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Offline solo

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"Greatness That We Are"
« on: April 05, 2010, 06:12:03 PM »
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  • Many people the world over do not accept the miracle birth of Jesus or even the message he brought, in fact, nor do they accept him to be anything above mere mortal. The majority of people today are so limited in their understanding that they can not possibly accept anything out of the ordinary of everyday life….or even in the mentioning of Avatars. Instead of putting some effort into investigations and trying to fathom for themselves the truth of such things, it makes more sense to them to criticise those whose ideals and perspectives differ from their own. Criticism is alive and well in our world today, those who speak out for truth are condemned and called a lier, a bigot, and, or, a fool. The narrow mindedness of ignorant people today see nothing more than their own reflections in all things material and nothing else. Sadly, these ones will discover opportunities missed only when its far too late and then, once again they will have to come back in another incarnation and try all over again and possibly have to struggle much harder then they do “now.” Now I’m not being hard on people but this is a fact. The majority just wont put a little effort into raising ones thoughts, instead its much easier to turn away and live in ignorance, but only until they find themselves in great difficulties or laying on their death bed will they then start to give a little thought on what may lay ahead, if anything at all. But sadly for these ones it may be to late where they will just have to wait until the body dies for the “truth” to reveal itself.

    Forgiveness, Love and Compassion, Jesus taught the people of that day this truth and of the power that’s instilled in these words, but moreso of the grace one receives when they themselves use these words by putting them into action. And of course this truth remains for all eternity. For those whom you criticize and judge, harm or hurt in any way you do it to your self, and you do it also to God, for God is within you as He is within all things.

    As a young boy growing up in an Australian household, I always accepted Jesus to be my Lord and Master where I would pay homage to him often. Over the years as I grew towards manhood I would always keep Jesus in my mind and heart through prayer and contemplation. I would often sit in solitude talking to him in silence where he would answer through the feeling of ecstasy within my heart, which then brought me rapidly to tears of love and joy, this was Jesus to me. But little did I know of the fruits I would gain by the constant efforts of keeping him near, even when I drifted from the path often he would steer me back on track. It was then that one day I found Baba, or, I should say that Baba revealed Himself to me, only through Baba’s grace did I then start to discover for myself things much greater and deeper ever imagined. Truths which shook me to the very core of my soul.

    Now I give this story for the inspiration to others in showing what is achievable if one has a “mind” to try. “Nothing Is Impossible,” absolutely nothing at all when we have Baba. To prove my point here,  read up on great saints and sages of India and else where, and even that of the great Tibetan yogi “Milarepa,” who was a rapist,  murderer and much more, and yet by turning to God for forgiveness and repenting for the sins committed, he was forgiven. Through his repentance “Milarepa” was forgiven and even elevated to God Realisation where he merged with God. If God can grant this to “Milarepa,” even though in all that he committed, how much more fortunate are we, think about it. What a loving God we have in Baba, never forget this.

    Now today I see Jesus in a much broader spectrum, (in a clearer light) Jesus stands on that very High threshold where he not only teaches us that we too can stand beside him but goes on to say, we too can be alike to him. I now see Jesus as my Great Brother, a brother that I love and adore. But we must not only see Jesus as the one and only son of God, we are “all” children of God, and there are those who have ascended as Jesus has, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Buddha, just to name a few.

    There are many who are on that very same level, I say this because we all “evolve” to become one with God (BABA). Jesus was sent down at that particular time for the present Age, and did not Jesus say: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do”.

    If one looks toward the Hindu Bible it tells of Brahma who created the universe. Brahma is another aspect of God, as is Shiva, so too is Vishnu. If we look into the Hindu Trinity: Brahma is the Creator. Shiva, the Destroyer. Vishnu, the Preserver.

    One night some years back in a living experience within my dream, (which was no dream but an outer body experience)  I found myself standing before God who held the form of Shirdi Baba, it was in some unearthly dimension at the base of a great mountain. As I stood dumbfounded and in awe of this Great Mountain, I knew without doubt there could never be a mountain greater or higher than this one. Its colour was the darkest and deepest blue, and the sound coming from it was incredible and yet beautiful, it touched my soul by the vibration it gave off
    It literally took my breath as I tried to comprehend its enormity. To comprehend only a small piece of it would give me some satisfaction if possible. It was not only the greatest mountain I have even seen, but it was and had a mystifying sense to it, something I can never put into words to give an understanding of what I was not only witnessing, but feeling as well, because it was giving off a most tremendous incredible vibrational sound of OMmmmmm. This deep and very “LOW” hum penetrated and reverberated through me which created an incredible feeling of emotion to rise within me. I walked with God who lead me inside the mouth of a cave where we sat and talked of certain things. In front of us was a fire that no longer burned. Sitting on the cold ashes was a large black iron pot. God looked at me smiling then said, look inside the pot and take (one.) I lean over the pot and looked inside seeing a number of very old coins in which I took one. Then I took another as God began to laugh at me, then I asked could I take one more. God still laughing said OK, but don’t take them all I need one myself. I now had three old coins sitting in the palm of my hand which for some reason I knew they represented something very important in my life, but didn’t know what. God then stood up and began leading me out of the cave saying that it was now time to leave. After giving my love and saying goodbye, I began walking away when I noticed on the side of the mountain right before me, no more than two feet away and at eye level to be exact, a living movie start to take form on the rock face of this mountain. It came alive as if someone switched on the TV set for me to watch. 

    I was seeing the Hindu Trinity, which are the (3) Gods, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu. As I stared at them in complete awe and with great fascination, excitement and joy took hold of me, I fully knew who they were. I then watched through this four dimensional TV as they descended from the top of this mountain advancing towards me rapidly, and with Vishnu being twice or even three times the size of the other two Gods, and having (4) arms with objects in each hand. I was dumbfounded, and yet filled to the brim with joy and ecstasy. I was overwhelmed with emotion that I screamed out in delight as I looked towards God (Shirdi Baba) who was smiling sweetly at my expression and excitement. I then yelled out the words (Lumah) three times as I pointed in the direction of the three Gods who were now at the base of the mountain. Then I awoke in my bed where sleep never came again, how could it, my mind was full of the images just witnessed.

    When I speak of the (3) High Gods (The Trinity), they are but manifestations of the “ONE” Supreme Godhead (Swami) who plays out His game for us here on earth in these forms. It is very difficult indeed to explain in detail and afford the full comprehension of this to another, unless one is versed well in the Hindu scriptures, which I am not. Its only because of the personal experiences that I have been given am I able to grasp (only) a little at this particular time in my life. But what is the meaning to the word “LUMAH,” this has me baffled. If anyone reading this can help to enlighten me I would be grateful, if not, then I have just got to wait till Swami gives its meaning.

    The Godhead, the ONE above all comes down in different realities, or, in different aspects of Himself. God creates a manifestation of Himself by taking on form in the physical world for a very specific purpose. He has been known as Rama, Krishna, and now we have Him once more as “Sathya Sai Baba. The Great Purna Avatar’s is God Himself who does incarnate from time to time in every Age to lead man back on track from that which he has strayed, and that is back onto the path of righteousness. (Believe this or not, but before you dismiss it, look into what I say, pray for assistance then go about your own investigations towards Sathya Sai Baba.) There has been many upon many great ones who have come to earth for a very specific mission, sent by God as volunteers to lead back onto the righteous path that which humans have strayed far from. And many of these great ones have suffered terribly for our salvation just as Jesus had. We should always see the greatness of God’s love by recognising in those whom He sends down. These ones never ask for anything, only for us to love God and to live our lives according to God.

    You see, God works through these ones for our benefit, but still, we must be very careful and vigilant always in who we choose to follow. That is why I always say, (be wary for there are many in the world today who will lead the gullible astray. They will milk you for everything you have, even your very life if you are not careful). Jesus came to earth as a man with a mission, but evolved and merged in God where he became one with God. Meaning, Jesus Realised his True-Self at the age of (25). It was stated and recorded in the Holy Bible that Jesus wandered for (40) days and nights in the wilderness, there did Satan tempt him. To clarify this phrase: Jesus went to be alone, to be in solitude where he could pray and meditate in complete  peace.

    In this time spent in solitude Jesus was granted God-Realisation. He then became the Christ. Christ, meaning the anointed one, the One who God works through, or, God. He then knew his “Full” role and mission. From there he wandered down to where John the Baptist noticed a white light surrounding not only the head of Jesus as depicted in paintings, but the whole body, that is why John proclaimed: I can only Baptize with water, but he, John pointed in the direction of Jesus and said, but he will Baptize you with the Fire of God. Jesus was now “one” with God, every thought, word and action was now God’s alone working through the form of Jesus. In symbology, “fire” represents purification, it burns everything to ashes purifying everything. The meaning of that of  John’s was, follow Jesus and your sins will be purified by the Grace of God. Jesus also stated:

    Take up your cross and follow me. This means we all have our own cross to bear.... we have to "pick up" our own cross (our own burdens which we created in this life and those of past lives) karma if you like. Pick up your cross and follow me in leading a good life and in the helping of others always in a selfless manner while offering your very life to God.

    Jesus came to earth as (man), but evolved where he became “One” with God, in fact, this was his sole purpose and mission in becoming one with God. The bible does not tell everything as I am sure we all can agree on. If a record was kept for every miracle Jesus performed it would fill every library in the world. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it, but its true. The power of Jesus was (not) from siddhi powers, (the powers gained by a lifetime of spiritual practices that we know sages and sadhu’s of India acquire, which is known as siddhi powers) but from God alone, that is why his power “Never” ran out. God is always God, He is the Godhead, He lays the foundation for all things, in reality, there is nothing but God. Jesus became an empty vessel where God filled him with the spirit of Himself. You see, we humans are all a part of God (spirit) having a human experience.

    In time we will know this truth as we evolve and progress further along the spiritual path. With Swami’s grace many things will slowly make themselves visible for our comprehension as we seek to know of things. We will then begin to understand the purpose of life and what our role in it is. We will even be able see God in everything including the smallest particles of dust, then, we are free from ever having to come into birth again, unless of course we come as a volunteer sent down by either God or a high authority under God for God.

    Man/Woman can and will one day aspire to the heights of “Greatness,” just as Jesus and many others have done, in full mergence with the Lord.

    This is our destiny, to climb the evolutional ladder in discovering the truth of our reality, and that is through the “Greatness That We Are” God.

    If anyone knows the meaning of (LUMAH) I would be grateful if you could tell me, because when I awoke from this experience, I am very sure that it was (LUMAH) that I cried out.

    God Bless

    Offline bhakta9

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    Re: "Greatness That We Are"
    « Reply #1 on: April 06, 2010, 07:31:53 PM »
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  • You are truly spiritually advanced to see the trinity in all their glory.... I am no expert but can say one thing God must have been smiling because you took more than what was offered 3 coins when 1 was offered- typical of human nature and when u picked three coins may be it represented the Trinity that appeared to u...

    Offline solo

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    Re: "Greatness That We Are"
    « Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 01:42:10 AM »
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  • (bhakta9) maybe right....3 coins for representing the Trinity.....maybe?
    But now as I write this....sadly I feel its not right, that feeling we get within (intuition). Again I guess I will know the full meaning when Baba allows it. I am just very grateful that I am blessed with such experiences where I can tell them among the family here on this wonderful site.
    Thank You (bhakta9)

    Offline gomisuchi

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    Re: "Greatness That We Are"
    « Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 02:45:55 AM »
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  • solo,

    it does not matter what the meaning of ur dream was.. what matters is dat u are amongst the rare ones to have seen god in ur dream.. and have his support in all ur endeavours... in case u do wish to find answers to ur questions i would suggest u get closer to baba...

    this can be done in the following ways:

    1. reading saisatcharita - babas life teachings and story
    2. there are various books and literature on baba dat u shud read apart from ssc.. whch will bring u closer to him.. u can google these up.. and find some in the lit. section of our forum as well.

    Offline solo

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    Re: "Greatness That We Are"
    « Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 04:06:43 AM »
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  • Thank you (gomisuchi).....I have read the wonderful "Saisatcharita" and many other books as well, and yes I will do as you say, get closer.

    Thank you


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