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Re: Sai Bhavana
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2010, 08:22:08 AM »
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  • Sai Love-Consciousness

    Baba is Omnipresent. His Supreme Spirit fills every inch of the Universe. To understand this thought, we need to contemplate on it. Contemplation is but a thought or a feeling. It is constantly pondering over it and trying to apply the essence of the thought to our day-to-day living. Then, it turns into a habit. Later, it continues without effort. Finally, it becomes a part and parcel of us. In other words, the thought and our mind become inseparably one. To be more precise, the very thought and the thinker get infused into one. Instead of feeling it, we become the very experience of itself. It is the metamorphosis of thought getting transformed into the experience of thought.
    Cumin cured in lemonade will become cured cumin. Then the lemon and cumin become one. So does the Sai philosophy which will be the lemon in which the devotee gets immersed, cured and absorbed. The one immersed in Sai's Love will install Sai in one's temple of soul very much like the cumin. The devotee will gradually, during the process of spreading Sai's Love in the surroundings, get absorbed into the Infinite Absolute Reality. Sai's philosophy would get mingled in every atom of one's very being. Then, one sheds one's ego and gets dissolved in Baba's devotion. Thus, the true meaning of Baba's message is "those who trust in Me will surely reach Me".

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #31 on: September 09, 2010, 02:59:56 PM »
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  • No Doctor can Excel Baba in the Universe 

    The deeds of past lives will torment the mankind in the form of disease. Yet, by taking the prescribed medicines of doctors, we pray to God. But the devotees of Baba are the fortunate ones. Where is the need for a doctor when they have Baba? The Divine Doctor Baba can cure both physical and mental ailments as well as the very 'disease of life'. His mode of treatment is amazing and unique. Baba effected instant cures. Bhimajee Patil suffered from chronic T.B. which doctors gave up as a lost case. He wiped Baba's Feet with tears and the Merciful Baba ordered him to stay in Bhimbhai's house. He cured Patil's deadly disease by absolving him from sins by twice appearing in his dreams.
    Once Balashimpi Ganapathi suffered from cold chill fever for which Baba suggested to feed the black dog at the temple with curd rice. In other instance Kaka Mahajan was seen repairing the Masjid despite his diarrhea. Chiding, Baba fed him with pea-nuts and advised rest. His diarrhea instantly stopped and happily he attended to the Masjid repairs. Baba cured Dattopant's stomach-ache with His grace, while sonamukhi potion cured that of Shyama's. Even now, Baba has been curing many patients by His miracles and millions are blessed with good health by His grace. There is no other doctor except Baba who can cure patients by wiping their past sins away.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #32 on: September 16, 2010, 02:42:20 PM »
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  • Life Blessed With the God-Guru is A Shining Pearl

    Scholars often compare life to a bubble, given the ephemeral nature of it from the beginning to end. The running stream would turn into foam and glitters. It looks bright like a row of corals in twilight, like the gold melted twinkle in the dawn. But, it turns again into water by the next moment. The foam is a drop of water, which is but our existence. Sometimes it looks queer to compare life with a drop of water on the lotus. But close scrutiny reveals its truth. Life gets meaning by our conduct.
    Just as the water droplet on a hot pan evaporates instantly, life full of jealousy and envy will extinguish even before treading on the right path. In the early hours, the dew-drops on the green leaves shine like radiant pearls. Again, life, which is a bed of roses amidst wealth and pleasure is not purposeful. It might make the observer feel great and fill the heart with happiness. However, one drop of water trickled into the oyster at the right season would transform it into a beautiful pearl. The moment a raindrop falls into the oyster, it closes and reaches the rock bottom of the sea. It could be perseverance or penance. But it becomes a priceless pearl. Thus, life becomes fruitful if a Perfect Master like Sainath comes and gives the right message.

    Life is like a drop turned into a pearl of the supreme bliss.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #33 on: September 30, 2010, 01:59:12 PM »
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  • With Baba's Grace, Our future Unfolds Like an Open Book

    Caught in the earthly concerns, treating life as a struggle, people are in the mad pursuit of running after mirages. They do not even know where they go. To really know the future, one need not go anywhere. It is very easy to foretell the future when the All-pervasive God is sighted in the heart. God is the very form of Time and even beyond it. Those who realized God can see the past, present and the future, as clearly as an image reflected in a mirror. If we listen attentively to the Voice of God, we can clearly hear the Divine Command which directs us to the good. We might not know every bit of life, but can get a broad vision of why and how of the things that are going to happen.
    To those who have full faith in God and observe the rules of right conduct to the letter and spirit, life is like an open book. They do not worry about the future. Baba clearly promises His devotees a glorious future through His words. Baba objected twice by saying "no" to Damu Anna's wish for starting a new business venture. Faith in Baba saved Damu Anna from incurring huge financial losses. We should be willing to readily accept anything that will happen to us before we want to know our future. We should firmly believe that whatever Baba does is for our own good. Let us place our lives in His secure hands.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #34 on: September 30, 2010, 02:01:05 PM »
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  • Only the Body gets Aged, not the Mind

    Old age is the last phase of life. It is another stage of childhood. Mind should get mellowed in old age. If one spends the old age with noble ideals, love towards all living beings and devotion to Baba, one can be immensely happy. Thus, the last phase of life can be turned into the best phase. It is unfortunate to consider old age as miserable and gloomy. With the advancing age, we can live happily and get contentment by praying to Baba and singing hymns in praise of His glory. Of what use old age if it is spent, devoid of devotion and urge for self-liberation and without the constant remembrance of Sainath?
    Baba starts any work beautifully and accomplishes it with excellence. He will make lives meaningful of those who repose trust in Him. For this, we should give and share true love, affection, intimacy and show more concern in old age, when compared to the concern we had during youth. The conjugal relationship will become perfect only when the couple assist each other in spiritual pursuits during their old age. We should know that the different phases of life gifted by God are equally important. "Not merely adding years to life, but to ably fill life into years". Our duty is to know this truth and then be thankful to Baba who fills sweetness in every second of our life. Old age is not a burden, but a boon to reach Baba.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #35 on: October 28, 2011, 02:52:43 PM »
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  • As Body Needs Nourishment, so also the Soul Needs Meditation

    The individual soul is part of the Universal Soul. The soul in the body makes it a home and experiences the piled-up sins and merits of past life and finally frees itself from the bondage. Some people deny the presence of soul within their being by showing utmost care and concern only for their bodies. While not neglecting the care of the human body, we must strive to awaken the awareness of the Soul-presence within us. We have to leave behind wealth amassed when we breathe our last. What accompanies us when soul departs from body are the deeds of merit and sin committed when we were alive. Material wealth, name and fame we acquired never help our self-purification.
    If we keep aside the need for spirituality and crave for the ephemeral physical needs, what remains is only dissatisfaction. Just as the nutritious food is necessary for body's strength, spiritual nourishment through meditation is as much a necessity. Without physical strength, human body will not last long. So also the pace of spiritual practice gets halted by lack of soul-strength. Daily meditation on the Divine One not only energizes the soul but also rids us of negative thoughts and leads to Self-realization. By regular reading of Sai's teachings, we can put into practice His sayings for our Self-enlightenment.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #36 on: October 28, 2011, 02:55:17 PM »
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  • I shall be Ever Active and Vigorous Even After Leaving this Earthly Body

    A doubt creeps in many, whether God would protect them or not despite offering regular prayers. But, we need not get such a doubt in the case of Baba, because He assured "I am Ever-Active and vigorous even after leaving My Earthly Body". God will assume human form to save the humanity, console them and move them on to the right path by teaching human values and finally makes them to be like Him. "Though I am shedding My mortal coil, I shall never leave the precincts of your minds", thus assured Baba. Physical body is composed of five elements viz., earth, water, fire, air and sky.
    'Ever-Active' is one of the key words in Baba's assurance to us. Despite His absence in body, the ever-watchful Sai protects His devotees at all times. He is aware of the pregnancy of Mainatayi, daughter of Nana Saheb in Jamnagar and saved her life from the pangs of birth and blessed her deliver a baby safely by sending the sacred ash with Bhavagiri Bapu. Likewise, He slaked Nanachandorkar's thirst on the hill of Harischandra. Again by thrusting His hand into the fire-place at Dwarakamayi, Baba could hold and save a child from falling into the burning furnace in the house of an iron smith. Even after His Samadhi, Baba has been safeguarding the lives of millions of His devotees.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #37 on: October 31, 2011, 12:36:40 AM »
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  • Why do We Worship Baba in Human Form?

    In every age, God incarnates on the earth in the human form to reveal us the right path. He established righteousness by incarnating as Lord Rama, Sri Krishna, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha and Mahavir to show us the right path of worship. Again, He incarnated as Sai Baba at Shirdi to teach us the gospel of religious tolerance. Although Baba was born in flesh and blood, the mind-boggling love-miracles that Baba performed testify that He is a God-Man. Baba attended to the worldly duties not with the desires of an ordinary human being. In fact, He is not bound by any duty in any of the three worlds. Yet, Baba performed His duty without any disregard, so that people may follow the example set by His Life.
    It is a gross mistake to assume that there exists no difference between Baba and us simply because He moved among us as a normal being. Baba assumed the human form out of His free will and infinite love to liberate His erring children from past life deeds. Baba, the God Incarnate, descended to restore the Law of Moral Order and to install the spirit of divine life in all souls. The veil of illusion blinds us from beholding the divine human form of Baba. Only the Eye of Faith can see Baba in all creatures and beings. To sense the presence of Baba, everywhere and in everyone is to deserve His Divine Grace.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #38 on: November 01, 2011, 11:00:17 PM »
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  • Why Do You Fear, When Baba is Near?

    In this world, man gets frightened for two reasons. One is sorrow about the past and another is worry about the future. Baba wants us not to fear anything. He assured that He will always be with us. Baba is our Father. When we firmly believe that we are His children, where is the need to fear? If we are afraid of everything, it means we have no faith in Baba. Lack of faith causes more stress, tension and fear. When we cast all our burdens and rely on Him in confident expectation, our bodies and minds rest in peace and solace and experience ever-new delight. We get so much satisfaction and happiness that it cannot be expressed in words. It is the experience of our elders that they did not worry about anything, as long as they looked to God installed in their hearts.
    The moment we begin to believe in Baba, our sorrows will vanish. Baba has questioned His devotees a number of times "Don't you still believe Me"? If our faith in Baba is firm, we can lead a peaceful life, because it is Baba who will be always with us. God will grant us power, love and peace, but not fear. Armed with this faith, let us make use of our thought, time, intellect and life in the contemplation of God. If all our burdens are cast on Baba, as a Compassionate Protector, He would take us into His fold. Why should we fear, when Baba is near and is within us?

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #39 on: November 02, 2011, 09:05:43 AM »
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  • Only by Ardent wish we get Spiritual Bliss
    Ego and arrogance will lead to the fall of a man. If we seek refuge in God with confessions, even the most heinous crimes will be burnt to ashes. True confession means repenting for the sins done earlier and resolving not to repeat them. God knows a sincere heart. Those who regret sincerely will be much disturbed with their sins, seek Baba's shelter and beg for the spiritual alms. Then, their sins get destroyed in the divine contemplation and the earnest souls receive the grace of God. The Almighty will illumine them with right thoughts.
    Some deceptive people claim themselves to be the paragons of moral values and ethical conduct and assume inwardly that they are the ideal men. They think that their crimes are not so big and need not take refuge at the Feet of Baba. Such people who feign honesty and pray to God to destroy the incidental sins will not be graced by Baba and are never allowed near. Since their minds are bloated with ego and pride, they will either be in a mood to receive what Baba wants to give or try to understand and apply Baba's teachings for their good. Thus, Baba did not permit the arrogant inside Dwarakamayi. Only when their minds get purified by sincere repentance, Baba would permit them into His darbar. So, upon our ardent longing to belong to Baba only, we are assured of living in His Presence.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #40 on: November 03, 2011, 04:27:08 PM »
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  • Grace and Faith Equals Liberation

    It is true, none will perish who repose faith in Baba and it is equally true that Baba blesses the faithful devotees. When faith and grace are combined, it ensures liberation. It is a state where the devotee and God only exist. To reach this state, faith must flow from the devotee so that God showers His Grace. Concentration is required to stabilize faith. Human mind is very fickle by nature and hence its attention gets distracted. But, when once the mind concentrates on a concept or form, all our sense organs and feelings will get centered around it.
    Once, such power of concentrated attention is attained, no force can distract us. The Omnipotent Baba will activate this state of mind and thereby stabilize our unflinching loyalty to Him. It is a Herculean task to attain self-liberation by our own efforts. Only the Merciful Baba's grace can ensure our self-liberation. Even the most wicked person will become pious and get liberated by faithfully surrendering to the will of the Divine One. Without faith, even a pious person cannot attempt to experience bliss. Let the belief remain strong that the abundant grace of the All-powerful Baba will grant liberation. We should be conscious that Baba grants all that we need. Thus, when our faith in God enjoins with the Omnipresent Baba's Grace, attaining salvation becomes easier.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #41 on: December 05, 2011, 07:36:48 AM »
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  • Baba's Lotus Feet - A Confluence Of Holy Rivers

    The river water contains several medicinal properties. Taking a dip in the currents of holy rivers would purify both the external body and internal soul. Thus, Dasganu sought Baba's permission to take a bath in the holy Godavari river. But Baba wished to grant a holy bath of Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi rivers to his beloved devotee. "Why do you go such far? Our prayaga is here now, Believe Me" Baba said so. And Lo! From Baba's Lotus Feet gushed the waters of the three holy rivers, Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi. Immediately Dasganu bowed to Baba's Feet with reverence. Spell-bound and elated, Dasganu sang psalms in praise of Baba's Glory. Thus, for His devotees Baba would prove His boundless power as the Highest of the High and would teach the way to be at peace with oneself.
    Although God moved among us in human form, His incredible miracles and deeds of mercy proved His Divine Power. Baba is the Merciful God who would rush to save the devotees who fervently pray to Him. Baba's miracles attracted many to Shirdi, the Source of Abundant Life and Joy. Dasganu, an intimate devotee of Baba and a ballad singer, composed Baba's Glory into story and songs and used to sing them. Several others like Cholkar heard them, prayed and received Baba's blessings. Let us implore Baba, to be always with us and protect us.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #42 on: December 06, 2011, 03:22:11 PM »
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  • Awaiting For Baba's Love In The Evening Of One's Life

    Indeed, this is the sunset hour
    The bygone life's final juncture
    It's time, children like sparrows flew away
    It's time, like an orphan, I ought to remain at bay
    I imagined, yes, everyone as mine
    I accede now, I am alone
    My journey is towards You, O! Baba
    Can't You cast Your look on me, O! Baba
    After shouldering family burdens, I feel tired
    Unable to move, with old age I feel retired
    Before You I stand, seeking shelter
    Shower mercy and protect me, O Sai dear
    Indeed "Sai's Lap" is a pleasant place,
    To rest in the evening of one's life's phase.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #43 on: December 07, 2011, 02:10:06 PM »
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  • Sai Baba used to address "Dwarakamayi" as "Mother". Baba is like a Father to those who take refuge in Him. Baba is God, Preceptor, Father and the Holy Light which dispels the darkness in our minds. Parents are capable of not only providing physical strength but also spiritual strength. Though Mhalsapathy did not know the name of Baba, sensing the Divine Aura around, he addressed Baba for the first time, as, 'Sai! Please do come'. 'Sai' means 'saint' or 'swami'. The calling of the name 'Sai' by the great devotee Mhalsapathy was accepted by all and it became a permanent name. Nobody knew whether He had any earlier name or not. Sa means Sat or 'Truth' or Satya, Aayi means 'Mother' and Baba means 'Father'. It can be elaborated as union of the Purusha (Supreme Soul) with Prakrithi (Nature). The unique name 'Sai Baba' reveals that the Truth-Light as the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother manifested at Shirdi.
    Even the science of mantra says, 'Sai' means the 'integrated soul of Purusha and Prakriti'. 'Sa' is the Supreme Soul's Bijakshara (holy seed letter). 'Ee' is the holy seed letter of Cosmic Mother. On combining the two Bijaksharas, they become 'Sayee'. And, Baba means Father and God. Baba is the Divine Manifestation who holds within Him the love of biological parents who give human birth to us and the Preceptor and Protector of all.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Bhavana
    « Reply #44 on: December 08, 2011, 12:16:26 PM »
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  • It is Enough to Follow the Foot-Prints of God

    God is All-knowing. Although we may not know what we are doing, but He is quite aware of everything we do. As long as we remain loyal and follow in His foot-steps, He would lead us on the right path like a True Leader. He would be walking ahead and leading us on the right path of upright behaviour. Then His path becomes our path and the destination is what He leads to. We should never feel arrogant with our limited knowledge and skills. We have to move under the supervision of Baba, who is beyond our imagination and who is Omnipotent. If Baba says 'No' to someone's request for leaving Shirdi, it would mean that the journey would not be safe. On some occasions, Baba would ask people longing to stay to immediately leave Shirdi. That journey proved to be very good for them. If we obediently follow His commands, there is no possibility of committing mistakes.
    When we are going ahead fearlessly under the protective arms of Baba, even the most severe of calamities would recede on seeing us. Baba is the one with great spiritual powers to keep us safe even in the face of most dangerous times. When the nature caused havoc in Shirdi, He controlled it and protected people who sought His shelter by commanding the furious elements to calm down. Therefore, with sincere faith, we should follow Baba and it will do immense good for us.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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