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Offline Dipika

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Shani Devta
« on: December 19, 2008, 11:54:06 PM »
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  • Shani Devta

    In Vedic astrology the planet Saturn is called SHANI. In Sanskrit Shani comes from SANISCHARA, which means, "slow mover". From Shani we get the word "shun", which means to ignore, or lose awareness of something. Thus, Saturn represents a loss of awareness, or ignorance. This loss of awareness can also mean the diminishing awareness of the material world of manifestation.

    Here Saturn indicates the ascetic, rich with inner spirituality, and lost to this material plane of existence. Saturn is a malefic graha. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra, and fallen in the opposite sign of Aries.

    Saturn is a karaka, or indicator, of longevity, misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, humility, integrity, wisdom born of experience. Saturn also indicates asceticism, denial, non-attachment, spirituality, hard work, organization, reality and time itself.
    Saturn's most powerful place in the chart is in the 7th House and the Kendra's, or Angles. He is a particularly beneficial planet for Taurus and Libra Ascendants. Saturn's nature is Vata, or Airy. His gem is Blue Sapphire and all black stones and his metal is Lead. Saturn's direction is west and his day is Saturday. He reaches full maturity at age 36. In Vedic myth Saturn is the son of the Sun, born to his shadow wife, Chaya. Saturn is lame because one of the Sun's first wife Sanjana's children became angered with him and struck him in the foot. Thus Saturn walks with a limp, which accounts why he is the slowest of the Grahas.

    The graha SANISCHARA (Saturn), also known as Manda, is generally known to affect one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain positions in one's horoscope like Saade Sati (7 1/2 years) Ashtama Shani (Saturn in 8th house - 2 1/2 years) etc. He is the Lord of Makaram and Kumbam. He is the slowest moving planet taking 2 1/2 years in each Rasi, completing one cycle every 30 years. A prayer to this Devata, especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate the hardships one will have to face during these periods. Sanischara bestows all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him. The legend that depict the influence of the worship of SHANI goes as follows, and is narrated whenever a worship or offering is made to the deity.

    The legend pertains to a king. The king invited merchants from far and wide and proclaimed that the king himself would purchase all unsold goods. The merchants were happy. Once a blacksmith brought an iron image of Saturn for sale, which ultimately was purchased by the king, who installed that in his palace with reverence. Other gods became unhappy on this action of the king. At night, the king saw a brilliant woman going out of the house. On king's enquiry, he learnt that, it was Lakshmi. She said that she could not stay in the place where Saturn is present. After sometime a male image went out and was told to be Bhaivabh (Prosperity). Similarly all other gods Dharma (Religion), Dheriye (Patience), Kshama (Pardon) and all others went out. When the last Satya (Truth) was going out, the king protested and said that because of faith in Satya, he did not object to the others from going out. Feeling the sentiments of the king, Satya stopped. All other deities were waiting outside for Satya, but when he did not come out Dharma (religion) said that he could not remain without Satya; so he returned in. Similarly all others followed suite and all gods and attributes came back inside the palace. They told the king that only because of his devotion to the Satya (truth); they all had to return and that such a king could never be unhappy. Due to the devotion to Satya, (truth), Lakshmi (wealth) and Shani (Saturn) came to live together, to the benefit of the devotees.

    The legend of Saturn has been narrated in a different version in another scripture. The legend goes as follows:

    Once there was a dispute between the nine planets as to who is superior among them. When they could not decide, they all went to Indra the king of gods, who was also nonplused to decide such an issue. So he advised that they should go to the just and benevolent king Vikramaditya.

    King Vikramaditya, after great thought got seven seats spread out, the first of gold and the last of iron. He then requested the deities to take their seats. Shani (Saturn) knew that his seat was iron seat viz. the last and as much, he was recognized as inferior to all. Therefore he cursed Vikramaditya and said "Surya stays on one Zodiac for one month, the moon for two days, Mangal (Mars) for one and a half month, Brihaspati (Jupiter) for thirteen months, Budha (Mercury) and Shukra (Venus) for one month each and Rahu, Ketu for eighteen months only; but I (Saturn) stay at one Zodiac for thirty months: I have made many a gods suffer because of my power and influence. Due to my influence Rama and Lakshmana were exiled and Ravana suffered a defeat and his dynasty destroyed, so a king, you beware of my wrath." The king said, "whatever be my luck, I shall face it."

    After some time a merchant of beautiful horses came to Ujjain, the capital of Vikramaditya. The courtiers praised the horses and requested the king to visit. When the king came, he took a fancy for the particular horse and to try the same, he got on the saddle. The horse took to hells try however he may, but the house flew into the forest, with none to accompany or follow the king. In the far off, where no one knew him, desperate with hunger and thirst, he sought refuge in the house of a rich merchant. The merchant judging the person as a good person allowed him (king) to stay in his house.

    At night, Vikramaditya saw that a pearl necklace hung on a peg, was being swallowed by the peg. The next day when the merchant found the necklace missing, he reported the matter to the kotwal who got king Vikramadiya's hands and legs cut. The king was then left helpless. An oil crusher took pity on him and employed him to sit on the crusher and see to the proper movement of the bull while sitting, handicapped and helpless. Vikramaditya used to sing. One day, the princess of the kingdom heard the song and was charmed by it. She sent her maidens to find out the singer and she made up her mind to marry him. Her parents tried their best to make her select any other but she did not agree. She was married to the handicapped person (Vikramaditya). At night on the nuptial bed, the king in a dream saw Shani deity who said that all his sufferings were because of his (King) having decided Saturn as Inferior. The king asked his pardon, worshipped him and sought his blessings.

    The king (Vikramaditya) then narrated his story of woe to his bride. Saturn deity blessed the couple so that they would lead a happy married life. His limbs were restored. The rich merchant invited them to his house and there in the presence of everyone, they saw that the lost necklace was oozing out from the peg. All were surprised. The merchant felt ashamed and asked his pardon and offered his daughter to Vikramaditya in marriage. Then Vikramaditya and his two brides went in procession to a rousing reception in Ujjain.



    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 12:35:49 AM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Shani Devta
    « Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 12:12:40 AM »
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  • Shani's Other Stories-3 - Shani And Krishn
    Shani Dev further said - "I did not spare even Krishn. He was accused of stealing Syamantak Mani (gem) because of my gaze." Vikramaaditya asked - "How did you affect Him, He was the Poorn Avataar (full incarnation) of Vishnu?" Shani replied - "Lord Krishn was born in Vasudev and Devakee's family. Krishn asked Vishwakarmaa to build Dwaarakaa city for Him, and there He lived with His 16,008 wives. Each of them had her own beautiful palace. He even brought Paarijaat tree from Swarg Lok in Dwaarakaa just to please his wife Satyabhaamaa. Thus vast number of Yaadav Vansh people were living there humbly.

    One of the Yaadav Vanshee whose name was Ugra, was also living there. He had two sons - Satraajit and Prasenjit. Once Satraajit did a severe penance for Soorya Dev and pleased him. Pleased from his penance Soorya Dev appeared before him and asked him to ask for a boon. He asked for riches so Soorya Dev gave him his Syamantak Mani (gem) to him and said to him - "This Mani will give you eight wagons load of gold everyday. But you will have to take bath, do your daily worship before you wear it. Remember whosoever will wear it if he is impure, he will get destroyed." After saying this Soorya Dev disappeared. Satraajit brought that Mani home. As he entered Dwaaraka, he himself was shining like Soorya - such was the shine of that Mani. Later people recognized him as Satraajit. He started wearing it following its rules.

    At that time I entered Krishn's both astrological and material houses. And as soon as I entered His houses, I created a desire in Krishn's heart to have that Mani. So He called Satraajit to His court and said to him - "It is very risky to keep this stone with you, and besides this type of stone is appropriate for Kings like Mahaaraajaa Ugrasen only, so you give that Mani to him. You may collect the gold everyday." Satraajit thought that Krishn Himself wanted this Mani, so he did not give that Mani to the King. But he thought of a plan for it.

    As he reached home, he asked his brother Prasenjit to purify himself and wear the Mani around his neck. He did so. One day, not very long after this, Prasenjit went for hunting, and while he was in an impure state, a lion caught him, killed him and took the Syamantak Mani from him. At that time Jaambvaan (the bear who fought in Raam-Raavan war from Raam's side) was also out in the forest. He saw a shining thing with lion, this attracted him, so he killed the lion and took the Mani to his home. There he gave it to his son to play with.

    When Prasenjit did not return home and even other people also could not tell his whereabouts, Satraajit thought that Krishn killed his brother Prasenjit and took that Mani Himself. He said this to some of his friends also. And the rumor went on around that Krishn killed Prasenjit and took Syamantak Mani from him for Himself. Hearing this all the mothers warned their children to keep away from such a thief King.

    Krishn was not in the town at that time, but when He returned, He found that children were running away from Him, they were saying - "Run, Run from Him, He will kill children to take their ornaments." Krishn understood the whole matter instantly. To clear His name from this theft, He took a group of people and went towards the forest where Prasenjit went. There He found Prasenjit's and his horse's dead bodies lying nearby each other. There He found a lion's footprints also. He understood that here a lion had killed Prasenjit, so He followed the lion's footprints and came to a spot where even lion was lying dead. But there was a giant footprint nearby it, so Krishn followed those giant footprints and came to a mouth of a cave. He asked his people to wait for Him outside the cave and He Himself entered the cave.

    This cave was hundreds of miles deep, His own radiance was showing Him His way. As He reached inside the cave, he saw a beautiful girl Jaambvatee (Jaambvaan's daughter) singing a lullaby to a crying boy (Jaambvaan's son) - "Don't cry my dear, The lion killed Prasenjit, and Jaambvaan killed the lion, now Syamantak Mani is all yours." Krishn admired the girl and her lullaby for her brother. At the same time Jaambvatee felt Krishn's presence in the cave, although she could not see Him, and said to Him - "Run away from here, before my father wakes up, or he will kill you." Krishn smiled at this and blew His conch at a very loud pitch. Hearing that Jaambvaan woke up and came out. Both started fighting.

    People who came with Krishn patiently waited for 12 days, then went back to their homes saying, "Someone must have killed Krishn, otherwise why shouldn't he come out of the cave?" Not seeing Krishn with them Krishn's household people got very sad and started crying.

    The fighting between Krishn and Jaambvaan continued for 28 days, then Jaambvaan asked Krishn - "Who are you? There is nobody in the world who can win me or who can stand in front of me for so long? Are you Raam?" Krishna showed him then His Chatur-bhuj form. Jaambvaan got very happy to see this form. He worshipped Him and said - "Raam told me that when I will come in Dwaapar Yug, then you will see my Chatur-bhuj form. He has fulfilled His promise. Please accept this Mani and my daughter Jaambvatee." Krishn took the Mani and his daughter Jaambvatee as His wife and came back to Dwaarakaa.

    Krishn handed over the Mani to Satraajit and told him the whole story. Satraajit got very ashamed of himself that he blamed Krishn for stealing the Mani. To remove his shame, he gave his daughter Satyabhaamaa to Him. He wanted to give the Mani also, but Krishn accepted only Satyabhaamaa, not the Mani. All other people who believed that Krishn stole the Mani, also got ashamed of themselves, but He forgave them.

    Krishn thought that all trouble was over, but I was not yet satisfied. In fact Satraajit promised another Yaadav Shatadhanvaa to marry his daughter to him, but when Satraajit married her to Krishn, Shatadhanvaa felt very insulted. At the same time Krishn heard that Paandav got burnt in Laakshaa Grih fire, so He went to Hastinaapur to mourn them. Behind His back His kinsmen Akroor and Kritvarmaa instigated Shatadhanvaa to steal the Mani. Shatadhanvaa killed Satraajit in sleep, and took the Mani for himself.

    When Satyabhaamaa heard her father's killing in cold blood she wept a lot and went to Hastinaapur to report this to Krishn. Krishn came back and as He came to know about the theft of the Mani by Shatadhanvaa, Shatadhanvaa gave that Mani to Akroor Jee and fled away from there. So Krishn and Balaraam Jee searched for Shatadhanvaa and killed him, but they did not find the Mani with him. Now it was Akroor's turn to take fright and flee. Krishn suspected by going on activities that the Mani was with Akroor Jee. So He called Akroor Jee in the court and asked him to show the Mani. He showed it to everybody and tried to give it to Krishn but Krishn again did not take it.

    When finally He became free from my gaze, He joined His hands and said - "O Shani Dev, Your mastery is miraculous, you don't spare anyone, even the Devtaas and Asuras. Everyone is affected by you, more or less." So this is how I tormented Him. Now you can think, if I did not spare Him, who can I spare?"

    Vikramaaditya rose to his feet and prostrated before him again and said - "You have purified me, O Shani Dev, now I seek this boon from you that you will never torment any other living being in future." Shani Dev said - "I have not found any other one who has asked me the welfare of others, I am really at a loss to find such a comparable kindness in anyone else like you."

    So Shani Dev granted him this boon - "I will not torment anyone who listens to or meditates on this Mahaatmya (glory) of mine, I will protect him day and night. If you cannot listen or read to this Mahaatmya daily, at least read or listen to it on Saturday, fasting on that day and worshipping intently. Do this particularly in Shraavan month. Since your mind is purified now, I will tell you how to worship me." Shani Dev then told him the method of worship him with the hymn known as Shani Stotra written by Dasharath (Raam's father, given in Padm Puraan, Uttar Khand, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, p 636). King Vikramaaditya got very much gratified to receive this hymn directly from Shani's mouth. After this Shani Dev disappeared.



    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 12:34:11 AM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Shani Devta
    « Reply #2 on: December 20, 2008, 12:18:10 AM »
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  • Shani's Other Stories-2 - Shani And Shiv
    Shani Dev further said to Vikram - "Now you listen to what I did to Shiv. Once I told Shiv that I want to come and stay with you. Shiv asked - "What is the use of your staying with me? But still, when you plan to live with me, let me first know about it, and then only you enter me." I said "All right." and two days after I came to him at his home in Banaaras and said - "Now I want to enter your body." Hearing this Shiv jumped into the River Gangaa and remained there in Samaadhi for 7 and 1/2 years.

    When that period had passed he came out of the river and smilingly asked me - "What could you do to me?" I said - "Although you rule Tri-Lok (the Three Worlds), but from my fear you had to run and remain in Samaadhi in Gangaa River for 7 and 1/2 years. Is that not enough to you? And you call it "doing nothing" to you?" Shiv saluted me and thanked me saying - "Your power is indeed great, you are really the most terrible planet in the world and an average man cannot survive your punishment."

    Shani And Raam

    When I began passing over Raam's Moon, He was forced to leave His kingdom and go to exile for 14 years. He was incarnation of Vishnu Himself. There, even His wife was stolen by Raavan and He had to wander in search of Her.

    Shani and Chandramaa

    When this period came on Chandramaa (Moon), he stole Jupiter's wife Taaraa and a black spot was laid against his name (read Chandramaa's Vansh).

    Shani and Indra

    When my gaze fell on Indra, the Lord of Devtaas, he seduced Gautam Muni's wife Ahalyaa, and when Muni discovered this rape, he cursed Indra to cover with the marks of 1,000 vaginas.

    And even Vashishth Jee, I did not leave him too. His 100 sons were killed during my period also.

    And the great sage Paraashar - he got attracted to a fisherman's daughter Matsyagandhaa (with fish odor).

    Shani And Raavan

    Now you listen to about Raavan who had 10 heads and who had won Tri-Lok. He had gained control on all 9 Planets. He installed them face down on the 9 steps which were going to his throne. Each morning when he went to his throne to sit there, he would firmly step on the back of each of us. This was a great insult to all of us, but we were helpless.

    One day Naarad Jee came to Raavan's court and found all of us lying facing down on the steps going to Raavan's throne. He got very sorry for all of us. He knew my power, so he said to me - "O Shani Dev, You are the mightiest planet among all the planets, still you are tolerating Raavan's insult each day and you cannot do anything about it, what is this?" I said - "What can I do, Rishivar? He has put us facing down, I can't even look at him, once I get the chance to look at him, then you see my power what I can do to him. Ask him to turn me over then leave the rest on me."

    Naarad Jee understood. He praised Raavan sky high and said - "O Mighty Raavan, But there is one thing that I don't like." "What?" Naarad Jee said - "You have 9 planets lying face down here, why not you turn them over so that instead of stepping on their back you step on their chests and see the discomfort on their faces?" Raavan liked this suggestion. As soon as he turned those planets over onto our backs and arranged us neatly on his steps, my gaze fell on him and his mind became perverted. Within a few months, he kidnapped Seetaa, Raam invaded Lankaa, and his all brothers and friends, army and people were all slaughtered in that war - all as a result of my effect on him during his 7 and 1/2 years.

    Shani And the King Harishchandra, Nal, Yudhishthir

    This period came on the King Harishchandra also. During this period, he had to leave his kingdom, live in Banaaras where first his wife and son were separated from him; then he had to work under a Dom, who is the in-charge of Shamashaan (cremation land); then his son died. All this was the effect of my Period.

    When this period came on Nal, he lost his kingdom in dice game, so he had to leave his kingdom and wander in exile. Later he even had to leave his wife Damayantee in the forest alone, he had to work as a Saarathee (charioteer) in his friend's kingdom. (Read his whole story here)

    And Yudhishthir and his brothers - they were also exiled for 13 years. And 100 Kaurav who were all slain at Paandav's hands. All this was the consequence of their Karm - their 7 and 1/2 year periods."



    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 12:33:12 AM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Shani Devta
    « Reply #3 on: December 20, 2008, 12:27:07 AM »
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  • Vikram is Back to Himself
    Now Vikram was free from all kinds of  miseries, he got back his hands and feet also. Next day when the Princess saw King Vikramaaditya, she was greatly amazed to see his condition - his hands and feet which were cut 7 and 1/2 years ago, had come back and he was whole now. Seeing her stunned, King Vikramaaditya disclosed his identity, hearing which she became very happy. She immediately told this to her friends also who in turn told this to the King Chandrasen and the Queen. Chandrasen rushed towards his daughter's place and was really surprised to see Vikram whole. Wondering he asked him - "Who are you?" "I am the thief who stole that trader's necklace."

    Chandrasen said - "So I can see, but your hands and feet were cut on my order, but now I don't see them like that. Explain this mystery to me. I want to know." Vikramaaditya said - "My name is King Vikramaaditya, the King of Ujjayinee." Then he told him the whole story of his Saadhe Saatee of Shani Dev. Hearing the whole story, King Chandrasen fell on his feet and asked for his forgiveness. Vikramaaditya said - "You are innocent, O King. Shani Dev was living in me for 7 and 1/2 years, and this happened because I insulted Shani Dev. You have not done anything wrong, it was my Destiny only."

    King Chandrasen married his daughter Padmsenaa to him and sent for the trader who had accused Vikramaaditya of stealing the necklace. When he came, Chandrasen asked him - "Have you found your necklace?" The trader said - "Yes, Your Majesty. A painted swan swallowed it, later only he brought it back. I was indeed surprised to see this." Chandrasen explained to him - "All this was only illusion created by Shani Dev. Because of this illusion, you accused your guest of stealing and brought him here, I also ordered to cut his hands and feet. It was so unfortunate for all of us. See, your guest is here. Do you recognize him? He is Ujjayinee's King Vikramaaditya. His Shani period is over that is why he is at peace."

    The trader's eyes became round like saucers when he saw Vikramaaditya in King's palace completely all right. He fell on his feet and asked for his forgiveness. He asked for his mercy for his action but Vikramaaditya told him the same what he told Chandrasen. Hearing this the trader also married his daughter to him along with mounds of gold coins. Then the King called the oil merchant and asked him if he recognized the man sitting beside him. Vikramaaditya was shining like a sun so the merchant could not recognize him. Chandrasen said - "This is the man who was sitting on your oil press, can you recognize him now?" The oil merchant said - "Yeah, his face resembles, but I am not sure."

    Then Chandrasen told him also his whole story. Hearing that he also fell on his feet and asked for his forgiveness. Chandrasen said - "Since you were so kind to him, I give you one whole village to you and your descendents." The oil merchant became very pleased at this. Vikramaaditya himself gave a village to his daughter-in-law. The oil merchant went home. Vikramaaditya celebrated his marriage to the Princess and the trader's daughter. The celebrations went on for a full month and then he went back to Ujjayinee accompanied by many horses, elephants, chariots etc.

    Vikramaaditya Returns to Ujjayinee

    When this procession came in Ujjayine, the people got very happy to see Vikramaaditya alive and well. They all welcomed their King and celebrated their King's arrival the whole day. Next day Vikramaaditya's Ministers made the announcement on behalf of the King - "Shani Dev is the greatest of all the planets.  Let no one suffer as I did." Then he built a Shani temple in Ujaayinee and people started worshipping him diligently.



    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet eb our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 12:32:08 AM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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