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Re: Sai Bhavana
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2011, 01:44:49 PM »
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  • Om Sai, Sri..Sai.... Jaya... Jaya... Sai

    'Omkaram' is the combination of Au, Vu and Um. This is the primordial sound eternally vibrating in the animate and in-animate beings. Omkara is the root of our Vedas. Sai Maharaj who manifested Himself in Shirdi as Sadguru awakens the divine power of Omkara within us through His teachings and leelas. Sai is the Creator, Savior and the Witness of this world.
    If we utter 'Om Sai', Sai will kindle the power of Omkara in us. Shri means 'all good, happiness and wealth'. Only if we utter Shri Sai, He will shower on us all the good things in the world with kindness. The utterance of Sri Sai is the blessed mantra that absolves us from all sins. Jaya means 'victory'. 'Jaya, Jaya' means a series of grand victories. If we utter Jaya jaya Sai, Sai Maharaj will bestow on us all the victories we yearn. If we constantly chant Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jaya Jaya Sai or sing bhajans in thought, word and deed, it will cause such a powerful impact that Baba will free us from the Karmic cage of birth-death-re-birth and liberates our souls. The place where the non-stop chanting of Sai's Name is done, gets charged and purified by the holy vibrations. Sainath will manifest and shower His blessings on us and fulfil the goal of our human birth. Now, let us move on... Let us ceaselessly chant Sai's Name and become worthy of attaining self-liberation.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #46 on: December 16, 2011, 03:15:35 PM »
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  • It is Enough to Follow the Foot-Prints of God

    God is All-knowing. Although we may not know what we are doing, but He is quite aware of everything we do. As long as we remain loyal and follow in His foot-steps, He would lead us on the right path like a True Leader. He would be walking ahead and leading us on the right path of upright behaviour. Then His path becomes our path and the destination is what He leads to. We should never feel arrogant with our limited knowledge and skills. We have to move under the supervision of Baba, who is beyond our imagination and who is Omnipotent. If Baba says 'No' to someone's request for leaving Shirdi, it would mean that the journey would not be safe. On some occasions, Baba would ask people longing to stay to immediately leave Shirdi. That journey proved to be very good for them. If we obediently follow His commands, there is no possibility of committing mistakes.
    When we are going ahead fearlessly under the protective arms of Baba, even the most severe of calamities would recede on seeing us. Baba is the one with great spiritual powers to keep us safe even in the face of most dangerous times. When the nature caused havoc in Shirdi, He controlled it and protected people who sought His shelter by commanding the furious elements to calm down. Therefore, with sincere faith, we should follow Baba and it will do immense good for us.

    JaiSaiRam ;D ;D ;D
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #47 on: December 30, 2011, 11:00:01 AM »
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  • We Need not be a Millionaire to Give Charity

    All the earthly riches are but a gift of Baba. In return for the gifts, Baba expects from us devotion, honesty, uprightness, self-surrender. Baba wants us to put the wealth, which He gifted us, in the service of the needy. It is charity. Charity is virtue. Only a few are blessed by Baba to have a heart of charity. Some people think that one can make a charity if one is very rich, but not when one has little wealth.
    Baba explained through His noble deeds that riches are secondary but a desire to donate is vital. In fact, the spirit of sacrifice can be found in Nature itself. Rivers provide clean and fresh water. Trees bear the sweetest fruit and man being a part and parcel of nature must emulate the spirit of charity. When we compare the pleasure obtained by the receiver with that of the happiness of the giver, the amount given in charity seems insignificant. Liberality awakens spirituality. Greed and selfishness cause poverty. Baba taught us the value of charity by explaining it in the simplest form, "give and grow richer". We need not be a millionaire to give charity. We can give away cheerfully whatever wealth we can afford to give and Baba will increase our riches. Baba's grace will not only multiply our worldly wealth but blesses us with the spiritual wealth of merit and ever-new joy.

    JaiSaiRam...Thanks Baba .. ;D  for everything
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #48 on: March 07, 2012, 11:48:24 AM »
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  • An Abode of The Divine Master

    In Shirdi village, at the age of sixteen, Sri Sai Baba appeared under a neem tree for His devotees. By that time, He was an enlightened soul and no one knew His parentage and lineage.
    On one occasion god Khandoba possessed on the bodies of two men who were asked by the people gathered there to announce who the great soul underneath the neem tree was. They were commanded to dig with a crow bar under the tree. On so digging up, they found bricks and on removal of which a big stone-like door was sighted. When it was pushed aside, a stair-way led to an underground structure, where on the cemented floor, four wick lamps, beautiful rosaries and a cloth for placing them were seen. God Khandoba announced that the boy did penance there for twelve years. Thereupon, the humble villagers questioned the boy about it and He replied that it was His Guru's abode, a very holy place and, therefore, as in the past, it would be better to close and keep it safe. People did as he said so. The boy, who left Shirdi returned as Sai Baba, hallowed Shirdi for sixty years by His presence and healed, helped and enlightened whoever met Him by His miracles and message of love and service. Baba assured that whoever performs Guru Pooja on Thursday at the abode of His Guru will be blessed of self-liberation.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #49 on: March 22, 2012, 04:37:11 PM »
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  • Your smile makes me happy

    Baba...Your smile makes me happy
    Baba you are the tallest of all
    I am the smallest of all
    You are elder and made me milder
    I am younger and thought, to me you are closer
    I am your servant and you are my Savior
    I am indebted to you; you have every right on me
    I am selfish Yet you love me
    You love me as the ocean loves a wave
    And in turn I love you as a drop loves the wave

    JaiSairam  ;D
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #50 on: March 25, 2012, 10:13:46 AM »
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  • When the lights go out

    If Darkness surrounds and night breaks
    Fear wakes up and looks
    Mother would suggest to sleep with closed lids
    But who dares to chase out the dark ghosts
    Baba heard my voice and saw my fear
    Told me that nothing to worry when I' am here
    Truth always hails
    How Baba would narrate stories and It's all fun,
    He never fails
    I listen to the stories told by Baba
    Mother would praise, Baba is Baba
    Whoever obeys his commandments?
    Would always get compliments.

    JaiSaiRam :)
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #51 on: April 06, 2012, 08:51:00 PM »
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    Life Blessed With the God-Guru is A Shining Pearl

    Scholars often compare life to a bubble, given the ephemeral nature of it from the beginning to end. The running stream would turn into foam and glitters. It looks bright like a row of corals in twilight, like the gold melted twinkle in the dawn. But, it turns again into water by the next moment. The foam is a drop of water, which is but our existence. Sometimes it looks queer to compare life with a drop of water on the lotus. But close scrutiny reveals its truth. Life gets meaning by our conduct.
    Just as the water droplet on a hot pan evaporates instantly, life full of jealousy and envy will extinguish even before treading on the right path. In the early hours, the dew-drops on the green leaves shine like radiant pearls. Again, life, which is a bed of roses amidst wealth and pleasure is not purposeful. It might make the observer feel great and fill the heart with happiness. However, one drop of water trickled into the oyster at the right season would transform it into a beautiful pearl. The moment a raindrop falls into the oyster, it closes and reaches the rock bottom of the sea. It could be perseverance or penance. But it becomes a priceless pearl. Thus, life becomes fruitful if a Perfect Master like Sainath comes and gives the right message. Life is like a drop turned into a pearl of the supreme bliss.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #52 on: April 11, 2012, 01:28:56 AM »
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  • With Baba's Grace, Our future Unfolds
    Like an Open Book

    Caught in the earthly concerns, treating life as a struggle, people are in the mad pursuit of running after mirages. They do not even know where they go. To really know the future, one need not go anywhere. It is very easy to foretell the future when the All-pervasive God is sighted in the heart. God is the very form of Time and even beyond it. Those who realized God can see the past, present and the future, as clearly as an image reflected in a mirror. If we listen attentively to the Voice of God, we can clearly hear the Divine Command which directs us to the good. We might not know every bit of life, but can get a broad vision of why and how of the things that are going to happen.
    To those who have full faith in God and observe the rules of right conduct to the letter and spirit, life is like an open book. They do not worry about the future. Baba clearly promises His devotees a glorious future through His words. Baba objected twice by saying "no" to Damu Anna's wish for starting a new business venture. Faith in Baba saved Damu Anna from incurring huge financial losses. We should be willing to readily accept anything that will happen to us before we want to know our future. We should firmly believe that whatever Baba does is for our own good. Let us place our lives in His secure hands.
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #53 on: April 11, 2012, 10:06:39 AM »
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  • If We follow Health Rules, we can never fall Sick
    Human life is a great boon. We should do virtuous deeds with this body, purify the soul and reach God. Thus, our body which is meant for getting liberation from the cycle of birth and death should be carefully taken care of. But it does not mean that we must have too much attachment with the body. Both the body and mind must be kept pure. We should purify the heart as soon as we wake up in the morning. Proper food and exercise will keep the body fit and healthy. Only when the body is healthy, the mind too can be firm and longs to meditate on Baba.
    Talkativeness breeds troubles. So, we should speak to the point in a pleasant tone. Our conduct is also important to our health. Just as the dragon-fly sucks nectar without disturbing the pollen, so also we should behave without hurting others. We should take fresh and tasty food in limited quantities. But some people observe fast in the name of devotion. But, Baba never encouraged such practice. By ensuring discipline during the day, we have to take limited food at dusk and meditate for a while on Baba before going to bed. Rules that regulate and restrain our body and mind, help keep them healthier too. Those who have the wealth of health can peacefully render service to Baba and the society. We should not ignore the truth that by using this mortal body we can reach the eternal abode of Baba.

    Thanks  PGolu ji for joining me in this thread. You are most welcome.  :D JaiSaiRam
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #54 on: April 13, 2012, 08:00:41 AM »
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  • Only the Body gets Aged, not the Mind

    Old age is the last phase of life. It is another stage of childhood. Mind should get mellowed in old age. If one spends the old age with noble ideals, love towards all living beings and devotion to Baba, one can be immensely happy. Thus, the last phase of life can be turned into the best phase. It is unfortunate to consider old age as miserable and gloomy. With the advancing age, we can live happily and get contentment by praying to Baba and singing hymns in praise of His glory. Of what use old age if it is spent, devoid of devotion and urge for self-liberation and without the constant remembrance of Sainath?
    Baba starts any work beautifully and accomplishes it with excellence. He will make lives meaningful of those who repose trust in Him. For this, we should give and share true love, affection, intimacy and show more concern in old age, when compared to the concern we had during youth. The conjugal relationship will become perfect only when the couple assist each other in spiritual pursuits during their old age. We should know that the different phases of life gifted by God are equally important. "Not merely adding years to life, but to ably fill life into years". Our duty is to know this truth and then be thankful to Baba who fills sweetness in every second of our life. Old age is not a burden, but a boon to reach Baba

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #55 on: April 14, 2012, 12:59:21 PM »
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  • Baba will Mould Your Weakness into Strength And Prove its Might
    A person used to carry river water in two pots tied to the two ends of a pole positioned across his shoulder and used to serve it to the master. One of the pots had a crack. By the time he reached home one pot was full as it was, while the cracked pot had only half of the water in it. One day the leaking pot said, "I am feeling sad. Pardon me. You are carrying the load of two pots with difficulty to such a distance. But I am able to provide only half the quantity of the water". The man felt pity on the pot.
    Looking at the pot, the man carrying the pots had a hearty smile and said, "Look at the beautiful plants along the path that are blooming fragrant flowers. I offer all those flowers to our master. You have not understood yet. I have been observing the drops of water trickling down from you. So I have planted flower-bearing plants all along the path. They are getting wet by your trickling water and are now fully grown to the extent of giving flowers. You are repenting for giving half of your water, but the beautiful flowers have blossomed because of you" On hearing the words, the leaking pot felt elated and trickled few more drops of water. It is Baba who provides strength or weakness. If we reckon our mistakes and seek forgiveness, Baba will mould our weaknesses into pathways that yield good results.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #56 on: April 18, 2012, 06:02:43 AM »
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  • How Wonderful Human Birth is!

    For each individual, a mission in life is fixed by God. Only those who have grasped their objective in life will succeed. Baba used to comment, "There is nothing wrong in failing to accomplish an objective, but having no objective is a blunder". Trees give us the comfort of cool shade, flowers and fruits, without anticipating anything in return from us. Cows yield milk as a mark of gratitude for the fodder we feed them. Selflessly, the clouds shower rain and the rivers share their waters to irrigate the farm lands. On a deeper analysis, we could understand that every creature in this universe, by one way or other, possess the noble quality of sacrifice. It is not justified if we, the humans, blessed as we are with the power of discretion and intellect, live lazily without any sense of direction or mission in life.
    Baba loves us as dearly as He loves every living being in the Universe. Our inner voice of the soul would guide us on the right path to successful living once we know the truth that we should fulfil the definite mission in our lives blessed by the Divine Love and Grace of Baba. The power in our hands can carve out a statue from a stone or leave it as a boulder. So, let us not waste our precious life and keep praying to Baba to help us achieve the definite purpose of our life.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #57 on: April 20, 2012, 05:45:38 AM »
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  • Lap of the Sai
    This is the twilight of life and sun vanishes
    When the strength of youth diminishes
    Children have gone out like swans
    We remain here alone as orphans
    Believed all as my kith and kin and fine
    But learnt, none is mine
    My journey is towards you Sainath
    Show mercy lead me into a right path
    Tired of mundane life and household
    Lost the strength but I am in your fold
    Sai, support me this is my request
    Sai's lap is the best in East or West
    I bow to you, I asked you heaven never
    I surrender, always Oh, Sree Sai to you for ever...

    Aum Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #58 on: April 22, 2012, 07:00:06 PM »
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  • Lend a Helping Hand of Love

    Everyone in the world faces the wrath of suffering and feels perturbed and tormented with one or the other problem, disturbance or grief. Love is something like a drop of nectar or a beam of light that gives relief from such unrest. Who will not yearn for such love? Everyone needs love, kind looks, sympathy and a cool touch that makes us bold. We, as devotees of Baba, should share it with one and all. Pure love, in fact, is the other form of God. At times, even a trivial problem might create mounting tension in man. God is nowhere else but in the hearts of everyone who has a kind and loving heart. We, the devotees of Baba, who is Love-Incarnate, should understand the problems of others, pat their back with love and encourage them by saying 'Do not fear, God is great. You will definitely get the desired results'. By doing so, even we get the love and grace of Baba. He would shower His blessings on us.
    A simple smile that spreads love, a word of courage and solace will have enormous beneficial impact on the suffering lot. They dare to go ahead with such an assurance from us. All are the children of God. If someone deviates from the right path or suffers from agony and despair, we should lift their spirits, lend them a helping hand and lead them on the right path. By these actions of love and care, Baba showers His Grace on us.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #59 on: April 29, 2012, 03:45:44 PM »
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  • Tortoise Grows under its Watchful Mother's Eye

    A great amount of knowledge is hidden in the human mind. But the light of wisdom is veiled by the illusion of ignorance and nescience. Education or learning is an attempt to remove them. A teacher will help the student grow and glow in the light of the teachings. A disciple is like a plant and the teachings are like water, manure and sunlight which are vital for the growth. So also an enlightened master helps his disciple grow wiser and stronger. The words of a teacher are like adding yoghurt to milk. On adding a drop of curd into milk, it becomes curd. Sai, God Incarnate, descended to the earth as the Perfect Master to light the lamp of wisdom in us. To illustrate this point, He used to give the example of the baby tortoise that grows under the love-exuding watchful eyes of its mother. Sai Baba's presence is like adding a drop of curd to milk. We have to remember and chant His name and feel that He is close around us. Then, with the divine support of His teachings, we can gradually acquire wealth of spiritual wisdom. When Baba is our Constant Companion, our mind illumined by His words, our life becomes meaningful and joyful by His Grace.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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