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Author Topic: My Baba ----Tvameva Mata, Pita Tvamev.  (Read 9398 times)

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Offline Kirti1

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My Baba ----Tvameva Mata, Pita Tvamev.
« on: July 26, 2017, 05:14:19 AM »
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    It has been several years that Baba has shown his presence in some form or the other in delicate situations of
    my life. I have had to just pray to him and he has run to my aide just like my father would have.
    And I have been blessed enough to share such events on this forum. Most of them have been in toughest situations which I could not have handled without HIM.
    (Baba I bow to you from the sincerest of my hearts and am ever grateful to you for being there for me whenever I have called out.)

    What I am sharing today is just so very different and has nothing to do with this world.
    15 days back my Mother left for heavenly abode to join my Father.
    As is the custom ashes need to be dropped in holy water,
    and the one available near our home is completely polluted.
    Hence I told my brother, that we shall do it in holy land of Nashik, and shall also perform the 12th and 13th day rituals over there.
    We hardly have any elders around us to guide us through these days.
    So we had decided to do it ourselves to the best of our abilities.
    Our family was now reduced to myself, my brother, his wife and son- 4 of us.

    The day Mom passed away there was hardly any rain. In fact it was quite sunny. But a day later, it started raining like hell, everywhere in India. The monsoon had set in.
    Everyone in our relatives advised us against going to Nashik in such rains. 2 days later rains had intensified.
    We again got calls asking us to cancel the trip. My brother and his wife started having doubts
    I on the other hand, spoke quietly to my Mom, " Mom, this is what I want to do for you, I think  this is the best way to do it. If you agree please help me." To Baba I prayed, "Baba this is what I want to do for my Mother. It's up to you to sort it out as there are quite some days left."
    Over the next few days the rains just wouldn't stop. The news from Nashik was not good, as the Godavari had swollen, things looked grim.
    Every night I kept talking to Mom and Baba about the plans for Nashik.
    Two days before we were to leave, the rains had slowed down considerably. Infact they had calmed down to strong showers, in between. My brother and his wife were still skeptical.
     I said we go ahead and shall decide once there.
    Surprisingly our journey through out was smooth. There was heavy rain on the route but nothing dangerous, and we reached Nashik in 4 hours with MOm''s ashes.
    When we reached Nashik, it was raining but not so heavily and waters in Godavari had dropped enough to let people function normally. However at night it rained pretty heavily, and I got a little scared.
    So for the last time I talked to MOm and prayed to Baba. "It is all in your hands now. We have come here despite everyone advising against it, it is up to you to accept our offering or reject it."
    Morning we woke up and it was raining again. But over the course of the rituals, the rains had stopped and there was now only a strong drizzle in between, which was acceptable.
    We performed all the rituals as required in a calm and peaceful manner with no fear of rains, and even a crow came to eat the offering we left as is customary.
    It was first the time I saw ashes being offered in the water.
    It was an absolutely humbling experience, to see, a human being alive some days back, reduced to handful of ashes and to realize, that is your mother you are holding in your hand.
    It makes you realize what life is.
    We were in Nashik for 2 days. And though there was intermittent rain it did not hamper our rituals in any way.
    After the ashes offering to Godavari, that night I could sense Mom saying, "Beta, I received what you offered today. And I am happy here. Does that satisfy you?"
    The day we were leaving the Godavari was overflowing on the banks again, and on my way home, I realized how Baba and Mom had become a team to allow us to do what we wanted to do for our Mother. How Baba stands true to his words, " I will come running to those who call me, forever."

    For such a fickle minded devotee like me HE has stood by me, whether I have called him or not. HE knows I walk without sight and supports even before I fall or slip.

    Since Mom has left this mortal being to join my Dad in their heavenly abode, My Baba, is now my Father and Mother.

    It is for me a very special gift that HE gave, that not only in worldly affairs, but in spiritual affairs like this HE is there with me. I have no words to express how integral a part HE is of my life.

    Baba Bless All.

    Others like, time, people, YOUR MIND, etc. are fragile and prone to frequent changes.


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