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Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
« on: June 16, 2008, 08:35:08 AM »
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  • Venkateshwara  is another form of Lord Vishnu who is the most popular deity among GSBs in Kerala. He is also known as Venkatachalapathi or Venkataramana or Tirumal devar or Varadaraja or Srinivasa or Balaji or Bithala. He has a dark complexion and four hands. In his two upper hands he holds a discus (a symbol of power) and a conchs hell (a symbol of existence). With his lower hands extended downward he asks devotees to have faith and surrender to him for protection. The supreme temple of Venkateswara is at Tirupati and every GSB wants to visit this temple at least once in life.

    The temple town of Tirupati is situated at the foot of Tirumala hills in the Chandragiri Taluka of the Chittor district in Andhra Pradesh. The sacred spot on the hill about 2,800 feet above sea level is known as Tirumala, the abode of Lord Venkateswara. The hill forms part of the Eastern Ghats and is also known as Venkatachala and Seshachala. It is said that the Eastern Ghats on this side along with their curves, heights and falls resemble the serpent Adisesha and that the seven hills of Tirupati are its seven heads and Ahobalam where Lord Narasimha murthy is worshipped, representing the centre of Adisesha, and Srisailam representing the tail end of Adisesha. That is why Tirumala is called Seshachala. According to the legends, this has been a sacred place in all the four yugas, and was known as Vrishabhachala in the Krithayuga, Anjanachala in the Tretayuga, Seshachala in the Dwaparayuga and Venkatachala in the present Kaliyuga.

    In this temple, unlike other Vishnu temples, we find no minor shrines or idols of Vaishnava saints. Apart from the Lord Venkateswara temple, the other important places at Tirumala and Swami pushkarini, Papavinasam and Akasaganga waterfalls, Varahaswamy temple, and Shila Toranam a very ancient rock formation supposed to be over 10,000 years old.

    Legend of Lord Venkateswara
    (for story of srinivasa kalyanam)

    Once some rishis headed by Kasyapa began to perform a sacrifice on the banks of the Ganges. Sage Narada visited them and asked them why they were performing the sacrifice and who would be pleased by it. Not being able to answer the question, the rishis approached Sage Bhrigu. To reach a solution after a direct ascertainment of reality, Sage Bhrigu first went to Satyaloka, the abode of Lord Brahma. At Satyaloka, he found Lord Brahma, reciting the four Vedas in praise of Lord Narayana, with each of his four heads, and attended upon by Saraswati. Lord Brahma did not take notice of Bhrigu offering obeisance. Concluding that Lord Brahma was unfit for worship, Bhrigu left Satyaloka for Kailasa, the abode of Lord Shiva. At Kailasa, Bhrigu found Lord Siva spending his time pleasantly with Parvati and not noticing his presence. Parvati drew the attention of Siva to the presence of the sage. Lord Siva was furious at Bhrigu's intrusion and tried to destroy him. The sage cursed Lord Siva and left for Vaikuntam.

    At Vaikuntam, Lord Vishnu was reposing on Adisesha with Sri Mahalakshmi in service at His feet. Finding that Lord Vishnu also did not notice him, the sage was infuriated and kicked the Lord on His chest, the place where Mahalakshmi resides. At once, Lord Vishnu hastened to apologise to the angry sage and pressed his feet to allay the pain caused to Bhrigu's leg. In doing so the Lord removed the eye in the foot of the sage, stripping of his special powers.Thereupon, the sage concluded that Lord Vishnu was the most supreme of the trimurthis and told the rishis the same.

    Sri Mahalakshmi was angered by the action of her Lord in apologising to Bhrigu who committed an offence. Out of anger and anguish she left Vaikuntha and resided in Karavirapur now known as Kolhapur. After the departure of Mahalakshmi, a forlorn Lord Vishnu left Vaikuntam and took abode in an ant-hill under a tamarind tree, beside a pushkarini on the Venkata Hill, meditating for the return of Lakshmi, without food or sleep. This was the place where Lord took the form of Varaha to rescue Mother Earth form the deep ocean.

    aking pity on Lord Vishnu, Brahma and Maheshwara decided to assume the forms of a cow and its calf to serve Him. Surya, the Sun God informed Mahalakshmi of this and requested her to assume the form of a cowherdess and sell the cow and calf to the king of the Chola country. The king of the Chola country bought the cow and its calf and sent them to graze on the Venkata Hill along with his herd of cattle. Discovering Lord Vishnu on the ant-hill, the cow provided its milk, and thus fed the Lord. Meanwhile, at the palace, the cow was not yielding any milk, for which the Chola Queen chastised the cowherd severely. To find out the cause of lack of milk, the cowherd followed the cow, hid himself behind a bush and discovered the cow emptying her udder over the ant-hill. Incensed over the conduct of the cow, the cowherd aimed a blow with his axe on the head of the cow. However, Lord Vishnu rose from the ant-hill to receive the blow and save the cow. When the cowherd saw the Lord bleed at the blow of his axe, he fell down and died of shock.

    The cow returned, bellowing in fright and with blood stains all over her body, to the Chola King. To find out the cause of the cow's terror, the King followed her to the scene of the incident.
     The King found the cowherd lying dead on the ground near the ant-hill. While he stood wondering how it had happened, Lord Vishnu rose from the ant-hill and cursed the King saying that he would become an Asura because of the fault of his servant. The King pleaded innocence, and the Lord blessed him by saying that he will be reborn as Akasa Raja and that the curse would end when the Lord will be adorned with a crown presented by Akasa Raja at the time of His marriage with Padmavati. With these words Lord turned into stone form.

    Thereafter, Lord Vishnu in the name of Srinivasa, decided to stay in Varaha Kshetra, and requested Sri Varahaswami to grant Him a site for His stay. His request being readily granted, Srinivasa ordained that a pilgrimage to His shrine would not be complete unless it is preceded by a bath in the Pushkarini and darshan of Sri Varahaswami, and that puja and naivedyam should be offered to Sri Varaha swami first. Vishnu built a hermitage and lived there, attended to by Vakuladevi who looked after him like a mother.

    Yasoda Reborn : Yesoda brought up Sri Krishna, the son of Devaki, in his early years. However, Yasoda was not blessed to witness the marriage of Sri Krishna with Rukmini and she felt very sad. Sri Krishna promised to fulfil her desire in her next birth as Vakuladevi in his next incarnation as Srinivasa. In Rukmini's next birth as Vakuladevi, she was serving Lord Varahaswami when He sent her to serve Srinivasa.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 08:36:59 AM »
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  • Sometime later, a King named Akasa Raja who belonged to the Lunar race was ruling over Thondamandalam. Akasa Raja had no heirs, and therefore, he wanted to perform a sacrifice. As part of the sacrifice, he was ploughing the fields when his plough turned up a lotus in the ground. On examining the lotus, the King found a female child in it.  The king was happy to find a child even before he performed a sacrifice and carried it to his place and gave it to his Queen to tend it. At that time he heard an aerial voice which said "O King, tend it as your child and fortune will befall you". As she was found in a lotus, the king named her Padmavati. Princess Padmavati grew up into a beautiful maiden and was attended by a host of maids.

    Padmavathi's origin : In olden times, Lakshmi, in the form of Vedavati, was staying in an ashram  in the forests. At that time, Ravana, the lord of Lanka tried to tempt her. In anger, Vedavati cursed him saying that she would bring about his death. To show how true her words were, Vedavati walked into the fire, but Agni, the Fire God rescued her. He took Vedavati to his house and entrusted her to his wife's care. When Ravana was about to carry away Sita from Panchavati, in the absence of Rama and Lakshmana, Agni appeared and offered Vedavati to Ravana as the real Sita who was kept with him by Rama to evade Ravana. Ravana was tricked into thinking that Vedavati was the real Sita.

    Ravana took Vedavati to Lanka thinking she was the real Sita, while Agni took Sita to his house and asked his wife Swahadevi to look after her. After the destruction of Ravana, Vedavati entered the fire when rejected by Rama. Then, Agni, offered the real Sita to Rama. Rama then questioned her as to who the other lady by her side was, Sita informed Rama that the lady was Vedavati who endured Ravana's torture for ten months in Lanka for her sake. Sita requested Rama to accept Vedavati also as his spouse. But Rama declined her request saying that he believed in having only one wife during his life time. However, He promised to wed her in her next birth as Padmavati, born as the daughter of Akasa Raja, when Rama himself would take the form of Srinivasa.

    One day, Lord Srinivasa, who was hunting, chased a wild elephant in the forests surrounding the hills. In the elephant's pursuit, the Lord was led into a garden, where Princess Padmavati and her maids were picking flowers. The sight of the elephant frightened the Princess and her maids. But the elephant immediately turned around, saluted the Lord and disappeared into the forest. Lord Srinivasa, who was following on horse back, and saw the frightened maidens. However, He was repulsed with stones thrown at Him by the maids.  He returned to the hills in haste, leaving His horse behind. Vakuladevi found him lying on his bed, not interested in anything. The Lord informed her that unless he married Princess Padmavati. The Lord then narrated the story of her (Padmavati’s) previous birth and his promise to wed her.   After listening to Srinivasa's story of how he had promised to marry Vedavati in her next birth as Padmavati, Vakuladevi realised that Srinivasa would not be happy unless he married Padmavati. She offered to go to Akasa Raja and his Queen and arrange for the marriage. On the way she met the maid-servants of Padmavati returning from a Siva Temple. She learnt from them that Padmavati was also pining for Srinivasa. Vakuladevi went along with the maid servants to the Queen.

    Meanwhile, Akasa Raja and his queen Dharanidevi were anxious about the health of their daughter, Padmavathi. They learnt about Padmavathi's love for Srinivasa of Venkata Hill. Akasa Raja consulted Brihaspati about the marriage and was informed that the marriage was in the best interest of both the parties. Kubera lent money to Lord Srinivasa to meet the expenses of the marriage. Lord Srinivasa, along with his consorts and Lord Brahma and Lord Siva started the journey to the residence of Akasa Raja with his vehicle Garuda. At the palace entrance, Lord Srinivasa was received by Akasa Raja with full honours and taken in procession on a mounted elephant to the palace for the marriage. In the presence of all the Devas, Lord Srinivasa wed Princess Padmavati, thus blessing Akasa Raja.

    Everyday at Tirupati temple, a kalyana utsavam celebrates the divine union in a celebration that stretches to eternity.

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #3 on: June 16, 2008, 09:21:54 AM »
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  •  History

    Now as we know the Avatars of Lord Vishnu, let’s know the Story of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy, who is called as KALIYUGA DAIVAM (the LORD OF KALIYUGA)

    The Story:

    On the request of Sowanka and other sages, Sootha maharshi narrated them the story of Sri Venkateswara. Sage Narada who will always be moving from one place to another entered Sathya Loka and saluted his parents Barahama and Saraswathi told Brahma that after Krishna Avatar, Sri Hari did not go to Bhooloka again and therefore, it has become a hell, as innocent are teased by the wicked. They therefore decided that time has come when God has to appear again on earth and restore Dharma. Narada descended to Bhooloka and decided that Brighu Maharshi would conduct test as who among Trimurtis will bear the Yagna effect. Accordingly Brighu Maharshi first went to Satyaloka where Brahma was explaining the Vedas to several eminent rishis seated there.

    When, Brighu Maharshi occupied the throne without showing any respect and without saluting, Brahma lost his temper and chided Brighu. Brighu got down from the throne and cursed Brahma saying "YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY TEMPLE IN THE EARTH AND NONE WILL WORSHIP YOU".

    Brighu, then went to Kailash where Shiva was in privacy with his wife Parvathi. Enraged Siva took his Trisool to finish Brighu but stopped on the intervention of Parvathi. Brighu in his turn also cursed Siva saying, "YOU WILL BE WORSHIPPED IN THE TEMPLE ON EARTH IN THE SHAPE OF "LINGA" INSTEAD OF YOUR REAL SHAPE", and left to Vaikuntham to request Maha Vishnu to bear the Yagna effects.

    Maha Vishnu though aware of the arrival of Brighu pretended to be innocent resting on the Sesha Sayanam and Maha Laxmi sitting near his feet pressing them. Recalling the maltreatment meted out to him at Sathyaloka and Kailash, Brighu rushed towards Maha Vishnu and kicked him on his chest with right foot. Without showing any annoyance, Vishnu pinched the third eye that was embedded in Brighu's right foot with the result, he lost his power and pride. Repented Brighu then explained the purpose of his visit. Sri MahaVishnu promised to receive the benefit of Yagna being conducted by the eminent sages on the banks of Ganga at the appropriate time. Lakshmi who was witnessing all these acts however got angry with her husband especially because, he tended such a rude person who dishonored her by kicking in the chest of Maha Vishnu where she lived. When Lakshmi left Vaikuntham there was no pleasure and pomp. Maha Vishnu became helpless. He ran helter and skelter in search of Lakshmi without food and sleep and atlast reached Tirupati and took shelter in a Valmikam (anthill) at the Adi Varsha's shrine meditating for the return of Lakshmi.

    Narada came to know the separation and the dwelling places of Lakshmi, at Kolhapur and of Maha Vishnu at Venkatachalam. Narada as directed by Brahma met her and narrated how Sri Hari is starving for food and much reduced. Worried Lakshmi prayed Brahma and Shiva and the three decided to take the shape of a cow, a calf and a cow-herd woman. As a cow-herd woman Lakshmi sold the cow and the calf to Chola King. In the guise of cow Brahma daily gave rain of milk to Sri Hari and returned home with no drop of milk.

    The Chola Queen who desired to feed her child with the milk from the new cow suspected that the cow-herd boy of stealing the milk and ordered him to bring the milk of the new cow at any cost next day. With a fear of severe punishment the cow-herd boy followed the cow and saw at Valmiki it is raining milk through her breast. The cow-herd boy burst into anger and took his axe and tried to hurt the animal. Sri Hari immediately came out of the Valmiki (anthill) and saved the cow and bore that blow on his head and started bleeding profusely. The Chola King seeing the sprinkles of blood on the cow reached Valmiki and after hearing sighing sound from there found Maha Vishnu in a pool of blood. On seeing the Chola King Maha Vishnu got wild and cursed him to become a ghost as he got the wound through his cow-herd. Chola King begged for pardon. Maha Vishnu relented and gave him a boon to reborn in the same family as Akasa Raju. He pitied cow-heard boy and gave him a boon that his generation to have the first Darshan of the Lord in his temple.

    Jaya and Vijaya who were the guards at the entrance of Vaikuntham became Harinyaksha and Hiranyakasipu with the curse of Sanakasada nanda and other Sages. Hiranyaksha was very cruel and troubling innocent people. Mahavishnu therefore took the form of white pig (Varaham) and diving into the sea killed Hiranyaksha and brought the earth up which he rolled it as a mat and hid in the Pathala loka.

    The foster Mother of Lord Krishna, Yasoda Devi though tended him as a child never witnessed his marriages. Lord Krishna consoled her and promised to create an opportunity in Kaliyuga. Yasoda, therefore was born as Vakuladevi and became a devotee of Varaha Swamy. Sri Hari with a wounded head was wandering in the woods in search of a suitable medicine. On the advice of Brihaspati, the Guru of Devas who met him in the forest, went in search of a fig tree to apply its milk mixing it with the other herbs to the wound and chanced upon to hear Sri Krishna Bhajana and walked towards the cottage crying in pain "mother" "mother". Vakuladevi heard the call, and after fondly enquiring applied the medicine, fed him with some fruits and milk, and named him as Srinivasa. Sri Hari revealed to her his previous birth as Lord Krishna. Overjoyed, she bathed him and took to Varaha Swamy. On his request Varahaswamy gave him 100 sqft of land with a promise that all the pilgrims to Tirupati first visit his Temple, then have Darshan of Sri Venketeswara. The image of Sri Venkateswara is self manifest (Swayambhu) and not prepared by any mortal.

    The celebrated temple of Sri Venkateswara stands on a hill named Venkatadri. It is very difficult to determine the date of this temple. Inscriptions found in the temple only refer to its renovation, rebuilding and addition made to the main temple. The earliest inscription found at Tirumala records the birth of Bana Prince named Vijayaditya who ruled during the half of the 9th Century A.D. The first mention of the temple on the hill is to be found in an inscription assignable to 970 A.D. A renovation made in the 13th Century was done as to preclude a view of the original Sanctum. From then onwards the rulers who ruled the place and devoted to the Lord made several gifts and offerings and structural changes whenever necessary.


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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #4 on: June 16, 2008, 09:37:03 AM »
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  • SRI VARI  Murti's features :

    HE has long hair, which falls on HIS shoulders. HE has a perfect nose, which is not long or short. HIS mouth is also perfect. HE has beautiful cheeks and ears. If we are allowed to measure HIS chest, we could find it would be between 36 inches and 40 inches and waist in between 24 inches and 27 inches. HE has neck that simulates a conch, and waist, which is like a lion's waist. Both are good qualities, which shows the person's handsome and great personality. HE has four hands. Two are in upward direction. These two hands hold Golden Discus (Sudharshan) and Conch. Actually these two are not formed with the idol of the Supreme Lord. But later were molded with Gold, by HIS devotees. The other two hands are in downward direction. In those the left one (in Katyavalambita Mudra), Kati Hasta, rests on the left thigh with the thumb in upward angular direction. HIS right hand (in Varada Hasta Mudra), Abhaya Hasta, shows the downward direction. This is the specialty of HIM. One will not find in any other God's Murti that the right hand showing downward. HE is the supreme and HE gives all pleasure or any thing we want that we beg HIM which is not harmful to others. This hand has so many meanings. One, it is showing the Vaikuntam. Second, HE is giving all the support in all the ways and clearing our requests. Third, HE is telling that everyone should fall on HIS lotus feet. Fourth, HE is the supreme of all, Master of Universe, everything is below HIM, and no one is above HIM, i.e. HE is Alpha and Omega of the Universe.

    On the right side of HIS chest, there lies the impression of HIS consort, Goddess Sri Maha Lakshmi and is known as SriVatsam. That impression is there as if SHE is sitting there. There are Impressions showing that HE has sacred thread (Yajgnopavitam), four golden chains falling from HIS neck and BujaKirti's (The ornaments on the shoulders). These are clearly visible. HIS chest is bare and HE has also impression of a two inches wide thread, below HIS waist. HE also has impressions formed from Bow and Arrows Pouch on HIS shoulders. It is clearly showing that HE wore them for a long time. Which is true, HE had them (Kothandam and arrows) constantly on his shoulders in His Sri Rama Avatar. Lord Brahma referred these impressions on both the shoulders extending to the arm pit are due to the constant wearing of bow-string (Vinti Nari) and arrow pouch (Ammula podi). So the Idol of Srinivasa has those. HE has strong legs and lotus feet, with ornaments on HIS ankles. All these are impressions, which are formed on HIS Murti which are clearly visible.

    Sri Venkateswara has another scar, which is not formed with the original Idol, but developed later. This has a story, which happened in 11th Century. Sri Ramanujarcharya ordained one of his strong followers Ananthalwar to do flower service (Poolangi seva) daily to the Lord. So Ananthalwar decided to grow a Garden atop of Tirumala Hills near the temple. He took a vow that the entire work would be done by him and his family. So he started working and found that the garden requires a water tank. He started digging the earth for the tank. His wife was helping him by removing the earth and carrying it off in a basket. She was in a stage of advanced pregnancy and was facing the trouble in removing the earth. So watching this service which they are doing in a clear-devoted mind, Lord decided to help her in the work of clearing the earth. He appeared as a servant boy and took the basket from her head and throwed the earth at a far place. After sometime Ananthalwar noticed that the removing of earth was going at a rapid pace, which was impossible for a pregnant lady. Sooner he noticed the servant boy, he got angry, because of his vow that only his family would do the entire work and no one should help them. In that anger he threw the crowbar on the boy. The crowbar hit the boy at his chin and blood oozed and dripped off from his chin. In the evening Ananthalwar went to the Temple to offer worship. He noticed that the Lord's chin got hurt and blood dropping from it. So he realized immediately that the servant boy was none but the Supreme God. So he immediately took a flower and applied on the wound and the bleeding stopped.  The Lord was pleased for his devotion and service and said "Ananthalwar, the wound caused by your crowbar will heal, but it will leave a scar on my chin, like SriVatsam, and to remember this incident pure camphor should be applied daily. And also let the crowbar be displayed at the entrance of the Temple at a height to be seen by all. So pure camphor is pressed on the God's chin every day. We can notice this along with the crowbar, which is displayed at the northern wall near the entrance.

    HE is paramapadam, the ultimate, HE is none but Parabrahma who came down to earth to bestow Moksha on us.

    The Supreme Lord SrimanNarayana is giving darshan and continuously showing HIS grace in abundance on the devotees as Sri Venkateswara. HE is the Deity of Kaliyuga who is pouring all the pleasures for the devotees. Once we say Narayana with clean mind and soul filled with devotion, HE responds immediately. HE is Bhaktha Sulabha, means responds easily to HIS devotees.

    'Narayana' means one who is embodiment of all things and who is in everything. Nara - Atma, Soul which has no birth or death. Ayana - abode in all beings. Sri Ramanuja propounded that the constant chanting of Narayana Ashtakshara Mantram (Om Namo Narayanaya) will lead one to the Paramapadam.

    Lord  Narayana and Lord Shiva or not different. Both are one and the same. To make us realize this, Sri Venkateswara’s murti has markings of Cobra on the body and head, Bhujanga Valayam, the girdle of the serpent on the arms. The worship of Him with Bilva leaves during Dhanurmasam as prescribed by Adi Sankaracharya strongly proves that HE is none but Lord Shiva too. HE is also Shakti Rupa, because HE has Simhalalatam in the image, which is the common symbolic in Shakti images. Narayani is one of the names of Shakti. HE manifests HIMSELF to the particular form in which the devotees choose to offer Archa, Meditation. HE is the Ambrosia of Vedas. The Upanishads recognize only one Spirit - Almighty, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Attributeless, Formless, Eternal, Incomprehensible, Self-Existent, the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer of the of the Universe. HE is 'Ananta Rupa' means having multiple images and is also 'Satchidanada Rupa' means image of Existence, Consiousness and Bliss (A mix of Sat, Chit and Ananda).

    "I am the ultimate goal and the means", in Bhagavat Gita, Lord said to mankind (Arjuna). Let us fall on HIS lotus feet and get HIS abhayam to cross the Samsara Sagaram (the ocean of Transmigration) and enjoy Ananda Sagaram (the ocean of Bliss). HE is Daya Sagar (the ocean of Mercy). HE gives Moksha (liberation from constantly being born in the form of different living beings - depending upon the Karma phala acquired in previous births, or nothing but mingling with the God), once if we chant one of HIS names or Narayana Mantram (Om Namo Narayanaya/Om Namo Venkatesaya/Om Namo Srinivasaya/Om Namah Sivaya).

    The birth as a human being is very rare and precious. Hence one should utilize it by falling on HIS lotus feet and surrender to HIM, hence gaining the realisation of Supreme God.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 12:44:45 PM by adwaita »

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #5 on: June 16, 2008, 09:42:28 AM »
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  • For various photos during bramhotsavam

    For lord's original pic which was taken only twice till now. This is the 2nd pic.

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #6 on: June 16, 2008, 09:46:51 AM »
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  • [youtube=425,350][/youtube]

    Few say that 'It is from the Movie that the Tirumala tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) made in 1966 for the sole purpose of propagating Hindu Dharma across the breadth of the Indian Subcontinent - Most of this was shot within the temple but this is NOT the true "Dhruva Bera" as The Lord's main Idol is called. A replica was made using plaster of paris and used for the movie.'

    Not sure if it is the lord's main idol as no videos or photos are allowed till now. But it is very very rare to get the opportunity to see his abhishekam like in the video. om sai ram.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 09:49:47 AM by adwaita »

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #7 on: June 16, 2008, 10:14:29 AM »
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  • [youtube=425,350][/youtube]

    Virtual tirupati darshan. You will feel like being there. Recently a gold well has been made for lord inside the temple. om sai ram.

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #8 on: June 16, 2008, 10:38:55 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM!Tirupati Balaji u called me to Tirupati in 1995,but u forgot to fulfill what i asked u.

    i m reminding u .............. :D :D


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #9 on: June 16, 2008, 10:58:54 AM »
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  • History of Tirumala      

    The Pallavas of Kanchipuram (9th century AD) ,Cholas of Tanjore (10 century) , Pandyas of mathura and Vijayanagara pradhans (14th & 15th centuries) were committed devotees of Lord Venkateswara. The statues of Sri Krishna Devaraya and his spouse stand in the premises of the temple. After the decline of Vijayanagara Empire, kings from various states like the king of Mysore and Gadwal, worshiped the lord as pilgrims and gifted various ornaments and valuables to the temple. Raghoji Bhonsle, the Maharastrian commander visited the temple and made a permanent arrangement regarding the regular pujas to be done to the Lord.

    In 1843 the temple gave up administrative authority of Venkateswara Temple along with the temples in the village to the head of Hatthimji monastery in Tirumala. Till 1933 the administration of the temple had been wielded by the head of that monastery, Hathiram Mahantha.

    In 1933 the Madras government appointed a Commission to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam through a special statutory authority to run the administration of the temple. In 1951 another Hindu Religious and endowment Act was made which felicitated the appointment of an executive officer and Board of trustees and they run the administration. The executive officers of this institution in the South have been maintaining administration.
     Epic Importance of Tirumala Hills      

    The venkatam hill is believed to be a part of the celestial mount meru brought to the earth from vaikuntam by garuda (Lord's vehicle),say the puranas.The Hills are said to be a manifestation of Adi Sesha (the cosmic serpent).The Seven hills of the Tirumala are the said to represent the Seven hoods of Adi Sesha.

    Many Alvars , Vaishnavacharyas and Saints have praised the Tirumala Hill with great devotion. Tirumala Mambi, a descendent of the great ascetic Narada, spent his whole life in serving the Lord.

    References to the tirumala also found in several of Puranas. Tirumala is one of the 108 sacred shrines of the Sri Vaishanava tradition.According to the Puranas, Lord Vishnu stayed on the earth for some time in the Avatar of Swetha Varaham and rose out of pushkarini as Swayambhuva. His spouse Lakshmi Devi appeared in Thirucharnur. This Swwtha Varaha Avatharam was installed in the temple situated to the west of Swamy Pushkarni. The great religious leader Ramanujacharya visited this shrine on a pilgrimage and systematised the process of worship in accordance with the SriVaishnava that continues to date.


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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #10 on: June 16, 2008, 11:01:26 AM »
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  • Reaching Tirumala by foot      

    Many pilgrims prefer to go on foot from the Tirupati to Tirumala to have the Darshan of the Lord. It is also part of Sankalpam (commitment).

    For those who would like to climb the hills to Tirumala to fulfil a vow, there are two well-laid stone footpaths leading to Tirumala. These paths are called sopanamargas. The more ancient of the two sopanamargas which starts from Alipiri at the foot of the hills, is about 11 km in length, and is the commonly-used route. The other sopanamarga from Chandragiri, though only about 6 km in length, is a more difficult route. It is mainly used by the local people and traders.

    Several facilities are provided to the piligrims who walk up the hills to Tirumala, by the administration.

        * Free transport of the Pilgrims luggage from the bottom of the hill to the Top.
        * Well cemented steps with hand rails for support.
        * Supply of potable water along the way.
        * Toilets for both ladies and Gents.
        * Well lit path way and security guards to ensure safety of the pilgrims.
        * Small restaurants along the way for refreshments and snacks.

    The pilgrims have to get to Alipiri toll gate ,where the steps to the Tirumala begins.This is 4 K.Ms away from the railway station.They can then deposit their luggage at the T.T.D transport office and obtain a receipt.On reaching the top, they can redeem their luggage after producing this receipt. The foot way is 16 Kilometers in distance.It takes roughly between 3 to 4 hours to reach Tirumala by this way.

    The natural beauty along the way is breath taking.Though the steps at the start are a bit steep, the rest of the way is quite even and one wouldn't need to strain much.All along the way one can see pilgrims of every age climbing the steps with equal gusto. There are small mandapams along the way where pilgrims can take rest.Though the journey is physically tiring, it is a spiritually satifying one.

    Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) runs two free buses from the Tirupati Railway station to Alipiri, with a frequency of 30 minutes. Pilgrims who intend to walk up the hills to Tirumala can use these buses.

    Attached is the shape of 7 hills in the form of lord's face when turned vertical.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 01:09:04 PM by adwaita »

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #11 on: June 16, 2008, 11:02:24 AM »
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  • Devotional activities for the Lord      

    Tonsure and Tirumala go together. Devotees vow and offer their hair to the Lord - a symbolic sacrifice of the ego. Tonsure is done at Kalyana Katta, a massive four floor building operating round the clock. Fee for tonsure near the cottages is Rs.10/- per head. Tonsure is followed by a holy dip in the Pushkarini and the devotees then proceed to the Temple for darshan.

        * Tonsuring (Getting your head shaved)

          The objective behind tonsuring (shaving one's head for the Lord) is to demonstrate that he/she completely surrenders his/her ego at the feet of the Lord. Pilgrims can have their heads tonsured at the Kalyanakatta (opposite the Annanadanam Complex). There are seventeen sub-centers for tonsuring. Pilgrims can also request to be tonsured at the cottages where they are staying.
        * Walking up the Hills

          Many pilgrims walk up the hills to fulfill vows they have taken, for which Tirumala - Tirupati Devsthanam has constructed a footpath from Alipiri to Tirumala. It takes approximately two and a half hours to walk up the hill.
        * Angapradakshinam

          Angapradakshinam is when pilgrims lie prostrate, and then roll around the temple, chanting the Lord's name. The objective is to show their devotion to the Lord, and thank Him for protecting them. It is performed in the Vimana Pradakshinam, one of the pathways around the temple.

          Pilgrims who wish to undertake the Angapradakshinam have to take a dip in the Swami Pushkarini, and reach the Main Temple Complex by 0200 hrs (through a special queue that starts from the PPC Sheds).

          Angapradakshinam is generally restricted to the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). It is also restricted when there is heavy in flux of pilgrims.
        * Tulabharam

          Tulabharam is offering one's weight in coins or other items such as sugar, candy according to one's vows to the Lord. Tulabharam is generally performed for children. Pilgrims can weigh their offerings in the temple complex. The coins can be deposited in the temple hundi and other items can be handed over to the temple authorities present. The queue for Tulabharam is the regular queue that starts from the Vaikuntham Queue Complex or PC Queue Complex.
        * Niluvudopidi

          Niluvudopidi is offering to the Lord the ornaments, etc., that one is wearing when one takes the vow. The objective is to sacrifice one's belongings to the Lord, with the philosophy 'what is mine is the Lord's'.

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #12 on: June 16, 2008, 01:05:23 PM »
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  • Sri Vaari Prasadam

    In  previous days  rice prasadam  was offered  Lord Venkateswara as Naivedyam. It was called as ’Manoharam’. Rice powder and jaggery’s juice was mixed and prasadam was made. There was much patronage from devotees for this prasadam. There was much patronage from devotees for this prasadam.  The preparation of  kondantha (just like hill) laddu started in a funny way. In 1940 the puja , Lord Venkateswara’s Nithya kalyanam started. As per Hindu custom Laddu will be served in marriage lunch / dinner in ever body’s house. As per the custom , Tirupathi Tirumala Devasthanam(TTD) management Laddus were prepared with sugar and offered to Swamy . From 1943 the laddus were offered as prasadam  for those participated in Kalyanothsavam.  The laddus were prepared of cashew, Elachi  etc. The prasadam was distributed once to devotees who visited the temple the temple  on Saturdays. Later the management of the temple felt that it was not fair to distribute the same type of laddus to both participating in Kalyanamahotsavam and for those in Dharma Darsanam. Big size laddus were given to those participated in Kalyanamahotsavam. There was demand from devotees that should be offered for sale Due to this demand sale of laddus started daily. From that time Lord Venkateswara’s laddus are getting unprecedented liking from devotees.  Though there was change in sizes and tastes of laddus no difference in sales is observed. That is the staunch belief of devotees.

    Mirasi System in the starting :  In the initial starting for preparation and supervision of laddu prasadams the Mirasi’s system was there.  Those who were preparing laddus in the kitchen (Potu) were called as Gamekar Mirasis.Out of the lot of 51 laddus 11 laddus  were given to Mirasi Brahmin families. TTD management  went to  courts upto supreme court on Mirasi system and after  a long fight succeeded.  Mirasi system was abolished. The total rights on laddus were achieved by TTD.

    In the kitchen Prasadams were prepared using fire wood. From 1984 consumption of gas was started . During Mirasi period 200 to 300 people were working. At present the staff of TTD kitchen (Potu) are  only about150 .  Previously only 65000 to 75000 laddus were prepared. This number of laddus was less than half of the demand from devotees.  Another kitchen was started by floating tenders. There also another 65000 to 70000 laddus are prepared and the demand from devotees is met. On  special occasions like UGADI the staff of kitchen (Potu) prepare special laddus and offer to God.  Till now the biggest laddu offered to  Lord Venkateswara was of 32 Kgs weight.

    The list of ingredients and the proportion in which they are to be used is called Dittam. six times changes were made in Dittam.  At present the cost of preparation of  each laddu   is 13 Rs.   Though many modern methods were implemented in the speedy and quality preparation of laddus  ,they have not yielded good results. Some old techniques are also still followed.

    Problem of storing laddus:   Apart from preparation of laddus ,storage of laddus is a real problem.  As Tirumala is a cold place , the humidity in air is high . Laddu can not be stored for long time. Due to heavy demand laddus are sent to sales counters immediately after preparation.  In the kitchen  of old times built in the temple laddus preparation is going on till now.  This is also causing inconvenience. TTD is studying the feasibility of shifting the kitchen and changes to improve the quality.
    Whatever  may be the actions of managing committee of  TTD , people want tasty laddus.  The important responsibility of TTD is to tasty laddu with quality that remains as a sweet memory to Devotees.                 

    Laddu, or Ladoo, is one of the most important offering and prasadam given to devotees at the Tirumala Tirupati Lord Venkateswara Temple. Tirupati Laddu is a spherical-shaped sweet made of flour and sugar. In fact, Tirupati and the huge laddus are synonymous. It is a customary duty of a devotee returning from Tirupati Balaji Temple to distribute ‘laddu’ as prasadam to his neighbors, friends and relatives.

    Some quick facts about Tirupati Laddu

        * Around 150,000 laddus are made daily.
        * One laddu is given free to each devotee; the number of daily devotees that visit the temple is around 50,000.
        * A devotee can buy extra two laddus – a laddu costs 5 rupees.
        * The revenue from the sale of laddu annually is more than 11 million rupees.

        * Each laddu weighs around 100gms and is huge when compared with the normal laddu found in shops.
        * There is a super huge Tirupati Laddu known as Kalyana Laddu and it weighs around 500gms – ½ a kilogram.
        * Single largest laddu made is said to have weighed 32 kg.

        * The tradition of Tirupati Laddu is nearly 300 years old.
        * It is prepared by special hereditary priests known as archakas in special temple kitchen known as ‘potu’.

        * Ingredients used in Tirupati Laddu are Besan flour (kadalai mavu), Sugar, Cashew nuts, Cardamom, Ghee, Oil, Sugar candy, Raisins and Almonds.

    On a day around 5000 kg of Besan flour is used.
    Sugar around 10000 kg.
    Cashew nuts around 600 kg.
    Cardamom 150 kg
    Ghee 300 liters
    Sugar candy 400 kg
    Raisins 540 kg

        * The ingredients are bought at the auction at the Commodities and Spices Exchange in Kochi.

    Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTDs) the administrating body of the temple is planning to patent the Tirupati Laddu to stop counterfeits

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #13 on: June 18, 2008, 09:38:19 AM »
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  • 108 Names of Lord Venkatesa

    Venkatesaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Seshadhri Nilayaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vrushadhrug Gocharaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vishnave Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sadanjana Gireesaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vrushadhri Pathaye Nama Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Meru Puthra Girisaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sarasswamy Tadee Jushe Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Kumaara Kalpa Sevyaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vajridhrug Vishayaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Suvarchalaa Suthanyastha Sainaapathya Bharaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namah
    Raamaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Padmanabhaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sadaa Vaayu Stutaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Tyakta Vaikuntta Lokaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Girikunja Vihaarine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Harichandana Gothrendhra Swamine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sankha Raajanya Nethraabhja Vishayaaya Sri Venaktesaya Namaha
    Vasoo Parichara Thraathre Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Krishnaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Abdhi Kanyaa Parishvaktha Vakshase Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Venkataya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sanakaadhi Mahaa Yogi Poojithaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Devajith Pramukha Anantha Daitya Sangha Pranasasine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Svetha Dhveepa Vasan Muktha Poojithaangri Yugaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sesha Parvatha Roopathva Prakaasana Paraaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Saanu Staapita Taarkshyaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Taarkshyachala Nivasine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Maaya Gooda Vimana Venkatesaya Namaha
    Garuda Skandha Vaasine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Ananta Sirase Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Ananthakshaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Ananta Charanaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Srisaila Nilayaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Dhaamodaraya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Neelamegha Nibhaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Brahmmadhi Deva Durdarsa Visvaroopaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vaikunttaagatha Saddhema Vimaana Antargataaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Agasthyabhyartitaa Sesha Jana Dhrug Gocharaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sri Vaasudevaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Haraye Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Theertha Panchaka Vaasine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vaamadeva Priyaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Janakeshta Pradhaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Maarkandeya Mahaa Theertha Jaatha Punya Pradhaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vaakpathi Brahmadhathre Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Chandra Laavanya Dhayine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Naarayana Nagesaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Brahma Klupthothsavaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sankha Chakra Varaanamra Lasath Karatalaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Dravan Mriga Madhaasaktha Vigrahaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Kesavaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Nithya Youvana Moorthaye Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Artithaarta Pradhathre Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Visva Teerttha Agha Haarine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Theertaswamy Saras Snatha Janabhishta Pradhayine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Kumara Dhaarikaa Vaasas Skandhabheeshta Pradhaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Jaanu Dhagna Samudhbhutha Pothrine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Koorma Moorthaye Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Kinnara Dhvandhva Saapaanta Pradaathre Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Vibhave Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vaikhaanasa Muni Shreshtta Poojithaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Simhachala Nivasaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sriman Naarayanaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sadhbhakta Neelakanttaarchya Nrusimhaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Kumudhaksha Gana Sreshta Sainapatya Pradhaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Durmedha Praanahartre Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sridharaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Kshatriyaantaka Raamaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Mathsya Roopaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Paandavaari Praharthre Sri Venkatesaya Nama
    Srikaraaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Upatyakta Pradesastha Shankara Dhyaata Moorthaye Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Rukmaabja Saraseekoola Lakshmeekrita Tapasvine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Lasalakshmi Karambhoja Dhattha Kalharaka Sraje Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Saalagraama Nivaasaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sukha Dhrig Gocharaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Naarayana Artitha Asesha Jana Dhrig Gocharaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Mrigayaarasikaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vrishabhasura Haarine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Anjanaa Gothra Pathaye Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Vrishabhaachala Vaasine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Anjanaa Suta Dhaathre Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Maadhaveeya Agha Haarine Sri Venkatesaya Nama Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Priyangu Priya Bhakshyaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Svetha Kola Varaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Neela Dhenu Payo Dhaaraa Seka Dehotbhavaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sankara Priya Mithraaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Chola Puthra Priyaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Sudharminee Suchaitanya Pradhaathre Nama Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Madhu Ghaatine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Krishnaakhya Vipra Vedantha Desikathva Pradhaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Varahachala Naataya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Balabhadraaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Thrivikramaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Mahathe Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Hrisheekesaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Achyuthaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Neeladhri Nilayaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Ksheeraabdhi Naataaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

    Vaikuntaachala Vaasine Sri Venkatesaya Namah
    Mukundhaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Ananthaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Virinchaabhyartithaaneetha Soumya Roopaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Suvarna Mukhari Snaatha Manuja Abheeshta Daayine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Halaayudha Jagath Theerttha Samastha Phala Dhaayine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Govindaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha
    Srinivaasaaya Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

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    Re: Story of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji)
    « Reply #14 on: June 20, 2008, 05:44:09 AM »
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  • Sri venkatesha suprabatam

    Kausalyaa suprajaa raama poorvaa samdhyaa pravartate
    Utthishtha nara Saardoola kartavyam daivamaahnikam (Twice)

    Utthishthotthishtha govimda utthishtha garuda dhvaja
    Utthishta kamalaa kaamtaa trailokyam mamgalam kuru (Twice)

    Maata ssamasta jagataam madhukaitabhaareh
    Vaksho viharini manohara divya moorte
    Sree svaamini Srita jana priya daana seele
    Sree vemkatesa dayite tava suprabhaatam

    Tava suprabhaata maravimda lochane
    Bhavatu prasanna mukha camdra mamdale
    Vidhi samkaremdra vanitaabhirarcite
    Vrsha Saila naatha dayite dayaanidhe

    Atryaadi sapta Rshaya ssamupaasya samdhyaam
    Aakaasa simdhu kamalaani manoharaani
    Aadaaya paada yuga marchayitum prapannaah
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Pamchaana naabjabhava shanmukha vaasavaadyaah
    Traivikramaadi caritam vibudhaa stuvamti
    Bhaashaapatih pathati vaasara Suddhi maaraat
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Eeshat praphulla saraseeruha naarikela
    Phoogadrumaadi sumanohara paalikaanaam
    Aavaati mamda manila ssaha divya gamdhaih
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Unmeelya netrayuga muttama pamjarasthaah
    Paatraa vasishta kadalee phala paayasaani
    Bhuktvaa saleela matha keli Sukaah pathamti
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Tamtree prakarsha madhura svanayaa vipamcyaa
    Gaayatyanamta caritam tava naaradopi
    Bhaashaa samagrama sakrt kara saara ramyam
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Bhrmgaavaleecha makaramda rasaanu viddha
    Jhamkaara geeta ninadai ssaha sevanaya
    Niryaatyupaamta sarasee kamalodarebhyah
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Yosha ganena vara dadhni vimathya maane
    Ghoshalayeshu dadhi mamthana teevraghoshaah
    Roshaatkalim vidadhate kakubhascha kumbhaah
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Padmesa mitra Satapatra gataali vargaah
    Hartum sriyam kuvalayasya nijaamga lakshmyaa
    Bheree ninaada miva bibhrati teevra naadam
    Seshaadri sekhara vibho tava suprabhaatam

    Sreemannabheeshta varadaakhila loka bamdho
    Sree Sreenivaasa jagadeka dayaika simdho
    Sree devataagrha bhujaamtara divya moorte
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Sree svaami pushkarinikaaplava nirmalaamgaah
    Sreyorthino hara virimchi sanamda naadyaah
    Dvaare vasamti vara vetra hatottamaamgaah
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Sree seshasaila garudaachala vemkataadri
    Naaraayanaadri vrshabhaadri vrshaadri mukhyaam
    Aakhyaam tvadeeya vasate ranisam vadamti
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Sevaaparaa Siva suresa krsaanu dharma
    Rakshombu naatha pavamaana dhanaadi naathaah
    Baddhaamjali pravilasa nija Seersha desaah
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Dhaateeshute vihagaraaja mrgaadhiraaja
    Naagaadhiraaja gajaraaja hayaadhiraajaah
    Svasvaadhikaara mahimaadika marthayamte
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Sooryemdu bhauma budha vaakpati kaavya Soori
    Svarbhaanu ketu divishat parishat pradhaanaah
    Tvaddaasa daasa charamaavadhi daasa daasaah
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Tvatpaada dhooli bharita sphuritottamaamgaah
    Svargaapa varga nirapeksha nijaamtaramgaah
    Kalpaagamaa kalanayaa kulataam labhamte
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Tvadgopuraagra sikharaani nireekshamaanaah
    Svargaapavarga padaveem paramaam srayamtah
    Martyaa mnushya bhuvane mati maasrayamte
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Sree bhoomi naayaka dayaadi gunaamrtaabdhe
    Devaadi deva jagadeka saranya moorte
    Sreemannanamta garudaadibhi rarchitaamghre
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Sree padmanaabha purushottama vaasudeva
    Vaikumtha maadhava janaardana chakrapaane
    Sree vatsa chihna saranaagata paarijaata
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Kamdarpa darpa hara sumdara divya moorte
    Kaamtaa kuchaamburuha kutmala lola drshte
    Kalyaana nirmala gunaakara divya keerte
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Meenaakrte kamatha kola nrsimha varnin
    Svaamin parasvatha tapodhana raamachamdra
    Seshaamsa raama yadunamdana kalki roopa
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Elaa lavamga ghana saara sugamdhi teertham
    Divyam viyat sariti hema ghateshu poornam
    Dhrtvaadya vaidika sikhaamanayah prahrshtaa
    Tishtamti vemkatapate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Bhaasvaanudeti vikachaani saroruhaani
    Sampoorayamti ninadaih kakubho vihamgaah
    Sree vaishnava ssatata marthita mamgalaaste
    Dhaamaasrayamti tava vemkata! Suprabhaatam

    Brahmaadaya ssuravara ssamaharshayaste
    Samta ssanamdana mukhaa stvatha yogi varyaah
    Dhaamaamtike tavahi mamgala vastu hastaah
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Lakshmee nivaasa niravadya gunaika simdhoh
    Samsaara saagara samuttaranaika seto
    Vedaamta vedya nija vaibhava bhakta bhogya
    Sree vemkataachala pate! Tava suprabhaatam

    Ittham vrshaachala pate riha suprabhaatam
    Ye maanavaah prati dinam pathitum pravrttaah
    Teshaam prabhaata samaye smrti ramga bhaajaam
    Praj~naam paraartha sulabhaam paramaam prasoote!


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