4th Anniversary of our blessed Sai Baba Family
That’s just wonderful…How SAI finds HIS way to do the things….4 Years back, an inspiration took birth….HE showed me the way…..that inspiration took a name…..imagine if this is Baba’s inspiration….HE wanted something….something unique…just like HIM…HE is unique among 33 crore God and Goddesses…and finally HE did it…it’s SAI BABA FAMILY….it’s our SAI BABA FORUM….and today we are 4 years old…some blessed souls across the world are the stars of this SAI FAMILY….and we are here coz we are chosen to be a part of this FAMILY….
Let’s celebrate this 4 years old Baba’s inspiration…. The next lines are from last year's post..I made this sticky as well...
Thou I already share this experience long time back. But let me refresh my memories again. Thinking about SAI is always good.
Devotion started with RamaWhen I was around 10 years old, I was a hardcore devote of Lord Rama. I still remember a day when I was in some problem and I filled a full page with Rama everywhere on it. This is the only memory left about Rama which tells me that I used to pray Ram. I don’t have any other memory about my devotion towards Rama.
One day Baba called us.I was still a lil child when I came to know that our family is going to Mumbai (I never knew about Shirdi, thou we had a plan of Shirdi as well) to meet some Baba. The first thing came in my mind that Baba is our relative and we might be going to see and meet him. I started imagining that when we would arrive to our relative (Baba Sai) then he will come out and server us water to Drink (This is exactly what I was feeling and imagining about Sai Baba (my closest relative)).
S finally we went to Shirdi, I don’t remember what exactly what I see and did there. One thing I remember that when I was in Samadhi mandir, outside of Samadhi mandir there are two statue of Goddess and god one each side of pillar (left and right side). I saw that Chakra in the finger of one God was moving just like what we see in TV Serials. It’s like Lord Vishnu was standing and one hand up in Air and a Chakra in his finger, I still remember that I saw the Chakra moving. Apart from this, I don’t remember anything else about my first trip to my relative (who else, only Baba)
After this trip, there was an invisible change in my life. I totally forgot Rama. Whenever I pray, I pray to Baba only. I should mention that by this time I totally forgot about the moving Charkra incident. I don’t know what force me to be devoted towards Baba Sai. I cannot remember. This wasn’t a gradual process. This happen suddenly and no one knows how this happen. Because for every change in your life, there has to be a visible incident or reason. I think Baba don’t want me to know how this happened. It’s just a kind of missing links in memory link someone erased some links in your memory. This gap in my memory is a mysteries thing.
Like kept going on. I completed my studies and got a job in Jaipur. My job was to develop software and design my company website. One day (2000-2001) when I was going to my office, suddenly an idea came. I thought if I have 1,00,000 Rs then I will make a website on Sai Baba. Soon I left the company and joined another. This company deals with website designing and web server stuff. After some time, this idea came up again. I request my employer and register
I develop my first Sai Baba website. This website was just a one page website. See how it looks like in Dev 2001 -
http://web.archive.org/web/20021201132001/http://www.shirdi-sai-baba.com/I keep on working on our website. After some time(1 year), I started feeling a need some common place where Sai Devotees can meet. Sometimes I want to write to Sai but how and where can I write. I saw a couple of forums and one day I find my destiny. I got a website which offers free forum software. I download and install it and started playing it. We have a team of people who do website promotion in search engines.
On March 9 2004, I made our blessed form live on internet. I started calling our forum a Sai Baba Mandir coz I always felt relaxed and calm while working on it. It always gave a kind of satisfaction. That time, someone asked me to sent Sai Baba Satcharitra and I sent it for free (I spent around RS. 450). I think this made my Baba very Happy and we never look back again.
Time to time, I am blessed with new ideas and the same time I always got resources to implement them. All Baba’s grace.
That’s all.
Imagination Intuition or Real I used to imagine (it could be real) something very strange. This imagination gave me immense pleasure but the same time it’s just mysterious. Lot’s of time this happened to me. In my old memories, I have seen (it’s either my intuition or just imagination – I really don’t know) Baba is walking here and there in Samadhi Mandir in deep midnight. It’s very strange that the feeling of HIS presence in deep night in Samadhi Mandir is so realistic. I just don’t have words to express this. In deep night, there is just one bulb which is spreading very dim in the Samadhi mandir. The whole mandir is silent. In that dim light, I can feel HIS presence. I know I am standing there not quite far in the Hall. Baba is worried for something. I can feel the fragrance of HIS presence. He is just around. He is dressed in white (a little dirty pair of Kurta and dhoti just like what Baba wears in Sai Baba Serial on Star Plus).I have never seen HIS face. But I can see HIM walking in mandir. I am totally hypnotized. This is so mysteries and was hidden in deep memories of mine. Now when I am writing this, I feel this really happened to me. I just can not forget that feeling and I never want to forgot it.
Words are not enough.....