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Author Topic: मेरी हरिद्वार,ऋषिकेश, नीलकंठ महादेव और शिर्डी यात्रा (Spiritual Travelogue)  (Read 12376 times)

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Offline sai ji ka narad muni

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ॐ हरी ॐ साईं साईं साईं जय श्री साईं

इसी श्रावण मास में बाबा की कृपा से गंगा स्नान का सौभाग्य मिला, पहाड़ी पर स्थित नीलकंठ महादेव के दर्शन और जगत के करुणा सागर साईं माँ का भी शिर्डी में सानिध्य मिला ।
यात्रा पर निकलने से पहले मैंने इंटरनेट पर बहुत से  लोगो द्वारा लिखित हरिद्वार और ऋषिकेश यात्रा के वर्णन पढ़े। परन्तु लगभग सभी लेखको को उन तीर्थ स्थानों के अध्यात्मिक महत्व से कुछ लेना देना नही था। पर फिर भी वह पढकर मुझे बहुत उत्सुकता हुई ।
रात्रि में हम लगभग 8 बजे घर से निकले, घर से कुछ दूर चलकर सडक पर अमरुद बेचने वाला था तांगे में, मैंने मूल्य पूछा तो वो केवल दस रुपय प्रति किलो था, इतने अच्छे अमरुद 10₹ में मेरे लिय बड़ी अजीब बात थी तो मैंने एक किलो लिय और सबको दिय। रस्ते में बाबा केवल मोदीनगर , हरिद्वार और ऋषिकेश के बिच रस्ते में i.e. बस दो बार दिखे। (किसी दुकान के hoarding पर) एक और बात घर से निकलने के थोड़ी देर बाद महादेव का vision हुआ मुझे और उत्तर प्रदेश में रस्ते में ही मुझ्र वैसे ही महादेव दिखा खुले मन्दिर में जिसमे दिवार की जगह लोहे की fencing थी।हम सबसे पहले
ऋषिकेश पहुंचे , वहाँ गंगा मैया देखकर मै अत्यंत आश्चर्य चकित रह गई। इतनी विशालता !!! जल बहुत ठंडा था परन्तु थोड़ी देर में मुझे गरमाहट महसूस होने लगी और वैसे ही महसूस होती रही। जीवन में पहली बार मैंने जल में पूरी तरह डुबकी लगाई। बाबा से प्रार्थना कर , क्यू की जल में पूरी तरह सर डुबोना मेरे बस की बात नही थी पर बाबा ने कृपा की। बहुत सुंदर सूर्योदय और बादल ...दर्शन और नाश्ता लेने के बाद फिर हम नीलकंठ महादेव दर्शन के लिय निकले, वह लगभग 20 Km की दूरी पर हैं पहाड़ पर होने के कारण समय लगता हैं। रस्ते में अत्यंत खूबसूरत दृश्य हैं। हर जगह लोग selfie लेते हुए दिख जायेंगे। मन्दिर पहुंचने पर वहां लंबी कतार थी, लगभग एक घंटा लगा होगा, मैंने कतार में ही खड़े खड़े एक छोटा डमरू खरीदा अपने प्यारे बाबा के लिय। वहाँ बहुत ज्यादा प्लास्टिक का कूड़ा पड़ा था यहाँ वहाँ। दुकानों पर गंगा जल, दुग्ध, बेल पत्र, चन्दन लकड़ी, रुद्राक्ष, खिलोने आदि मिल रहे थे। मन्दिर के गर्भ ग्रह में पहुँचने पर वहाँ दो शिवलिंग थे, मैंने बेलपत्र आदि अर्पित किय और प्रणाम कर वापिस हम ऋषिकेश के लिय निकले। वापिस आकर बस वालो ने भोजन परोसा , वहाँ भोजन कर एक बड के वृक्ष के निचे हम आराम करने लगे, मुझे वहाँ बैठने की भी जगह नही मिली फिर मैंने देखा की उस पेड़ के निचे साईं बाबा और तिन चार शिवलिंग हैं  , आखिर मुझे बाबा मिल ही गये क्यू की मुझे कहीं बाबा दिखे नही थे अपने फोन के अलावा हाहा
फिर इधर उधर समय व्यर्थ करने से अच्छा मैंने सोचा गंगा के तट पर ही बैठ बजाऊ क्यू की उस वृक्ष के सामने ही तट पर जाने की सीढिया थी। तब तट पर मैंने कुछ समय बिताया, बाबा गंगा माँ और हरी से प्रार्थना की और कुछ फोटोज ली।
वापिस सब बस के सब लोगो के पास आई तब आश्चर्य !!!! गंगा के ऊपर बादलो की ली गई तस्वीर में बहुत बड़ा महादेव अथवा साईं बाबा का चेहरा था जो की बिलकुल साफ़ दिख रहा था।।। यह और किसी को नही दिखाया क्यू की सब अराम कर रहे थे। बादलो में पहली बार बाबा ने मुझे इतने स्पष्ट दर्शन दिय।
( unfortunately, before going to shirdi, my memory card got damaged itself and asked for format, i lost all the photos which i had not saved in Google drive . I'll look for that photo in drive and upload asap .)
फिर थोड़ी देर में हम सब हरिद्वार के लिय चले, हरिद्वार में गंगा का वेग बहुत तेज़ था।
To be continued...

जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
ॐ साईं राम

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Offline sai ji ka narad muni

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sai baba
om sai ram this is haridwar,
There we visited
bhuma niketan temple
Bharat Mata Mandir (This eight-storied temple is tall to the approximate height of 180 feet. Elevators are installed in the temple to aid the pilgrims. Each storey of the temple is based on a particular theme, housing figures of many mythological legends, religious deities, freedom fighters and leaders.)
Pawan Dham
 And many other temples..
 I was very excited to visit bharat mata mandir as its associated with satyamitranand giri ji maharaj who is guru of my favorite katha vachan Govinddev giri ji and avdheshanand giri ji maharaj, i liked pawan dham and bharat mata mandir a lot, we reached there completely drenched.i had never seen such heavy rains, we got completely drenched only while running to our auto, from temple... i came to know the real meaning of heavy rains there only.  ;D  .there was our lovely sai baba in bharat mata mandir
Go through this for virtual tour

Here a miracle had happened, actually i didn't have extra clothes with me but as it was sunny in day time i asked baba ( sai ) whether i should take a holy dip in ganga ma at haridwar ,  but baba told me not to do so soon i realized why.. as I've already told, it rained heavily after that...
Then in the evening we attended ganga aarti. And in the night after taking dinner, we get on the bus heading back for delhi...
Jai sai ram

Ps Neelkanth Mahadev Temple, Rishikesh

Neelkanth Mahadev Temple is a sacred and famous temple located at 32 km from Rishikesh. Scenically situated on a hill at a height of 1330 mtrs, Neelkanth Mahadev Temple is a one of the most popular temples of Lord Shiva. A famous pilgrimage near Rishikesh, the temple lies above Swargashram adjacent to Nar Narayan mountain range. The temple is surrounded by three valleys namely Manikoot, Brahmakoot and Vishnukoot which makes it a religious place at the confluence of two perennial rivers Pankaja and Madhumati.

Neelkanth Mahadev Temple Mythology
As per mythology, Neelkanth Mahadev Temple is a holy place where Lord Shiva consumed the poison originated from ocean (Samudra Manthan) and placed in his throat. This makes Lord Shiva's throat blue in colour and named Neelkanth. This Mahadev Temple is best place for Lord Shiva devotees and people from far away places visit this sacred place round the year.

to be continued...
जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
ॐ साईं राम

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Offline sai ji ka narad muni

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  • दाता एक साईं भिखारी सारी दुनिया
ॐ हरी ॐ
साईं साईं साईं
जय साईं राम
II  Sai Baba Jai Jai kaar II
II Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma
Sadchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay II

~~~शिर्डी यात्रा ~~~
The day before departure i asked baba for mobile recharge for internet and roaming,
(actually few weeks back balance of 70 ₹ was deducted in my phone because i turned on mobile data to check data speed for about a minute only ,i didn't recharge my ph after that)
Baba said no, now i became worried how I'll do without sufficient balance then i received
"Badhai Ho Aapko mila hai AIRCEL se 50 mb Free Internet validity till 25 Aug'16 Midnight. Aircel se jude rehne ke liye dhanyawaad."

 :D :P well ! The thing is i didn't need any balance throughout the yatra, and when i did, my mts phone helped... aircel is so bad...
As told earlier, my memory card got formatted the day before departure, i don't know why, then i quickly downloaded few of favorite bhajans  ( like - vithu dinacha dyal , sundar swaroop aaj pahili mi dola etc. ) and baba's photos... hogi ye bhi baba ki koi lila ....
One more thing, from past few weeks i was having intense pain inside or under ribcage in the left side i felt like my alvioli are blocked, i didn't have cold, but i felt pain in deep or normal breathing as well. When i asked baba about it, baba said he'll cure it before departing to shirdi , and yes that happened!!! I have no such pain so far.... thanx to baba i can't imagine life without him, he is the only saviour, he had and
 he will take care of everything. Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
My gender status was incorrect in both the tickets , i was worried about it as i was traveling alone for the first time such thing had happened to me so i browsed internet about the situation, many people had written that one can get gender status changed by approaching station master etc. I asked baba whether to go there ( to railway stn.) and do something about it.baba told me not to do anything about it and that the TT won't even see it. I'm so stupid, baba have always directed me and shown me the right path yet i don't leave disbelieving him.
This happened as baba had predicted , while going to shirdi and on the return journey too, tt didn't even remark about it.
Baba always saves time and money of his children.
Let's talk about my experience in train now, there were two boys from nepal, a family ( two men and two women with a girl aged around 5) around me. Then a saffron/ bhagwa dressed old sadhu came and sat in front of me. He had to go to mathura for celebrations .he had a white थैला / bag . About half an hour after train has started running, i took out my gaumukhi and began jaap ... sadhu baba said ' bhagat ho!!!' I smiled but didnt answer as i don't speak while jaap..( hmare puraano m kisi ko yeh kehte hue nhi pdha ki m bhagat hu, jab sachhe bhagat hi khud ko kbhi bhagat declare nahi karte to hm jaise dhongi karenge kya  :-X ) . he asked whether I've been to ayodhya mathura vrindavan, i said not yet.... only my family has visited there many times... i told him that I've been to dwarka puri ...we talked a little about dwarka then after a silent pause in conversation he took out his gaumukhi and started jaap. When train arrived at mathura, sadhu baba said ' aana aap mathura ayodhya, bhagat.....' he told me the name of their ashram in mathura but i don't remember its name now....
After crossing few stations i went to sit on upper birth. There was a guy  (the one i have told about,-- a family ( two men and two women with a girl aged around 5)
laying on the another birth in front of me. Its a common practice, whenever i get to sit near any man in public transport, i ask baba 'ye tharki h kya' or sometimes in a humble way, again i asked baba about him , and surprisingly baba said no.... i seldom get such answer...
Well ! On jhansi stn. An uncle with two kids boarded the train who had seats adjacent to mine.... And soon i realized why baba said that no....
That guy started telling that uncle about gajanan maharaj , i jumped into the conversation and asked him about shegaon, ( bhut dino se m shegaon ka plan karne ka soch rahi thi but ja na paau to bhi gajanan maharaj was in my thoughts) they told us that they all go to shegaon every Thursday and i told them about what  sai baba said on the day gajanan maharaj took samadhi , but already knew it. They told me many things and the bhaiya who had started the conversation told that his father is a shegaon vaarkari and elder brother ( who was sitting there) is an ardent devotee of gajanan maharaj and sees him everywhere. It was the first time that i met gajanan devotees in my life... i told them that i saw maharaj in bringal, then they told many miracles in their marathi accent as they belong to Akola and considered sai baba and gajanan maharaj as one.
They were coming back from vaishno devi, and gave us apple they brought from there.
Baba allowed me to take that big apple, (though i had many fruits with me, as well).
I said -" ye bhi miracle hi hai ki m itne dino se shegaon k bare m soch rahi thi aur aap sb mile"
This was the first time that i talked to co passengers in train. Ihad good time ,i like drawing and the kids from jhansi had brought drawing notebooks so i taught them to draw bhagwaan hari, sai baba... they draw ganpati. We searched for babas face in clouds... we discussed about parenting, politics, sanskaar, sai baba, education etc. I bought dosa ( no one gives sambhar there with dosa and idli but a chutney with bad taste)in manmaad,i was reluctant to eat dosa without sambhar then i remembered that i have a ketchup sachet in bag and the dosa tasted very good with that, my dosa didn't also stick to plate whereas the kids from jhansi didn't like the dosa and their dosa sticked to the paper plates.
How i brought ketchup was also baba's lila, few weeks back i went to buy maida etc. To make gunjiya, i had sooji too in that 'to buy list' but baba
Didn't allow me to buy sooji and told me to buy a ketchup pouch. When i reached home, i saw that we had two packets of sooji in refrigerator.
Coming back to the where i was,
our train was late by two and half hours ....
Finally i reached shirdi,and madhyan aarti commenced.
After all my nitya karm, i had breakfast and went for darshan...

to be continued...
जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
ॐ साईं राम

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The most beautiful thing about journey to haridwar and rishikesh, is that even before my father booked tickets, or asked me for journey, baba gave me this beautiful dream that i am going to explain now :-

I am with my parents, in a hilly area, i see bhagwaan ganpati moorti/idol on the hill above in a temple, the temple is built of big stones like old temples, there are stairs to reach the temple and we are standing near the starting step of stairs. I said that we should go to the temple, then we went there, it was very pleasant weather and location, then we went inside the temple it was extremely beautiful and idols of hari was very beautiful. a pandit ji was doing abhishek of shivling then a native came to me and told me about temple, i was looking for sai baba, then i saw a big painting of black mahadeva but in dream i thought he is sai baba but in real he was narsimha bhagwan.i know its confusing, but this is what happened in that dream.
Then i came out of temple to buy something to offer to bhagwan in mandir, there i waited for my parents. it was very cloudy like its on high mountains, clouds float like air around us.

now let me write why i called it a prophecy dream, in haridwar and rishikesh too i was looking for sai baba but i found him only in one mandir i.e. bharat mata mandir, the hilly area was nilkanth mahadeva and the beautiful mandir( from inside) i saw was much like mandirs in haridwar spl. that 'pawan dham.'.. we had no plans( or discussion ) for haridwar or rishikesh The day i saw this dream, but the next day pitaji asked me whether I'll join them to haridwar.
And the beautiful thing about it was that i was feeling very rejoiced after this dream.
जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
ॐ साईं राम

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Offline sai ji ka narad muni

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jai sai ram
hari om

continuing shirdi experience... 8)

shirdi yaatra meri ek friend k sath planned thi baba again prooved that his timing is perfect because when i reached near samadhi mandir 's enterance (from where the auto had dropped me) , she phoned me up .perfect timing... moreover hm dono ki hi train do ghante delayed thi.
 As told earlier i reached shirdi around 12' o clock, then we went to room;
, we could hear madhyan aarti from our room.
At around 1.00 we had birthday celebration lunch as it was my birthday  :D first time mera birthday shirdi m,
at 1:30 we rushed to the queue for baba's darshan in samadhi mandir
which took 2 hrs
“Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !” (Hail the great Sadguru, Lord Sai, who is being-consciousness-bliss!) is the chant on the lips of most of His devotees .
we were praying to get a chance to touch the samadhi today and were moving towards baba
when others were pushed quickly in seconds to move out
we got a chance to have baba's darshan peacefully for more than 15 minutes as the lady security very lovingly asked us to come n stand infront of baba and said ...... aaram se darshan kar lo....

and got a chance to touch the samadhi. i badly wanted that..... sach m.... last shirdi yaatra m mujhe bas ek baar samadhi chhone ko mila but is baar tino baar moka mila cz ek baar mene raat samadhi mandir m hi bitai subah darshan kiya baba ji k abhishek aur kakad aarti ka us vakt unhone glass lga diye the aur m samadhi touch nhi kar payi. but i was very happy that i spent a night near samadhi and watched baba's abhishek and melodious kakad aarti.

from there we went to PRO office to take VIP pass for Dhoop aarti
on our way back to room we also booked passes for next day first batch sai styanarana pooja at 7.00
4 pm we
came back to room,
took some rest
then at 5 pm we
reached samadhi mandir parisar(FOR DHOOP AARTI) where above sai satyanarayan pooja hall vip aarti pass holder gather where the security make them sit in chair in "first come first served" basis
this hall is Abhishek Hall
where in the morning Baba's abhishek pooja performed for the devotees who assemble there with Abhishek Pooja pass

so we had a chance to have the darshan of baba in pure gold with divine smile on his face

we did pooja with incense sticks and hugged this baba with utmost love (kuch dino pehle maine in baba ki pic facebook p dekhi thi and m soch hi rahi thi ki shirdi m baba ka ye swaroop kaha hain , baba ki krupa se baba ne pic k baad khud hi darshan dediye . :)

then we seated in our chairs

around 6.30 pm the security allowed the deovtees to move towards the shani gate for dhoop aarti

when we reached for the aarti though we were in front of baba but we were little behind. but to our luck got a chance to move further more from where once can see baba's full view and enjoyed baba and his aarti

once again after the aarti we got the chance to touch the samadhi - felt very blessed and this time also we were allowed to stand infront of baba for more than 10 mints

baba ke samnese hatne ka bhi mann toh nahi kar raha tha lekin peeche khade aur devotees ka bhi khayal rakhte hue bahar nikle

after aarti we reached our room

collected dhoop, diyas, oil etc and reached gurusthan where in dhuni we put dhoop and headed towards nanadadeep for lighting diyas

after lighting diyas we had our dinner
reached room
reached dwarkamai for shej aarti, i was very sleepy by then and sang aarti in sleepy mode ;D

next day, at

7 am

attended sai satya vrat pooja, it was my first time in pooja, vaha pandit ji ne katha sunai satyanarayan ki aur hme poojan ki vidhi ki instructions di, prashad ka jab bhog lagaya humne baba ko halwe ka aur fir khud liya tb to maza aagaya aisa halwa mene life m nahi khaya, i wanted to rush to outside and eat that halwa hehe it was so yummy.
then we kept the prasad our purse etc in our room and quickly reached

samadhi mandir.

where being  friday had an opportunity to participate in cash counting seva

jo samadhi mandir me nandi ji wala hall hai vahan par hoti hai
( i watched this on YouTube and thought ki ye bachhe ladies budhhe sb aise sansthan k paise q gin rhe h ye employees to nhi lgte but mujhe ni pta tha ki I'll be one of them one day haha sachhi thanx to my sweet friend that she took me there i was so hungry at that time but notes ki gaddi bnate bnate sari bhook bhul gai hehe we were served tea there )

nandi ji ka darshan karke saamne dikh rahe baba ka bhi haath jodhkar pranam karke darshan karne ke baad cash counting me jud gaye

felt blessed jub sansthan ke sevak hamare peeche se bade bade plastic carton se hamare ooper se noton ki baarish karte the

ek sath itne saare rupayon ke beech aur voh bhi hamare uper se baarish ki taraha girte notes dekh kar khushi hotee thee
( i said to my friend ki abhi tk m kehti thi ki shirdi m laddu pede bat tey hain but yha to noto ki barish b hoti h)

jub notes ki gaddi bnana khatma hua samadhi mandir ko voh area clean karne ka mauka nahi mila toh kyon ki log ke beech tu tu mei mei ho rahi thee
Mujhe vha k employee ne fate hue kharab hue currency notes ko collect krne ko kaha tb sbse lekar mene kharab notes ek box m rubber band se baandh kr rkh diye then

vahan se security ke thru checking hone ke baad baba ki rath jo vahan rakhi hui thee unhe chookar baba ko feel karke aur unke blessings lekar aage badhe
Vaha rath par meri friend ko baba ka ek chhota patka mila orange jo baad m unhone mujhe dediya,

yahan yeh bata doo ki cash counting ke baad hume seedhe baba ke darshan karne aage bhej diya jaata hai
Haanji samadhi mandir k main hall se
kal baba ka darshan unke right side se kiya aur aaj left side se

jahan par baba ka portait jo thursday ke din chavdi procession me le jaatein hain, baba ka satka aur paduka vagere darshan ke liye rakhe hue hai

unka darshan karke aage badhe

again baba blessed us with the opportunity to touch the samadhi and golden charan placed infront of baba

yahan se bahar aayein gurusthan darshan karke baba ke fir bhakto ki samadhi k darshan kiye
hm nanavali ji ki samadhi m the tab mujhe feel hua ki hm nanavali ki samadhi m h kya tb mujhe nanavali ji ka vo incidence yaad aagya jo jyotindra tarkhad ne likha h ki baba kehte the ki baba aur nanavali ram aur hanuman hain.
bahar aakar dekha to ha vo nanavali ki hi samadhi thi hm fir baki bhakto ki samadhi ko pranaam kar aage badhe.
nanavali mere bhai ka favourite hai, yes nanavali ka character interesting hai i read that Nanavalli could not bear immorality or hypocrisy. He seemed to know devotees inner thoughts and target them accordingly. He was known to occassionally wait outside Dwarkamai and beat up certain individuals. Though people would rush to Baba and complain. Baba would never reprimand Nanavalli, but simply warn them to be careful of him.

from there we went for darshan to
abdul baba's jhopdi, meri frnd ne vaha baithe maulvi se kaha ki iski shadi ho jaye aisa ashirvaad dijiye :D
hanuman temple (On the lane that runs between Dwarkamai and Chavadi is the Hanuman Mandir, one of the oldest temples in Shirdi. marked by a pair of trees enclosed by a circular railing, It is also known as the Maruti Mandir. Unusually, the temple faces south and there were two Hanuman statues here, side by side.)
maha laxmi temple
datta temple
parayan hall, m tab pehli baar hi vaha gai, bhakt satcharitra padh rahe the shanti se, then
we went to The Three Temples i.e. Just behind the new outdoor theatre is a row of three small temples. They are dedicated to Ganesh,Shani (i.e. Saturn) and Mahadev (i.e. Shiva). Baba's local devotee, Tatya Kote Patil, was fond of offering lamps here. The shrines were rebuilt and enlarged in l999 as part of the re-modelling of the Temple complex.

The small samadhi of the tiger, commemorated by a statue in Dwarkamai and said to have received mukti from Baba, is a few feet from the Mahadev shrine.
tab tak madhyanha aarti ka time ho gaya toh aur 108 ki parikrama ke liye aarti ke pehle hee parikrama shuru kar dee aur dedh ghante me parikrama khatma hui baba ko namaskar karke. i was very worried about parikrama, pta ni kar paaungi ya nhi, but baba ne krupa ki.complete hone par vishwas nhi hua ki ho bhi gai baba bht pyaare hain.

vahan se lunch ke liye prasadalyaa

then we returned to our hotel room
after taking rest , hm samadhi mandir darshan queue me lag gaye

4 baje phirse baba ke saamne

dhoop aarti ke vakt parikrama kiya
lendi badh m dhuni me dhoop jalaya (Lendi is significant as the place which Baba used to visit every day. It contains some tombs, a shrine, and most importantly, the perpetually burning lamp lit by Baba and placed between the two trees he planted. A few months)

vahan se room aakar diya vagere collect karke nanda deep
vahan baba ke liye diya karke baba ka aashirwaad lekar
then we had dinner
phir 10 pm ko shej aarti dwarkamai m attend ki. i was again sleepy

aarti ke baad mai kakad aarti ke liye samadhi mandir me  queue me lagee, queue is baar 12 bje enter hui andar queue complex hall m pta nahi n mujhe achhe se yaad h last time m 11;15 hi andar chali gai thi but is baar sb bole ki aise hi hota h ho skta h tab thand thi isliy bahar baithne ka rule na ho hall se. m shayad first twenty logo m thi queue m. m to vahi so gai fir jab 12 bje queue chali tab shor se uth gai aur andar upar hall m jakr sb so gye.

aur subaha kakad aarti ke baad m dwarkamai, chavdi vagere hokar aayee, with my bedsheet on my shoulder haha. bina nahaye sare darshan karliy subah subah 6;15 room p pahuch gai.

us din shani singnapur ka plan haan naa haan naa ho raha tha q ki shirdi chodkr jaane ka mann nahi tha bilkul bhi.

last me decide kiya ki hum nahi jaayenge shani shingnapur
vahaan sansthaan alo ka jo nastha packet milta h vo liya , bht yummy lga vo bhi fir ek kutta mere pas aaya mene use thoda sa usme se khane ko diya to usne kha liya fir aur diya to ni khaya aur mera chai ka glass rkha tha vo pi gaya kutta.fir hath se m use door nahi kar skti thi q ki kha rahi thi to mene pair se use piche kiya, barabar m uncle baithe the unhone kaha pair mat maaro ye khandoba hai, i am very compassionate for animals, but pta ni q mene use pair lgaya, maara to nahi tha shayad galat kliya ye mere mann m tha qki hmare dharm m aise pair  maarna galat hi mana jata hai,abhi pucha baba galat kiya kya to baba ne kaha sahi kiya  reason baad m puchungi baba se iska...well

breakfast karke hmne fir samadhi mandir me baba k darshan

madhyanha aarti ke vakt m baithkar aarti gaa rahi thee aur meri friend parikarama kar rahi thi,

aarti ke baad bhagkar sooji ka halwa prasad lene gaye, q ki vo to mujhe bht yummy lga tha, usme bht sara ghee hota hai na to mere piche ek buddhe uncle the unhone mujhe ek patta diya prashaad lene k liy,

uske baad lunch ke liye prasadalya , prasadalya mere liy vha koi mandir visit krne jaisa h pta nahi q vha jaye bina bht soona lgta hai , aur vaha baba ka ek photo h jo bahut sundar h.samadhi mandir vale baba k swaroop ka close up pic. i love that.

phir shopping karte hue room
hmne vaha sticker kharide baba k, aur bhi kuch chize.

aaram ke baad baba ki aagya lene flowers coconut vagere lekar dwarka mai

chavdi pahunche, vhaan we sat for about 15 minutes.baba ko dil ka haal sunaya, ....

hanuman temple me bhi kuch derr unke saath bitaya
vahaan baba ne mujhe toffies kharidne k liy kaha but aas paas kahi toffie nhi dikhi mujhe

uske baad baba ke chadhaye vastra kharede
behad khoobsurat vastra the vaha vakai bht jyada sundar.

to be continued...
जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
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... in this post, I'll mention what I've missed in earlier posts....
Jai sai ram
Hari om
Gurusthan parikrama
Gurusthaan m parikrama k vakt mene socha ki mere paas itne sare is pavitra gurusthan k nim vriksh k patte (leaves) h to m parikrama karungi patte nhi uthaaungi, taki jinhe jarurat h vo le jaaye , tab kuch der baad mere sar par baba ka aashirvaad swaroop ek patta aaya vo mene le liya, baba ko achhe se pta h kisko kitna dena hai ...mere pyaare baba...
Actually last time January 2016 m kya hua ki gurusthan k bahar mere paas ek pyara sa bachha aya uske kapdo se uski financial sthiti kamzor lg rhi thi, lgbhag 5-6 saal ka tha, mere pas aya aur bola lo, usne mujhe 15-20 neem leaves pkdaa di mene kaha ye mujhe q de rhe ho,
( kya karu delhi m rehkar mentality hi aisi h, delhi ki baat kya ki jaye, koi kuch deta h kahi tirth par bhi to bhi dakshina k liy hi , halaki mujhe paisa chahiye use aisa kuch nahi lga but bht ajib lga ki yha log ek ek patti k liy kya kya karte h, fencing k andar apna dupatta daalte h ki patta fasa sake, fencing nikalkar haath daalkar patta nikalne ki kosis krte h aur niche dekhkr chlte h dhire dhire, kai log to der tak patte ki aas m khade rehte hain ...)
To usne bola aise hi... uske baat krne ka tarika b ajib tha, kisi baat ka jawab clear ni deta tha, gol mol krta ,baat krte vkt khel m lga rehta tha( that can't be called khel actually, )isiliy mujhe aur ajib lga, fir mene baba se pucha ki isse aur baat krni h kya to baba ne lgbhag 5-10 Minutes tak usse baat krvai aur use jaane ni diya mene aage badhne ka baba se kai bar pucha ... usne btaya  ( samadhi mandir k side view k barabar m jo exit h vaha indicate karte hue) ki m yha safai karta hu, ( aur use safai k vkt ye nim k amrit mayi patte mile ) m dadi k sath rhta hu mera baap sharabi h aur ma kisi k saath bhag gai.fir mujhe yaad aya ki mene net p padha h ki baba b aise roop badal kar aajate hain  8)
Well ! Jo bhi ho , coming back to August yatra narration, dwarkamai m dhuni ki garmaahat mehsoos ki , mahalaxmi mandir b gaye, aur haan mhalsapati k ghr bhi, vaha unka pooja ghar aur photos thi vaha bht achhi sugandh aarahi thi.
Uske bahar road par patthar bichhe hue the .
Prashadalaya m hme bhojan m daal chawal roti sabzi chutney barfi aadi mile , jab bhi restaurant ya prashadalaya m mitha milta meri friend mujhe dedeti thi q ki unhe pta tha mujhe mitha bht pasand h, wese baba ne mujhe itni sweet friend di, aur bht saari sweets bhi :D
. Dwarkamai m hmari line aage ni badh ri thi tab security guard ne hme bola ki ek aur line bnalo tab hm aage gaye aur hmare piche queue bn gai darshan jaldi hue, mukh darshan bhi gaye aur sabse sundar sabse pyaare bhaktvatsal sri hari swaroop hmari aankho k taare sai baba ji k mukh darshan kiy , sone ki chamak aur unka manbhavan mukhda...mene apne birthday p baba ko khub gold pehne dekha samadhi mandir m pehli baar q ki m pehli bar kisi festival p shirdi aayi abhi fir se shirdi ka plan karna chahti hu baba ki kripa hui to jarur is varsh darshan k liy baba lekr jayenge....mukh darshan k hall m vaha ek kutta so rha tha, aur hm jb baithe to ek kutta mere pas aya mere barabar m bachha tha vo bht darr gya to mene use piche kar diya, fir hm gurusthan gye....


Hope you liked the narration, jab m khud bhi shirdi nahi jaa paati to sbke experience pdhkr hi khush ho jaati hu lagta h jaise m khud shirdi m hu isiliy mene ye post likha....
Kuch mistakes ho skti h narration m but after all, message must be conveyed thats all what matters.isn't it!!!
Jai sai ram
Baba hme shirdi bulate rahe
जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
ॐ साईं राम

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जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
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Sapnawat yatra on 31oct 2016
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2016, 11:14:54 AM »
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  • jai sai ram
    On the day next to diwali, it was a sudden plan, to gadhganda( Garhmukteshwar ) and sapnawat , papa mentioned to go there, i quickly asked for baba's permission  and baba also said yes... after about 2-3 years, i went to sapnawat...
    Here are the pictures, it was beautiful trip, it took around two hours to reach there,

    More pictures will be posted in next post.
    Jai sai ram
    « Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 11:45:17 AM by sai ji ka narad muni »
    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    Offline sai ji ka narad muni

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    Mandir se thodi door , lagbhag 15 minutes k raste se (5 minutes by vehicle), yeh mandir hain, jaha ki pics is post m h... sugarcanes ki kheti thi abi vaha aur jb hm last time gye the tab bhi.... vaha dwarkamai k paas bht sare rose plants, hibiscus, bel the, vaale plants aur tulsi bhi bht sari...

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    Offline sai ji ka narad muni

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    First three pictures are taken in dwarkamai, third one is mahadev sitting surrounded by tulsi vrindavan and shani shingnapur dhaam is in fourth pic...

    Mandir k bahar vedi aur duttatrey bhagwaan

    My Sapnawat yatra

    Pandit ji (dressed like baba ) told me that there on Thursdays, sai devotees  from delhi bulandsher mujjaffarnagar etc. come there in huge no. That you won't even find a place to stand peacefully in temple  :o ;D he gave me a coconut ( the previous day i.e. on diwali i  felt guilt that i didn't offer coconut in diwali pooja, and on diwali laxmi mata ji acknowledged my bhaav भाव  by manifesting herself in my clothes, clearly recognizable after i felt bad for several things that i missed on diwali...
    Actually what happened is that it was 1' o clock at night ,my room and kitchen was messed up , i got up to clean and rearrange and in the living room i said," laxmi maa bas mera room ,<jisme mandir h pooja ki choki h aur baba ki photos lgi h>, aur rasoi saaf krna baki h baki sara ghar to thik h m bas ye saaf krdu fir aap aana aur mujhe pyaar krna " i was putting things on their place so when after saying this i came in my room i saW a big face formed on black jeans that was kept on my bed, and that face resemble harsidhhi mata that immediately came across my mind.
    I got very emotional because i really didn't do any special diwali pooja except that diya and aarti of laxmi ganesha, i could not clean our house as i should have and it was like laxmi ma is saying "beta mai to aa bhi gai hu " )
    Jo Sapnawat k bare m jaanna chahe to m btaau thoda bht jo mujhe pta h ki vahan parchi nikaali jaati h ki baba kiske ghar aana chahte h jese agar koi bhajan sandhya kara rha h vha baba ka vigrah us car m lekr jaya jaata h ya kaho ki baba us bhajan sandhya m jaate h agar parchi m aagya mil jaaye to... vaha mandir m koi paisa ni chadhta jesa ki mandir m likha hi hua h.. agar jyada jaankaari chahiye to contact kre pandit ji se

    Mandir k saamne ek shop thi jise dhaba ya restaurant to ni kaha ja skta vaha samose patties aur Burger milta h aur baaki sb chips cold drinks vgrh... agar aap vaha fruits baatna chahte ho to ghr se laane ki bhi jarurat nahi kuch kilometers pehle bht fruits milte h ek Muslim village aata h usse pehle...mndir k aas pas bs vahi shop dikhti h baki thoda door hi h...  baba se mene poocha khane k liy kuch lena h kya to baba ne mana krdiya, fir( jb hm shani shignapur dwarkamai vgrh se mandir aur dhaabe pr vapis aarhe the) tb papa ne khane k liy poocha to mene baba se fir aagya maangi to baba ne burger k liy kaha aur patties k liy mana krdiya....
    jo baba se baat krna shuru kr rhe h ya krna chahte hai vo ye dhyan se pdhe baba ki baat ignore ni krni chahiye isse ye pta chalta h...
    , burger bnne m time lgta aur pattie usne tbhi bnayi thi  , vha kuch log the unke liy, to papa ne kaha ki patties hi lelo burger m time lgega but baba ki agya na hone k kaaran m apni baat p rhi par papa ni maane bole time lgega qki ek hi aadmi sb kaam kr rha tha us shop pr majburan mujhe vo patties leni pdi jiski ek bite m bhi itni mirchi thi ki kya kahu..m spicy ni khati vha patties bnte vkt paanch che baar bola bhi ki spicy ni honi chahiye but vo to bni rkhi thi ,aur vo bht hi jyada spicy thi... kisi k bhi pressure ki vajah se kabhi bhi baba ki aagya ki avhelna nahi krni chahiye yeh sabak mujhe kai baar mila h ... vha ek kutta aya aur patties dene par khagya..  shopkeeper bola ki spicy un logo ne bnavaya tha ( vo salad vgrh bharke patties bna ke de rha tha masala daal k) patties ki boring kahani khatm krte hai... vhaan bht shanti thi, you can even take a nap in the temple, nobody distubs... dwarkamai k bahar bht sundar birds dikh jayenge bht hi jyada tez kalrav karte hue. Hm delhites ko pakshiyo ka kalrav sunne ko kaha milta h vo bht achha experience tha... dhoop hone pr bhi vahan itne पेड़ the , bht aannd dene vaali thandak thi, dwarkamai ki dhuni ki garmaahat li, ek matka paani bhra rkha tha dwarkamai m uska jal piya, vhaan ventilation k liy exhaust fan tha..vha kisaan bhi do hi dikhe... bht kam log the ...
     jinke bachho ne village ni dekhe  pr dekhna chahte hai vo log vaha ja skte h darshan krne aur bachho aur sai baba k saath quality time spend krne .. wese bhi bachhe to choto choti chizo se khush ho jaate h ....
    Jai sai ram
    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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