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‘GURU’ - Baba’s Views
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Topic: ‘GURU’ - Baba’s Views (Read 2923 times)
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‘GURU’ - Baba’s Views
December 10, 2011, 01:45:03 AM »
This is a story, which Baba has narrated - once, four of us, who had read religious scriptures debated about Brahman. One said, “We should, through our own efforts, raise ourselves and not depend on others.” The second said, “Our mind should be in absolute control sans doubts, worries, etc. with the complete understanding, that there is nothing in the world except Self.” The third said, “One should discriminate between Real (permanent) and Unreal (transient).” I said, “Book-reading was not enough, we should conduct ourselves according to Shastras and offer ourselves body, mind and five Pranas (vital airs) to the Guru’s feet. One should have steadfast faith that Guru is God Himself and all pervading.” The first three wanted to go on God’s quest with their own efforts.
They came across a Vanjari (a trader in grains), who asked, “In this sweltering sun, where are you going; and what are your searching for ?” We gave him an evasive answer that we were going into the forest. The Vanjari asked, “You should not move in the forest without a guide. Why do you exert yourself in this noon sun ? You may not tell me about your secret quest; but you can sit down, have a piece of Bhakari and drink water before you go.”
Though he spoke kindly, we rejected his offer and proceeded on our way. We thought, we were self-sufficient and needed no aid. The forest was vast and trackless, with the trees growing so tall, that sunlight didn’t touch the ground; hence, we lost our way. But, fate brought us to the same Vanjari who said, “Relying on your intellect you have missed your way. A guide is always necessary in matters, small and big. Quest should not be conducted on an empty stomach; even the intellect doesn’t work. Unless God wills, we meet no one. One should never reject offer of food. Offer of food is regarded as good omen.”
He again offered us food, which only I accepted. I was hungry and thirsty; and I was moved by his concern and love. I felt that though we were learned and scholarly, we had no kindness. But, this uneducated Vanjari was truly enlightened, without knowing us, had so compassionately offered us food. Suddenly Guru stood before me and said, “What is the argument about ?” I narrated to Him everything. Then He said, “Will you come with me ? I will show you, what you are questing for; but only to those who believe in me ?”
The others didn’t accept, only I agreed. The others went away, and Guruji took me to a well, tied my feet with a rope and hung me, head down. The other end of the rope was tied to a nearby tree in such a way that I was three feet above water, and couldn’t touch it with my hands. After suspending me like this, He went away for about four hours. On His return, He took me out and asked me, how I felt. I replied, “Blissful - how can a fool like me describe the happiness I experienced ?”
My Guru was pleased with my answer; He drew me close and started moving His hand very affectionately over my back. He took me to His school. There I forgot my parents, all my attachments snapped and I was freed from bondage. I felt such immense love for my Guru that I felt like embracing Him. I felt, if I didn't have His image fixed in my eyes, then I better be blind. My Guru became my mother, father, everything. All my senses were focused on my eyes and my sight only on Him. Thus He became my single focus of meditation. Then Knowledge dawned on me without any effort, this is what is Guru’s grace !
Through this story Baba, an incarnation Himself, wanted to illustrate that salvation can be achieved, only with the Guru’s grace.
Arthur Osborne in his book ‘The Incredible Sai Baba’ has interpreted Baba’s symbolical story as - The forest is the wilderness of the mind, which is questing for truth. The four friends are the four paths to the truth. The Vanjari is the Guru and His offer of food is His grace. On the acceptance of the food, the seeker discovers that the giver is the divine Guru. Hence, he reverentially submits to His authority. Tying, and suspension over water, is the binding of the ego and holding over the water is the coolness of bliss. It is suffering beautified by the end for which it is endured. And finally, Knowledge is to be experienced and can’t be taught.
Baba once, narrated that as a youngster He had gone in search of work to Beed, where He did embroidery work very diligently. His employer was so pleased with Him that he gave Baba Rs. 600/-; whereas, to the three boys who had worked prior to Him, he gave Rs. 50/-, Rs. 100/- and Rs. 150/- respectively. The employer praised Baba and honoured Him with a dress, turban and a Shela (embroidered shawl). Baba kept the dress aside and pondered, “Whatever someone gives, can that be adequate ? But, whatever God gives, it is limitless. How can the ‘limitations’ of man compare with the ‘boundlessness’ of my Sarkar (God) ?
My Sarkar says, “Take, Take,”; but everyone comes to me and says, “Give, Give.” Everyone wants material things; they don’t listen to, what I am saying carefully. My Sarkar’s treasury of spiritual wealth is overflowing. I say, ‘Dig and take cartloads of the treasure.’
“Earth (body) will merge with earth, breath with air. This time will never come again. He who makes efforts for spiritual progress will reap its benefits, and will get happiness. Otherwise, Maya will forever tempt him and he will never achieve his weal.”
"नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "
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