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Offline Prasanthi

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A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
« on: May 28, 2005, 04:06:33 AM »
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  • Respected Sai Bandhus of this site,

    First of all my sincere thanks and gratitude for this wonderful site and active participation of all sai devotees and the empathy that is shown for our fellow devotees.

    So far I am blessed by Baba a lot and also now and I am hopeful that HE will continue to bless us. Only in one crucial aspect of my life HE seemed to be indifferent so far. But I am very confident that in this case also HE will keep HIS word.

    Coming to the point now, after going through different websites in NET about Shirdi Baba and devotees experiences, I got an idea to collect the incidents/experiences of 'Unanswered Prayers'.

    What are the unanswered prayers in our life? Why Baba who is with us granting our wishes, both serious and silly, denied few of them? Did anyone came to know later the reason for such denial and indifference? What are our feelings when we feel Baba betrayed us? How we still continued to stick to HIM etc.,

    Also sometimes Baba initially denies and later grants. (Like Bhimaji Patel) Are there any such experiences? Sometimes Baba warns not to do, but if we still persists, HE help us (Like that of Imambhai when he leaves despite Baba's order).

    Also did anyone gave any insight to certain type of incidents? Like When Imambhai left despite Baba's refusal, Baba helped him. But the same Baba didn't spare Tatya and some European and their tongas met with accident after saavul well.

    Also in Gurucharitra or Sai Charitra, Baba and Dattatreya Swami wiped out the past karmas of few devotees and refused to some. Why this difference? Is it only because the faith and patience of the devotees or completely god's will?

    Can we keep hope and persist and show our yearning and determination for our values (which we again imbibe from the Baba's literature) (how can we be so, if Baba do not permits - this sometimes can be true, sometimes not. It depends. Right?)

    Did ever Baba lied? If so at what instances? In Sai Satcharitra, there is only one incident, as far as I remember, that HE told to one person that HE didn't have the money, though HE had it.

    Also in one of the postings in this website, I noticed 'Did everything in the dream come true?'. It is ok, if Baba replies negative and grants positive (what we feel), but if it happens viceversa, how a devotee can feel?

    We are not the judges to justify His actions nor we intelligent enough to think of His inscrutable ways. But I think we can try to learn with sincere instinct to know, to understand His leelas better.

    What do you say? Can we have separate threads on these concepts, if you all find them worthy?

    with regards,


    Offline snatarajan

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 01:57:54 AM »
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  • Ofcourse Prashanthi Ji,

    This is a Good Idea.

    We could Start 2 forums here,

    1. New Prayers.
    2. Unanswered Prayer.

    What you feel..???

    Whatever we feel, the important thing is here What Ravi Ji thinks and other family member thinks !!!

    We need opinion from all devotees...Will Wait here to get answers !!

    Om Sai Ram,
    Natarajan S.
    « Last Edit: May 30, 2005, 01:58:40 AM by snatarajan »

    Offline Prasanthi

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 03:19:18 AM »
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  • Thank you Natarajanji.

    I am eagerly waiting for any comment to my request. Yes. I await the response of all the blessed sai souls here. Because so far there are only records of the answered prayers from the devotees' experiences.

    Most of us, who boast that we are the children and followers, can't understand and sustain the pain when HE continues to keep silent for few of our prayers. So if we record the 'Unanswered Prayers' we can understand and look things from a different angle and may be we will educate ourselves and may try to wipe our ignorance.


    Offline Prasanthi

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 03:20:25 AM »
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  • Natarajan ji,

    I didn't understand the 'New Prayers' category. What is this about? Let me know.


    Offline snatarajan

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #4 on: May 30, 2005, 05:03:11 AM »
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  • Yes Prashanthi Ji,

    The New prayer category is nothing but, it should contain all our new prayer is gonna touch our BABA's Leg. [Somewhat similars to our BABA HELP ME section, but here will comcentrate only our new prayers]

    Om Sai Ram,
    Natarajan S.

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      • Sai Baba
    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #5 on: June 03, 2005, 12:30:32 AM »
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  • Dear Sai Ram Prashanti ji

    I am totally agree with what you said. I respect your feelings. Again this is really a nice idea. Even everybody have some unanswered prayers like you. Even same with me. There must be some reasons behind it.

    I am not sure but dont know if it is good or bad to know the reason as few things are beyond our reach. But the same time I am not opposing it.

    If everybody is approving it, I have no issues.

    This is really a serious point and I wish everybody's contribution on same.

    Sai Ram

    Ravi Verma
    (A Sai Devotee)

    Offline Prasanthi

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #6 on: June 03, 2005, 02:11:48 AM »
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  • Raviji,

    I am anxiously waiting for your response and felt happy that you agree with me.

    This is not to disrespect our great Baba, but to try to learn what HE is trying to teach us.

    I know that god is always kind than the human being and he does everything with a reason. But some situations in our lives come as such that we can't die and we can't live and we die in each and every second but had to live.

    Until last night, my morale was great that Baba assured something to me in temple and as I believe the most in HIS words, why should they went wrong. In fact, that gave me the strength to fight with him. But yesterday while going through Sai Vichar's newsletter archives, I noticed that same thing was happened to two more people. I was shattered.

    Atleast the courts here in this world tell the reason (even if it is of false evidence) that why they are punishing us. But god didn't even have that concern for us? Atleast the wailing heart tries to understand and may repent (for the sins of previous births what we call karma).

    Ofcourse god is in no way obligated to answer us. We are all sparrows before HIM. But my only grief is, why HE asks us to be confident and have faith in HIM and HE himself breaks that faith and do against what HE promised? After all, there are many persons like me (I can't even say devotee because a true devotee might silently surrender and accept HIS order) who just rely on His words. I couldn't digest because HE throws me to such a situation that even I can't even pray wholeheartedly now for my wish (dharmasankata sthiti - for which I am not responsible but still it is the value that HE has given to me, I am in 'adakatteralo pokachekka stithi).

    He can directly deny because we are waiting for His response. If HE say 'No', we may plead him till there is strength in us because we very well know that we can't do anything but to pray wholeheartedly and yearn for His benevolence. Knowing this fully why should he afterall give assurance and do things completely different wherein the matter is more valuable than life. HE only asks us to be truthful and stick to the values. Then why HE doesn't give us a chance to do so? Why should HE offer us a life wherein we have to do 'Atmavanchana'?

    HE can give self-realization or liberation to the people who pray for it. I am not interested in Salvation. I am interested to be born again and again. Why should I live with Vairagya? Why should HE kill my soul? I neither have the soul nor the faith in HIM. Somehow a blind hope that why Baba's words can go wrong? If HE is so particular in giving me the bad which HE said will be, why can't HE give me the good which HE himself assured? Why the double tongue?

    My sole intention to know about the unanswered prayers and the other topics I mentioned is only to gain confidence and faith again on HIM and feel that 'Yes. Baba can never go wrong. We just need to stick to HIM'. Even if we lose confidence, 'HOPE' can create wonders. It can imbibe faith.

    Somehow I feel like, if we get the contributions from the people (true rendition of what happened between Baba and them with respect to the prayers in question), we can have faith again and our hearts may be comforted. Because when we read others problems, sometimes we feel like it is not a problem at all. So for others, our problem is not even an issue to think too. When we came to know that God's will is ultimate surpassing our karma(if our yearning is so high and genuine), we be more drawn to HIM. (whether HE respects and obliges our faith or not, we can keep on hoping so that we can live atleast).

    with regards,


    Offline Prasanthi

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #7 on: June 03, 2005, 03:05:43 AM »
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  • To Raviji and other sai bandhus,

    I want to make one point clear. I have no unanswered prayers so far of serious nature except one. There is nothing that I yearned a lot and didn't get. Even if I ask for something and HE didn't grant, I didn't take it seriously because I am not so interested in those wishes that I can doubt or get angry on Baba.

    But the recent blow HE has given to me, I can't digest. My only grief again is why should HE play with my feelings after all? I may not keep my promises to HIM, I may be a sinner but one thing I can say is I am truly devoted to HIM and not even prayed to any other god and did anything which says if we pray so and so like, our wishes will be granted.

    Even in Chilkur, I never prayed for my ardent wish thinking that I requested Baba and when I am in touch with HIM, why should I pray wherein Sthalamahima is there. (I thought that god would be under obligation because sthalamahima can never go wrong and if I pray HE has to grant and it is against my moral that when I tell to Baba, I should wait for His response but not do these kind of things. That is the degree of my faith and devotion towards HIM. I never did care for any Poojas for Jataka Doshas and all and I simply surrendered to His feet. Only with His permission, I performed any poojas.) Only at the end I prayed saying that I am doing that as praying to Baba only.

    This is not to boast of me but the amount of confidence HE has given to me. I don't know whether I followed Baba's sayings or not, but I can say that I am always aware that whatever I think, Baba knows. I am also never interested in seeing him in human form or curious to know whether udhi is generated from his photos etc., I am not at all intereste to see such photos also. Because I follow Bharadwaja Masterji's words with respect to such things. Unfortunately we can't follow each and everything. Otherwise, I need not worry and outburst as such.

    I request Baba on behalf of everyone here. Never ever promise which you are not interested to give (whatever be the reason for not granting our wish). Let us wail, weep and keep on praying you but never ever promise or say 'Yes'. Because that is the amount of faith we have in you. That is the degree of confidence you created in everyone of us who believe you completely. Yes we may persist even if you say 'No'. Let us be but you need not budge and if you budge keep your promise.

    This is completely my request not on behalf of everyone. This is completely related to my own persona.

    But we are humans and few of our wishes are such that we can't oblige you no matter what. Baba, if it is only for argument sake, I too can argue. People say that mother gives medicines only for the health of the kid. In the same way, I too can say, whom else we can turn to and ask for our wishes. Mother denies buying icecream or a dress, but can't we insist her for them?

    You have only two brand answers. One is either 'Past Karma' and the other is 'Not good for you'. I neither want good nor request you to wipe off my past karma. I will suffer. I have the courage (this is also on the strength of your name and your charitra and the piousness of my heart). Why don't you give me an opportunity atleast to prove myself to me? I do not complain if something goes wrong for I can accept that as a challenge with you. You only said something to me. The Faith, The Truthfulness, Purity of Heart, Devotion, Love etc., etc., I want to know and test the reality in those dictums. Give me a chance atleast.

    Do not question me for the things which are beyond my capability and knowledge. You are the person behind the game. You defeated me in every way that I do not have a path now to tread. But I still feel I am the winner morally. You just did this to me, I don't know why. But 'ye kaaranamaitenemi, karnudiki chaave dorikimdannattu', naaku jeevachchavamlaa batakamani cheptunnaavu.

    I do not give up, Baba. I am not great like your other devotees. I am a very very common girl but with firm values. I do not want to compromise. Atleast I want an answer if you are genuine. I need answer. Until then I can't rest in peace and this tortures me each and every second. I have the mettle to take the life head on, but I can't live with atmavanchana. I first want to be true to myself. I can't pretend.

    I became mad girl in the eyes of others. They say, what your Baba did to you, you said that Baba has promised you. (Baba did a lot to me. I can say that with conviction. But Baba, you should be true in every assurance of yours). It is not the blow in life that I can't take but the way you played with me. Because I live only with my confidence on you. If that is also be blown by you, what is there for me to live? Where and how can I get hope?

    Baba, please pardon me for my mistakes. But I again say, I do not deserve this punishment and pain. Come to me once. Talk to me. Do not test me further. I do not want to apply for any test when my soul is not there. If you really want to test me, give me an opportunity. Then I too will prove you, what faith and patience are and how I can stick to you. But this punishment is not acceptable to me. Elaagaite nee maayanu pradarsimchaavo, mallee pradarsimchu. Look Baba, if at all you wish to grant, nothing can come in your way. Literally nothing. Only if you do not, you will start saying the 'Gramphone Record' answers. I too can say to others when they suffer. It is very easy.

    I don't want to live with grudge on you. I can never be hypocrite. I can't read charitra on one side and inwardly feel Baba didn't do this to me, HE didn't answer. I know very well that you know my each and every feeling. Please Baba, please come and speak to me. Give me a chance atleast to cry at your holy feet, to shed all my grief with respect to this problem. I feel very empty. I can't feel you in me. You are not giving me answers. How can I live and move without your direction? I can surrender and do what you say but not now. Not with respect to this wish. Please come to my rescue. You can't do this to me. You can't, Baba. It is hightime that I need you. Come to me please and talk to me. I can't live without you either. You need not grant me any wishes again, I do not complain. I can stick to you till my last breath even though you say that 'ninnilaa rakshimchadamide chivari saari'. I never wished to die, but now I am not able to live. Every second I feel like dying and strongly feel that natural death can embrace me. But my parents would be sorry. Why this ordeal for them? They can't see my pain and I can't hide my pain before them. I am going through hell, baba. Come to me. Take me into your arms. I badly need your presence in my heart. I badly need such a feel which I have till few years back.
    To others, once again I confess. The topics I suggested is not to degrade or show baba in bad light. I just want to see light in what we feel as dark and black.


    Offline snatarajan

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #8 on: June 03, 2005, 03:24:47 AM »
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  • Prashanthi Ji,

    We can understand you.

    Ravi Ji, instead of thinking whether it is good or bad, we could fullfil one of our family members wish.

    Will leave the rest to our BABA. - He will take care.

    Om Sai ram,
    Natarajan S.

    Offline Prasanthi

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #9 on: June 03, 2005, 09:12:39 AM »
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  • Hello Natarajanji,

    It is not good to just start a forum without consensus. I hope we can start the thread/topic, only every active member of the site agrees to it.

    No matter what, God is simply great and in Baba's manifestation HE is ultimate. There is no doubt in that. Each and every second is HIS bhiksha.

    If anyone feels it as disgrace to start such a topic, we will leave it. I just shared my idea.

    One request is atleast start 'Unanswered Prayers. Are they?' topic. Here we post only such experiences

    1) wherein initially it appeared though the prayer is unanswered but after sometime, HE fulfills exactly what we wanted to.
    2) though the wish is not fulfilled exactly, the purpose is served. Let us take an example of a job. A person needs a job. What one want s actually in a job? It depends. Satisfaction, Area of interest, proximity to family, good pay and prospects. For some, it is particular company. Though one may not get the job in the same company one wished for, but get all the aspirations fulfilled through the job he got.

    Similarly in case of marriages. People think that one is a very good match. But it is not fixed. But later a good match comes if not the previous one. So they might be satisfied.

    In this way, though the wish is same, our expectation and urge behind it is different. So what exactly one wished and got? If it is served, it means the prayer answered, no matter how the other constraints are.

    I don't think so that there would be any objection with this new idea.

    Some devotees are blessed enough that in the course of time, they could understand why particular prayer is unanswered and they are very happy for Baba's decision. They also can post because ultimately they realized and they are happpy.


    Offline Dipika

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #10 on: June 03, 2005, 10:48:34 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM TO ALL SAI DEVOTEES.I believe that unanswered prayers are a
    part of Sai baba's bigger plan for us.All the prayers will be answered sooner or later.
    Sai baba is our Maa and can't see her children in pain.
    We can also start a Guruvar prayer Hall for devotees whose prayers are unanswered.
    All the best Ravi ji and ALL SAI devotees.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #11 on: June 03, 2005, 12:47:54 PM »
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  • yes..i agree with Dipikaji..all unanswered prayers and unanswered for a good cause..a larger plan as Dipikaji has rightly said..but i guess even if we have a section like that..for unanswered prayers..those who post messages on it..should follow up on it when their prayers are answered or should follow it up with other good things that they got instead of what they had asked for ! But i personally believe that...all prayers will be sooner or later answered provided Baba thinks it is the best option for us. In case we ask for something which unkowingly might cause us harm..Baba might then deny us our wish..coz it would  harm us..and HE would not want to see his children suffering.

    "I am Ever living to help and guide all, who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.- Baba"

    "I am Ever living to help and guide all, who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.- Baba"


    Offline snatarajan

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    Re: A thought. Please accept if you all feel it good.
    « Reply #12 on: June 06, 2005, 12:12:15 AM »
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  • Prashanthi Ji,

    Will start that thread in "DO PRAYERS" section today.
    Tell me if you have any suggestion please.

    Om Sai Ram,
    Natarajan S.


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