7.Victory Victory be unto the best of all, the one better than the twenty five tattvas*. The ultimate witness of everything, the best Shri Guru.
8. Victory Victory be unto the master of the world, the full bliss giving wish fulfilling tree. The founder of transcendental bliss, the best Shri Guru.
9. Victory Victory be unto the inconcievable, the attributeless, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, the supreme conciousness. The all pervading, the all exclusive, the best Shri Guru.
10. Victory Victory be unto the statue of self-bliss, the formless with form. The one ever free from darkness, the Lord of the world, the best, Shri Guru.
* The Tattvas - the fundamental elements out of which the whole creation occurs, just as a particular food item is prepared out of various ingredients.
In the Samkhya doctrine there are 25 Tattvas:
1. Purusha (Transcendental Self)
2. The uncreated (unmanifest) Prakriti (primordial nature)
3. Mahat/Buddhi (intellect)
4. Ahamkara (ego, consciousness of self)
5. Manas (mind)
6-10. The five sense-organs
11-15. The five motor-organs
16-20. The five subtle elements
21-25. The five gross elements
Tattvas 3-25 evolve from primordial nature. All of the Tattvas account for the totality of the unverse as a whole, and each individual human being.