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Offline NEHA 86

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« on: August 01, 2008, 01:14:16 PM »
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  • Story of Shanidev............

    In our routine lives, there is a great importance of the kindness and the power of God Shani. Shani occupies the seventh place among the nine planets which govern the world. This is viewed as unlucky in conventional astrology. As per ‘Kaagol Shastra’, the distance of Shani from the earth is 9 crore miles. Its radius is about one billion and 82 crore and 60 lakh kilometers. And its gravitational force is 95 times higher than that of the earth. Planet Shani takes 19 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. The astronauts have viewed the Shani’s colours as beautiful, strong, influencing and eye-catching. It has twenty two satellites in its ring.

    Shani’s gravitational power is more than that of the Earth’s. Therefore, when we think good or bad thoughts and make plans, they reach Shani by the strength of his power. In astrological terms, the bad influence is considered as unlucky. But the result of good deeds will be good. Therefore, we must understand God Shani as a friend and not as foe. And for bad deeds, he is Sade Saathi, disaster and an enemy.

    As regards the birth of Shani, there are different stories. Foremost and accepted is the one in the ancient ‘Scanda Poorana’ of Kasi Khanda which is as follows.

    God Soorya was married to Daksha Kanya Sadnya. Sadnya could not tolerate the radiance of God Surya. She used to feel that by doing penance she could increase her brilliance. Or, by the power of her penance, she could diminish the glare of God Surya. But for God Surya, she was a spouse worshipping wife. From God Surya, she had three children. One was Vaivastahva Manu. The second was Yama Raj. And the third was Yamuna. Sadnya loved her children very much. But, she was very upset with the radiance of God Surya. One day, she thought that she would separate from God Surya, go to her parents’ home and undertake great penance. And if there was opposition, she would go far away to a lonely and undertake great penance.

    By strength of her penance, Sadnya created a ‘Chaya’ (shadow) of herself and named her Suvarna. And, and then the shadow of herself became Suvarna. After handing over the children to Chaya, Sadnya told her that Chaya would thereafter play the role of womanhood and nurse her three children. She told her if any problem arose, she should call her and she would come rushing to her. But she cautioned her that she must remember that she was Chaya, not Sadnya, and nobody should know this difference.

    Sadnya hander over her responsibilities to Chaya and went away to her parents’ place.
    She went home and told her father that she could not stand the radiance of God Surya. And therefore, without telling her husband she had come away. Listening to this, her father scolded her very much and told her that without being called, if the daughter returns home, both her and her father would be cursed. He told her to go back to her home immediately. Then, Saudnya began to worry that if she went back, what would happen to the responsibilities which she had given to Chaya. Where would Chaya go?
    And their secret would be exposed. So, Sadnya went to the dense jungles in Uttar Kurukshetra and took repose there.

    She was fearful of her safety in the jungle because of her youthfulness and beauty. And she changed her form into that of a mare so that none could recognize her and started her penance. Elsewhere, the union of God Surya and Chaya begot three children. God Surya and Chaya were happy with each other. Surya never doubted anything. The children of Chaya were Manu, God Shani and Putri Bhadra (Tapti).

    As per the second story, the creation of God Shani was the result of Maharishi Kashyap’s great ‘yagna’. When God Shani was in the womb of Chaya, Shiv Bhaktini Chaya was so engrossed in penance of God Shiva that she did not care for her food even.
    She prayed so intensely during her penance that the prayers had a profound influence on the child in her womb. As a result of such a great penance of Chaya, without food and shade in the blazing sun, the complexion of God Shani became black. When God Shani was born, Surya was surprised to see his dark complexion. He began to doubt Chaya. He insulted Chaya by saying that this was not his son.

    From birth itself, God Shani had inherited the great powers of his mother’s penance.
    He saw that his father was insulting his mother. He saw his father with a cruel gaze. As a result his father’s body was charred black. The horses of God Surya’s chariot stopped. The chariot would not move. Worried, God Surya called out to God Shiva. God Shiva advised God Surya and explained to him about what had happened. That is, because of him the respect of mother and child had been tarnished and insulted. God Surya accepted his fault and apologized. And regained his earlier glorious looks and the power of his chariot’s horses. Since then, God Shani became a good son to his father and mother and an ardent disciple of God Shiva.

    « Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 08:19:40 AM by subhasrini »


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 01:16:49 PM »
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  • The Role......

    “In the lives of people, sorrows and happiness come and go. But they are all encased in a mystery. Therefore, in this binding of nature, astrology and spiritualism have their own prime place of importance. In this era of computers and internet, the predictions and knowledge of Indian astrologer have been fulfilled and are being perpetuated the world over. Today, in America, Indian spiritualism and astrology have cast a spell over people, far and wide. In these days of a mad rush, people do not find mental peace. Today, despite our lives being complete with all the modern day amenities, there is so much of strife, tension, illness, disasters, doubt and such other evils abound. There are so many screams of agony all around us, all the time. By rising above all this, man is trying to reach out to God Shani. Why?

    In India, just as with reference to God Shani, the ancient legends are famous, similarly, in European literature various stories abound. In Italy, God Shani is revered and worshipped as Saturn. Ancient Romans and the Greeks know and revere him as Cronus. Saturn or Cronus have a lot of stories and miracles popular about him. They also have situations like us, so it is called as ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.

    Just as material progress is increasing, restlessness is increasing in life. Therefore, as much as our actions (Karma) are pure and better, that much will we experience the better fruits of our actions. This is a permanent truth that our bodies are made up of five elements. So we are influenced by these elements. And these planets control our lives.
    At Shanishingnapur, because of the holy atmosphere there, there have been many fortunate Divine appearances of God Shani himself. I am a devotee of God Shani. I do regularly offer my prayers and observe fasting. It is from God Shani’s divine direction, that I wrote this book. In this book related to God Shani, there are stories, the history, its place in Shanishingnapur and the world. Also, the truth of the self-appeared statue and its direction, the importance of Sade Saathi and its cures and the special aspects of God Shani. Also, the worship of God Shani and how it should be done in terms of one’s planetary chart. The festival of God Shani shows surprisingly peaceful aspects of the ‘Devalaya’ and ‘Mannat’ that devotees pray. For example, how Shanishingnapur’s importance reveals itself and its fame the world over. Also, Udasi Baba, Bhavu Banakar and other important notices are there in this book. Please read it and experience its usefulness.”

    Prof. Dr. Bapu Rao Desai.
    « Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 09:32:57 AM by subhasrini »


    Offline sangeetha

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    « Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 04:15:50 PM »
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  • Very nice post. I had been to Shanishingnapur last year. But then I did not really know the story behind lord Shani or the place. I always thought Shani causes only harm. Thanks for the post for now I know better.

    Om Sai Ram
    "I am Ever living to help and guide all, who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.- Baba"


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 09:27:45 AM »
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  • The coming of God Shani into the village

    By the grace of God Shani, should you come to Shanishingnapur and see the idol, you’ll feel that this is not an ordinary idol but an self-appeared idol. About how this 16” 6” feet tall and 16” 6” feet wide idol came here has a true story to it.

    Where today stands the idol of God Shani, there used to be a housing settlement with 32 huts. About 350 years ago, God himself appeared here. Since then, he has remained here itself. In those days, there wasn’t so much population or progress there. There were not that many roads, vehicles amenities etc of modern day life. There were a lot of trees and grasslands here. Nearby, there was a lot of filth, plants and fields. Today, for the comfort of devotees there are tar roads, staying places and food arrangements which were lacking in those days. Now, with the co-operation of the villagers and the Trust made with God Shani’s devotees, the Government has supported the village and a lot of activity can be seen.



    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 09:28:59 AM »
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  • Shanidev is the real judge and God

    Remember that God Shani is the judge of our thoughts. In this society, whenever people become preys to lust, anger and greed and spoil their purity and with full awareness commit sins, injustice and crimes on others all around them and while hiding in such darkness they commit such sinful deeds, they are mistaken that whatever deeds they are doing is not being watched by anybody. And then by doing so, people begin to believe that God is pleased with them and in such a state of vanity and ego, they begin tom believe that they are everything. They begin to feel that there is no God and they are God himself. Thus, to make such people repent for their follies, and to purify them God Shani punishes them. So Sade Saathi starts, God Shani becomes the Judge and after punishes the person and purifies him. Firstly, remember that God Shani has a delicate gaze. Secondly, he gives the fruits of one’s ‘Karma’. Thirdly, whatever a person does, God Shani grants him the results accordingly. God Shani gives proportionate happiness and unhappiness to people based on their ‘Karma’.



    Offline keerthisai

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    « Reply #5 on: August 03, 2008, 07:41:55 AM »
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    Neha ji.

    A great job indeed, many of them need to know all these to undersatnd about LORD SHANI, because a general feeling is that LORD SHANI is a dangerous punishment giver.

    Is it going to continue?

    Thanks & regards



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    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #6 on: August 03, 2008, 01:21:34 PM »
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    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #7 on: August 03, 2008, 01:23:26 PM »
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  • Does God Shani trouble us?

    This is ‘Kalyug’ (modern times). These modern times are filled with sin and un-chastity. And in this unchaste era, people are chasing the amenities like internet, television, airplanes, trains, computers and so on in pursuit of happiness breathlessly. Remember that, happiness and peace are going further and further away from man. In this melee, people say that God Shani is troubling us. But why? Do they think that God has nothing better to do? Has he enmity with everybody? Is God Shani an enemy? But it is honest opinion that Shani is concerned about all beings in the world, no friendship with anyone, no enmity with anyone.

    People are more scared of God Shani than the punishment he gives. What happens is that people die more from the fear of death than from death itself. And God Shani is more easily pleased than people believe. The devotion of God Shani solves all the problems pertaining to the body, family, society, mind, finances and occupation. People have taken the name of God Shani to scare others, but very little has been done to dispel that fear.

    jai sai ram


    Offline adwaita

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    « Reply #8 on: August 04, 2008, 07:38:10 AM »
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  • Great job neha ji. Thanks for posting. Baba bless you. om sai ram.

    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #9 on: August 07, 2008, 02:46:50 PM »
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  • 1) God Shani, the son of God Sun, is such a God of the mortal world who, when the time comes, weighs the good and bad deeds of man and bestows punishment and purifies him.
    2) God Shani is a judge. And judgment is always impartial. Therefore he is considered cruel.
    3) God Shani’s dark complexion is such that no other colour can stay on it.
    4) God Shani’s metal is iron and steel which is the most useful and strong.
    5) God Shani’s greatest love is helping the poor and the diseased. 
    6) God Shani’s favourite things such as oil, coal, iron, black ‘til’, urud, shoes and chappals are given away as alms.
    7) The time and effort that goes into the installation of God Shani is the most sacred alms.
    8) God Shani is the lord of spiritualism. Whichever devotion, penance, dedication And so on are of prime importance.
    9) God Shani is the lord of social togetherness. Without his grace, even the family togetherness is unthinkable of.
    10) God Shani gives the boon of success in social, political, traditional, spiritual, career, educational and business areas. 
    11) God Shani gives relief from diseases and grants a long life.
    12) God Shani is the God of the ‘kalyug’.
    13) God Shani has many names. And the realm of his might is vast and great.
    14) All people from the high and mighty to the lowliest are scared of God Shani.
    15) God Shani is an uncommon God of the world.
    16) The vehicle of God Shani is made up of iron. (Matsyapuran 127,8)
    17) The weapons of God Shani are Bow and arrow and trishul (trident).
    Jai sai ram
    « Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 02:49:06 PM by NEHA 86 »


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #10 on: August 07, 2008, 02:50:37 PM »
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  • A brief introduction of God Shani

    1) The father of God Shani  - God Sun.
    2) The mother of God Shani  - Chaya Devi-Suvarna.
    3) The brother of God Shani  - Yamaraj.
    4) The sister of God Shani  - Yamunadevi.
    5) The guru of God Shani - God Shiva.
    6) The place of birth  - Saurashtra, Gujarat.
    7) Gotra  - Kashyap.
    8) Colour - Dark.
    9) Nature  - Sacrificing, worshipping-gaze,angry, serious,
    clea –worded,lonely, justice loving etc.
    10) Friend  - Hanuman, Kaala Bhairav, Balaji.
    11) Other names - Chayasuta, Suryaputra, Kokanastha,
    Pingalo, Babhru, Raudrantak, Sauri,
    Shaneshchar, Krushnamand, Krushno etc.
    12) Friendly planet - Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Mercury.
    13) Friendly Rasi - Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Taurus.
    14) Dear Rasi  - Sagittarius and Capricorn.
    15) Dear Star - Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara, Bhadrapada.
    16) The high Rasi of God Shani  - Libra
    17) The low Rasi of God Shani - Aries.
    18) The area of God Shani  - Petroleum, iron, steel, business, press,
    medical, factories, coal, leather, court,
    transportation etc.
    jai sai ram


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #11 on: August 07, 2008, 02:53:23 PM »
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  • Reverent greetings for God Shani

    From childhood I kept hearing that God Shani gives suffering to people. That he is a source of troubles, heartless, hard-hearted, fearful and so on. I used to listen to the opinions of others and would be crestfallen and wonder if this was all true? Whom we regard as God and pray to him, why would he be giving troubles to anybody? I kept seeing such incidents and situations but it was my firm belief that God Shani was not like this. What is needed for this is courage, seriousness and patience.

    There was a worry and misery in my family. My brother-in-law was of Kavi village of Jambusar’s Taluk of Gujarat’s Baruch district, which is on the sea coast. He became a victim of the politics of that place. He was sent out of the job from there. There were four people in the family. There was everything but it turned to nothing. All were worried and troubled. All tried hard but for three years continuously, nothing happened good happened. My sister and brother-in-law and their children were wandering from pillar to post. Shrimati Heeraben and Saheb Rao were helpless. In Jan 2004, I came to Shanishingnapur and prayed to God Shani. The miracle that happened was that from 2nd February, I was inspired to write the ‘granth’. And there, in Baruch district the police official gave them justice and took them on jobs from 3rd February. And I realized that this miracle was only of God Shani.

    Jai sai ram


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #12 on: August 07, 2008, 02:56:07 PM »
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  • The greatness and glory of God Shani

    1. Pray to God Shani even in the happy moments of your life.
    2. Get a ‘darshan’ of God Shani in the bad periods of your life.
    3. Even in the times of trouble and agony, pray to God Shani.
    4. Have faith in God Shani in your bad times also.
    5. Express gratitude to God Shani at every moment of your life.
    In the above 5 tenets, Shri. Ghule has summed up his life and his devotion to God Shani and also has shoed us the way.

    In one place, I have called God Shani a Jugde and once, a real situation came up. Near Gandhinagar in Gujarat, there is a rural place called Rupal. There, in an annual function, at once, 25000 kilos of ghee are offered in prayer. This in itself is a record. The next day, this was thrown on the road for poor people to use in their food. Based on this, some social activists sought a stay order. On the 1st October 2003, the Ahmedabad High Court decreed that ‘ Just as in Maharashta’s Shanishingnpur’s ‘devasthan’, the immeasurable oil which is offered and is given in tender to soap factories, in return of 30 lakhs worth of charity to devotees and development of the ‘devasthan’, similarly the 25000 kilos of ghee, collected from the 27 rural sources should be put to the benefit of the needy people’.

    The beauty of the description of Ramarajya in Goswami Tulsidas’s Ramacharitmanas, as in ‘Tretayug’ is seen in Shanishingnapur too.
    ‘There is abundance of everything and happiness. The town of Ayodhya is filled with bejeweled palaces. Houses are glowing the lamps of gems. Here, no one is poor, unhappy or miserable. All around there is beauty and purity. All the inhabitants of Ayodhya are healthy and beautiful. Colourful gardens with flower trees abound. And the roads are akin to heaven.’

    jai sai ram


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #13 on: August 07, 2008, 02:58:38 PM »
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  • What is Sade Saathi?

    Sade Saathi has many names such as Sade Saathi, Shanichari, Musibathi, Aafath etc. Nature is well understood by the science of astrology. Astrology has many branches such as Vedic Astrology, Industrial astrology, personal astrology etc. In these branches of astrology, the study of Rasi and the effect of planets have an important place. In the science of astrology, all the aspects of life are affected by the combination of planets in a group. Every planet is attributed with a special role. Happiness and sorrow play hide and seek in man’s life. In some people’s lives there is more happiness as there is more unhappiness in some people’s lives. The attaining of ‘moksha’ is the ultimate goal of man’s life.

    In the astro-charts of many astrological texts planet Shani has been given the place of
    the planet of sorrow. This may be true only up to an extent and in certain aspects. It is shown that God Shani, soon after his birth, showed a glimpse of his nature to his father God Surya. God Shani, who symbolizes righteousness and justice, creates Sade Saathi.
    Sade Saathi is a period of 7 and ½ years. Shani takes 30 years to traverse all the 12 planets. He stays 2 and ½ years in one ‘rasi’ or sun sign. When the planet, aspects the lord of the house, then the good benefits are derived. In the garland of planets, God Shani is called ‘Chaya Martand’. When ‘Chaya Grah’ or the star passes through a house, that star sign’s previous star’s sign and the next star sign is troubled. That is ‘Chaya Grah’. This belief is accepted in Sade Saathi. When Shani passes through the 12th house of the birth chart for the second time, then it is called as Sade Saathi. Shani stays in a house for 2 and ½ years. This way, God Shani’s transit through 3 houses is called Sade Saathi. (2 and ½ x 3= 7and ½). Therefore, this patch of 7and1/2 years is known to bring suffering, sorrows and misfortune. This is known by people as Sade Saathi.

    In the birth chart of Moon sign, when there is Shani behind and ahead, till then it is called Sade Saathi. In the normal course, the effects of Sade Saathi are common to all creatures. Then, whether they are saints, commoners, great people, spiritualists, Gods or godly people, all have them have the same effect on them. Whether it is King Veer Vikramaditya or Nala Damayanti or people of all kinds, the effect of it is the same on all.

    Whichever Rasi has Sade Saathi, on that day’s previous Rasi when Shani is upon it then it is called Ascendant Sade Saathi. Ascendant Sade Saathi for some in the middle and for some in the end as Decscendant Sade Saathi is favourable. Any big solution sought for Sani in Sade Saathi, takes a small shape. And when the time comes for the benefit, it comes in a big way like a miracle. As per astrology, Shani’s Sade Saathi is understood in three parts. One is from Lagna, the other is from Moon and the third is from Sun. Over a period of thirty years, every chart is affected by Sade Saathi once, whether he is a lion or a king. Sade Saathi touches every birth chart. The Moon’s aspected Sade Saathi is accepted in north India. In the chart, where the moon is seen one house before and one house after, till then there will be the effect of Shani. For example, till Aries and Taurus , there will be the effect of Sade Saathi.

    In Sade Saathi,a great deal of misery, trouble, fearsome disease, excess sorrow, loss of money, blame, insult, illness, imprisonment etc are undergone. By taking the help of ‘Vedic Vidhi’ and the mantras, penance etc the fearful effects of Sade Saathi can be reduced. In brief, Sade Saathi or seven and half years of God Shani put the normal life of man into great distress. This is the direct result of Sade Saathi that normal, ongoing work comes to a stand still. The desire of students to study goes away. And people who are looking for a job go further on and on in this quest. In the birth chart, if Shani is exalted, powerfully placed then the Sade Saathi will be that much more pronounced. Which means, there will be a great loss of wealth.

    The effect of Sade Saathi will be on Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces in the Lagna Rasi or it will weaken the strength of the Rasi. Which means, it will reduce finance and success. Shani’s Sade Saathi troubled many brave and strong kings, but they never let go of truth. Sade Saathi gave them too much trouble but it could destroy them. Raja Harishchandra did not abandon truth till the end. Only then, God Shani was pleased, restored him to the throne and gave him progeny, wealth and made him pure again. He gave him the strength to do penance.

    When one is affected by Sade Saathi, one should make use of prayer as a boatman and cross the river of bad times. One should resort to falsehood, theft. Robbery, vices, bad habits etc in one’s life. One should remember that thee is no role of God Shani in Sade Saathi. He cleanses us of the sins of our previous births and brings us closer to the divinity of Ishwar. During the period of Sade Saathi, if we take the help of our own prayers, penance and ‘mantras’ and hold on to truth, then it will have been worth it.

    jai sai ram


    Offline NEHA 86

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    « Reply #14 on: August 07, 2008, 02:59:57 PM »
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  • The cure for Sade Saathi

    Maha mantra :

    “ Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam ||

    Cahaya martanda samhubhutam | Tama namami Shanescharam||”

    The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mahamantra 23000 times within the 7 and ½ years. Shani Mahamantra’s recital should finish within 23 days. Thus, by reciting the Shani Mahamantra by a ‘mala’ ten times a day, it will finish in 23 days. If the person is young, then his parents can do it for him. While this praying is on, the person should eat simple food. He must sleep on the floor on a bed sheet and live the life of a ‘bramhachari’. It should be remembered that the praying of the Shani Mahamantra should be done at one stretch in one sitting at one place. Whoever wants to perform the ‘shanti’, must perform it on all Shanichari Amavahshya’. On a half meter of black cloth, taking the ‘pandraya yantra’, the ‘sindoor’ of God Hanuaman and oil should be mixed and the ‘yantra’ should be created. After tying a coconut without water in it, by tracing the body’s length with it seven times, it should be consigned to flowing water.

    jai sai ram



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