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|| Shri Ganeshaya Namah ||
|| Shri Sharada Namah ||
|| Shri Sadguru Namah ||

1. O my mother Sadguru, you are liberal. Let Victory be unto you forever. You do the showering of unbroken happiness. You are yourself pure & you are famous.

3. Even If one becomes surrounded by the snake of worldly matters, because of which the Jiva becomes helpless. Still, no sooner, on receiving your graceful sight, the infection of poison goes away.

5. On the rising of the waves of water of your grace & of those waves on coming of the heavy flood, how the worldly suffering will scorch & unto whom. The Sorrow will burn how & unto whom.   

7. When your grace happens, is attained unbroken bliss & happiness of Yoga, unto the devotees. To the devotees, giving SOHAM* Realization openly, you fulfill the pet desires of theirs'.

*SOHAM - I am Brahman(God) realization

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Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2014, 11:38:45 AM »
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  • 9. Joyfully, on the lap of Muladhari* Kundalini, you make them play. Then you swing them, after lovingly placing them in the cradle of heart-space.

    11. Making toys of mind-wind** (nullifying them), you take away (their) Jiva-feeling. And unto them, the child ornaments of self-bliss, you yourself wear.

    13. Likewise, you give breast-feeding of moon-nectar***, singing the song of Soham****. Giving a good understanding of Samadhi, & explaining thereafter you make them sleep.

    15. In this way, you become the spiritual seeker's mother, O Lord, O merciful, O dear Guru.

    *Muladhari - The Kundalini power originates from the Muladhar chakra which is situated at the base of the spine & moves upwards towards the head.
    **mind-wind - mind originates from one of the five elements - the wind.
    ***Soham - Sound produced without one object striking against other. While doing Yoga-Sadhana, when Kundalini is awakened & reaches the heart space, then such sounds can be heard.
    ****moon-nectar - Just as the from the rays of the moon, oozes nectar which becomes the nourishment for the plants. Similarly, from the Yogi's mind nectar oozes, hence it is called moon-nectar.

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #2 on: July 29, 2014, 12:43:23 PM »
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  • 16. At the place of your most auspicious feet, comes the blissful crop of literature. Hence I stay, O mother Sadguru, under your shade, forever.

    18. Unto whom, the sight, which is graceful of yours, gives refuge out of compassion, O mother, he truly becomes the creator(Bramha) of the universe in the form of all-knowledges, all of a sudden.

    20. You are full in one and all the opulences, O Mother. You are the wish-fulfilling tree for the devotees. So now give me the order to do the narration of the holy book.

    22. Filling the oceans, of all the nine emotions(Rasas*), (you) create herein, the literature-ornaments which are befitting, (&) the big mountains of huge import, in this holy book.

    *Rasas - The nine emaotions - Love, Joy, Wonder, Peace, Anger, Courage, Sadness, Fear, Disgust

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #3 on: August 31, 2014, 12:36:51 PM »
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  • 24. Let the gold mines of Literature manifest, in the fertile land of Marathi. Likewise the creepers of discrimination between temporary & permanent, you sow, O Mother, all over the place.

    26. The real treasures itself of fruits of dialogue, as also the gardens of theorems, you do create forever, large, firm & dense.
    28. The odd paths of fruitless arguments, you destroy. You destroy the valleys & chasms of atheism. The wild animals of various evil thoughts, which are wicked, O mother do destroy them.

    30. For singing the Glories of Shri Hari forever, you give me the ability. The bliss of hearing, this itself is the kingly throne. Therein you make the assembly of listeners to sit.

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #4 on: October 19, 2014, 11:23:20 AM »
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  • 32. In this city of vernacular language, you make an abundance of spiritual knowledge. Of self-bliss alone, the world should do an exchange of, always, let it happen like this.

    34. If you alone spread your wing of grace on me forever (just as a mother bird spreads her wing on the baby bird), then O merciful, I will construct all this (spiritual knowledge), without requiring any time for narration.

    36. Such a humble request, filled with real feeling & devotion, on reaching his ears naturally, the mother Sadguru becoming pleased, casting his graceful glance on me, said, O Jnandev, do not talk much. Now tell the Gita meaning quickly. 

    39. On receiving the great favor(Maha-Prasad) in the form of orders of Shri Guru, I became happy. I will narrate herein, the secret meaning of Gita. Giving your mind, listen now.

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #5 on: October 19, 2014, 12:12:21 PM »
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  • अर्जुन उवाच
    एवं सततयुक्ता ये भक्तास्त्वां पर्युपासते।
    ये चाप्यक्षरमव्यक्तं तेषां के योगवित्तमाः॥1॥

    41. So now, Look, the one who is greatest amongst the heroes, the one who is the victory flag of the dynasty of moon, such a Dhanajaya(Arjuna), the son of King Pandu, look what he said to Krishna.

    43. He said, O Almighty, having become pleased with me, you showed the universal form, but that form was extremely huge & astonishing, hence my intellect got frightened.

    45. And I am used to your human form, hence i took refuge in it.

    46. At that time, you told me that, until you take a dip in the universal form, do not get engrossed in the human form. Telling like this, you took away my mind from the human form, O God.

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #6 on: January 16, 2015, 10:40:11 AM »
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  • 48. So you are one & the same, be it with human form or without form, i recognised this secret, without doubt. The human form is manifest, & is obtained by the yoga of devotion. The formless is unmanifest & is obtained by the path of Yoga.

    50. Devotion & Yoga, both these paths, do lead well to your attainment. At the door of your manifest & unmanifest nature, one should reach, O Shri Hari, by these paths only.

    52. But, from 100 tolas* of gold, on extracting a small quantity (1 vaal**), on looking at the purity of both really, there is no difference between them.

    54. Like that your form, be it unmanifest attributeless or manifest with attributes is one & the same.

    1 tola* = 11.66 grams of Gold
    1 vaal** = 3 gunjas, one of the smallest measurable quantity for gold.

    Offline v2birit

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #7 on: January 16, 2015, 11:19:46 AM »
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  • 55. In the ocean of divine nectar, exists really the greatness of capability (to impart immortality), that itself is attained, as it is, on taking one mouthful from that itself wave of nectar.

    57. The manifest & unmanifest, both are one & the same really, such itself is my understanding. But O Yogeshwara, O Lord, O master of the universe, I am asking you for this reason itself,...

    59. ...that, O God, a while back, for a moment, the form you assumed - the universal form, that your universal form, is true or just a divine play, to understand this, as it exists.

    61. Now, those whose actions, are for your satisfaction alone. Unto whom is great, you alone. Those who have sold out their whole mental actions for the sake of devotion. Like this, O Shri Hari, those who worship, tying you thoroughly in their inner self...

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #8 on: February 28, 2015, 05:46:14 AM »
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  • 64. ...And the thing which is beyond Omkar, which is difficult to describe for the speech. That which is uncomparable, indestructible, unmanifest, limitless, that which cannot be pointed to.

    66.That (thing) itself they are, knowing this, the ones who worship with SOHAM feeling, the knowledgable. Like this the knowers of the self Or else those who have remained becoming your devotee.

    68. From amongst those two, unto whom has full knowledge of Yoga really happened, tell me. 

    69. Listening to these words of devotee Kiriti(Arjuna), Lord Gopal, the benefactor of the world became satisfied. He said, What, How & When to ask, you know all this properly.

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 09:57:13 AM »
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  • श्रीभगवानुवाच:
    मय्यावेश्य मनो ये मां नित्ययुक्ता उपासते।
    श्रद्धया परयोपेतास्ते मे युक्ततमा मताः॥२॥

    71. When the Sun enters the sunset-horizon, just as the sun rays go behind it. Or in the rainy season, just as the river starts rising & swelling, getting filled quickly...

    73. ...Rising & swelling, like that really is the faith, of my devotees, ever new.

    74. The Bhagirathi* Ganga has become one with the ocean, having joined the body of the Ocean. Yet the flow behind which is unstoppable, remains roaring forever. Like that, unto the devotees' love, comes an abundance, even though they are forever situated in me.   

    77. Always, with all the senses, keeping thier intellect in me, those who worship me, like this day & night, doing a self surrender, unto those devotees, I consider undoubtedly as great Yogis, O Dhanajaya. 

    Bhagirathi* - Another name for river Ganga

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #10 on: March 15, 2015, 10:32:53 AM »
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  • ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते।
    सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यं च कूटस्थमचलं ध्रुवम्‌ ॥३॥

    सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धयः ।
    ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रताः ॥४॥

    80. And the second type, who also are great Yogis, climbing on SOHAM feeling, make the Brahman understood, which is indestructible, full, beginning-less, attributeless, formless.

    82. The nail of the mind also, does not touch at all wherein, one who is imperceptible to the intellect, therein what chance do the senses stand (for comprehending it), like this one which is secret, even to DHYANA(meditation).

    84. That which is not found at one place, ever. That which is not present in name or form. All-filling, forever, it exists in all places. The contemplation also becomes tired wherein...

    86. ...That which does not come into being, that which does not attain to destruction, wherein exists-does not exists such a talking becomes irrelevant. That is why, that which is not attained by various SADHANAS(means of accomplishments), that which does not undergo any change, does not cease, which does not get exhausted...

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    Re: Jnaneshwari and Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 12 - Bhakti Yoga
    « Reply #11 on: March 19, 2015, 09:33:42 AM »
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  • 88. Such a extremely pure & good Para-Bramha, those who have made understood by the power of yoga. The army of sense-objects those who have burnt away, having ignited the fire of Vairagya*(non-attachment).

    90. The senses of theirs which are troubled by all means (by sense-objects), those who have controlled them by the power of courage. Then turning them (inwards) by the rope of patience, they have confined them in their inner self.

    92. Assuming a sitting Posture, a strong appearance, which is proper at the anus, O Dhananjaya. Erecting the fort of that MOOLA-BANDHA**, those who have become ready for fighting(war).

    94. Those who have cut away ropes of desires, breaking the mountain edges of unsteadiness. And destroyed quickly & really, the entire darkness in the form of sleep.

    *Vairagya - non-attachment to unreal temporary objects of the material world.
    *MOOLA-BANDHA - A Yoga posture where the body from the anus to the navel is contracted and lifted up and towards the spine


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