Shegaon to Shri Nath and asked if he had realy gone to Shegaon that day.

    Shri Nath said, "What Shri Gajanan said is true. His remembering me at the time of meals is our meeting. We meet each other like that quite frequently. Don't have any doubt about it. Remembering each other is our meeting. Though ye have different bodies, our life breath is the same. This is a deep knowledge md you may require some time to understand it. It is good that you brought the Pan" which I had forgotten at Shegaon."

    then Shri Nath took betel leaves, crushed and ate it. He also gave some to Vanawale as Prasad.
    Shri Dnyaneshwar Maharaj, in his "Changdeo Pasasti," has described in detail the way saints meet each other. One should read that to understand their manner of meeting. It is interesting to know that Yogis meet each other from any distance without leaving their places. Skh. Mohamed was in Shri Gonda and Shri Tukaram at Dehu, but when the pendal at Dehu where Shri Tukaram was doing Kirtan caught fire, Skh Mohamed extinguished if from Shri Gonda. This has been narrated by Mahipal in "Bhaktivijay". Shri Manik Prabhu saved Patil's son from drowning in a well, by reaching Hali village. Only true yogis can perform such miracles.Yoga is more powerful than anything else. So learn Yoga to make the nation strong.
    May the affectionate devotees with full faith, listen to this Gajanan Vijay epic. Let Joy be to all.
    Obeisance to Hara and Han.

    Here ends the Chapter fourteen.

    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #20 on: October 13, 2010, 06:04:44 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi15
    Shri Ganeshayanmah ! O Kashyapa's son Wamana ! O little Narayana! You have obliged Bali Raja by accepting an offering from him.
    You took away his kingdom of this earth but gave him that of other world (Patala). You, by this action took Amla from him and in return gave a coconut to that saintly Bali Raja. Moreover due to his extreme devotion, you accepted to remain as guard at his doors.By your blessing only Bali Raja is to become the king of Gods at the end of this epoch. O Ananta, you learnt all the Vedas in a moment. Amongst all your incarnations, this is, Shri Han, most pious, as you killed nobody and have pleased both friends and foes. That is why you are respected both by gods and demons. You have, in this incarnation, given happiness to Gods, protected demons and thus justified your Godliness. O Wamana, I again bow before you. Kindly put your blessing hand on the head of this Dasganu.

    Shri Bala Gangadhar Tilak - the Kohinoor of Maharashtra - had keen foresight and excelled in politics. He was brave and worked hard for the independence
    of our country. Stubborn like Bhishma, looking to the plight of our country, too vow for its liberation from foreign rule, and being true to his cause, was fear less. Orator like Brihaspati, he created panic in the minds of Britishers by hi fiery writings. Tilak was such a brave man that he earned the title of "Lokmanya by his deeds and not by anybody's offering it to him. Once he came to Akola b public request to deliver a speech on the occasion of Shiv Jayanti. Many learne people extended their helping hand for this celebration. Among them were Damle, Kolhatkar, Khaparde and many others who reached Akola specially fc this Shiv Jayanti. People of Berar were happy to know that Shri Tilak was in vited to preside over this function. In fact the birth anniversary of Shivaji shoul' have been celebrated in Berar much before this, for the reason that the mothe of Shivaji - Jijabai - was born and brought up at Sindkhed in Berar. She gave birth to brave Shivaji and united Berar & Maharashtra by dint of her abiIity Mother from Berar and father from Maharashtra was as excellent incomparable couple. The celebrations for Shivaji was a great occasion for Maharashtr and its greatness was enhanced many fold by Tilak presiding over it. The preparations for the celebrations started one month in advance and everybody were happily participated in it. President and Vice President of Reception committee were elected and volunteers selected. To make the function more majestic many people expressed their desire to invite Gajanan Maharaj for the celebrations. They said that Shivaji's service to the nation succeeded due to the blessings of Shri Ramdas Swami. So the political fight of Shri Tilak should have th blessings of Shri Gajanan Maharaj for its success. Some people did not uk the idea and said that the "Avliya" of Shegaon may come naked and even be8 Lokmanya. But others did not agree and insisted that the sacred feet of Shi Gajanan Maharaj must touch that place. They argued that he might behave like a mad man among the mad people but not among the learned people gathering there. One of them said that if Lokmanya was really a great leader Shri Maharaj would definitely come for the function. So most of them sup ported the suggestion to invite Shri Maharaj for the function. There-upon group of leaders of the function went to Shegaon to extend Him the invitation Looking at them Shri Maharaj said to Shri Khaparde,
    "I will come to attend the birth day celebrations of Shri Shivaji and behave well, to the entire satisfaction of the social reformers coming over there. Tilak is the most able national leader working for the liberation of the country and will remain unparrelled in future also. I will come to Akola to see Tilak and Anna Patawardhan, who is disciple of Shri Narsinha Saraswati of Alandi."

    Shri khaparde was glad that Shri Maharaj accepted the invitation. He said to Kolhatkar that Shri Maharaj, the gem of Berar, could know everything that happened at Akola, and the acceptance of the invitation by Shri Maharaj was a good omen for the function. They bowed to Shri Maharaj and went back to Akola.

    Eight days were left for the great celebration of Shivaji Jayanti, and people were very eagerly waiting for the arrival of Tilak to Akola. The function was tc take place in the month of Vaisakh of Saka 1830, and for that a huge penda was erected. lnspite of the fact that the day of the function was Akshya Tritia, an important religious festival for the people of Vidarbha, lot of people from
    distant places gathered at Akola to see Shri Tilak. They also knew that Shri Gajanan Maharaj too was to come for the function, and it added to their happiness. Shri Maharaj reached in time as promised, and sat on the dias alongwith Lokmanya Tilak, Anna Patwardhan, Khaparde, Damle, Kolhatkar, Bhave, Venkatrao Desai and other leaders of the function. The meeting was called tc order and after introductory speech, Shri Lokmanya Tilak, the lion orator, stood up to speak. He said,

    "Today is the most auspicious day, as the great Shivaji who spent his life in th� service of the nation, was born on this day. The blessing of Shri Ramdas Swamy helped to spread the fame of Shivaji all over the country, so will be the blessings of Shri Gajanan Maharaj for this meeting. I wish that today's meeting should be successful like great Shivaji's life and work. Nation today needs such meetings and functions. The sun of independence has set and all around there is darkness of slavery. Any nation without independence is lifeless. It is therefore, necessary to impart such training to the people, which will enhance their love for independence. But can the present rulers give us such Training?'
    Hearing these taunting words - directed towards the rulers of the country, Shri    Maharaj got up and smilingly said,

    "No, No, No. Don't say like that. It can invite your arrest by the Government

    Saying so, Shri Maharaj started chanting his usual bhajan "Gan-Gana-Gan Bote."

    The function concluded successfully and people cheered and praised Lokmanya
    Tilak. But the prophesy of Shri Maharaj came true the same year. Shri Tilak we arrested under section 124. In the face of the Ruler's strength everybody was helpless. Renowned lawyers rushed to defend Tilak on legal side, while other devotees wanted to try the spiritual way to save him from the punishment.

    Shri Dadasaheb Khaparde was a great man, who went to Bombay from Am ravati to attend the trial of Lokmanya. On way, at Akola, he said to kolhatkar,

    "You go to Shegaon and request Shri Gajanan Maharaj to save Tilak from the calamity. In fact I wished to go myself to Shegaon, but I have to attend this trial at Bombay. So go and request Shri Maharaj."

    Kolhatkar, the devotee of Tilak, immediately went to Shegaon, but when he reached there, saw that Shri Maharaj was sleeping. He did not get up for three days. Kolhatkar, being very sincere man, did not move from there for all those three days. His love, affection and reverence for Tilak was really great. It is said in marathi that there cannot be a boiling without fire, and grief without affection On the fourth day Shri Maharaj woke up and said, "Your all efforts will be fruit less. Remember that despite blessing from Shri Ramdas Swamy. Shivaji was arrested by Moguls. There can be no Liberation unless good people Suffer. Remember the history of Kansa, and you will understand what I say. I give you a bread, take it and let Tilak eat it at the earliest. With the Prasad of this bread he will do a great work, though going far away. It cannot be avoided."

    Hearing all this, kolhatkar got confused. He bowed before Shri Maharaj, ar went away with the bread given by him. At Bombay, narrated every thing at gave the Prasad of Bread to Shri Tilak. Hearing it from Kolhatkar, Tilak said,
    "Shri Gajanan Maharaj is a great saint and what he said must be true. You wil definately not succeed, as Government will follow the law to defend itself. It is an universal truth that the law is strictly adhared to, when self interest is no' involved. Shri Maharaj said that I will do some great work, which I am not able to understand. Saints know all the past, present and future. We are ordinary men, so let us see what happens in future.'

    As he had not teeth, Tilak powdered the Prasad of bread and ate it. Thereafter, he was sentenced to imprisonment and sent to Mandaly where was born the memorable treatise on the "Geeta" by Lokmanya. This was the great work done by him and earned the respect like "Jagat Guru". Many treatises were written on Geeta and every intellectual interpreted it, on the background of the era he lived in, to help liberation of the common man. Some of the interpreted it on "Adwait" and others on Dwait philosophy, while some thought that ii preached "Karma". The treatise on Geeta by Shri Tilak was itself a great work done by him, incomparable with anything else. It made Tilak immortal and spreac his fame far and wide. Even achieving the independence would not have beer
    so great a work as nis treatise on Geeta. Achieving independence is something material and transient in nature. But Geeta can achieve liberation of human being from material bondange and also help keep up the social discipline. By this work, the fame and name of BaI Gangadhar Tilak will last so long as the sun and moon shine.

    A poor chitpavan Brahmin boy, named Shridhar Govind Kale from Karvi, Kolhapur, joined english school and passed matric. Then he joined college but failed in Inter. While reading "Kesari" news-paper he came across the biography of Oyama Togo. Inspired by it, he wished to go abroad, for some technical education, Togo and Oyama did it, and brought prosperity to Japan by their knowledge. Shridhar wished to do the same thing for his mother land, but fel helpless due to poverty. Nobody helps ther poor. He then went to Bhandara tc meet his friend who was teacher in Monro High School there. He told his friend eveything that came to his mind, and he too appreciated the idea. But wha about money? Nothing is possible in this world without money and the P00 people have to build castles in the air only.
    Due to hot summer of Vidarbha, they decided to go to Kolhapur. Having heard much about the great saint, Shri Gajanan Maharaj, they, on their way got down at Shegaon to see the saint. They kept their luggage at the post office and went to the Math of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, and prostrating before him sat with folded hands. By his divine power, Shri Maharaj knew the desire of Shridhar, and said,

    "Don't think of going abroad. You can get everything here only. This physical science is useless, and so try to get some spiritual knowledge that can bring satisfaction to you.

    By this advice Shridhar experienced sudden change in his thinking and that reminded him of one saint of Kolhapur who used to talk just like Shri Gajanan Maharaj. Sensing the confusion in his mind. Shri Maharaj further said,

    "Don't think of leaving Hindustan, as one gets birth here, only after doing lot of good deeds. Yogashastra is superior to any other material science, and one who knows yogashstra will not care for other science. The knowledge of the self (Adhyatma) is further superior to Yogashastra. Try to learn that and don't
    go any where."

    Hearing these words, Shridhar felt very happy and thought that the sun of thinking that had set in the west rose again in the east to make him happy. Only saints can bring about such transformation of thoughts, because they know the Truth.

    Shri Maharaj further said, "You will prosper here only. Now go to Kolhapur with your friend as your wife is waiting for you.

    The prophesy proved true and Shridhar prospered well. He passed B.A. and M.A. Examinations and became Principal of the college at Shivpuri in the Kingdom Schindias. Saints are Gods incarnate on this earth and those, who get their blessings, always prosper. The change in Shridhar's thinking was due to the blessings of Shri Maharaj. This crop of Saints can grow only in our holy
    land. Trees of heaven will not get root elsewhere.

    May this Gajanan Vijay Granth, composed by Dasganu, always show right path to the devotees.

    Here ends Chapter Fifteen

    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #21 on: October 13, 2010, 06:05:37 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi16
    Shri Ganeshayanmah, O Parshudhara, son of Jamdagni, Jai to you.
    Please do not ignore me. Not bearing the insult to brahmans you killed Sahasrarjun and protected your brahmans. But now you seem to have closed your eyes to their plight. Are you asleep? Please open your eyes as it is most necessary in the present emergent situation. All actions are useless without your support. This Aryan culture cannot be preserved without your help.

    Mysterious are the actions of Shri Gajanan Maharaj and nobody can predict them. There was one devotee of Shri Maharaj at Mundgaon. His name was Pundalik. He used to go to Shegaon regularly on a fixed day every month, and was very much devoted to Shri Maharaj who was a prime deity for him. There was one Bhagabai in the same village, who could not concentrate on anything, as she had a wavering mind. In a way she was a great hypocrite and her only business was to befool people. She once said to Pundalik,

    "Your life is wasted as you could not get any Guru so far. You go to Shegaon frequently and treat Shri Gajanan Maharaj as your Guru. But tell me, has he given you any Guru Mantra (i.e. secret - incantation which is whispered in the
    aar of devotee by the Guru)? Mind you, one does not become Guru without proper rituals. In fact this Gajanan of Shegaon is a mad person, and you are accepting him as Guru only because you got relief from fever, It was a mere coincidence and you should not be a victim to that. His chanting of "Gan, Gan, Ganate," mad like behavior, and eating food at anybody's hands, all this confirm that he is a fallen person. So I have come to tell you that we shall go to Anjangaon and make Kekaji's disciple as our Guru. Early morning tomorrow we will go to attend his Kirtan at Anjangaon. Guru should be well read, learned, wise, expert in all shastras, of high caliber and a guide to help you attain self realisation. None of these qualities are visible in your Gajanan, so let us go to Anjangaon". This talk of Bhagabai disturbed Pundalik, a pious man. He gave his consent to her for going to Anjangaon next morning. Pundalik, having decided as above, slept well. In the later half of the night he saw a person like Shri Gajanan Maharaj in his dream. He said,

    "Pundalika, you seem to have decided to go to Anjangaon with that Bhagabai for getting a Guru. You may go if you like. His name is Kashinath, and I tell you that you will be completely disappointed on going there."

    Can a person become Guru by whispering something in the ear? Many people
    whisper in one another's ears. Does that mean that they become Guru of each other? Pundalika, don't go after hypocrites. Come, listen to me. I will chant ~ Mantra in your ear."

    Saying so he whispered - "Gan-Gan" and kept quiet. He further told Pundalika to ask for anything and it would be done.

    At these words, Pundalik felt very happy. He minutely observed the person ir the dream and was glad to see that he was Shri Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon Thereupon Pundalika asked for His 'Paduka' to worship and nothing else.

    Shri Maharaj said - "Take these Padukas and worship them tomorrow after noon".

    As Pundalika got up to take Padukas he awoke. He looked around, but there was nobody and no Padukas. He felt confused, but at the same time knew than the words of Shri Maharaj can never go waste. He remembered all that Shri Maharaj had said about Bhagabai, and also the instructions to worship the Padukas next day afternoon. If he has to follow the instructions of Shri Maharaj Padukas were necessary for worship, but he did not have them. He also though
    of getting prepared new Padukas for worship, but again remembered that Shi Maharaj had given him, His own Padukas in the dream. Then why to prepari new ones? While Pundalika was thinking like that, he heard Bhagabai calling him for going to Anjangaon. He refused to go with her saying that he would not accept anybody other than Shri Gajanan as Guru. So Bhagabai went alone to Anjangaon.

    Now listen to what happened at Shegaon. Just two days prior to this incident Zyamsingh Rajput had gone to Shegaon for the Darshan of Shri Maharaj. When he was about to leave for Mundgaon, Shri Maharaj called Balabhau and told him to send His (of Shri Maharaj) Padukas with Zyamsingh for handing over the same to Pundalika at Mundgaon. Balabhau did so. Zyamsingh took the Padukas and went. At Mundgaon Zyamsingh met Pundalik at the entrance of the village. He enquired of Zyamsingh if Shri Maharaj sent any Prasad for him. Zyamsingh was surprised. He took him home and asked the reason c his enquiring like that. Pundalik frankly told about his dream, which cleared a the doubts in the mind of Zyamsingh. He immediately handed over the Paduka to Pundalik, and the same are still there with him, at Mundgaon. Pundalik, with great devotion worshipped those gifted Padukas in the afternoon.
    From this story it will be seen that, saints will never allow the devotees to go a wrong way.

    Now listen to a story which shows as to how Shri Maharaj fulfil the desires of his devotees.

    There was one Rajaram Kavar, a brahmin at Akola, who was a dealer in gold and silver ornaments. This Rajaram had great faith in Shri Maharaj, and so his Sons also respected Shri Maharaj. He had two sons named Gopal and Trimbak. Trimbak, the younger, nick-named as Bhau, was a student of Medical College at Hydrabad. He was a great believer right from his childhood, and so in times of any difficulty used to remember Shri Gajanan Maharaj. Thus he was the devotee of Shri Maharaj. He once came home in vacation and wished to offer meals of his liking to Shri Maharaj. But how to do it? His mother had died when he was a child, and his brother's wife named Nani was hot tempered. He prayed to Shri Maharaj -

    "O Maharaj, I wish to offer you the food of your liking - a bread, onion, curry of Ambadi and green chillies. But how shall I tell my aunt to prepare all this? Only
    mother can do everything for the son."

    When he was thinking like that, his aunt Nani happened to come there, and looking to his depressed mood asked him the reason for the worry. When he hesitated to tell, she said that he should treat elder brother's wife as mother and open his mind. These words encouraged him, and so he told her that he wanted to go to Shegaon and offer to Shri Maharaj the food of his liking. Aunty smiled and asked the menu to be prepared. Bhau told her what he wished to offer to Shri Maharaj. She happily went to kitchen, prepared the food and came back with a tiffin containing three breads with butter on, three onions and Besan. She gave it to Bhau and asked him to hurry to station and catch the train in time. Bhau, then taking permission from his father, went to railway station. But unfortunately missed the 12 O'clock train. He was greatly disappointed and trears came to his eyes. He sadi,

    "O Maharaj, why have you disapointed me? I am a small orphan always missing the pleasure of doing Punya (Good deed). I am like a crow who cannot reach Man Sarovar. Tell me, what is that unpardonable mistake committed by me making me miss the 12 O'clock train? This is my ill luck and nothing else.
    But I vow what if this food is not served to you today, I will not eat anything
    myself. O Gurudeo, please do not ignore this child of yours, and come running
    to accept this food which is specially prepared for you only. You are all powerful
    You can reach Kedareshwar in a moment; then why hesitate to come here? am not
    ordering you, but calling with love, and so it does not mean any insult t you. There are still three hours for the next train to come, and I think by that time you will finish your lunch".

    Bhau stayed at the station without eating anything and went to Shegaon by 3 O'clock train. On reaching Shegaon Bhau saw that Shri Maharaj also had not taken his meals. Lot of thalis (Plates) full of all sorts of food were put before him as offerings. They included sweets like Jelebi, gheever, Motichur, Kheei Shrikhand and Pun. Balabhau brought and put these plates before Shri Maharaj
    and requested him to take the food so that the devotees would get Prasad, but he did not touch any of them. Shri Maharaj said that he would take his food ii the evening and the persons offering this food to him, may, if they like, wait c
    go away. Bhau reached there and was immensly happy to see Shri Maharaj
    like a child seeing a long lost mother. Bhau prostrated before Shri Maharaj an
    stood up with folded hands awaiting further orders from his Guru.
    Looking to Bhau, He smiled and said - "What sort of invitation is this? Is it time for taking food? As I was bound by your invitation, I am still without food. No give it to me immediately.'

    Bhau was overjoyed at these words, and said that the delay in reaching was due to his missing the 12 O'clock train. Balabhau then asked Bhau to serve the food to Shri Maharaj early without feeling sorry for whatever had happened.

    Then Balabhau took out, breads, Bhaji and onions and offered it to Shri Mahara who ate two breads and gave back one as Prasad to all devotees. Looking at this, all were surprised to see the love and affection Shri Maharaj had for his devotee, It was just like Shrikrishna, who preferred to stay with Vidur and accept the poor food at his place instead of sweets of Kauravas. Similarly Shri Maharaj waited for the bread from Bhau Kavar, declining all the rich food and sweet~ brought by other devotees. Bhau also took prasad from Shri Maharaj.

    Where ever there is sincere devotion, such things do happen. Shri Mahara asked Bhau to go back to Akola and blessed that he would pass the medical examination. Bhau replied that he had come only for blessings, and not to asking any things else. He further said that his wealth was the only feet of Shri Maharaj, which he would ever cherish in his mind. Saying so, Bhau Kavar went back to Akola.

    There was a pious person named Tukaram Shegokar at Shegaon. He was poor agriculturist. After working whole day on his field he used to go to Math for Darshan of Shri Maharaj, and serve Him by filling up his pipe with tobacco and other sundry work. This routine of his, continued for many days. Destiny spares nobody, and destined things do happen.

    As usual, one day Tukaram went to his field. There came a hunter with a gun in his hand, in search or rabbits. It was a morning time and Tokaram was sitting in his field warming himself near fire. The hunter saw behind him was sitting a white rabbit near a bush, and it. He took up his gun, aimed at the rabbit and fired. The rabbit was killed, but a small shot hit Tukaram behind the ear and entered in this head. Doctors tried, but failed to take it out. As a result of this, he got continuous pain in the head and could not get sleep also. He then offered vows to God but did not get any relief. He continued to go the Math in that condition also. One of the devotees in the Match advised him to stop taking
    medicines, and start offering sincere service to Shri Maharaj, like sweeping the floors of the Math, to get his blessings which only would give him cure for the ailment. Tukaram agreed and started sweeping the floors daily and kept the Math clean like mirror. This service of his continued for 14 years, and one fine day, while sweeping the floor, the shot which had entered his head, slipped oul from his ear and fell down. Suddenly the pain in his head also vanished. This was certainly the result of the service the rendered to Shri Maharaj for those 14 years. He continued his service of sweeping the floors of Math through out his life.Spiritual belief generally generates from self experience and then it remains firm. The service offered to the saints never go waste.

    May this Shri Gajanan Vijay epic prove a savior to the devotees in this ocean of life.

    Here ends Chapter Sixteen

    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #22 on: October 13, 2010, 06:06:39 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi17

    Shri Ganeshayanmah ! Jai to you, the most auspicious one! Jai to you the protector of devotees.
    Jai to you to recover or darkness. O Saviour of the fallen. O God.

    Hiranyakashyapu was very cruel and an enemy of good people. You killed him by emerging out of pillar to protect Pralhad. That time you had a peerless form with fearful teeth and jaw, mane flowing on the neck and your fire red eye looked as if it were going to burn the universe. But this horrible appearance did not scare the devotees, like cubs playing in the laps of tiger. Looking to your appearance even Lakshmi dared not go near you, but the devotee touched your feet.

    O Lakshmikant, you are lover of your devotees and saints say that you fulfill aIl their desires and never say "no" to them. Now Dasganu prostrates before you and prays to keep up that fame of yours by making me fearless.
    There were many devotees of Shri Gajanan at Akola to whom he frequently used to go. They were, Bapukrishna of Chapadgaon, Khatauseth, Bacchulal son of Gondulal, Jijibai Pandit and many others. Once Shri Maharaj came to Akola and stayed at Khatau mills. Vishnusa, a devotee of Shri Maharaj wished to take Shri Maharaj to him at Malkapur, and requested Bhaskar to arrange it. This was the same Bhaskar who had later attained Nirvan at Adgaon. He was with Shri Maharaj to look after his needs and comforts. Vishnusa depended on him for getting the grace of Shri Maharaj. Bhaskar requested Shri Maharaj to Visit Malkapur as Vishnusa had come to invite him.

    Shri Maharaj said, "Bhaskara, I don't wish to go to Malkapur so don't force me. I tell you that if you force me more, it will make you regret. If a rope is stretched too much, it breaks. I don't wish to move from here, so do not bother me at all."

    Bhaskara said, "Whatever you may say. I still request you to visit Malkapur for the sake of Vishnusa. I, your most beloved devotee, have promised Vishnusa
    that you will go to him at Malkapur. Your refusal is shocking to me. Please honor my promise and let us go to Malkapur."

    Forcing like this, Bhaskar brought Shri Gajanan Maharaj to Railway station for going to Malkapur. On Bhaskara's request the station master got one compartment vacated for Shri Maharaj. Shri Maharaj did not move, nor said anything till the departure of the train. When the bell rang for the train to start, he moves unnoticed and instead of entering the vacant compartment, entered the ladies compartment. The sight of the naked saint scared the ladies and they immediately informed the police. The Officer of the police came and started dragging him out of the compartment saying.
    "You naked man, you do not have any sense. How did you enter ladies compartment?'
    With a jerk Shri Maharaj freed his hand and continued to sit there without fear of that officer. Then the police Officer went to the Station Master and brought
    him to the ladies compartment. He saw "Yogiraj" sitting in the ladies compartment. The station master requested police officer that Shri Maharaj be permitted to travel in that compartment, as he was a great saint, unlikely to commit any offence. Thereupon the police officer said that he had already sent a telegram to his higher officer and nothing was left in his hands, so he may do whatever he liked. Thereupon the station officer, as a mark of respect, took out his cap, and most humbly requested Shri Maharaj to come out of the compartment to respect the law. Subsequently a case was filed against Shri Maharaj as per law. It was put for hearing in the court of Shri Jathar, who fixed the date for proceeding at Shegaon. He came to Shegaon and stayed at the rest house for the hearing of the case. Venkatrao Desai of Akola also happened to come to Shegaon on that day for some other work. Hearing the announcement of the case, lot of people gathered at the rest house. Shri Desai enquired from Shri Jathar about the case which made so many people to gather there. Shri Jathar was surprised at his ignorance and told that the case was against Shri Gajanan
    Maharaj for his moving out naked in public. Shri Desai felt sorry and with folded hands said,

    "This case is not proper. Shri Gajanan Maharaj is a great saint - the God incarnate, a divine person. He is a holy man having no bondage, a yogi of yogis respected by all. Police have committed mistake by prosecuting him and now you should correct it by withdrawing the prosecution."

    Shri Jathar said that the police should have thought over it before filing the case, and under the circumstances was helpless as per law. He then ordered his clerk to call Shri Gajanan Maharaj. The clerk thereupon sent one police constable to bring him to the court. The constable went and asked Shri Maharaj to accompany him and further threatened to take him forcibly if resisted. Shri Maharaj refused to go and challenged the Javan to take him by force. Saying so Shri Maharaj extended his hand and caught hold of the hand of the constable. The grip was so tight that the blood flow in his hand was obstructed,
    making the constable uncomfortable with pain. As the Javan did not turn up, Shri Jathar sent Venkatrao Desai to bring Shri Maharaj and ordered people around to disperse. Shri Desai got information about the plight of the constable on reaching there, and asked the devotees to put on clothes to Shri Maharaj. So Shri Maharaj was made to wear dhoti, but he threw it away on way to Rest house and went naked to the court.
    Shri Jathar respectfully received Shri Maharaj and offered him a chair to sit.
    Shri Jathar said to Shri Maharaj, "It is not proper to move out naked in the town as it is against law. So I request you not to move out naked."

    Shri Maharaj smilingly replied, "How are you concerned with that ? Fill up tobacco in my pipe and don't give any importance to such things."

    Hearing this Shri Jathar just melted and realized that he was far above the ways of material world, a Vrushab Dev of Bhagwati, A Shukachrya or an incarnation of Namdeo. He saw his blissful mental attitude and realized the state of
    liberation attained by Shri Maharaj and as such, Shri Jathar thought, that "This saint cannot be charged of any offence. Fire cannot be void of its fiery element, so it has got to be kept in a safe bowl. Otherwise it can burn the entire house. In such case the fire cannot be blamed for what it does. Likewise the nakedness of Shri Maharaj is similar to the fire and his disciples are guilty for keeping him in that state, guilty of not keeping him in a bowl of clothes."

    Thinking so Shri Jathar ordered as follows:"Shri Gajanan Maharaj is basically a liberated soul and his proper upkeep & the responsibility of Bhaskar, who has neglected it. So I order Bhaskar to pay a fine of five rupees."

    Shri Maharaj, hearing the order, asked Bhaskar to desist from doing anything against his will, in future. Bhaskar kept quiet. But all the devotees decided to avoid train journey for Shri Maharaj thereafter, and accordingly bullock car was used for his travel.
    Once Shri Maharaj came to Akola and stayed at the house of Bapurao. At the time there lived a muslim saint named Mehtabshah at Kurum near Murtizapur He had told Bapurao to inform him when Shri Gajanan Maharaj came to Akola Accordingly Bapurao sent a man to Kurum to inform Mehtabshah about this arrival of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. But it so happened that Shri Mehtabshah ha already started for Akola and this messenger sent by Bapurao met him on was Seeing that man he said,

    "Don't go to Kurum, come and sit in our cart. I am Mehtabshah."

    Look, how one saint knows the movements of other saint! They are really omnipotent. Mehtabshah was accompanied by 3-4 muslim devotees and all o them stayed at Bapurao's house. Next morning Shri Gajanan Maharaj came to the room where Shri Mehetabshah was staying and catching his hair gave Mehtabshah a good beating. His intention of doing so was to convey that the birth in Muslim community was being wasted as the roughness, peculiar to that
    community, still existed in him and the same could come in his way of sell realization. Shri Maharaj wanted Mehatbshah to justify his name by keeping away the darkness of malice. In beating him Shri Maharaj hinted that Mehtabshab was not free from malice. Saints understand each others mind. So, Shri Mehatabshah was happy to get, the hint. When Shri Maharaj was beatin� Mahatabshah the accompanying muslim devotees were agitated but Shri Mehatabshah asked them to keep quiet and go back to Kurum in their own interest. Except Sikh. Kadu all others left for Kurum. At that time Seth Bachchula came invited Shri Maharaj for meals at his place next day.

    Next day, Shri Maharaj was taken in a "Tanga" to Bachulal's house for meals. But on reaching there he did not get down and asked the Tanga to be taken back. All were surprised at his action, specially because he had accepted the invitation previous day. One intelligent man amongst them, suggested that ii might be, because Shri Mehtabshah was not invited along with him. Sc they went and invited Mehatabshah. The both of them came in the same Tanga
    to Bachuchulal's house. Shri Mehatabshaha's stay was arranged in the nearby theatre and of Shri Maharaj in the Shri Ram Temple, but subsequently Shri Maharaj also went to the theatre. All took their meal and then Shri Mahatabasha told his disciples to get him a ticket for going to Punjab. Skh Kadu requested Shri Mehatabshah to leave Kurum, only after completing the construction of the mosque, which was half built. Thereupon he said,
    "I got orders from Shri Gajanan Maharaj for going to Punjab, so I must g without any delay. I tell you the truth that the work of the mosque will be completed by the grace of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. Saints do not believe in difference of religions and they treat all the religions equal. The fads of mosque and religions, if given undue importance, will ruin all of you. Both the same material builds the temple and mosques, and to fight because of their different shapes is foolish. Do you mean to say that only muslims belong t God and Hindus to ghosts? Think wisely in the interest of all humanity Remember that the same God creates both Hindus and Muslims. One should love his own religion, but also respect that of others. Without such thinking, happiness will be far away. Now go. The mosque will be completed by the grace of Shri Gajanan Maharaj.'
    Shri Mehatabshah went away and never returned thereafter. Both Hindus and Muslims should give a thought to this advices. Look, even though Shri Maharaj beat Shri Mehatabshah, his heart was full of love for him. There was no malice at all. Shri Maharaj did not go take meals without Mehatabshah. All should think over this aspect.

    The wife of Shri Bapurao came under the spell of Bhanamati. In a moment sh used to get Kunku on her forehead, next moment a rope round her neck and a times her clothes used to glow with fire. Some times she used to get black scars on her back and her clothes spread for drying used to catch fire. Such mysterious and maddening happenings had affected her health. She lost test for food and consequently became very weak. Bapurao had spent lot of money for her cure but to no effect. At last, and as a last resort, he surrendered to Shri Gajanan Maharaj and with folded hands said, "Maharaj, my wife is suffering from Bhanamati, I tried my best to get her cured but failed. I am completely fed up with the malady. How can Bhanamati enter place of your abode? How dare a fox come and shout in the lion's den? How can a stink exist in the vicinity of the musk fragrance?"

    Hearing this, Shri Maharaj glanced at Bapurao's wife and her Bhanamati vanished.

    Once in his wanderings Shri Maharaj reached Akot to meet Shri Narsinghji-his brother saint. There was a well near his 'math'. Shri Maharaj went and sat on its parapet with his legs hanging inside. He was constantly looking in the well. All were surprised to see him do like that and Narsinghji even asked him the reason for doing so. Shri Maharaj said,
    "See Godavari, Bhagirathi and Yamuna in the well, and want to find out which
    other holy rivers are there alongwith them. When you are daily getting their waters for you bath, why should I be denied that pleasure? These rivers must come out and give me holy bath today, and I will not leave this place till they do so."

    Hearing him say so, people thought that he was really mad to except such
    things to happen. But a moment later, the well water came up gushing like
    fountain and poured on Shri Maharaj. He called upon all people to come and join him for taking bath in the holy waters of Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari and a
    other rivers. Believers went and took holy bath with Shri Maharaj. God Almighty always   
    fulfils the wishes of saints. After the bath Shri Maharaj went away, and
    the fountain of water withdrew, taking the water in the well to its original level Shri Maharaj 
    met Shri Narsinghji and went away to Shegaon with the mind's speed.
    May this Gajanan Vijay epic, Sung by Shri Dasganu, prove a savior to all devotees.

    Here ends the chapter Seventeen 
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #23 on: October 13, 2010, 06:07:33 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi18

    Shri Ganeshayanmah! Jai to Chidvilasa. O Govinda, Shrinivisa, O Embod ment of Bliss, brother of the fallen, look to me.
    O Keshava - Keshimardana Madhava, Madhusudana, O killer of Putana, Panduranga, consort of Rukmin You know what I want. Is it necessary to speak it out? Puranas say that you fulfill all the desires of your devotees. So I beseech you to fulfill the wishes  this Dasganu, who is entirely yours only.

    There was a devotee named Baijabai at Mundgaon near Akot. She was born I a family of Haldi Mali. Her father was Shivram and Bhulabai the mother. She was married in her childhood only. Every thing happens as per one's destiny Baija, having attained puberty, her father took her to the son-in-law's place, bi. it was of no use as he was found to be a neuter. The fact hurt the parents Baija, but looking to her young age, Bhulabai suggested that he be remarrie to somebody else. Shivram did not agree and said that the masculine nature times gets active with the passage of time. So they decided to wait and keep
    Baija with her husband, expecting that proper medication might revive his masculine character. Both of them then returned to Mundgaon. Baija with her age
    of 15-16, and though wheatish in colour, had a youthful body. Her tall figure with beautiful eyes and sharp nose, had the power to attract any sexy person Her husband's elder brother, enamored by her beauty, wanted to make by with her. He tried many ways to persuade her, saying that he be treated a
    husband by her. He even promised to maintain her through out the life. His a efforts to tempt her were wasted.

    On this background Baija prayed -

    "O God why are you troubling me like this? I worshipped your feet since my childhood, and is this the fruit I am getting for my devotion to you? The man married proved to be a "no-man" and I knew my fate. In a way it is good, as can fully devote myself at your feet. Now my only request is that no other man should touch me."

    One night her husband's brother came to her to let her know his intention. But
    Baija declined his advances by calling him a shameless person. She pointed out that an elder brother of the husband is like a father and as such should behave accordingly. But ignoring her remarks, he tried to catch hold of her when he heard his elder son failing down from the first floor, causing him great wound on the head. Baija rushed and took the child on her lap and applied medicine. Then Baija told him to take a lesson that it was not good to have desire for other woman. Looking to the wound of the child, he regretted to his action and did not trouble Baija thereafter. Shivram then took his daughter to Mundgaon. Bhulabai suggested her husband to go and ask Shri Gajanan Maharaj about the future of Baija. So both of them, along with daughter Baija went to Shegaon and prostrating before Shri Maharaj, requested him to bless Baija with a child. Shri Maharaj smiled and said,
    "She is not destined to get any children. All men in the world are like father to her it is better to forget about her marriage.'

    Shivram was sorry to hear this from Shri Maharaj. They returned to Mundgaon
    But Baija was extremely happy to know her future and with this visit to Shegaon she became a firm devotee of Shri Maharaj.

    Baija started going to Shegaon regularly with Pundalik of Mundgaon. Parents did not object to it as they thought that these trips to Shegaon may help revive her married life. But her going to Shegaon with Pundalik created doubt in the minds of people, and they even started spreading rumors that, in the guise of Shegaon trips, Pundalika and Baija were satisfying their lust for each other. They further objected to it saying that Pundalika was a Maratha and Baija belonged to Mali community, and thus a great hue and cry was raise to break their association. But both of them were pure at heart. Bhulai rebuke Baija for her frequently going to Pundalika, saying that young men and female came together only with physical attraction. She even advised Shivram arrange her remarriage to a suitable boy of their community.

    Then she thought of taking Baija to Shri Gajanan Maharaj to find out the reason of her association with Pundalika. She believed that saints know every
    thing and Shri Gajanan Maharaj was like a sandalwood which never can emit bad smell.

    Bhulabai, Shivram, Baija and Pundalik all went together to Shegaon and prostrated before Shri Maharaj. Looking to Pundalika, Shri Maharaj said,

    "Pundalika, Baija was your sister in the previous life, and so don't deny her affection, even if it becomes a matter of public criticism. Both of you together worship Almighty God. Bhulai, you also should not obstruct or blame your daughter for what she is doing. She is sister of Pundalika. Moreover, Baija is not destined to get any husband. She will remain maid throughout her life, like Janabai of Pandharpur. Janabai got Namdeo as Guru and Baija has surrundered to me. So nobody should trouble my Janabai."

    Hearing these words, Shivram got overwhelmed with emotion and could not speak anything. Then they returned to Mundgaon with Baija and thereafter never obstructed her for going to Shegaon with Pundalik.
    Now I will tell you a story about how Shri Maharaj always protects his devotees.

    There was one Dr. Bhau Kavar in charge of the Govt. Hospital at Khamgaon He got a nasty, boil, and eminent doctors were brought from Buldans, Akola and Amravati for its treatment. All attempts with medicines and even surgeon failed to give any relief to Bhau. He was restlessly lying on bed due to unbearable pain. His elder brother was very much worried over the ailment of Bhau Then there was no alternative but to remember the holy feet of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. Thinking so, Bhau folded his hands and prayed Shri Maharaj to come to his rescue and cure him of the ailment.

    It was about midnight with pitch darkness and foxes were howling nearby, when
    a bullock cart, with a hood above, and a fine pair of bullocks, came to doctor's
    door. Doctor, from his bed, could see the cart coming and stopping at his door
    A brahmin got down from the cart and knocked at the door of doctor's house
    His brother opened the door and asked the person the purpose of his visit. The
    brahmin said that his name was Gaja and had come from Shegaon with 'Tirtha' and 'Angara' for Bhau Kavar. He further advised to apply the Angara to the pain-full boil of Bhau and to put Tirtha in his mouth. Thus giving these two things to Bhau's brother, the brahman went away, saying that he had no time to stay.

    Hearing all this, Bhau immediately sent a man to call back that person, but could not get any trace of him, nor of the bullock cart. Then Bhau applied that Angara to the boil and it immediately burst emitting out pus. In an hour all the pus passed away and Bhau got sound sleep. Subsequently he was completely cured and went to Shegaon to pay respects to Shri Maharaj. Looking at Bhau, Shri Maharaj smilingly said,

    'That night you did not give even grass to my bullocks."

    Bhau understood that the nocturnal visitor with Tirtha an Angara was Shri Maharaj himself. Bhau then, as a token of thanks giving, fed people at Shegaon.

    Once Shri Maharaj left for Pandharpur to meet God Vithal on the bank of
    Chandrabhaga. There were many devotees with him. Government had arranged
    special trains for going to Pandharpur as lot of people were going there for the auspicious occasion of Ashadi Ekadasi. Jagu, Aba Patil, Bapuna and mans
    others with Shri Maharaj first went to Nagzari. There is an underground cave
    on a hillock at Nagzari and as there are many natural water springs near that hillock the place is known as Nagzari. The great saint Shri Gomaji had attained communion (Samadhi) with God in that cave at Nagzari. Shri Gomaji Maharaj was the first Guru of Mahadji Patil who got blessings at his hands for the welfare and prosperity of Patil dynasty. That is why Patils of Shegaon, while going to Pand harpur, first visit Nagzari to pay respects to Shri Gomaji and then go ahead. With this tradition they entrained at Nagzari for Pandharpur. Alongwith Han Patil were, Shri Maharaj, Bapuna and about 50 other people. It was 9th day of Ashadh Shudha and thousands of Varkaris (regular visitors) started reaching Pandharpur. The sky was cloudy and it was lightly raining. Pandharpur appeared a Vaikunth (heaven) on the earth and was like a sea of humanity. All the space meant for going round the temple (Pradakshina) was full of devotees
    chanting - "Jay Jay Ramkrishna Hari." The whole atmosphere was charged Auth joy. Palanquins of saints - Nath, Nivrutti, Dnyaneswar, Savata, Gora kumbhar, Shri Tukoba Dehukar, Sopan Muktabai, Janardan, reached pandharpur. The devotees threw up 'Bukka' in the air to offer respects to them and the whole sky appeared full of 'Bukka' spreading its fragrance around. PeopIe threw Tulsi and flowers also on the Palanquins. In such atmosphere Shri Maharaj reached Pandharpur and stayed in the house of Kukaji Patil which s on the way of 'Pradakshina.' There was a big crowd around the temple and scores of police personnel were present to keep the crowd in order. On the day of Ekadasi all the Shegaon people, except Bapuna went to the temple with
    Hari Patil. Bapuna had gone to take bath and so he was left back. On return from bath he learnt that all had already gone to the temple. He too then hurried to follow them, but due to big crowd around the temple that poor Bapuna could not get entry from any where. Helplessly Bapuna, in his mind prayed -

    O Vithala, Rushikesha, why are you so much dissipated with me ? Why don't
    you allow me your Darshan ? You had gone to "Aran" to give Darshan to Savata Mali, like that, O Panduranga, come from the temple to meet me. Aran was 16 miles away, but now I am here just near the temple. People call you the helper of the helpless, then why are you ignoring me?"

    Thus he prayed and prayed and at last disappointed returned to kukaji's house towards evening. Whole day he had not taken any food and the additional disappointment had made him pale and sunken. Such was his Intense desire to meet Vithal, that his mind was continuously moving round the temple. All the people started laughing at Bapuna saying that he was the most unfortunate person. They said that he came to Pandharpur and must have gone round visiting stalls Instead of going to the temple. Some said that he was a hypocrite and unfortunate. Other's taunted him saying that Bapuna knew all the Vedant and so had no need to go to the temple. Vedantis believe that the God is in their heart and not in the stones. Only fools go to temple. Bapuna had his God standing for him on the road. They said that Bapuna instead of coming to Pandharpur, should have called Vithoba to Shegaon. These "Vedantis" advise
    others without any experience - preach without practice. They do not understand that self realization is possible only after worshiping the visible God. Without childhood how can one attain adulthood?

    Such were the taunts and criticism directed at Bapuna. Nobody protected him in this attack. He was just sitting quiet without taking any food. Shri Maharaj was looking at him and at everything that was happening there. God only comes to the rescue of the poor and helpless people. Fortunate are those who get the association of saints.

    Shri Maharaj said, - "Bapuna, don't worry come on I will show you "Rukmin Ramana" just now."

    Saying so, Shri Maharaj stood up, positioned his feet like Vithoba and put ur his hands on the waist. Bapuna saw him in the above form with garlands O Tulsi and flowers around the neck. He prostrated at his feet and looked up again, but now he saw Shri Maharaj in the place of Vithoba. Bapuna was immensely happy for this darshan of Vithoba. When subsequently he went to temple he saw exactly the same idol as Shri Maharaj had showed him at Kukaji's Wada. Other people learnt about this darshan to Bapuna and they requested Shri Maharaj to bless them also with the Darshan of Shri Vithoba.
    Shri Maharaj replied - "First develop your mind like - Bapuna and then I will show you Vithoba. This Darshan is not a commodity available in the market. It requires a pious mind to get such Darshan as Bapuna got."

    Look, how Shri Maharaj showed 'Vithoba' in reality to Bapuna at Pandharpur. It was because he was a real saint. There is no difference between God and saint. it is just like a sugar and its sweetness which cannot be separated from each other. After taking Prasad all of them returned to Shegaon. With the blessings of Vithoba, Bapuna got a son who grew up as a very intelligent boy. Service to saints never goes waste. Since Bapuna got the son due to the blessings of Vithoba, he was named as Namdeo.

    A devotee of Kavathe Bahadur, being from Vidarbha, lodged at Kukaji's Wada. On "Dwadashi" day Pandharpur was gripped with Cholera. Scores of people.
    and helping him to sit, said,

    "Come on, get up and let us go to our Vidarbha."

    The Devotee said, "How can I go to Vidarbha now? I am nearing the death have no relations by my side."

    Shri Maharaj said, "Don't get scared like this. The danger to your life is averl Saying so Shri Maharaj put his hand on the head of that devotee. By that tc his motions and vomiting stopped immediately and he felt strength enough stand up. How can death take away a man who is in the hands of a sai Within an hour he was fully recovered and returned home alongwith O people. Having rescued, from the grip of death, he was very happy prostrated before Shri Maharaj again and again. He said,
    "Swamiji, you brought me back from the jaws of death."
    Looking to this miracle, the devotees cheered "Jay" to Shri Maharaj.
    Thus all the people who had gone to Pandharpur with Shri Maharaj returned Shegaon safe.
    A very strict orthodox brahmin once came to Shegaon for the darshan of Shi Maharaj. Having heard about the greatness of Shri Maharaj, he had come from very distant place. Being a strict orthodox he did not tolerate anybody to even touch him. And so after looking to Shri Maharaj he regretted for having come a that distance to meet him. He thought that Shri Maharaj was a mad person behaving contrary to all the established - religious practice, and therefore, did not like people worshipping such a mad person In the Math he saw a dead dog just on his way to the well, where he had to go to fetch water. He therefore could not go and so murmured - "Nobody is caring to remove this dead dog and they call this "Ganjya smoker a Maharaj. I am a fool to have come here for his darshan."
    Shri Maharaj heard it and so went to the brahmin and said, "Don't have any doubts. The dog is not dead. Freely, go ahead with your Puja The Brahmin angrily replied,
    "I am not mad like you. The dog is dead and its body is lying there since hour, but nobody cared to remove it."
    Shri Maharaj said - "We are ignorant and spoult. We have no knowledge Ii you, but don't worry. Take the pitcher and follow me to the well for water."
    Saying so Shri Maharaj came to the dog and touched it with his feet. Sudden the dog stood up. The miracle made the brahmin dumb founded. He realize
    the greatness of Shri Maharaj and regretted for having criticized him. Prostri ing at his feet, the brahmin begged to be pardoned for the misbehavior. TI same day he served food to all people there, and with doubts removed, fu surrendered before Shri Maharaj. Then, after taking prasad, he went back with firm - conviction that Shri Gajanan Maharaj was God himself.
    May this Gajanan Vijay epic, written by Dasganu, guide the devotees to rema on right path. This is the only desire of Dasganu.

    Here ends Chapter Eighteen
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #24 on: October 13, 2010, 06:10:40 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi19
    Shri Ganeshayanamah! Jai to the giver of Joy! Jai to the Abheda!
    Let my head always bow before You. O Raghava! Raghupati! Please come to bless me without delay. It is not befitting for great ones to be harsh. O Ananta, please give a thought to what I say. O Jagannath, I call You most earnestly, don't disappoint this Dasganu.
    When Shri Maharaj was at Shegaon, one Brahmin named Kashinath Khanderao Garde came for His "Darshan." He prostrated before Shri Maharaj and was very happy to see in Him all the signs of a "Jeevan Mukta" as written by his father. He found himself very fortunate to have come from Khamgaon to see Shri Maharaj. While he was thinking so, Shri Maharaj gave him a push by an elbow and said, "Go, your desire is fulfilled. The postman is waiting for you with the telegram. Kashinath was confused, and could not understand the meaning of what Shri Maharaj said, as he had not come to ask for anything from Him. Neither could he dare to ask Shri Maharaj the meaning of what He said. With folded hands he bent before Shri Maharaj and returned to Khamgaon. At Khamgaon a postman was really waiting at his door with a telegram. Hurriedly he took the telegram and saw that it contained the news of his promotion as Munsif and he was posted to Morshi. Then he understood the meaning of the elbow-push given to him by Shri Maharaj and was surprised at the knowledge of the saint.
    On receiving an invitation from Shri Buty, Shri Maharaj went to Nagpur. Nagpur was once the capital place of the Bhosle's kingdom but now has lost all its grandeur. It is the result of losing independence, which has turned an owner into a beggar, and bestowed greatness on foreigners. Elephants, horses and palanquins have disappeared giving place to motors. Changing times do have such effects and nobody can be blamed for this. Shri Gopal Buty's residence was in Sitaburdi. Gopal kept Shri Maharaj in that palatial building just like enclosing a tiger in a fort. Shri Buty desired Shri Maharaj to stay with him forever. For the people from Shegaon, he appeared like Akrura taking away Shrikrishna to Mathura. Without Shri Maharaj, Shegaon became a deserted place and so, all the devotees requested Hari Patil to bring Him back to Shegaon. Shegaon without Shri Maharaj was like a body without life in it. The devotees reminded Hari Patil that he was the head of Shegaon and Buty a great "Savkar", and as such only an elephant can fight another elephant. Maruti was selected to fight Jambu Mali and Arjuna to fight with Karna. Saying so, they requested Hari Patil to go to Nagpur to bring back Shi Maharaj to Shegaon. In fact Shri Maharaj stayed unwillingly with Shri Buty just like Shrikrishna who stayed most unwillingly at Hastinapur. Shri Maharaj repeatedly asked Buty to let him go to Shegaon, but he ignored and did not allow Shri Maharaj to go to Shegaon. Though Buty was a pious and good person, he was too proud of his wealth. Along with Shri Maharaj he used to feed scores of people, and the singing of Bhajans continued through out the day. But people from Shegaon were not permitted to see Shri Maharaj Once some people from Shegaon went to bring back Shri Maharaj, but they had to return empty handed.
    Now it was the great devotee, Hari Patil, who along with some friends, started for Nagpur to bring back Shri Maharaj and as he was entering the train at Shegaon, Shri Maharaj said to Buty, "O Gopal, Hari Patil is coming to Nagpur, so let me go from here before he comes. When he reaches here, all the peace will be lost. Mind that he is an executive officer. Your strength is your wealth but he will take me away with his physical strength."

    Hari Patil arrived at Nagpur and entered Buty's house by force, pushing aside the watchman who tried to obstruct his entry. At that time Brahmins were getting ready to have their lunch at Gopal Buty�s grand residence. All of them were served food in silver plates and bowls, and had sisam wood planks to sit on. Several dishes were served to them. At the centre of these people was a raised and decorated seat on which Shri Maharaj was sitting. Such was the show of Buty's wealth. He was rightly called the Kubera of Nagpur. As Shri Maharaj saw Hari Patil in the door He got up and rushed to meet him, like a cow rushing to meet its calf. Shri Maharaj said, "O Hari, come, let us go to Shegaon. I don't want to stay here. It is good that you have come." As Shri Maharaj was going out, Gopal Buty rushed and, respectfully caught hold of His feet said, "O Maharaj, please do not reject me like this. Kindly take the meals and then go wherever You like." Then he said to Hari Patil, "Please oblige me by taking Prasad with Shri Maharaj and then go. I have understood that He won't stay here anymore. I request you to protect my prestige in the presence of these Brahmins. If Shri Maharaj leaves now without taking any food, all these Brahmins too will not eat and it will then, be a matter of great shame and condemnation for me in Nagpur." He agreed, and then Shri Maharaj, along with all the Shegaon devotees stayed and took the meals. After the meals, while the preparations were being made for the departure of Shri Maharaj, a lot of people came to take His Darshan. Janakabai, wife of Gopal Buty was a very pious lady, the Lakshmi of his house. She fell at the feet of Shri Maharaj and said that her wish was not fulfilled. Shri Maharaj understood and applying Kunku on her forehead said, "You will get one more son who will prove to be most virtuous, and in the end you will attain Moksha in the life time of your husband." Then Shri Maharaj left Sitaburdi and went to the palace of Raghuji Raje.
    Raghuji was the most liberal, noble and pious person and a devotee of Shri Ram. He lost the kingdom in this transient material world, but in Shri Maharaj, got the kingdom of eternal nature. He most devotedly worshipped Shri Maharaj, who then went to Ramtek and after taking the Darshan of Shri Ram returned to Shegaon along with Hari Patil. Once Shri Ranganath, the great saint of Dhar, Kalyan came to meet Shri Maharaj at Shegaon. They exchanged their views on Adhyatma in their own way, beyond the understanding of others. Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati, born at Mundgaon, and living on the bank of Krishna, was a believer in the ritualistic worship (Karma Marga). When he was to come to Shegaon, Shri Maharaj said to Balabhau, "O Bala, one of my brothers is coming tomorrow to meet me. See that he is properly respected. He is most orthodox; so keep the surrounding clean and see that there should not be even a piece of cloth lying anywhere. If he sees any dirt, he will be annoyed, and angry like Jamdagni. These Karhade Brahmin, always clean, are amongst the most learned people and will never compromise on the discipline of religious rites." This is what Shri Maharaj said to Balabhau a day prior to Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati�s visit to Shegaon. The next morning the Swamiji arrived at Shegaon. They looked at each other and smiled. Both appeared immensely happy. One was a believer in Karma, while other the king of Yoga. One was the sweet fragrance of Mogra and the other that of Rose. One was the Ganga and other the Godavari. One was the incarnation of Pashupati and other of Narayan resting on the bed of Cobra (Shesha). When Swamiji came to the Math, Shri Gajanan Maharaj was sitting on his cot and snapping his fingers. When Shri Swamiji arrived, the snapping stopped, the eyes met each other, and Swamiji sought permission, to go. Shri Maharaj said "Very good" and bent His head in consent. Swamiji went away. But Balabhau was confused and requested Shri Maharaj to remove his doubts. Bala said, �Both of You have got different spiritual ways, then how do You call him Your brother? Please enlighten me." Shri Maharaj said, "Bala you have asked a good question. There are three paths to reach God. All of them take you to the "town" of self-realization. They appear to be different and so confuse the onlooker.
    Rituals of "Karma Marga" are to keep clean, wear silk dhotis, not to touch anybody, offering of worship three times a day, fasting and observance of rituals in a strict disciplined manner. One who observes these things is a real learned orthodox. Any deviation or omission in this discipline will deprive him of the "Karma Marga". He has got to be careful when treading this path. He should not hurt others even by words.
    For those pursuing the "Bhakti Marga" their mind should be crystal clear. Even a shadow of an unclean thought will deprive him all Bhakti rahasya. Compassion, love and modesty must be his accompaniments. He should have faith in listening to scriptures and worship, and must continuously chant the name of (God) Hari. These are the requirements of the "Bhakti Marga" and the one, who practices it, will meet Shri Hari. In fact it is the easiest way of self realization but practising it is more difficult than "Karma Marga�, like trying to reach the sky which appears to be so close to our eyes.
    Now listen to the principles of the �Yoga Marga� The spread out of the �Yoga Marga� is far bigger than the former two, but it is within us. The person practising the �Yoga Marga� requires no paraphernalia from the outside. Whatever is in the universe can be found within ourselves, and with the help of those things within us we should follow the �Yoga Marga�. For that purpose it is necessary to know the various Asanas namely �Rechak�, �Kumbhak� the knowledge of "Ida' and "Pingala" the knowledge of veins, Dhouti and Mudra Tratak. The follower of "yoga marga" for his success should first have full knowledge of Kundalini and Sushamna.
    The ultimate fruit of all these paths lies in self-knowledge; but that "knowing the self" should not be without the love for it. Any act without love for it is a waste. So it is necessary to protect the "love aspect" in all these three paths to "realization". Black, fair, short, tall ugly and beautiful are the attributes to body, and it has no effect on the soul. Bodies are different but all have got the same soul. Likewise it is applicable to these three paths of Realization. Externally they have different appearances, but the ultimate goal is the same for all of them. Once they reach the goal, the different paths are forgotten. Whatever path one follows becomes important for him. Only those who fail to reach the goal fight for proving the greatness of some particular path. All the followers of these three paths, after reaching the goal become saints and then merge with each other. Vashistha, Vamdeo, Jamdagni, Atri, Parashtar and Shandilyamuni, reached their goal by the path of "Karma yoga". Vyas, Narad, Kayadhukumar, Maruti, Shabari, Akrura, Udhava, Sudama, Partha, and Vidur followed �Bhakti Yoga�. Shri Shankaracharya Guruwar, Macchindra, Gorakh and Jalander climbed the great staircase of Yoga. Vashistha, Vidur and Macchindra got the same fruit.
    There was no difference in their ultimate gain. The same traditions continued thereafter so, do not have any doubt about it. Shripad Vallabha protected the importance of �Karma Marga�. The great saint, Shri Narsinha Saraswati of Gangapur, did the same. Nama, Savata, Dnyaneshwar, Sena, Kanhu, Chokha Mahar and Damajipant Thanedar followed �Bhakti Marga�. Sheikh Mohammed of Shri Gonda, Anandiswami of Jalna, Devnath Maharaj of Surji, Anjangaon liked �Yoga Marga�. And now at present Vasudeo follows Karma Marga. Many others and I like Bhakti Marga. Dhondibua of Palus, Nana of Songir, and Yashwantrao of Jalna are successful in Bhakti Marga. Khalla Amma, Saibaba of Shirdi, and Gulabrao have also achieved the ultimate realisation of the self. Adkuji, the saint of Varkhed in Chandur Tahsil, saint Zingaji of Murha and Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur followed the Bhakti Marga. All these saints had different behaviours, but attained the authority to become one with the God. It is not the path that matters, but the ultimate reaching of the goal is important. We, all brother saints, have come to this world to guide the pious men to the path leading to Moksha. They may follow the path of their liking and attain Moksha. Now don't ask me anything more, nor tell anything of this to others. Let me sit peacefully under the guise of madness. Only those, having faith in me, and whom I love will get their desires fulfilled. I don't need the others. �Brahma-dnyan" (knowledge of the supreme Reality) should be told to the repentant, and not to the non-believers. To meet the God, we must be firm on our path." Hearing this advice, Balabhau was overwhelmed by love; his eyes brimmed with tears of joy. All his body shivered with extreme bliss, beyond the powers of words to describe. Balabhau quietly paid respects to the great saint of Shegaon whose incarnation was for the sole purpose of the salvation of humanity.
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #25 on: October 13, 2010, 06:11:14 AM »
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  • Salubai was a sincere devotee of Shri Maharaj. Once Shri Maharaj said to her, "Salu, take flour and pulses and keep on cooking day and night. Go on feeding all those who come here; by doing so you will be loved by Narayan." That Salubai of Vaizapur is still alive at Shegaon. Pralhad Bua Joshi once had an opportunity of receiving the Blessings from Shri Maharaj but unfortunately lost it. There was one Tulsiram at Jalamb near Khamgaon. His son, Atmaram was very intelligent. He had special liking for Vedas, and so had gone to Kashi for its study. Daily bath at Bhagirathi River, food of Madhukari (Alms) and going to Guru for the studies of the Vedas was his daily routine. Contrary to this is the behaviour of the present day students, who waste their time in all types of entertainments instead of their studies. Can they gain any knowledge by such behaviour? Atmaram was not like that. He knew his responsibility well. After completing the studies, he returned home and first went to Shegaon to pay his respects to Shri Maharaj. Atmaram now knew Vedas but Shri Maharaj was the sun of knowledge. He recited Vedas along with Atmaram, and corrected him whenever necessary. It was a surprise for all to see Shri Maharaj reciting Vedas. Atmaram continued to stay with Shri Maharaj. How can a honeybee leave the honey? Daily he used to come to Shegaon from Jalamb and offer his services. So much was his devotion that when Shri Maharaj left the material world, Atmaram stayed at Shegaon only for the daily worship of the Samadhi. He did not accept any remuneration for this service, but on the contrary gave away his own property, which was a house and some land, to the trust of the temple. It is not the value of the offering one makes, but the devotion that counts. Shabari gained the grace of Shri Ram by offering jujube fruits, same thing happened here also. Swami Dattatreya Kedar, Narayan Jamkar, and Dudhahari Bua who lived on milk only, all of them had sincere devotion for Shri Maharaj.
    Now listen to the story of Marutipant Patwari of Morgaon Bhakre in Balap Taluka. That Marutipant had Timaji Mali in his service for protection of the crops in the field. One night, while keeping a watch on the heap of grains in the field he fell asleep. At that time some donkeys entered the field and started eating the grains. But, Maruti being a sincere devotee, Shri Maharaj had to rush and saved the grains. He suddenly appeared in the field and called Timaji to wake up. Timaji woke up and Shri Maharaj disappeared from the field. He saw the donkeys and drove them away, but then thought of his master's likely wrath due to this loss. He realised the betrayal of the trust of his master in failing to protect the grains. The donkeys consumed nearly half of the heap of grains, and he could not find any excuse for his negligence of duty. See, how the servants had a sense of responsibility in those days, as against the present day servants who never care for the interest of their masters, and over and above are arrogant and dishonest. Timaji was not like that. He was unhappy over the loss and could not find any reason to excuse himself. He decided to own up to the responsibility for the loss and beg for pardon from his master, what he was sure, would for give him. He went to his master and touching his feet said, "O Sir, my sleep has put you to a great loss. The donkeys, while I was sleeping consumed half the heap of grains. Kindly come to the field to assess the loss and then only I will feel relieved." Thereupon Maruti said that he had no time to go to the field, as he was to go to Shegaon for the Darshan of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. He however promised to visit the field on his return from there. Maruti reached Shegaon at about ten in the morning. Shri Maharaj was sitting on the Asana with Jagu Patil and Balabhau sitting near him. Seeing Maruti Shri Maharaj smilingly said, "I had to go through a lot of trouble for you last night. You become my devotee and make me do the job of a watchman by employing lazy servants and yourself sleeping comfortably at home. Maruti, last night Timaji fell asleep and several donkeys entered your fields and started eating all your grains in the field. So I woke Timaji and alerted him to protect the grains. Maruti understood, and touching Gajanan Maharaj�s feet said, "You are our sole supporter. All responsibility of a child is on the mother, and You are our mother. Whatever we possess belongs to You, and everything is in Your hands. That heap of grains is Yours. Timaji is a servant for name�s sake. You protect the whole universe from this place. A mother tolerates all the whims and fancies of her children. You, being my mother had to rush to Morgaon and save me from the incurring loss. Kindly let me receive such grace from You perpetually. Now I will go and relieve Timaji from the service." Shri Maharaj said, "No, No, don't remove Timaji from service. I know that he is really honest and felt sorry to see the donkeys eating your grains. Had he not come to you in the morning to report the loss? He even requested you to visit the field and assess the loss; but you said that you were going to Shegaon and would visit the field on return from there." Maruti was overwhelmed by the unlimited benevolence of Shri Maharaj. Nobody had told Him about the donkeys entering his field, but knew it by His omnipotence.
    Now listen to another story. In Shaka 1816 it happened at Balapur. Once, Shri Maharaj was happily sitting in the Veranda of Sukhlal Bansilal's house. He was completely naked, without any clothes on the body. People passing thereby were paying respects to Shri Maharaj. It was the main road in the market area and a police constable happened to go that way. His name was Narayan Asraji. As he noticed Maharaj he lost his temper and said, �This naked man is not a saint, but a hypocrit who is sitting here intentionally and so should not be ignored. Saying so, he started pouring abuses at Shri Maharaj, and further whipped Him with the cane in his hand. Marks appeared on the body of Shri Maharaj. Even so Asraji continued the whipping. Seeing this, one Shri Hundivala came forward and said, "It is not good to whip a saint, like this without any reason. God is the protector of saints. Look at the cane marks on His body and withdraw your hand. With this act you are bringing your end nearer. A sick man invites death when he over-looks the restrictions for good health. You have done the same thing today by whipping this pious man. It is still not late to beg for pardon from Shri Maharaj. But the Havaldar said, "I see no reason to beg for pardon. I know that the curse of a crow won't kill animals. This naked mean man, sitting on the main road, is uttering filthy words, and if God finds me guilty for whipping such man then it is the height of injustice." The prophecy proved true. The Havaldar and his relatives died within fortnight as a result of beating a saint. Therefore everybody should be cautious in his behaviour towards the saints till the reality is known.
    One time there was a Gosavi who came to the Math for the Darshan of Gajanan Maharaj. He was a pauper and did not even have sufficient clothing to cover himself up. His name was Hari Jakhade Sangamneri. He looked at Maharaj and realized that He was surrounded by all important and rich people and felt insecure as to never be able to meet with Maharaj or ask a boon from Maharaj.  He had a desire that needed to be fulfilled. He lusted for a familial life and hence arrived at Shegaon to pray to Gajanan Maharaj for the same. However there was an obstacle owing to which his desire could never be fulfilled and that was that he was poverty stricken and did not have sufficient money to start a family or own a house where to keep his wife and children, now did he have any source of money like a reliable job. He thought to himself, �I get food for a day and don't know the fate of next day. Such has been my life so far. I don't have money or any property. Who will offer me a bride? O Swami Gajanan, the abode of happiness, I keenly desire to have the pleasure of a family life. Kindly fulfil it by giving me a virtuous wife from a good family and then children too." As he was thinking so, Shri Maharaj, knowing his mind, spat at him and said to Himself,
    "I spat at him because he has asked for worthless thing from me. People come to me for liberation from the bonds of this material world, but this Hari has asked for that worldly pleasure from me. See, how the ways of the world are. All seek material pleasure, and nobody wants to see the Almighty Hari." Then Shri Maharaj looked at Hari and said,
    "You will get everything that you have presently desired in your mind. You will get a wife, children and money too. Now go home and lead a happy married life, but don't forget the Almighty God." With this advice Shri Maharaj gave him some money for his marriage. Thereafter Hari Jakhadi got married and was happy. How can the words of Shri Maharaj go waste?
    Once, Shri Ramchandra Govind Nimonkar, an overseer, and Vasudeo Bende went to the Mukana River in the hills of Sahyadri in Igatpuri Tahsil of Nasik District. The forest over there was lush green with trees bending with the weight of fruits, and there were freely roaming wild animals. Near that Mukana River is a small stream in a narrow valley known as Kapildhara. It is believed to be a holy place and so people go there to take a bath on an auspicious day. Shri Nimonkar also went there on one such auspicious day. He had some elementary knowledge of yoga and was very keen to develop it further, and as such was enquiring of every ascetic he met at that place. They all denied possessing the knowledge of Yoga that he sought which disappointed him very much. He with folded hands, implored God to show him a person who could teach yoga to him. Suddenly, at Kapildhara, he saw a man with long arms reaching his knees, who appeared to be a sage. This tall man, with calm face, was sitting in meditation. Nimonkar prostrated before Him and waited till the evening to see Him open His eyes. But the yogi wouldn�t open His eyes or speak at all. For the whole day Nimonkar sat there without eating any food. As the evening approached, all the other ascetics at Kapildhara were returning. So Shri Nimonkar, with folded hands, implored the sage to teach him yoga. The sage gave him a picture and said, "Your wish will be fulfilled by this picture on which is written a Mantra (hymn) of sixteen words. Keep on chanting it continuously and by its power you may learn some yoga. Yoga Marga is the most difficult amongst all yogas. A small insect cannot go around Himalaya, nor can a snail climb the Meru Mountain. You may try Yoga by remaining a strict bachelor and cleaning your inner body by "Dhouti" and �Nouti�. If you do it sincerely, you shall be able to perform some Asanas. Now don't ask me any more questions, and take this Prasad.� Saying so, He gave him a red pebble, and disappeared. The same yogi met Nimonkar again on the bank of Godavari at Nasik. Nimonkar went running to Him and touching His feet, said, "Sir, You seem to be fed up with me. Last time You went away without telling me Your name and your whereabouts." Shri Maharaj said, "I told you my name by giving you a red pebble. God Ganesh from Narmada is always red but you being dull could not understand it. I am from Shegaon, and my name is Gajanan. You come with me to the house of Shri Dhumal, where we shall meet again." Saying so, Shri Maharaj disappeared and Nimonkar could not see Him. Then he went to Dhumal's house, where he was very happy to see Shri Maharaj sitting there. Mentally he bowed to Shri Maharaj and told Dhumal, everything that had happened from Kapildhara to Nasik. Shri Dhumal was very glad to hear all that, and then praised Shri Maharaj again and again for all his divine powers. He advised Nimonkar to worship that red pebble devotedly every day and perform yogasanas before it. Thus Shri Nimonkar learnt yogasanas by the grace of Shri Maharaj.
    Tukaram Kokate of Shegaon had the misfortune of his children dying in infancy. So he vowed to Shri Maharaj that he would give away one child to Him if his children survived. Thereupon Kokate got three children and all of them survived, but he had forgotten his vow, and one child as promised, was not given to Shri Maharaj. His elder child Narayan got ill and did not respond to any medicine. His condition was getting grave everyday. Tukaram suddenly remembered his vow, and said as soon as Narayan was cured he would be given away to Shri Maharaj. Narayan really recovered soon, and then he was given to Shri Maharaj, to serve Him, as per the vow. Narayan is still there at Shegaon, and advises the devotees, that any vow once made to Shri Maharaj must be honoured. Shri Gajanan Maharaj, along with Hari Patil, went to Pandharpur to meet God Vithal, who is the ultimate goal to reach, a Kalpataru, Kamalnabh and all in all to all the saints. He is the supporter of this universe, the virtues of whom are praised by all Vedas, Lord of Rukmini, and the One residing in the hearts of all Saints. He is full of compassion and kindness to the devotees. Shri Maharaj reached Pandharpur, took a bath in the Holy Chandrabhaga River, and went to the temple for the Darshan of Shri Panduranga.
    Shri Maharaj said, "O God Pandharinatha, benefactor and protector of devotees, and all powerful Rukmini Kanta, listen to my request. As per your command, I have so far lived on this earth and fulfilled the desires of all pious people. You know that my mission on the earth is now over. O Panduranga now permit me to go. God, I wish to reach Vaikunth for permanent stay at your feet, in the ensuing month of Bhadrapada." Saying so, Shri Samarth folded his hands. Tears brimmed his eyes at the thought of separation from Shree Hari. Hari Patil said with folded hands, "O Gurudeo, why these tears in Your eye? Have I hurt You in any way? Kindly tell me immediately."
    Shri Maharaj replied, "You may not understand it even if I tell you the reason. It is very deep knowledge, and you need not bother to know that at present I can only say that our association is coming to an end. Come on; let us go back to Shegaon. You and your descendants will never fall short of anything. After their return from Pandharpur, all the religious rituals (Mavanda) were performed, but Hari Patil was full of anxiety. He told other people about what Shri Maharaj had said of their association coming to an end.
    "Shravana" month passed and Shri Maharaj was getting weak every day. The "Bhadrapada" came, and now listen to what happened. On Ganesh Chathurti day Shri Maharaj said,
    "Now all of you should come to the Math for immersion of Ganapati. It is said in "Ganesh Purana", that an idol of earth Ganapati be made on Chathurti and after offering Puja and sweets, He should be immersed in water the following day. That day has now dawned, and it should be celebrated by immersing my earthly body in water. Don't weep at all. Do not forget that I shall ever be here to protect and guide you. I can never forget you. Shrikrishna has told Arjuna in Geeta that, this body has to be changed like clothes. Remember that all the Brahmavetta (Saints) did the same thing, i.e. they only changed the body.� Shri Maharaj passed the whole day of Chathurti in a gay mood along with Balabhau. Next day he held Balabhau's hand and made him sit beside Him. Then He said, "Don't think that I have left you, keep up your Bhakti, and never forget me. I am always here only."
    Saying so, that great saint stopped his breath, and pulled it up to his head by Pranayam. It was the noon of Thursday, Bhadrapada Shudha Panchami, Sadharan-nam - Sanvatsar, shak 1832. While holding up his breath, he uttered the words "Jai Gajanan." and merged himself with the Supreme Brahma at Shegaon. All his movements stopped. Looking to the "Samadhi" of Shri Maharaj all shed tears of sorrow. Then it was publicly announced in Shegaon that Shri Maharaj had attained Samadhi. With the spread of this news people started beating their chest with grief. They said, "Gone, Gone is our living God - Gone for ever. Gone is the saviour of the poor and the fallen. Gone is our nest and happiness. The wind of time has extinguished this flame of knowledge. O Gajanan, who will protect us now? Why have you left us so soon?" All the devotees of Shri Maharaj, namely Martand Patil, Hari Patil, Vishnusa, Bankatlal, Tarachand, Shripatrao Kulkarni gathered in the Math.
    It was the day of Panchami, and all of them decided to close Shri Maharaj in Samadhi the next day. Since Shri Maharaj was now to disappear forever, they proposed to wait till evening for the devotees to come for the last Darshan. They said that those who were fortunate would get Darshan. So the messages were sent to outside places about Shri Swamiji's Samadhi.
    Shri Govind Shastri Dongaonkar, a learned person, said that Shri Maharaj would keep the life flame alive in his forehead till all his affectionate devotees get Darshan. And to prove what he said Shastriji put some butter on the head of Shri Maharaj. The butter melted with the warmth in the head. It was the effect of "Yogashastra" acquired by Shri Maharaj.
    Shri Govind Shastri said that Shri Maharaj could live in that trance even for a year, but never-the-less, it was advisable to close him in Samadhi pit after all the devotees got His last Darshan; and all agreed to it. Bhajan was started before Shri Maharaj and about thousand people participated in it. Shri Maharaj Himself gave the message, through dreams. On that Rushi Panchami day innumerable people gathered at Shegaon for the Darshan of Shri Maharaj. A Chariot was prepared for his last journey. Many Bhajan singers reached Shegaon in procession. Ladies sprinkled cow dung mixed water on the roads, and beautiful designs of Rangoli were drawn on it. All the houses on way and roads were illuminated. The body of Shri Maharaj was put on the decorated chariot, and the procession of the last journey of Shri Maharaj started. It was going round the town throughout the night. Various music instruments were playing ahead of the procession followed by Dindis singing Bhajans and people chanting the pious name of Vithala. Tulsi, Bukka, Gulal and flowers were showered on Shri Maharaj, and prasad of sweets was distributed. Some people even showered rupees and coins on the chariot carrying Shri Maharaj. Thus the procession moved on all the streets of Shegaon and returned to the Math in the morning. The body was carried to the place of Samadhi and the last Rudrabhisheka was performed. Final Puja was offered with full rituals, and honours, and the devotees raised their voice saying, �Jai Gajanan� �Jai to Narayan in the form of man� �Jai to the giver of indestructible happiness� �Jai to the Lord of this world.�
    Saying so, the body with His face to north was put in the Samadhi pit. All devotees took the last Darshan shouting, "Jai Gajanan."
    Then the pit was filled with salt, Argaja and Abir, and with heavy hearts, devotees closed the Samadhi with a big flat stone. Shri Maharaj is still there.
    For ten days all were offered food daily as prasad of Shri Maharaj. Innumerable people got that prasad. The greatness and the authority of the saint are really supreme, and even an emperor is insignificant before Him.

    So let this Gajanan Vijay epic, narrated by Shri Dasganu, show the right path to the devotees and help them develop Hari Bhakti.

    Here ends the Chapter Nineteen
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #26 on: October 13, 2010, 06:11:39 AM »
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    Shri Ganeshayanmah. O Rukminivara Jai to you. O God residing on the bank of Chandrabhaga, please blesses this Dasganu.
    You are the king of kings. Everything is in your hands. Then why are you ignoring me? Let your kind grace destroy all my sins and worries, and make the mind cheerful to sing in your praise. If it is not done, unnecessary blame will come to you. Greatmen should avoid such blame. Therefore, O Shyamsundara, O Lord of Rukmini, O generous Pandurangs fulfill my desire.

    After the "Nirvan" of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, people started saying that there was nothing left now at Shegaon, except some dust. The sea without water and a flower tree without flowers lose their importance. So they thought I useless to visit Shegaon as it is meaningless to offer flowers at the temple without God in it. So said many people, but they were wrong. The invisible divine life flame of Shri Gajanan Maharaj is still there at Shegaon. Though Shri Dayaneshwar Maharaj attained Samadhi long back on the bank o Indrayani, he did meet many of his devotees at that place. Similarly, Shri
    Gajanan Maharaj gives Darshan to those, who believe his existence at Shegaon.
    Following incidence will prove it. There was one Shri Ganpat Kothade, a great devotee of Shri Maharaj. He was the agent of Shegaon branch of Rayali Company. It was his daily routine to go to Samadhi of Shri Maharaj in the evening, and sit there in meditation for some time. Once, while sitting there, he wished that on Vijay Dashami day (Dasera), he should perform Abhisheka to Shri Maharaj and feed some brahmins. Accordingly he made all arrangements and sent sufficient ration and grocery to the Math. His wife did not like it and said,
    "O Sir, what are you doing this? It is a waste of money. Tomorrow being a Vijaya Dashami day, you should in fact, purchase some new clothes for our children. All this spending on Abhisheka and brahmins is not good. We have got our own children to feed, and I don't have a gram of ornament to wear. Does it befit a family man? You are supposed to save some money for the family and our future also."
    Ganapatrao did not like this sort of advice from his wife and told her that he treated divine truth (Parmarth) supreme than the domestic life.

    Same night Shri Maharaj appeared in the dream of his wife and told her, "Don't harass your husband any more. Let him do what he likes, and you are not going to loss anything by that. Don't have love and attachment for the transient things. At the end all this money will stay here and only the good and bad deeds will accompany you. Abhisheka and feeding of brahmins is 'a good deed as it involves sacrifice, and is something that is done for others. Money spent on it is never wasted. It is like a seed sowed in the earth. So I tell you not to obstruct him."
    Next morning she told about this dream to her husband who was very happy to know it. He then advised her to have full faith about the continuing existence of Shri Maharaj in Shegaon, and also to believe that all these children, money and everything belonged to Shri Maharaj and therefore, stop worrying about them.
    Then Ganpatrao very happily offered the Puja to Shri Maharaj on the Dasere day and spent generously for it. Since then Shri Ganpatrao's faith in Shri Maharaj became more firm.

    Now listen to the experience of Shri Laxman Han Janjal.

    Laxman was a devotee of Shri Gajanan Maharaj and had gone to Bombay for some work in connection with his business. He was in disturbed mood due to certain domestic problems. When he went to Boribunder railway station for his return journey, he saw a tall sage with arms reaching his knees, eyes concentrated at the tip of nose and lips chanting the name of God. He said to Laxman,

    "Being a devotee of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, why are you looking frustated remember what happened when you had made preparations to celebrate "Punya Thithi" (Death anniversary) at Amravati and got food cooked for about 400 persons. That time Bapat had lost his son and even then he had come to you with Shri Pethkar to take prasad. It was due to the fact that Shri Gajanan Maharaj had appeared in their dream, and advised them to go to you for prasad. Have you forgotten all this." All these references by the sage confused Laxman and he was wondering as to who this man could be. Laxman respectfully bowed before that sage, who suddenly disappeared then and there. He returned home, resumed his normal behavior, and started celebrating "Punya Thithi" every year.

    Shri Maharaj had met Avadhoot Jairam Khedkar at Rohit village in the dress of a sage.

    Madhao Martand Joshi, a Government Revenue Officer, once came to Kalamb Kasur village for land survey. It was Thursday, and being a devotee of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, felt like going to Shegaon in the evening for the Darshan. He, therefore, told his peon Kutubuddin to get ready the bullock cart for going to Shegaon. Kutubuddin most humbly told him that the weather was cloudy and the 'Man' river was getting flooded with muddy water. Ignoring his request, Joshi got in the cart and asked Kutubuddin to drive to Shegaon. The cart entered the river and suddenly the water rushed in it before they could cross over. Storm accompanied by lightening started and the 'Man' river got flooded.
    Pouring of heavy rains and the storm uprooted the farmer's huts. Kutubuddin got frightened and said that in such conditions their death was certain. Joshi too got scared and started praying Shri Maharaj to save them from the
    With tided hands hi said,
    O Gajanana, kindly save us. Nobody, except you, can save us now. It is said in Puranas that a sage had saved a sinking ship by his hand only You too are a great saint Kindly come and save us from this flood."
    When water entered the cart, the bullocks too got frightened. Joshi told the peon to leave the reigns and pray Shri Maharaj for help. Then he said to Shri Maharaj

    O    all powerful Maharaj, our lives are in your hands, do as you like."
    Saying so the reigns of the bullocks were thrown away and both of their dosed their eyes.
    Then a miracle happened. The cart safely crossed the river and was seer
    standing on the other shore of it. Looking to that, both were happy to experience the authority of Shri Maharaj. They were thus saved from the flooded river. Joshi reached Shegaon at night, prostrated before the Samadhi of Shri Maharaj and attended evening procession. Next day Joshi offered lot of charity and gave some money to Shri Balabhau for feeding Brahmins, as per his vow. Since Joshi had an urgent work to attend, he left Shegaon soon.

    Yadao Ganesh Subhedar was a Cotton-broker at Hingni. Once he suffered a loss of Rs. Ten Thousands in his business which affected his health very badly. He tried his best to re-establish and recover the loss, but failed. During that period he went to his friend Asarkar at Wardha. At that time a beggar came to Asarkar's house for some alms. He was dressed like a Marathi man with a big stick in his hand and a dirty cap on the head. He was trembling like an old man. Looking to him, Asirkar got annoyed and asked him to go and beg at the door of the house. The beggar ignoring his words entered the house and sat beside Yadao Subhedar.
    "Give me some alms." saying so the beggar held a bowl before Yadao. He wondered at the obstinacy of the beggar and looked at him minutely. He appeared like Shri Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon, with the same luster in the eyes and the speaking style too was the same. The only difference was that, this man was continuously shaking due to some disease. Face too was like Shri Maharaj, and Subhedar thought,
    "How can he be Shri Gajanan Maharaj who had taken Samadhi long back? Whatever it may be, I should give him some money treating him to be Shri Gajanan Maharaj."
    The beggar took the money and asked for more. He further told him to distribute jaggary as per his vow to Shri Gajanan Maharaj, and said that the loss in the business was the result of his non-fulfillment of the vow. Yadao gave him some more money but the beggar again asked for more. So he gave him money. At that time Asirkar went inside the house for some work and Yadao was left alone with the beggar, who said, "Why do you have doubts about Shri Gajanan Maharaj? Remove your clothes
    and let me see your entire body so that all your ailments will vanish. As you are like a son to me, don't feel shy."

    Saying so, Shri Maharaj moved his hand all over the body of Yadao. At that time Asirkar returned and the beggar also went away. Yadao thereafter, tried to find out that beggar in the town but could not see him anywhere. He thought that if the beggar was Shri Maharaj, he would certainly gain substantial profit in his business. Same day his carts of cotton were brought to Wardha for sale and he got a very high price for it. Then Yadao believed that Shri Maharaj had come to him in the guise of a beggar.
    Shri Maharaj always protects his devotees. Now listen to the experience of Kavar.
    Bhau Rajaram Kavar was doctor at Khamgaon, and was transferred to Telhara Before joining his duty at Telhara, he along with his family came to Shegaon for Darshan. At Shegaon he hired one bullock cart for going to Telhara, and when he was about to start in the evening, Balabhau said to him,
    "It is my request that you should leave Shegaon only after taking prasad tomorrow. Before this, you never went from here without taking food. Why are you behaving like this today? Moreover today is 'Vyatipat', an inauspicious day for travel."

    Kavar agreed partially. He said that he would start immediately after taking meals at night. Accordingly he left with his family. It was a pitch-dark night. It so happened that in the darkness he missed the road to Telhara and strayed on a narrow path with jungle all around and a big lake in front.

    The cart stopped. There was nobody nearabout from whom they could enquire. The cartman said that they were on a wrong path. Kavar was surprised. He got down and saw that they had really missed the road o Telhara. Kavar abused the cart man for that mistake. Thereupon the cart man said,
    "Why are you abusing me? I frequently take the passengers to Telhara and as far as I think I followed the right path, the bullocks too walked straight without turning anywhere. They stopped only when they saw this lake. This
    surely is not the road of Telhara."

    Then Kavar understood the reason of all this happenings. He thought it U be the act of Shri Maharaj, as he had left Shegaon without taking prasad and that too by ignoring the request of Balabhau. With folded hands he implore Shri Maharaj to protect him in that forest. Immediately thereafter he heard the ringing of bells of bullocks. That made him regains the courage, and then asked the cart-man to drive towards the direction of that sound. He did accordingly' and reached a big road. On enquiring there, it was learnt that they were still within the field boundaries of Shegaon. Then Kavar asked the cart-man to drive them back to Shegaon. They reached Shegaon in the early hours of the morning, and narrated everything to Balabhau.

    Balabhau said, "It was good that Shri Maharaj did not allow you to go or
    Vyatipat day. Now take prasad today and go to Telhara tomorrow. One should
    never refuse Prasad of Shri Maharaj. It is He who brought you back safe
    One should not expect fulfillment of all our desires. Whatever the saints wish
    will happen. So with full faith in Him we should keep quiet." Next day Doctor Kavar went to Telhara after taking Prasad.

    Now listen to another story.

    There was a man named Ratansa, a Bhavsar by caste. His one year old son, Dinkar was afflicted by some disease which made him pale and weak. Many doctors were consulted and medicines given, but got no relief. He did not take any milk, and the continuous - high fever made him cry. Doctors told Ratansa that the case was beyond any cure. Ratansa, was very much grieved. The child was nearing death with hands and feet getting cold, eyes becoming dull and pulse missing. With such state of the health, Ratansa brought the child to the doors of Shri Gajanan Maharaj Samadhi and puffing there, said -
    "Maharaj, please cure my child. If he survives, I will distribute sweet worth Rs. five. You have blessed so many devotees, and now I too want to experience that grace of yours. I am also your devotee, so do not ignore me. If my child dies at your doors, it will bring disgrace to you. People say that touch of your feet is like nectar, so please oblige me by your blessings. And
    if my son dies, I will break my head at your doors. O Gajanan, the great look to me by your nectar like glance and save the child."

    A little later on, the child moved and started crying. All were surprised an happy to see the miracle. It was all by the grace of Shri Maharaj. What ca darkness do before the sun? In few days, Dinkar was fully normal, hale and hearty. It was the result of the vow which was taken with full faith.

    Similarly by the grace of Shri Gajanan Maharaj, Dada Kolhatkar got a son whose name is Raja. The grace of the saint has no limits.

    Sixteen year old Chandrabhaga, daughter of Shri Ramchandra Patil had difficult delivery. Generally delivery is a great painful affair for womanhood As per tradition she came from Ladegaon to her mother's place for the delivery After delivery she was running temperature for some days. It was declare to be the case of typhoid. Many doctors treated her fever did not come down She was therefore, taken to Akola for better treatment. Every doctor dignose her illness differently and there was no unanimity in their opinion. Tired of a
    the treatment without any result, Patil decided to surrender to Shri Maharaj for her treatment. He started giving her udi and Tirtha every day and implore Shri Maharaj to cure her. With his great faith in Shri Maharaj, Chandrabhaga showed signs of recovery. The lady, who once could not move from her bed was now able to go to the Samadhi of Shri Maharaj for Darshan. That was the effect of udi and Tirtha of Shri Maharaj. God always blesses them, who have real faith in him. The devotee therefore, should have full unshakable faith in the subject of his worship.
    Janakabai, wife of Ramchandra, could not escape the sufferings destined foi her. Due to the gastric trouble, she used to have continuous stomach ache. The medicines used to give only temporary relief, and her suffering continued. At last the ailment affected her brain and she was behaving like a lunatic. She lost control on what she said and at times lost sense of hunger also. Some said that evil spirits haunted her, while others dig nosed it as some sort of disease. They said that Paul being an executive officer of the village had created many enemies, and the weaker ones, unable to retaliate, must have tried a magic spell on his wife. Medicines and all other types of
    remedies were tried, and Patil, being a rich man, was fully exploited b~ unscrupulous people. In the process he spent lot of money, but the wife did not get any relief. Tired of all these efforts he said,
    "Now Shri Gajanan Maharaj will be our doctor, saint, God and everything. My wife is his daughter-in-law. That is my belief and so she needs no other remedies hereafter."
    Then he asked his wife to take bath early in the morning, go to the Math and perform Pradakshina of the Samadhi of Shri Maharaj every day. She obeyed her husband and started doing as advised. The Pradakshinas were not waste and she was cured of her ailment. Sincere service to real saints is never wasted, but it should be done with full and unshakable faith.
    After Shri Gajanan Maharaj, Balabhau took his place and performed somi miracles. He attained Vaikunth at Shegaon on Vaisakh Vadya Shashty, and Narayan then took his place.
    When Balabhau attained Vaikunth, Shri Gajanan Maharaj appeared in drear
    to Narayan at Nandura and told him to go to Shegaon and protect to devotees going there. Narayan held the authority, for some days and went into Samadhi on Chaitra Sudha Shashty. Service to saints is a great Punya but it is not possible without past good deeds to your credit. Like the star in the sky, the legends of Shri Gajanan Maharaj are uncountable. I am a diignorant man and so unable to describe the ocean like life of Shri Mahara I have said only that much, which has been told by him to say. The pen writes but it has no credit of the writing. In fact one who holds the pen, writes. Pen is only a means to that writing. Some is the case here. I have become a pen and the writer is Shri Gajanan Maharaj It is by his grace that I have written this holy book. O listeners, I own no credit for this at all.
    So, this Gajanan Vijay Granth, composed by Dasganu, is nearing the china and now the final chapter is ahead.

    Here end's Chapter Twenty
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #27 on: October 13, 2010, 06:12:20 AM »
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  • Gajanan Maharaj- Pothi21

    Shri Ganeshayanmaha. O Anantvesha Jai to you. O Avinasha Jai to you.  Brahmandadhisha I bow before you.
    O God! remember that you always ca yourself as 'Patit-pavan' i.e. saviour of the fallen. You really have more affection for the sinners, and 0 graceful one, it is they who have brought importance to you. So, kindly don't look at my sins. Dirty clothes come to water for getting clean. O God, so don't ignore the fallen. Has the earth ever discarded the thorny plant? You are the Savior of both, the sinners and th righteous, and still away from their touch. The sun needs no efforts to destroy the darkness. Sun's only arrival vanishes the darkness. The conceptions sin and righteousness are your creations, and you create sinners also t maintain your greatness.

    Whatever it may be. I have to request you to free me from all worries by your blessings. O Panduranga, you are all powerful, and I have nobody else I support me other than you.
    O devotees, now listen to this climax chapter. You are really most fortunate to hear this biography of a great saint. Those who have full faith in Shri
    Gajanan Maharaj, are saved from all the pain and miseries of life.
    While building the temple, there was one laborer working at the top with the mason. As he was passing stones to the mason, he lost the balance and fell down from the height of 30 feet down on a heap of stones. People saw him falling and presumed his death as certain. But No. A miracle happened, and he was unhurt like a ball safely caught in hands, or like one coming down by a staircase. The laborer said that, when he lost the balance, somebody held his arm firmly, and left it when his feet touched the ground. But nobody was seen around him. People rejoiced to hear and knew that it was Shri Gajanan Maharaj who saved the laborer. Shri Maharaj would not let anybody be hurt in the construction of his temple. The laborer was most lucky to get the touch of Shri Maharaj by this incident.
    A Rajput lady, afflicted by an evil spirit had come to Shegaon from Jaipur. God Dattatraya had inspired her to go to Shegaon on Ramnavami day to get rid
    of that spirit by the grace of Shri Gajanan Maharaj. She accordingly came to Shegaon on Ramnavami day. The celebrations of Ramnavami had started
    there from first day, i.e. Pratipada of Chaitra,and on the Navami huge crowd had gathered to celebrate the birth of God Rama. At that time the construction
    work of Sabhamandapam was in progress and huge stone pillars, measuring
    5 feet by 11/2 feet were kept there without proper support, and the work was
    suspended temporarily for Shri Ramnavami celebrations, leaving the piIIars
    like that. After Shri Ram Birth, the crowd rushed for Prasad. The lady, with her and her two children, went to one piller for safety, but that piller itself fell
    on her two children. People feared that she must have died with the weight
    of the piller. Nobody knew her where about. They lifted the piller, took he
    out and gave some water to drink. She was then taken to Dr. Lobo, a devotee
    of Jesus Christ, and a very good surgeon. She examined that lady and was
    surprised to see her unhurt, with that stone piller falling on her. The falling
    of that piller on her had a different significance. Shri Maharaj, by letting that piller fall on her, had liberated the evil spirit from her body. Then having go
    completely rid of that spirit, the lady went back to Jaipur.

    Similarly on the occasion of another festival at the temple of Shri Mahara a huge wooden beam had fallen on the head of Shri Naik Nawara, who miraculously escaped unhurt by the grace of Shri Gajanan Maharaj.

    Ramchandra, son of krisnaji Paul, was a sincere devotee of Shri Mahara At one noon time Shri Maharaj went to him in the garb of an ascetic, an calling Ramchandra Patil out, asked for some food to eat. Ramchandra being a pious man, came to the door at that call of the ascetic who looked like Shri Gajanan Maharaj. He respectfully holding the hand of that ascetic, brought him in the house and gave a 'Pata' to sit on. Then Ramchandra offered Puja at his feet and stood before him with folded hands. Thereupon the ascetic said,

    "O boy, I have specially come here today to tell you something. Listen carefully Don't worry about your debts. It will be repaid soon. Remember that rive Godavari dries up a bit in Summer. But with the rain of blessings from Shri
    Hari, there will be flood of prosperity for you. Wherever I take food, that house will never be short of anything. Bring a dish full of delicious food for me to eat. If you like, give me some clothing also. Worship, food and monetary offerings to one, who asks for it, undoubtedly reaches God, provided he is really a pious person." Ramchandra brought a Thali full of delicious food and the ascetic happily ate it. Then Patil offered him five rupees as Dakshina. Thereupon the ascetic said,
    "I don't want this Dakshina. I have come today to ask you to take up the management of Shri Gajanan Maharaj temple. I shall be happy if you givE me that Dakshina of 'Service to Shri Maharaj'. As at present I don't seE anybody more suitable than you for this work. Your ailing wife will regain his health by giving me this Dakshina. Call your son, and I will tie a holy "talisman round his neck, so that the evil spirits will keep away from him. This executive job of yours is a difficult one, as your own people at times go against you It is like a covering of tigers skin. Use it carefully. Don't have jealous mind Stick on to honesty. Never do anything that goes against the interest of the
    king. Give proper respect to sages and saints and keep away from the hypocrites. If you observe these principles, God will always bless you. Keep your expenditure within the limits of your income and never feign to be what you are not. Sages and saints should not be allowed to go empty handed from your doors. The insult of real saints angers God. So always love the real saints. Never think of harming your blood relations; and other relatives be given, traditional respects as per established practice. If at all you get angry, it should be only superficial, with full love inside like a jack fruit. Remembe, that I am always with you."
    After tying the talisman round his neck, the ascetic went out and suddenly disappeared.
    Patil thought over the happening whole day and came to conclusion that the ascetic was none other than Shri Gajanan Maharaj himself, who had come in the garb of an ascetic to advise him. Same night Shri Maharaj appeared in his dream and removed all the doubts. Shri Gajanan Maharaj has great attachment for his devotees. The biography of Shri Maharaj is most pious and
    a savior for the humanity. But it requires unshakable faith to experience it. Now, without wasting anytime, I give below brief summery of all the chapters of this holy book. Be attentive to it.
    « Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 06:16:00 AM by SOWMYA_4 »
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

    Offline SOWMYA_4

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #28 on: October 13, 2010, 06:13:04 AM »
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  • Chapter 1-  Starts with obeisance to Lord Ganesh, then to Gods and Guru; and narrates the life style of Shri Gajanan. He first appeared and was seen on Magh vadya Saptami day near the house of Devidas. Bankatlal and Damodar, the two wise persons, recognized the greatness in Him.

    Chapter 2-  Shri Maharaj went to the kirtan of Govindbhua showed miracle to Pitambar Shimpi and at last went to the house of Bankatlal,

    Chapter 3-  An ascetic made a vow to offer "Ganja" to Shri Maharaj. Hi~ desire was fulfilled and since then Shri Maharaj started smoking Ganja at Shegaon. Holy water touched by the feel of Shri Maharaj saved the life of Janrao Deshmukh.
    Explained the classification -
    types of deaths.
    Gave a beating to vithoba for his hypocrisy.

    Chapter - 4 -  Jankiram did not give the burning coal required for the pipe of Shri Maharaj. As a result, the curry prepared at his place for feeding people got infected with insects and therefore, all the food was wasted. Jankiram, with folded hands, surrendered and begged for pardon. Shri Maharaj pardoned him and the insects in the curry disappeared. Since then Jankiram became a sincere devotee of Shri Maharaj.
    Shri Maharaj asked for two stale 'Kanholes' from Chandu Mukinda.
    Showed the life after death to Madhao and liberated him. Vasant Puja was performed at the hands of disciples.

    Chapter-5 - Shri Maharaj sat in Samadhi at the Mahadeo temple.
    Cowherds worshipped him. People took him to Pimpalgaon. Bankatlal went and brought him back.

    After some days he went to Akoli to liberate Bhaskar. At Akoli Shri Maharaj created water in a dry well - Freed Bhaskar of all doubts, and brought him to Shegaon.

    Chapter-6- Bankatlal took Shri Maharaj to his farm for eating maize.
    Honey bees aftacked them and all people,    except

    Bankatlal, ran away. The bee did not affect Shri Maharaj
    bites. The incident tested Bankatlal's devotion to Shri
    Shri Maharaj went to Akot to meet Narsinghji who was a disciple of Kotasha Au. Stayed there for some days and had brotherly chat with Shri Narsinghji.
    Went to Shiver village on the bank of Chandrabhaga river and blessed Vrajabhushan
    Shri Maharaj went to Shri Hanuman temple to stay there for the Shravan month's celebration.

    Chapter 7-  All the Patil boys, being rough in behaviour, used to speak arrogantly to Shri Maharaj. Shri Maharaj had a wrestling bout with Han Patil and proved his superiority of strength. By the miracle of sugarcane the ego of Patil boys was smashed.

    Blessed Khandu Patil with a son, and named him as Bhikya. Asked him to feed people with mango juice every year. All Patil boys started respecting Shri Maharaj.

    Chapter 8- Taking advantage of the dispute between Patil and Deshmukh, a Mahar Choukidar lodged a complaint against Khandu Patil. Offence was registered but Patil was exonerated by the grace of Shri Maharaj.

    Recited Veda hymns before Talangana Brahmins and thus conveyed his authority.
    Maharaj went and stayed in a shed near Shiva temple at the garden of Krishna Path.
    Removed the ego of Brahmagiri ascetic by explaining him the meaning of a couplet from holy geeta.
    Shri Maharaj sat Unhurt on a burning cot thereby conveying that fire cannot harm a real saint.
    Chapter 9- A naughty horse was calmed.
    A person was reminded of his vow of offering Ganja. Shri Maharaj, along with his disciples went to Balapur to Shri Balkrishna's house on 'Das Navami day.
    Balkrishna was shown a glimpse of saint Ramdas, and his mind was freed from all doubts.
    Chapter 10- Happenings at Amravati and realization achieved by Balabhau. Ganesh Appa and Chandrabai devotedly surrendered all their worldly belongings at the feet of Shri Maharaj.

    Blessed Ganesh Dada Khaparde.

    Tested Balabhau by beating him with umbrella.

    Naughty cow of Sukhlal was calmed.

    Exposed the hypocrisy of Ghude.

    Chapter 11- Bhaskar had a dog-bite. Took him to Trimbakeshwar.

    Met Gopaldas at Nasik.

    Shri Maharaj went to Adgaon at the request of Zamsingh. Bhaskar expired and his body was interned near Dwarkeshwar by the side of Satibai.

    Crows were ordered to keep away from that place.

    Saved Ganu Javare from the explosion in the well.

    Chapter 12- Story of seth bachchulal.
    Pitambar Shimpi put on clothes given by Shri Maharaj.

    He came to Kondoli and created leaves on a dry barren tree.

    Pitambar stayed at Kondoli till end. New temple was built at

    Shegaon. Shri Maharaj came to new temple from the old one

    in bullock cart carrying sand.

    Zamsing took Shri Maharaj to Mundgaon. The rain distrupted the feeding programme.

    Zamsingh gave away all his property to Shri Maharaj.

    Pundalik was saved from plague infection.

    Chapter 13- Gangabharati was cured of leprosy by Shri Maharaj.

    Chapter 14- Bandu Tatyas luck favored.

    Found underground wealth got free from debts by the grace of Shri Maharaj.

    On somavati Amavasya day went for bath to Narmada river.
    The boat carrying them got a hole at the bottom. Narmada closed it by her hand.

    Panvidaa was sent to saint Madhaonath at the hands of his disciples.
    Chapter 15- Tilak came to Akola for Shiva Jayanti. Bhakari, as prasad, was sent to Tilak. Shridar Kale was not allowed to go abroad.
    Chapter 16- Pundalik was restrained from going Anjangaon.
    Sent Padukas to Pundaik with Zamsingh. Enjoyed the food - 'Bhaji-Bhakar' brought by Kavar. Tukaram was relived of a small gun shot which had accidentally entered his head.
    Chapter -17  Shri Maharaj went to railway station for going to Vishnusa at Malkapur.
    Police prosecuted him for remaining nude. Shri Mehetabshah was sent to Punjab. Advised him to creating better understanding between Hindus and Muslims.

    Effects of evil spirit removed from Bapurao's wife.

    Ganga, Bhagirathi river water was brought in the well at Akot

    Chapter 18-  Story of Baija.

    -    Dr. Kavar's Boil cured.

    -    Shri Maharaj, with disciples goes to Pandharpur

    -    Bapuna kale was given Darshan of God Vithoba.

    -    A devotee from Kavathe Bahadue suffers fron Cholera. Shri Maharaj cured him in minutes.

    -    A dead dog was brought to life, thereby removed the eg~ of an orthodox brahmin.

    Chapter 19-  Blessings to kashinathpant.

    -    Gopal Buty takes Shri Maharaj to his house at Nagpur.
    -    Han Patil brought Shri Maharaj to Shegaon.
    -    Meeting with Shri Wasudevanand Saraswati.
    -    Balabhau had his doubts about that meeting. Shri Maharaj removed those doubts.
    -    Protected heap of grains from donkeys.
    -    Narayan dies for beating Shri Maharaj at Balapur.
    -    Jakhadya gets married with the blessing of Shri Maharaj.
    -    Gave darshan to Nimonkar at kapildhara.
    -    Tukaram presented his son Narayan for service to Shri Maharaj.
    -    Shri Maharaj went to Pandharpur.
    -    Took permission from God Vithoba and returned to Shegaon.
    -    On the holy day of Rushipanchami, in the month ot
    Bhadrapad this great sage of the modern era took Samadhi

    Chapter-20  Miracles that happened after the Samadhi of Shri Mahara are narrated. All those who have faith, still get Darshan of Shr Maharaj and also get the fulfilment of their desires.

    Chapter 21 - The twenty first chapter is the climax of the whole biography and also its summery. The listeners are the essence of this biography.

    In fact several incidents occur to remember Shri Maharaj, that is why this Chapter is called only the essence of his biography.
    Collecting donations did the construction work of the temple. It is a majestic structure, unparalleled anywhere in the world. Resting places, to the devotees, are built all around the main temple. Many people extended help for building this temple. The full list of the donors will be too long, So I give below the important names from amongst them. Han Kukaji Patil, Bana of Sangwi, Ganaji of Umari, Mesaji of Watvadi, Gangaram of Ladegaon, Bhai
    Gangu, Gujabai Banabai of Akola. Mother of Sukdeo Path. All of them donate in thousands. Other donors are Ramchandra Krishnaji Patil, Dattu Bhikaji Sukhdeoji of Palaskhed, Martand Ganapati of Shegaon. Ratanlal Balchand Dattulal and Bisanlal of Panchgavan, Ambarsingh of Takali, Kisan Belmandalekar Vithoba Patil Chavarekar, Gangaram of Hansanapur. They donated big amounts and helped construction of the monument of Shri Gajanan Maharaj All around the Samadhi are beautifully built sitting halls, office rooms an kitchens. All the money, collected from donors, was spent on construction won and still some items remained incomplete for want of funds. So a novel idea was floated for collecting money. The land owners were asked to pay a sort of religious cess of one anna on every Rupee they pay towards land revenue Similarly, every bullock cart, coming to Shegaon for sale of cotton of grain was asked to pay half anna per cart. People very happily paid this cess a~ they had great faith and respect for Shri Maharaj.
    Shatchandi at the hands of brahmins. This yagnya is rather difficult to perform as Jagadamba Kalika won't tolerate any irregularity in the rituals. A small mistake immediately invites punishment, while faultless performance of the rituals brings her blessings. So this yagnya is always performed under great tension. Bankatlal, the father of Kisanlal was a devotee of Shri Maharaj. 0 the final day of the Yagnya this Bankatlal got such an ailment, that he was on the point of death. All got very much upset, and wondered as to why such thing should happen at all, when the Shatchandi Yagnya was in progress

    Bankatlal said to his son - "My son, don't be anxious. My Savior is sitting here in the Samadhi and He will set the matters right. So go ahead wit performance of the yagnya as per rituals, My Swami, Shri Gajanan, is sitting here only for the protection of the devotees and as such will remove all the obstacles."

    It proved true and Bankatlal was soon well. During this yagnya one lady wa relieved of the effects of evil spirit on her.
    Banaji Tidke Sangwikar, Gujabai of Kasura and Waman of Chapadgaon also performed Yagnas before Samadhi. Thus many religious functions were held before Shri Maharaj. He is really a great saint. So long as people were pious, this Berar was very happy. With decrease in faith, the downfall of berar started, and the output from the land also diminished. Shri Maharaj could not bear to see the misery of Berar, and probably for that reason, got himself enclosed under water. In fact the foundation of the Samadhi Shrine was built in mortar right from the depth of thirty feet and as such there was no reason for any water seepage. Therefore it was felt that Shri Maharaj got angry at the attitude of the Berar People and so created water around him. If the people of Berar wish to regain their lost glory they should start worshipping Shri Gajanan Maharaj with full faith, otherwise they would be required to face more miseries. Whatever is sowed in this land of Gajanan, will come back in multiples. Remember that grains sowed on rocks are totally wasted. So whenever the service to saints is neglected, the result is famine in that area. Faith in religion is like a tiger, and if it leaves the cave of mind, the jackals of evil thinking
    enter it. Bhakti (devotion) is like a clean pious lady and Abhakti (non-devotion) is like a concubine and any association with her brings disgrace. Don't deviate from the righteous path and don't leave the religious faith. Don't be enemies of each other, as then only, your strength will increase. Behaviour on these lines, will ensure a bright future for you. Go to Shegaon, at-least once a year for the Darashan of Shri Gajanan Maharaj and also read Shri Gajanan Vijay once a year. The reading of twentyone chapters of Gajanan Vijay Granth will be like offering twentyone Modakas to Shri Maharaj. Do it, or treat these chapters as twentyone Durvankur, and keep on offering them to Shri Maharaj, by repeated recitations of Gajanan vijay. Pious thinking of a man is Chaturthi and from it should rise the moon of love. Then every letter of this book becomes Durvankur and the meaning of it be taken as a Modak. offering of these Durvankurs and Modak be done in the form of the full recitation of this book. This is a holy book describing 'Shri Gajanan Leela', and not a novel. One who does not believe this, will be a great loser. One who regularly reads this biography of Shri Gajanan Maharaj with faith, will have all the desires fulfilled by his grace.
    This holy book of Shri Gajanan Maharaj is like the holy Bhagirathi river with stories in it as water and the stanzas as waves. This biography is a Kalpavrisha with its Chapters as branches and the stanzas as leaves. One who keeps faith in this holy book, will have blessings from Shri Gajanan Maharaj, and be always protected by him in difficult times. This book is a chintamani that gives everything you wish, provided you have full faith. Every house, wherein this holy Gajanan-Vijay is reads daily with get perpetual prosperity.
    The reciting of this book will bring wealth to the poor, health to the sick, children to childless pious ladies, son to one without a son, selfless friend, and will remove all his anxieties. One who recites this hold book in full on Dashami, Ekadashi and Dwadashi will bestow with great prosperity by Shri Maharaj. And that one who completes its full recitation in one sitting, in the suspicious period of Gurupushya Yoga, will get all his desires fulfilled and cure all his ailments.
    This book, by its mere presence in the house will keep away all sorts of evil spirits. Such is the importance of this Grantha, but it can be experienced
    only by the believers. The famous lake of Manas is meant for Rajhansa birds, and Similarly this biography of Shri Gajanan Maharaj is for the saints and pious people.
    As the great saints of past like Dnyaneshwar, Mira, Mehta, Kabir, Nama, Savat, Chokha Mahar, Gora, Bodhala, Damaji, Ainath at Umarkhed, Sakharam at Amalner, Deo Mamaledar, Yashwant or Manik Prabhu at Humbanabad, so is Shri Gajanan Maharaj at Shegaon. There is no difference among them.
    Now my only request to all the devotees is that you should pour all your love at the feet of Shri Gajanan Maharaj to enable you to liberate yourself from the cycle of birth and death.
    Now I request Shri Gajanan Maharaj to free this Dasganu from all the miseries. I have become your spokesman. Show me the right path. I hate everything that is evil. Let me keep up the ritual of visiting your shrine regularly still my death. Let my love for saints be maintained, and give me the pleasure of permanent stay on the bank of Godavari River. Let there be no occasion for
    me to beg for anything from others. 0 Maharaj, kindly see that you will always be proud of me. I am the dust at the feet of all saints, and beg for protection from you.
    O Swamy Gajanan, Whatever I have said here, is entirely as per your inspiration.
    While writing this book, Ratansa showed me some papers from the Math at Shegaon, and that has been the base of my writings here. No scope was given for imaginations, and so I am not responsible for omissions or commissions in it. And even then, if there is any mistake, I beg Shri Gajanan Maharaj to pardon me.
    Let this "Gajanan Vijay Granth be a savior to devotees in this material world. Obeisance to Pundalika, Hari Vithal. Sitaram, Parvati, and Mahadeo.

    Here Ends Chapter Twenty-one.
    *Mere Malik sai*

    Tu Karta Woh Hai Joh Tu Chahta Hai, Par Hota Woh Hai jo SAI Chahte Hai.
    Tu Woh Kar Joh SAI Chahte Hai, Phir Woh Hoga jo Tu Chahta Hai

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    Re: Gajanan Maharaj Pothi
    « Reply #29 on: October 13, 2010, 07:30:32 AM »
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  • Shri Gajanan Maharaj Namavali (108)
    Sri Ganeshay  namaha

    Sri Guru Omkaraya namaha

    Sri Guru Aadityaya namaha

    Sri Guru Amrutaya namaha

    Sri Guru Alakshya mudraya namaha

    Sri Guru Aaradhyaya namaha

    Sri Guru Aksharaya namaha

    Sri Guru Avinashaya namaha

    Sri Guru Achyutaya namaha

    Sri Guru Avadhootaya namaha

    Sri Guru Anantaroopaya namaha

    Sri Guru Antahasakshine namaha

    Sri Guru Achyutayeh namaha

    Sri Guru Aavartine namaha

    Sri Guru Asambhavaya namaha

    Sri Guru Atma prabhavaya namaha

    Sri Guru Anna Brahma poojitaya

    Sri Guru Atharva shirshaya namaha

    Sri Guru Anaasaktaye namaha

    Sri Guru Atmaniranjanay namaha

    Sri Guru Ajaaya namaha

    Sri Guru Aabrahasthambhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Antahasakshine namaha

    Sri Guru Aavartine namaha

    Sri Guru Adbhutaya namaha

    Sri Guru Anantaroopaya namaha

    Sri Guru Asambhavaya namaha

    Sri Guru Atma prabhavaya namaha

    Sri Guru Anna Brahma poojitaya

    Sri Guru Aabrasthambhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Aniruddhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Artha siddhaye namaha

    Sri Guru Atharva shirshaya namaha

    Sri Guru Anaasaktaye namaha

    Sri Guru Atmaniranjanay namaha

    Sri Guru Ajaaya namaha

    Sri Guru Aabrahmathambambaya namaha

    Sri Guru Agnihotraya namaha

    Sri Guru Arthakaraya namaha

    Sri Guru Avatara maya vine

    Sri Guru Atma goodhaya namah

    Sri Guru Adhyatmik bodhaya

    Sri Guru Aniruddhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Artha siddhaye namaha

    Sri Guru Abheda roopine namaha

    Sri Guru Anathanathaya namaha

    Sri Guru Atmai kavidyana shreshthine

    Sri Guru Anakalnaya namaha

    Sri Guru Samarthaya namaha

    Sri Guru Swayambhootaya namaha

    Sri Guru Swayamnaathaya namaha

    Sri Guru Supradharaya namaha

    Sri Guru Sacchidanandaya namaha

    Sri Guru Swatidhanaya namaha

    Sri Guru Sannidhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Satta dharine namaha

    Sri Guru Sadacharaya namaha

    Sri Guru Sadvicharaya namaha

    Sri Guru Sandighdhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Janardhanaya namaha

    Sri Guru Jyotishe namaha

    Sri Guru Jagadeeshwaraya namaha

    Sri Guru Jitendriyaya namaha

    Sri Guru Jivitvagataye namaha

    Sri Guru Jagatpataye namaha

    Sri Guru Janhave namaha

    Sri Guru Jivandharaya namaha

    Sri Guru Jalaya namaha

    Sri Guru Jyotibindu swarupaya

    Sri Guru Jagat sarvaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmane namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmine namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmaroopaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmandaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmanda dheeshaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma lokaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmachalakaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmapalakaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma balaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma harshaye namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma moortaye namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma tejase namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmatpase namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmavigrahaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahmagunaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma anubhavaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma adhyakshaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma jite namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma Pradnyaya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma mantraya namaha

    Sri Guru Brahma tantraya namaha

    Sri Guru Gunaya namaha

    Sri Guru Gajananaya namaha

    Sri Guru Grahaya namaha

    Sri Guru Gana palakaya namaha

    Sri Guru Ganaya namaha

    Sri Guru Gitaaya namaha

    Sri Guru Gaganaya namaha

    Sri Guru Golokaya namaha

    Sri Guru Garbhaya namaha

    Sri Guru Gaja priyaya namaha

    Sri Guru Grantha rathnaya namaha

    Sri Guru Chidrati priyaya namaha

    Sri Guru Durva priaya namaha

    Sri Guru Chakravartine namaha

    Sri Guru Chakravartine namaha

    Sri Guru Chaitanyaya namaha namaha

    Sri Guru Chamatkaraya namaha

    Sri Guru Chandra bimbasthitha anaghaya namaha

    Sri Guru Chalaya namaha

    Sri Guru Chaturved vidhaye namaha

    Sri Guru Chaturaya namaha

    Sri Guru Chaturatmane namaha

    Sri Guru Chaitanvamankaya namaha

    Sri Guru Chetan sandhyatmakaya

    Sri Guru Bhairavaya namaha

    Sri Guru  Bharghavaya namaha

    Sri Guru Bheeshghwaraya namaha

    Sri Guru Bhadra Kali nathaya

    Sri Guru Bheema ya namaha

    Sri Guru Bhavani nayakaya namaha

    Sri Guru Bhootha nathaya namaha

    Sri Guru Bhasma priyaya  namaha

    Sri Guru Bhavatara kaaya namaha

    Sri Guru Bhava chakraya namaha

    Sri Guru Bhooshanaaya namaha

    Sri Guru Shivaya namaha

    Sri Guru Shaswataya namaha

    Sri Guru Shilpa kaaraya namaha

    Sri Guru Shabdha sadhanaya namaha

    Sri Guru Shastra  visharade namaha

    Sri Guru Shankaraya  namaha

    Sri Guru Shankha chakra gadhadharaya

    Sri Guru Shankhi ne namaha

    Sri Guru Hruta Chakrankita kundaline

    Sri Guru Shata shastra nu charaya

    Sri Guru Kalpavrukshaya namaha

    Sri Guru Kalyanaya namaha

    Sri Guru Sri Hari Krushnaya namaha


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